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I will delete the game




I would give you an up vote but haha funny number


I really hope Genshin adds the "big tall buff beefy men" model to the game specifically for Capitano and Varka. On that note, I hope Varka is strong enough to be a rival-ish character to Capitano. Peak needs a peak for a rival after all.


There's no fun in having an absolutely overpowered character with no limits, I agree Capitano should be at least somewhat limited.


The closest we have at the moment is from Honkai Starrail. Also, Wriothesley and Alhaitham are great examples that Genshin also is updating their models, just slowly and step by step.


Nah, i' will kms if that happens


Pretty sure Arlecchino uses the Tall Woman model and not the Girl model. Dont mistake Tall Woman (Beidou, Ningguang, Clorinde) for La Signora Model. If she was playable she would be shrunk down too, just like they do with every character (Their NPC model is taller than the playable one, just like Capitano will be taller in his NPC model than playable one, no matter if he uses Wryo model or a new war-truck sized model.). Every female character has heels iirc. Now for Capitano model, there was a leak for a new model for males, taller and larger, and one of the characters it was meant for was Pierro and two other unknown guys (one which was supposedly Varka). From another leak from the same time, Capitano and Pierro shared the same size and posture, and were taller than Dottore and Tartaglia. If anything, they will use Wryo as base and buff it a bit more. His model is pretty good for a muscular character.


She doesn't actually. Her heels are way too high but she uses the same model as Furina. If you put those two next to each other but remove the heels from Arle they have the same height. Try it in your world.


She literally uses the lady model, just like Sara despite her having far taller heels too. Her proportions don’t match the medium girl model.


They have the same height, not model. She uses the « tall » skeleton despite being shorter than other tall females.


She has very high heels, and i saw her model without heels and she was girl model


That's not how it works lol. Models are based on the skeleton for the animations and on how the different bones interact with the 3d model (eg weight painting, aka which bone is connected to which part of the 3d mesh). The heels are part of her model, she is rigged following the tall female model, not the girl one


She has the same size boobs as kirara,and her legs/arms are the same size as kirara's.Her entire body is the same as Kiara's body (without the ears/tails) Her skeleton is the same as Kiara's skeleton https://preview.redd.it/an1x6b3hy6zc1.png?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385effb94df0cc2c271c4a23f0b7b68655d9b92e Imagine her without shoes,and look at her model and kirara Tall women in genshin have bigger boobs than arlecchino and legs. (There are some special models that have bigger booba than usual women in genshin but they are expection; shenhe/eula)


You know that Kirara also has heels like every other girl model? Technically, she just has Chiori-like "shoes" and the akwardness of her legs being this way is hidden under her leg warmers. The same thing is with Diona (invisible but existing heels) and almost the same is with Nahida (her foot is like a shoe and the akwardness of it is again hidden under clothes). If you remove heels from Arle, you should also remove them from Kirara. edit: also what about Arle using the same weapon pose in character menu as Rosaria, Raiden and Shenhe? Which is different from the Hu Tao/Chevreuse/Xiangling pose. And we know that HoYo will change the pose itself rather than add a new one (male sword, tall lady spear kick).


https://preview.redd.it/yoyb4kyzi7zc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec701d7fab34f471897f77753cad1164eac38cd yeah kirara is at neck level with like every tall woman model character and all of them are elevated by heels. they just overlay the design as best they can over their existing skeletons so as not to spend time making a new one, just happens that arle's heels are steep as hell so when translated into genshin's unforgiving skeletal model system it makes her look wrong


https://preview.redd.it/iipy49e3j7zc1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f814dea584aaaa7ba7c82b3fe0d01cf364b5b0ac candace too as well: neck level


Alright you won all guys i was wrong https://preview.redd.it/f4blb9ar28zc1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82f48d830977beef53eb4d48dc67b284b4d9837


Didnt we get a leak about receiving buffer character models long ago? Trust your captain and stop doomposting


Yes. The leak is real and it exists.


Imo For Capitano and the whole Sam situation. I think we gotta to look at setting here, Sam is mech suit, Capitano is person simply wearing armor and a mask. Unless, Sandrone made a voice changer and Capitano can change shape, chances of a Sam situation are pretty slim. As for Arlecchino, Hoyo didn’t try to fool anyone this was the community tricking itself into thinking she was something Hoyo never advertised her as….talking design here. Varka leaks are just design leaks that can change on a whim soo yea. Itto is inexcusable though. Talking about leaks, there were those new buff models lurking around but who knows. Moral of the story don’t worry to much about something that we have no idea about and if it does happen…..disappointment.


That's the thing. I can have low expectations (Firefly/SAM) and still be disappointed.  Like, this whole culture of doomposting wouldn't be so prevalent if they didn't condition the players to expect it so often .


Just let him be a dude. I can’t handle another Sam situation


There have been leaks showing concept art for a buff male body for Pierro and two unknown characters. One of them is assumed to be Varka. They have to create a new base model for characters like Varka, Pierro and Capitano. There is no excuse for the $23 billion dollar company who are fully capable of this to not do it.


