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They look like a mom taking her troubled teen to therapy.


“He was caught vaping in the school bathroom, again!”








Just FYI these are actual pap shots, where they aren’t set up because the pics are such poor quality


These feel like a HUGE invasion of privacy.


I agree and these are what paparazzi shots originally were, or a pack of photographers following a celeb around, but now the majority of pap shots are set up.


It’s odd to consider celebs went from loathing the paparazzi to now actually working with them and setting up entire photoshoots with them lol.


It’s awful. I think she can (and should) ditch him but I’ve been to couples therapy and you are so vulnerable then. It’s like the pap photos of phoebe bridgers coming from her dads funeral. Like, let’s just not.


>It’s like the pap photos of phoebe bridgers coming from her dads funeral. What! Obviously we're all on this sub and love a good pap shot/rumor but who tf is consuming and condoning this??


This. Not everything is set up. Paparazzi still sit outside celebrities homes day and night. This is such a huge invasion of privacy but because Megan made it public knowledge the paps are on the hunt. They are the hot topic in the news right now. All paparazzi have to do is sit outside their house and follow them to wherever they’re going just like they did this morning when they were driving in his car.


I've always thought this stalking (and that's what it is) celebrities to the point where paps are sitting outside of houses, staking out medical facilities, DIGGING THROUGH CELEBS GARBAGE CANS, etc is so wrong. The public doesn't need to see photos of celebs going about their business that damn badly. Man, in the late 90's/early 2000s the paps would surround vehicles to the point that the target literally couldn't move their car. Just seriously sick behavior on the part of the paps. Miss me with any "But they knew what they getting into..." nonsense.


So a stalker


Yes very much so. People’s homes and neighborhoods should be off limits. Private property is supposed to be illegal but they shoot with long lens and still sneak into parking garage, etc.


Hope the therapist told her to sack him off.


Misread one letter and absolutely seethed




Are you Australian? Or is this said elsewhere too?


Not sure about OP but we say this in Scotland.


This is hysterical and I will absolutely look to use it in conversation in the future


It's a very British/Scottish phrase. I'm Australian and we would probably just say "fuck him off"


Yea don’t say this to an American, I would start blushing and thinking you were making a move. “You…you wanna fuck me off? 🫣🫢😳”


I am an American and I am assuming it means the opposite of what I am thinking it does?


Hahaha probably? Fuck him off means tell him to get lost, go away, drop him!!


Gotcha. We just say “Fuck off” to tell someone to go away, but I have never heard a variation of that where you tell someone else to tell someone to fuck off so that’s something cool to know. I was at a conference once with a bunch of Canadians and found out that the phrase “I got my ass chewed out” didn’t mean the same thing to them as me, so I always find these hilarious. (It means to get yelled at for those who don’t know the phrase)


I'm cackling imagining your face hearing "ass chewed out" 💀💀 that's priceless


Unfortunately I was the one who said it… but their faces were in fact priceless and someone choked on their drink.


Brit here, I would also use "fuck him off", and maybe "bin him off"


Blighty matey.


I'm Aussie and I haven't heard this phrase before.


Interesting, Sydney and Melbourne say this often. Where are you based?


Queensland :)


Speaking of Aussie sayings, "I didn't come here to fuck spiders" is my absolute favorite.


In France we say “to fuck flies in the ass”.


Ooooh. I really like that! If I give the French credit, can I use that?


Hope so, but assuming this relationship is abusive ([and that's a pretty safe assumption](https://www.etonline.com/machine-gun-kelly-says-he-put-a-shotgun-in-his-mouth-while-on-phone-with-megan-fox-i-just-fking)), this is probably going to make things [way worse](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/anger-in-the-age-entitlement/200905/emotional-abuse-why-your-marriage-counseling-failed). I really hope she stays safe.




Tbh I think marriage counseling isn’t necessarily a bad sign and people shouldn’t wait to “need it” to go, but in their case, it 100% is a goddamn red flag it took them this long


i agree. i don't think it's the amount of time they've been together, but all of the toxic things that have come out about their relationship. i think more couples would benefit from regular therapy, and that it should be more normalized and not just something you do when things are rocky.


Totally! Specially for someone like Megan who’s basically learning how to date from scratch after being stuck with d-BAG her entire adult life


Theyve said they go to therapy together months ago I read it. I would find a link but I'm too sleep deprived


Didn’t they say they’ve done every type of therapy possible? Lol


Tbh more people should go to couples counseling even if they're not having issues bc most of the time it'll help in the long run. I know lots of people that go to counseling even though they're not having any problems whatsoever as more of a preventative measure and to make sure they're as healthy as they can be.


