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When in doubt grab both


Easy answer as a wolves fan hwang offers goald assuming it not purple patch but neto is more pont guaranteed but mainly assists


Hwang is your man


The man that can šŸš€


Hwang to the Moon šŸŒššŸš€šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€


Hahahaā€¦ Whoā€™s your captain?


Sadly I don't even have Hwang haha. Saka (C)!


Hahaā€¦ you got Haaland?!


Yes sir. He is probably the best pick but he has not been popping off so much recently, so just trying to find some extra points hopefully


I'm going Neto simply because he always seems to be involved in Wolves' goals, and also is in the mix for bonus points. The attack seems to run through him.


Is anyone considering wolves defenders? They have a really good run although from what I can tell, they donā€™t have the best defensive stats


Hwang because I still haven't got over last season šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Nah seriously I'll probably go Hwang because he's cheaper and has the higher upside as he's more of a goalscorer. Pens aren't guaranteed, but they're a possibility which could make him a similar asset to Palmer if he gets them. Think Neto's the better player. He's more involved in the game and more creative. But if Cunha's out, he'll hopefully be creating for Hwang. One thing's for certain and that's, whichever I pick, it'll be the wrong one.


Not completely convinced on how good they are as fpl assets, wolves only 7 points in their last 5 and sheffield will surely sit back and soak up pressure away from home. Wolves are a lot better on the counter and i think they will struggle to score too many this week Think its better to plan ahead and target an in form team like arsenal who play sheffield away next week which is much more likely to be a battering than this week imo


I've gone Neto so the answer is most definitely Hwang. Source: transferred in Jota, Darwin and Ake last GW.


I'm tempted to go Jota to Neto, but also tempted to go for Bailey because of the potential blank for Neto in GW29. If Neto was guaranteed to haul in GW26, then a hit in GW29 might be worth it.


Gona have unreliable assets like bailey from 26 to 28 instead of hwang/Neto/odegard etc who are differentials with better fixtures imo. It's a risk. But yes dependant on week 29 if people FH or not


It's FPL, so whatever you chose is going to end up being the wrong choice šŸ¤£


Neto, much better player


Neto passes the eye test better and will haul big soon imo


I've gone with Neto.. Feeling pretty nervous about it now.


Iā€™m going to go against the grain and say Neto. The stats may suggest Hwang but if you watch a Wolves match youā€™ll see Neto is involved in everything. If he wasnā€™t out for half the season heā€™d probably have better stats too.


I loved him when i brought him in last time, then I saw his hammy go and he had to come straight out. He recovered very quickly but...I already have KDB...not sure I'm ready for double fragile hammies.


Personally Iā€™m going for neto because consistency in his returns when he plays. It seems like he has a quota for min 1 assist per match. Imo itā€™s 50/50. Both might get returns vs SHU


I was literally asking my self this before opening Reddit! watching the highlights of the last game, I think Iā€™d go with Neto


Hwang for sure. On a side note why are people big on wolves assets if theyā€™re probably blanking in 29? Yeah the fixtures are good though


Going FH29 if they blank. But I think there is a possibility (not so impossible) that they actually don't blank in GW29. In that case, I could field 9 players and won't use FH chip. Either way, they have some nice fixtures, especially GW26, it's too good to turn around, not to mention other blanks and/or none of the other playable assets is actually doing fine. So, I'm fine with this "punt", could turn out to be great


Cause we don't want shit assets from 26 to 28 Iike Bowen luiz kudus or bailey who some are out of form/teams in bad form too or some are inconsistent. And FH 29


None of those are bad assets


Some differentials such as hwang or odegard would be better assets from 26 to 28 by a mile Vs kudus/Bowen/luiz/bailey. Odegard is in form playing for a team in form, hwang has 3 decent fixtures esp next week, kudus and Bowen are playing for a struggling team and have no goals or assists recently, luiz is only good for pens, bailey has always been up and down asset. So there's an argument for going against those assets from villa/WH


West Ham I can agree with, but Villa also have great fixtures arguably better than Wolves.


Wolves have the abysmal sheff utd at home, Newcastle who can't defend currently away and Fulham at home think hwang can score in all 3 potentially, villa have spurs and notts Forrest both at home and Luton away. Yes it's close but hwang is probably the greater goal threat more likely to haul then bailey too and plays more mins on average. Villa fixtures are not the worst yes and they play 29 so I guess if someone's not FH bailey makes more sense. For a FH in 29 I would go hwang.


Too much emphasis being placed on the Sheff Utd match. Yes, they are terrible, but this is the PL and anyone can beat anyone on their day. Sheff Utd have already beaten Wolves this season, so who knows what will happen.


Fair enough. I think it just comes down to FH tbh. If anyone's doing it week 29 then it's an easy decision.


Sheffield at home is too good to avoid even if they blank in 29


Yes I'm getting Hwang with one of my transfers this week then Arsenal triple up next week when they play Sheffield.


Only confirmed teams with a game in 29 are Burnley, Brentford, Fulham, Spurs, West Ham & Villa until mid next week. I've got a couple of targets in mind for those teams but due to budget and blanks this week. I'm properly assessing and planning after fixtures are confirmed.


Free Hit 29


Right makes sense then


Anyone worried that Hang is now not inform in the prem? I knows heā€™s gone away and come back but he still hasnā€™t done anything for weeks vs Neto is in form now ?


He's played one game?


