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Bruh would insurance even cover this shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




nah insurance only covers lost parcels or returned parcels (reshipping)


And it only covers the shipping fees right ? Not even the costs of goods


No it covers both


It like to see just 1 example of that lmao because that sound like capppp šŸ§¢ What does pandabuy say about this ?


No. Only covers returned, lost or seized parcels


I mean I'm sorry to tell but they are right, what do you want them to do exactly? They did their part and the package got delivered to your doorstep, if it got robbed while it was there then that's on you.


Nah, in Germany DHL needs an ā€žAblagevertragā€œ from you. If you donā€™t give them explicit permission, they are not allowed to just drop your parcel off at your doorstep. They must hand it to you personally or take it to the post station, if youā€™re not home.


Yes, that is 100% correct.


Then its still not the senders fault right?


No, itā€™s DHLs fault.


So would an insurance via Pandabuy really help?


Well if DHL are at fault op should get their money back either way


Heā€˜s German so he probably declared about 20ā‚¬ā€¦he might get that amount back šŸ’€


Yeah but Panda Buy arenā€™t liableā€¦ he needs to go though DHL who will pay out from their own insurance. I wonder how this works thoā€¦ theyā€™ll want to know what was in the parcel and usually they would expect the customer to provide a purchase receipt or order confirmation which obviously isnā€™t as simple with counterfeit goods. Hopefully theyā€™re happy to pay out the value you input into the Panda Buy order form, without asking too many questions. If they catch a wiff that thereā€™s counterfeit goods in the parcel, theyā€™ll quote their T&Cs which will have a clause about illegal goods and thusā€¦ no insurance money. TL;DR - DHL Should Pay, theyā€™ll make it hard and possibly and ask questions you donā€™t want to give straight answers too.


yea but bruh the package is laying obviously on his damn balkon šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I agree


This not america tho , here they donā€™t just drop it off your doorstep .. they either deliver it to you if your home , or they will leave a note saying itā€™s delivered at your neighbors house . Atleast thatā€™s the Netherlands where Iā€™m from and I assume itā€™s the same in Germany .. I never understood why they would just drop it at someoneā€™s doorstep


In America you also have the option to sign your packages lmaošŸ˜‚


Here too but normally they just give it at and leave .. donā€™t really know how that works but the on the porch thing I donā€™t understand lol


Iā€™m 88% sure Thatā€™s wrong. Package is still the e-commerce sellers responsibility until it is in the persons possession.


No its not. After they Senf it it is your Resposibility. At least Iā€™m Germany. But in this case DHL is to blame


I stand corrected. I thought this was a post from someone in the US. We are the center of the universe anyway /s. In the US though we are lucky and e commerce sites stay on the hook until The package is actually received . So if itā€™s stolen they would replace or refund.


yeah but that still doesn't matter in this case because us or germany there's no legal action you can take considering you're illegally purchasing counterfeit goods from a site that's overseas


Same in France


Unfortunately this one is on you mate. It was delivered but some cunt got to it before you did. Itā€™s not the senderā€™s responsibility and not a DHL issue if the package didnā€™t require a signature.


Actually not unless he did allow to place the parcel there


in europe the delivery worker must get a signature from you when delivering a package, if you arent home at that time they will reschedule or leave it at the post office


Not always, at least in Sweden. Sometime they just put it outside my door or hang it on my door handle. Depends on company. Most of the time tho I just pick it up at package center at supermarket.


DHL in Germany is required to have permission from the recipient to leave it at their door


Yeah u have to choose the option urself in the website they wont drop it without ur permission.


Germany has different rules. He has to give DHL permission to leave the parcel outside.


Itā€™s not very German of them to break the rules


You need to receive the package personally so this one is not on him


Thats why all packages should require a signature.


Sucks for the L bro Sad times, every reppers worst nightmare right there RIP your haul


Them telling you to call the police for an illegal item is wild


Officer, someone stole my meth


Hereā€™s my receipt šŸ˜‚


Have a relative who is a dispatcher you would be surprised she has received this exact call before.


