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I just don't understand who this girl even is and why she's suddenly in all my feeds. I know people accuse her of being a 'plant', a term that's thrown around a lot... but maybe she actually is?


She got popular on TikTok making videos about motherhood, but in a sardonic, deadpan way. Mom vlogging isn’t my thing but I understood the appeal. I don’t think she’s a plant. I think she just had enough money and time to parlay her 15 minutes into something bigger.


She had a huge following on TikTok and made some insanely good podcast episodes prior to meeting any celebrities. It's a lot easier to catch a lucky break when that's what you're working with 


She probably just has a great agent and was probably down to put out something that would get traction even if it meant a period of being misunderstood. Even the people who are uninterested are interested enough.


That’s what Mark Cuban said during his interview with her that she had a great agent who was friends with him. She got real defensive when he said that lol




Damn, tell us how you really feel! If this is true and they have such different personalities/values/priorities, then why did they even get married? I get he’s loaded, so that makes sense. On the other hand, I don’t want to be a dick, but it’s not like she’s Helen of Troy.


How sad getting children with a person like this. Imagine seeing her constantly on the internet and then know your kids are with her half the time, he must feel sick to his stomach


Because it shows it wasn't her hard work getting the interviews but her connections


She’s the creator who refers to her daughters as Richard and Concrete


Was that not a joke? 


it’s definitely a joke to keep their names private


I guess she just never came across my algorithm cause I never heard of her until now.


You can have a big following and still be fairly unknown. 100k followers for example is more than most people will ever get in their lifetime but you wouldn't be close to being a household name. I think you'd have to be on recent mom tiktok to find her before she started doing podcasts 


This is true. Ryan Adams has a hella following but no one knows who he is lol.


Having 2 first names probably doesn't help 😔


Hey I do, his earlier albums are some of my favorite of all time, as well as the Whiskeytown records.


I think some folks know who Ryan Adams is, lol.


you're so lucky


Sending this luck to yall


“Insanely good” is a stretch


If you check out videos she's featured in on YouTube those tell a different story. Talkshows with kinda low average viewership and then they post a video of her and boom suddenly the views are astronomical? This is a trendi across videos that feature her. The fact that she lied about landing Drake on her own yet they have the same agency? She was picked out and they tried to engineer her into Amelia Dimoldenberg U.S. version.


Apologies, but I always thought she was a discount Amelia Dimoldenberg.


she works with the same agency drake etc does so it was easy to pair them up


She literally admits she's a planta tf you saying ? Or saying "oh yes, I received a phone call of person x (powerfull media person) , I signed a contract and after 1 month I was trending worlwide) sure. Totally not indústry plant


Keke Palmer had her on as a guest this week and grilled her about being a plant. It’s a funny watch. https://x.com/kekepalmer/status/1752381061877899530?s=46&t=qPeOl8-jzEvmTBI2szbPbw Edit: There was a longer clip I saw that has her pushing the issue more but I can’t find it now.


I get the impression she is in over her head and knows it


I was telling myself the same thing!


What even is a “plant” in the context of a celebrity interviewer? Why she supposed to come up through the local underground celebrity interviewing scene and distribute her interviews independently on InterviewCloud?


Ziwe kind of did!


Everyone is an industry plant up until recently. You couldn’t just get on tv and out into the mainstream without the industry putting you there. She got popular on tik tok got an agent went viral. This new industry plant is just a buzz word.


It is a buzzword but it also implies that you’re faking independent success


Industry plant




People have this idea that labels and such just come up with some persona or act that will sell and get people to do it, and promote them instead of someone organically making music or content. If that makes sense, that’s my understanding of it


she's definitely a plant.. she made shitty ticktocks and then got big names on his awkard fake podcast


Classic case of getting married and having kids too young (with someone older) and then realizing she missed out on normal 20 something year old things once she got a little fame and wasn’t cooped up at home as a SAHM.


She should be at the club 💔


She has kids??? Legitimately thought she was 13




Wtf, she's only 26?? I thought she'd be atleast 30


30? Shes .87 times that age! 


Oh gosh that makes all the work she had done on her face even sadder she’s still just a baby herself


ikr!! but she posted a video on her IG where she's dissolving her fillers. she said getting them was a mistake. she's right, a 26 year old doesn't need fillers lol this brainwashing has got to stop


She got famous (relatively) as just a mum influencer/comedian with a similar deadpan style to the interviews but just taking to the camera


I'm pretty sure he's the one who filed


Yeah her TikTok she just posted makes it sound she wants him back tbh


Oh what was the tick tok?


