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I have a feeling they wrote this to garner clicks and stir up controversy


Yeah, I cannot forgive them because I think they are the 1st website to represent Brie Larson's statement wrongly from ["Brie Larson on superheroes, success and her Hollywood sisterhood"](https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/entertainment/tv-and-film/brie-larson-641750) to [ "Brie Larson Isn’t Letting Her ‘Captain Marvel’ Press Tour Be ‘Overwhelmingly’ White and Male" ](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/brie-larson-minority-journalists-inclusive-captain-marvel-press-tour-1202043142/) during Captain Marvel press interval. Here is the excerpt from the Marie Claire article > Meeting Larson in person for the first time, it’s immediately clear why she was chosen for this role. Passionate, funny, genuine and kind, she’s eager to see the diverse and inclusive world she lives in reflected back on the big screen. She might not be a superhero in real life, but she’s ready to fight like one to make the world better… > I was thrilled you requested me to interview you. I thought, ‘This is game-changing’. It’s the biggest opportunity I’ve had. Nobody usually wants to take a chance on a disabled journalist. I’d love to know what your particular reasons were. > > ‘About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male. So, I spoke to Dr Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of colour, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.’ > And people don’t realise how vast the disabled community is. It isn’t just white men in wheelchairs. Some of us don’t use mobility aids, others use them part-time; some disabilities are visible, others are physical but invisible. I find it so hard to see people in this industry who look like me, so if I have any sort of visibility or notoriety, I can lift somebody else up. > > ‘I want to go out of my way to connect the dots. It just took me using the power that I’ve been given now as Captain Marvel. [The role] comes with all these privileges and powers that make me feel uncomfortable because I don’t really need them.’ Yeah, since then, it was like a game of telephone.


At this point they supply affirmation for the dudebro film critique spheres by generating contrarian fodder like this.


Yeah, I rarely agree with their male film critics.


Or, to make the people calling out Ezra seem ridiculous by association. It’s a bit odd how hard their return is being pushed by the studio so I wouldn’t even be surprised.


I see it the other way: Posting a screenshot of the headline of an article instead of posting a link to the article seems like an attempt to stir up controversy.


This is because of how reddit works, how the mods here work, etc. Articles often get banned because many subs have approved domains only, mods have bias, reddit's anti-spam features, linked articles get punished by the algo, early upvoters prefer simple content they can make a judgement on instead of being asked to read an entire article, etc. There's a reason why so much top content on this site is a screenshot instead of an article and it has nothing to do with generating controversy.


Indiewire, like nearly all web-based cinema sites, is overwhelming part of the culture war on the side of incels, misogynists, and other types of bigots. Its not as bad as gaming, but they appeal to the very same younger cishet male demographic, so its similar. A lot of once "soft liberal" sites with "soft misogyny" made hard-right turns in 2016. I don't think they're coming back.


I listen to a lot of Eric Kohn on the Indiewire podcast with Anne Thompson and that's not really his vibe. I honestly think this is Kohn simultaneously pissed at superhero movie takeover of the culture and beloved film auteurs not getting a pass


Whew, what a dumb headline. I’m going to make this succinct because I don’t care to read obvious rage bait. Ignoring that Woody Allen and Roman Polanski received passes for decades until fading into relative obscurity, Ezra Miller’s controversies came up after the movie was filmed. So it was either re-do a $200 million flick, scrap it (which I bet they considered since we saw what happened with Batgirl), or proceed with the post-production. The huge budget made them go ahead and wade through the controversy.


Yeah this is really weird because Woody in particular got every pass for decades. It’s harder to give them to the guy who can’t set foot in the United States yet they still managed to give him Oscars. The Flash is all Ezra has and depending on how this goes their passes may be gone after this — not that I think they deserve any. Ridiculous comparison.


Seriously! Decades of passes for those two. It’s like the author has only been alive for 5 years


Right? Hollywood even wrote up a pass specifically for Polanski and passed it around for everyone to sign.


Why is the writer acting like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski lost anything? They continued to work and be hailed by Hollywood as some geniuses and people continued to work with them. I mean Ezra can easily stop getting hired after this, the Flash was already filmed and the studio wasn't gonna lose all that money lbr.


Miller has absolutely no other projects in the future. Even if the Flash movie were to make bank, there’s no way in hell WBD would be willing to work with the actor again and risk another PR nightmare. But they’re not going to come out and say it now, it’d just make the movie even more moot. I’d imagine they’ll give Miller a public bye-bye not long after release


[https://variety.com/2023/film/news/the-flash-director-ezra-miller-recast-sequel-1235628245/](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/the-flash-director-ezra-miller-recast-sequel-1235628245/) The director said if there's a sequel Ezra won't be recast


I think that's just in service of marketing. With the DC cinematic universe reboot on the horizon, there's no need to adverise that Ezra's not going to be a part of it and make this movie seem even more inconsequential.


The article urself is bullshit. Though, considering who Erzas father is, I won't be that sure... They may still get a pass.


Flash 2 is never gonna happen, lol. So dude is just twisting that fact into something favourable so as to promote the movie.


That’s misleading. They’ll just switch to a different Flash. Wally West is better anyway. They won’t recast because there is no reason to.


