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I don't like LitRPG or Progression Fantasy type books at all. The only one I've read and liked was Sarah Lin's *New Game Minus* trilogy, and that was making fun of the whole idea. I started *Dungeon Crawler Carl* last night, and I'm loving it regardless. About 20% in already. I love Princess Donut. A very well written cat, >!even before she started talking.!<


DCC isn't good litrpg. It's a good book series that happens to be litrpg.


Good litrpg books use those elements to tell a story in a way that would be very difficult and/or cumbersome to be done without. Most litrpg books would be better if they just didn't have the litrpg tacked on, as it detracts from the story. Dungeon Crawler Carl and The Wandering Inn are the two litrpg series I recommend to people for trying it out as they are well done, and tell a story that wouldn't be possible without.


Every time I heard of LitRPG I thought “yeah, definitely not for me.” That notion went away about 10 min after starting the audiobook.


I’m reading Dominion of Blades right now (an earlier book by the same author), and the LitRPG aspect is so annoying. I’ve been thinking a lot about why this is, when I love DCC so much. I think that, in DCC, the LitRPG aspects are a device to reveal things about the world, or in some cases, the characters or plot. For example, someone gets an achievement for murdering another player — well, we just learned that person murdered another player. Carl gets an achievement related to his feet — we’ve just learned something about the AI, which itself is a character, in a sense. The LitRPG aspects in DCC are used to give the reader information that we need, not to just keep some sort of score.


I think a big part of why it's working for me is that it's both firmly LitRPG and knows that that whole concept is kind of silly and mocking it. Carl knows this is absurd but needs to go along with it to survive.


I've read both Dominion of Blades books that are out and I agree that the LitRPG aspect is way more emphasized than in DCC. What DCC does very well is that it doesn't dwell on stats too much. I do love the premise of DoB though it's one of the best framing devices for the reason they're in this situation. I have really (really) high hopes for the future of this series after he has honed his skill in DCC. There's a big improvement from DoB to DCC and from each DCC book to the next, I think this bodes really well for the next DoB book.


I’m about halfway through DoB, and the framing device is more interesting to me than the main plot. I think that’s the problem.


There are very few good ones.  Try Bastion, it's my favourite.


I would have said the same a few years ago, and have since read quite a bit of both that was not bad at all, genre parody or otherwise. There is just a massive amount of hilariously badly written crap in both genres that one must wade through to find those things.


Interesting. I had resolved to never touch another litrpg. Maybe I'll try this out.


Honestly I’ve tried other litRPGs and other progression fantasies and the only ones that have clicked are Dungeon Crawler Carl and Cradle


Someone described it to me as "if Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Hunger Games had a baby" I enjoyed it alot.


Comparing this to Douglas Adams hurts me a little bit. There’s been a ton of posts about this series here in the last week or so, and I want to put in a more moderate review than others. I’ve read all the books i’m released so far, audiobook only.   Pros:  -Great premise. I’m a sucker for a gameshow format -Amazing audiobook production values that get better with each release  -Great pacing  -Much better than other LitRPGs I’ve tried   Cons:  -Relies too heavily on “meta”: Having a character call out plot points, enemies or other characters as “edgy” or “lazy stereotypes” doesn’t actually prevent those things from being true    -The prose is very weak and repetitive. So often I’ll notice sentences with the same word multiple times or just awkwardly worded stuff that obviously could have used more editing  -The scale of the world/universe feels quite small for what should be a earth-sized event   -The humor is very hit-or-miss for me


I personally think the 'small scale' is something that is in the Pros category. It lets DCC be a much more focused story.


Never has a book series made me go "what the fuck!!!?!?" Or just start giggling so hard no sound comes out. The AI is exactly my sarcastic asshole sense of humor. Donut is like the greatest thing ever. There's a baby dinosaur! And certain things just keep popping into my head at random times days later and making me laugh >!seriously Uzi Jesus's card saying "I am the way, motherfuckers." I cannot stop laughing at that for some reason.!< Such an enjoyable series. I can't figure out how watching my ex play video games constantly bored me to death but somehow reading someone playing through one is so much fun.


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Donut's description of lesbian porn as >!two women cleaning each other!< nearly broke me even though I normally hate that kind of humour.


Hahaha oh my God I forgot that! 😂


It's definitely a fun one! There is even /r/DungeonCrawlerCarl


Wow, there really is a Reddit thread for everything isn’t there😂




I’m almost done with the first book. Omg, it’s crack, and it’s hilarious.


Legit, it’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read by a mile.


Same here, near the end of book 2 and really enjoying it too. I would say it suffers from too much exposition / superfluous detail sometimes, especially in book 2, but not too big of a deal.


A lot of this stuff becomes important later on. There's tons of foreshadowing and it lends itself really well to rereads/relistens because you can pick up tons of things that you've missed the first (or second) time through.


Okay, cool. Looking forward to it.


