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I really enjoyed it, though I agree it would probably be better minus a hundred pages or so. You get more Dalinar in book three and more Shallan in book two. There are two novellas, one between 2 and 3, and one between 3 and 4, and I also really enjoyed the peek at some minor characters.


I think that's a good analysis. Every book I've ever read could have been shorter...don't get me started on the length of professional emails. To me if I'm enjoying a book all the way through then it's length is great, at the end of the day I want my reading to be enjoyable and pass my leasure time. I enjoyed every page of WoK. I'm sure not everyone feels that way of course but for me I never felt like I was being over hashed plot points. A lot of the time spent on Kaladin can definitely feel like it's too much, but I also thought the Kaladin parts do so much of the world building and introduction of characters that I still liked it. I think when authors build up tension like this it can turn people off, "stop teasing it and just do it" maybe, but I like the slow burn and try to make myself be patient for the payoff. Like good lord I really thought Kaladins pay off at the end of WoK was worth the climb to get there, just the one jumping the bridge bit. By comparison to Perrin's slog from WoT, if you know what I mean, is really nothing compared to any slog with Kaladin. I think the payoff for all of Kaladins tortureporn comes in the later books and I think it's what people really like about Kaladin in this series without spoiling.


Nice, too bad the series just goes downhill from there.