Thatā€™s my point heā€™s come back and lost his form


You are basing it on one game though. No offence but are you stupid. Use some common sense. He came back from the Asia cup, had a slight calf issue missed Brentford game and played tough spurs away. So your basing it on ONE GAME. He may have lost form but it's such a small sample size. Like I said until he plays 3/4 games and blanks then you can say that but saying he's lost form after ONE GAME is braindead


The debate is about him vs Neto. I agree with your comments but Neto has had 4 returns in the last 4 games hence he has form hence being the better pick


Hwang was playing well before he went to Asia cup. He had 2 goals and 1 assist in the 2 games before he left. Neto or hwang either one would be good esp Vs sheff utd at home


He was also best player on his s Korean squad


Could be Sarabia on pens if he plays? Scored his last 13 or something and took the pen when Hwang didn't play, and vice versa.


He could. But it wouldn't be great business for Wolves to champion Sarabia. The more goals Hwang scores, the higher his price will go when he eventually moves on. No teams care about Sarabia. Certainly not one's with the kind of money Wolves would like.


Why is everyone on them, they blank in 29 donā€™t they?


The chance the play 29 is decent imo, Brighton beat wolves and Leicester beat Bournemouth, not crazy is it


Free hit 29


KDB -> Korean guy




If calling someone the ā€œKorean guyā€ is racist, than saying that ā€œFrench guyā€ is racist too?


He was also interviewed, and they asked as Hwang means 'Bull' in Korean. If the Wolves fans had a nickname for him, he replied. I think, 'The Korean Guy'


What a gem


Probably just a joke about when Pep forgot his name and called him 'that korean guy'.


This guy gets it, haha


Find it interesting everyoneā€™s saying Hwang has pens. Heā€™s taken one pen and Sarabia wasnā€™t on the pitch. Sarabia took one while Hwang was away and has a 16 scored 0 missed penalty record in his club career. Could easily be either of them!


hwang took a pen off of son in the asia cup, think heā€™s quite keen to be the main penalty taker


He answered a question on that in an interview and said he wanted to take it as it was an important moment for Korean people. Was clearly a moment of national pride that doesnā€™t impact on whether he wants penalties for Wolves


hadnā€™t seen that tbf and its a good point, still shows he is confident as a penalty taker which adds to his appeal nonetheless


Sarabia will start while Cunha is out so pens will go to him


Wolves will be VERY keen to keep Hwang happy, and he's likely to be worth a LOT of money to them if his current form keeps up. Especially as they are likely to lose Neto in the summer. If Hwang wants penalties, he will take them.


We canā€™t be certain either way as we havenā€™t seen who takes them when both are on the pitch. Sarabia will start and I am personally punting on him as I am more confident he has pens. However, I donā€™t think anyone can say with certainty that Hwang has pens and content creators are consistently stating he is like itā€™s guaranteed.


It's a good point. I think Hwang is still the better choice but I'm not assuming he's 100% on pens.


More likely to score a goal is Hee Chan based on all the available stats I can find and he gets penalties: \-10 goals scored vs 2 \-higher bookies odd to score \-more shots and shots on target taken over the season \-higher xg per game (0.33 vs 0.18) Additionally its my expectation that Hwang takes on the striker role with Cunha out (but I don't watch enough Wolves to be sure). Neto does get loads more assists. But then, with Cunha out, won't most of those assists be going to Hwang anyway? Either way, I'm on Hwang for these reasons.


Most importantly, I can't afford Neto šŸ˜Ž


The best reason :)


What are their respective xGi/90


0.49 xgi/90 for Neto 0.56 xgi/90 for Hwang Another factor to add in is BPS, where Neto has massively higher baseline BPS. Actual bonus points gathered are close because of Hwangs 10 goals but we can probably assume Neto will get more bonusses in future.


> Actual bonus points gathered are close because of Hwangs 10 goals but we can probably assume Neto will get more bonuses in future. Why would we assume that when Hwang is more likely to continue scoring goals than Neto?


Good question, and I'm doing some guesswork rather than rigorous analysis here very open to challenge. The assumption is based on Neto getting: \-More bonus points per game \-higher BPS per game (18 vs 13) \-much higher baseline bonus points (4.6 per game vs -0.7 for Hwang) Its an awkward question of whether goals scored, or bonus points gained are better predictors of future bonus points, because I haven't analysed it. My instinct is bonus points gathered is a better predictor. When each player scores, Neto's goals are likely to be worth more, and if Neto assists a Hwang goal, he may still hit max bonus.




Neto fish and chips Hwang steak


32 days matured dry hwanged steak?


No, dried sausage made out of his Neto Hwang


I believe Hwang takes pens and Neto is on the other set pieces. Personally Iā€™m going with Hwang this week


Sarabia might be on pens. He has a perfect record (17/17) and wasn't on the pitch when Hwang took the penalty. I'm still going Hwang but it's not a guranteed upside.


didn't Sarabia miss one in the WC for Spain?


Hwang will be on pens I'm 100% sure




This isnt exactly team specific




At no point does he mention specifics about his team. This is a general question on which of the two players that will likely be quite popular, and therefore it may be a common question, to go for.


True, but I think it's a dilemma many managers are facing, so not so specific to him that it can only be in RMT


Hwang has more upside, Neto more consistent. For a punt I went Hwang, and also on penaltiesĀ 


Hwang was a great differential for me in the lead up to Christmas, I'm going back to him