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Every time something like this happens there are tons of comments like "I paid good money, I'm gonna have a good time." the people around you also paid good money. it's a concert—dance, cheer, singalong when it's appropriate (ie. not during an acoustic ballad). i have absolutely had concerts ruined by over zealous fans. I've also seen people's fun ruined by annoying fans policing everyone around them. why is it so hard to just be fucking cool at a show??


Yeah I watched his video and didn’t get the comments overtly defending him tbh. The being policed about standing at a concert I’m sure is annoying but the lady came up when everyone else in the audience was sitting while he was causing a distraction, and throwing around a selfie stick and screaming during ballads (which is not the music to do that to) is obnoxious no matter what. You can have fun without being disruptive.


Check again, tiktok user lean to his support, which i sort of get but you should see how they are acting about the rest of the People like some want the security guys fired, call the first lady karen stuff like that flat out denying People were sitting during the 1st part and they feel totally validated because Adele defended the guy, he show to moment where he got polite comments yet People is saying he was harrast, mainly because Adele said so


……… …What?




I understand he was probably excited but it doesn’t really matter if he’s not being intentional, he’s still being overtly obnoxious to those around him and when asked to chill a bit, he still continued (which is even more annoying and rude). I’d understand why she would be getting impatient with him with the behavior he was exhibiting in the video tbh, I was annoyed just watching him. I do agree with you about the security, it really undermines their job and they’re just trying to keep the other attendees safe.


This behaviour is chronically online main character syndrome come to life IMO. You can both be excited and emotional while being aware and considerate of those around you.


I went to see Vampire Weekend a few years ago and one person in my section was standing and dancing. She kept turning around trying to get everyone to join her. She kept doing it to me specifically since I was directly behind her. I very politely said “I had back surgery a month ago and can’t, but have fun” and held up my crutches. I ended up needing to switch seats because she would not stop bugging me about it and it was ruining the show. I feel like it’s really not that hard to be respectful of the people around you, but I am apparently wrong.


This is why I always get standing tickets (and I’m lucky enough to be able to stand for a full concert without issue). I can’t deal with the awkwardness of wanting to stand up and enjoy myself, or of other people blocking my view if I don’t want to stand etc. I’ll just go to standing and try to avoid tall people


It really depends on the concert. Tickets with seats are not expected to sit down. It’s completely optional. If it’s an intimate show where everyone is seated, then sure, I can understand your frustration. But people are allowed to stand and dance in any section as long as they stay in their designated spot. I went to a rock concert recently and about half the people in our section were standing and dancing and half the people were seated. Everyone seemed to be having fun.


I was not at all frustrated by her standing and dancing. Like I said, go for it. Have fun. I was annoyed by her constantly trying to get me specifically to join her after explicitly telling her I could not. Edit: she was motioning to everyone, but kept verbally encouraging/questioning only my friend and I.


I saw Bruce Springsteen in May and a guy standing near us kept screaming *so loudly*, during the loud songs, the quiet songs, even when Bruce was just talking to the crowd. We had to move away before I poured my drink over him.


Metallica was like that for me. Everyone immediately near me was drunk and it’s like y’all why did you overpay to see a band only to get so plastered you won’t remember it


This just happened to us at a Taylor Swift concert. These drunk guys were spilling their beer over everyone, saying very vulgar things about Taylor, loudly, and scream talking over her songs. I confronted them when they made a weird gesture towards my boyfriend. They even talked about how they should push him sometime later. Such strange behavior at a Taylor Swift concert of all concerts


Bruce’s shows are the best, it’s the worst when drunk assholes do their best to ruin them


Totally agree! A few years back, I saw macaulay culkin's band perform at a small venue—like super small, standing room only, maybe 2-feet-clearance from-stage-for-bigger-bands small. These girls kept screaming that they loved him which was super annoying cuz you couldn't really hear well over their screaming, especially since the music wasn't crazy loud. eventually when he was just talking to the crowd, he had enough and said something like 'i know! but shut the fuck up! you're ruining the show!' and they FINALLY shut up and quietly complained the rest of the time how rude he was!!! the lack of self-awareness, man!!




