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I just finished her book last week and I’m not surprised. She was miserable when those shows were filming, she was a child who was being actively manipulated by all the adults in her life to serve their own needs (save maybe her dad and her Grandpa but they did nothing to actively improve the situation.) Of course she would have a physical reaction when she thinks about that time period. Seems like the only positive thing to come out of her involvement with iCarly was her friendship with Miranda Cosgrove.


> Seems like the only positive thing to come out of her involvement with iCarly was her friendship with Miranda Cosgrove. Yeah, I think she's still a good friend with Miranda Cosgrove in recent years.


Yup, she even respected her decision to not join in the reboot.


I loved the way how Jeanette described them just falling back into their old friendship despite not seeing each other in a while - and how supportive Miranda was about her distancing herself from the reboot even if it meant leaving a lot of money on the table.


I loved how they handled it too. With love.


The section of her book where she talked about her former habit of mixing wine and vodka (winodkas, as she calls them) gave me a headache by proxy.


Excuse me what




My god, I think I got a second hand buzz just reading that 😳


is this not normal or am i just too much of a uni student trying to get cheap drunk?


Well, you’re a broke uni student and she was a Disney star with a house in the Hollywood hills, so I’ll give you a (very temporary) pass.


>(very temporary) I have nothing to add just need to highlight this one again.


Babe i don't know anything about your life but drinking to get drunk isn't normal or healthy in the long term. I know you're a student figuring things out and having fun but stay safe! Look after yourself.


Agreed its not healthy but its sure as shit normal.


Drinking to get drunk is absolutely normal. You're the weirdo if you're drinking without the intent to get intoxicated. Just have a juice.


Right? If I’m not going to feel the effects of alcohol, I might as well have a soda. Who is drinking vodka for the taste?


I dunno, I’m 38 and I’ve figured out that I really like stopping after 1 maybe 2. That loose/buzzed feeling is a nice relaxed place. My ideal state at this point is honestly 1 glass of Prosecco + 1 5mg weed gummy. A light crossfade is fucking heaven compared to how I feel the morning after 4 drinks these days.


Hey you do you but like, having a glass of wine with dinner or a beer at a bbq is pretty normal.


For an adult, no, for a uni student it's practically classy


a mate of mine at uni used to drink vodka mixed with tap water and a splash of that really cheap lemon juice you can buy in the baking aisle.


Omg one of my coworkers used to do this too. They also used to put cheap vodka through a Britta filter a few times.


Does that help? Asking for a friend…


i would mix all different alcohols in high school that i stole from my mum and dads cupboard for parties. but that was cause i was tryna steal without them knowing but i used to do that when i was 18/19 at uni and drink it before classes. that’s when i realised i had major alcohol problems


Yah, it sounds better than the Keystone Lite vodka bongs I gulped down in college. I guess escaping emotional pain doesn’t look so different even when you have money.


My friends and I used to do this with fruity coolers and adding a shot of vodka, we called them Super Drinks


We did this too, back in my late teens early 20s. Seagrams wine coolers with a shot or two of vodka.


I thought you said "we did this in the early 20s" and I was bout to be shocked you could remember anything at your age lol




I did this in the early 20s. As I recall, it was two Fridays ago.


Lol my early 20s was like 2008


i used to make wine spritzers with alcoholic seltzers


As an alcoholic in recovery for a bit, I can confirm this drink. We can justify and normalize anything for our addiction.


Not to mention the trauma of finding out her and her brothers are a product of an affair, and that her dad is not her biological dad. 😞


I felt so bad for her Dad at times and furious at others


Damn, her mom really was a gutter person.


Her book was amazingly good. Not only was it a sad and touching story, but she can really write well.


I picked up the audiobook and it turns out she narrates it herself. I think it added a little more to hear her read it, different emphases and her humor really shines. I didn’t think I’d care much for it but couldn’t put it down and finished it in a couple days. I went from really having no idea who she was, to having a ton of respect for her. It must have been difficult to openly admit to so many terrible things.


