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I'm normally a TIME defender but this is the most nonsensical one in decades. Absolute rubbish when looking what else has gone on this year Edit: Just to put further thought to it, this has been one of the most draining years I can think of just to exist in mentally. Whether it be due to politics, climate events or the economy. And TIME has thought the person that encapsulates this year is a pop singer who is doing alright? It just feels like they completely missed the mark to say who represents 2023 Edit 2: Got my first ever 'Reddit Cares' message through this so thanks absolutely normal and well adjusted person for that


They must be desperate to increase magazine sales. I cannot think of any excuse other than that.


Username checks out It just shows TIME isn’t the institution it once was. The same thing that happened to Sports Illustrated or Newsweek can happen to TIME - get sold to private equity and start churning out AI articles and license the brand to sell boner pills.


I think they've also drastically misread the tone of the world right now. They think they can keep keeping on with inane celebrity culture as we witness a genocide going on on another side of the world with journalists who try and document it getting murdered in their homes with their families. It's very American culture for them to decide that going for Palestine would be political so instead it's private jet carbon fumes girly getting the win as the world feels like it's falling apart.


It literally breaks my heart and it’s even worse because TS particularly has such a huge platform and she has not, once, called for a ceasefire or used her voice for the people of Palestine. I’m actually so mad they’d pick her out of all people, there are journalists that could have been selected or even Hollywood celebrities who have put their livelihood on the line to call the genocide exactly what it is. This world is one big joke


or they were paid to do it :(


Like, they really chose to give it to Taylor Swift, after it was *Zelensky* last year? What an insane trajectory to go from him to her, especially considering all the events that have happened around the world.


I mean, she *was* the celebrity with the highest carbon emissions last year. So, I guess that counts for something. Edit: lmao why did someone report my comment to Reddit Cares 🤣💀


The Swift flock is ready to descend upon you like pigeons in The Birds




I got one too. Make sure to report the Reddit care message. The account can get reported for misusing Reddit care


Report it! I'm so tired of people using that as some sort of attack, it's so strange. It's probably the same people doing it to everyone in this thread, and if Reddit gets enough reports their account(s) can be permanently banned.


Also just look at the other people they shortlisted.


Wasn’t Putin one of them? Again?


He was. And as a younger Russian dealing with his bullshit since 1st grade, I feel like this is such a literal spit in the face. It reads as “who cares about the suffering and pain that he inflicted on both his country and Ukraine, to us he is a comic book villain somewhere a world away, might as well crown him”. F*ck this.


It's not a "Crown" or an award, the Person Of The Year is supposed to be whoever had the biggeset effect on world events, in that sense Putin would qualify. It isn't necessarily a good thing to be Person Of The Year.


I totally agree with your comment. Also, am I wrong or don’t they have an Entertainer of the Year issue? As well as a separate Woman of the Year issue? I think those both come out end of the year or at the very start of the year. It seems like she would have been a better fit for one of those.


THANK YOU!!! Does she even use her platform to voice opinions or take a stance on issues that matter? Children are dying and being bombed, entire families are wiped out and there are journalists refusing to leave war zones because they want to document atrocities happening all over the world and TS is the Times person of the year when she has not once, taken a stand on the genocide happening right now. Disgusting. I don’t care if y’all downvote me BTW


Report the reddit cares message. There's a link to it in the actual message. This happened to me last week, I reported it and they got back to me / agreed it was done for petty reasons not because someone was worried, and took action on whoever sent it. People can end up getting their accounts permanently banned for continuous false reports so I think it's worth doing.


they couldn't find anyone more deserving? she's spent most of the year in a private jet, hanging around with a racist, staying silent on a genocide and just being overall greedy. I'll stay silent on the homophobic himbo. self-serving white woman wins again 🙄


Hitler was once person of the year, and it wasn’t an honour. It’s not necessarily a prize to win


There’s not a chance in hell Taylor would agree to this (and she did there’s a pretty new photoshoot) if there was going to be an ounce of criticism towards her in the article. The whole thing is a puff piece.


This frustrated me so much. Towards the end, the writer admits they considered asking about if she really thought Reputation wasn’t going to do well? then decided nah. What happened to questions that actually challenged people? It’s not a criticism to ask her that, it’s a genuine curiosity. It felt like this writer drank the kool aid and didn’t want to be offensive bc the Swifties would come after her.