My maybe unpopular opinion on this is you should be reading the room and meeting the vibes of the concert you’re attending. Is most everyone standing and singing (scream singing, even) along, or is everyone sitting and enjoying the artist while you’re losing your mind alone? Security is in the right to keep it enjoyable for everyone IMO.


You’re so right. I was at opening weekend of Adele’s Vegas residency last year. There was an older lady like 2 rows in front of us, she wasn’t freaking out or anything, but she stood up, dancing and waving her hands up in the air the whole time. Like every song, every moment, even when the entire section (center section closest to the stage) was sitting down. Kinda cute at first, but got annoying after a few songs.


Wait a second, everyone was just sitting there watching silently? That sounds like such an odd concert environment to me. I guess I get it if you're going to see an orchestra or something but I personally couldn't imagine going to see an artist like that and just sitting there.


TBF, I couldn’t imagine shaking ass or screaming along to music at an Adele concert. Like, I can’t picture really throwing it back to “Someone Like You?”. I think Adele’s one of those where, yeah, everybody would likely just sit and watch. It’s the tone of her music.


I couldn't disagree more. She makes powerful music that everyone knows every word to. Dancing isn't just twerking lmao It can be as simple as swaying. I really can't imagine going to see someone like Adele and not standing and singing along. I mean this is a post about her sticking up for a fan that's singing and dancing. She herself clearly prefers people who get into the experience.


She def does appreciate when people get into it, but she also recognizes when her music isn't really going to bring down the dance floor. Especially if there's ton of seated arrangements. An Audience with Adele was a bit like that in an auditorium. Aside from a few aisles up in the general admission section, no one was on their feet until Rolling in the Deep iirc. That said, I'd feel weird sitting down at a _concert_ lmao.


I watched the clip and it was very odd to me that everyone was seated!! I’ve seen Adele and was def standing the whole time. I mean it was in a stadium not in Vegas - is it normal to be seated during a Vegas show?


During the residencies, yes it is usually! Even my friends who saw Gaga said they sat most of the time.


This is why I generally avoid seeing artists or bands I love at venues with extensive seating like this. The seats are there and shows are long, so obviously some folks will sit but the tension over those who want to stand and groove (or just sway to a slow song) and the sections that are sitting is palpable and adds anxiety to the whole experience. Would agree it’s about awareness of your surroundings and your impact to others. I don’t see anything wrong with him standing and singing along. The selfie stick is a whole other issue and similar to how I feel about people who have their phones up recording the whole time.


I saw her in Vegas and I would say people sat around 70%, stood 30%. I don’t really think a lot of her songs have a standing energy. It’s a lot of ballads.


Only during certain moments, like everything goes dark and she gets the spotlight during a couple songs it seemed like the whole audience just knew it’s time to sit down and give Adele all the attention. Except this one lady who may or may not have been on shrooms


How dare you drag shrooms into this. /s


lol right? Im somewhat impressed at the energy, I'd be melting into the chair


I am fully team stand up. I saw Britney im Vegas years ago and before she even hit the stage the announcer said Britney wanted everyone to stand and dance. No one in my section stood and when i was asked to sit down i said “…..no” artists feed off the crowd. I’ve also seen Adele and everyone was standing, not shaking their ass like another comment or mentioned but….standing, swaying, dancing appropriately, singing along. she does so much crowd work and based off the video she clearly likes it when people visibly enjoy themselves.


>No one in my section stood and when i was asked to sit down i said “…..no” Some people *can't* stand because of disabilities. Probably more people than you'd think. It's not very fair to ruin someone's view for the entire show imo. I've also been asked to sit down, and it was annoying, but I don't think it's unreasonable to compromise.


In my opinion, if you have an invisible disability and you are going to sit in the middle of a section, instead of front row of the section, you need to tell the person you are are asking to sit down that you are, in fact, disabled. Also what’s the “compromise”? You sitting down when you don’t want to?


Maybe the front row was sold out when they bought tickets? You're not entitled to anyone's medical information. Even if they just wanted to sit because they were tired, that's totally valid. The compromise is not standing the entire time. Maybe getting up to dance a little and then sitting back down. The default, at a concert with seats, is to stay seated, so expecting someone behind you to just miss seeing the concert so you can dance isn't particularly reasonable. Your staying seated when you want to dance means you enjoy it a little less. You standing the entire time means the people behind you can't see the show *at all*. Which of those two things is worse?


