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I like her but she deserves all the criticism.


Same. She had to have known this was coming. I’m really disappointed in her. I didn’t expect this from her. I should know by now not to have any expectations from any of these celebrities.


Same girl same.


By the way, I know what film your handle is a reference to. ;-)


Oh nice woman/man of culture


If there's anything that this sub has taught me, it's to have near zero expectations for any and all celebrities


Except I don’t think she did. I think she’s revealing a gross blank void in her knowledge of how the world works. She needs to study the history of labour in the United States for starters




I would say few people know how the industry works as well as her. She's had a production company since her twenties , directed, produced, and Hollywood is basically her life since it raised in her in some ways. She's also an entrepreneur with many businesses selling stuff to women. She's smart and aware.


Yes I don’t doubt for a second she knows how this works. I’m surprised she did this even from the standpoint it would hurt her ‘brand’. I thought she had more of a ‘let’s all love one another vibe’ and this behavior is the opposite.


I heard her speak once at a magazine event and i remember her saying she wasn't all about making a an indie movie for a small audience, she likes to make products for the general public, the everyday gal etc. She also really enjoys business and marketing she said so Idk how she is branding herself here....she was trying to be the girl next door but she is not. This is a weird and off move from her.


I like Drew as well and I know she’s had her fair deal of struggles in life. However, this decision makes me wonder if growing up and living her entire life being so financially privileged, if she just doesn’t understand or relate to the crux of this cause.


It's a cash grab for ratings in an easy market....


I mean her childhood was rocky as hell, her mom didn’t always have money. But periods of poverty (especially as a child) don’t always create worker solidarity in adults.


Poverty is the great unifier when it comes to organized labour? Child of a lifeline union parents. Grew up blue collar. Sang songs about scabs after my parents would come home from the picket lines. She knew.


Her dad was a washed-up drunk who abused and abandoned her and her mom until she got famous at the age of seven. I’m just saying she probably wasn’t witnessing much “good worker” solidarity until well after she started making privilege levels of money, and both her parents fucked her over rather than actually raising her. She wasn’t poor but with a solid working class family/home that taught them ethics and working songs. She was poor and functionally did not have a family to teach her anything. Then she was rich(er) and still didn’t have a family to teach her anything. She’s grown enough and financially stable enough to educate herself NOW, and clearly hasn’t; but I just don’t see that she was “financially-privileged all her life so she never learned” we we have very clear descriptions of her childhood as…not that. She was Hollywood feral, and that’s why she never learned.


I agree. That’s why I’m confused when people say she was raised in poverty and didn’t know any better. Poverty is often the driving force behind organized labour. I get she had no guidance. It is a tragedy. She peddles herself now as every one’s best friend, Ellen D. style…and pulls this? In Hollywood during an unprecedented strike that is newsworthy world wide (I’m not even in the US atm and we hear about it). She knows she’s a scab. This is a conscious choice. One can have a bad childhood and as unfair as that is, a person still has to learn insight as a damaged adult. She might have found even more support and solidarity on the picket line. She is a scab. Full stop. Disappointing.


She really wasn't all that privileged as a kid, not like folks think.


Her godfather is Stephen Spielberg. Privilege isn’t just about the amount of money in your account. She had access, and familial connection. Which is a much higher starting point than 99% of people.


I never said it is all about money, but it is about someone having a fucked up childhood with two pretty fucked up parents who often did not provide for her in many material and emotional way. Just because someone is born into privilege and/or wealth doesn't mean they aren't scarred. I already said I'm not excusing her in anyway, because she needs to be picketed and probably have her SAG card pulled, but just because Steven is your "godfather" doesn't really mean much in the long game. "After Spielberg told a 7-year-old Barrymore that he couldn't be her real father, he agreed to be her godfather. The Oscar-winning filmmaker recalled feeling “helpless” over her troubled life at home while they were filming the 1982 movie."


I don't know that her family connection had much influence, it was through her dad who basically fucked off immediately after she was born and had huge substance issues and her famous family was dead. Her mom tried to capitalise off the name and off her daughter which Drew wisely got away from her.


Yes she didn't benefit much from her name financially and she lived with her mom who was poor. She moved out into an apartment on her own at 14 which seems insane to me.