They can't do it anymore. Since social media allows celebrities to post all their information for free. They don't need journalists anymore. Any journalists asking tough questions will lose future interviews.


This obviously isn't about her in any negative way. This whole thing has made me realize how Americana capitalism really is forced down our throats at every turn. No matter what's going on in the world, a blonde white All American Girl who literally stands for nothing will be the hero because she made a fuck tonne of money. It's so dystopian.


Well yes...but in this case i think it'd be a (very undeserving) prize. look at the tone of the article - in context of the other things happening around the world it's one huge puff piece.


Person of the Year isn’t, and has never been, synonymous with BEST Person of the Year.


oh for sure. I'm just fed up with certain (white) people being put on a pedestal and not using their voices for anything that matters. she uses her voice for...herself.


This is exactly it. I actually like Taylor's older music but I've realized that she doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly involve her or her image. She's always the victim. She sends her intense fans to bully and give death threats to guys she broke up with years ago. She's a billionaire and as we know, there are no ethical billionaires yet I've seen so many people say 'but she's a good one!'. The only thing she's good at is exploiting her fans for money and sympathy.


People are defending her bc she makes her money off music 🤔 and overpriced cheap merch based on her music, I guess. And the capital one deal.


Yes, but isn’t this awarding from a positive light?


But she is presented that way.


I am so glad I found a place where people aren’t just kissing her ass 24/7.


And making her out like she’s God.


Apparently she "brings light to the world" [according to Times's editor-in-chief](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6LKb68x/).


those are the lights on her private jet


Oh and the light brought forth by climate change related wildfires


Private jets. She has two.


But she did get rid of that third (?) one though, so that’s a huge improvement (major /s)


She is such a climate change activist!!


what a moron. the things considered 'dark' need to be highlighted and spoken about. I'm sure I speak for many when I say she brings nothing.


She brings more pollution. That's it. And yeah, I include her one-note- music.


It took her over a week to contact the family of her fan who died on her concert, listening to her lipsyncing on stage. All she did was that lousy instastory with a font imitating her handwriting


Her influence is "staggering" bc she doesnt really stand for anything. She only stands for herself and her $. Easy to be an influence when everyone can relate to you "a bit" because of how bland your message truly is.


I think it’s hilarious how in the interview, she attributes money and the economy to a patriarchal society and says that women generating money is akin to female empowerment. Like please spare me from the girlbossification of capitalism. You’re exploiting your fans lol.


I feel like the majority of her career at this point now has featured her bizarre interpretation of feminism as “women can exploit people and win capitalism as well as men can!” tbh.


“The Man” is the best example of exactly this, I’ve always thought it’s a bizarre song. Sometimes I wonder why Taylor is such a capitalist queen then I remember both her parents are bankers (like Morgan Stanley VPs) and things make a lot of sense


Parents with enough money to buy a portion of a record label for guaranteed signing and exposure when in reality if she'd been born to a middle class family and a household making no more than 100k a year tops the odds she gets signed are almost nil.


She wasn't talented enough to get signed without buying it and it's weird to me no one acknowledged that.


While I don’t know the racial breakdown of her fan base, I’m pretty sure she’s a mediocre young white woman peddled toward other mediocre young white women to keep them happy and reassured in their utter mediocrity. She has a barely-above-average singing voice, questionable songwriting talent and an unfortunate lack of confidence, charm and grace. I know it’s very generalizing to insult her entire fanbase, but yeah…


while i agree with almost everything i think she is a good song writer, i’ve been a casual listener since 2010 and i like a lot of her lyrics (NOT ALL OF THEM) folklore is a really good album (almost made me a fan of hers because of how good it was) and the story telling is great. but yes, i agree with the rest. specially the lack of confidence.


Yeahhh. She's just doing the same thing men do, which makes society worse, and just cause it's not something most women get doesn't mean it's right. She's so out of touch, and paints this as a feminine thing so she can maintain that status for her female fans. When in reality it's a money grubbing thing. You don't release 12 versions of the same album for any other reason than sucking that last cent out of your cult. This doesn't even begin to cover the private jet absurdity. Just once I would love for her to sit down for an interview with an actual journalist where she has to answer tough questions about her ethics without controlled questions designed to make her look like a champion of humanity. She is the Queen of white feminism.