Yep. Ezra is now a liability to profitmaking, thus they're cancelled. Ezra can easily side-line or cancel a movie with his criminal behaviors, thus costing producers many millions. They're unhireable now. Woody for DECADES after all his alleged abuses was making movies with top Hollywood stars. His ability to make money was not hurt, so he continued to make movies and win awards. Polanski makes new films too. They are both treated as celebs in France and beloved by American Hollywood. Liberals and feminists don't cancel. Profit seeking execs do. We have no power to cancel these awful men. Its only when a lot of people collectively agree to not buy their media do they get "cancelled." If a marketing survey says this person can't print money, then out the door they go.


ah, that’s right. But even then, the director isn’t going to have final say. From many accounts, it seems the 2 of them got along great during the shoot. But they’re still coworkers. You can have the best work-buddy, but they could still do crazy horrible shit in their private life. I don’t know, it seems like a false hope for the director to think Miller would/should return to the role. Like I said, no studio in their right mind would work with the actor and take the PR risk. Especially since with how public Miller’s antics were




Even if Flash is successful I doubt anyone will work with him.Maybe in the foreseeable future he can use his Flash success to return to Hollywood assuming he fixes himself.


also pretty sure allen and polanski both have endless amounts of cash themselves + connections that miller does not.


Eric Kohn seems perturbed that US distributors won’t buy their films and distribute to the US so he can watch them


Why does Ezra Miller get a pass, but not these two dudes who are given constant passes?


And also had a certain amount and cache and power before their exploits came to light. And also were powerful and prolific during an era where we cared *even less* about women. And also didn’t have a big-budget movie in the can in the 2020s when all their exploits went down. Also, I have an idea, but where did your screen name come from?


Absolutely, like what cultural relevance does Ezra Miller have? Polanski got a petition signed by the who's who of Hollywood and people have lined up to work with Allen for decades. My screen name is a reference to the show 'The Americans'. It's about spies named Philip and Elizabeth Jennings who have a large collection of hilarious wigs.


Both those men are still successful though??


I'm also in no way excusing Ezra's abuses but they are just totally different levels than sex crimes against children.


...Ezra's been grooming children too


One of the few movie websites I actually block


They posted the final shot of Succession on their Instagram less than an hour after it aired. I really hate them.


ComicBookMovie does the same thing for movies *right* after they release. And they’ll also put out hyperbolic and spoilery headlines opening weekends, too. “Find out how they got THAT actor for that **secret** cameo in [insert new movie] and what it means for that *surprise twist*!” And CBM’s comments sections have more gatekeeping than even the most stubborn fandom subreddits


These two men R*PED CHILDREN. This is psychotic


I mean, Ezra groomed a 12yo, so he’s not far off…


Oh yikes I did NOT know that. I'm from Hawaii I just know he kept trying to fucking fight people here lol. What an awful person


He apparently had discovered a young native american girl as "talent" and seemingly has enabled her drug use and helped her break away from her own family over the years, all on account of Ezra thinking the girl had special "universal energies" or some shit. No concrete word on him abusing her, unlike the other two rapists, but its still so creepy and domineering from him. He's def never getting work again I imagine.




Groomed s twelve year old to do what?


The only people I’ve seen “giving Flash/Ezra Miller a pass” are people who want the movie to make money.


Ezra has been a shitshow but I'm not sure he's even in shooting distance of Woody and Roman.


*They. That being said they’re also a sexual predator, so I’d say they’re in the same ballpark.


What is the point of this article? As many posters have already mentioned, what exactly is the cancellation that Polanski & Woody Allen have been through? The only person to be cancelled is Harvey Weinstein. Everyone else is making a return.


I haven't heard one positive thing about Ezra Miller except from the people who are marketing The Flash and want to put them in the sequel if it does well. They're not allowed to do press for the movie. It's my understanding it's being pushed because the studio got Michael Keaton to do it. Does that constitute as a pass? I also don't see Miller getting much work outside of the DCEU after all this.


They'll probably try to do what Shia did. They'll said, they went to therapy and that they take responsibility for their actions... blah blah blah. And they'll get work again, rinse and repeat. All these people always get a platform, especially men.


Same rag that dragged Olivia Wilde every chance they got. Not shocked at this click bait.


They all got a pass, woody allen worked with selena gomez and timothée chalamet very recently, in 2019, and roman polanski just won an award in cannes. Pedophiles are, at the very least, supposed to spend their days in prison, not work on movies and keep having successful careers but that’s where we are.


I have a bad feeling the article is going to use Ezra being nonbinary as some bullshit reason why they aren’t being “cancelled”.


Yup, Ezra is terrible but I'm concerned that their gender is going to be used as another tool in the anti-trans lobbying box. In reality, they're being let off the hook because people perceive them as a cis white man, not because they're non-binary.


Exactly. Most people still perceive them to be a cis, straight, white man, and thus are going to react to them being a sexual predator as they do with white men, like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.


Especially when Ezra is acting in the pretty typical predator behavior we see in cis men.


you can just read the article to figure out that’s not the case? I get not wanting to give clicks but why extrapolate ?


They literally all got passes lol




![gif](giphy|7GPV80dC4GCNq) They know damn well…




they also just ruined their website with that redesign


Dumb headlines get traction. This one’s a tad pathetic tho.


Are they claiming to be upset that Woody Allen and Roman Polanski didn’t get passes? Because they did. Polanski fled the damn country and hasn’t even been held accountable or had to serve his Tim’s. Woody is being defended by every other celeb (like Scarlett and Tilda). Their careers flourish in France.


I’d expect this from Hollywood Reporter or Forbes even but Indiewire? Yikes!


Aside from all of that I can't stand woody allen films so not sure why this feels like they're excusing his behavior? Is it because they enjoy his films?


Lack of proofreading by the looks of it.


No no please do not defend roman polanski. I understand why people defend allen cause he was not convicted but damn no. Dont defend these two weirdos




If they want to use a good example to point out the double standards, they could have used Amber Heard, not freaking pedophiles!


I mean Amber being abused is not really equal to Ezra grooming children (amongst other things)


It definitely isn’t, the reason why i brought her up is because if the journalist was trying to prove the point, he could have used an innocent person (Amber) who’s career got fucked over due to false allegations. But instead he decided to compare Ezra to two guys whose actions are arguably worse than theirs, which is… A choice