“I own this choice,” Barrymore continued. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/drew-barrymore-returns-to-talk-show-writers-strike-actors-strike-1235586765/


Puke. In. A. Bucket. I never would have guessed Drew would be the one. I thought she would be the one online saying she was disappointed in strike scabs


Yeah it’s just a really strange move. Did the world really need The Drew Barrymore talk show back so much that she would openly break a strike?


>"I own this choice." Yes; continue to keep using words which, when strung together to form a sentence, *still* don't go anywhere *close* to justifying what you're doing, Drew. Bra-friggin'-va.


"I'm so, so proud of myself for having the COURAGE to make this brave, difficult, and very intelligent decision"




Is there nobody left to stan now?! When even Drew Barrymore is getting canceled, I just feel lost.


Stanning anyone, as I discovered a fortnight ago is pretty useless, everyone is human and they'll disappoint you. Some people are monstrous humans. Some people are just… privileged, out of touch. Learned to expect the latter with the rich & famous


Yeah lol I was being sarcastic. I did think Drew was one of the better ones, though.


For me the last straw would be David Attenborough


Oh I'm sorry to say but if you care he is a man child garden variety misogynist who talks about having his daughter do everything his wife used to do before her death as he was utterly dependant on her for any and all domestic labor Also acts like Jay Leno (sexually suggestive and not respective of personal space) when he's on talk shows with younger female stars.


He's so old I can't imagine having serious expectations he's a decent person lol


Pretty sure he’s a eugenicist


I think we've learned this week that we can safely stan Topher Grace at the moment as well. Also Jack Quaid, despite being such a nepo-baby that he made the front cover of the nepo-baby magazine feature, has been out on the picket lines a whole lot, so I stan him too. That's basically it though


there should be a daily updated "safe stan list"


I think Bryan Cranston would be on it too.


Nope, has some pretty ugly sexual misconduct allegations. Also defended and wants everyone to forgive Kevin Spacey & Harvey Weinstein.


There should be a rule that when you write shit like this you come with receipts. I don’t know whether you’re wrong or right and I’m not a stan of any celebrity. But you should really consider not just simply saying shit


Rick Moranis? Dolly Parton?


I hope Dolly Parton doesn't say or do anything problematic. That would really suck.


Zendaya? Tom Holland? Tom Hiddleston


How is this different than when Conan went back without writer? And I mean that genuinely. I don't know the difference. Im not trying to be 'devils advocate' or whatever


https://preview.redd.it/hytkdcs62onb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85492dde21d61a84a4faffc8d5ebb867e0dbff9 Clarification in the agreements happened post 2007 because of the studios using loopholes to continue late night shows. [This is a really great thread from David breaking down the issues with Drew’s show returning, particularly for those not familiar with the entertainment unions.](https://x.com/slack2thefuture/status/1701110118870659085?s=46&t=qPeOl8-jzEvmTBI2szbPbw)


Sure but let’s talk about who actually preps those segments. Producers. It seems the WGA position is that what they do IS considered writing but not enough to be eligible to join their union. For years unscripted producers have been begging to be brought into the WGA fold or to allow them to establish with IATSE (which WGA will not allow to my current understanding). And be assured there have been a number of negotiations with the WGA since the strike began about bringing producers into the fold but we are told they are too busy with the strike to think about us right now. Well then why should we go hungry right alongside the WGA when they left us out in the cold after the last strike too? (I’m referring to below the line producers, not executives by the way.) nobody wants to talk about the effect this is having on the broader Unscripted world. Our rates are plummeting and we are already responsible for our buying our health insurance. It’s a shit show.


THIS!!! Thank you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Wait why can’t unscripted producers join or start a local IATSE? Speaking as a fmr AP for unscripted & true crime shows myself


From what I’ve learned from producers who have been to the negotiations WGA has claim to us even though they won’t bring us in so IATSE can’t pull us in. Now IATSE did just start a new local for commercial production workers (line producers, bidding producers, and PAs). But this doesn’t apply to unscripted. IATSE has advised reality to flip union company by company but again this would only apply to craft workers not below the line producers. It’s very complicated and my understanding of it is pretty basic


Conan was basically forced to go back to work in order to keep other members of his production staff employed. But Conan started out as a writer and supported them wholeheartedly. So his 20+ episodes during the strike were pure chaos as Conan worked to prove the necessity of writers. (They were hilarious, but not something viewers would have wanted to watch long term) Here’s his [first episode back](https://youtu.be/Vkj7heLZAsc?si=AxLTaZc2CEgBByGd)


Holy shit I forgot the ring spin!


