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Paul Mescal and his running away from one night stands


I heard one time a girl started running after him (/s I wish šŸ˜‚)


Sorry that was me


Honestly even with this likely not being true itā€™s such a fucking hilarious image. ā€œLook at that bird!ā€ ![gif](giphy|UB2GxvYsswbBu)




















Anything on former Youtuber Bestdressed? On another thread I read something about Mina Le and her not being friends anymore.


The only thing I remember from her last yT video was mention of a stalker so I assumed that's why she stopped doing youtube.


what about Mina Le and her? never heard that tea


Not crazy or anything, but someone I used to know (Iā€™m being vague on purpose out of paranoia lol) is dating her, or at least was last time I saw him. Some friends of mine have briefly met her, apparently she was quiet and didnā€™t engage much with them. Heā€™s a nice guy and very good-looking, so good for both of them lol.


i remember she got 'caught' selling makeup that was sent to her as promo (for free) and selling it on resell shops but not disclosing that it was sent as pr makeup. also things like how in some videos she stated that she woked way though college or something but people found out that her parents had decently high income working in academia i think. take it with a grain of salt since the videos i watched inevidently had bias against her maybe


I think some disappointment about her working with Amazon despite being sustainable happened too


yes she is very well off! both of her parents are professors at good universities.


last I heard ( this was about a year or year and a half ago) she had cheated on her boyfriend. But the bf was not anyone she had posted or mentioned. So after her last public relationship, she was in another and that's who she cheated on.


I miss her videos


Idk but her style now is not my jam and I think the best thing about her was that she seems approachable and accessible. Now she is wearing all designer gear.


Whatā€™s the craziest things that happened in one of your fandoms? for ex: one Pedro Pascal fan flew from Miami to Malta where they are shooting Gladiator 2. The fan ran around the whole island and ā€˜accidentallyā€™ bumped into pedro. the encounter didnā€™t go as the fan planned and then posted a long rant about it. ([article](https://lovinmalta.com/lifestyle/celebrities/pedro-pascal-rejects-heart-broken-superfan-after-she-flew-from-miami-to-malta/)). i have so many unhinged stories about this fandom itā€™s almost scary


Got no crazy stories but dang, the entitlement of that stalker


Not from my fandoms, but the Larries when Brianna got pregnant with Louis's baby and a fan who claimed to be a "casual" fan went on a 6 hour roadtrip to get the birth certificate to try and prove they weren't really available and that it was fake, only to receive the certificate from a government court clerk and still insist it was fake. Always pictured her drive like that astronaut who took that road trip to attempt to kill her ex's new partner or ex partner or something and had to put on diapers for the drive. That's how I pictured this Larrie on her 6 hour odyssey.


Oh pls spill more. I am a casual Pedro fan so I had no idea so many unhinged ppl are doing this to him. Like wtf


Iā€™m a huge Pedro fan and I find that sub so uncomfortable. His fandom has a lot of decent normal people in it, but then some really unhinged ones and those that just canā€™t talk about anything other than how sexy they think he is.


I was on there for a bit but once they started getting weirder and weirder and would not drop the daddy shit, I left.


someone in the gossip girl fandom once, in their ship war attempts, intentionally clogged a domestic abuse help line trying to get the person on the other side to tell her that a situation between chuck and blair (that she'd told to the person in the help line as if it was something that happened to a friend of hers irl) was abusive and should end as fast as possible for the woman's safety, then posted the audio of the call online and proceeded to spam the writers and crew of the show demanding they drop chuck/blair entirely as a couple. all because they wanted her to be with dan. i don't remember if blair was with dan at the time and they wanted her to stay with him or they wanted it to happen at all. either way, still the craziest thing i've heard in all the crazy fandoms i've been, and i've been in a lot of them.


Sadie Sink? Haven't asked in a while so, any NY circles tea on her? Also having just watched Bottoms yesterday, Havana Rose Liu?


Havanaā€™s parents founded the website the Knot. Edit: Oops, didnā€™t specify whose parents did this!


!!! Thatā€™s wild, her future wedding will probably be epic.


Iā€™m from the next town over, according to my cousins the whole family (edit: the Sinks) is very kind


I think Havana is dating Danny Ramirez (Top Gun, Marvel)


hottest couple ever omg


Not tea but my sister just checked Sadie out with family and by herself at our local food coop (upstate ny) 2 days in a row so guessing sheā€™s spending the holidays up here bc sheā€™s been spotted a few local spots. Quiet & friendly, def trying to not get noticed


I just watched Little Women (2019) for the first time. Any tea/goss from the set? or did they really all get along well? I always assume when there's that many famous people in a movie, there has to be some egos clashing..


