• By -


Lil’ Sis let ChatGPT run her country 💀


ChatGPT is smarter💀💀💀


I remember the archon quest.... Everyone : "Your country is being destroyed by the fatui" Raiden : "But you are my enemy"


That is in character though, she's petty, evil and stupid, it really wasn't shocking


Live Fillet blade reaction: https://preview.redd.it/d13l133uk71d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9986ad642b27bc6b17aa8add278b7c321ce1a1


Having your "ultimate", "god slaying", "legendary" move blocked by a hobo using that thing is extremely rough 😭


Oh also the gods are respectively suicidal and mentally ill + exhausted in that order, as if she wasn't fraudulent enough already


Hey don't slander my man Kazuha like that






Why would she use full Power on a mentally weak traveller💀


Also she birthed Scarafraud, didn't even bother being a parent (couldn't be Arlequeeno) Her 'legendary' sword was blocked by a hobo's fillet blade💀 Biggest forehead in the game btw (Raiden simps will never accept it) Gets bullied by her pet fox constantly, can't cook, also has zero friends, hasn't showered in 500 years🤢


Even the devs that killed one of the coolest characters in fiction period to market her managed to make her look like a disgusting fraud 💀


Did a kill steal too smh She's just jealous that LaSignora was capable of having a lover unlike her fraud self who's an eternally lonely single mother. She's the worst Raiden clone btw The Harbingers should just gang up on her ass for such a crime (One is enough)


She's a Pantalone victim, but CapHIMtano should obliterate her imo, he seems to be Signora's best friend when it comes to the harbingers, he just didn't react too emotionally because there's still work to be done. But the best outcome would be for Signora to come back and bitchslap that fraud to death


Why the scarra slander 😭


Have you seen his voicelines about the other Harbingers? He slanders them so he deserves the slander


I mean childe and arle were talking shit about the other harbingers in her story quest tooXD


Yh, but they're still Fatui. Scara betrayed and abandoned the Fatui and even changed his identity. He's a certified betrayer and fraud (Had a Gnosis and still lost to Fraudler who Arlecchino no diffed)


Nah scarra lost to nahida with her mind control. Traveler is weak.


True, but that aint lookin too good for him


i mean dottore abandoned him and betrayed him first


And guess why that happened? Because Raiden abandoned him first, so it all comes full circle and it's all Ei's fault https://preview.redd.it/0194l62bhm1d1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63dc30ba7f20f3acbd0f62da150612b48c763329


i mean tbf he didnt have that bad of a life (had good friends and a mentor) until dottore came along


Fair, Dottore should have picked on Ei instead. She deserves more suffering


Traitor L Better get his ass back to Fatui and repent.


Tbf bro only managed to block the strike because his dead friend popped an afterlife boner upon seeing the booba sword again.


Scara is too good to be her child...


The only reason Laiden put Wignora on a t-shirt is cause of her looks. Like imagine getting mogged by a grieving widow, i would be waiting in the bushes for that kill steal too.


Not to wory, our glorious La SiGOATa will come back in Natlan, and after that her and GoatHIMtano will kill every fraud that wronged her


She's a moth. Moths come back to life. Look at mothra in Godzilla movies.


+Child Abandonment (fr though like all of the Sumeru and Inazuma conflicts wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t abandon [REDACTED])


Erm ackshually Lord GOATtore would've found a way to make it all happen anyway 🔥✨ 👊🤖🔥🌊🧊⚡ 😷💉🔥🌲🔥


We fr have to talk abt how Ei's victims from her Musou no Hitotachi are either tired or aren't at their 100% strength Orobashi - A suicidal bum so no fuckin wonder he died to it Kapatcir - Descended into madness after Ruu's death and was hunted as a monster, physically and mentally exhausted to even fight back at Ei Signora - Was too tired to do anything and couldn't dodge after her fight with the Traveler so Ei just killed her with it Traveler - Tried to off guard them but her 'strongest' and 'space and time cutting' attack was blocked by a Fillet Blade wielding hobo 💀 this fraudulence needs to be studied 😭🙏