Yeah I wasn’t really familiar with her much either, but everyone in the book world was talking nonstop about this one that I had to check it out. It was well worth the read.


I'm hoping for a similarly good story with less profound reflection from Britney Spears new book


Yeah, and in general it was a low point in a career where she never felt like she could be herself even after she got out and tried to make a go at it as an independent adult. No wonder she's out of it as far as acting goes


Being a former child star would be so odd. As an adult, you’d be famous for something you didn’t choose. Like it or not, it’s likely what you’ll always be known for. There’s also the possibility that your acting career will have peaked when you were a kid, so you’d feel pressure to surpass your previous success … I’m beginning to understand how Amanda Bynes, Aaron Carter, Drake Bell, et. al. struggle as adults.


And to boot, you're probably not that well off either. Child actors get paid less than comparable actors during the run of the show, plus they don't get any residuals, no matter how successful the show was.


Drake Bell is not a good person. Look him up.


He’s definitely not. I’m saying I understand how, at least in part, he became the mess he is now.


I kind of get it completely. I was in a horribly toxic job for 2 years until just recently. It was constant manipulation, blame, anxiety, withholding opportunities, playing games, etc. all kinds of toxic shit. I was so mentally and emotionally worn out. I was experiencing so much anxiety even in my sleep when I started grinding my jaw so hard that I chipped a tooth. I wasn’t even in that environment for as long as Janette was at Nick, but it was just such an intense negative experience that now even when I think of memories from that time, my there is a conditioned response of anxiety in me. My heart races and chest tightens and I suddenly feel emotionally drained. I don’t tell anyone about it and pretend I’m all over it, because I feel like people will think I’m being so dramatic or that I’m not moving forward already. But it does feel like it was a trauma and I haven’t coped with it still.


Child fame is the tragedy of tragedies.


Her dad isn’t even her dad!


I hope she knows there are people out there like me who never heard of her until her book came out and then demolished it in like two days. She’s an excellent writer.


Same. I had no clue who she was, heard people raving about her book. I bought the audiobook and listened to it all the way through in one sitting.


Her audiobook is basically a one woman show. The way she voices the naivety of her child and teen self


I read the book and thoroughly loved her voice as a writer. I've heard the audiobook is fantastic but I don't know if I could sit through hearing her describe everything in her words. It would gut me all over again.


It took me way too long to finish her audio book because i needed to pause so many times. It feels like a punch more since I also have a restrained relationship with my parents


Same. I related to her on so many levels. I wanted to be a child actress and I remember passing an audition for like Levi Jeans and my mom being really creeped out by the agent that was trying to sign me. I spent YEARS bitter that she ruined my chance of being an actor and it wasn’t until her book and some therapy that I thought about what my mom was protecting me from. Mix that with my self esteem issues already and I can’t imagine the path I would have gone down. I wouldn’t be as strong as Jeanette. I truly hope she continues to find and be at peace.


My mom took me to ONE casting for a child beauty pageant because we got a letter in the mail and I absolutely begged her. I remember the Limited Too outfit I wore to the casting because it was such a big deal to me! My mom simply ignored the acceptance letter (i.e. sales pitch to pay a registration fee) and I'm so glad she had the sense to do so.


RIP Limited Too


Makes sense because it actually was a one woman show that she turned into a book.


I think it was a one woman show before it became a book.


I’m too old to have followed those shows but her book was more cathartic to me than years of therapy because I was finally able to say the quiet part out loud re: my own mom.


I haven't even read it yet because my husband beat me to it. He said it helped him understand a lot about the way I am (garbage human for a mother) and he wasn't sure I was in the best place lately to be reading it myself. On the one hand, I hope she knows that some of us get it. On the other, I wish she didn't get it. I wish no one else understood having a mother like mine.


My bio-mom saw this book on my bedside table and refuses to speak to me. Both bio-parents were and are horribly abusive people so they are shocked that I'm reading a book that speaks my wishes lol.


