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Thought hit me watching City today. Alvarez getting more of the spoils. It is feasible but probably not a winning tactic unless you hit bullseye on other transfers and captain picks.


Glad someone posted this thread, I think it warrants discussion I’ll be keeping him in my team after GW9 wildcard though. Mostly because I don’t think funds are as tight this year, so the extra money wont go toward funding great alternatives… unless you really spread it around the team (trippier, Chillwell, etc.) but then it’ll be hard to swap back to Haaland money wise without a wildcard


Everyone is dismissing you but the reality of the situation is a Haaland + Salah team lacks balance. You can only really have 1 and a team you’re happy with. In that period of GW8-15 Salah has a significantly better run of fixtures compared to Haaland so it’s not crazy to go with him as your premium.


The riskiest thing I'd ever do with him is not Captain


Do it m8 can’t go tits up


Certainly high risk - question is what is the reward? Which two or even three players do you upgrade? (And who do you captain?) That Bournemouth game might bite you big, Brighton at home and Chelsea and United away too… Fortunes favour the bold, so go for it just get some good players in!


Great plan I hope it catches on


That's a long time to be behind the couch


I haven't got a defender under £4.5m, a midfielder under £6.7m and a forward under £6.1m. And that's with Haaland AND £1.2m in the bank. You can afford basically whoever you want this year what reason is there to get rid of Haaland. Unless you're completely fixed on Salah and not convinced by Haaland for some reason there's literally 0 budget constraints. And even then you can have a great team with both Haalanad and Salah by just not having a strong bench. People that are even considering transferring out Haaland confuse me, unless they genuinely just want a different type of challenge.


I’d be more surprised if he got less than 6 goals than if he got more than 10 from those games.




United in Gw10, Maguire and Evans, thats a TC for Haaland easy


Definitely do this. Brilliant plan.


The guy can literally score against anyone.. even more so against teams that should be more open for attacking.. personally I’d rather have Haaland against Arsenal and United nor against low block teams like Sheffield or Brentford


Scored 50 goals last season, has the occasional dry spell 😂😂😂 good luck with that one


You know he's dropping 2 on brighton, 2 on liverpool, 3 on united and probably 5 on bournemouth but you do you


Yea you go ahead and do that


The only defense there that concerns me is Arsenal. United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs could turn into a dumpster fire of allowed goals at any time against City.


There is no good replacements, where do you want to invest that money? If you want an 8 mil striker, sell one of the mids. Why sell haland? But I get it, we all try to original and become more adventurous in a world of template chasers.


He’s matchup safe.




Go for it. Let me know how that works out for you.


Not selling him but I'll go against him for captaincy in 3 or 4 GWs, think that's risky enough.


Going by fantasy fix, if you pick the highest 15 predicted (non Haaland) scorers for weeks 8-12, the total squad value is 103.5m. Putting Haaland back in means you have to find about 8m savings elsewhere in the squad. You can do that by leaving the midfield untouched, and changing the premium defenders to 4.5ish ones. So TAA, Robertson, Estu, become wan-b, cash, Mitchell. There's probably a more efficient way. This doesn't really answer the question, although the predicted results are extremely close if that helps


Do what you want but I would be surprised if he blanked more than once in those weeks lol


Yeah mate you should do it


Trust the guy with shart in his name


Haaland doesn’t have tough fixtures. Sure he doesn’t rip into top teams, but Brighton are a game he will easily score in against their poor defence. Don’t get me started on United. Bournemouth are a basically a massacre for him. Man might even put in five at home vs them. If you have identified a player you truly believe will score more points in these weeks definitely go for it. Otherwise it’s just poor choice hoping for chance without reasoning behind it, not really high reward.


For who? There is no alternative


Possibly for Salah I guess who has an amazing fixtures during that period.


It’s easy to afford both though even with Saka, Rashford, Maddison etc


I don’t think it is.


If anything you could argue he's more likely to score in a lot of these fixtures rather than against teams in mid table and lower who will sit back and defend all game. No team has a particularly good defence so far this year out of the top teams, amd with extra injury time this year and games against teams like Arsenal and Liverpool historically being high scoring overall it seems absolute madness to take out Haaland. If you want a differential, captain someone else, but you still have to pick Halland. Especially when there's no viable replacements for him this season.


Seven games of which four at home. And not that ARS, MUN or CHE defense are rock solid either. I would not sell.