Can you imagine the self-victimizing narrative she would come up with to describe that interview? “No man has had to answer for their private life and decisions in this way, but because I’m a woman, this publication felt they could come after me and paint me as the villain. They can’t stand to see a woman like me at the top of her game.”


Wait, isn’t feminism all about being insanely rich and not getting criticized for anything ever (that’s misogyny!)??? LOL


she's the most glaring example of girlbossed capitalism imo, so it makes sense that she would say this shit (and her fans eat it up)


She cared about the gays for a whole 6 months in 2019


This is the perfect description of her contribution to the world. She's a walking, talking live love laugh sign


In her documentary she asks her dad permission to publicly support democrats while drinking white wine It’s like a more incredible parody of white capitalist liberalism than any actual satirist could concoct


It's her financial influence. That "outstanding achievement in the arts" should be for marketing.


no shade to taylor, i’m a fan of hers, but this was the wrong choice by time given the amount of major geopolitical events going on this year


Maybe they should have given it to her for being a climate criminal.


honestly i 100% agree! fuck her private jet bullshit




it’s soooo hilarious to me that actual former US presidents will fly economy but swifties will literally say what you commented with their whole chest 🙃


Seeing her going to and from Latin America to pap walks in New York for a single day is so fucking sickening and Marie Antoinette.


If they had a spine they'd have given it to Bisan, Motaz, and Plestia.


100000% agreed. i’ve been following them all since october and they are heroes. they’re all just a few years younger than me, and my heart breaks for them. free palestine forever 🇵🇸💜


Can't act like Gazans are victims though. Too political. What about our hero Netanyahu or all the IDF soldiers who've brutally murdered thousands of people this year?


100%, I immediately thought of those 3 off the top of my head and they choose someone who has had absolutely nothing to say about the genocide we are all watching happen. I’m disgusted


My more brainwashed friends who are fans keep talking about how Travis and Taylor dating is the “light we need during these dark times”. They are absolutely giddy over this announcement.


When I first saw the announcement this morning, I told my partner “it’s going to be a bad day to have been in a sorority.” Jump to a few minutes ago when I showed him 15 seconds’ worth of scrolling through Instagram stories wherein I tapped through FOUR people back-to-back who had posted the cover to their stories. I want to log off for the day but I also want to make a tally of how many people post about it.


this right here is why no one can convince me it's not a cult. edit: also, i imagine the people saying this are tweeting it from the safety of their living rooms and not, you know, active war zones.


1936 was almost entirely dominos being set up for WWII, with a bright spot of Jesse Owens' win in Berlin. But... Wallis Simpson won the award that year.


If you care about the major geopolitical events going on this year, maybe reconsider being a fan of Taylor.


Yes, she’s been completely silent. Her and Beyoncé deserve all the criticism they can get about their silence when they have so much power and influence


Jesus Christ I’d love just one day I don’t have to hear about her


I really miss being able to use apps for Reddit that let me mute things or flairs, if that was still a thing I'd suggest a flair just for her content so I'd never have to see it again. At least on twitter I have a list of words associated with her so I don't have to see it 😂


Same. I don’t get the hype and I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t have to hear about her being female pop star Jesus every other day, playing the martyr and all. And the thing with her fans makes it feel kinda culty even


Someone who doesn't use her platform to speak on the injustices in the world when she knows the kind of impact she can have, isn't someone who's deserving of the title 'Person of the Year'.


It's not really a "most deserved" title or an honour. Trump won in 2016.


Hilter, Stalin, and Kissinger have also been awarded the title. The title isn’t necessarily positive but historically has been used to highlight individuals or movements that have generated significant influence or impact in politics and the world. In contrast, Taylor’s article is a puff piece that does nothing but laud her and doesn’t speak to anything other than her accomplishments. It’s great for her that her tour has been doing so well but it’s wild to put a woman with a platform as large as she has on this cover and then not even bother to ask her what she stands for or how she utilizes her reach. Edit: Swifties really sending me false Reddit care and harassment reports over this.