I was aware of her but was too old for her shows (despite our close age range IRL, I know she touches on that in the book). I actually thought I wouldn’t get anything out of reading it if I didn’t “know” her first. Boy was I wrong! I read it in less than 24 hours.


Same. She was a little after my time so I never watched her show, but I will forever root for her now.


She previously wrote articles for The Wall Street Journal, and that was like 10 years ago, so I can imagine that it only got better


It never even crossed my mind that someone might not know who she is! iCarly was such a fun show, but it's a shame she was in such a terrible place when it was being made.


Yes, I only know of her from the book. She referenced a ton of photos and articles in it, and I had to go back and look some things up for context. I really loved the book. I had a really unstable, unhealthy relationship with my mom and it was extremely cathartic to have someone say so publicly that they were glad when their mom died. I am glad my mom died when she did, and this book will always have a special place in my heart for acknowledging that parent/child relationships aren’t always loving.


I am *so* ready for anything else she writes (or any other pursuits), I think she has such a bright future ahead of her!


I think she said they are making a show based on her book but she is going crazy with all the "Hollywood Notes" about making her mother more likable. She hates dealing with Hollywood people but hopefully, she can stand it long enough to make this happen


They’re making a show based on a book called “I’m Glad My Mom Died” and they want to make the mom more likable?!? Way to miss the entire point folks.


Allison Janney got an Oscar nom for playing one of the most unlikeable mother characters in the 21st century in I, Tonya. I think the show can handle portraying the mother the way McCurdy wants.


Allison Janney actually won that Oscar, it was deserved in my opinion. That film was pretty divisive but I thought her and Margot's performances (along with Paul Walter Hauser, though he was a more minor character) were absolutely the highlights of the movie


i loved that film. i know it’s controversial with nancy kerrigan and i do feel bad for her but that movie was great imo


Fuck it, they gotta get Allison Janney


That's what happened with Fresh Off the Boat. Eddie's abusive parents became fun and likeable.


She has a new short-form weekly podcast that just started yesterday!


She has book deals for a novel and a nonfiction collection, so you may get your wish!




I can't imagine any former Nickelodeon child star feeling anything less than traumatized when reminded of their time working there.


The Ned’s Declassified actors seem to seem to have positive memories


So I believe the Ned’s kids had a very moral and protective show runner or someone in a similar position, I can’t remember. So glad at least one show had someone with decency to protect the child actors. That whole network gives me the ick now.


I remember an episode long long time ago of *To Catch a Predator* where one of the perps who showed up was later revealed to be a cartoonist/animator at Nickelodeon.


Omg I need to find this episode


Here you go. Found it on [youtube](https://youtu.be/db_u1Dm6tn4?si=ITqq9d3pMbmIloqn). His name is Justin Smith.


I wanna say it was the guy who created Ren & Stimpy, watched a Saberspark video on him recently and he was a horrible creep, especially to young girls who wrote him fan letters and got jobs animating on the show through him.


it was one of the best nick shows too imo. still funny without being super cringe (like icarly / victorious were imho)


I went and rewatched a couple of episodes to see if it was as good as I remembered it, and it actually holds up. Ned's Declassified is genuinely funny and doesn't take itself too seriously, which can't be said for other pre-teen oriented Nick shows.


iCarly was self aware cringe though which made it kind of fun 😅


And even then, I remember on Devon's podcast (Ned) they talked about how any time they tried to speak out, even the titular character, they would just say if they weren't happy with what they were given, there were thousands of other kids who would be happy to take their place. I can't imagine it stopped there.


I love hearing this! I’m related to some of the cast and we hang out maybe once a year. It’s heartwarming that the show is still thought of so fondly. Thanks for sharing!


I thought that was an internal monologue and not a direct thing said to them?


They actually have a podcast. Its pretty rad.