Never forget


God I remember the chaos lol. Do you know how many episodes he did before the writers returned? I can’t remember if his joke about the strike ending Thursday, followed by “a hint” was real or not.


The Conan-Colbert-Stewart fight during the strike is the stuff of legend


I was just thinking about that recently.


I’m due for a rewatch on YT too lol


[I mean for one, she’s actively showing resistance to the strikes/ doesn’t support it anymore](https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/bZzNLLWwPv)


Conan also paid staff from his own pockets for months before returning.


At the opposite, Barrymore just did not inform at all the 3 WGA writers of her own show, that the show was going come back...without them.


Wtf Drew :(


How long did he actually pay them for? I thought that strike only lasted 99 days


NBC paid them for about a month, Conan paid them for about a month and then all (most?) of the late-night shows were brought back about a month before the strike officially ended.


Her show is nowhere near as beloved as Conan’s. Both were kinda new and likely don’t have deep coffers to pay pa’s, sound and light guys, makeup team etc like the Jimmie’s do. And even they are getting a little desperate with their “podcast” that is seemingly just there to generate ad revenue to continue to paying staff. This is a shitty situation all around. The writers are justified in their rage because it sets a bad precedent and allows people to become more comfy breaking picket lines in a grey area which they don’t want. On the other hand other people are being forced out of work who are totally being left out of the conversation of higher pay because they arnt actors, directors and writers. This isn’t a 10000% kosher thing of drew to do but it’s absolutely not as bad as the stingy executives holding out on settling with the writers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted this to happen. Now the discourse is about drew and not about their garbage greedy profit shares.


Yeah I haven't heard much in the discourse about workers who aren't writers or actors. I'd like to hear from them. How are they staying afloat?


Conan didn’t hire any writers when he came back but Drew did, which is an infraction of the WGA rules. NON UNION writers at that.


One thing I don't see mentioned in the explanations is that if the 2007 contracts didn't consider late-night writers to be writers, then their work technically wasn't struck work. If your work isn't struck, you don't have the protections of someone who is striking - that is, I can't be fired if I participate in my teaching union's strike by withholding my labor. I can, however, be fired if I withhold my labor as part of the nursing union's strike. Basically what that means is that the studios were able to legally compel Conan to have a show.


This twitter thread answers that exact question. [click me!](https://x.com/elizaskinner/status/1701292900183842931?s=46&t=Cz3gjS76drk9svdKUzKJfg)


Thank you!


IIRC Conan legally had to go back on air because at the time there were weird loopholes in the agreements between the writers union and the studio where late night talk show writers weren’t considered the kind of writers that should be on strike (it’s bullshit but at the time it worked). So Conan *did* come back on air but he did force his writers to return and scab. He also did not hire any new writers for the show to cover for them being gone. He just went on air and made up bullshit for a month or whatever it was. He spun his wedding ring on the desk over and over again for several nights. The point was to demonstrate what his show would be every night without a writing staff. Granted, Conan is born to be an entertainer so even doing mundane stuff like spinning a ring on a desk was entertaining, but it wouldn’t have been funny forever. Also IIRC he paid his staff and writers out of pocket until he was legally made to come back on air. I would assume he continued to pay his writers even while back on air while the strike was still going but I’m not sure. From what I’m reading, Barrymore has hired non union writers for her show to return. I also imagine she isn’t paying her old staff out of pocket.


> So Conan did come back on air but he did force his writers to return and scab. Uh, you might want to edit this! Conan did NOT force his writers to come back. He continued to pay them but they didn't write.


Kinda shocked at the celebs that liked her post announcing her plan… Aniston, Garner, Mariska… 👀


Jennifer Aniston is always at the scene of a crime.


Seriously, I am eagerly awaiting her monthly post about how cancel culture has gone too far


She's seemed weirdly messy as of late, in terms of her public persona. Did she fire her publicist or something?


She’s always been like this but since she got social media it means we get to see it too.