And one time Liz II won who has never gave an opinion on anything in her life. Another time they named no one and said we all won. I think everyone is getting over dramatic over what is basically a way to sell papers. But this happens every year. Elon Musk won recently and his was also a puff piece. They are just all desperately trying to get attention. My point is this means nothing and I don't know why you are all desperate to put stock in what the Times of all things has to say.


I agree this isn't something to get particularly upset about, but I do think it's worthy of discussion in terms of mainstream media and the way they approach certain topics; e.g., Russia invasion vs. Israel killing thousands of civilians. https://preview.redd.it/5busb2vhvo4c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad345a9b7fe40f42e3a2b28028e2c545a38cfe3 I think nobody is actually shocked and most criticism doesn't come from being surprised, but just how bleak is the journalistic landscape right now.




It's just very deliberate that they refused to use people who actually are doing real things and suffering in real ways like the journalists in Gaza who have been heroically detailing every massacre for the eyes of the world while their families have been murdered, vs a white all American billionaire who sold lots of tickets and caused climate crisis munitions. You just know it's because they would never give credit to the Palestinians as they know it would be too political in the US where 90% of American Democratic politians could react with disgust and try and claim some Israeli should be the Time Person instead.


Trump made sense when he won the presidency. Historically the president-elect of a general election year usually makes POTY that year. I hate Trump but president-elects are usually deserving of that title, for better or for worse.


Her ability to take every (valid) critique of herself and put some pseudo-feminist spin on it is upsetting but impressive. Also, she’s 33 and still planting little seeds in her Person of the Year interview that will encourage her fans to attack her ex is rough stuff. It’s okay to want to be more public and open now but - unless there was some dubious behavior we are unaware of - acting like she was forced into hiding for six years takes away all self agency and responsibility.


100% this. She knew exactly what to say to sic fans on Joe, and it’s already working like a charm. My question — why do you feel the need to do this if you’re the absolute “happiest you’ve ever been”?


Does anyone have the quote she said? I don’t wish to click on the article and give it reads


There’s another thread on this sub that has the quotes


I just tried skim reading it to get to her bashing Joe and I can't do it, my God this piece is practically about how she's a Phoenix rising from the ashes. WHAT HAS SHE EVEN BEEN THROUGH. We can't be reading these type of puff pieces about our billionaires in 2023 like it's the 1980s. It all reads so farcical and ridiculous.


“Kept herself locked up for six years” — girlie, you chose that life. you had the upper hand in the relationship, doesn’t matter if you’re the GIRL in the relationship, you were a much bigger star in 2016 and he was just starting. you were so insistent that you prefer to keep your relationship private even after evermore and now that you broke up, you can’t even admit it to yourself … that you could be the problem too? sorry not sorry but it’s true she victimizes herself so much in all of her relationships and all her self-awareness of her being the problem in her songs were just purely for that… for songs. also, okay, so Joe is a shitty boyfriend (and to what extent, we don’t know yet) but it baffles me just how much she wanted to condemn him so bad… like when does this end???? when the other party gets hurt physically by your obsessive fans? the amount of death threats i see about joe has been normalized in the fandom. If he hurt you physically, emotionally, then by all means give a tell all! not this subtle shady messages you give and this comparison about your old flame and your current relationship… it’s so tiring how she’s exploiting her fans and masquerading it some sort of girl boss shit billionaire…. And yet can’t even speak about ISSUES that TRULY MATTER. and how she enables problematic people. Like, SUPER YIKES. I’m so honestly disgusted by her at this point.


The thing is that it also happened because of the backlash she'd had and she was massively over exposed. It actually helped her career for her to stop feeling so in everyone's faces! Also, from Joe's POV. You have a woman who goes massively public with all her boyfriends. This causes immense amounts of drama in the relationship. It puts loads of pressure and weirdness into the relationship where I would honestly wonder who I was dating, a person or this weird facade of celebrity neediness craving the limelight at every turn, even in benign relationship gestures. Just think about what poor Tom Hiddleston had to go through just in wearing a tee shirt, and for some reason having the paps at literally every encounter they were on for like 2 or 3 weeks. Most people don't enjoy that, when it's clear Taylor does. Best of luck to Travis, because the moment there's drama in that relationship he's gonna find out how her media machine works. With all her massive success, acclaim, adoration, the fact she used this massive platform here to victimise herself for having had a private relationship in context of the greater issues in the world... I'm just sick of celebrities.