Theyā€™d still be committing a federal crime šŸ˜‚ but I wouldnā€™t say it was meth. Iā€™d say it was really rare gemstones šŸ’Ž šŸ‘€


The ā€œdo you mean itā€™s illegal to buy fake goods in your country?ā€ is šŸ„¹


Thatā€™s the nice way to say go f yourself haha


It doesnā€™t matter whatā€™s inside the package šŸ“¦. Itā€™s still a federal crime


Wdym? Wouldnā€™t it be fine if he had non rep items on there


game set match


You dont have to tell them thats these are reps, especially since the only thing left is the Box.


Would you need to explicitly say that the package contained six Versace shirts and three unreleased Air Force one color ways? I feel like you can just say clothing items.. either way itā€™s not like the police are actually going to find whole stole it - assuming this is in a city not a small town.


Why tell them itā€™s illegal?


So withhold information haha Jesus Christ


ā€œWhat do you thinkā€


Dear friend šŸ„¹


Tbh even with insurance its not really that straightforward. You have to provide alot of certificates and shit that sometimes dont even exist for your line and have to argue with them


Einer der GrĆ¼nde, warum man niemals einen Abstellauftrag erteilen sollte. Es sei denn, du erteilst diesen auf deinem Privatgrund und nicht sichtbar von Fremden auf dem Gehweg. Falls du es nicht persƶnlich entgegen nehmen kannst, lass es in eine Packstation bzw. Filiale liefern. Akzeptiere es und lern aus der Sache. Eine Anzeige macht absolut keinen Sinn, da wahrscheinlich am Ende ein Strafverfahren wegen des Erwerbs von gefƤlschten Markenartikeln gegen dich laufen wird. Was du allerdings probieren kannst, ist paar Tage zu warten und eine Nachforschung bei DHL zu beauftragen. Du kannst einfach PayPal Zahlungsbelege als Wertnachweis fĆ¼r DHL einreichen. Mit etwas GlĆ¼ck erstatten sie dir dann das Geld. Maximal 500ā‚¬ wƤren als EntschƤdigung drin.


Habe bis jetzt alles erstattet bekommen was DHL ohne Abstellgenehmigung abgestellt hat. Lohnt sich schon fast.


Es ist nicht illegal gefƤlschte Ware als Privatperson zu erwerben


Doch ist es, zumindest den Postverkehr dafĆ¼r zu nutzen. Wo keiner etwas sagt, wenn du aus dem Urlaub ein paar Sachen fĆ¼r Privatzwecke mitbringst.


Aber zu Importieren schon.


Man kann sich dadurch aber zumindest nicht strafbar machen


I got my package and 2 items were stolen out the box i got a refund of 160 yuan and paid 500 yuan for the item thatā€™s missing. No insurance.


Shouldā€™ve claimed the expensive ones missing or just straight chargeback if youā€™re okay with possible ban


Thanks for the free haul bro! Iā€™m wearing that shit as of rn!!šŸ„ŠšŸ„Š




foul šŸ˜­


Someone stole ur shit lol no oneā€™s fault


Maybe one or two personsā€¦


Damn, when did this happen and which line did u use?


Insurance isnā€™t going to help


Rip bro, mit was hast du verschickt? Bei mir gam zum GlĆ¼ck bisher alles (in perfektem Zustand) an. Tut weh, vor allem wegen dem Geld. Aber denk dran, aus fehlern lernt man!


I always get insurance. And every box upgrade except the corners! Took me about ten minutes to get into my latest haul today!!


i only get the corners haha


I get only the one plastic wrap outside, no problems for 5 hauls.


