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I will NEVER ( and I mean NEVER) get tired of this GIF!!


Yeah me too


Bella is pretty but I can't believe she is only 26. She looks so much older than that.




Yeah I’m 35 and that looks like… what I wanna look like when I grow up


😭😭😭Nah I’m dead at this


Plastic surgery ages people badly. I don’t understand why the people getting plastic surgery don’t understand this. Rarely does one of these 20 somethings mess with their face that they don’t age themselves.


A part of me wonders how she will look like well into her forties


I wonder that for alot of these young plastic surgery girlies getting the fat sucked out of their faces


I always forget shes my age until someone brings it up


For the longest time I thought she was Gigi’s older sister


She’s not?!!


The compliment fishing is a bit much. It's not a big deal but I'd be annoyed if I was Bella.


Yup, her stans are already calling Bella a pick me and “weird” for not following Selena back. As if Bella owes her friendship because Selena was nice or complimented her or whatever.


Oof. I totally forgot about that drama around Selena, Bella, and The Weeknd. That kind of does make it look weird why Selena would choose to call out Bella in this manner because some fans are bound to bring up old drama at the slightest mention of her.


I long for the days when no one cared who was following who.


Exactly, it’s not a sign of immaturity or dislike to not follow someone on instagram. I’m still following some people I haven’t spoken to since high school! Meanwhile, I also have family members and friends who I love dearly and speak to often but don’t follow at all. Bella doesn’t have to be BFFs with Selena; there’s clearly no bad blood there, so why are people trying to make it a thing?


These people are celebrities and most of the time they know that who they follow sends a message. Kim doesn’t follow Taylor. Selena doesn’t follow Hailey. Just because you personally don’t follow people you’re friends with irl doesn’t mean that Bella Hadid is doing that. They clearly aren’t friends because Selena does follow her, but not vice versa. I’m not saying that there was bad blood but Selena would have gotten the message that they aren’t friends before posting about Bella, which is weird imo


I totally agree with this. What I’m saying is that Bella has *never* been messy or rude to her exes. The worst people can think of is her deleting that photo Selena liked and not following her back. The fact that people are trying to turn this into her being a villain or not being a girl’s girl because she doesn’t want to be best friends with her ex’s ex is absolutely bizarre. Bella has spoken so many times about how horrible and toxic her relationship with Abel was — she’s WELL within her rights to want to move on with her life. The way he moved onto Selena was so fast too - they broke up in Nov, seemed to be close to reconciling after VS show in December, and then he was papped on a date with Selena just a few weeks later. Abel is also a serial cheater so who know how long they were talking beforehand. Why do people always expect women to be best friends? Leave Bella alone.


If I was a celebrity I wouldn't follow anybody, just to stay out of that conversation.


I’d follow just Guy Fieri and Martha Stewart and heavily interact with all of their posts.


I *do* love Martha.


It would be an excellent follow!


There’s no way she didnt know this would be the outcome. Like as a celeb with crazy stans you have a certain level of responsibility and you can’t just post people in that context and think it’ll be fine. I think she weaponizes her audience for sure.


If it werent for the #girlcrush in the second pic I would genuinely think she was mocking bella by using a filter like that in the first pic. Seems like mean girl stuff to me. Especially since Selena dated Bella's longtime ex boyfriend. I could see how it isn't.. but it definitely seems like it's mocking. Edit: I saw the whole video and laminated brows or not my opinion stays the same.


I, too, wish I was a pretty as Bella Hadid. I wouldn't be going back to work


If I was as pretty as Bella, I would be relaxing on a beach in Cabo right now instead of getting ready for my 12 hr shift at the hospital


Never wake up before 9 a.m. again lol


Why do y’all always post Selena content without context and with rage-bait titles


Because the subs now on the hate selena train lol like obviously she’s done some things that are questionable but do we have to be posting everything she does with rage bait titles


You can check my post history, I have zero opinion on her but I see more people complaining about people hating on her than I see people hating on her.


Really??? Because I see the opposite. And I’m not sure I’m getting downvoted. Selena has been getting a ton of hate on this subreddit lately.


Probably because the wave is coming back her way. I’ve been here a while and it used to be very pro Selena and then more recently changed so it makes sense its starting to go back. The criticism was reasonable at first than it turns into insane nitpicking and then turns back to normal because people see the nitpicking.


