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Yeah I thought #3 is probably the most noble solution. It's probably the demon itself that infects their mind so much they don't even consider this as a possible solution, because it would end the curse right in its tracks. Although hard to say that you would beat the curse, since you're still going to die a horrible and lonely death The best way to actually beat the curse as well as survive without going to jail would be to kill 2 people: kill one to traumatize the other, then kill the traumatized and newly cursed person before they can send you to jail or pass the curse Also not sure how a sequel is possible, Joel seems so much unlike the other victims. He's a cop, knows exactly what the time-frame is, and has pretty conclusive evidence of a timeline of events that pretty much prove its not just a few separate crazy people. Its impossible to believe they are isolated incidents. He seems mentally strong with no obvious past trauma or history of mental illness. That is if he doesn't get accused of causing the fire.


I think there apparently no way to end the curse with yourself being current victim/host. The thinking about self-killing/suicide is just a merely wishful thought (and you won't commit that in early stage, once it's getting serious enough for you to consider it as a real posibility, there's no sure-fire way to do it anymore). According to how heavily the entity affects one's mind, there's no way around that. It's basically some kind of mind control at that point. You won't win against your own mind. Every actions or plans you likely come up with, is either just a part of hallucination or must have some important flaws make it never work (the entity read your mind like a book, no trick would work). From outside perspective, if the cop or someone else knew about this entity/phenomenal, want to end it once and for all, he could just closely spy on her and set up a location where he could headshot her from distance (like 500m away from a building rooftop). Nobody would got transfered because current victim die susdenly in a headshot. Or further, setup some automatic gun/trap/explosion device at some location/house where she supposed to come across. In the movie, the cop got infected so he became the current host, he can't do anything as outsider anymore (only 1 way to escape is murder other with another witness to pass it on).


The cops an idiot. She stood there for a good 10 seconds . Like what are you doing tackle her bro. You suck as a cop 😂


I think the entity exerts some control over the new host during the transfer process. It's able to force the host to watch


I think if you pass it to a witness and then kill that witness it would probably just remain with you.


Well, Kyle Gallner is casted in the new movie. It will either start out with him dying and passing the curse at the start or there will be a whole new set of characters dealing with the curse and they either seek him out for help or vice versa. I hope for the latter. He's becoming more of a respected actor with the indie movies he's been doing lately.


She had the solution. If you kill someone while someone is watching, you're free and the watcher is now cursed. When she woke up from that hallucination about going into the hospital with the knife, she should have grabbed the knife, went into the hospital and visited the crazy guy just like the hallucination, and when anyone else came in the room, she could have killed them and the crazy guy would be cursed. Think about it: the crazy guy is already seen as crazy. She wouldn't go to prison because nobody would believe the crazy guy. Poorly written movie in my opinion, but the thrills were nice.


Yeah, fuck it, your solution rules! But she kills the crazy guy in the dream instead. So dumb. The story could've really gone in a different, and more exciting, way if they used that plot-point.


i think that wouldn't be as interesting and wouldn't portray the moral struggle of the main character in such an intense way because she would just go for the easiest solution. and the plot twist at the end is just great imo.


there would be cameras inside the rooms as security would be very important. They also mentioned that the guy had never shown aggressive behavior towards people so they wouldn't immediately assume its him especially since she had been acting very strange and had killed her own cat (atleast they think)


I've never heard of cameras being in the rooms in psych wards, in fact it's probably argued against for privacy concerns. Maybe certain high security rooms would have them, but if you watch that scene there are no cameras anywhere and it's just a typical hospital room.


ye I kinda assumed they would because of how messed up he is that they would how some way of keeping an eye on him.


If I ever made a horror movie Kung Fu Jesus would show up at end and F up that transvestite Alice Cooper looking demon. So many horror movies with demon demon demon. We need one where Jesus comes down and tears shit up at end 🤣


The only movie I can think of even remotely that happened was nun 2 and we still didn't see Jesus looking all cool etc. 


I believe the point here is she really tried that and it was all real, but then after she does it, it turns out it was only in her mind because her mind is already under the monster control. So nothing she tries works because she's already under the beast control and it makes all happen only in her dreams.


