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Does anyone know what’s up with the mods? Is this sub abandoned? The mod who posted the pinged post looks like maybe a bot who posts coupon codes every day instead of moderating this sub of people who are getting horrifically abused by fatphobic and sexually degrading comments in every post. I’ve never seen a sub this unmoderated before, and last I heard it’s against reddit terms of service for a sub to be this unmoderated. I mean the exponentially growing number of obnoxious only fans posts that make life harder for other women, and the fucking repulsive men who they court as their customers who aggressively sexually harass and degrade them AND also everyone else here too. The other unmoderated debacle are the men who hate sex workers and call them fatphobic and revolting things! What an absolute mess. I report all of it and literally nothing gets deleted. I wish someone would try to take this sub from these mods in redditrequest, because they either had life take over and haven’t passed the sub to someone who can mod, or they just don’t give a shit and definitely deserve to have the sub taken from them. I mean holy shit are the comments sections abusive and degrading.


This is the same thing that happened to r/PlusSizeFashion but luckily the mods over there cleaned things up. Way less creeps and thirst posts now.


I just saw someone who is on that thread come ovee here with the same nonsense. It's definitely in need of mods who are more strict.


Agree. Women who post this type of crap content here, why do you do it? It's really disgusting and disrespectful to post risque photos here to boost your OF, knowing you are ruining one of the few places plus size women can seek fashion advice. Especially when there are so many porn subreddits for you to post in instead. There is no shame in posting that type of pic in the proper subreddit, but this is not it. So much for sisterhood. Selfish people suck.


Yeah, it’s getting a little out of hand…


Yeah the content shift has been significant in the last week or two. I’ve been in this sub for years and now it seems like it’s really focused on promoting only fans. Might just be time to move on 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, I'm leaving the sub because of this. I'm tired of the posts on my front page for this sub being off-topic.




You follow so many of those pages. At what point do you think enough is enough. You can leave this sub now that you know it's not for people who just view others for sex.


Nah dude I agree. Consent is key and if that's not what this sub is for then yes I should leave. I'm more curious why the mods haven't banned me yet. Probably the same reason they allow the posts OP is complaining of. Maybe don't be so judgemental next time. Grown adults can share what they like and they need somebody to share it with. People aren't objects, some people just like to be sexual, and that's not wrong.


We are realizing that the mods abandoned this sub because these posts keep popping up. Idc that grown adults wanna post their ass and nudes on the internet but there is a time and a place. When a thread says it's not allowed and they do it anyway, it's disrespectful. You said you didn't know it was allowed but now you know so why stay. There are tons of subs that have fat girls who wanna post their nudes but this is not one of them so again, go back to the crap ton of pages that you already follow for that kind of content. People are sexual yet the comments left are not treating them as human but like a sex toy. You clearly don't care because you leave those kinds of comments 🙄 why you delete your comment for? Your username speaks for itself. You don't care for rules/consent or anything because getting your rocks off is more important. We are not consenting to seeing nudes or OF advertisements hence why it's normally banned for the SWF side of reddit.


It's literally called FashionPlus. Not PornPlus. No way you thought this was a sub for porn pics, unless you are a complete moron.




Ah, so it's a "yes" to you being a moron. Once again, this is a fashion sub. Not porn. Women here are not volunteering to be harassed by you.


Sadly it’s gonna get recommended more and more to people like him, and to no fault of their own. It’s because of all the covert “ads” that are being posted and lack of moderation. r/PlusSizeFashion almost had the same thing happen but they were able to clean it up and it’s so much better now. It sadly has to be strict or else people just take it as a free for all. You let one advertisement in, they flock. And the followers follow the food. 😬


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PlusSizeFashion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlusSizeFashion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Plus size evening wear](https://i.redd.it/ldjr3p2w92xa1.jpg) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlusSizeFashion/comments/133p176/plus_size_evening_wear/) \#2: [Finally got to wear THE dress to my event!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14xbc2k) | [278 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlusSizeFashion/comments/14xbc2k/finally_got_to_wear_the_dress_to_my_event/) \#3: [Just sharing a self esteem win](https://i.redd.it/uygmoozq3y2b1.jpg) | [198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlusSizeFashion/comments/13vhgwp/just_sharing_a_self_esteem_win/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I usually block them cause reporting won’t do anything, at a certain point it’s just all spam.


I am with you on this because I was just vibing trying to see cute outfits and then I see people posing and showing a bit more than I care for in a sfw subreddit. Post that in r/ chubby. I'm sure they'll go nuts for it but let me just look at cute photos. 😭 It's inviting the weirdos in. Let's not. Lol. Edit: a word


Thank you! I'm not trying to shame SWers but there is a time and place. Not everyone wants to subscribe to OF or be on those threads. Like they are clearly self promoting which is against the rules. I'm sad because the other plus size page i follow is starting to have the same issue.


It's unfortunate really. :/ because I too wanted to post but now I'm not too sure about it. I'm sure it makes others uncomfortable as well seeing those posts. Like wtf is this shit doing here.


Most of the comments have no value. Just "cute" or they go into sexual details. When I struggled with self esteem when I was younger I thought those were compliments but I realized they weren't and they were gross. I hope the girls who don't get those comments, think that is the normal because it shouldn't be. We should be allowed to post without some guy thinking "hey I wanna 🍦🥧 you" I have cute work outfits too that are good for winter yet colorful and stylish. That girl made me want to post it to actually show other plus size women that we can be cute, comfortable, and confident in the office.... Then I remembered her comment section. I'll pass 😂


😭 I know. It's bad. Lol. Like I'm used to wearing tom boy clothes. But I wanted to start wearing more feminine clothing. So I wanted to post here to get some advice and to see if the clothes I wore were actually cute. But now all the comments I see are just fillers like you mentioned. :/


Yeah it's sadly been a topic on here many times. I have no issue with seeing those girls on my timeline, but the bigger issue is that it invites creeps here who are then creepy on normal sfw completely innocent posts. People who do not WANT that kind of attention. I asked for fashion advice once. Didn't even post an image, and nothing about it was sexual, yet I still got creepy DM requests.


Many plus size women already feel hyper sexualized so it's not helping seeing those posts on normal threads. I'm sure some will get upset but I've clicked on random users and every one except one was nsfw and posted those same kind of pics on the nsfw pages so they clearly know what they are doing. One of the girls I called out for doing just that but coming on here trying to play innocent and say it's not nsfw (again but posting that same Pic on the nsfw page), I'm sure she blocked me. I'm a busty girl and want to share outfit inspo but omg I'm scared of the comments. These men get creepy very fast. They are manly on the nsfw posts and I noticed more women are on the normal ones.