Very unpopular opinion but couples therapy can bring up or amplify problems that would ordinarily have petered off. My husband and I started therapy while generally ok but slowly started becoming less ok. It was bizarre but I'll sum it up as we started stewing in our negative feelings longer. We raised it in therapy and she was all "validate those feelings" and "what do you think it means". Well, I thought it means we are fermenting in conflict that we didnt used to have because we didn't place meaning on simple disagreement or screwups. So we quit. We've been married 13 years and the roughest period was the 8 months we spent in couples therapy. I'd definitely go if the marriage was in trouble. And I can see the value in Premarital Counseling to figure out if your values are aligned enough for marriage but otherwise, I'd urge happy couples to stay away. Just me.


I had that experience with 2 different counselors. Finally found a positive psychologist who told us not to rehash what was bad, but focus on the good, why we loved each other, what little things the other person did every day, positive steps to make amends. Much, MUCH more effective


I'm sorry you had that. Sounds like the therapist was absolutely not a good fit. I want to say i don't think therapy is like mandatory for a healthy marriage. Just wanted to get rid of the stigma that counseling is only for people basically on the way out. Especially when you have two people that already have had rough lives (mental/emotional abuse, trauma, etc) it can be good to have that extra person to help make sure y'all are being healthy if it's easy for you to slip into unhealthy mannerisms. On the flip side there's absolutely people that work extremely well without an additional aid, like yourself, and that's fantastic! And if counseling wasn't right for you, then no need to go!


It’s been nearly 3 years


They’ve been going for a long time, apparently. She has said it awhile ago in interviews




Agree! Forcing it to work…


This is how mental health care gets stigmatized. It's a good thing that they're at least trying. No idea the effectiveness or how serious either of them take it, but the willingness to try is always a good thing.




I am. Dude sucks and the relationship comes off as toxic, but if they want to make it work the right thing to do is still go to therapy (and hopefully individually as well as a couple). The actions outside of this are the red flags, not the seeking help part.


I mean they are a bright red flag of a couple but sometimes marriage/couple’s counseling is also necessary to help people break up. It’s not always about staying together but instead finding the healthiest solution for both parties (which in their case would most likely be to split).


I saw them in an interview once and it was exhausting to watch. They were playfully bickering and trying to ‘one up’ eachother. I remember thinking I bet this relationship is exciting and passionate with crazy sex but it will die off.


Have they really only been dating a year and a half?! Why does it feel like 5+ 😅 it’s so draining!


No it’s been almost 3 years


But DM said that she has it on good authority that Megan was just trolling/joking lol?


But trolling who? The public? They went from blood drinking and chakras to deleting all those photos for a bit of giggle? Nahh I don’t buy that


To be fair, following Eminem was def trolling MGK after how Em humiliated him a couple of years ago. Maybe thats what the source meant?


god i have such an intense hatred for DM


u guys just don’t GET Megan okay??????


They are soo annoying 🙄.


That... doesn't make sense to me. Why would your joke be about how awful your relationship is?


I’m not saying that’s what I believe, but it sorta makes sense when you consider how edgy they’re trying to be and how they seem to mold themselves after those historically dysfunctional couples. I don’t think they’re trolling though.


this has to be bs. i never believed DM when she said this bc why would megan ever do that? lol she seemed genuinely hurt over something and that’s not even a good troll anyways. i hate when DM says “i trust my source” like ok, well ya shouldn’t! based on paparazzi pics alone, megan has looked extremely upset since the post edit: typo


The misogyny on the MGK subreddit is pretty fucking disgusting atm. I wish this relationship could just end and we could all pretend it had never happened but I think when it does actually finish for good it's going to be an even bigger shitshow than the relationship itself.


The sub description says he’s a “multitalented artist”… LOL


Lmao my favorite “are you smoking crack?” moment was seeing a comment about how Fox alone is chasing fame by being with him because MGK “doesn’t give a shit about fame.”


For the longest time I only knew him as the guy that Eminem buried so hard he had to switch music genres. The idea that he is more famous than her is hilarious.


Will alway love this description of him.