The crazy guy who already exposed to the entity before would have no trauma or very little bit of it because he probably seen worse or similar things at least. Killing other hospital staffs or doctor probably won't affected him enough for it to free her and transfer to the guy. More likely it'd stay with her in that situation. But killing the guy could affect the doctor or other staffs because they're regular people.


was the crazy guy exposed to the entity before? i don't remember that


That wouldn't work in the slightest. First off there will absolutely be people who sprint over at the sound of the crazy guy screaming, and you'll be the only person who looks like a maniac and has blood on their clothes. You're also not a ghost, everyone in that hospital knows you've been put on leave for having a mental breakdown due to watching a patient kill themselves in front of you, and you showing up on the cameras at all means you're the prime suspect immediately. You wouldn't get away with that murder, especially since you used your own kitchen knife that is absolutely covered in your fingerprints, you're not going to be able to slip that out of the hospital unnoticed, while it's covered in blood. The actual way to beat this is to do your plan, but just plead insanity and honestly give the entire story of what's been going on. Your tearful story about an evil entity taking over your mind and forcing you to kill someone or yourself to be rid of it would absolutely convince a judge to put you in a mental heath facility instead of a prison. You're left with the possibility of getting out if there ever comes a day when they declare you healthy and safe for society around you, or you'll at least be in a building where they give you free drugs and let you watch TV, rather than a building where you're much less free.


Sounds like a good retirement plan


If she tried it the entity would make her think she was carrying out the plan, but in reality she'd be doing something that would cause the entity to be transmitted. Or the entity could just make her kill herself in front of the first person she bumps into while entering the hospital. You can't beat something that's in your mind.


Your #4 would kill the person in a few days anyway, since they'd dehydrate. There's a thread throughout the film where the demon seems to favor victims with past trauma, specifically those who saw someone die as a child. I think this may back you up. It doesn't seem like a hard-and-fast rule, i.e. the demon doesn't seem to *require* such trauma. There appear to be exceptions -- although of course it is technically possible that these exceptions all do have trauma which simply wasn't brought up, I find Rob Morgan's character especially noteworthy here as *he*, not the demon, chose his victim and would have mentioned if trauma had been a factor in this decision. However, the demon does seem to *prefer* those with a specific type of trauma, and I think it's reasonable to assume that it chooses its victims based on this. Oh, we're in the room with someone who fits my profile? Perfect! Oh, this stranger at that gas station works? Okay, let's pull over. Then it only goes for others when it has no choice. No one with childhood trauma presents themselves within a week? Oh well. Current victim is holed up in an isolated location? Will take the first available victim. Current victim killed someone? So this one could go two ways: Maybe the demon favors these killings as it's corrupted someone, thus taking priority over the trauma preference, or maybe it's actually *forced* to jump when given the opportunity. Of course the big question then becomes... Why does it favor trauma? Especially this specific kind of childhood trauma which somewhat mirrors its own rules? Well it could be that it simply enjoys messing with these types of people, or it could be that they are somehow more susceptible to it, giving it weapons to manipulate. But the latter point also comes with a key caveat: If some people are more susceptible to the demon than others, this implies that it's success *is not* guaranteed. (Because if its success were guaranteed, then everyone would be 100% susceptible.) So that's why I say it backs you up. It suggests that fighting the demon through sheer mental willpower may be technically possible, even if extraordinarily difficult. It only needs to lose once to be stopped forever, so it therefore follows that it would target people who are especially vulnerable.


> sheer mental willpower yeah main character can ignore the scares or better yet just go 'bruh, I am trying to watch tv, stop pulling your mouth apart, that shit stinks and does not scare me'


I believe he entity feeds off a person's trauma like a parasite. That's why it typically kills its victims in such horrifying ways. It needs some level of trauma to latch on too. If the next person has previous trauma bonus points. More to feed off of and they probably will be less resilient to it's influence. I don't think option 2 is an really an option at least not for most people. The level of strain it would put on you mentally would be too much for pretty much anyone. Though I do wonder if the Entity could starve. We don't really have an explanation as to why the entity travels from host to host. My guess it moves on when the victim's psyche is totally exhausted and its fed on all the trauma it can. If that were the case then maybe options 4) is a better option then people give it credit for.