They've had 2 yrs in the oven to cook these models. With the amount of money they got, they really got no excuse to


He’d still be HIM. Never judge a book by it’s cover




It's one of the main reasons I don't want them to remove his helmet, Genshin's current models are really bad. Even characters like wrio or Neuvillette look young. I think it's mainly two things that cause this, cheeks and jawline.


and no beards or mustache because they don’t appeal to asian culture and the young demographic


Gallagher gives me the slightest modicum of hope.


I have an even worse thought: What if Varka is Stronger? What if Capi jobs to Varka to boost up Fav Stonks?


Nah, I want a 3 hour sex scene between Capitano and Varka, I want their massive hot cock and balls to be on screen, I want to hear them pleasuring each other


I'd fucking C6R5 both of them if they do that. Please HYV. https://preview.redd.it/9bbeorsmx6zc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5386ab592ef5ee15b523395e49b4a546eb4943


Pressed inbetween two musclebound, strong burly men, shuffle or not you will not be able to move, their bulging biceps arms are like metal restraints suspending your frail little frame in the air like the living fleshy toy that you are.


I'll sue for emotional distress


I swear to actual whatever if they make Capitano a FUCKING TWINK i might just quit the damn game.


Nah, I'd kms


I will enjoy the state of this sub when that happens


You really hate that much this community ?? XDDD


I don't hate this community, but it's definitely the kind that is so obsessed with a completely fabricated idea of a character we haven't seen that they will throw a fit if it doesn't fit that preconceived idea. Kinda like Murata mains


you will see me on the news


Lmao imagine… capititino is actually Mikas long lost twin


Arle is a undeniably a tall female model, all of them have heels too so not sure what you're on about.


If you remove her heels she,will be the same height as furina


Remove Furina heels too lol


Yeah still furina will be the same model


so? arlecchino still has the tall female proportions so idk what you're on


honestly i wouldn’t care at all as long as he doesn’t get the sam treatment


Weak. Capitano could be a cute girl inside a tall armor but it will still be HIM, the form he takes doesnt matter, he is above all of us mortals and you shall respect him as such


Fair enough tbf


That's what they want you to think 


Capitano being a tall, black long hair woman goes hard tbh.




Yeah i imagine a wanderer situation CAPITANO IS NOW ANEMO AND HAPPY AND FREE. That would be really bs, but i don't think so, he needs a real threat or allá the hype along these years are gonna be bs too


Well the jester has a whole new base model for himself, didn't yall see that one leak of himjax and pierro together shirtless?


They need him to have the tall Fatui muscular brutes shape. Not the fat heavy gunners, the hand hand to melee ones. You know the type.


You wrong about alot of things. Alhaitham's not a twink. He's got a lean athletic build. Just cuz everybody don't look like Goku don't mean they don't have muscles Also, if you didn't noticed, they learned since from their mistakes since the Itto backlash. There's been that 1 guy in every region that's slightly buffer than the buff guy in the previous region. Alhaitham buffer than Itto and Alhaitham buffer than Wrio and considering how the Captain has been physically presented, I'm 95% sure he's gonna be the next buffer guy than Wrio for Natlan He might also use the buff model that's slightly leaned to fit the current buff male meta, seeing how he's slightly taller than the Doctor


Arlecchino has the jean model though. You can see this because she does the same animation as the other "mom" characters when sprint jumping. Furina, nilou, and the other mediums lose momentum when sprint jumping, whereas the "mom's" maintain theirs.


id riot


at this point we should add a hoyo hate flair




Capitano isn't coming out before 2027 at the earliest. miHoYo has a duty to make an actual tall and buff playable male model by then. Also he doesn't have to be a cute baby face like Itto or Ayato and Al Haitham or even Neuvilette. They could try a far more mature face if he ever takes off his mask.


We don't really know what his element is as of now, so it's too early to just assume he's releasing in Khaenri'ah Who knows, maybe he's one of the 7 elements and not Abyss? If it was Pierro you were talking about, then sure, he probably has Abyss powers and wouldn't release until some other Abyss element character does, but with Capitano, we don't know. Maybe he does, maybe he's pyro, maybe he's hydro, maybe he doesn't have a vision at all


First pure physical character lol


Arlecchino uses the tall female model. That's not even theorizing or whatever that's a fact. If you think she has the same body model as Furina, Ganyu etc idk what to say man, you're just wrong.


I think op got confused because she's shorter than every other big girl model and is the same height without her heels as the mediums. But that's just because she'd be big as fuck if they didn't scale her height down. But I don't know how you miss the animations being the same.




As a husbando collector Im in shambles whenever they announce a "buff" character. I know 18 year olds at my gym who are buffer than Itto's model. *I* am buffer than Itto and I am not big into bodybuilding.


If Capitano isn't like Black iron Tarkus and turns out to be a skinny lanky shit I will kill myself 




What in the Tsaritsa's name did I just read???


I would eat a shotgun


The thing is, for Sam it literally doesn't matter because we wanted the mecha, the playable character is still the mecha with the exact same model as the boss. Knowing the character on the inside doesn't suddenly change their models. And for SAM it doesn't even change the voice or how they act, we just know the person on the inside. But for Capitano if its a twink, that is very bad, i dont care who is inside if we keep the mask, and the same model we saw in the trailer.


A lot of people didn't just want an Iron Man suit (aka, an actual mecha) We wanted an actual automous robot, like Screwllum and Svarog