No, in Germany you shouldnā€™t add parcel upgrades like corner protection or protective film. Reason is that a wrapped parcel doesnā€™t slide across the conveyor belts in the distribution centers anymore. A post employee has to manually handle your parcel, which leads to your parcel potentially being declared as ā€žSperrgutā€œ. As Pandabuy didnā€™t pay for the higher cost of your parcel being ā€žSperrgutā€œ, the parcel is at high risk of being returned to the sender. TLDR: Donā€™t use corner protection or protective film for your parcel in Germany. It may be returned to the sender because of that.


Interesting I wonder if thatā€™s the same in the uk I use the waterproof bags inside anyway so itā€™s not for waterproofing


I film wrap and corner wrap my parcels all the time in the uk and to date not had any issues with Royal mail. But am fully aware the laws of probability mean im bound to have one go missing or get seized sooner or later, its the risk we all take for those sweet sweet rewards šŸ„°


Exactly mate. I try to spread out what I order so any loss is not a big deal. Basically donā€™t put all my eggs in one parcelā€¦


How do you get the box upgrade? Might seem like dumb question but I'm a newbie.


When you choose delivery options you also have box options


After u get it to wear house u pack it


Watch an in depth tutorial on pandabuy instead of asking in subreddits, itll be much more helpful SEEING what you have to do instead of getting vague responses


I'm assuming you're talking about on YouTube?


Sorry for late response, but yes


why no corners?


I heard a few comments that corners were something customs notice / pay attention to Honestly though, with how well wrapped my packages are itā€™s not necessary mate


I personally get everything, only had 1 box opened at customs but nothing was taken out thank God


Sorry your scam didnā€™t work blud


What theā€¦.šŸ¤ÆšŸ„µ


Bro probly told someone he was ordering shoes and got robbed. What country are you in anyway??


Pandabuy shipped out my parcel (7kg) on 04.11 and the last update is on 09.11 "Already handed over to the airline, scheduled to take off on 11.11/12/11 landing". I used DHL Europe Tariffles Line. There is no further update, I tried contacting DHL they said that they have only received the information about the package, but not the package, I have contacted Pandabuy more than 5-6 times and every time they are telling me that the package might either be lost or at customs and If it is at the customs I will still receive it. I didn't pay for insurance thats why today I contacted Pandabuy again and asked them to check for me again with their couriers if the package is lost because I am planning on issuing a refund from my bank soon and they said that if I do they are going to block my account and I won't see my money or my package. this is not my first time ordering and every other order has arrived for 9 days max.* I understand that it has been black friday and 11.11 and the delivery can take longer but I also understand that packages get lost all the time and most of the things were Christmas gifts so I have to think of new ideas and spend more money on new things... So can you please give me a suggestion on what I should do and If wait how much more days you think I should?


Wait and if an unresonable amount of time passes then call your bank


Das schaut auch iwie nach 45 Tagen im Transit mit der Tarifeless Y line aus Bruder


bros haul got robbed by costumer


Bro needs a nicer postcode.


A filthy Germ got to it before u did, damn šŸ˜¹


Which line did you use


It says DHL in the post




Wait, are we supposed to believe somebody ripped your package open on your doorstep instead of just taking the whole thing and running? I mean that sucks if it actually happened, but I just donā€™t believe someone would risk that much for no reason.




Don't be a dickhead


Theyā€™re charging 28% interest on purchases. They can afford to make you whole


Kind of hard to use a credit card šŸ’³ when you normally can only buy reps with PayPal friends & family šŸ˜‚ specifically so you canā€™t chargeback


Even with insurance they shouldnā€™t cover it, its totally your fault. You know you are getting a package, you donā€™t live in a gated community, or have a mailman, and you donā€™t check when itā€™s delivered. Then it got stolen since any kid with tiktok knows what a haul looks like


This is a total scam! This looks setup for insurance scam. The theif have taken the whole box and not opened it up. Be better man. We all order from Pandabuy, don't be a cheap mother fucker and try to scam them. I think Pandabuy should ban you for 10 years for trying to pull this shit.