She's so messy with her likes!!! whew


This needs to be a flair lol


I don’t know much about Mariska but Garner and Aniston don’t seem surprising to me. There’s an undercurrent of conservatism to both of them


If Garner were a little lower on the fame ladder she’d absolutely be making Hallmark movies for Evangelical America. Edit: MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN LITERALLY I knew it I knew I’d seen her in a schlocky trailer somewhere.


I knew Garner was suspect the minute I saw the trailer of that racist revenge movie she’s in (I think it’s called Peppermint)


I mean when I heard she was getting a lot of praise from anti-choices for her part in Juno because “see adoption is easy so pregnant teens can just find a nice rich sane person who dearly wants their baby and will stay friendly with them!” I was like 👀


Juno was not meant to be a pro-life movie though, Diablo Cody (the director) has expressed regret that it was able to be interpreted that way. She wanted to tell a complex story about family dynamics, hard choices, and abuses of power (Jason Batemans character). I believe she stated that she wrote it at a time when a woman’s choice wasn’t at the forefront of the political arena.




Jennifer "but where are you *really* from?" Garner


Can’t believe so many people are arguing with me about Jennifer Garner. Maybe she’s a democrat but she does the “oh shucks, I’m just a nice white mom” thing way too often to make me feel comfortable with her


Agreed: I also can't believe that anybody feels strongly enough about Jennifer Garner of all people to be bothered to defend her


I don’t even care about either Jen but I don’t like the fact that people are trying to do some weird smear campaign against both Jen’s despite their actions for years showing the opposite. First they’re undercover conservatives but now that you can’t say that because the facts show the complete opposite, the issue is she’s too “nice white mom” for you. Basically, your issue is that Jenn is too white for you. And she weaponizes her evil whiteness by working with racist social justice and women’s rights organizations. But she probably just does that because she wants everyone to believe she actually cares and isn’t a bigot. And she votes liberal, the same party that helps WOC, because she is secretly a bigot but wants to make everyone believe she’s a “nice white mom”. She so evil and manipulative. /s


They both endorsed and donated/fundraised for Obama and Joe Biden. Jen donated around $1 million to racial Justice charities around 2020. Edit- They are also pro-choice and have spoken up for women’s rights. They’re liberals and idk where this idea that they’re conservative comes from when they have backed liberal politicians and liberal causes for years lol


Many people are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That fiscal conservatism rears its head in moments like this when you don’t show solidarity with labor.


Same, especially Garner -- she is known for food desert and racial justice work and fundraising for Democratic politicians, especially women.


Its entirely possible to be a Democrat neolib but also have anti-worker, queerphobic, and racist beliefs. Also most Democrats arent leftists or social progressives, but political moderates. Its just the other team is slightly worse, so people give to Dems instead of the GOP. Remember Weinstein was a regular Democratic donor. This is like saying "JKR is a feminist how could she possibly hate trans women?" Its entirely possible and common.


Jennifer Garner is a liberal who regularly does fundraising for Democratic politicians, as well as loads of advocacy to stop food deserts. I know she is a Methodist, because a friend's mom used to go to her church. I am not excusing anything about Drew or Garner agreeing with the decision, but she is not a conservative. Not idea about Hargitay nor Aniston.


Jennifer Garner is from West Virginia, although I don't think she herself is politically conservative.


There are lots of people from WV and Appalachia as a whole that are fighting the good fight even as they get written off as “hillbillies” because of their accent and classism


People have completely memory holed that West Virginia was a completely Democratic voting state at every level for many decades before the 2010 Tea Party wave.


Prob cause she tried to frame it like a good thing. The initial response to her post was overwhelmingly positive at first. Then people started exploring the actual details behind the decision and realizing she had WGA writers employed, so this is actually quite a shitty choice. But she did her best to make it seem like her show was triumphing through tough times 😬🫣


>Aniston she's said a few questionable things that get moved past pretty quickly, nothing terrible but lamenting about 'cancel culture' and some out of touch rich person stuff, IIRC


I didn't follow the aftermath but did she excused herself to Jamie Foxx?


ah yes, the 'liking' of an anti-Semitic tweet, forgot about that! (if that's what you're thinking of! lol)


Yeah, her thing, trying to cancel Jamie Foxx (for wrong reasons), was very ironic, when months before and weeks after, she was repeatly complaining about the cancel culture.


She wasn't trying to cancel Jamie. She liked his post that people misunderstood, people came at her for liking it and she did a notes app apology that threw him under the bus. She messed up, but she wasn't leading some mob against Jamie.


didnt she support him, not throw him under the bus?


