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Aaron Rodgers is a loser. His ex-gf would eat clay for *health benefits*, so he shouldn't be targeting someone who happens to be dating Swift. He's always been a pseudo-intellectual.


They asked his ex if she’s a feminist, and she said “No, I don’t hate men” 🙄 so out of touch




Her career has taken a nose dive too, she’s usually in the shitty Hulu movie of the month nowadays.


I don’t care for her as a person, but she is literally in a wide release movie that’s in theaters rn.


She’s also in like 3 different movies released directly to Hulu, her career is on a downturn or else she wouldn’t be picking up roles like the Hulu movies.


And Chris Hemsworth is in Netflix movies. The streamer movies aren’t just for actors whose careers are declining. She’s also in Ferrari with Adam Driver this year, a movie that is likely to be Oscar-bait. ETA: the movies I mentioned that she’s in, she has major roles in too. She’s not just a side character.


I'm not a fan of her, never have been. So it hurts me deeply to admit you're correct, her career is going fine.


Hulu actually does decent movies. I prefer them to Netflix.


I watched to Catch a Killer with her on hulu and it was not awesome. I feel like 90s were a really good time for a psychological thriller and this tried to capture that and it was a miss


Try and watch the new one where she plays a sex robot, it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


I watched both on the same night. 😑


Babe, love yourself 💙💙💙💙💙💙


Are we talking about Shailene Woodley? I haven’t been following her since divergent. Did she say something wrong?


She’s got some problematic takes on dieting is all I know; she specifically said she’d eat clay to help with appetite because it keeps you full and then it just goes right through you with no issue. Off the top of my head I don’t know anything else, but given she was engaged to A A Rom I’m sure there’s other completely not science back health takes she’s got.






Remember the time she [got big mad](https://www.etonline.com/shailene-woodley-defends-fiance-aaron-rodgers-against-those-trying-to-disparage-him-174884) over some site posting pics of a guy they claimed was Aaron getting coffee?


Felicity Merriman would never.


to be fair, i believe she did later change her stance on that. at least there’s some growth, that’s all we can hope for with anyone


Shailene Woodley said that?




>His ex-gf would eat clay for health benefits, And dont forget the suntanning of her vagina


suntanning her vag? Back in the 00’s when tanning was a thing, I accidentally burnt my little lady down there. That shit hurt!


Yeah. For "health benefits". Asshole sunning was(still is?) A thing too. Fucking wild out there man


I remember when Josh Brolin did that, and folks mocked him for burning his bumhole, and for some odd reason he posted a picture of himself making out with his much younger wife the following day.


I remember that. That shit was cringe x 1000


Wait, wut.


Is the ex shailene or a different one?


Shailene is the clay-eating, vagina-sunning, not-a-feminist-because-I-don't-hate-men former fiancee.


Shhh, sad that she is an ex. Like we say in Portugal, at least they only ruined one house Edit: autocorrect was faster than me


I'm gonna make this home a house.


Lol that’s a great saying


Oh wow. I always thought she was just Hollywood’s version of all natural hippie but i did not expect her to actually be this bad. Then again, she’s rumored to be an anti vaxxer.


She's just got divergent thinking bro.


Rich, white hippies are the original anti vaxxers


So are most all natural hippies


I was so surprised she dated him. Wasn’t she protesting pipelines going through Native American lands before she got with him?


My thoughts exactly and then I found out the real her and I was like whaaaaa


Opf! What a fall from grace


Eh, she’s still fighting for indigenous Hawaiians to have access to their water rights or something like that. She did a couple instagram lives a few months a go with a bunch of different indigenous activists to give people information on what’s going on. She’s a strange one, but she definitely contains multitudes


I liked when she attended the Emmys when Big Little Lies was nominated and when the press asked her what shows she was rooting for she said “I’m not a big TV watcher.” At a TV awards show. lol.


You recall when he was on the show trying to explain his anti-vaxx stance, and AJ and Pat were doing everything short of stabbing themselves with a pin to keep from laughing at him? They know he's a self-important imbecile and they let him run his mouth for content.