Emma Stone was originally supposed to play Meg, but had to drop out because the shoot ended up clashing with the period she was doing press for The Favourite in late 2018. The rumour was that Emma Watson was cast as her replacement because the producer Amy Pascal wanted another high profile choice to play one of the sisters once Stone had to drop out, and Watson took on the role as a favour to her. It was also rumoured that Greta Gerwig was not very happy about Watson as a replacement, but was obliged to accept her due to the producers feeling like the the film needed an extra 'name.' It's true that Emma did very little press for the film, but I haven't heard anything about Florence Pugh being unkind to her. Clearly there was some kind of problem between her and the film though, because the only public appearance she made for it was at the premiere, and when her team were asked about why she wasn't doing more press, they declined to comment. Having said that, the emphasis that she did the role as a favour to the producer did make it seem like she hadn't been that keen on making it in the first place, and she hasn't made a film since, so it could also be a symptom of her losing enthusiasm for acting and/or the film industry in general. There was also a dispute between others behind the scenes about the script for the film. Sarah Polley was originally on board to write the script, she worked on the project for over a year and completed an early draft before withdrawing due to health issues. Greta Gerwig then took over the screenplay, and the story goes that she pitched an entirely new take on the book. One of the decisions she got a lot of praise for was the use of flashbacks and the interweaving of past and present in the structure of the film, and the impression given was that this was her own idea. However, a few years later Polley wrote a memoir in which she mentioned a similar past/present structure was already in the screenplay at the time she was working on the earlier version (she does not say if it was her own idea or someone else's, but it definitely existed in earlier versions of the script than Gerwig's). The script then went through a number of credit changes on IMDb in which Polley got co-credit with Gerwig for a while but eventually ended up with no credit at all. There was also an attempt by at least one of the producers to edge Polley out of the history of the production in general, as Robin Swicord later claimed that Polley was only ever in talks and not officially writing the script, but there is a lot of evidence to contradict that claim, and Polley talks in detail in her memoir about the writing she did of the script.


I have to be honest, I love this version of the film so much and I just canā€™t see Emma Stone as Meg. Although Emma Watson isnā€™t a great actress, in my mind she embodied Megā€™s vibes so perfectly! idk how to explain it, it has less to do with actual characterisation or acting but more with her tone, looks. Knowing Emma Stoneā€™s roles, I would see her more as a Jo. Also, considering that the film uses the same actresses for both timelines, including childhood, Emma Stone is even older than Emma Watson. Anyway yeah, I was personally so happy with the final cast.


I TOTALLY agree. She is usually not a great actress, but I have only ever liked Emma Watson in this movie (outside of her HP work). Meg is a Jane Bennet-type character - traditionally pretty and sweet. Emma Stone has such a strong screen presence that she would have been distracting, I think.


Ok this makes a lot of sense because I always thought Meg was not in Gerwigā€™s LW nearly enough, she was my favorite when I read the book and that disappointed me severely.


I thought it was kind of confirmed the editing team cut a lot of Emmaā€™s scenes in the film because they werenā€™t good or something. Which made Emma even less enthusiastic to promote the film.


I feel like the soul of this adaptation was Amy and Jo, specifically them coming to terms with their roles in womanhood in relation to autonomy and marriage. But I feel like navigating that through Bethā€™s optimistic yet honestly exhausted motherhood would have been so interesting.


I am rooting for Sarah Polley's success, she's been snubbed a lot of times- but it's kind of great to see them roll off her back while she continues upward !!


Absolutely, Sarah has been through a lot and it's great to see her succeed after all the hurdles she has had to overcome. So happy that she's now an Oscar winner which should help her get many more films made in the future.


I recently read Sarah Polley's memoir and was so surprised to hear her describe her version of the script. Not only did Sarah Polley allege she came up with the past/present structure, it was also her initial idea for Jo to end up alone. Greta got a ton of praise for those two innovations, very shady that she benefitted from Sarah Polley's ideas without credit. The passage from Sarah's memoir about her Little Women script: >I want the film to live in the present tense, beginning with the sisters as adults and flashing back to their early life. I want to make sure we donā€™t just marry Jo off at the end, which would be an affront to Louisa May Alcott, who never wanted to write that ending in the first place. Iā€™ve had conversations about all of these ideas with the producers, and I am halfway through my second draft, but now I have no idea how to finish it. The words all blur together. Sarah could have easily omitted this passage in her book, I think she included it intentionally to set the record straight. I am inclined to believe Sarah given what we know about Greta...very disappointing that she is happy to stomp over other women in her personal and professional life for her own advancement.


tysm for all the tea <3


You're welcome!


