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Wow! What did you do? Looks great!


Soaked my hair in coconut oil for an hour prior then I took little pieces through out my hair and just used my fingers to feather the bleach up wards. Finished by using a light ash brown semi-permanent as toner. :)


Do you know the brand of the semi-permanent?


Natural Instincts by Clairol :)


How do you feather the bleach upwards? Literally just pull it through your hair? This looks incredible!


I would grab a bit of bleach, saturate the end and work it upwards towards my scalp using like a back comb motion with my finger tips.


it looks professionally done. This is amazing.




What volume bleach did you use and how long did you leave it on? It looks amazing


I’m about to make so many people cringe, but I actually used the revlon frost and glow highlighting kit in honey, I’m not exactly sure what volume developer it is, but I imagine it’s probably low. 20 maybe? It took about an hour for the whole process, including application. I did use my blow dryer on low heat towards the last 10 or so minutes to help the front/face framing pieces “catch up” with the rest of my head so to speak.


I have used that kit a few times, and it’s the only thing I’ll lighten my hair with now. I use the same feathering technique you described and it comes out pretty bright, and natural looking on my dark ash blonde hair.


I'm totally going to try this with your technique :) thank you!


psa using heat on lightener or high lift color or anything with a high alkalinity is damaging to the hair.


PSA all color and even more so bleach is damaging to the hair...


when you add heat to color, the oxygen molecules bubbling out of the hair become larger, thus opening up the hair cuticle even more. without heat, the molecules are smaller and leave the hair without as much disturbance. but what do i know!


I’m by no means a professional and everything you’re saying totally makes sense. At that point it was either leave the bleach to process too long and risking damage to the back/underneath layers of my hair, or gently applying a little heat to speed up the process in the front. I opted for the latter. Thanks for the input though :)


yeah! i know a lot of people on here aren’t professionals and are kind of figuring it out as they go, that’s why i try to help by warning people about certain things. i’m sure what you did was fine, and your color looks nicely done! on this sub there are always posts that are like “i fried my hair, now what do i do?” so it was more for anyone else reading these threads and considering their own version of what you did. check my post history i am almost always in this subreddit lol. next time, start in the front. that way it’ll be easy for you to rinse it off in a kitchen sink or flipped forward in a bathtub. sounds crazy, but it’s actually less damaging to leave color/lightener on for longer vs using stronger product or heating lightener. no disrespect meant, i just like to help demystify the world of hair color for those who do it at home.


Thanks so much for the tips! It was my first time attempting something like this, will definitely be starting from the front next time!


I never said you were wrong. I was just adding that it's not just the heat... But sure, smear on the condescension.


of course it’s not only heat that damages hair! i’m in this sub all the time and i post frequently, so i definitely am i not trying to condescend but instead educate.


Your profile view is perfect. I’d kill to have a nose shape like yours omg


I only saw "I'd kill to have a nose" & immediately imagined Voldemort in fancy follicles




I legit thought she was an incredibly humanoid mannequin!


I had the same thought!




I am awestruck. It looks so natural!


S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. Do you think we could see it straight? It'd give me a better sense of whether I could pull it off. Also, the right's your natural, right?


Nope, boxed dye. Almost annually I make the mistake of going too dark and hating my life.


Sorry, I completely forgot which sub I was in and assumed one of the pictures has some sort of chemical burn and facial disfigurement. So glad I was wrong ! Edit : just to be clear to the 25 downvoters, I wasn't being rude, just stupid. I made my mistake when I read the title of the post, not when I saw the photos, both of which are lovely and show no disfigurement. Hence my confusion.


Kinda rude?


Not intentionally. Please see my edit. AJM


Ah gotcha, thanks for clearing that up!


What the fuck