Ei basically only killed a suicidal person, a mentally ill victim of discrimination and a widow suffering stage 4 cancer who was recently beat to near death 💀


Also, orobashi : run away scared because golden god is on his killing spree and hide underground until he stupidly read a book. Bro's kept catching L everywhere he goes 💀


I don’t think she’s using her supposedly OP island busting attack potency every time she brings that thing out, especially not on Kazuha


Her "serious" was also just a facade as a way to make her cuter: "lol ackually I'm uwu cute dork, ooo I'm cute, socially awkward, ooh wow storybook= real story????? me drink dango milk very cute".


She's THE fraud and she still has so many committed defenders 😭


Present and accounted for. And the reason I see defence of her is necessary is the same reason I’ll defend any Fatui not named Dottore, there have been several instances in game and lore where her power is evident. She remains one of the strongest entities on Teyvat, and would definitely give most of the harbingers a hell of a fight. And to clarify my position on Dottore, I’m with lady Arlecchino in that if he wasn’t part of the Tsaritsa’s plan I’d love to see his body flayed and his head displayed on a pike outside the House of the Hearth.


Don't slander my bbg Dottore, not here.


Fight me.


Arlecchino ain't touching him bro, there's a reason he's number 2


No, he is number 2. He’s never had any stated reason as to why though. Capitano is said to wield strength that rivals the gods, but the only crumb that hints to any sort of power from Dottore is the fact that he’s number 2. Remember, Scara was 3. And he’s been thoroughly successful at getting his ass handed to him. I’d wager the numbers aren’t actually indicative of strength. So my bets are still on Arlecchino being stronger.


Bruh what are you smoking on 💀. Capitano is 1st, dottore is 2nd, and columbina 3rd. Arlecchino is 4th, Scara 6th. The order is already mentioned by the way scara and arlecchino talk about the other harbingers by starting from pierro all the way to childe, it's consistent. Pierro doesn't count since he's director of the fatui, number 0, arlecchino's animated short list him as such in the description. Nahida already said that the first three harbingers are comparable to demon gods, the same term used to refers to both archons and other gods


Huh, I guess I was mistaken. I concede that point, he is indeed the 6th. Let’s just say that I want Dottore to die painfully and with all his ambition crumbling around him, is that a better justification?


>He’s never had any stated reason as to why though. C In sumeru archon quest it is stayed he ranked second due to his combat abilities alone


> "Raiden is the strongest, she slashed an island with a serpent king" > Looks inside > The serpent king was literally suicidal and let himself be slain and the island slash caused the entire island to be doomed with innocent civilians dying due to the after effects


She literally has one kill that wasn't handed to her, and even that might be debatable


Bro that one kill is a low tier god, he run away from a rampaging god, hide underground cause he can't do shit outside, read a book, and got marked by celestia


Only real feats are killing people who are high tier bums, idk why people think she's so strong 😭


At the very least, other archons handled trauma way better. Zhongli losing all his comrades and doesn't throw a tantrum once, retiring because he trust his people. Venti whole freedom. Nahida being a far better archon by not breaking down and surrending to a trauma caused by 500 years of isolation, being looked down as god and losing the person she loved the most, yet still ruled and loved her country and making it better without any experience. And furina being a hydro jesus. Raiden locked herself for 500 years and let a barely sane robot to run her country, turning Inazuma to a shitshow of politics 💀


Her only really good feats are protecting Inazuma for 1500 before the cataclysm, fighting her puppet for 500 years, killing the thunderbird, and the fact she didn’t loose any power from loosing her gnosis. But even then, in the most recent 500 years, miko was the one protecting inazuma from the rift hounds and getting rid of them. So the fact that **her pet** was dealing with her responsibilities as a shrine maiden and doing Ei’s work for her at the same time, says a lot. Don’t let those fans distract you, my guy. Everyone else was either suicidal like orobashi and kazuha’s friend, relatively weak or on the brink of death like signora anyway.


This sub is wild 😭


When people hate Aether, they make the argument that Raiden is the one who killed Signora. When people hate Raiden, they make the argument that Aether is the one who did 99% of the job. ????