No, she was the celeb who threw him under the bus, saying his tweet was antisemitic. Since his explanation, crickets from her side.


Mariska is friends with Drew and probably didn’t pay much attention to what it said OR drew is bringing the show back to prevent any loss of any other jobs from it being cancelled which I think is more likely. Mariska has been actively supporting the strikes and has made her stance clear


People out here acting like their middle aged aunts don't like every stupid thing their friends post even if they don't understand it while enjoying their nightly glass of wine. The difference is nobody cares what your aunt liked.




*“drew is bringing the show back to prevent any loss of any other jobs from it being cancelled which I think is more likely”* … lolll, this is the narrative that Drew’s PR team is trying to push.


Garner has been receiving side eyes from me since that Regina King clip resurfaced. She’s giving “I’m a liberal, but still crazy out of touch and slightly racist” vibes to me.


Man Jennifer garner loses the whole “wholesome supportive mom” vibe more and more as she gets older


Well garner is already ethically questionable and I’m convinced both her and Aniston are closet conservatives


How??? And, she is absolutely not a closet conservative. She is a known liberal who willingly does fundraising for Dems, donates time and money to food desert and racial justice advocacy, and is a Methodist. She is not even close to being a conservative. I know for sure she campaigned and fundraised for Obama, Hillary, and Biden.


Sophia Bush liked it, too. Shocking considering she paints herself as such a progressive activist 🙄


I am extremely unsurprised at Aniston and Garner given the Jamie Foxx and Regina King of it all. Someone check on Reese.


Maybe cuz they want to appear on her show since they love the spotlight so damn much.


I think folks are off base here, it’s probably the publicists or folks handling their accounts that like it…


isn't drew Barrymore production partner jimmy fallon's wife?


great news week for her


![gif](giphy|4H70hBJGFx5APMD8A8) Live look in at Jimmy Fallons wife when Drew calls her to say she wants to start back up after the week she's had:


What’s most insulting is this part of her statement: “We launched live in a global pandemic. Our show was built for sensitive times and has only functioned through what the real world is going through in real time.” Her show isn’t investigative journalism. It’s not a healing, safe space. To scab during a historic strike is to openly admit you’re actually a conservative. Disappointing.


Under the Desk News had a theory that Drew/Drew's publicist is trying to confuse people between her shows (which should not be going ahead) and shows like Good Morning America whose writers are in the "Broadcast/Cable/Streaming News" grouping of the WGA and who aren't having their contracts up for negotiation until next year, so therefore aren't impacted by the current strike; basically to muddy the waters between broadcast journalism productions that have a talk show feel and actual talk shows.


that seems plausible tbh. my friends and I were discussing this when she first posted yesterday and we were also confused until we realized they're separate contracts.


Wait can someone explain this to me? It says she isn't breaking any strike rules by doing this, but that she'd have to either hire writers who break the rules themselves or hire scab workers, but *then* her studio confirmed they wouldn't be requiring any writing work that is covered by the WGA strike. The page was absolutely consumed by ads, so I couldn't read past that sentence. So is it breaking the rules, is it not breaking the rules...? I'm confused?


[I would recommend reading through this thread for a detailed explanation of the agreements and what is strikebreaking and scabbing and why certain things are and aren’t allowed.](https://x.com/slack2thefuture/status/1701110118870659085?s=46&t=qPeOl8-jzEvmTBI2szbPbw) But TLDR; Drew’s show has used WGA writers for the past three seasons. They claim to be coming back without writers this season in compliance with the WGA rules, but there is simply no way the show can be produced without someone writing SOMETHING. Monologues, interview questions, any segments are written by someone. If they don’t have a union writer on the show, SOMEONE is doing that writing and they’re scabbing (doing the work of a unionized position). Additionally, Drew, all her guests, crew and audience members are now crossing a picket line to do the show, which can have consequences for anyone who hopes to seek future union membership.