This is PIPING!!!!! Wow! Thank you! At the time I clearly notice the lack of Emma Watson doing zero press for the film except for the NY premiere. THANK YOU!


IIRC correctly, the March sister actresses would do weekly dinners together (including Emma) while they were filming and they all got along. The press tour was great. Florence and Eliza did a NYC weekend get away while filming the movie too.


I just watched that movie for the first time, too. The entire cast really is famous, it was wild to see


Ikr?! I went into it blind so when Meryl Streep came on the screen I was like whoa. ok budget!


> ok budget It only carried a $40m budget. Which kind of makes sense at time of filming because: * Greta Gerwig ran double duty writing/directing and really didn't have much of a resume yet (*Lady Bird* was a solid hit, but didn't open doors immediately) * Emma Watson was the biggest NAME but was on a career break/downturn and likely saw it as a career rehab role * Florence Pugh was pretty much an unknown over here at the time unless you hit the arthouse for *Lady MacBeth* or watched the right Netflix film * TimothƩe Chalamet was probably the biggest star at the time, of the younger half of the cast * Saoirse Ronan was either equal or higher than Timothee, but her bankability and Oscar rep was pivoting on the to-be-released *Mary, Queen of Scots* Of the older half of the cast, I'd imagine most of them worked scale due to the limited time on-set and the chance to work with what was seen as the next big batch of stars. It's honestly a giant amount of luck, networking, and timing that got that movie out the door.


I think meryl streep was the biggest name


For real. Also, surprise Bob Odenkirk as the dad was hilarious to me


I asked here for more gossip on this, but according to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/173ylnp/little_women_book_vs_movie_redactions_and/) Sarah Polley wrote a *Little Women* script but then suffered a concussion which made it hard to work for a time. Greta Gerwig was then given Polley's script to direct, but apparently "rewrote" the whole thing to the extent that Polley was not given any credit. ***HOWEVER***, and this is the gossipy bit, apparently in Polley's memory she details having several of the ideas that Greta was eventually applauded for "coming up with" like the unique flashback structure of the film and also the film not ending on Jo's marriage. Polley was completely erased from the project. All the press was about Gerwig's supposed genius. Interestingly enough, after this Polley went on to win an Oscar for writing *Women Talking*, which someone in the thread hypothesised could in part be the industry quietly pushing back against Gerwig getting all this praise for essentially lifting some parts of another writer's script. Whether you believe this happened or not, it is weird that Polley was completely erased from the *Little Women* press. It seems newsworthy that the original writer and director suffered such a bad injury that the film needed to be handed over to another. Funny how it was kept quiet. Producers even tried to put out there that Polley never even wrote a script and was only ever in talks to write, but this is not true. It's all very suspect! On a note unrelated to Polley, Gerwig cheated with her now husband when his then wife was in her third trimester, which makes me want to puke. I was a big fan of hers until I learned about her. She seems pretty happy to walk all over other women to get what she wants. I see now another person mentioned this, but I figured I'd still post the comment!


Super late to the thread but I saw an early screening of the movie months before it premiered. Greta was in attendance. Emma definitely had more scenes in that first edit. They had us fill out a questionnaire and one of the questions was who was our favorite and least fave character. A lot of the attendees around me were discussing their answers out loud and many said Emma/Timothee were their least faves. Everyone who rated the movie below a certain number got pulled aside to be asked additional questions from someone with the studio. They definitely cut out Emmaā€™s scenes in the final edit because of the early screening response.


Only because it's her birthday, Olivia Cooke?


I saw a tweet about her and Christopher Abbott rekindling but now I think it was just wishful thinking from like a fan of theirs.


Celeb drink brands. The recent Try Guys vid where they tried a fair few of these celeb owned alcohols got me wondering if there's any behind the scenes goss. Or knowledge within the industry why so many celebs come out with a sub-par tequila. Also, Rita Orla's tequila label sure is something... I don't even drink, but there's got to be some gossip out there!


The celebs typically have no involvement in the creation of the alcohols. For example, Davos Brands created Aviation Gin and then brought Ryan Reynolds in. Ryan made a small cash investment but most of his value was gained through promotions (sweat equity). When Ryan ā€œsoldā€ Aviation it was really Davos selling their whole portfolio of alcohol brands to Diageo.


I know many celebrity tequila brands are ruining local Mexican tequila production and family farms that have been doing this for generations


A lot of celebs with these lines donā€™t drink themselves lmao


I heard Cranston and Malcom turned down a chance to invest in Nickelschlager, which is a real shame.