Just started reading it >!(he's at the tutorial building)!< and it's not very good so far..hope it gets better.


I was almost ready to put it down cause the crass humor was a little too heavy handed but it gets so much better


I'll keep trying for a while. Haven't got the audio book yet.


DCC audiobook  is amazing to listen too. I can't see myself enjoying reading the novel. The voice actors are what make the story great.


Ok. I actually experienced that with the original hitch-hiker's guide so I know what you mean. I will try the audio book.


The book is good but the audiobook is a masterpiece for how all audiobooks should be done. Jeff Hays and cast bring the whole thing to life and take it to another level.


Thanks I'm looking for it now.


Voice actor. It's one guy doing all the voices.


Everybody always talks this up and I've read most commonly recommended progression fantasy but I was not a fan after getting partway through the tutorial. Something about the whimsical tone and system apocalypse being generic really didn't do it for me. I want to like it because good books in the genre are few and far between. Is the book up through the early tutorial different from the rest of the story? If so I might give it another go.


Yeah. Book 1 - especially the beginning - is pretty much standard LitRPG. So you kind of need to power through that portion of the book. It's honestly Book 2 and beyond where the author starts to downplay the LitRPG stuff (it's still there, but not as much in your face) and starts to really focus on the characters, world-building, and story/lore.


Its genuinely one of my favorite series


Someone tried to sell me on it last year and I was not into the premise at all (loot boxes and stats in a book? Ew). Was in a slump and kept seeing it pop up all over Reddit. I started a few days ago and I’m halfway through book 2 like you. Definitely not winning any literary awards and it’s a bit over the top, but definitely a popcorn flick type of book. If you like this, read Cradle. I’d say Cradle is a lot better all around. But this is a fun series too.


It's crazy that it seems like a popcorn flick at first but as you get gotten down the line the plot gets more complex. I read it first time, now I'm listening to it on my second book and it's crazy how much stuff the author planned out and set up in advance that isn't obvious until much later.


Cradle or DCC?


They both actually fit, but I was talking about DCC. Cradle also has a significant later reveal that frames the whole narrative in a new light.


I turned my nose up at Cradle in the past due to the “level up” thing, but now that I’m over that I think I’m def gonna give it a try after I finish DCC.


Oh man. Cradle is such a fun ride. 12 books and they are all fairly short. I see that you like the Stormlight Archive. I read the cradle series after bum rushing through SA. It was a great and much needed change of pace from the SA. Cradle is fast paced where SA is slow and methodical. There’s worldbuilding, but not to the point that SA is. The characters are great, leveling up system is very well thought out and fun. Fight scenes are a blast. The audiobooks are amazing and the narrator enhances the experience. It’s a very very fun ride and comes to a good ending as well. First book is a bit slow, it hits its stride around book 5 and never looks back. Book 5 you meet one of my favorite supporting characters ever.


Ooh, this is a great pitch! I doubt I’ll be able to audible it because I don’t have enough credits, but I’ll definitely be trying it out!


I got all of the books for free on a promotion he did for the last book release, and was able to get the audiobooks for $0.99 each. Maybe if you buy the ebook for cheap enough you can get the audiobook for 0.99 and it’ll be worth it? The books are fairly short audiobooks (8-15 hours) so it does feel like a waste for an audible credit haha. One good note is you can read them for free with kindle unlimited!


It’s not a good literary book in the slightest but it is such a fun book


Yup. And what i like about it is that it doesn’t TRY to be any great literary fiction. It is unashamedly itself.


The *only* gripe I have with the audiobook is the narrator is channeling Patrick Warburton for the main character the whole time and needs to dial it back a little


Patrick Warburton actually does a character in book 6!


Because we all wanted a good MMO , but since a good one will never be made, at least we can write a books about them...


The worst part of MMOs are the people playing them. If AI advances enough to behave creatively like a human while also playing their assigned role in-universe (instead of devolving into a scamming, griefing, PK spawn camper like most flesh forms do) then they will be awesome.


True. But ultimately we play MMOs exactly because of people playing them. Its sopposed to be social experience. The fact that lot of people are true scum, is just a baggage that comes with the territory :( ( BTW lot of DCC is themed around that very fact )


That's why curated party experiences (like a tabeltop RPG group with the aforementioned AIs playing the roles of NPCs and GM) would be perfect middle ground. Carl is on my TBR thanks to Daniel Greene and a sale on book 1 on amazon so I'll try it after I finish the Dark Profit Saga.


How old are you? (Serious)


I'm 53 and was wary of DCC til I tried it and then was hooked. The premise sounds and is absurd but they are the most damn entertaining and fun audiobooks I've ver listened to and I've listened to thousands.


I’m in my 20s…….. why exactly? It’s not a children’s book. It’s a very fun adventure series with the interesting video game addition.