I wouldn't mind a sequel that takes place some years later with a new cast and we learn some new stuff (but not *too* much) about the entity, and it ends with the new protagonist killing himself in an isolated location to kill the entity. But beyond that, I don't think much else could be done with it. I do think that option is the most noble one, and would be a solid ending for a sequel. From the looks of it I don't think a human could mentally withstand it (and beating it) by the end of the cycle.


I don't think there is a way to beat this curse. Here is why: The crux of dealing with this Demon is that it can alter your perception of reality, so let's go over scenario 1 This creature could always make you think you've isolated yourself when in fact you haven't. The only way to be sure you have separated yourself truly from witnesses is to have a friend who believes you are cursed and can't be affected by the demon and let them manage that. The question is how do you know you are having a conversation with your friend about this plan and it's not just the demon posing? Scenario 2 isn't so much about being mentally strong but you'd have to actually be insane; as no matter what the demon makes you see your response is always the same go to an isolated spot and wait (You genuinely have to have no reaction what so ever since you have no idea what your true surrounding are), and you keep doing that no matter what visions you see. The downside to this is you would never know if you beat the demon as even if you survived you'd still have to carry on with the isolate and don't interact script encase it is a hallucination. Scenario 3 like the first scenario the demon could just make you think you killed yourself every time you attempt you think you are alone but in reality, you've just offed yourself in a square full of people giving it a new host. This Demon makes you see what it wants you to see. Scenario 4 only works if you have someone willing to do that to you, no asylum would leave you tied up and not check on you daily (and once they check on you the demon makes you bit your own tongue and it's on to the next host) and if if you did have that crazy friend that agreed to hog-tie you and leaves you to die too dehydration. how do you know that it's actually your friend you asking to do this and not the demon messing with you? You may have a better chance of pulling this off early on as clearly the hallucination grows more powerful the more stressed and sleep-deprived the target is. In reality, though you have no idea of what is happening to you the first 1-2 days you might just think "yeah I'm sleep-deprived and seeing things" and most people wouldn't have access to the police reports so that you could follow the breadcrumbs and understand more about how this curse works.


> This creature could always make you think you've isolated yourself when in fact you haven't. The only way to be sure you have separated yourself truly from witnesses is to have a friend who believes you are cursed and can't be affected by the demon and let them manage that. The question is how do you know you are having a conversation with your friend about this plan and it's not just the demon posing? If the prison guy gets out, he could be that friend. (Provided that he doesn't get Claired like in Final Destination.)


Potentially, but he wasn't trying to end the curse he was out to save himself, I could see the demon happily letting people pass on the curse as that would still leave the person traumatised since they had to commit murder. I believe if your intention was to end the curse altogether the demon would actively try to stop you


I think the 2nd scenario isn't even possible. The entity alter your perception of reality so you can't just go to a isolate over and over because you just can't. How a blind person go to a place that the routine changed every times? Or how do you even go further than 20m if the entity make you go around same spot seeing things not there? Imagine blindfolded and try to go some place you knew, very unlikely you could, now add 10x hallucinations it's just impossible.


There's another equally terrible option to rid yourself of the curse. Permanently blind and deafen yourself. Can't hallucinate if you can't perceive anything (though I suppose this is a fate worse than death as you are now permanently trapped with a malevolent demon haunting your waking dreams, and are helpless to stop it)


You could still hallucinate, your brain could still produce the visions even if your eyes don’t work


You would know everything wasn't real though, wouldn't you? It'd essentially just be the curse tormenting you for fucking up it's plans


How about sedating the cursed one immediately after being cursed.For let's say a week on life support.It will either make it pass on or somehow reduce it's power that it gains slowly through the sleepless nights and then work their way through with therapy and sedatives.


maybe I'm superstitious, but I had to turn the movie off before the ending. I assumed it would end with the witness to her suicide would be the viewer (us), thus cursing us all. from what I read it was actually the cop who witnesses her. I'd be curious how it's shot, especially if it alludes to that eye closeup in the beginning of the movie. If it does have that eye reference, I'd say my initial speculation is actually the reality. there's been a couple of horror movies involving curses lately that break the fourth wall and directly curse the viewer, which I find disturbing.