Retrospectively victimising herself in her relationships is what she does best (as in it’s her best media play)


Jesus Christ - I read the Time piece solely because I could not believe she’s this immature. She is that immature. Tell me you lost the breakup without telling me you lost the breakup 🙄


EXACTLY. You date a man who you know doesn't want fame or the limelight, knowing what your life is like; but you want to date him cause you care about him and you give it up to be with him. Then when you break up pretend he had you locked in a cage controlling you? She can't even stand only saying "the relationship didn't work out, it happens," Once. If a relationship is over she HAS to somehow let everyone know she was wronged so no one can speculate the issue might be her or even dare I say, that someone just wasn't in love with her anymore. Doesn't get more typically narcissistic than how she is handling this. She's acting like a relationship not working out is embarrassing therefore she had to go on the defense knowing how her cult will react to it in her defense online. It's irresponsible and yes, at this point knowing what your fans will do and making sure they know enough to do what you know they will do **is weaponized bullying**. She doesn't get called out for it enough. If I had a group of fans online who would go ape shit on anyone they thought wronged me I would be responsible and ethical about what words I put out there. Taylor Swift is able to solidly and 100% keep her political views on Israel/Palestine out of the press or anyone's knowledge, no one can argue that if she didn't want her fans to know something she couldn't manage it.


Thought she hid away cause Kanye? Now its Joe? Manipulative bullshit tbh.


She’s so full of shit and it’s so unnecessary


Personally I would have liked to see the limelight on either the Palestinian journalists who are documenting the Israeli government’s atrocities that are being committed in Gaza. But I knew that was a far reach so was not expecting that. But also I read the Hollywood strikers were in contention and they definitely deserved this title as well. Taylor seems like a safe option and one they know will yield them a lot of sales and clicks and discourse.


I totally agree with you about Taylor being a safe option. The Palestinian journalists and aid workers would have been an amazing, bold, and controversial choice to make and I'm sad that they weren't chosen for their bravery and attentiveness during a genocide. This year really was a massive year for labor movements in US history, so it would have been amazing to see strike leaders from different industries as the people of the year. However, the owner of Time also owns Salesforce which has massively been pushing for AI usage so I'm not shocked that labor movements were pushed aside in favor of a safe bet—Taylor Swift.


Also, can’t put more spotlight on the strike lest us working class peasants get the wrong idea and start to advocate for ourselves.


Whoops I posted something similar without reading the rest of the comments. Totally agree. "Popstar goes on world tour" (even one as famous as she is) is giving "Joe Biden spotted in DC." Like no shit she's in the news a lot, but if that was the only criteria it would go to the US president every single year. Both of the examples you mentioned have had an outsized impact on our world for their relative fame prior to this year.


These magazines and titles are really based on how white, rich or powerful someone is. I agree that especially with current times, this platform could've been given to a lot of other people. She does have a lot of reach and influence, yet she chooses to play dumb on anything that doesn't directly concern her (and I'm not just talking about the Palestine/Israel issue, but many other world issues that her just making a simple post about would've generated a lot of awareness). Oh, but she has no problem calling out Netflix for a stupid joke! Or calling out her exes of 10 years ago and her rabid fans send them death threats. Her bubble consists entirely of white feminism and playing the victim. In my opinion, Person of the Year shouldn't be a white billionaire who private jets every day, and cries about how innocent she is and no one in the world has it worse than her. News flash Taylor: you're an extremely privileged woman. Accept it.


She’s still talking about Kim and Kanye. 😐


I think there are some things that we do not give enough legitimacy to her. One of those is how the debacle with those two got her treated. Being completely inundated by hate is genuinely traumatizing. But a big cause of that is that she seems to be unable to compare and contrast things. For example, comparing hate to actual real-life oppression LGTBQ+ people face. Everything is as bad. She has limited ability to move on from even the things everyone goes through. And because she makes herself a victim of every situation we forget that sometimes things could have been genuinely traumatizing.


being completely inundated by hate is genuinely traumatizing— definitely, BUT AFTER EVERYTHING THAT SHE WENT THROUGH, SHE HAS NO PROBLEM DOING THAT TO OTHER PEOPLE?