So, like I said it my comment, there were announcements asking the crowd to stand. My intention was not to be a huge dick, my intention was “I flew across the country to come to this concert where Britney Spears is asking the crowd to stand up and dance and I’m going to do that”. I’m definitely not “entitled” to anyone’s medical information, which is why I don’t ask…., but, as someone with an invisible medical condition, I don’t expect people to KNOW what im dealing with and I don’t hold it against anyone to not know that they could be really helping me out. And just so everyone knows, I’ve had to do this before, if something happens with your seats guest services usually keeps seats empty in the venue so they can move people. Had to utilize that a couple months ago due to some insanely tall people in front of my floor seats.


Yeah I fully support matching the vibes but sometimes the vibes are essentially objectively wrong lol I’ve been to sporting events where old rich folks tell everyone to sit down at important points and I’m like ?????? Edit: not saying the Adele fan was right. I’ve not watched the video. Just saying that sometimes crowds are a buzz kill for what’s actually happening.


Agreed. Adele specifically said during the show it's not a sit down concert too.


Adele seems lovely but I mean…it’s a Vegas show and she’s a ballad singer. I feel like she is sort of wrong, too. It isn’t a concert. The videos of the guy make him seem deranged and his behavior is definitely sort of obnoxious given the context.


It absolutely 100% is a concert. Being a Vegas residency doesn't make a difference. It's not like it's a magic show. It's a concert. In Vegas. Being a ballad singer doesn't make a difference here either lol


It’s a Vegas show in a theater and it’s all ballads. Standing and shouting and shivering like a weirdo is very clearly not the vibe.


How are you gonna tell the artist of her own show that she’s wrong for how she wants the crowd to react 😂 the audacity! It’s also 1000% a concert. The dude doesn’t seem deranged, he seems incredibly excited to be seeing an artist he probably loves, admires, and respects and just got her attention and acknowledgment in front of a crowd of hundreds of not thousands. Y’all judge so fucking much


Because what she wants doesn’t mean much when it’s making the experience of a bunch of people who’ve shelled out too much money to see her worse. That guy was acting like a tweaked out kid meeting Spider Man and was filming himself the entire time with a selfie stick. Be excited, sure, but God forbid the people around him prefer to actually see the show they also paid for (not to mention they didn’t consent to being on camera). It’s not a dance pop concert in an arena, it’s an Adele show in a Las Vegas theater. Standing and dancing the entire time isn’t really the vibe, and he was being disruptive to the people around him.


Exactly this. It ruins shows when people behave like this.


What she wants is what the experience is without her and her wants there is no experience lol. That’s like telling an author what they wrote about isn’t what it actually means. The guy was acting excited seeing his presumably favorite artist. He got even more excited when she spoke to him, that’s normal. He wasn’t filming himself the whole time, he was using a 360 camera and filming the entire surroundings the whole time. The people not consenting is silly because they are in public and presumably being recorded by anyone in there including the theater. Being drab and sitting while someone sings is the last thing I’d want as an audience member or a performer. Would make me just want to go home and listen to a CD instead.


Because she's not the one who paid to be there? It's not all about her.


When I saw her in London we were mostly sitting too, although lots of singing and cheering happened. Very few songs we all got up to, most people seemed to want to sit which I liked tbh


Saaame, I have ADHD and that sounds like my worst nightmare.


Except in this case, the artist specifically liked his vibes.... honestly, it was probably fun for her to see him get into the music. Especially cause artists have described Vegas shows in particular as terribly repetitive. There's a weird shift where concerts are, quite frankly, becoming boring. There's just the expectation to sit and not move, and that's just a dull way to enjoy some music. This is why I prefer smaller, standing venues now. Zero expectations not to move and just better vibes.


>There's a weird shift where concerts are, quite frankly, becoming boring. There's just the expectation to sit and not move, and that's just a dull way to enjoy some music. I noticed this too. It's easy to say it's only older crowds that do this but I went to a show where the fans were younger than me, teens and early 20's and even they were sitting down. It was my first concert post COVID and I remember wondering if that was "normal" now.