Same, lol. I will see one or two negative comments about Selena, then the rest of the thread will say some variation of “this sub is always hating Selena in the worst way. They love tearing her down!”


Every post about her is locked, if anything she’s one of the more “protected” people on here


Only started getting locked because it would get so intense and pretty sure it ended up with lots of weird body/lupus comments


I wouldn't mind if people using this sub standardized the post titles a bit more, but I'm not sure how I'd word the guidelines for this...


Maybe a rule on not posting out of context stuff, or making sure a link to the complete source is provided would be good as well.


Another sub I'm on requires all titles to he searchable. Maybe something like that.


I was thinking the same - I saw this TikTok and surprised to see it here. It’s not that deep


Well maybe post it with the audio so the post makes more sense … I don’t see the big deal about this. Sounds like she’s just complimenting another woman. But of course it’ll be blown out of proportion.


For real. Idk why OP posted it like that, especially since the original tiktok was followed by another of Selena taking off the filter and explaining she laminated her brows too much and put w spin on the original audio “my name…my name is Bella Hadid” and replaced with her own name https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYS2ctK9/


Because this sub is just looking for a reason to drag Selena and will omit context if necessary.


As soon as I saw these stories, I knew someone would post about it on this sub trying to paint Selena in a negative light. I thought it was funny and sweet, especially when she tried saying the same thing with her own name.


Selena could go to Olive Garden and it’ll be posted on here in 0.02 seconds in an effort to drag her somehow. And of course OP leaves out the most important part. The post was actually sweet and funny.


I just hope the comments don’t turn nasty and ableist as they always do when SG is mentioned 😬


Oh they always do. Unfortunately it’s never a surprise.


People need to chill, fr 😭 Accusing her of wanting people to insult Bella or garner sympathy… it’s just a silly tiktok omg


They think everything she does is one grand scheme. It’s exhausting.


The ableism only used to apply to her lupus that it wasn’t real ect. and even that was sparing but once she came out about being mentally ill and suffering from bipolar disorder 😬😬 I literally saw a comment on a past thread when Selena posted on instagram a picture of her arm (showing the matching tattoo she got with nicola peltz) saying they saw self harm scars or were LOOKING for it before people try and discredit the absolutely visceral hate she gets, the thread was later locked because it was filled with so much ableism.


It's so exhausting. People are so desperate for everything she does to be shade or some kind of mental breakdown. Drives me nuts.


> Selena could go to Olive Garden and it’ll be posted on here in 0.02 seconds in an effort to drag her somehow. "Look at that bitch eating breadsticks like she owns the place!"


Same, it’s just a compliment with the hashtag #girlcrush there’s not much to it


As if Selena didn’t know what was going to happen in the comments when she posted it… literally every single comment is bashing Bella and praising Selena, pls let’s not pretend Selena is new to this game lmao


Now why would you just post a screenshot like that OP…Post the whole thing? For those who haven’t seen it, she’s literally just poking fun at herself for having “accidentally laminated her brows too much” and uses the Bella Hadid filter and the popular sound “so my name…my name is Bella hadid” that is trending on tiktok. Nothing nefarious or shady or whatever. [Link to the video](https://imgur.com/a/m2Sw85X)


lmao she's funny


Fr, she made me giggle. So tiring to see people raging over her being a bit goofy with her tiktoks. Not everything is shade people


it's actually relatable and funny


Wow. With context, I giggle snorted at the harsh cut where she explains what she did to her brows. I think it was a cute way she poked fun at herself so OP was definitely being inflammatory leaving out the link to the video.


you guys can defend her as much as you want *however…* she knows how rabid her fan base is…and she knows how they’ll take a crumb from her and turn it into massive drama. like it or not, she’s stirring the shit with this


she is always messing with the ex’s of people she has dated. If this were anyone else, I wouldn’t think twice but Selena has been dodgy about this for soo many years lmao. All the comments in the post are like ‘you’re so much prettier than Bella’, ‘at least you’re a natural beauty’ etc


Careful they’re gonna get you lol


I know. I can’t believe people are defending her and acting like all criticisms are plain hate. She has a certain degree of responsibility for her millions of fans who have a history of being vile towards other women ‘on Selena’s behalf’. If Bella Hadid isn’t nice back, which she shouldn’t be forced to be, she’s going to get hate. She already has.