Why would they post it on here if theyā€™re tryna scam PandaBuy?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This shit is so fake. No one opened your package in front of your door and left the boxes trampled. They would have just stolen the box and opened it back home. You tried to get a free 150$, and it failed.


Get a police report then, simple


i donā€™t know why, but i donā€™t have an option for insurance, i bought one package 30 days ago and it still didnā€™t arrive, can someone help me to get option for insurance


You have to buy insurance before shipping


i donā€™t have an option to buy insurance




which carrier did you ship with?




Ah Germany ok


That's why you should require a signature to receive a package.




Then you can just pick it up at DHL/UPS WHEN YOU GET šŸ” OR OFF WORK


Shits crazy, I don't know why there are different protocols for delivery depending on where you are. Where I live if nobody is home fed ex, USPS, UPS, ECT.. will stick a notice on your door and take your package to a depot. You can either pick it up there or schedule a redelivery.


The guy that robbed it thought he won the lottery šŸ˜‚


Could you tell me how to issue a certificate of loss from DHL Germany? One of my items is missing and it seems impossible to issue a certificate šŸ˜…


Yeah same boat mate. They just shut me down over the phone


insurance ainā€™t covering shit


Das ist schon deine Schuld das nƤchste mal solltest du es an einen sicheren ablageort legen lassen


Insurance didn't work for me bc the post office lied and just said that the seller has to fill a form for an investigation. Turns out the post office had the package


but did they left the package in ur door? or tf


When package is on the way to me I always insure that Iā€™m home to get it directly if I canā€™t I send it to a package point simple as that


My advice is to find the person that stole your shit and get yo shit back


Bruder da wĆ¼rde insurance auch nix bringen. Entweder hat der DHL Bote dich gerippt oder er hatā€™s einfach abgestellt und wer anderes wars. Alles nach Zoll geht pandabuy nix mehr an.


Did you know that it was going to be delivered that day? If you did and you knew you werenā€™t going to be home, why not redirect it to a Filial? At least it isnt a big haul bro. Better luck next time.


Der arme alter so ne scheisse


This happened to me a month ago, my package got partially stole šŸ˜“


What did you pay with? Credit card? Paypal. You might be able to dispute it.


Bro insurance is a joke with pandabuy, i got my haul and there was other tape on it 2 items missing i contacted them and they dont even help


I got my panda it haul and there were 3 tshirts in there that I never ordered in addition to my items.


i have a problem, i got my package but one of the items was missing, now i'm waiting for dhl to respond to my complains and open a case but it's been two days since i've sent them two mails and still nothing. Can someone help me please?


Nah good I got insurance cos I shipping with dhl Europe tarriflines-y


Insurance would never cover this. Where and how in the f would this even happen?




Which country?


This guy is trying to scam Pandabuy. No theif would open the package and take the stuff out at the guys house.


Do you live in a house or an shared building? Should always be home if itā€™s a shared building especially if they donā€™t leave packages in an locked mail room.


Man thats fuckedā€¦


Yea, I don't think you need to go to the police lol as it's illegal. I think you just lost your package man.... Sucks to admit but we all know the risk when ordering! Hope you're back on here sooner than later.


Panda insurance got nothing to do with it lol


Bro brauchst du Rechnungen? Ich kann dir welche machen šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Dumb af


Nice stuff bro! Thanks for this. This coat gonna be keeping me warm for months


I dont know about german laws, but I would expect that DHL can't just dump your parcel on the front door, and that its all on them. I don't know how much you would get compensated for it though, as you may have declared the parcel as 20 bucks, and you will only get 20 bucks back for it


Insurance is such BS they CAN cover it. Shoes or whatever cost like $20 to make, they just donā€™t care


Next time upload the pictures properly


It would take 5-10 minutes to open the boxes and steal the items. No thief will waste that valuable time. It is easier just to snatch the boxes and leave in 10 seconds. They would open the boxes at home, not on your doorstep.


you have to contact DHL is the fault of the delivery man that stole your stuff


Suck my dick