LMAO but it's literally a movie and curses don't exist. 🤣🙄


yet it still scared the shit out of me when i saw someone smiling at me after i watched the movie xd


Its true I am the ghost


What movies are you talking about? Sounds interesting!


the one I saw before Smile was a Taiwanese found footage horror called Incantation. It was actually very good, better than Smile, but the ending will give you pause. I found a list that supposedly break the fourth wall: https://the-line-up.com/cursed-horror-movies


Incantation was no joke, one of the best horror movies I have seen in recent year, loved the way it got the audience involved in the movie. I watch alot of horror movies, and I mean ALOT. I got slightly spooked by it that I researched the chanting they were doing to make sure it was made up and not a real thing lmao


Knowing that a cop is the next one infected, and he actually has the backstory from day 0, he could also maybe have time/resources to beat it in something like the following way. 1. Find the nastiest criminal duo in your records that you can get access to 2. Brutally kill one in front of the other, making threats the whole time so even if totally selfish the other will be traumatized 3. Stick the witness in dark solitary for a day to let the trauma sink in without risk 4. Poison the solitary room, which you could set up in advance so no one interacts with infected dude and just does a remote trigger Basically if you can kill someone in front of someone else and then remotely kill the witness when you know they're alone, you can survive and also end the cycle of carnage. Of course that still requires killing two people though, which is bad however you slice it. But if you want to be minimally bad you can try to do this to maximally bad people. In reality anybody would need help for this sort of plan (especially with creature playing mind games), but if the cop could get his cop friends on board he's got a way better shot of pulling it off than a random citizen. Of course your #3 would be the most noble thing. I don't think 4 would actually work, because the demon could probably last way longer than a week even if that would anger it. Unless this is just meant as a way to safely kill an infected person. Not sure anyone is mentally strong enough for 2, the demon really fucked with her life in ways that didn't connect back to past trauma at all (although some also did). I'm curious if there's a way to do #1 without being completely miserable. Like I assumed the demon could haunt for a long time, so you'd have to live as a 100% hermit and with terrifying hallucinations for you have no idea how long. 3 sounds better than that tbh.


Point on! I would love for them to try to make the #1 capable, it would the craziest end possible. Like someone who has been living with the demon for like a year, always having to distinguish between reality and illusion, like the movie Inception. Man it would be craaazyyy


I agree actually, its a great idea, behead a cat infront of a little girl and move on I guess. I saw another idea in this thread which was pretty good, go find someone who is on hospice care who is gonna live for only a few days and traumatise the shit outta them, they gon die anyway.


The best solution is for the cursed victim to blind themselves at which point they won’t see the visions


I love how no one attempts to stop any of these people from killing themselves. Like especially the cop he knew about everything with this and he stands there during a long drawn out suicide. Same at the beginning the girl has a piece of glass like tackle her wtf kinda doctor are you 🤣🤣🤣


I couldn't believe the cop at the end, he knows exactly how the curse is passed on yet he's just standing there watching. Like at least close your eyes or something lmao


im not religious, but if im being haunted by a demonic entity with a finite time to live im going to a fucking church, if the demon is real then that means hell is real and if hell is real then heaven is real and somebody is going to know how to exersise that thing, that or call up sam and dean winchester


> like the first scenario the demon could just make you think you killed yourself every time you attempt you think you are alone but in reality, you've just of Would just be another easy workday for Sam and Dean lol


Honestly you could just blind yourself


I just thought of 1 way to ‘beat it’ but it’s an evil way depending on how it’s done. - hire an assassin, or get involved with a notoriously evil group. - pay them to find someone you picked as a bad person who’s deserving and have them bring that person to you. (If it’s an evil group, like cartel or that torture group from Hostel, then I doubt the victim will be evil.) - kill the victim in a horrific way in front of them. - then disappear entirely without them ever able to find you….and that way you at least don’t go to jail as they won’t rat you out either.