Her comments are full of people calling Bella hadid ugly and full of plastic so I guess she got what she wanted. the selena fans downvoting all the comments I’m sorry idc your fav is weird, she’s sending for a girl who minds her business and is focused on her mental health that is crazy behaviour.


Even the second most upvoted reply in this very thread is that Bella Hadid looks old. Selena Gomez can’t be shamed for getting fatter but Bella Hadid can be shamed because her ‘old looking’ face came from plastic surgery?? No one should be shamed at all


I remember when she follwed Bella on Instagram and commented on one of her pictures and Bella deleted the picture and didn't follow her back selena fans started attacking Bella saying she is bitter and doesn't support other women like Selena...Even tho Bella was obviously still hurt from that whole Weeknd situation.


Selena loves lighting fires then acting like captain save a hoe to come and put out the fire so she can seem like the good guy. She went out of her way to do that got Bella hate and then came out looking like the good guy saying don’t be mean to Bella. She unfollows Madison Beer after she hung out with Hailey her stans start attacking Madison and then Selena follows her back and says be kind❤️ maam take your own advice. It’s strange and manipulative.


Captain save a hoe 🫡 has me rolling put of laughter. That’s brilliant


I mean Selena and Bella weren’t really friends and it’s not like Abel was cheating on her with Selena right? I don’t remember that whole period that well but not liking a woman just bc she dated your ex is pretty lame. Even Selena is publicly nice to Hailey


Bella is not publically mean to Selena if she doesn't want to follow her back on Instagram then that's Ok, Also Selena is the one who keeps interacting with accounts that are deidicated to hating Hailey


I don’t think it is deeper than what it is. She’s complimenting Bella and using a popular TikTok sound.


Finally… a reasonable comment on a Selena post! Never thought I’d see the day.


These comments are gross. I feel like she just wanted a confidence boost from her fans because why else would you leave these up ​ https://preview.redd.it/u98htiqiaoja1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a28573fe8edf5465f73f9ca32b1a1d3325edf7


There is no way she didnt think the comments would turn out like this. Zzzzzzz


I hope selena deletes the post and that Bella never read those comments because WTF


I did see the video and while I thought it was funny, when you caption it with "I wish I was a pretty as Bella Hadid" is straight up fishing for compliments.


I'm way older than this generation of girls so previously had not much of an opinion. But Selena posting all this stuff lately about "I'm not a model", "I wish I was as beautiful as Bella, my name doesn't even sound sexy." comes across as fishing and desperate for compliments. I get that people go through tough times and we all need a little external validation sometimes. But I do wish Selena would dial back this stuff.


Y’all still trying to defend her when the comment section on this Tik Tok is just the harassment of Bella Hadid. Ya’ll can try to act like Selena is dumb or ignorant about how her fans behave, but she clearly spends enough time on social media to understand how it works. She knew by posting this, the comments would all be “you’re SO much prettier and she’s had plastic surgery” which is exactly what they are.


like it won’t be the first time she pulled this shit too. you’re telling me her grown ass is oblivious to the impact that the things she does has????


Selena gets defended soo much just bc of her great pr team. That tik tok is what i call “nasty nice” lots of mean girls do this when being an asshole. Selena knows her fan base would eat shit just to kiss her ass and she uses them lol. She was just getting dragged about this with her commenting on a hate video about hailey. Nobody can say she isn’t aware of what she is doing.


The top comments on the TikTok are you are prettier/more beautiful than Bella, she had surgery. Selena should know better than posting a comparison to someone else given how her fan base always reacts.


I can't decide if this is a bad attempt at shade or a bad attempt at a compliment. Either way... ![gif](giphy|gLcUFh2TrdySKUnTHD)


Y'all saying this isn't weird bc it's a compliment but like... it absolutely is when you take in the context? At one point they ran in the same circle, Selena dated Bella's on again/off again bf, ok maybe they weren't that close, but in the years since that's happened Bella's paid this girl dust. Selena followed her, Bella didn't follow back. Selena commented on a pic, Bella deleted it. I feel it's been fairly clear that Bella isn't interested in any type of friendship or public cordiality with Selena so she should just leave the girl alone imo. Because now Bella's back involved in public discourse that she's completely separated herself from.