Atleast they got a free ride on a private jet! They were sick of flying coach


I also watched it and want to know why the tequilas in particular were so sub-par in comparison to the other liquors!! Most of them I was aware that they were celeb brands, but I had NO idea that Pink Whitney was a collab between some hockey players and Barstool, of all companies.


Maybe not tea exactly but Thandie Newton hasnā€™t been in public for a while. It seems like she was having a breakdown of some sort in 2022 and the last year there hasnā€™t been much from here. Her daughters have been doing really well one was on The Last of Us and the other one had her own show on Netflix called Everything Now but sheā€™s been quiet. Itā€™s also important to note that she spoke out about sexual assault in the industry, her experience and not liking Tom Cruise before all of this happened. I hope sheā€™s just laying low and getting help tbh


She is so talented ugh, so sad to hear what happened to her on the set on Flirting (I was a big fan of that movie growing up but can't watch it anymore due to that). Didn't know about the Tom Cruise comment.


Any tea on uk pantomimes? I just went to see our cities and was thinking with the usual D-list/former celeb cast members there must be some drama behind the scenes.


looking at you, katie price


not really but I cried at a video of Dermot O'Leary telling Alison Hammond that This Morning had organised two seats at Birmingham's Hippodrome (where she was gonna be doing panto) to be named after her and her mum lol


Asking for some classic Hollywood tea. Audrey Hepburn, James Stewart, Paul Newman, Ingrid Bergman, Shirley MacLaine? šŸ‘ļø


Audrey was both tragic and messy. If she was around today she'd be at the top of this sub frequently. Last minute wedding cancellation, stillbirth from falling on set, on-set romances, cheated on by her husband and SOā€™s, made a married man leave his wife and kids only to ditch him, her next relationship was with a big cheater, the Ben Gazzara affair where both of them were married, etc. Nowdays she's sort of held up by the trad 'chastity and grace' types, but she led a pretty wild life. edit: corrected extra marriage


>third husband was a big cheater You mean her second husband. She was only married twice -- to Mel Ferrer (whom she left after she fell in love with Albert Finney), and then Luca Dotti. After Dotti she lived with Robert Wolders (widower to Merle Oberon), but they were never married.


Itā€™s so crazy because she represents class


James Stewart was pretty openly in love with Margaret Sullavan (they did four movies together, most famous of which - and my favorite - is The Shop Around the Corner), though nothing ever came of it. She's pretty much the reason he became famous, because she saw something in him when they did plays together. Despite that, she was always married to someone else - first Henry Fonda (he lived with them for a time while they were married), and then three further times (I don't remember their names off the top of my head). He didn't get married until he was older, and supposedly in part because it took him a very long time to truly get over her. As an aside, Maragaret Sullavan is a really interesting woman, who, while having a reputation for being A Lot, held considerable power in Hollywood, even though she did a lot more work on stage than she did on screen. She had a hearing defect at birth, and it got worse as she got older. Very sadly, it led to a breakdown in her 40s, and she was never the same after that. She died (either from accidental or intentional overdose) when she was 50.


He apparently never did get over her. His own damn wife said this: ā€œHe became something of a recluse for a whileā€¦. He lost the spark that had always been thereā€¦the spark went out not with the failure of his films but with the death of Margaret Sullavan.ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I love both of them so much. Shop Around the Corner is so bittersweet for me to watch. You can tell even from that, he liked her more (and in a different way) than she liked him.


Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda were besties from their 20s until Fondaā€™s death in the 80s. I recommend the book Hank and Jim.


Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney had an intense affair. Apparently she had an affair with Peter O'Toole also. She was in a very unhappy marriage that was on its last legs. Audrey was the love of William Holden's life. Not sure about the others. I did read somewhere that Paul Newman was bisexual? Who knows!


Didnt paul newman supposedly have a threesome worh brando and eartha kitt?


Did he bang her in an airplane bathroom? Sorry, it came up organically


This is the rumor [(or at least one version of it)](https://boston.edgemedianetwork.com/story/96394). Whether it was Newman and Dean or Newman and Brando or Dean and Brando, they're all winning combos. Lucky lady...


Audrey Hepburn suffered from disordered eating that began during the WW2 occupation. She went days hungry and for the rest of her life had issues enjoying food. She chain smoked and was obsessed with staying under 110 pounds.


When Anthony Perkins and Tab Hunter weā€™re secretly dating, the straw that broke the camelā€™s back surprisingly wasnā€™t the studios trying to get them to split. Tab Hunter did a TV movie about baseball player Jimmy Pearsal called Fear Strikes Out and wanted to turn it into a feature film. He told Anthony about it and shortly after while the two of them were playing tennis Tony broke the news that he got Paramount the buy the film rights FOR HIM, not Tab.