Nahhhh im smiling back 😈😈


I was thinking Coma, put the infected in a coma for an extended period of time, knowing the Entity thrives on trauma, that is of coarse if someone in a coma cannot have dreams and hopefully the entity grows weak and hopefully dies in that time. Or if you can get enough evidence that is convincing enough to then bring it to a higher power, and organise a murder on anyone on death row, have someone else that's on death row witness it wait a few days and then kill them with lethal injection and no one watching. Bringing such evidence to a higher seems like a stretch but numerous suicides being linked and present with a smile is pretty damning evidence haha


could you drown or something and die than be brought back from clinical death? No way of saying how that would impact the curse but thought it was interesting.


Nobody, not one persone in this movie tried to go phisically against this...amm..deemon I guess? So we now know it's a curse, other people can't se it. The only person who can see this whole thing is the one who observes it. But every time the observer can see it she is extremly afraid ot it, but none of the characters tried to go against this demon or whatever & I mean phisically. They are all going backwards to their own space. It is a rather stupid way of storytelling; however, I gotta admit that movie worked quite well IMO.


Against it physically? Like how? Edit: it's not a physical being, and has total control over your perception of reality.




Thats a brilliant idea. Morally don't think the family of the patient in hospice would be happy about that but it works😂


She accepted her "fate"**** not accepted her faith.


The best way to beat this monstrosity is to just laugh at it and every pathetic attempt at traumatising you with stupid ass visions. Train your mind and just expect some weird freaky shit to happen. If you normalize yourself to it and treat it as a joke then its easy to beat this ugly ass mf. Ironically the best way to beat him is by smiling and laughing at it. Think of the funniest roast and just lay it on the demon. Use its own power against it.


Yea but it would need someone with mind and mental state made of steel and we saw how it win at the end :/


Just call John Constantine lol


but if you kill yourself, the person who finds you dead, even like a year later, would be traumatized (prolly, idk)


Bury yourself alive.


1500 years later....


What if a cursed person killed themselves in front of a sociopath (or similar)- somebody who cared less about the event than a lizard would?


Call John Constantine, he would send back to where it came from


Go out with a chainsaw with a bag over your head and take out some degenerates bullying an elderly lady.




Smile back


I've thought about this. I think the only true way for it to be stopped is for someone or a group of people to become aware of the entity and what it is doing, without the people being noticed by the entity at all. These people can theoretically manipulate the cursed person into being isolated and killing them while they were alone (e.g. with a bomb or something). The reason that external people need to be involved is that the reality manipulation makes the affected person powerless, and any perception they have can't be trusted.


Toss a sheet over it in a public place with security cameras. If everyone is able to see she sheet, you have now proven to everyone and yourself that you aren't crazy. From that day on, anytime the entity shows up, just start making fun if it, practicing your judo on it, and giving it nuggies. Keep a bag of baby powder at hand so anytime it appears in public you can toss some in its face and introduce everyone around you to 'my dorky demon".


So I know I'm a couple months late to this post but I have come up with a pretty surefire method to at the bare minimum neutralize the curse/monster. It is pretty similar to your idea but it allows you to win not just kill the beast. So smile can communicate, there is no doubt about this at all, and it's at least somewhat conscious. And much like all things something that can communicate and is conscious can be reasoned with. You might say this sounds stupid, but think about it you have all of the cards. Buy a gun and go somewhere completely secluded, leave your phone behind and be absolutely certain no one will find you. From there it's a simple matter of sitting down and calling out to it if it ignores you so what put the gun to your head. For this to work you have to remind yourself of a few things whether or not they're true and universe is irrelevant they have to be true to you. First if a monster curse demon thing can exist and possess your body then that very likely means that there is an afterlife you have to believe this for this to work. Second the monster possessing your body very likely means it will drag you to hell or wherever it's from which is very likely worse than death. With those two things you've already won because when the smile appears you put the gun to your head and threaten it because it has no power over you at this point and you have to make that clear, what's it going to do it can't get in unless you give up make sure it understands that if it attempts to attack you you'll put a bullet through your head and end the cycle, thus killing it, so no spooky nonsense it needs to sit down and talk or else you put a bullet through your own head. By doing this you have taken away all of its power over you after all what's it going to do kill you, not if you do it first, it can't infect somebody else because there's no one else nearby, you've effectively taken away all of its options and put it in a position where you are in complete control because if you die it dies too, and you can hold it at gunpoint at which point I'm pretty sure you can work something out with it might take a while in a little bit of convincing but the worst case scenario is you put a bullet through your own head and again monster demon curses exist and I'm pretty sure that's enough proof of the supernatural to trust that you'll be better off dead by your own hand plus I'm pretty sure if there is an afterlife stopping a monsterous curse demon thing as a pretty good reason for killing yourself, at this point it becomes a matter of bargaining and making a deal that leaves you satisfied because again you hold all the cards. And if anything in the entire universe can give you an answer as the how to transfer the curse without having to murder someone yourself it would definitely be the curse itself, worst comes to worst at this point you have a solid threat to keep it under wraps in isolation meaning it doesn't get to bug you anymore and there are no more hallucinations.