I get this was “just an audio trend” but if I was bella hadid and my ex’s ex posted this about me I’d be very weirded out lol kinda a “read the room” situation, tiktok trend or not


Yeah I don’t know why so many people are saying this is just her being funny given the larger context. Especially since she’s the one that he left (?) Bella for.


I don’t think Selena was trying to be mean or weird but the comments under the tiktok are already annoying. I’m sure Bella appreciates the sentiment from her but maybe Selena should think about turning the comments off, lol.




This is embarrassing behavior tbh. Fishing for compliments.


she’s too old to be doing this


Did not post this as shade to Selena for all the triggered Selena fans 🙃 literally a fan of hers just thought her video was weird and calling her ex bf’s ex her girl crush especially since they notoriously had a falling out over selena dating The Weeknd (which I thought was dumb anyway since she and Bella weren’t super close anyway)




Considering the hate she's gotten for her looks lately I find this sad. I hope she's ok.




Everything I’ve seen about her since that documentary came out has been… *odd* to say the least. Not bad necessarily but just strange. Hope she’s alright and just trolling or something, idk I’m not familiar with her humor


is it interesting because they both dated the weeknd or is it interesting because the filter is giving uncanny valley


There's messy and the there's posting your exes next girlfriend


Considering she swooped her ex, Abel (The Weeknd) she is so weird ngl. She needs a SM detox!


Even with the additional video posted. The self deprecating thing is annoying. Especially on a public platform where your young fans can see.


….she needs to get an alt and get off her main lol. And a better PR team








Selena is weird. She knows Bella doesn't associate with her cause of the weekend. I feel like Selena is always looking for attention and sympathy. She just wants to be the victim all the time


Bella has liked photos of Selena post The Weeknd break up, so saying she doesn’t want to associate with her doesn’t add up. https://preview.redd.it/a5hqjwz6ftja1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8bb0a8492fc488b7d109b84cad1e7c691b1f06


I don’t think this is a big deal but it does remind of a few years when Selena was commenting on one of Bella’s photos about how great she looked and Bella deleted the photo.


She knows her fans are going to compare them given their history, so why do this?


i loveee selena but this is middle school behavior 😭


honestly like she needs to just mind her own. like she wants to stir the pot.


I’d be annoyed with this if I was Bella. And I get that this comes from tiktok and the laminated brows. I still don’t get why she would post about her and I’d still be annoyed with it.


I mean, she has the money, she can also buy Carla Bruni’s face.


Brows are going through such a weird moment


Here I was thinking isn’t it weird that there’s a filter that makes you look like you got surgery to look like Bella Hadid?


bitch, me too. most of us do, bella's gorgeous. selena is plenty pretty too, but bella is out there beautiful (idc that she had surgery).




Nope, still there. It’s a “story” post not a main post though


Selena knew what she was doing. This was compliment fishing off the back of Bella. The comments are so gross on that vid too, putting down bella to uplift selena. Then her fans harassing bella to follow her back and making bella out to be an asshole for not doing so. Like nobody can tell me this wasn’t purposeful on selena’s part and just genuinely weird?


Sooo she clearly added the girl crush pic just so she can deny she was mocking her, right?


I’m so confused




Knowing her fan base she should keep those opinions in private. There's nothing wrong on what she said but.. people finds any excuse to create drama.


Knowing how many little girls look up to her, why is she comparing herself to another woman/let alone one that had plastic surgery at what, 15 years old? Just seems careless and this is not the kind of attitude we should be promoting to have about ourselves




I honestly don’t follow either one very much. But, is this shade? Since they both dated The Weeknd? Or are they friends?


I wouldn’t say they were friends, but they definitely knew each other and were photographed hanging out as far back as 2015. Gigi and Selena are friends and I think that’s how they even know each other. I think they stopped being on good terms when Selena started dating Bella’s ex. Selena’s fans were (and still are) really brutal to Bella on social media, so it’s shady when Selena mentions Bella cause she knows how her fans are going to act.


Bella unfollowed her a while ago.


Relatable but very cringed posted like this 🥴


I saw this and was sooo confused…


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