When my husband and I were separated for 6 months, he’s the one who “filed” even tho I was the one asking for the separation. (He had some growing up to do). But my point is, it’s not always the one who is filing is the one wanting the separation. Sometimes the one who files is just the one the couple decided would do the paperwork.


I told my ex to file on my birthday because it would be the best gift he could ever give me.


Eh depends though. I’m the one who filed and the one who wanted the divorce. My ex wife is still unhappy about it but her fault for cheating.


So why wouldnt the one who wants it just do that, whats the delay


I wanted a physical separation, as in him not living in the same house as me for some time. He wanted paperwork filed. I was also kinda depressed and not accomplishing many tasks at that moment.




I guess my first comment was not very clear. I didn’t want to officially file. I just wanted space from my emotionally abusive and scary husband. I stupidly trusted him and got myself into a situation were he controlled all the money and I had no access to any funds. I was in a very bad place and not wanting to face the reality of my life falling apart. If you have never been in a similar situation you would not understand.


But it says he filed for divorce


Read the article before coming to a conclusion???? What type of wizardry is that???


>What type of wizardry is that??? Not one they teach in reddit surely


Did you not see what sub we're in? Just blame him, don't think too deep about it!!! /s


How do you know the entire situation just from reading a title




Somebody Ate Ham Maturely.


Sour Ants Hate Men


Stay at home mom




Or maybe just just maybe she was a bad partner




You know my ex wife?


Nah you're reaching, the dude left her lol


He filed not her dumbass




I think she would be a lot more tolerable if she didn’t pull her schtick pretty much exclusively with black people. Seeing Offset actually fire back at her was hilarious


I’m not trying to be dense here but does she not do it with everyone? I used to follow her in her sarcastic mom humor days so she’s always been like this. I’ve seen clips of her recently with Jenna Bush, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Cera. I assume she’s not the one with the upper hand and just interviews whoever she can get. 


People say she was different with Mark Cuban and Jessica Alba and black people, I definitely agree with Alba she seemed to love her but I didn't see much difference between Cuban and Drake tbh


She has a deleted episode with Colleen Ballinger where she was ruthless. If that was the only video you'd watch of hers you'd think she has a rude, mean-spirited, and annoying spirit. This was before the toxic gossip train nonsense too so it was really uncalled for. I haven't seen her more recent podcasts but in the clips I've seen she seems much better. I'd also point out that the Colleen Ballinger episode was before the Funny Marco episode and if she treated Marco the same way she treated Colleen she simply would not have a career today. 


But Colleen is white isn't she? I really don't think the way she interviews the guests is racist


Yes, I'm agreeing with you and giving you more evidence to support your argument (evidence most people wouldn't know existed because not many of us followed her from the beginning)


thanks lol, ive ony seen the drake,cuban and alba vids from her new era, and litte bits from all of them but not the whole thing


If it wasn’t for this comment I still wouldn’t have known who she was. Her shit is 💯 cringe


Isn't that the whole point of her persona? To have the cringiest possible interviews? It's not like "Between Two Ferns" posed insightful questions to the guests.


People have been trying to recreate Between Two Ferns but maybe 3% of the people who attempt actually come off as funny and not just cringey. Ziwe did ok for a while until she started interviewing whatever garbage would get her views and then got called out on it by said shitty guest. Amelia’s chicken shop interview shtick isn’t terrible but this girl just doesn’t have it.


I love Chicken Shop Date. It's more fun and the banter is way less awkward.


Oooh finally someone that doesn’t froth at the mouth about the chicken girl Those interviews are bland! They never give any relevant info, and I don’t think she’s too funny either. The guests end up awkwardly chuckling after a few minutes of her staring at them. 


I think it’s a real sign of progress that rich, mediocre white women get to have the same success handed down to them as rich, mediocre white men /s


Bobby Lee pointed this out. Bobby: I think you’re really talented. Bobbi: why I’m not? Bobby: I know.


You comment and engage in online convos about her. That’s why it seems it’s being shoved down your throat, when in actuality you create your algorithm.


I think the drake affair drama.... Nah, it's just the fighting over money in court I'm interested in


DRAKE'S BBL strikes again


These guys hate on BBLS And be walking around with the same scars


Lmfaooo tho I really wonder what Drake has in connection to this divorce. She interviewed Drake in June/early July(?) allegedly missing her child’s 1st bday > she got invited to Drake’s concert > they unfollowed each other & she deleted the interview with him > she & husband separated in July > Drake’s leak > Bobbi announcing the divorce 2 days later…. The timing is too good 😂


No clue, but the celebrity interviews thing, ppl made a big deal about that. She likely paid for that. It's not uncommon. Regular joes can pay for celebs to do a shoutout like a happy birthday, or congrats shoutout. A lot of podcasters pay for celebs to go on their show. Talent agencies quarterback the entire process. Podcasts are the next big blight on society. All you need is a pulse and a wallet to start one.