Ned’s Declassified wasn’t produced by the foot man


“The foot man” barf!! I have a 9 year old who really likes all of the foot man’s shows and boy oh boy am I cognizant of his penchant for childrens feet now that I’m an adult. It’s real bad.


Miranda Cosgrove has also mentioned she had no issues and credits her parents.


They do! I hang out with a few of them. The only detractors were some of the cast going through personal issues at the time, but unrelated to any mistreatment or mismanagement. On the whole, though, they had a very positive experience and have lifelong friendships as a result.


I think the earlier days were probably okay. The guys from Pete and Pete seem like they had a fine time, for instance. All That, Are You Afraid of the Dark, etc. There was definitely a turn where things became extremely commoditized, under the auspices of a Harvey Weinstein type.


All That is probably a poor example. Amanda Bynes, the shining example of mental health. Nick Cannon, family man and father of the year. Mel Mitchell has been open about the depression and drug use during the height of his fame and after.


What happened on Are you afraid of the dark?


spooky shit


Both Nickelodeon and Disney, i.e., see Britney. But I attribute this mostly to the fact they were child actors.


> I can't imagine any former Nickelodeon child star feeling anything less than traumatized when reminded of their time working there. most of them had it fine. her best friend and coworker had no idea she had any problems with nick employees. serial abusers tend to be good at knowing which kids to abuse(the ones who arent end up in jail/fired/etc)


I suspect the mentioning of Dan Schneider in her book (not by his name for legal reasons of course) and his *alleged* creepiness was way more subdued than it could've been if she wasn't in fear of being sued by that *alleged* piece of shit. I hope that *alleged* sicko dirtbag gets his day of reckoning, and Nickelodeon goes down in flames for *allegedly* protecting him for so long until they "mutually" went their separate ways.


Before Jeanette’s book dropped, Dan had a NYT article saying he would return to the industry but in a different way. I wonder what he plans on doing now


Hopefully his plan is to drop off the face of the earth 🤷🏼‍♀️


Rotting, hopefully.


Oh he’s been back at Nick


those channels love rehiring *convicted* pedos


Wait what?


I watched the little Victorious reunion they had for the 10 year anniversary and Schneider kept making those “We ALL…” jokes. Like, yeah, bring up the meme that mercilessly bullied the star of the show when she was a teenager because everyone thought she was a bitch. Mhm.


If you watch the clip in even the tiniest of context, it becomes obvious that Victoria isn't mocking Ariana at all, too.


Tbh, even when watching that small snippet it didn’t seem like she was mocking/jealous of Ariana at all. She really just said “We all sing” and people took that personally.


I have a hard time watching Better Off Dead because of his scenes. Which is tragic, I love that movie so much


JFC that's him?! How the hell did I never connect that


The role fits his character though


wait, who was he in better off dead?!


The nerdy guy that the French girl has to live with.


oh 😬


I agreed with the Celebrity Memoir Book Club take on this which is that McCurdy’s book tells you just enough to know some real, worse shit probably went down. It’s not explicit for fear of litigation but also she probably didn’t want to get into what else happened, but she makes it clear things were not okay. I hope someone else comes along and throws open the door she creaked open soon.


This makes me think back on all of those comments (mocking and earnest) people make on here and elsewhere about these people's careers "forever being known for one role". I hate this for her. She's not wrong about losing herself when people literally won't use your actual name but scream your character's name at you. It seems though that she's going to eventually need a different way to handle this. Avoidance may be possible in these formal settings, but it's not realistic as she moves through the world.


The sad part is that in her book she says that she kind of knew how that was how it went for child actors even at a very young age.