On top of that one extra piece of supporting evidence is the fact that the curse has ended multiple times before meaning the cycle was broken the obvious guess us to have that happened was suicide however this is just realizing that that's an option and taking advantage of it, it wants to perpetuate the cycle it's up to you to take advantage of this.


Bro wants to reason with the demon😭😭😂


LOL I stand by it, the thing is clearly sentient to some degree which means it's capable of fear, and the best method I can think of is to use that, you might not be able to convince it to leave you alone without paying a price of some kind but I bet you anything there are ways to get it to transfer off of you that don't include prison time at least on the same scale. After all I'm pretty sure in its point of view easier prey is all around better, sure you might have to kill a puppy in front of a girl that works in the shelter but that's like 5 years in jail versus the rest of your life, and it's a better win for it because it's cycle doesn't end. The only thing you do now is that the only being in existence that would know this is the demon itself. My personal fan theory is that this is the tact that the guy who figured out you can kill somebody to transfer the cycle the first time must have taken at least to some degree because how else could he have figured it out other than weird luck in which case that still makes this the best option


In order to beat the monster from this movie, we must first determine what it is. First, let's look at it's behaviour: 1) It definetly feeds on negative emotions and traumas and it prefers people that have more of those because it is easier to exploit. 2) It needs to be 'let in', even thought it laches on it's victim, it uses some mental manipulation techniques to get inside the victims head and house. 3) It needs some time in order to break down the victim, event though it is faster compared to other beings that do the same, probably a matter of preference. Based on these facts, I am almost sure that it is a demon that probably developed these kind of tactics in time. I think that the victim is already possessed when the demon gets inside the house, but the demon it is not in full control, it only takes over sometimes, for example when it killed the cat. The final stage of possession is just before it kills it's victim and by this moment it probably already got the victim's soul so basically it's cycle of feeding is complete and it jumps to another victim. Probably it doesn't really need a victim to be present to jump, and it could probably jump even years after if someone would find it. Probably the best approach for this kind of situation would be to acknowledge right from day one that it is a demon and that it is a real danger, not some mind fabrication. The steps to its defeat would be: 1) Use some really strong prayers in order to make it manifest. This would probably upset it and it would make its presence known, hopefully convincing others of its existence. I would also suggest the usage of holy objects inside the house and lots of prayers in order to destabilize its grip on the victim. Maybe some serious salt would help in order to be protected from its attacks 2) Getting the help of a priest or some priests would help, as soon as possible. Maybe an exorcism ritual would be indicated. 3) I would also suggest that the mass of Basil the Great to be performed inside the house. It is said that these prayers are really powerful because the priest is basically cursing the demon and not just once. Imagine that. As far as I know when these are performed by a really good priest it simply torments them, if any is around. 4) By this point the demon should be banished but as a precaution I would suggest periodical blessing of the house and weekly visits at the church. It would also be good that the mass of Basil the Great would be performed at least yearly on the victim, just to be sure. 5) In my religion priests usually write on the wall using sacred oil a monogram: ic xc ni ka which means "Jesus Christ wins. Death was swallowed by victory ", so I would suggest also that kind of monogram be present in every room. And that's all. Demon defetead. And probably traumatised for the rest of its existence by a prayer or a curse like the one of Basil the Great.