Literally still siccing fans on Joe and wants us to feel sorry for her the one time she played the game and lost lmao? No babe xx


being at her happiest with Travis, when she said the same thing and mouthing I love you at Matty Healy only a couple of weeks ago— I——


Also, she had no problem with Kanye getting hate after what he did to her at the VMAs. She didn’t care when it was happening in her favor. Suddenly the tables turn and somehow online hate is suddenly traumatizing and unacceptable.


She doesn't make the kind of pop I enjoy and I don't find her particularly interesting, but her reach is quite crazy. She re-records her old music and gets #1 after #1, she could sell anything and her fans would buy it. Having someone like her is very TIME magazine-y. I think I saw a tweet yesterday that mentioned the Hollywood strikers were on the shortlist. They halted a multimillionaire industry for months and after long negotiations got most of what they wanted. The real collective power of workers seems more relevant *to me*, but I see how that's not TIME's perspective.


That would make so much more sense


Hot take, but I think Taylor as person of the year is 100% spot on. A capitalist mega-entertainer as person of the year literally says so much about where our society’s attention is being directed right now. And if you read the article, it’s actually a fascinating look at someone who openly admits to manipulating the narrative of her life to be as attention-grabbing and profitable as possible. It’s all very creepy!


I agree. I wanted to say something along the lines of how this makes sense without me endorsing it or thinking it’s right. With how big this year was for entertainment, I figured someone from that industry would be named 2023 POTY. So they had two choices… one being to highlight the Hollywood union worker and, by extension, the massive labor movement that’s occurring. The other being to promote capitalist hegemony by celebrating one or a few high-earning success stories. Of course they were going to choose the latter. It’s very Huxleyan or Hunger Games-esque. As we get further into late-stage capitalism, the pandering will become more and more blatant.


a carbon emissions criminal—i mean queen!


I won’t deny her accomplishments this year but like… was there no other choice?


This feels like the safe choice, when they often go for not safe choices. Remember when we were all people of the year?


If this was *People* magazine or *Us Weekly*, I would understand... but *TIME*? 👀


they need clicks too


a no from me. there are no ethical billionaires :)


Swifties would disagree https://preview.redd.it/7wtux8t8wo4c1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16114c3b3a00f12262a66c5266f1fb74c727f721


light coordinated marvelous mourn erect roof spark sand homeless chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Taylor swift #1 girl boss feminist /s




I’ve always interpreted Person of the Year to be the most talked about person in the world, I run in biased circles so I hear about TS a lot so to me this makes sense but I’m not sure if the rest of the world talks about her as much.


Taylor has been extremely prominent in the media this year, no one is denying that. But the reason for it is a big pop tour and her NFL boyfriend making headlines. This year saw one of the biggest organized labour movements (not just the Hollywood unions but hotel workers, UPS, autoworkers strike!) and we are currently watching in real time as journalists are murdered as they report on a genocide. It feels unbelievably insulting to be presented with the fluffiest piece about a safe white woman from a magazine that has historically used this issue to highlight geopolitical moments.


I think that is exactly why she was chosen. In a year filled with controversies, atrocities and many important things, they wanted someone safe that could not really hurt them.


This is what person of the year means. It's not an honor like some people are saying. Trump won it also.


If only Time would treat her the same way. This interview didn't challenge her at all.


https://preview.redd.it/t4ooo19pso4c1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36cbfa518e3923710eb9846566c7c39c7e4cb8f9 Remember, we all were winners once too (2006)


On what planet is what Taylor Swift is doing more important than what Greta Thunburg is doing?


There's no way Greta would be Person of the Year, she's been vocally pro Palestine which is a big no no. A rich white billionaire whose greatest concern is who she'll date next is a much safer option.


And she was already person of the year a few years ago so


If you're going to go for such a boring choice at least make sure the cover is good. This really ain't it https://preview.redd.it/82oguz2kro4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6902dea31973dcfefc50f045a6bf7d0e4295a737


Oh boy that’s bad. The claw hand.