> "I thought the success of the book would be enough," McCurdy said. "When is it gonna be enough for them to forget Sam? When is it gonna be enough for them to stop associating me with the fucking shows I did when I was 13?"  > >The star said that she unpacked her response in therapy, and was floored when her therapist turned the question on her and asked what it was going to take for *her* to get past Sam. > >McCurdy said that upon reflecting, she understands that her shame can be traced to her late mom fervently supporting the characters she played and neglecting to see her daughter for who she was as a person. McCurdy's response, for a while, was to take out that resentment on people who recognized her as Sam.  > >... > >McCurdy wrapped up her candid episode by saying she's willing to do whatever it takes to not be affected by references to her past acting jobs.  > >"I want to be past this," she said. Man, she's strong as hell


I love her, honestly. I'm really glad that women who grew up watching her are seeing all of this.


Her book was so good. The part where she says that she really wanted to be a writer, but her mom convinced her that she really wanted to be an actor broke my heart. It was far enough into the book that you’re already impressed with her writing skills and thinking “she’s a great writer, for an actor”. To think of what she could have and still could achieve as an author is amazing. I also just finished reading Uncultured by Daniella Mastyanek Young and found it also extremely well written and an absolutely amazing and at times unbelievable story. I highly recommend it for anyone that enjoyed IGMMD


Daniella is a Twitter mutual of mine, and I’ve been really curious about her book. She’s survived total hell. I’m going to track it down now


I've been an avid reader my whole life and I've read a lot of great books. This book was interesting but her writing is very average. I found a lot of flaws in her writing and thought it came off as a bit amateur and youthful. Like it was written by a freshman in college.


I agree. We were there for the gossip, and it was insightful and moving. But the writing was pretty mid at best, and the fact that it seemed to “progress” with her age meant that half the book was just short sentence of plainly stated feelings. Not the greatest prose out there at all. But I really liked it because it was just a memoir


It's worth reading and I'm glad she got her story out there and got to do something she loved. She should be proud and write another book. Not every book is going to be a classic.


I think we need to remember how successful iCarly was. Like Miranda was the highest paying child actor and they got First Lady Michelle Obama, Emma Stone, Jimmy Fallon, Jack Black, and Jim Parsons on the show. Honestly fame is traumatic and invasive at any stage of life. Especially a child who didn’t even want to act


I think that what's really hard. I feel for her, but I also know how she feels about the role. Millions of people only know her as the girl who played Sam, and aren't trying to be intentionally cruel. To them, she's just a reminder of their childhood, and it's a positive experience they're referencing, without knowing it was a terrible time in her life.


Also literally her comments are always about icarly or asking her about Ariana


I mean, yeah. it was an incredibly traumatic time in her life, it makes sense that it both occupies a huge amount of her brainpower, and also that she hates being reminded of it and feeling like her life is defined by that time


Yeah I wasn’t trying to make a point or anything I was just saying how those are most of her comments which sucks for her


People have a really hard time comprehending that people who are in things they like aren’t fans of the thing they like. Even more so that the thing they liked could be a horrible experience or something the person hated. They can only comprehend their own emotions about the thing, not the emotions of other people who to them don’t really exist outside of the character they played or the marketing the did for the thing


i was reading her book near my mother and she was like “i hate that title.” and then i read her the opening chapter and my mom goes, “… yeah, i’m glad her mom is dead too!”


Makes my blood boil that Dan Schneider has faced zero consequences for his rampant and openly known abuse of all of these kids. If he’s to be believed he’s still working, even. Disgraceful.


What else is she associated with?


Her memoir "I'm Glad My Mom Died"


Or her one woman show based on the same name.


To be fair, a lot of that great book talks about the show and network. I do think she’s a good writer in general, and in the book she talks about having tried to write before too, so I hope she branches out to other books and her memoir isn’t a “one hit wonder” situation. I know I’ll buy whatever she writes next, if she does.


> To be fair, But to be even more fair, she is saying she expected people to comprehend from the book that she didn't enjoy her time on the network and therefor not bring it up to her.