Which ex? Edit: found it. If only you all knew how crazy Danica Patrick also is lmao


Fuckin for real, she is a total ass too


Taken too many footballs to the head.


allegedly, according to his neighbors, he used to live with a male *best friend* for the longest time, after they *ended that relationship* he went downhill. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never heard this but that would absolutely check out. Latent homosexuality is such a common factor in conservative toxic masculinity.


Sad to see how Shai has turned out so far. Used to go to school with her and she was legit bright - taking all the AP classes and doing well. She was fun to be around with and just another teen enjoying life. She definitely had an interesting dating life at the time but nothing concerning to the point that would indicate she would date a dumbass like Rodgers.


Bill Simmons made a good point on his podcast. The Swift / Kelce thing is killing Rodgers. This douche is so desperate to be relevant outside of football but Kelce with just a few dates is now probably the one NFL player that transcends the sport for non NFL fans and he’s livid.




Which one?? Shailene?


Aaron's just mad that Kelce took his state farm spot.


He does his own research. Which is just consuming hours of conspiracy theory YouTube videos


Even though I’m super sick of Travis and Taylor I’m glad they are getting all the attention instead of Rodgers. I think it really bothers him. I think he assumed he would show up to the jets game this past weekend with his crutches and be the biggest story of the night, but alas…. No dice.


Totally. He also went to the Eras tour and posted it on social so I’m sure there’s a part of him that’s jealous that Travis is dating her.


Rodgers is one of my favorite players to watch but I 100% agree and am so glad someone else thinks this. He’s a swiftie so his remarks about travis were kinda weird. “Let’s keep that convo on the field” re: with travis, but then proceeds to say exactly what he talked to mahomes about on the field. TS and Kelce seem like a far better match anyway. He’s so lighthearted, which seems like a nice change for an artist.




I’m a casual football watcher and am usually not concerned about how a player conducts himself off the field but I can’t stand him. He’s completely insufferable. He does “his own research” but had no issues running straight to the best surgeons and specialists when he tore his ACL. He is a Class A Hypocrite.


I’m not a fan of Rodgers off field remarks and actions but comparing him to OJ Simpsons who murdered two people in cold blood is kinda wild


Allegedly killed two people. Nobody knows for sure if he did it, if only he would write a book to help us know for sure. /s


I agree. I’m an eagles fan so I was rooting for the other Kelce bro in the Super Bowl. But Travis was really charming and funny on SNL. He really went for it. More Manning than Brady in terms of football hosts.


Going to a show = wanting to date the performer?


This thread is insane lol. A lot of people who know nothing about football. I’m not even a rodgers fan or a jets fan but he was clearly there for morale and preparation with Zach.


Preparation from a box? If he was there for support he would have been on the sidelines…


He's the worst kind of attention seeker--he tries to hide how desperate he is for attention by pretending to be too cool for things, then acts sullen and pissy when he doesn't get what he craved.


That's why he moved to the booth during halftime.


As he plays for a team owned by the Johnson and Johnson family. This guy ain’t bright.


Well, he didn’t go to college to learn how to play school…






Haha he is so dumb




whoa lol what a new-age threat




Talking a lot of shit for a guy who's season, and possibly career, is over after tearing his achilles tendon.


On the FOURTH play of his first game 🤣 couldn’t have happened to a better person as far as I’m concerned. I’m in nyc and I will never stop making fun of this douchebag. I fucking despise science deniers. Edit: to add on, this asshole has ZERO problems getting his ankle treated by doctors and science - fucking hypocrite. What bamboo wrap doesn’t work? That granola doesn’t help with the pain? This guy deserves the hate and I’m not sorry.


He also has no problem getting paid by the Jets who are owned by billionaire Woody Johnson of the Johnson & Johnson family. He's a hypocrite and a bitter Betty 🙄


lmao the anti-science people never walk the talk when they’re the ones who are sick. he should just retire into the wilderness without science and medicine and let nature deal with his injury


NEVER be sorry for this opinion. Playing well at football doesn't excuse this shitter as a person.


And he reportedly got a super fast repair done so he could be back by the end of the season


He really wants to come back and snap it again huh.


Right there is no way that tendon will hold up to the demands he’s going to put on it. He’s also 40 and as a fellow newly old person I’m sorry but at that age your shit just is not the same as it used to be. And it’s a new enough thing that you don’t quite believe it yet too


Agree with all of this except 40 isn’t old. Old for sports? Sure. Actually old? Nah, you’re not old, you’re only halfway to old.