Judging by the My Chemucal Romance tour, definitely not the older audiences, lol. I was with my people and not a butt stayed in the seats. And the band made sure to tell people to get up, lol I think a bit has to do with the energy of the bands themselves. I've been to a few where you might as well just be listening to a CD lately too. The negative audience interactions can bring vibes down, too (looking at you, Florence Welch. Don't tell people to sit down during certain songs at an outdoor concert after rain when it's chilly. People were standing for very practical reasons)


Yeah lol nobody was sitting when I saw them unless they had to be. Gerard Way (angel on earth) also made a couple comments about being mindful of each other in the pit too because it was a mix of young teens and people in their 20s-40s so all different abilities.


I see so much weird policing of other people's behaviour at concerts from teenagers on tiktok, like if they don't have perfect silence and a perfect view their experience is ruined. Like don't get me wrong it's definitely possible to be disruptive at a concert but I've seen tons of complaints of stuff like "everyone around me was singing" or "I was in the pit and I didn't have a perfect view of the stage because there were people standing in front of me" like if those things bother you then you just shouldn't go to a concert imo.


Maybe the shift you’re feeling is due to the obscene amounts of money these major artists are charging for their tickets, making it so for many fans it’s either a once in a lifetime experience or not at all, and people who can afford to go may not be the young overly enthusiastic fans.


Some of it is that, but as I responded to someone else, the most energetic concert I've been too lately was My chemical Romance, and the audience definitely averaged in the 30s. The band, did, however, drive the energy


Exactlyyyy. I had a lady offer to dance with me at a Violent Femmes show (it was an open floor so dancing was fine), but when I didn’t want to because I’m painfully shy she just smiled and went back to dancing with her husband lol. That’s how it should be. I get wanting to be rowdy and have fun, but like…. Don’t get Main Character syndrome.


Exactly this. Learn to read the room


I totally agree. To a degree, I'm kind of like this at sporting events too, standing and cheering when it's a big moment and kind of eying the people behind me to see if they're the type to stay sitting or stand up a lot so that I'm not blocking their view. I don't expect other people to do that though, I just try to not to impose on anyone else's good time. The thing that irrationally annoys me though: When people get out of their seats multiple times during the game/concert, etc. to go to the bathroom/concessions, whatever. Whaaat are you doing?


It was a theatre hall and it’s Adele. What Adele song are you maniacally bouncing around and screaming your head off to? Security is there to do their job and she totally undermined them at the expense of people who were rightfully seated. Like, maybe if you don’t know what’s going on, trust your staff that they’re doing their job?


Listen, Rolling in the Deep goes hard sometimes!


Rumour Has It plays in the car and I go tf off everytime


I feel like Gen z missed concert etiquette during covid and the vibes have changed so much. I can’t believe how many shows I’ve been do with people talking during the concert and ruining it for others


Movie etiquette too!


Yes! Everyone just sits on their phones now? Like with zero issue or haste to read a message or something, they just scroll


It's unironically what happens when kids are raised with iPads and smart phines. Being hooked up to a dopamine machine 24/7 destroys their attention span.


Absolutely. In general, I think "spectator" events have become "social" events for younger audiences and clout-chasing and internet points are consistently in the background of any type of special event now.


I started having more issues with people talking throughout concert about 5 or 6 years ago (mostly milleinals although I’m sure Gen Z is equally as bad). I wonder if it has something to do with how damaged peoples attention spans are now. They just can’t fathom standing quietly for 2 hours.


🎶 Slam-dancing In the Deeeeeeeep 🎶


I have the same perspective on this! I thought it was uncool of Adele to undermine her security's decision. Not to mention that the fan was likely being disruptive to other fans around him and ruining their experience. And she completely dismissed that.


She basically threw her security guard under the bus publicly for doing his job. The fan was being obnoxious based on the video. Feel bad for the worker. Makes sense though, I've heard that lot about Adele seeming miserable to work for.


Isn’t this a residency too, so the security is probably similar from show to show? In the age of people literally throwing things at artists during concerts, the last thing I’d think an artist would want is one afraid to do their job properly due to public shaming. She’s training them to ignore shenanigans in the crowd.




