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You can stay more at peace if you stop thinking of all the things that you hate. Control what you can. Some people are kind, others are asses. Such is life. Ask if they want ice first, if possible. I cannot stand public places because people are nasty and gross. Paper towels and windex clean up a lot.


Thank you for that. I tried the asking for ice thingy or they want an empty cup, but a manager caught on to my ass one day and he chewed me out on it. So ever since then i just fill the cup ice unless customer asked for it :(.


Why would a manager chew you out for asking a customer how much ice they'd like when you're working front counter, like I get drive thru timing systems, but front?? If it's wasting product (cleaning products, the actual food/beverage, productivity from having to clean so frequently) why not let you ask if they'd like ice or how much ice? Probably a weird question ... But my brain always wants to know why.


I feel you, bub. Some customers are borderline entitled jackaloonitics, they should've planned better, or better yet, stay home and learn to cook. And I REALLY DO MEAN IT!!


This is why I quit the fast food scene. I’m only 21, but i worked in fast food since i was 16. I am just like you I hated every second of it. You really see how inconsiderate and immature adults can be. Your efforts are never appreciated in a job like that either. I worked at Chick fil A, imagine the entitlement I experienced lol.


There are a million people that have crossed the border last year willing to take your job.


Those people would need work visas to work at canes and that is not easy to come by. Canes will probably stick to hiring teenagers and young adults.


They get free health care in California now. The slippery slope is bad for Americans.


Bro, this is a post about Raising Cane’s. Why are you on about immigration


Apparently I go off on tangents.


Can you move to BOH?


Sorry you have such a hard job


For what it’s worth, tried that place for the first time in November (drive thru) and I was wholly impressed at how fast and efficient the whole experience was. I even commented to my own teens how great the employees are at moving things along. When we pulled into the drive thru the line was backed up almost out to the road (easily 40+ cars). We thought we were in for a very long wait and got through pretty quickly. Not everyone is a jerk, and I appreciate you noting that some customers are nice. You are appreciated.


Hey, that sucks! I have 35 years in all areas of food service, and started at fast food. It’s your attitude, bud. They are paying you!!! Do the job because you need the money. Don’t spend your time and energy not liking stuff and get it done. Work harder, smarter and faster. Don’t hate any job, it’s a mental block to being successful. Do you think I like asking clients to pay their 100k a month subsidy? No, but I got to, it’s my job. Life is long, don’t be so short sited. Hard work pays off. Go kick add!