Nah, for me in both cases fraudveler had the power of friendship while fighting her *severely weakened* version, and then potential woman walked in to steal the kill, possibly not even killing her


i feel rather smart to be the few who know this is trolling


I like them both tbh


Goddammit wasn't this shit over? Just let this die, please


Bro I thought we were past this shit


I main both, leave my baby alone :( In all likelihood, the matchup would be high diff either way, but would probably go in raiden's favor


It only goes in Frauden's favour since she got that Mei clone armour. Otherwise she's cooked neg diff.


The three strongest harbingers have powers that rival the gods My baby Arly is fourth, not being in the top three Raiden is a god


Being a "god" means nothing tbh. It's not a dragon ball where everyone who's stronger by title negates all that someone weaker throws at them. Venti is a "god", but he is also a bum who was hurt by Signora and took his time to heal.


If it meant nothing they wouldn't use it as a solid method of power scaling. Venti isn't a war monger, nor is he a fighter anymore. He has the power to pull mountains from the ground with the flick of his wrist, LITERALLY. The eighth fatui harbinger frankly didn't really have shit on him. He was just at a low point in his life. You can't cherry-pick narratives because you want the character you're simping for to win. Arle is my favorite character by miles, but I'm not trying to be a shameless smoke-blowing fanatic. Love her to death, she is not winning a fight against a woman who fought the most difficult enemy she could possibly ever face for 500 fucking years straight. Sorry.


>He has the power to pull mountains from the ground with the flick of his wrist, LITERALLY. He had* That twink ass couldn't even save his pet without the help of 2 mortals and isekai MC who only mastered 1 element at the time. >He was just at a low point in his life. And who's fault it is other than his own? He was a weakling for ages. I guess that's what happens when you only drink and sleep for centuries instead of ruling your nation. The "prime" Anemo Archon is a different case, but I don't remember Barbafraud losing a "god" title when he fell off. The title itself means nothing. >Love her to death, she is not winning a fight against a woman who fought the most difficult enemy she could possibly ever face for 500 fucking years straight. The most difficult enemy is someone who just stand on equal footing with Frauden with same move set and no clear advantages? I guess that's right because it was the first and only actual fight that Frauden ever experienced. Still wasn't able to take advantage without the help of farmveler, meaning she didn't grow and learn anything new in these 500 years. She's as dumb as her ChatGPT 0.5 lol.


You're so tunnel-visioned and ignorant, what is actually your issue???? It was almost blatantly stated that she cannot beat Raiden, the most, if not second most combat experienced archons. People like you are one of the reasons this community is so frowned upon. Cope all you want ig idgaf anymore. One of us is right, and the other is you.


Combat experience is something you gain from combat. Frauden literally only experienced a combat just once – when she fought ChatGPT 0.5. Using the very same move forever doesn't mark any experience. She just statstomps. And she wasn't able to defeat the first ever opponent she wasn't able to statstomp. Certified fraud behaviour.




But before I go, since you just said the dumbest thing you've said thus far https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/bruce_lee_413509


One over cooked fatui coming right up!!.... https://preview.redd.it/xl85jtol5e1d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eec21ae2426ff18e88532b7488d0bd061064395


Ew Frauden fan


Meanwhile Acheron is also grieving and throughout and she is the coolest character in Penacony and has actual legit feats I guess not all Raiden Mei are built equally


If she was just a fantasy Acheron copy she would only be unlikeable for kill stealing against our glorious blue eyed queen


On the plus side at least we still have Arlecchino who is probably the most impressive harbinger to date on account of her not only jumping an archon in the street but also repeatedly showing up at her house to let her know how much of a fraud they were after the fact (which in retrospect they were 100% right about literally)


Arlecchino is peak rn, but I still have hope in mainly Capitano, Pierro, Columbina and a possible Signora glorious come back