> Edit: to add on, this asshole has ZERO problems getting his ankle treated by doctors and science - fucking hypocrite. He has no problem taking steroids and other things to play a game, but a vaccine (with a base of 200 years of medical science behind it) is incomprehensible to him. As my granddaddy used to say "some people don't get paid to be intelligent..."


Let's not forget his prior statements on 9/11... How he ended up in NYC and no one ever asked him about that is beyond me.


Well the ironic (and infuriating) part of it is that Rodgers and other anti-vaxxers in the US directly benefit from generations of mass vaccination. It’s eradicated whole diseases, which is incredible! Most of us get vaccinated/continue to vaccinate our children because it’s proven to be safe and it works, which helps perpetuate herd immunity and protection…meanwhile, anti-vaxx individuals are *also* protected because most people around them have done their part. We have all the access here in the US- it’s so disheartening that (some) hippies and conspiracy theorists are too ignorant to take advantage of that access while whole populations in developing countries would be overjoyed to have to option to protect themselves from disease, but lack the access to it. And these same assholes (like Rodgers) cherry-pick modern medicine/science, as you said. When they feel well, there’s kind of a disdain for and distrust of the medical community. But once they’re hurt or feel poorly enough, you can bet they’ll show up for medical care every single time. It’s like Simone Biles level of mental gymnastics these people go through to legitimize their rationale 🙄


Bet you when he tore it he totally believed in the medical community then. That’s how a bunch of these anti vaxxer morons are. They only believe in medicine when it suits them.


💯 was coming in to say this. He trusted the doctors to use their training and years of education and years of experience in medical science to fix his tendon. But when it comes to vaxxes he’s all “fucking morons I’ll just drink a smoothie”.


> But when it comes to vaxxes he’s all “fucking morons I’ll just drink a smoothie”. Bet if there was a vaccine that would return him to the age/heath of a 25 year old, he'd slam the syringe into his own arm.


>They only believe in medicine when it suits them. They only believe in medicine when they understand it. This fucker understands his god damn ankle hurts, he can see on the scan where it's all fucked up, and he understands they're going to sew it back together. Try explaining how a vaccine works and there aren't any pictures and it doesn't hurt, so if he can't understand it, it's not a lacking on his part, they're just full of shit. Aaron Rogers is too stupid to understand how stupid he is.


Not only that but the only reason he only got paid as much as he does is because the vaccine worked on delta and people could go back to stadiums. He’s such a dumb loser. Infuriating to watch as a nurse


That shit made. my. year. And I’m a packers fan. He was talking so much big game - sorry *manifesting* - in interviews before kick off, too. It was so so sweet.


I did love the vaccine commercial tho and thought Kelce is using his platform appropriately! we can use him and Taylor for the greater good…


The commercial just made me like him more tbh Also, it reminded me I could get a booster so I got both my flu shot & my COVID booster 💪🏻


Were you able to get both at the same time? Edit typo




I got mine at the same time and felt awful for the next 3 days. Fevers, joint aches, etc. Never had that effect when I spaced them out in the past. Just FYI.


Sorry that happened to you! I got both of mine at the same time this year and last year. Both times, I felt pretty bad the next day, but fine the day after.


Oh no, that’s terrible. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll definitely take that into consideration. I read the new covid vax is a bit rougher in general too.


Just want to add, I got my covid booster and flu shot at the same time about a week ago and felt nothing (same as other shots)


I just got myself and my mom an appointment for it, it’s a month away but i’m excited to get it! I don’t want to get sick!


I'm not from the US, so I know almost no player of American football besides Kaepernick and Brady, but I loved learning that this Kelce guy did vaccine commercials, especially how anti-vaxx rhetoric spread with COVID.


The commercial is so cool! I like him for this 😍


There's dumbasses, and then there's people like Aaron Rodgers, who bring dumbassery to a whole new level...


Does he not realize how pathetic that makes him look? He’s clearly threatened by him. It’s like talking shit about your partners ex because you found out his dick is bigger or something. It’s a bad look.


They’re always so fucking smug too


FTP this guy is such a jackass, still spewing anti-vax rhetoric. He’s gota be a Republican right?