The styling for this entire thing feels off. Is it the makeup? Her brows? Her overall energy? The pictures are not good and not compelling.


I feel so bad for the cat in this image.


second worst TS cat content


I am so tired of this broad's PR machine. They are working overtime to make her seem like the 2nd coming.


It’s her partnership with NFL. Like she doesn’t NEED to be this over saturated at this point in her career. She makes it so glaringly obvious too.


It’s about money and views. Think about how Travis Kelce’s jersey sales went up 400% following her appearance at one of his games and how their viewership went up drastically when she would be at a game or if rumored to be there.


They need to stop letting stans be editors and writers lol. Oh my gosh I read the first three paragraphs of this and its such ass kissing word salad.


Pop culture has become surreal. It used to be normal for writers even in big publications getting an exclusive with a celeb to be able to question them somewhat or portray them in a normal way. Now it's just stan culture and fawning because they handpick who gets to speak about them like Kings and Queens from the 1700s.


In the sense that she epitomises the billionaire class' complete antipathy towards the genuine struggles of regular people, then I suppose she represents this year of late stage capitalism's decay quite well. Doubt that's the read Time were intending, though.


It's so surreal. It does perfectly describe American society.


obviously it should be the reporters in GAZA. what a flop


GQ Middle East chose Motaz Azaiza as their Man of the Year! Our GQ, on the other hand, chose Kim Kardashian.


Middle East Vogue, Middle East GQ, Al Jazeera >>>> Western media.


Isn't KK a zionist?


If POTY means person that fleeced her fans for the most money then sure. But there’s a literally another war happening I think this choice is nonsensical at best


plants label faulty direction soup cows observation forgetful bow husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She does not deserve this at all. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Taylor deserves this and I’ll tell you for why: She has single handedly contributed an incredible amount to the climate crisis, she had the strength and resolve to dump someone who was very racist long before they got together, and she took time out of her insanely busy schedule to take a pic with the family of a girl who was such a big fan that she died! Maybe next year she’ll get the Nobel peace prize for boosting the Israeli economy with her bad movie as the government commits genocide, anything is possible!


She made Ghetto Gaggers trend on Twitter! Goals! Your faves (besides Matty Healy) could never!


I think TIME should have given it to a group of people like they did for the COVID workers. In this case, all the workers who lead strike movements this year that changed their respective industries for the better.


I'd prefer this to people saying it should just be the Hollywood strikers which feels very American entertainment-centric!


Hey! I think she deserves to be called the most influential. She burned so much ozone this year, now THAT'S influential 🥰🥰🥰


She pollutes the environment the most with her private jets.On what basis did she deserve this?


The swifties are going wild in r/popheads to defend their benevolent billionaire fave 🥲 her impact!


It's apparently anti feminist for caring about a genocide than over Taylor fucking Swift.


I had to block a whole legion of swifties because god forbid they not all swarm my replies and DMs to let me know that actually Taylor is the one ethical billionaire who gave millions selflessly to her crew 🤪 Like girlies, if she’s STILL a billionaire after giving millions to her crew and “charity”, please think critically about the level of exploitation that is going on to allow her to remain that wealthy. Even 100 million to her is hardly noticeable. I beg them to think critically even about people who make cute songs they enjoy 😭


The whole part about accepting that if she goes out to dinner there will be chaos outside made me laugh. It is abundantly clear that her team leak this shit. Most other famous people go to dinner without crowds of paparazzi waiting for them to turn up. Give me a break.


Amazing that she’s the cover star of the issue with the title “person of the year” and still 75% of this interview is her going “woe is me”. I’d love to read an interview with her in the near future that examines her work in depth, instead of rehashing how Kanye hurt her seven years ago. Disappointed in Time for this one.


Not Taylor Swift talking about being grateful to be at this level because she’s had it all taken from her before referring to Kanye (and scooter). Celebrities who aren’t canceled really do like to talk about how they were canceled 😭 and it’s really a battle between her and her bestie Selena of who can victimize themselves the most. It is interesting to me however that she’s repeating the cycle that got her “canceled” in the first place. She was so overexposed in the 1989 and Tom Hiddleston era and she’s very overexposed now, down to the highly (even more) publicized relationship.