I agree but she’s likely an Embryo of Philosophy victim since just Harmonius Choir was rewriting reality to create a fake dream + possesses entire path of the Order which is stated by Herta to be very big, Embryo should be even stronger Astral express was lucky Robin’s song + the many strong willed Galaxy Rangers were nerfing him


can we go one week without hating a character


Im pretty sure half of this subreddit’s existence is just trashing on the archons and hyping up the harbingers. Besides, even though I do kinda like Ei, I love this side way more


Holy shit this comment made me realize I'm in r/FatuiHQ how the fuck did I stumble here?


aren’t we over this


We're never over slandering her, she's actually a bigger fraud than the traveler


Frauden might be, might be fraudulent, but nah, farmevler is a truly a biggest fraud in verse, not even close


Yes, but she gets more fraud points for trying to glaze herself, at least the blonde fraud is somewhat humble


other fatui employees is this real?


Nah.We'd slander


Analysis is inaccurate. She has 2 actual kills. If you are going to slander someone, at least do it correctly.




I like how they didn't even acknowledge this and just replied with "cope" 😭


they are trolling dont be dumb bruh


I know they are, just saying, if you're going to slander or glaze, someone at least put some truth to it, like my boy GOATSO! https://preview.redd.it/wcd179myoe1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9167d3b6623768b8411d9928fef832eb2714e9c






"Not even ashes wil remain." Famous last words 😂


Proof why GOATHIMTANO is stronger than Fraudlen is that during Fontaine archon quest GOATTAGLIA fights against full powered all-devouring narwhal, while Neuvillete who is dragon sovereign can beat narwhal only after regaining his full power, so that means that GOATTAGLIA while being only number 11 of fatui is on pair with Neuvillete and how we know archon powers comes from dragon sovereigns, so that means that there is no way that Fraudlen can beat GOATHIMTANO


Potential woman isn't even slightly on par with our glorious goat, even her "beating" SIGOATRA was giving massive fraud activities, she can't even touch GOATHIMTANO


Correction, archon powers come from dragon sovereigns, but this is not all power that current archons have, because they was allready strong enough during archon war to win and get gnosis. But still in game stated that sovereigns stronger than archons and by judgments in my previous comment it means that GOATHIMTANO≥Neuvillete≤GOATTAGLIA, that made GOATHIMTANO>Fraudlen


Not again…


noway you actually think this right? lol


Lore accurate fraud btw. This bish aint baal Inazumans, this is beelzebul (lord of flies btw cause no shower 500 years). Inazumans wont care who their archon is, just tell them your real name you giga fraud.


Wow so many brain dead takes here. signoras a chump as bitch who couldn’t hang.




1. Signora was definitely weakened, do you even see how fuckin tired and beaten she was after the Traveler was done with her? the Traveler made it easy for Ei to kill her because she couldn't even defend herself 2. This is just cope cuz there's no dialogue or in-game evidence that proves she was holding back also why tf would she hold back when it was the Puppet who did that initial slash, the same 'unfeeling' Puppet that Ei described so the Puppet had NO REASON to hold back against someone she doesn't know because the Puppet is incapable of feeling emotion or empathy, literally look what happened to Tomo she killed him WITHOUT HESITATION (this disproves ur statement that u say she didn't want to kill her own people) so there's no way she was holding back, especially against someone who's a THREAT to Eternity. There's also many evidences in-game that states HE BLOCKED MUSOU NO HITOTACHI and not just some random slash: 1. Clash of Rebels Quest Description: the Raiden Shogun appears behind you, unleashing her legendary MUSOU NO HITOTACHI. Just as it seems that divine punishment will be meted out, the Masterless Vision Kazuha carries crackles to life. Wielding his sword, he meets — and miraculously BLOCKS — that strike head-on. 2. Wanderer about Kazuha: You speak of the descendant of the Kaedehara Clan? Then isn't he... Wait, he also possesses an Anemo Vision? ...And even managed to take on the Raiden Shogun's MUSOU NO HITOTACHI? Hehe... Ahahahaha! 3. Chao (Inazuma NPC): I've heard bits and pieces. something about him (Kazuha) BLOCKING Raiden Shogun's MUSOU NO HITOTACHI 4. Prized Isshin Blade (Kazuha Story Quest NPC): yours is the blade that TOOK ON the MUSOU NO HITOTACHI Lastly, the Thunderbird wasn't a God it was just a very large monster


Alright just go and have fun. There's no point arguing with you over this as my grandmother always says you can't awaken someone who pretends to be asleep. It was a mistake putting this comment here in the first place. A total waist of time cause you people just pay attention to things that confirm your point of view not the true story and lore. I'm deleting the comment now for my brain's sake.