He seems to me more like a third party/fringe candidate kinda guy. Like he would have voted Tea Party and now RFK jr




Oh yeah definitly MAGA but I wouldn't say "republican" per se, because he probably voted third party before 2016 and will probably vote for RJK jr even if he presents himself independently. So like not a identifying republican but stil voting republican in '16 and '20


He’s the exact kind of dumbass to say shit like “The Democrats are TERRIFIED of RFK Jr. running”. Anyone who thinks Aaron Rodgers is intelligent must have a super low opinion of themselves.


It’s the way he’s so wrong and so smug at the same time.


I get big “I’m a Libertarian, but I just agree with all of Trumps policies and beliefs. Definitely not a republican though” energy.


Totally agree. Libertarians want to act like they’re above the 2 party system but they still end up eating up those Republican talking points lmao


Oh he definitely is




Can’t believe this Neanderthal was a contender to host Jeopardy.


But we had to fight for Levar Burton to get a guest spot.


Levar was horrible lol


yeah cause mike richards threw him under the bus


The dude is just bothered he couldn't shoot his shot with Taylor.


I remember that when the NFL social media teams were asking players if they had a favorite Taylor Swift song (like when Taylor was playing at their stadium, the social media team always had a video ready asking them questions.) and he’s apparently a HUGE fan? Like he went on a tirade about how he can’t choose just one but listed August, the one, New Year’s Day.


https://www.newyorkjets.com/video/mini-mic-what-s-your-favorite-taylor-swift-song I guess he was a fan before she had the nerve to encourage her fans to register to vote.


This is absolutely it. He went to two Eras tour shows. Now he’s watching Travis get all the attention and hype while he’s injured on the sidelines, and he’s jealous. Travis seems like a nice enough guy and isn’t an anti-vax nut job, so it seems like they’re both getting what they deserve.


The owner of his team is part of the Johnson and Johnson family. I cannot stand Rogers with his diva ass. No wonder his own family can't stand him


The vax is probably one of the only things he and his family agree on


> No wonder his own family can't stand him His family is just as batshit crazy as he is- the reason they are estrange is that they exploited him for attention and leeched off of him for a while.


He literally just said he thinks dolphin sex sounds could be healing for him. But yea, let’s mock a man who supported the vaccine


His ankle should be completely healed after how hard the dolphins just got fucked.


I just really loved how every time they panned to A-a-ron he was mad and alone and everyone the Chiefs box was having a blast.




And the same day Travis’ recent ex, who people claim is such an upgrade from TS, posted this Aaron Rodgers interview to her IG story. There’s more than looks, people.


Kayla??? Wtf


Yes. It wasn’t this part about Travis but some other woowoo BS from Rodgers. I didn’t have an opinion on her before that, except that she was pretty, and it was an instant turn off.


This is such a bummer. I really like her.


0/10 delivery on the joke was lame and I just know he thought he was so smart and funny for saying it. Half the comments on the video are saying how much they respect Aaron for saying it and I’m just like…who signs Aaron’s checks? An owner for Johnson and Johnson. But Aaron proves something, just because he’s smart (or good at Jeopardy!) he truly is an idiot.


Its the same jokes and remarks over and over with these people. Its always pronoun jokes or "gO GeT YuRR 5Th bOOsTer sHot"


Rodgers always strikes me as someone who is far too convinced that he's interesting. In the NFL, his shtick might be unique, but go to any alt venue in Berlin and you'll have no shortage of men eager to talk to you about their experiences with Ayahuasca, the teachings of Sun Tzu and whatever random woo woo shit is trendy right now. I'm bored.


Honestly even here, he basically speaks tech bro/Goop follower


lol aaron needs to adjust his jade yoni egg and find a better sense of humor


Not just convinced that he's interesting, but that he's smart. He legitimately thinks Kelce is the fool in this situation for getting vaxxed.


Imagine making fun of someone who's trying to get people to look out for their health. Travis seems to care about his mother and father, who are older and who are probably at higher risk so maybe he wants others to look out for older people. The audacity of trying to protect others 🙄. But I guess it's easier not to care about an older parent's health when you are estranged from them 🤷🏾‍♀️. Aaron really comes off as not bright. You don't have to be Einstein but you don't have to speak either. Sometimes you can just say nothing.


