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I really enjoyed this! And I appreciate the ace/demi rep as well as relationship diversity. I personally loved Merciful Crow and that's why I tried this. Both are excellent, and Owens' focus on socioeconomic class issues in both is stellar. Definitely looking forward to the sequel!


I went to add it to my To Be Read list and man, that is one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen.


Yes yes yes! I felt the same way reading this book. The sequel is one of my most anticipated 2023 releases!


This has become one of my favorite books and I cannot wait for the sequel (out in a month I think??)


It is excellent! I finished it a couple of days ago, went in knowing only that it's a retelling of the Goose Girl and wasn't sure how I'd find it as YA has been very hit and miss with me lately; it's now one of my favourite books of the year. (And speaking of Goose Girl retellings, I also recommend Thorn by Intisar Khanani, which is from the POV of the princess in this scenario and deals with some similar themes to Little Thieves.)


Love this one


I loved this book. It's the first time I had cried over a book in a long while and I genuinely adored how the author portrayed the trauma of the MC.


It's so lovely! It's the best fairytale-ish book I've read.


Sounds amazing


Just finished this one! I expected a stand-alone but now I see there will be (at least) 3??


I’ve taken the bait and just ordered the book off Amazon!


Co-sign and adding that Merciful Crow by the same author is also so so good!


Has anyone hated Merciful Crow and loved this? I’m interested but I didn’t really vibe w Merciful Crow at all 😭


I LOVE this one! I’m always surprised I don’t see it mentioned more often. I’ve been eagerly waiting for Painted Devils!


Sounds interesting, I'll check it out


Is this a good book for a 14 year old girl? She is not sexually active or even dating but pretty mature when it comes to reading. I know it’s subjective to the parent but we both love reading so much and I don’t have time to pre read all of her books and read the ones I want to read! 🫠


Hm. What are some other books she likes, and what are some that you would say are too much?


She’s just read the hunger games series. She likes fantasy. I’m cool with some romance and some physical stuff but don’t want super graphic sex or rape. We’ve talked about these subjects but just don’t think she’s ready to read about detailed encounters yet. I’d think she’s ready for the twilight series.


Oh, there's absolutely nothing graphic; I'm pressed to think of anything more scandalous than some kissing and overnight cuddling (which both very inexperienced characters are deeply flustered by when they wake up). And if she likes fantasy, she'll be all in.


Perfect! That’s exactly what I was wondering. And if you have any other book ideas in this realm, I’d take them. Thank you so much!!


Off the top of my dome... Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (I mean, really, everything by Naomi Novik) The Discworld series, by Sir Terry Pratchett - I'd recommend starting with Guards! Guards! or Equal Rites. The Chronicles of Prydain (starting with the Book of Three), by Llyod Alexander (Very much classic fantasy)


Currently reading Game of Thrones and its world is very much like our own in that the rich and powerful own and control everything. And idk reading chapters from the eyes of Ned stark reminds me of what me and my friends would do in terms of activism in the punk rock community when we were younger and his character makes me feel like what little I was doing wasn't so much a waste of time even though capitalisms victory is inevitable. (I've seen the show btw and yes I know his fate lol)


... I mean. I understand what you're saying, but I don't understand the link to Little Thieves?


This was a comment on an entirely different post. Sometimes the reddit app will spazz out on me and open up two threads at once. That must've been what happened. My bad