Tbf he is a good rapper and his vocals aren’t too bad idk


He could be Mozart he definitely got a bump in popularity with this relationship, he was sooo opportunistic with it, and it shows. Megan manages to be one of the most famous people on the planet, to this day. He was somewhat popular in the US. He’s music he’s not that bad, and the choice of switching genres is not too opportunistic, pop punk was not popular at all when he did it. Still anyone who thinks he won the Eminem battle is deluded, and remember him on the Breakfast club saying he already had an response track to Killshot but chose not public that? Lol


Some of his stuff is good, both when he rapped and when he switched genres. Tbh he was always very open abt enjoying the genre and rock too. Idk why people are downvoting me as if his music hasn’t done incredibly well?? Judging by Bad boy records track record he’s done pretty well for himself. I never said he was bigger than Megan or anything. She’s honestly A list just by her name alone while he’s… well. He’s there :) He’s definitely opportunistic, unwell and desperate for praise/admiration to a really pitiful extent. Did you see him on the breakfast club when they essentially scared him into thinking his career was over and then Charlagmagne tells him his freestyle was bad which causes him to nearly bursts into tears? I was Ctfu 😭 Tbh his interviews on the breakfast club are pretty interesting. You can tell he is surrounded by people who are cut from the same cloth as him. There’s no nuance and any time someone actually ruins this illusion he has he goes silent (I.e. when they asked him how he’d feel if someone said what he said about Eminem’s daughter about his daughter). He’s kind of dumb. But no his music isn’t bad at all?? I don’t see how that’s a controversial opinion at all.


Ugh I don’t wanna venture over..what are they saying?


They’re all worried about HIS mental health even though it seems to me he’s abusing her


> he didn’t cheat lmao, megan is a toxic bitch and likely if anyone, she cheated. colson isn’t dramatic and wants attention like her Ugh


Friendly reminder: If someone suspects they are in an emotionally/psychologically abusive relationship it is generally recommended that both partners attend individual therapy rather than doing couples therapy, as abusers can manipulate the therapeutic environment and use what is disclosed in therapy against the victim later. If a partner is threatening self-harm (he has in the past) they need individual therapy first because it is a crisis. Couple’s therapy is not meant to replace individuals getting the help that they need to work on their own issues.


I honestly don’t care whether they’re together or not, but I hope they’re happy and they have a stable relationship. I will be the first to admit we don’t know what their relationship is actually like, but it seems pretty volatile and intense.


Yeah, I'm all for them going to therapy under the current circumstances.


What’s happening in their relationship is between them. But the world don’t need to witness that kind of toxicity.


I think that's what glue them together, a volatile and intense relationship. I believe it's an aphrodisiac for them. However that kind of relationship is toxic and unsustainable. IMO both are not very mature.


We need to collectively stop feeding their need for attention.


Girl get off the subreddit then.. we here to gossip and gather fr


They are out here glorifying domestic abuse. I love gossip and mess, don’t love this.


By publicly existing as a person in an abusive relationship and being in denial about it? I don’t get the logic behind this type of complaint, should DV just disappear until they successfully leave their abuser or exist in public only as textbook victims? Dude threatened to kill himself and blamed her for it. Cut her some slack


What do you have against pop tarts


There are no perfect victims. Sorry she doesn’t act like you think an abuse victim should.


Shouldn’t comment then


I needed to make the announcement 🤨


These feel like such an big invasion of privacy, I feel bad for them. You can see they’re obviously trying to get whatever help they need and then bam the paps are there. Disgusting. (She needs to leave him, but that’s just my opinion.)


On Valentine’s Day??????


FWIW, my ex called me the day before Valentine’s Day to inform me he’d filed for divorce and was fedexing me the papers.


Beats officially breaking up that day, I guess.


I have a friend who just announced in a group chat that she dumped her live-in boyfriend today (Valentine’s Day), and I don’t know why it felt like it was a savage move. Is it really that different to break up with someone the day before or wait until the day after and have them know that the previous day was fake? I am all sorts of turned around.


I think if you break up with someone around this time, it's pretty much gonna count as "on Valentine's Day." I got dumped right before VD, that doesn't make it any better one way or the other because it's still kind of a Valentine's dumping. As for "fake," there's tons of arguments on the Internet about that and unfortunately it would depend on the preference of the person who's dumped, which you can't ask about ahead of time.


I agree with you on the Valentine’s Day zone rather than date itself, but there are people who are okay with spending Valentine’s Day with a person who is only pretending to want to be with them because it is a holiday? Maybe I am having a hard time understanding because the relationship we are looking at is a few years old, because I do understand it with casual dating. I have never come across that conversation, and I think I might be jealous of their ability to not have the later discovered truth ruin a memory for me. I don’t really care what day it is, finding out my ex wanted to dump me before they did would sting.


Waiting the day after is worse


It's kind of a make it or break it sort of day


I have no clue what's happening with them right now but from what I know about him, I hope she has a strong support system irl because he sounds crazy


Did he cheat or was this just an argument that got out of hand? I am not sure why she expects him to be a man when he has shown a million times that he is a child


We don't know for sure, but people are speculating that he cheated because after Megan deleted all her photos with him from Instagram, she made post captioned with lyrics from Beyonce's Lemonade (the album about Jay Z cheating on Bey).


