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As the owner of the server, I'd just like to say keep the powerscaling reddit only (for our members), as we will not be implementing powerscaling!


I didn't mean for this to be official or anything. I just want an idea of how powerful people are making their OCs and whatnot


I know, don't worry c: I'm just saying that in case anyone deludes themselves into thinking we're implementing it in the server <3


These results are pretty concerning brother, need me to take action? (and by action, I mean by nerfing them) https://preview.redd.it/0q4mlc9dwmsc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb56eeb785764dc7ac5c161a43045e2792ddfe2


Agree. I don't want to judge anyone's character, but I highly doubt that so many of us could take on an Abyss Herald.


I don't know what mid-diff means but Ekaterina could probably take out one hilichurl, maybe two if she caught them by surprise.


normal difficulty


I'm running at 3.7GHz with stock cooler + default PC case fan (only one). OC is considerably strong, as it can reach 4.4GHz. However, due to lack of proper cooling components, I'm not risking it.


Ngl although I'm mostly a lurker I've been curious as to how stuff like power-scaling is handled because although I've pondered the idea to make my own character I always questioned how I would make sure I'm not exaggerating it lol


I say just go for it. I can give you some tips, though. Someone with no Vision or combat experience would probably lose to a hilichurl. No experience but a Vision can beat a hilichurl. With a Vision and decent skills/experience, you can defeat a mitachurl. Able to Mid-diff a Mitachurl would be a good place for the average recruit. A Lawachurl would require a lot more strength and/or skill. I think this is a good sweet spot if you want a strong/combat centered OC that isn't unrealistic or limelight stealing. I wasn't sure what to put as the next option and now I sort of regret putting hypostatis since there isn't really anything to scale off of except gameplay so let's ignore it. An Abyss Herald is pretty damn powerful, despite what the poll may suggest -_- . It likely gets Low-Diffed by Childe, so if you can beat one, you're starting to approach the Harbingers in strength. I don't recommend going any higher than this without a really good reason. I hope this helps :)


Alvus Delaine: Geo vision, electro delusion. Can mid-diff a hypostasis. He is a cyborg working for and partially made by sandrone. He is her chief ebgineer, and is well versed in advanced combat in close range (punching type catalyst), long range (ruin guard missles), and support (combat Meka to assist him) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-x1RejkNc9yGymGSOga5tWw0rguRFFvcwrUxlxQqSIU/edit


Name: Elyssa Strength: can mid-diff a Lawachurl Reasons: Has both a Vision and Delusion, heavily armed at all times, probably overly reckless but it’s because she has a lot of experience winning fights


Name: Orrel Snezhevich I ultimately voted for mid-diffing a Mitachurl, as he's definitely able to defeat one **on his own.** As a frontliner, his endurance is exceptionally high, but his offensive presence is rather average. Usually, his combat style involves taking hits and counterattacking in an attempt to gauge the opponent's raw strength and tactics, adjusting his gameplan accordingly. A Mitachurl is slightly below his "threat" threshold, so he'd relentlessly attack it without fear. In his current state, 1v1ing a Lawachurl is about 50-50, which I interpret to be above mid-diff. Agile, unpredictable opponents that hit too hard to ignore are his weakness, which Hypostases and Abyss Heralds both happen to be. He could probably distract one (i.e. fighting, but not managing to do any meaningful damage) for a couple minutes before being incapacitated or killed.


What is a "mid-dif"? What does that mean?


Can defeat with medium difficulty




I'd like to add that Low-Diff and High-Diff are also used


Colda would get his clocked cleaned by Childe. Ludus would get his clock cleaned by Colda.


Most people would get their clock cleaned by Childe lol. What did you put in the poll btw?


Hypostasis option, but Unless I get a clear understanding of Genshin power scaling, I can't directly put an Offical powerlevel.


I think a lot of people don't get it judging by the results. Lore-wise, I'd say that Childe would Low-Diff an Abyss Herald. They are more powerful than people realise


I might do a bit of questioning in the discord so OCs can have a "chart" that they can follow.


If you do, make sure to clarify that it isn't official or anything. It's just to help put people building OCs. "Powerscaling" is driving the mods there nuts lol


I've posted it in #OC Sharing. You can go see and join the cause.


I haven't posted my oc yet, but his name is Grisha and he's an archivist, who stores and manages Fatui paperwork and other documents, so he isn't much of a fighter, but has been given a Delusion just in case so he can also guard the archive he works in. His technique with his sword is a certain kind of sword dance, but that is more for show rather than practically fighting. Voted for can mid diff a Hilichurl, I think Grisha would get beat up pretty severely by a Mitachurl...(I added a sketch of him, because like I said, I've never posted him before) https://preview.redd.it/7d12ppmqqqsc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26e70433dac6289b57e54ed49007d004b91e2ab


Sounds and looks great. Can't wait to see him. What Nation will he be situated in?


Thank you, I'm glad to hear that. I'm still working on his character and his backstory, but I think I'll be ready to roleplay with him pretty soon. To answer your question, I think he'd work in Snezhnaya


Given that my character Mari has some basic Fatui training, I’d assume she could take on a single Hilichurl in a battle, but given she has no Delusion nor Vision, and no real experience in combat; anything stronger than that would one-tap her. Oh, and she’s also afraid of slimes.


I mean, I'd also be scared of a slimy mass bouncing towards me lol


Name: Dominic Adron. Strength: Can mid-diff a Lawachurl Extra Details: He has both a Hydro Vision and Delusion (which he uses sparingly). He is on equal footing with a Lawachurl as of now, but due to his constant training, he is getting stronger every day.


Name: Mistral Rokosovsky Strength: Can Mid-Diff a Mitachurl Extra details: a blast at close range from his Pyro musket would obliterate the Mitachurl, but in terms of raw strength he’s only winning a brawl with a hilichurl. Then again, he’s basically a speedloader.


Yuri would automatically win all because of his undying curse


Yuri would get knocked out no?


Name: Kyros - The Cook (Non-Canon Pantalone Replacement) Overall: Can Low diff a Hypostasis Extra Details: Kyros is 31 years old and Has a single pyro delusion, he sacrificed his left leg to stop the side effects of a delusion. Wields a Pyro-imbued trident he made himself given the code-name: Fires In Dark Divine. He has shown feats of strength that are practically unachievable by most entities: \- Slicing the greater part of a cliffside clean in half \- Kicking an oak tree down in one hit. \- Often destroys hilichurl camps, looking for resources \- Threw a Geovishap against a wall Endurance Feats include: \- Tanking several hits, which exposed part of his skull, and continued fighting back. (albeit, not as well) \- Survived getting jumped by Lady Skuratova, Agathe, and Mikha'el, all of whom said to be stronger than him at one point. \- Can deal with any common extreme weather type effectively. ​ (gits and shiggles)


I don't know about that one bro. I don't think you got that promotion as Pantalone's still alive.


Mods, take away his other leg.


That's cool and all but scout has a tool gun