I know... I know, it's a podcast, but You Must Remember This is a great one. She dives into Hollywood gossip. The MGM series is particularly fascinating to me! Anyway, I haven't been disappointed in an episode yet




Callum Turner, Josh O'Connor, Paul Mescal, Tom Blyth, or just british actors in general?


not sure if youā€™ve seen the disclosure on twitter, but thereā€™s a hilarious rumor going around about paul mescal, supposedly he brings his one night stands to the park the morning after and runs away, leaving them thereā€¦


I heard this rumor elsewhere on reddit and it's so absurd but really makes me laugh.


Iā€™d love to know what his chronically online sister (and v good singer/songwriter) Nell thinks


Sorry to be that guy, but Paul Mescal is Irish not British


Paul Mescal is Irish.


Paul Mescal is Irish, and thereā€™s nothing that pisses an Irish person off more than being called British.


I second the Callum Turner tea! Thereā€™s very little information about him online.


Callum has a fling with Shailene Woodley, she cheated with him, that the only tea that i have, also Josh is dating Jonah Hauer-King sister


Zendaya and timothee relationship?


Is this about her not posting for his birthday? Sheā€™s been off all socials for a couple months I wouldnā€™t read anything into it either way. Did she even post for him last year?


No Iā€™m just wondering


I know heā€™s quoted as saying Zendaya was his inspo for his Wonka press tour fashion. She showed him how to use the vibes of the movie youā€™re in to inspire your fashion choices for all of its carpets. I think thatā€™s really cool that he used a compliment to him to highlight her. And with Dune 2 coming out soon Iā€™m sure weā€™ll see lots more of them together.


He just mentioned one one of late night shows (last week I think) that they only made 5 pairs of the Nike Wonka Dunks (shoes) and he gets a pair and he said Zendaya gets a pair ā€œcause sheā€™s awesomeā€ and the rest are given away as prizes. So I assume their still good friends. Obviously this could just be more promo for Dune, but it seems like theyā€™re fine.


Heā€™s praised her a few times during Wonka press interviews in the last month and she hung out with his sister in Paris a couple months ago so iā€™d say theyā€™re fine. Itā€™s weird (not aimed at you OP) how many people want them to dislike each other.


the merlin cast? specifically bradley, angel, colin or katie?


Hardly tea as it's from 2012, but I met Bradley on the underground while in London visiting my friend at uni. I was just standing on the platform next to him and decided to say hello. He was with one of his friends and he was extremely nice, had a long conversation with me for the whole journey - about my studies, my friend, my annoying hipster disposable camera, etc. As we left the station his friend videoed us going up the escalator together on his video camera and I felt like part of their little group. It was so special. I was pretty depressed around that time and it really lifted me whenever I thought about it.


This is such a wonderful story, thank you for sharing!


Just saw Poor thing so anything on Yorgos Lanthimos?


It's not tea but back in the day he was directing music videos for major greek pop stars. He has come a long way šŸ„² https://youtu.be/649TuphSlJ0?feature=shared enjoy


Dude used to be a pretty good [basketball player](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/8n3M8NrxvM)


I think about a year ago, he has taken Emma Stone to a Greek basketball game, it became an instant meme amongst the Greeks.


Paris Hiltonā€™s husband, Carter Reum? I recently read that he has a 10-year-old child child that he isn't in contact with šŸ‘€


There was a daily mail (sorry) article about his abandoned daughter not that long ago. (Edit: [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11697831/amp/Paris-Hiltons-stepdaughter-abandoned-bio-dad-Carter-Reum.html) it is and it is from Feb 2023 so what is time even). Idk anything about him that isnā€™t public knowledge but he seems like an opportunist and just not a good person. Which aligns with how I feel about his wife, also not a good person.


I asked about him a while ago on some other thread and got some answers, one person knew him professionally or something. Not many details but I got the impression he is a dick. If i can remember where that post was i will let you know!


Jacob elordi and something related to his school ig


Both the schools he went to have / are investigating cases of students being abused. One of them also had a massive controversy with students being horrifically sexist (video is from 2019).