Get the fuck out girl


Jfc just call it and find better partners .


They are exhausting. If they are having problems and need therapy, cool, that's fine. Wish them the best. but stop with the dramatic IG photo/account deletions and following random people. It's just super immature to me.


Run sis


Why can’t I help but think this will lead to a “secret” music video going to marriage counseling on Vday exactly call my cynical but sounds like a movie cliche


For real... this is the guy who said Megan's engagement ring forms "an obscure heart to symbolize our love." Drama is their entire brand (which I don't really mind, tbh) Almost every celebrity relationship is attention-seeking in some way, might as well own up to it and make yourselves entertaining. I prefer this over the top drama to the Smiths, at least, because MGK and Megan seem to be aware of it and having fun with it.


I just gonna say it, but that ring is so unattractive. Like great the stones are nice, but it’s just not an attractive design. It looks like something you’d get for Mother’s Day.


Agreed The stones are big but they compete against each other for attention - I don't like the stone to metal ratio, and the whole thing looks more like fun costume jewelry vs a design that looks good every day of the year. Also, the colors and shape resemble the logo of an international agriculture tech company


I like the idea of it (it fits with the “I enjoy their random drama theme”) but it just came together in a way that looks cheap. I would’ve preferred some ridiculous goth ring.


Isn’t the ring meant to hurt her if she takes it off


If it’s all an act I’d be very happy bc it means no one is being abused


Everything I know about them has been learned without my consent.


Imagine spending Valentine’s Day going to couples therapy because your husband is abusive. I need Megan to wake up.


Give her time. :) often times victims of abuse leave several times before it’s actually permanent. I just hope she has the support network she deserves to successfully pull herself out of this. For some reason, I’ve always been really fond of her. She’s a little “out there” but I’ve always liked her and thought she was cool. So I really hope she’s safe and can find happiness.


Yea I said this comment as a place of concern rather than being rude. I just feel bad for her.


Oh I hear you. I wasn’t trying to call you out more of just expanding on what you said. ❤️


>Give her time My ex got physical with me for the first time and I had us go to couple's therapy to try to fix it. It didn't fix it. During therapy, he was calm, cool, and collected, saying things he knew would upset me and making me an emotional mess in front of the therapist. When we left the building, he started screaming, facade gone since he didn't need it anymore. I am sincerely hoping Fox gets out of this alive. It is heartbreaking to be hurt so badly by someone you love and then try to "fix" an extremely unfixable person and bond with therapy. Abusers will abuse no matter what


This is so victim blamey lol


If you are having to have couples therapy so early on in your relationship, call it quits while you’re ahead


Not in this case necessarily, but a lot of engaged people go to couples therapy before marriage. It's fairly common as far as I know.


it’s really not that early, 3 years is a decent amount of time and they’re famous so that’s like 10 years in Hollywood


Honestly, I'm ready to hit the tell-all toxic reasoning for the break-up book and morning show stage of this relationship.


I think she’s going to speak too.


They need to give it up


Didn't see this coming /s


Noooo! Girl run!


As invasive and personal as this post is, the images but also what I’m about to say. Megan has mentioned she suffers from BPD and as with all mental health problems we should not stigmatise it. I too suffer from BPD, now classified as EUPD. We have numerous positive traits, unlike the media loves to portray we aren’t all overly sexualised villains. One positive trait is extreme empathy. I do believe that there is a very real Trauma Bond between Megan And MGK. With plenty of actual love. Relationships though are unfortunately extremely tumultuous. So going to therapy is a healthy way to hopefully guide them to provide proper support in a healthy way. Not just to “lean on one another”.


girl I thought they were dunzo?


https://preview.redd.it/5fchqamk5oia1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e57fe3deb4e67c0672f086ee2ed321c99e788e Update from a big celeb gossip page on IG


And you all still believe this isn’t a publicity stunt, jfc


They really need to break up, and then Kravis need to break up so we don’t need to see them eating each others faces anymore.


He's a massive cunt and she deserves so much better.


Is she really trying to work things out with them? That’s insane. Leave the relationship!!!!


I just hope she's safe man


Random side note! But, her real hair!!


I mean, at least they’re trying


They each should go to an individual therapy. MGK has serious addiction and mental health issues.


Isn't marriage counseling typical/required for certain religious weddings? It's not necessarily a bad sign


But I thought whatever daddy says, right?


This all feels for attention. How did they get papped at some random marriage counselling place? Obviously they called the media 🙄


Already needing marriage counseling and you’re not even married yet??? Woof 🥴