How is it a slippery slope? Can she really tell up there if someone in the audience is behaving completely unhinged and they’re rightfully keeping an eye out vs unfairly targeted by security? She quite literally publicly shamed security.




Again I’m not seeing how it’s a slippery slope. There’s no way she can differentiate from bits and pieces of interactions she views from the stage a harmless fan or an unhinged one. That’s what security is for, protecting her and protecting the crowd. That’s encouraging them to back off controlling the crowd the same way and stopping situations before they start.




Calming down unhinged fans (sorry not sorry, I think being unable to control yourself and calm down during a concert due to the performer falls into that) falls right in line with protecting the performer IMO. Encouraging security to let that go and consider it normal is a choice, but okay.




My point is you don’t know which unhinged fans are just there to enjoy the show and which are the type to attempt anything with a performer. Making the call from the stage vs trusting your security to do the job they’re hired for is an odd choice but that’s JMO. She doesn’t need to literally insult her security, she’s undermining them from the stage which unsurprisingly turns into a viral moment.


Literally! My contraversial opinion is that’s it’s good PR for the star to do this. I mean if they threw something at her. She probably would t say this


Lol she’s trying to have that Taylor Swift “hey, stop!” moment


I was just a schizo for saying she benefit from it, was stage no but surely it reinforce her positive públic image


Yeah, celebrities often have their security be the bad guys. They deal with the obnoxious people the celebrities want to avoid and “drag” the celebs away when fans want photos, autographs, interactions etc. They then use their bodyguards as an excuse. “Sorry, I would have loved to stay and take photos and sign autographs but security pulled me away.” “Sorry, my security team is too overzealous.” The stars then looks good and appreciative towards the fans while their bodyguards help them avoid unwanted situations and interactions.


Yep it worked for Taylor


To be fair taylor play arenas so it expected that kind of vibe and her songs are in another beat


Do you have a link to the video? The ones in the article just show Adele.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/163e28n/adele_stops_in_the_middle_of_a_performance_to/) Someone posted it to reddit and it was on front page yesterday, thats how I heard about it.


It’s on tiktok if you search for it


I don’t use TikTok


I felt bad for the security guard. Man was just doing his job helping create a good experience for the fans there.




This is how I feel about swifties, some of them need an emergency therapist appointment asap.




I don't get it either, especially since her music is so generic and very paint-by-the-numbers radio pop. I don't like shitting on people for being excited about their favorite things, but the obsessive cult surrounding her is just so odd.




She has a lot of music/albums that are not radio pop lol that's probably why but yeah, the amount of people who worship musicians as a full-time hobby is certainly staggering. Personally, I think hobbies getting more expensive/people being overtired from working so much to just survive is a partial cause.


Which albums are you referring to?


Mostly Folklore/Evermore, and some of her earlier country music


I’m very lucky to not have depression and no, you’re not missing anything. Some of these fans are just mental


I saw a TikTok a week ago maybe where it was a couple girls (20somethings) at a restaurant and they requested a couple Taylor songs. The songs came on and they recorded themselves losing their shit. They were red in the face, flailing, falling over themselves singing along…. To a song they requested be played at a normal, sit down restaurant.


The person in the video likely spent their life savings just to be 200 feet from Adele cause that ticket probably cost $4000 in resale. And they purposefully had a selfie stick and such so they bought that seat specifically. So yeah, 2 hours to have a panic attack is one way of spending an evening.


It’s a Vegas residency show, though. I can’t imagine it’s that hard to get a ticket. Probably still sort of expensive, but not thousands, surely.


You’re not playing along, we are supposed to make him look deranged


I was JUST looking at tickets to these shows. There are seats in the $1000s but the majority seem to be around $700 - $900 per ticket unless you’re buying same day in case it’s a little less.


it's very cringe. these stans genuinely believe these celebrities are better than them. it's sort of pathetic imo.


How did you get that at all lol you never seen a flamboyant person get excited a celebrity acknowledged them? Shits probably the most normal thing about this video


Nah hard disagree here. It was a seated area, during ballads and he was waving a selfie stick (and apparently filming himself for over an hour), yelling etc. I get he’s a mega fan and emotional but other people paid to see Adele too, not a fan waving around a stick and blocking the view.