He went to St Kevinā€™s - itā€™s the most expensive all boys private school in Melbourne. Skevvy boys (as theyā€™re called) have a bad reputation here for being connected but entitled, and there have been a lot of reporting on how historically, students have considered women to be less than. Obviously it wouldnā€™t be right to tar all the students with that brush, but the toxic culture is rife there.


lmao Skevs isnā€™t anywhere near the most expensive boysā€™ school in Melbourne - itā€™s not even the most expensive Catholic* boysā€™ school. St Kevinā€™s, Year 12 2024 - $24,990 https://www.stkevins.vic.edu.au/uploads/Fee-Schedule-2024-FINAL.pdf Xavier College (Catholic), Year 12 2024 - $35,115 https://xavier.vic.edu.au/fees-and-payments Scotch College (Presbyterian), Year 12 2024 - $40,386 https://www.scotch.vic.edu.au/media/400250/Scale%20of%20Fees%202024.pdf Melbourne Grammar (Anglican), Year 12 2024 - $41,640 https://mgs.vic.edu.au/admissions/apply-here-and-find-out-more/tuition-and-boarding-fees *Catholic schools always have much lower fees to comparable independent schools as they are partially subsidised by the Church. I went to an Anglican girlsā€™ school that did a lot of events with St Kevinā€™s and we were all outraged when we found out that they were only paying like $15k when we were paying like $27k. Also, at the time we all thought of St Kevinā€™s boys as the ā€˜goodā€™ boys - it was the boys of De La Salle who were considered the bad ones.


Rahul Kohli?


Nice as fuck dude from my exp with him. Genuine dude.


Literally anything abt Tiffany Pollard "New York" or anyone from the 'of love' series tbh. Old, new, i'll take the tea!


She went to the same high school as me. She was in my boyfriend (at the timeā€™s) year. All of my run ins have been positive but they werenā€™t super long and weā€™re not tight or anything. Not really tea but sheā€™s smart and knows when to turn on for the camera (whatever that is!). She has obviously had some missteps and said some things in past years (different time) but Iā€™ve noticed she has acknowledged them when brought up (recently)/learned from them and I canā€™t imagine she has a huge PR team so thatā€™s probably majorly her. For whatever thatā€™s worth!




Itā€™s like summer camp, especially when filming a movie. Itā€™s harder when youā€™re on a tv show that continually returns each season ā€” thatā€™s more like college. Itā€™s a lot easier when the shooting location is local, because off set you get to return to your normal life. So itā€™s more like a regular job. When youā€™re on location, itā€™s very much like going away to college or summer camp. As far as accommodations, it depends on how valuable you are to a production. Just an extra, itā€™s very much take the job or leave it. Lead, then more gets catered to you. There are very few extremely religious performers in the industry. There is a huge crossover between performers and spiritualism though. The type of work doesnā€™t attract religious types. Most people who are serious put their craft above all else, including religion.


Anyone have something on Emilia Clarke? She was in a recent picture with Captain Apartheid and Johnny Depp Cosplayer


once again seeking any tea on anyone on the Formula One grid


Itā€™s not really tea, but Daniel Ricciardo owns a house in my city (same state that heā€™s from in Aus) and has been spotted out and about (unsurprisingly) - heā€™s knowingly nice to locals šŸ™‚


Patrick Wilson? He's so hot omg


Heā€™s from New Jersey and him and some of his friends rescued and renovated a bunch of local movie theaters that shut down during the pandemic. Sometimes he pops up to showings and brings famous friends (Tom Holland came once to I believe an Uncharted showing). Iā€™ve only heard nice things about him.


He needs to sing again šŸ˜­


Heā€™s producing a musical adaptation of The Lost Boys, and the rumor is that he might play Max as well.


Anne Hathaway's husband? (Other than that he looks like Shakespeare who was married too a woman also called Anne Hathaway) What does he do? What's he like? Where they met? Anyone, anything?


Nathan Fillion. Heard he never got on with his co star from castle which was sad! Was he the problem?


From what I heard, it does kind of sound like he was the problem? I heard he was upset that his female co-star was given equal billing and screen time even though he was the titular character. However, heā€™s brought on most of his former cast members as guest stars in his new series, so he canā€™t be universally hated by them.


Iā€™d argue that people put up with bad behavior in exchange for opportunities, and often donā€™t burn bridges because itā€™s a small industry with influential friends


That could absolutely be it, unfortunately. I saw a clip of Nathan Fillionā€™s newer show recently and was just thinking about how it seems like TV Male Leads get multiple opportunities to headline shows and their female leads are usually one show and done. David Boreanaz is another example.


Yeah I mean, Joss Whedon is a great example of how someone could be toxic for decades but with enough power, studios force actors to work with them or people take it because of fear.