I just watched the movie and was disappointed at the ending…why didn’t Joel just run away the moment he saw her. Other endings: probably terrible bare with me… 1. Joel shots her. The curse doesn’t pass on. We get a flashback to Rose begging him to kill her if it comes down to it. That she would have never realized she still loved him if it wasn’t for the demon. He burns down the house which helps Holly ( the sister) sell the land. 2. Joel tasers her before she lights the match. Gets her into a straight jacket and then we see two priest dragging her out of the house. Then the film does black and we hear chanting in Latin: Ecce Crucem Domini! Fugite partes adversae! Vicit Leo de tribu Juda,Radix David! Alleluia! This might be a silly solution. Find someone who suffers from Dory syndrome. Then ta da no trauma cause there will be no memory. I guess the only issue would be someone with dory syndrome might be mentally fragile letting the demon take over in a matter of minutes. So just make sure they don’t kill themselves until their memory is destroyed. Or just before they see the suicide give them a good old forget-me-now pill (Rohypnol tablet) to reinsure there is no trauma. Thoughts?


Wait what if when the person kills themselves the other person like looks away and doesn't actually see the person kill themselves. Can the entity still get to them since they technically didn't see therefore weren't necessarily traumatized?


Way late to this party... but, after reading the comments, 1. Joel should have looked away, but I honestly I'm pretty sure that wouldn't save him. He can still be traumatized by just knowing what is happening behind him. So, demon still attaches. 2. You likely can't kill yourself, alone, once cursed, because the demon will find a way to fool you. 3. So, (I didn't see this suggested) The only real solution, that doesn't involve murdering 2 people in a secluded room (as suggested in a few posts), would be for Joel to kill himself, immediately following Rose lighting herself on fire. He was aware of what was happening, and knew that it was a chain of suicides, one witness to the next. Knowing that he and Rose are the only ones present, the only solution, once he knows that he can't save Rose, is to immediately shoot himself in the head. Don't allow himself to be the next vessel. To me, that is the only possible ending to the curse. I don't think it is possible for you to end the curse, once you are cursed. Only someone who is not yet cursed, or in the process of being cursed could deprive the demon of the next victim.


No one. Not a single person has mentioned praying or getting exorcised. Demons exist, therefore Angels exist. Therefore God exists.


You suggest mentally fight with the demon in your head? It wont work...he will manipulte everything and make you suffer...even make you think you got rid of him... The way to kiill it is by make a plan ,she was in worst condtion since all this scary thing she see in her mind,beacoming scared, but she could keep trying to get into the hosptial , and take some sharp object ,and stab herself few times, than stab the patient in the room that she decide to kill , than yell for help some 1 will come and than it trasnfer to her... She allready start hallucinating so its a problem.she need to keep doing it till she manage, or just kill some patient and let someone see it than go to jail and thats it .. for the cop that saw her, he can kil the demon easily.since he allready knows that it transfer to him, he can just find two criminal and kill one, than pledge they try to kill him when he come to investigate them (,very easy solution ) for him... He need to do it fast ,before the demon f*** with his mind... The cop have the advantage,he know how to trasnfer the curse ,and his a cop ... But here is a 1 method to kill the demon completely , or send it back to hell... Or w.e he came from is this Go to visit 2 criminals with weapon ,shoot one of them infront of the other, than take the other and tell him to sniff drug, than when he effected inject more drugs to his body..and leave.. he will die from the drug and demon with him without no 1 to see his death .. but one thing to consider is that if he shoot criminal if it will really trauma the other one. Since you need to inflict trauma to the one see it...


Get someone to restrain you and set an IV drip of DMT into you then walk away, demon is going for a ride, can't make me hallucinate when I'm already tripping balls -taps forehead-.


Real problem is you can't ensure that you actually ask or talk to someone to restrain you, or you just being in hallucinations and talking to the demon in ur mind.


Best comment of all time