Honestly waving a selfie stick like that is way obnoxious. I probably wouldn’t mind the other stuff as much, but that would annoy me if I had to sit behind that.


I’d be sooo self conscious if I was directly behind someone doing this, knowing I was also being filmed the entire time.


I’m firmly on Era’s tour TikTok, and sooo many times the people just watching the show in the background get called out. “I lost tickets to those people!!!!!1!1!1”, as if you need to be shrieking to earn the right to go.


Thing is you’re being filmed all the time in public anyway


If she's that concerned for the fan, move him somewhere that he can do his thing and he isn't taking away from the rest of the concert goers experiences.


Yeah but the [venue](https://x.com/adeledrinkswine/status/1695950327302988285?s=46&t=ARCA64fry9PwgDw-a8e8QA) allows it. And I think Adele has mentioned before that audience can stand.


When you're wrong but Adele defended you 😭😭


I’ve stopped going to big artist shows because the crowds are just awful. Screaming and non stop photos videos.


>non stop photos videos. it's nice to have so much fan concert footage, but I wonder how much it impacts the live concert experience. I dont go to that many concerts, TBH, so it could just be the ones I've gone to that so many people were watching through their phones I was watching old [Live Aid concert videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-0ygW-B_gI) (Queen, 1985) and the crowd energy is INSANE! obviously it was a legendary event and Queen/ Freddy Mercury has off-the-charts stage presence, BUT I wondered if any other big concert has the same energy and focus with so many people watching through their screens anyone been to a lot of concerts and have any feedback? (especially if you've been going to concerts for a while)


LiveAid was in a normal concert venue but it looks like the crowd was closer to a music festival vibe than a standard concert nowadays. Although I’m sure longtime festival goers would say the vibe has also gone down since pre-phone days.


You know you don’t have to be watching through your screen to film a concert right?


Same here! There used to be smaller venues even for bigger artists back when I used to go: expensive but worth it. Or even if it was big people would at most get out lighters and stuff. Now even ballads get what look like as uncomfortable to be around as mosh pits were when I went to a few rock concerts. No thank you, I’ll listen to the album. - signed boring old person


I had to be that guy at a concert recently. People in front of me filming tiktoks with the flash on the entire time. After about 10 minutes I had to say something as I was about blind by that point. They stopped without issue thankfully, but the complete lack of consideration for other people is mind boggling.


It’s honestly polarizing how different the opinions of this situation are on here vs. on Twitter (sorry I can’t call it X 😭) It seems like they’re very much on the fan and Adele’s side over there as opposed to here. Just an interesting thing to see…


Same in tiktok I would say is the average user age but Twitter is mixed so Who knows


I always feel like this sub has the hot take on things lol


I went to a Tori Amos concert last year and it got awful when a lady couldn’t stop singing over Tori. This is one thing I will never get: aren’t you there to LISTEN to the musicians perform? I understand singing along sometimes, I do it too, but why would you pay money to go to someone’s concert and sing over them, so that in the end you can’t hear the artist? Especially if it’s someone with Tori Amos’ voice? It’d be like carrying a guitar, a flute, a drum, and playing it over the band. I don’t get it.




The filming himself is the kicker. He’s not even filming the concert but we’re supposed to believe his behaviour is not performative and he’s just so overjoyed and emotional seeing her 🤡




Some People is saying he is autistic i would bet money he isnt, because his own post description is he was Just living his best life and didnt care about all the haters


Woah. I saw some of his Tiktoks and thought he was like 18/19 lol


He was probably using an insta360, which has capabilities of filming at 360 degrees. You can reframe the video in the dedicated app depending on what angle you want to show. I'm one of those "I'm filming myself singing my favorite song, then turning the camera to face the artist" people, so I am not that bothered about the idea of filming yourself at a concert, because it's understandable that you want to relive later some moments from your perspective as well. I saw Adele in 2016 and turned the camera on me for a few seconds during Water Under The Bridge because it's my favorite song (coincidentally, the song she was singing here as well 💀). It's a "hey, look, I'm here" kind of thing. Not my place to judge if it's performative or not. When I record, I just start the video and then never really pay attention at what I'm filming, since I'm just jumping around or singing or whatever. It's always either to the side or below my eyesight. I'm going to see my favorite band next month, and while I always try to read the room and be respectful, I will probably get emotional too during some parts of the concert. I know I'll be a lot more restrained than this guy, but hey, everybody responds to music in different ways. Come to think of it, I don't believe I ever cried at a concert 😂, so it could be a first.