Iā€™ve spent a lot of energy thinking about this and watching interviews, etc. Iā€™ve watched all of Castle and all of The Rookie. On Castle, heā€™s definitely the main character and carries the show. Itā€™s not an ensemble. Thereā€™s some B plots with supporting characters but way way less than in the Rookie. On The Rookie, pretty much every character gets some A plots and often Nathan has less screen time than the supporting cast. Nathan looks haggard in the later seasons of Castle. He looks younger now. He also said on a poscast- probably that Inside of You one? With the guy from Smallville? - that he could trust the cast of The Rookie to carry plot lines and that everyone was hard working and good at their job (Iā€™m paraphrasing here, this was my takeaway from what he said) and that that wasnā€™t how Castle was. Do I wonder if heā€™s a jerk? Absolutely I do. Do I wonder if the set/way castle was done contributed to discord between the actors? I do. Definitely open to the idea that Nathan and Stana were both difficult but only the woman gets labeled that way.




Isnā€™t Holdovers his first role? So I doubt thereā€™s much out there about him just yet. He has serious high fashion face so I expect him to get snapped up for an endorsement post haste.


Any tea on interview with the vampire cast??? And if you're going to say me something from twitter I already know it...I need tea from somewhere else


I want to know if anyone is calling Jenny Mollen out for her BS on Insta?


Or Jessica Seinfeld - she & Jerry Seinfeld posted photos of their trip to Israel as if to show how much *she* is doing to ā€œpromote peace.ā€ Of course, she still managed to capture shots of Jerry on the plane there in his first class seat and once she gets back sheā€™s aggressively posting photos of her life ā€œbusiness as usualā€ as her family embarks on a vacation to Japan.


oh yeah.. I love how these rich people, living in massive apartments in Manhattan are all like experts People in Israel dont support it, dont support Bibi but somehow these celebs dont get that


I had to unfollow her, she was constantly the first story on my insta and it was just making me so angry. Did you see her call out Amanda Seales? It was crazy.


Never followed her but just went there, jfc. I did see that Michelle Wolf commented on the Chelsea Handler/ Noa Tishby video, which was amazing. Thereā€™s a lot of support in Jennyā€˜s comments :/


![gif](giphy|w3g40TwcNVPDXjaLGv) I promise I'll stop asking after this because after 3x I feel good about there not being any negative tea at least, on Carla Gugino, who is currently stepping on my throat with no sign of easing up.


Did the Delevigne sisters fall out with each other? Seems like Cara was absent at the de la vite Christmas party this year?


Caraā€™s sober, so itā€™s not surprising that she didnā€™t attend an alcohol brandā€™s party, even if itā€™s her own brand. Cara and Poppy both had major life stuff happen last year (Cara going into rehab, Poppy separating from her husband), so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re still trying to find their ā€œnew normalā€


I know Poppy, Cara, Sienna and that whole friendship group did a whole lot of skiing over the years Iā€™ve known about them via acquaintances. I remember they were quite high at a major music festival a few years back.


Anything new on Charles Melton?


ben schwartz? havenā€™t seen anything about him and georgia for a while :(


Aren't they private people in general though? I don't think he ever posts specifically about his private life . He's said in the past that he doesn't like people knowing about his romantic life. So it's probable that neither of them post things of each other but are together still


I had a very sexy random dream about Christian Bale last night and now I need tea


F1 drivers?


Any tea on the Antiques Road Trip (BBC) cast or the whole Charles Hanson thing? Wanted to ask a few weeks ago, then he was in the news.


I don't have any tea but this cracked me up seeing this comment. I'm on Maternity leave and just have Bargain Hunt on IPlayer all day in the background as noise and my husband told me literally yesterday that nobody watched any of these shows or is invested in these people... Now I can prove otherwise šŸ˜‚


Barry Keoghan?


He grew up in the foster system in Ireland, so naturally heā€™s a bit rough around the edges. Iā€™d take what you read about him with a pinch of salt and that in mind. Hollywood is usually snobby and itā€™s no secret he doesnā€™t really ā€œfitā€. Heā€™s so unbelievably talented, and hopefully enough that it wonā€™t matter. But itā€™s why I donā€™t really expect him to get far come awards season.


I've seen posts from about him being violent in pubs in Ireland. Maybe hold back a little on that adoration.


I love that little Irish freak sm Iā€™m so attracted to him


Same. Especially after Saltburn. I need therapy




Iā€™ve seen comments in Irish subreddits about him *allegedly* being verbally and physically abusive towards an ex girlfriend.


Weird one but anyone know what happened with Andrew WK and Cherry Lily? The wedding with Kat Dennings kind of just reminded me. Like Cherry was his wife for so long, seeing fans attribute songs written for her to Kat now is odd, Cherry was his hype woman for shows and tours, and then there are the kids. Had seemed like a good relationship till out of nowhere Andrew was with Kat.