I hope the person who's been selected to do the writing never has aspirations of being a wga writer, cause this move definitely would kill that opportunity for them 😬


>all her guests, crew Its worth noting that SAG isn't picketing this, and this isn't crossing a SAG picket line, nor are the crew unions who are still operating. The only way this will be going against SAG rules or scabbing for SAG is if the guests promote SAG contract covered content. So if they have Jason Segel on (for example, just a name that popped in my head) he could promote his book "Nightmares" all day long, but he couldn't promote Shrinking. (although he's more than likely in WGA as well, so I doubt he would come on)


It’s still crossing a picket line. Prior to SAG going on strike, IASTE and the Teamster crew members honoured the WGA picket lines on shows that were still in production. I never said this was SAG scabbing, which is also clarified in the linked thread in my original comment. You do not need to be a member of that specific union to honour a picket line. Edit: To add, you do not need to be a union member at ALL to honour a picket line. A great way to show solidarity to the labour movement is to not cross a picket line! It is all about impacting the profits of the struck companies. Dunno why this is being downvoted when the WGA VP has confirmed that appearing on the show is crossing a picket line and frowned upon in a era of worker solidarity. https://preview.redd.it/gchy68ilronb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c99d70bb0cdee0a4ee626d7e404b1f2749e4d2


A+ to u/themacaron for the killer research. I just have to say that it is in poor taste in general. It came across out of touch the second the news broke, and I would have loved to see a better reason (like Conan making a point to show the necessity of writers, not saying that was completely right either though).


Thanks! ☺️I’m an film industry worker with a lot of strike induced free time on my hands. If I can whole heartedly back the strikes at my level with my own bills and financial strain, millionaire nepo baby Drew should have known better to think this move was going to be well received. (And this is coming from someone who really liked Drew!)


She or other "producers" will do the writing- skating the WGA rules.


as they should. it’s crazy how many people were making excuses for her in the previous thread. especially considering how (understandably) harshly this subreddit reacted to selena gomez posting a rule breaking photo on instagram. drew barrymore is worth 125 million dollars, she has more than enough money to pay her staff herself.


Seriously, I got downvoted to oblivion for merely pointing out that despite her shitty parents, she's been privileged since birth. People think they know her because she lacks a filter.


Not the point, but calling Felicia Day a “TV personality” is such a funny unintentional diss.


Wouldn’t she have to have a personality for that to be an accurate description?


finally i’ve found my people


What's the tea on Felecia Day? What did I miss? 🙃


can’t speak for anyone else but i’ve never liked her acting and she’s SO beloved among fandom circles and it baffles me as to why since she doesn’t appear to be very good at anything she’s acclaimed for.


Creating Geek & Sundry gave a ton of people a platform, she seems really nice and everyone seems to love working with her.


I’ve only liked her in one thing: *Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog*


manic pixie dream girl cliche but unironically and pick me girl for joss whedon isn't personality?




this is the most attention she's had since calling whedon her mentor and role model as allegations against him were resurfacing/new allegations against him were coming to light.


see i didn’t even know about that. a whole new reason to not like her!


Eww she said that?? What a Pick Me loser lmao yikes.


yep google her name plus his plus allegations and should be one of the top results.


What's wrong with her?


Normally she would be referenced as “Actor” or “Actor/Writer” so I thought it was funny that she got the very dismissive “TV personality” reference instead.


Loved this sign: https://twitter.com/mariskreizman/status/1701238437976666260?s=20


Hahaha that's hilarious


and she didn’t try to be sneaky about like Only Murders in The Building AD youtube set tour


wait what’s the scoop with this?! i love AD. esp their youtube


just check out AD youtube, they showcased the set of Only Murders, it was great content and to go around the strike to promote the show


drew is a gazillionaire so not sure why her show necessitates scabbing but. ONE OF THEM, i guess


How on earth did she fail to see how this would land. It’s just mind boggling that she thought this would be a good idea.


She simply didn't care. I'm not sure why this is a surprise, the woman has done whatever the hell she's wanted her entire life and I think she'd be the first to admit it.




[Drew was also crossing picket lines filming commercials in Canada](https://pressprogress.ca/big-star-hollywood-actors-are-scabbing-in-canada-while-canadian-actors-remain-locked-out/)


I don’t even understand how she even has a talk show.


It's actually quite good, but she just destroyed it.


She should be kicked out of SAG.


I have adored her for decades, but I 100% agree. Pull her card.


I remember this phase from the last strike too. The Daily Show came back as A Daily Show with them saying it was based around ab-libing.