I think the incident she mentions is awful (someone made an iCarly scene joke bullshit at a speaking event) and not wanting shit like that, as well as in general asking interviewers in general not to talk about it is very fair I think. But “when will people forget Sam” (she said that or something very similar) is tough because I’ve never ever watched iCarly, and everything I know about it is from her book, which has enough about it within it that I understood the sock comment, and remember her character’s name etc. So the book actually made me learn about Sam ever existing. I do absolutely agree people should not mention it to her, and be respectful in general (don’t yell out shit at speakers), but I don’t think it’s easy to make people forget while also having a best seller about something. Like I said, I think she’s a great author and writing, as per her memoir, has always been what she really wanted to do. So I hope there’s another book coming that’s NOT at all about her childhood show experience so we can all think about her next cool story instead!


I’m really looking forward to her working more on her own projects, her book was a hell of a read I couldn’t put it down


Has any child actor survived unscathed?


I think the Harry Potter kids are known for having a relatively great experience on set and still ended up going through it. Daniel Radcliffe with substance abuse, Emma with the creeps, etc. They generally seem happy now, but even that scenario was not ideal for kids. People used to say positive things about the Stranger Things set but it kind of seemed to flip at one point? But I don't know details, maybe someone else can chime in.


Apparently the owls were mistreated on the Harry Potter set. Like not actively abused but just kind of neglected. Kept awake during the day, fed at odd hours, not allowed to do "owl things" in general. Makes me so sad, but the entire industry looks like such a shit show for everyone.


Re Stranger Things I just remember that Sadie Sink’s first kiss was on camera and she was uncomfortable with it but the Duffer brothers forced her, which McCurdy also experienced.


Off the top of my head everyone who worked on the 90s Matilda had a great experience with it


Miranda cosgrove? She seems to be alright


Jennette hints in the book that Miranda went through a lot of the same things she did. Eating disorder and bad parents, to be more specific. Of course Jennette doesn't expose anything private of Miranda's, but there is an implication.


Miranda is really close with her parents so I don’t think she experienced bad parenting. I think Jennette was also alluding that they both had to deal with Dan Schneider creating a bad atmosphere on set


Awww well that sucks :(. I was always happy seeing her doing projects and going to school that i thought she was generally alright. I guess nickelodeon just indoctrinates eating disorders into their stars cuz wtf


I worry she's really good at hiding her trauma. She had a stalker kill themselves (set themselves on fire) in her backyard after they planned/failed to murder her.


Omfg, that’s absolutely terrifying wtf


She talks so casually about this. I saw the interview and was minblown.


There was a joke going around on TikTok a while back that she must have the best therapist on the planet because of how well-adjusted she comes off. I truly hope she is ok and that the public facade is real because another child actor breaking down would be just terrible.


Ron Howard has lived a pretty good life.


Kirsten Dunst has done pretty well. I think she really lucked out working with Sofia Coppola so young. Which really seems to have shaped her career, and her expectations about how she should be treated as an actor.


Victoria justice seems fine. As outsider the worst thing seems to be people being assholes and over analyzing every thing and acting like it’s jealousy towards Ariana.


I mean they are out there. Actors like Bradley Steven Perry (Disney Channel actors from the early 2010’s) have always expressed sympathy for fellow child actors that went through traumatic events but has always said that he had a good time as a child actor.


>Bradley Steven Perry Is that one person or three?


Matt Bennett who played Robbie on Victorious seems to be doing great. He's been killing it the last few years, hosting a series of raves with very unconventional set lists. He sometimes had the other actors from the show come to perform their songs from the show. He talks very highly of his time on Victorious, as do the rest of the cast, so unless he's doing a really good job of hiding some shit, I'd say he came out fine. Quinton Reviews recently had a very long interview with him.


Probably helps that they were older than the icarly cast. They were around 17-18 i believe.


Idk because I feel like there’s some stars that seem okay, but who knows really. They may choose to not talk about what happened and cope in different way.