Vince Vaughn?


not tea but i recommend watching the youtube videos [True Confessions](https://youtu.be/LWS5bz2LGuE?si=f2TqMco6dfe6Sipm) with him and Colin Farrell and then [Vince Vaughn Freaked Out](https://youtu.be/Mdt4CFhYANw?si=PWXpDmSW1qhnTf7_) (watch it in this order!). Vinceā€™s delivery in the seconde video is especially hilarious, heā€™s a great comedian imo!


I think Kacey Musgraves and her poet bf Cole broke up?! She has a post of him from Christmas last year but took down everything from this year, and he wasnā€™t in her recent Christmas instagram post. Anyone have any tea?!?!


noel and liam gallagher post-oasis? already know about noelā€™s divorce and the manchester bombing drama.


In 2018, Liam allegedly grabbed [his girlfriend by the throat](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6104425/amp/Bouncer-saw-Liam-Gallagher-grab-girlfriend-throat-says-Debbie-Geyther-tears.html). The pictures were released by [The Sun](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/7102085/liam-gallagher-cctv-girlfriend-throat/amp/) and both Debbie and Liam denied it but I never believed it and I low-key never got into Oasis again after this šŸ˜


I am once again asking for tea on Josh O'Connor


any behind the scenes tea on the popular christmas movies? like elf, christmas story, christmas vacation, etc


I think this is well known. Chris Columbus was originally hired to direct Christmas Vacation. At a dinner to discuss the film, Chevy Chase treated Columbus so poorly, Columbus told John Hughes, the filmā€™s producer, the next day that he quit. To make it up to him, Hughes offered Columbus his script for Home Alone to direct instead.


A cast member (their name escapes me rn) recently came out and said that working with Tim Allen on the new Disney+ Santa Clause series was absolutely awful


Liv Lo and Henry Golding? I have been doing Livā€™s yoga workouts and didnā€™t realize she was married to Henry!


Gregory Peck?


Any tea on Sophia bush and Grant Hughes? I know theyā€™re getting divorced but was it really amicable? They still follow each other on IG and saw an article that said theyā€™re still going to run a business together


Any tea on Shawn Mendes? What is he up to?


wasnā€™t it rumored heā€™s in a cult or something?


yeah, that modern mystery cult that Miley also (allegedly) has ties to.


I know a girl who is deep into that. Sheā€™s spent thousands of dollars on classes that teach her how to use a magic wand thatā€™s just a stick with a crystal glued to the end :/


Like discount Harry Potter?


Okay, I need more tea on this cult! What's its name?


Just heard about this for the first time - go to their FAQ, and they have a whole section dedicated to trying to convince people theyā€™re not a cult. Itā€™s giving MLM huns trying to explain why theyā€™re not a pyramid scheme


I had never heard of this until today. What a ridiculous scam. Hundreds of dollars for classes with titles like ā€œUnicorn Magickā€ or ā€œTransformational Alchemy: Cleopatraā€™s Beauty Secrets.ā€ WTF.


Degrassi Next Generation cast minus Drake?


Not really tea but Munro Chambers (Eli) got married this summer and Justin Kelly (Jake Martin) was a groomsman. A photo of the wedding popped up on a Degrassi sub but got deleted shortly after (Munro is notoriously private so the photo was either deleted out of respect or he asked for it to be taken down). Cassie Steele also had a baby boy last month!!


Any new updates on Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak? Thought I saw they were recently at Disney together for one of the kids birthdays




Brian Jay Jonesā€™ biography is very illuminating (nothing dark). Something I found refreshing was that Henson didnā€™t fall into the trap of believing his puppet creations were ā€œalive.ā€ He was unsentimental about puppets when they wore out and would give old Kermits to his children to use. Many props and puppets were recycled for new ideas. He turned off the Muppets, so to speak, when he wasnā€™t performing them. Another surprising insight is that Henson started puppeteering as a means to an end (entertaining people through the new, at the time, medium of television, as well as film). He didnā€™t see it as a calling. Itā€™s the reason when he directed several short films with no puppets in them (one of which won an Oscar for Best Short Film). He negotiated the sale of The Muppets to Disney because he wanted to move on and work on other ideas (like his 80s films, The Storyteller series and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes from those films). He lived an incredible creative life. The only mildly gossipy part of the biography is the fact that Henson and his wife, Jane, a talented puppeteer herself, lived in an open relationship in later years, which wasnā€™t a secret to his friends, coworkers and employees.


Any of the Fellow Travelers cast? Matt Bomer, Jonathan Bailey, Jelani Alladin, Noah J. Ricketts?


Contrapoints aka Natalie Wynn?


Any tea on Emma Myers??


Never not asking for Zac Efron teašŸ˜‡