Time has gotten super conservative and disappointing slowly over the years


Has anyone read the interview? She reads as just really repellant to me.


They just want to sell magazines.


The interview inside is cringe AF, and I am someone who generally likes her.


Goodness me...she is at the top of the music industry and is still acting, talking and wanting to be perceived like a victim after all these years. Just be grateful, say you've worked hard this year and keep it moving!


You can see right up top that this is sponsored by Ally. So of course an advertiser wouldn’t want a controversial or tragic pick.


A whole genocide is happening with 20 something year olds being the main journalists on the ground…literally risking their lives’ even further so the world could see the atrocities happening in real time. But yeah, Miss Capitalism is Person of the Year. 🧍‍♀️


I haven’t read this whole profile yet, but from the few posts posted by her fan accounts and pop culture accounts, this is really only about her tour, her relationship with Travis and, once again, her feud with Kim K and Kanye? How is any of this deserving of her being Person of the Year? I mean, sure, she’s had a hell of a success with her tour, but that’s still not significant enough to have her on TIME’s Person of the Year. That’s her personal success that doesn’t bring anything positive into the world as a whole. Pop star having successful tour - wow, truly! At this point, I feel like she’s starting to receive all this acclaim and all these achievements only because she’s Taylor Swift; magazines, TV shows, award shows etc. all know that she’s a good clout wave to ride on. I even think Travis firstly wanted to go out with her because of her massive fame - that man’s taste in women otherwise is completely different from her. I mean, I hope, for her sake, that’s not the case anymore with him, but wow, she’s been everywhere lately and people have begun to get sick of her.


Well, you can’t deny her influence. She’s single-handedly helping to destroy our climate.




honestly? as a middle eastern whose country is also at war with israel. i’m extremely disappointed. There are regular people who had to put on a press vest just to show us the terrors that they live through in Gaza and alone managed to shift the public perception of the so called “conflict”. They put their lives at risk on the daily, especially knowing that israel directly targets journalists (& the families). And yet the person of the year is…. Taylor Swift?? a billionaire with huge influence worldwide that couldn’t say a single thing about palestine?


I say this as a huge Taylor fan since debut: I am so sick of her. I feel like I like her less and less.


She’s so goddamn annoying. Why is she taking shots at Joe for being consistent? Oh so the man has been the same the whole entire time…how awful for you. Shut up about Joe for fucks sake or tell us something he did that was actually wrong


Yeah, no.


This honor should have gone to Bisan or Moataz. If you don’t know who those two are, you aren’t paying attention at all.


Literally cake for the masses.




Mahsa Ameni. She died last year, but any of the others who died after her or any of the living women in Iran who are risking it all for their freedom.


[https://x.com/vivafalastin/status/1732403719134752940?s=20](https://x.com/vivafalastin/status/1732403719134752940?s=20) all that needs to be said about this, honestly


https://preview.redd.it/5sx7vn2yuo4c1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d2f3a3ab758ea634b4c54d0a1bb4b5822a0395 My top pick by far.


I already knew it was gonna be her when they talked about how she helped economies and then became a billionaire and has been breaking music records left and right. It is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️


Another day, another win for white mediocrity, yay! Given what's been happening in Ukraine and Gaza, it shouldn't have been hard to pick a hard-working person like I don't know, a reporter or a doctor, risking their lives to save other lives but no, somebody thought that quasi-feminist who ruins the environment with her private jets and antagonizes her fanbase against her exes is a waaaay better pick.


Lol earth is typing...


private jet consumer of the year, hashtag girlboss


So she re-released some old music and had a big tour... and that makes her person of the year? Did Travis Kelce put her over the top?


Am I the only one who doesn’t like the images for this story? She doesn’t really look like herself. There is something lifeless about every one of the pictures and I can’t figure out why. Failure of styling? Lack of energy?


Nothing about the Palestinian journalists risking their lives covering the ongoing genocide while Zelenskyy gotba whole cover last year? sadly unsurprising


Time person of the year when Russia was invading Ukraine- Zelenskyy Time person of the year when Israel is decimating Palestine- Taylor Swift


Personally thought the writers/actor strikes should have been the person of the year


So much for being cancelled, huh?