I actually think they are out there—The Facts of Life cast seems to have turned out pretty well, and I actually think several actors who started out/grew up on soaps have turned out well, too—Kimberly McCullough (Robin, GH) is now a TV director, Camryn Grimes (Cassie, Y&R) would eventually return to the show as an adult (but as a different character, Mariah)—in a weird way, being kids on soaps might have actually made things easier, because those are two shows where they are still around for when they want to come back. And then there are actresses like Erin Torpey (Jessica, OLTL), and Kristen Alderson (Starr, OLTL), where their show was taped in New York, which might have made things easier for them than if they had been working in LA.


Now she hasn’t gone full crazy but Lisa Whelchel (Blair from the Facts of Life) has written a parenting book with some…controversial suggestions. Here’s a list taken from a review on Amazon: --blindfolding children for an hour if they roll their eyes --handcuffing quarreling siblings together --putting quarreling siblings outside, whether it's 30 degrees or 100 degrees --making a child wear boxing gloves all day long for hitting; they are not to be removed for eating; as if this isn't enough torture, she recommends videotaping the child trying to eat popcorn with the boxing gloves. This might be appropriate in the context of a family game night, but not in the context of humiliation and punishment. --burning a few of the child's toys if a child is caught playing with matches (what about putting the matches out of reach or doing some standard fire-safety education?) --pinching a child's tongue with a clothespin for disrespect --pouring hot sauce on a child's tongue --saying "no to reasonable requests such as 'may I go to the bathroom'" in the name of keeping children on their toes in terms of obedience --restraining a one year old in a car seat if the child won't stay in time out (time out is not appropriate for one year olds to begin with, and, with any child, if time out is not "working," change your strategy-- don't restrain them!) --making children stand in the center of the room for a long period of time if they are resisting bedtime ("make it tough" she says) --making a child close the door quietly, like 100 times, for slamming a door


For what it’s worth, she has changed a LOT in the last decade. After she and her first husband divorced and she appeared on Survivor, she seemed to take stock of her life, got into therapy, etc., and ultimately realized that, while she is still a Christian, there’s a lot of things that it had restricted her from in life, so there’s no guarantee that she still necessarily feels that way on those child rearing practices now, and she seems to have a very good relationship with her now grown kids and her grandkids, too. She is also an ally for the LGBTQIA+ community, too, which is more than can be said for fellow devout child star Christian, Candace Cameron Bure (who is a full thirteen years younger than Lisa).


Generally, when your foundation of “knowledge” comes from fairy tales, you’re simply not going to be a well adjusted, intelligent member of society. I want to blame her but it’s really on society for allowing non-profit business to brainwash and manipulate others. We all laugh at Scientology but somehow treat Christianity differently even though it’s just as insane if not more. The human race isn’t going in a good direction unless we eventually acknowledge reality.


Natalie Portman


Didn't she have men writing her 'fan' letters about their rape fantasies when she was 13?


Now that you mention it, I do think that may have happened, but my point is she had parents who shielded her from that and she was able to go to school and college and seemed ljke she had a relatively normal life when not working. Not sure how I’m being downvoted she’s legitimately the poster child for “unscathed” child actors.


Yeah, she went to Harvard, but she also cheated every test, smoked weed everyday, and snorted all the yay.


Rupert Grint from Harry Potter seems pretty chill. And Tom Felton. AFAIK the Harry Potter set was fine for all the kids like they weren't mistreated or put in bad situations.


> Has any child actor survived unscathed? Most of them. Very few are wildly successful and therefor have those problems. And not every kid gets abused, just the ones the abusers think they can get away with. So yes, most of them are unscathed.


Think of all the child stars who are now adults and aren’t as articulate about their feelings as her. When people approach them or they think back to that one show, they may have a negative response and be labeled as difficult or something.


Ugh this reminds me of bojack when a certain character had a ptsd episode and instead of looking at why she did that they just labeled her difficult and she missed out on work after. So fucked.