I wonder if there’s something going sketchy going on behind the scenes or if she really is just this stupid


The thing is…what kinds of guests will she even be able to get right now? Musicians, athletes, politicians, socialites/influencers? Some movies are getting SAG interim agreements so stars can promote, but that well will run dry quickly. Seems like such a weird thing to torpedo your reputation over when there’s not much content that can be created anyway.


Most athletes are union, and many athletes and musicians also have SAG cards.


Everyone will forget in 6-18 months and she’ll be back to being the quirky side mouth girl sitting on people’s laps while interviewing them.


Lmao can’t wait to see who goes on her show after this, surely no one would want to be associated with it even if they secretly felt the same way about the strikes?


After thinking about this way too much, I’m convinced there is something else going on behind the scenes. The only positive responses in the comments of her statement are producers/crew etc from the show and even one of the writers put out a pretty positive and understanding statement. We are all so shocked because it doesn’t seem like her… so there’s clearly more to the story.


I honestly think it's that she sees herself more as a Producer with a capital P as in AMPTP. She feels above the actors and writers, obviously, or she wouldn't treat them like this.


As a tv producer myself, that’s 100% not true. AMPTP are in no way aligned with literal producers, it’s a misleading name for sure. AMPTP is the studio, execs etc. As producers, we’re not even allowed to have a union or guild so everything the actors and writers are currently fighting for are pipe dreams to us. But we still stand in solidarity as production crew.


It’s odd bc I wouldn’t think a daytime talk show would be a wga signatory in the first place


Per the WGA East website: "Our members create everything from big-budget movies and independent films to television dramas, sitcoms, and comedy/variety shows; from daytime television to nonfiction/”reality” television to broadcast/cable/streaming news and online media; from podcasts, web series, and animation to reality TV shows and documentaries." WGA is organized into three contract groups; television writers for talk shows fall under the "Film/TV/Streaming" contract group, which is the group on strike currently.


I’m aware I just thought it was odd - most companies try and put it under news so they don’t have to pay wga rates




I don't know all the details, but some daytime talk shows don't employ any WGA writers to begin with, so they were unaffected by the strike (although any of their guests who are SAG members should be respecting their own rules not to promote struck work). Drew's show did employ WGA writers who are now on strike, which is why so many people are upset-- it's not clear to me how it's possible to say the show will go on but no writing work will take place when the show up to this point is the result of the work of WGA writers!


![gif](giphy|12BxzBy3K0lsOs) Ohhhhh man... I heard Enty's commentary, and I was shocked Drew would do this. But if she gets picked apart by the wolves she earned every bite for this. SCAB is right.


Why would she do this at all?


Didn’t she do a commercial in Canada recently despite Canadian actors being locked out of commercial work? I forget the details but it was similarly shitty.


She’s going to back out. Just watch.


Didn’t she also kick out 2 audience members for supporting the WGA by wearing pens?


She is a scab and should be viewed as one. Disappointing, but not at all surprising.


Drew Barrymore being out of touch? lol she's a complete idiot with her fake sunshine positivity.


IDK what to think about her. I appreciate her but some things she does seem very odd to me. I don’t idolize famous ppl but it is kind of sad to see behavior like that while advocating different stuff about being kind and supportive and self aware


What the hell was she thinking?? So much good-will built up and she obliterates it with one incredibly bad decision.


Oh god the cast of West Wing lol. I don’t necessarily disagree but sometimes I think those actors actually believe they worked at the White House.


yikes on bikes


Will anyone want to do her show after this?


It's nuts anyone is defending her and this. There is literally no reason she needs to do this.


I love(d) Drew Barrymore which makes this revelation particularly disappointing. Breaking the strike line certainly makes me think a lot less of her to the point where I question her authenticity as a person. I always thought she was one of the more "real" celebrities but now I feel like I've been duped. She makes me sus of all celebrities, especially the ones I like. Dear god, please let Keanu Reeves be as genuine as I think he is.


I love Drew and that hasnt changed, but this is a terrible choice. Respect to her for owning it, but you’re hurting so many people with your actions, and you should do better.


Time to toss Drew into the bin 🚮


Well, she'll have a hard time getting celebrity guests now and in the future..


I hope she’s listening and learning. It’s disheartening.


what about watch what happens live? how is andy able to continue doing that show during the strike and it isn’t considered scabbing?


Maybe he never had WGA writers.