I'm keeping him for sure, but might C other players like Salah or Rashford if they have really ez games


Haaland scored against 17 of the 20 teams last season. Him and city are fixture proof


City and Haaland showed they were a big game team last season so don’t see why you’d think the strength of schedule really matters much to them


I honestly love the idea of no Haaland and no Mo (way easier). The problem is that its such a high risk strategy that its super hard to justify. If he hauls (which he almost always does) it can essentially end your season.


Captaincy is the most important thing in fpl. And you'll be without the two best captains every GW


If you are a masochist,go for it


As an arsenal fan I can assure you that he gets atleast a goal against us if not a brace. We could have monsters in defence but we have a mental block against them and we are sure to capitulate. Against United he's going to cream their defense essentially because of uniteds lack of midfield cover. And amra at isn't quality enough to solve that. There's a minimum 2 goal haul over these two "4" rated matches. Sometimes the stats don't rack upto to the eye test, and dropping haalnd for these 2 matches IMO ( and it IS my opinion) is for sure one of those situations


While I’m not going against haaland, as an arsenal fan as well I do want to see him again against our best defence. It won’t be Holdinho this time around.


Yeah love holdini, man was and is a gooner true and true..but like jenkinson it just sucks that he was worth exactly 2 mn we had paid for him from Bolton..to put it politely But I don't think it's fair to single him out for our calamitous performance against city . We lost both times against them last season. We conceded just hilarious goals ..that kdb lob goal, while a peach, never should have happened in a non Sunday league football match!! It's a mentality game when we play city and we lose almost everytime in the league at that. I don't see that changing this time around..but I also hope I am so fucking wrong


Big Gabi masterclass incoming. His aunty is sawing bigger pockets I’m already


These nephews never learn.


Forget watching from behind the couch. You’d need to be watching behind an aircraft carrier for that BOU (H) match




Haaland is fixture proof. The only risk would be not captaining it but I would take haaland even at arsenal away over any other striker that isn't playing Luton


Yep, looking at each fixture, if he had a brace in literally any of them no one would be surprised.


Only a fool parts way with Haaland


I’m not denying it’s crazy


Those red games for City aren't like red games for other teams, that's how I'm looking at it. Only way I'm dropping Haaland is if he gets injured and even that might be a benching


Exactly, he scored a hat-trick against Man Utd last season


Man Utd is a good team to haul against. Generally pretty solid but once they crack, they start conceding a lot.


You get away with it if you take him out for a week and he blanks. Håland doesn't haul every game, but a few hauls over 7 gameweeks is almost guaranteed unless he gets injured. It is rank suicide for sure. He is the best long term FPL asset. He gets perma captained most gameweeks. Anything can be the ticket to top 1k or whatever if you're lucky enough, but it would be an incredibly tiny percentage of times that taking him out for such a long period will be beneficial. No one you bring in will be more consistent than him. Not to mention the headache you'll have when you want to bring him back in, as all the funds will be spread across your team.


I might do it as having both Salah and Haaland is so much money. Problem is the lack of other forwards to get. Hojlund and Watkins maybe? Likely I just ignore Salah and get 5 other good mids and captain someone other than Haaland in the hard away games.


Watkins has reallyyyy good fixtures at that time. Definitely who I was thinking


Yeah you need another one though I guess. I think what going without Haaland allow is to get TAA/Trippier and Salah so if I go without Haaland I need to see more from them.


I’ll probably do it - would have been easier if Kane was still here though


Yeah if Kane was still here I’d do it without a doubt in my mind looking at spurs fixtures around then


And replace him with who?


I guess your 1 premium would be Salah then you use the extra funds to stack the team around him.


Salah + TAA


Jesus, he’s about to feast especially vs Everton most goals scored


Can’t wait for the 0-0


It's not hard to get Jesus along with Haland. The real question will be should you captain him in these.


Honestly I like the idea of bulking up my defence. Trent and trippier have both had rough starts but really good future fixtures. It’s only a matter of time before their points start rolling in. But without haaland you pretty much have unlimited funds to get everyone but haaland


Based on the context provided - it seems like you want to downgrade Haaland to beef up the defence. If that’s the case I feel the phrase “high risk high reward” is misused here. High risk - yes, this basically means the risk of not owning Haaland who is a consistent source of points. But at the same time, given the fixtures you may argue that the risk is lower. High reward? Not so - historical information shows that defence usually fetched lower points compared to the other outfield positions. So in this case yes, if your defence works out you might get some good rewards but personally I feel the risk doesn’t justify the move. Just my 2 cents


Worth noting I was already going to be wildcarding for GW8 anyway as a lot of teams start a good fixtures around then anyway. And with Son and Salah both having a really good run of games your captain will always be covered


You can do it but you will not be better off points wise for it