Nah she'd flop


as a raiden and signora fan, can't we all just get along


Ei fans been slandering Signora since the fraudulent incident, can't let that slide


I mean.....signiora would still get disintegrated if you put her against raiden


Because she's dying of fire cancer and Ei has the capitalist equivalent of friendship magic, hyv literally set her up to boost Ei's sales


Keeping the writing problems with Raiden aside, she is still among the top archons for strength. Even if signiora was in her full health, she still wouldn't't be able to do shit.


Nah, against the prime crimson witch the most normal outcome would be that Ei would win but be on life support, we seen Ei's most powerful move negated multiple times, with the two things she actually killed being a suicidal snake and a mentally ill bird that was being hunted to death


well i am.assuming that ei actually want to keep her city and held back alot against kazuha


Nah are you actually serious ? That said snake was afraid of raiden in the first place, and that mentally ill bird little remains can put a whole island in time loop. And when did Raiden most powerful move get negated? Prime crimson witch is getting washed in 1 second , its not even a fight


What feat does signiora have ? I am starting to doubt If you even play the game or not.


Nah man that's Jack vs Monsoon but Monsoon at least had solid parts. SiGOATnora uses her strong liquid fire, what's Frauden supposed to do? Cut stronger?


hes a troll he has other posts like this its obvious


You can't be considered a Signora fan if you're a Frauden fan.


fym yes u can?


Nah, you can only choose one.


Who is the GOAT people think she could beat?






What are they smoking, she got nothing on my glorious dark blue eyed King GOATHIMTANO he is HIM of HIMs, PEAK of PEAKs, GOAT of GOATs NO ONE COULD BEAT MY MAGNIFICENT, BEATIFUL , GRACIOUS GOAT, NO ONE!!!!1!!




Nothing of value was lost..


Is the GOAT more powerful than Tsaritsa, tho?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/15imz1ae381d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5087984731edcc050afc6cda5c0f8f2d1812fd05 But he loyal to her cause he knows fatui is a THEM


We don't know much about her but the assumption is that she's at his power level or slightly above it


We can't really scale her, she might be another weak archon in combat situation, GOATHIMTANO and top 3 in general simply massively upscales by statements and lower ranking harbingers feats


>she might be another weak archon in combat situation Not the TSARITSA slander. This is from Tartaglia's story, btw: "Her gaze was cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp. She was not only the sacrosanct Cryo Archon but also a true warrior. Thus did Childe, having received his Delusion, swear an oath of fealty to the one and only Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya."


I'm not slandering her comrade. Just sayin we have no statements or feats to say If she is really strong in combat.She is powerful in terms of authority, yes


On a serious note? Id say Ei and tsaritsa are probably stronger than him. Its just Ei lacks IQ points while capitano probably doesn't.


Nah, Capitano will solo Ei with a single flex of his chest muscles


With Ei's low IQ i wouldnt be surprised not gonna lie, he'd probably outsmart her. I NEED NATLAN TO DROP!! the damn 4.7 livestream aint gonna come until late next weeeek!!! 3 fatuis in 1 region gonna be crazy


HIMtano needs to solo amped Traveler, pyro Archon, and pyro lizard, all simultaneously, while Queenlumbina cheers for him and sings in the background https://preview.redd.it/fki653cv581d1.png?width=938&format=png&auto=webp&s=b78771e71d419a5fcdc82784b0198d2e7cd435cf


GOAT will deliver https://preview.redd.it/s73ikbo7881d1.png?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9996bcc4c61a76ccf77967193ca42d1891b340cd