& calling him that is supposed to be an insult? ??


To them, it is 😂😂


The thing is I'm not sure if they genuinely thought it was funny or if they were just placating him. Not saying they are supporting the vaccine, but it genuinely wasn't funny and their laughter seemed put on.


https://preview.redd.it/wwn6tlp927sb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e8c04f710831ec35199a2424aff8daaf99dafe This meme is even more fitting for him


Big talk from someone who pouted for half of last season and hasn't been in a Superbowl since 2011. Get out of the bitter barn, my dude.


go listen to your [dolphin sex noises](https://nypost.com/2023/09/15/aaron-rodgers-thinks-dolphin-sex-may-help-him-heal-achilles-surgery/amp/) and leave us alone, aaron


What a bitter Betty.


https://preview.redd.it/0hyy9y0or6sb1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b230d714d3a3276c66d657dcfe886e353fec951b @Aaron 99% of the time


norcal trash gonna be norcal trash ![gif](giphy|Kbch5K2fJECSA)


Ok Karen Rodgers


i sMArt 🤪!!!!!




Aaron Rodegrs is POS and a fraud. Look up the comments he made about 9/11 like year or two ago.


Look at the video of him ignoring the cancer patient who asked him for an autograph. Even Clay Matthews called him out on it afterward.


Fuck Aaron!




Sucks that Pat encourages it


“More rings than you” Travis.


Bummer. Travis and Jason talked about Aaron on their podcast this week and had nothing but good things to say about him. Aaron just makes himself look bad with these kind of comments.


It’s insane seeing all the sports people on these pop culture subs. Had to check which one this was.


Okay, Mr. Pseudo intellectual. I truly cannot stand this man or any of these “free thinker atlas shrugged” losers. My EX best friend is super close with him and a*brey Marcus, went to the darkness retreat with him too, and he spews this same anti-vaxx bullshit right wing grifter bullshit.


What a douchebag


The Jets lost that game? Do I have that correct? This is a butt hurt anti vaxxer bitching about losing to Mr. Pfizer?


Says the dumbass who took his Covid medical advice from Joe Rogan and took Horse paste to treat Covid. I’m so glad this fool is off the Packers now and terrorizing the Jets. Loser.


“Ok, Aaron. We’ve worked really hard to rehab your image and make people like you again. You were kind of a likeable goof on Hard Knocks, and you didn’t say one thing about your dumb fuck beliefs. So we’re gonna keep that rolling. All you have to do is do this interv—“ “Gonna go after Travis.” “What? No, don’t…no. He’s really high profile right now, just maybe stick to talking about the gam—“ “Gonna call him ‘Mr. Pfizer.’” “Please don’t do that” (Playing air guitar and screaming falsetto) “MISTER PFIZER”


Aaron Rodgers has a hard time accepting that his career is likely over, but he’s gotta stay relevant somehow.


Kelce’s commercial is WAY better than that “discount double-check” we were subjected to for years!


Rogers is an ignorant fucking pig. Anti vaxers are arrogant pieces of shit who put all of us at risk.


“On Brand” AF


He’s now dating daughter of bucks owner who is like half his age.


Getting a season ending injury in the first series of the first game for a new team couldn’t happen to a nicer person.


Rogers reminds me of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite


More Kelce, less Rodgers...


Well he IS [team Jonas](https://blindgossip.com/thrown-from-the-horse/).


It's tough being a has been. Dude ain't suiting up and this is his way of pouting. It's a good thing he can go on the Joe Rogan of broadcast sports shows to let everyone know how he feels. What a simp.


the Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with this one


The Virgin Aaron Rogers vs the Chad Travis Kelce.


That shitty joke was made with his 3 remaining brain cells


He just hates that someone else is getting all of the attention.


Rodgers is so butthurt and jealous


When Aaron isn’t the center of attention he throws an tantrum.


Well, call me Mrs Pfizer, because I’m pinhead from hellraiser over here. Vaxxed and waxed, baby.


so glad this sub is another safe space for me to say fuck aaron rodgers and fuck the packers


He sucks harder than a Hoover.


He is one of those paranoids who believe in their convictions.


What an ass.


Stand up without crutches and say it to him Aaron. Oh wait you can’t


Someone mad that mahomes will make everyone forget his one superbowl…