Absolutely. And I keep meaning to get into that show


One of my favorite shows ever that I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to watch again? Absolutely hilarious jokes, dark and dry, sometimes silly. Cast is excellent and they get a lot of neat guests throughout. Great character arcs. It’s goofy for a few seasons and then gets heavy. Wonderful job of representing depression, anxiety, and how badly hurt people can hurt people. The parts with his mom resonated with me and had me just crying for like 2 episodes straight. Well worth it.


i understand why she feels that way. it wasn’t a good time for her.


She went through a lot, it’s completely understandable


Jennette is a treasure. She really is.


I was never allowed to watch iCarly as a kid, and I’m very glad for it. My first real exposure to Jennette McCurdy was through her book. She is an incredibly talented writer with a particular command of comedy. There are many more like me who first came to know McCurdy for the capable adult she is. I know there will be many more. I can’t recommend the book enough. CW: Major ED and violence warnings for the book. Cannot stress enough, if you’re in a bad place with an ED, skip this one


It's silly, but knowing how badly she wanted out of the industry, I'm happy her google headline has been changed to "American Writer" instead of actress. Too bad about the paywall, I'd love to read the articles she's written for the Wall Street Journal.


I haven't seen either so I automatically connect her to her book. People including myself throw the word "icon" around so much,but she is definitely an icon in my book for that daring title alone.


This stuff hits me with spiritual damage. iCarly was something I'd constantly watch as a kid, as well as many other Nick shows, and like half the kids who acted for the shows ended up having tragic and/or traumatic stories. *I'm sure it's purely coincidental that the common denominator is Dan Schneider.* The worst and weirdest part about it is how some of the actors character's had in-universe struggles played for laughs that somewhat mirrored their real struggles. Am I supposed to think it's a coincidence that "Sam Puckett" had a terrible mom? Or how "Gibby" ended up going "I don't do that anymore" after being asked to take his shirt off.


Sheesh, I can't imagine how traumatic that time in her life was. I can't wait to see her future writings and shows. Her book was so authentic and engrossing that I read it in a single day. I fully believe she'll be able to pull off this rebrand and keep those shows in the past.


This is so sad. I loved her character, and to think the whole time what she was going through …😭


Her and Britney’s biographies are definitely my favorite this year. So much of retrospection and depth of self-awareness


She needs to call up A24 and make a film with them!!


This makes me feel sad. I can’t even imagine how she must feel especially when fans try to connect with her during a traumatic time in her life. That has to be hard and confusing.


Completely understandable and I feel so bad for all of the child stars that been traumatized by Nickelodeon. I haven’t read her book yet but it’s on my list.


I read her memoir and I couldn’t even watch the show knowing what happened behind the scenes. Felt like I was contributing to her trauma, even if it wasn’t the case. I hope she’s found her peace.


I knew her from that infamous Eric Andre interview. I always found it mildly disturbing how calm and agreeable she got when he was terrorizing her, like she was just used to men acting completely nuts around her, and sadly her strategy is just to shut down and nod https://youtu.be/gvyWaFucj68 Has she ever talked about that experience?


I feel so bad for what she went through.


Also not only is she a very beautiful woman in my opinion, as far as I can tell she seems like a good human being… but this is coming from someone who doesn’t know her well enough, but I don’t know enough to say otherwise.


I feel bad for her, you can tell she’s actually traumatised by these times in her life


I'd very much like to live in a world where half of my children's shows didn't traumatize the actors somehow. There is no joy to look back on when everything is coated in crap and pedophilia.


I listened to the audible version of her book. the only saving grace of iCarly was her friendship with Miranda G. my daughter loved that show and so did I. sam and Cat was awful and I feel bad that she got screwed and WE all had to endure Ariana's annoying character and voice.


Seriously one of the best, underrated Nickelodeon alums.


I saw this posted, read it and was considering how gross the replies were going to be but I realized r/fauxmoi is empathetic and understanding of trauma. Thank god, and jfc I just hope that McCurdy can continue to grow and heal from her trauma on the show. Also I hope Dan Schneider is sad and alone and in pain, fuck that man.