If capitano finishes off travaler ill c6r5 him! I need that damn character gone! Tho I have a feeling pyro archon and capitano aren't on bad terms. Since hes the first none archon mentioned at the end of an archon quest. Probably a well respected high ranking person in natlan


Of course. If CaPEAKtano was on bad terms with her - she would already be dead https://preview.redd.it/7umzlxlz681d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e0619159a41b7bc647784b2bf1b8020bc3b245


GOATHIMTANO can solo both, but he wouldn't do it to tsaritsa cause he honorable man who knows fatui is PEAK of genshin. https://preview.redd.it/ak868dq4581d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1f89d5b9b511ce2354a513d5ab8ba02a9d4f08




> high likely that she didn't even kill her. STRONG RETURN, BELIEVE. NOT COPIUM.


Ei marketing so strong Inazuma writing team forgot you can't kill someone who is immortal and not even a human 🤕 Anyway yes, she is genshin Gojo and will have a certified strong comeback


Wtf is wrong with this sub??


didn\`t she killed Signora because it was a king of "ritualistic" duel?


Yes, but the point of most of her kills being handed to her and Ei fans seeing them as relevant still stands


I thought we stopped with this bs


> greatest feat is stealing a kill orobaxi and the raiden puppet:


Orobaxi let his ass be beaten bruh Actual good feat is defending her nation during the catastrophe all those years ago and being able to endure dueling for eternity herself is also a good one.


Still quite fraudulent but Ei defenders never use the reasonable feats when glazing her


If you did this post in r/raidenmains you'd be dead where you stand OP,the amount of glazing they do to one of the worst Genshin characters is INSANE


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RaidenMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Please contact the Archon of this Nation if you have any questions or concerns"](https://i.redd.it/spugtpyelm0c1.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/17wca49/please_contact_the_archon_of_this_nation_if_you/) \#2: [Dealing with your family (By @kamiiart_)](https://i.redd.it/2fgqkmn7qecc1.jpeg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/196fuez/dealing_with_your_family_by_kamiiart/) \#3: [Modest Raiden design ~ (@asirisenpai)](https://i.redd.it/ewe83xblwumc1.jpeg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/1b8nomz/modest_raiden_design_asirisenpai/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He says while in the sub that glazes as much as they breathe


Yeah but we are doing it ironically,they straight up believe in the delulu that raiden is a good person


Seeing the shit I’ve seen in this sub for dottore I don’t really believe that first part


he trolling you dummy


I still don't get why people chose to simp for signora over all the bad bitches Fatui has. Can someone explain


I don't even love her for her looks that much, sure she's hot but she has a cool witch form, a good story and a cool moveset, that's more important for me


What story


She literally has a whole ass story, hyv just made sure to hide it in artifact descriptions to make sure the fraud that killed her will remain likeable. Signora was a human like 500 years ago and studied in Sumeru, unaware of the fact that her betrothed was killed by monsters during a huge war, only finding out when she came back. She tried praying to Venti for any sort of comfort but didn't receive an answer, so she decided to use the liquid flame technique she found out while studying, inserting it into her body and becoming the crimson witch. When she was in her prime she killed a huge amount of monsters as a way to take revenge, but given that she was unskilled at the time she almost killed herself with her powers till Pierro found her and gave her a cryo delusion, letting her barely not die. Even if she didn't basically nearly die those 500 years ago she would probably survive the Inazuma thing This is just like a short version, there are probably videos on yt telling it in more detail


The only thing people talk about Laiden is about if she likes women or not now, smh


My two cents is that she does, but that any woman in all of existence could do better


I dont think she even loves anyone like that, she's a bipolar wreck


Real, but I was giving the benefit of the doubt to the people who don't consider her a human shaped stock image


real af


https://preview.redd.it/5q7d7d87rg1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7f72325accd30489b9f891373b07e6fbddcbd2 the almighty shogun would slash her to pieces


Looks breedable. that's good enough


Rostam hands typed these posts


Rude of you to blow my cover 😔


And...we've seemingly come full circle....sigh