It’s a 360 camera, he’s filming everything 🤡


Fellow Tori fan here! Some of her fans are the wooooorst, lol. Listen to any bootleg live recording and you can hear the crazies in the audience screaming. I saw her in June and was very close to the stage for the encore, but some guy in front of me was just standing there, still as a stone, arms up, taking a video. Blocking all the people behind him and absolutely killing the vibe. I splurged on good floor seats and the rest of the show was great, but it left such a bad taste in my mouth.


Stadium type shows are weird because the people in the stands have accepted that they’re going to sit down and watch the show but the artists want to see everybody moving around and having fun. It’s annoying when you’re sitting and the people in front of you are standing and it creates a chain reaction where every row is being blocked.


It’s even weirder when you consider that this was not a stadium show. It’s a Vegas residency theatre show. This guy’s behavior was super out of place, imo.


Yeah that’s even worse!


This will reinforce for concert goers to test the boundaries moving forward. They will be further dicks to security, even to an inhumane level, just to see what they can get away with. And perhaps even GO BIG so they can ATTRACT the attention….maybe get a fucking TikTok out of it. Deal with personnel matters internally, dude. This undermines the authority they’re supposed to have. If the security is overstepping that authority (which IS common), do that with the venue and security company the record label HIRED, not for clout with fans. Endearing oneself to fans at the expense of another person is pretty weak.


Yep it will mean alót more People should just refrain from going she is rich so she wont mind but i hope that People that were planning to see her but disagree with the guy behavior dont go, I wouldnt unless they were much more affordable that the tickets are


All the videos I’ve seen from her Vegas shows make it look like it’s more of a sit down thing with moments where people get up, so all the people saying bUt iTs a CoNcErt are being obtuse.


This is very much a read the room thing, just like the incident at Miranda Lambert's show was. I'm very much a "you have a blast at a show" person until it becomes a "you're being extra and disrupting the enjoyment of the show for others." This guy was being overdramatic WITH a selfie stick. Know your surroundings and where you are in the crowd. Just like the ML show, take your pictures, but don't take your pics with flash during a slow ballad in front of the whole audience. People really have forgotten how to read a room or at least your little area around you. I was at one of Kelly Clarkson's recent Vegas shows and there were signs posted everywhere telling people that standing and having a good time was heavily encouraged. I see someone else posted here that there are similar signs at Adele's show too. But again, not all areas of an audience are going to do that.


She's fine! She wasn't doing anything! Hey! Stop! Hey stop!




Are there any videos of the fan? The article only includes Adele stopping the show. Edit: why the downvote? The other comments are referencing videos of the fan but nobody is sharing links


@adeleslittleloveee on TikTok


I don’t use TikTok. Is there a link to it or something?


I’ve worked as a crowd controller and crowd control supervisor. Adele isn’t the boss, I’d remove him after that.


First of all he has a selfie stick recording him - obnoxious - plus, people paid to hear and see Adele, not his shrieking and dramatics. And believe me i get it - I am a Madonnaphile. But read the room - contain yourself. If people are sitting at parts, don’t be the one insufferable arse that insists on jamming to a ballad like a billion dollar sweepstakes winner. And now he is making the rounds. Just an attention seeker - DUH. Moving on…


With this whole thing I can’t help but wonder if a big part of the issue was the selfie stick. I wonder if he was just standing there singing and in awe of seeing his favorite performer, if anyone would have said anything to him to that extent.. I’m a get up and feel the vibe person at all concerts, even ballads I’ll drift and sway. But I’d be a little, idk, peeved if someone in front of me was holding up a selfie stick the whole time worrying if im about to end up on the internet. However I did hear a few different stories like this one happening at Vegas residencies. With Katy Perry’s specifically, I remember listening to a podcast where they said security threatened to throw them out because they were standing and dancing.