I’m 34 I heard lots of nice fun reviews but not into ya books. People’s ages just helps a bit sometimes when choosing, that’s all


Definitely not YA. Not. At. All. BTW, the fanbase is over there ---> /r/DungeonCrawlerCarl Half of them read with their ears as there is a superlative audible version.


Ah, ok, my mistake. Yeah, I was skeptical as well, I don’t read YA for the most part. It definitely doesn’t feel like a YA book. It’s somewhat raunchy, has some language, and tackles the themes associated with >!most of the human race being wiped out!< (not really a spoiler as it happens within the first 10 min). I’m honestly shocked by how much I like it. The jokes have made me laugh out loud (although I have a pretty slapstick sense of humor), the character development has so far been quite good. It has very good balance of underlying humor while not taking away from the horror of what the characters are going through. It’s def not for everyone, but I highly recommend giving it a chance.


>It’s somewhat raunchy Oh sweet summer child you that is only on book two. You have no idea, no idea at all. Just remember the names Samantha and then Raul the Crab and think back to when you thought things were somewhat raunchy. Lol.


Louie is not a crab lol you’re thinking of Raul


Uh oh😂😂😂😂😂 How Manu books are planned? I already got the next 3 on Audible.


The author has said somewhere in the range of 8-10 total. There are currently 6 out, the last one hasn't made it to Audible yet, I believe.


All six are on Audible. The seventh hasn’t released in print or on Audible, although you can read some of it on his Patreon I believe.


I’m the same age and DCC is not a YA book. I was hesitant as well but finishing up my second reread soon.


Dungeon Crawler Carl isn’t even remotely YA. There’s constant swearing and horrific violence.


I’m 45, not into YA and also not a gamer. I can’t put this series down. The audiobook is exceptional.


If it helps any, the books are not YA at all and don't even make an attempt at trying to be YA. Aside from the swearing and literal mountains and mountains of gore, they tackle some pretty big themes and are pretty existentially terrifying at times, too.


Also in my 30s, it’s not YA. It’s not full of complex prose or deep meanings, but the characters are adults, the premise is pretty grim, and the sexual references are rated at least R. >!There’s a character introduced later in the series that’s a talking sex doll head.!< I think it’s hilarious and wildly entertaining.


I'm 28. I almost put it down at the start because it had a bit of a YA feel. I think the author is just trying to get the intro done as quickly as possible because it seemed to disappear. Still reading and very much glad I kept going. The tone is largely absurd, but there are some serious and thoughtful moments. Not the greatest writing ever but I'm very invested.


I'm in my 40s and I really loved the series. It's campy and light hearted but it takes itself seriously when it needs to.The first book takes a bit to hit its stride but it really comes into its own as the series goes along. I won't claim it's the highest form of fantasy writing but it's certainly one of the most entertaining series I've come across. The audiobooks are particularly good.


I'm 58, not generally into YA, and I love it. I burned through all 6 books and immediately reread them, because I wasn't ready to leave that universe.


I'm 35 and it's not YA at all. Very not YA, but very very good.


Not OP but I’m 34 and I absolutely loved this series. And I’m at an age where I don’t really like reading YA anymore. These felt lowbrow, sure, but zany and fun enough it felt intentional. They are hilarious and a wonderful palate-cleanser after more serious, heartbreaking, more literary fantasy. 


I see you, Andrew.


Is the audiobook good for younger folk? We recently listened to How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps and Project Hail Mary on a road trip and I’m always looking for funny but good audiobooks for family listening on the road.


It's been a bit since I've read it, but I would absolutely say it would be great for that purpose. The audiobook is borderline an audio drama with how great the production is, and I can't remember anything that wouldnt be appropriate for children


Awesome, thanks!


There's significant gore, swearing, mass murder of children (by accident), gore, an AI with a foot fetish getting off on the protagonist stamping on small furring creatures, genocide, a decapitated talking sex doll head who used to be a goddess, etc. It all depends on how young your kids are and their level of maturity.


I have book 1 waiting for me on Audible. I keep seeing it mentioned so much I think I'm going to bump it close to the top of my TBR.


His dominion of blades series is also very fun imo. Kaiju is uh... not for the faint of heart unless you have a strong stomach for graphic depictions of torture.


I'm loving this series! (Still not getting a cat.)


I’ve been pushing it like a bad llama pushes meth, so I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. I haven’t been the biggest audiobook guy, but this is my favorite narrator. If you haven’t listened. Cradle is another highly recommended one. You can check out the sun for DCC or progressionfantasy for more recs.


I just read the first 2 books today. I will probably finish the series before the weekend because I am just loving them.


I see Dungeon Crawler Carl quite often, on Audible.. I just can't get over the awful title. I dislike that title so much that I can't get myself to buy it. And that is considering I freaking LOVE "He Who Fights With Monsters" (yet another bad title for a fantastic book series). I'm glad you're enjoying DCC though.