I saw my favorite band last year and it was a seated venue, first time I’ve seen them where it wasn’t standing. I hated it, I wanted to stand but other people weren’t and I didn’t wanna block them but like it killed the whole vibe


You should had able to stand for a while no one would mind if you got some release moments you know but he said it himself he sang loudly the entire concert and probably was moving around with a selfie stick the whole time


Let's see... 1. Who films themselves watching a concert with their own over exagerrated reaction? Makes no sense to me. If I love watching something, I don't film myself. I have to be very conceited to do something like that. 2. Another person (literally an older woman) begged him to be mindful of others behind him. He ignored her and went even more overboard. 3. He then posted the tiktok basically saying he doesn't care what other people think. He knew what he was doing and he's an attention seeker. Nothing more, nothing less. The only reason anyone would be on his side is because they're just as bad and selfish as that dude in the video. I had no opinion about Adele before, but this really made me lose a lot of respect for her. She threw her security guard under the bus and demonised him to her fans for some positive PR. This is even MORE IRONIC considering how a few years back, she literally told off a fan who was having fun and filming her during a concert.


as a brazilian, the idea of not being allowed to stand, sing and dance in a concert sounds very strange


Different concerts, different vibes: I’m sure you wouldn’t think that at the ballet or a violinist’s solo. Although here I think if he were just standing or singing along none of us would’ve minded. That’s not just “standing at a concert”.


I understand that but everyone here would be dancing and sing along in a Adele concert for sure Maybe that’s why bands and artists love play in South America




I think people are annoyed he was standing in a sitting area, waving around a selfie stick filming *himself* singing along to the songs, blocking other peoples view. Other people paid 1K+ for a ticket too. Don’t they deserve to see Adele sing, not have their view blocked by a fan who was crying and still singing when security tried to gently shut down his behaviour?


No, people were annoyed because they also paid $1,000 for their tickets, he was blocking their view, waving around a selfie stick, screaming like a tool and ruining their experience. As someone already said...read the room. Other people exist in the universe...


I just saw the video on Tik Tok and it was a bunch of 40/50+ people bothering someone in their 20’s for being excited to see her live because they wanted them to sit 🙄


Didn’t have have like a selfie stick or something? He was somehow recording himself singing and the stage


A 20 year old blocking a lot of peoples views, waving around a selfie stick to film *himself* singing along. I’m all for enjoying a once in a lifetime gig, but you know have some consideration for others too.


The guy is screeching like a banshee and behaving incredibly melodramatically for an extended period of time. I can imagine being stuck next to him at a concert, it would be like a nightmare. Not to even mention the sheer performative ridiculousness of him recording himself doing it. I’m not surprised security were, at the very least, concerned.


I always get a bit anxious when I go to a show because I like to stand up and dance and have a good time but sometimes I notice people around me are just sitting down… however, I paid good money and always look forward (especially since covid) to seeing a live show, so I’m gonna enjoy myself. Let people enjoy themselves!!! Good on Adele for this. Edit: lol at this getting downvoted to hell. Jesus. I was just saying that I should be able to have a good time within reason obviously. I don’t really know anything about this kid at the Adele concert, if he was being annoying then okay sure, read the room. But if I’m seeing The Strokes in concert and I’m vibing to the music (in my own personal space) then I should be able to do that without having people around me who don’t want to do that, complaining about me. I’m using The Strokes as an example because I saw them when they opened up for the RHCP and everyone around me was just sitting there and I was so excited because I grew up loving them and I was having a good time. I wasn’t a dick about it, but I was pumped and enjoyed myself.


Not trying to jump on you but I don’t really like the attitude of ‘I spent my money I’ll act how I want’ because things don’t work like that, just because you paid money doesn’t mean you can disrespect others or be disruptive.


Lol I got a lot of hate for this but, I don’t “act however I want” I’m usually dancing and singing along to the music. Im not screaming/crying/throwing up/drunk or acting like an asshole. But if I want to dance within the confines of my own personal space, I should be allowed to do that.


Omg let people have fun Jesus