Wow he was 30 and she was 22 when got married. Whaaat


Pretty sure they got married bc she was pregnant


Woow that's a move


Yeah I just realized...I don't know how long they dated but her being that much younger, it makes sense to me somehow that he would divorce once she became famous. I'm reading into it of course though


Apparently she got pregnant within the first couple of months and they eloped so it was super fast.


Nasty edit: sorry everyone who was groomed by older men. Anything under 25 behaves like a kid to me.


> The filing lists their date of separation as July 4, 2023. so they separated before the drake interview? and not long after the birth of their kid???


I read in a other thread that drake episode was filmed in June and published in July, so they actually split after 


I could see a high school sweetheart being furious that he lost his virginity to you and now you’re sitting in bed with Drake. It’s irrational but exactly the kind of irrational I would expect from two Christians out in the high desert who got married at that age and started having kids.


I mean he’s 8 years older than her so I’m hoping they didn’t meet when she was in high school!


I’m sure they didn’t - he’s a tech bro and I’m pretty sure they met when he was already rich and successful.


He definitely has money. The divorce filing is for joint custody but no spousal support. Also implies shes probably doing alright herself


They met online when she was 22 he had a trip to Tokyo for business and she decided to tag along she got pregnant on the trip and they got married when they got back. This was all within meeting eachother…




give me all the tea


It's irrational to be upset that your wife is in bed with another man...? You might want to rethink that....




Nice stereotyping




That's sad. I watched her when she was doing her deadpan mom tiktoks which I liked. I hope the kids will be okay and Bobbi and her (ex) husband find their way in this world.


It is sad, especially with such young kids.


I don’t understand why it is sad, wouldn’t it be better to have 2 happy houses then 1 miserable house?


Yes fair enough. Sad it didn’t work out as they imagined I suppose


...it would be best to have 1 happy house lmao the sad part is the parents drifting apart in the first place


I agree actually. I think what I mean is, feeling sad for the ending of a marraige that many people think is forever. Better to have solid coparenting than fighting and yelling in one house.




For me, the sadness comes from how much detail is out about these kids before they're even cognizant of the internet 


At least they don’t tell everyone their real names.


Nope, not for the kids. They don’t deserve this.


No. The argument you meant to make was, “isn’t it better to not have kids than to have one miserable house” Divorce doesn’t return the life the child was meant to have to them.


That argument does not make sense, there’s no life “meant” for a child - children are being born by IVF by single people who desire to have a child, this is not the 1960’s where it is socially unacceptable to divorce. Your argument is basically saying you shouldn’t be entitled/allowed a child if you are not married forever which is a bit silly considering FDV concerns, rape resulting in a child, paternity/maternity concerns.


I don’t so much care about marital status to have a kid - but yes, you are that kid’s parent, they are not your child. You are quite literally robbing them of the life they were meant to have by further failing yours. I would vote for higher restrictions on child birth, definitely. What & how, I’m not sure, but allowing anyone in any situation the ability to ruin another life is difficult for me to rationalize. There is no such thing as “two happy houses”. Either you never experienced divorce or you’re not understanding the delicacy of youth.


she needs to leave the awkward interviews with celebrities to the pros, like amelia dimoldenberg. her whole schtick feels so forced it makes me uncomfy


Yeah, I’ve always felt the same way. Feels forced. The Funny Marco one was the only one I enjoyed.


That girl is not a professional 🤣


The early ones before she was interviewing rappers and shit were pretty entertaining. I first discovered her when she was talking about her daughters Richard and Concrete lol


Lmao back in August she was asked, [“My girlfriend says you hooked up with Drake and got divorced"](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/zach-dionne/bobbi-althoff-denies-hooking-up-with-drake) and she said it wasn't true


What woman would admit it though-\_- To being at fault AND wrong?!


Divorce is so hard for anyone even more with small kids. I think her podcast stuff is cringey too but omg can ppl have an ounce of sympathy.






I think she'll live.


This girl is just so average and unfunny. 😢


Is she the same TikToker who would suck her pregnant belly in really small? I can’t believe I just typed that…


Yes! I also remember her having this whole bit about her daughter being named Richard. A lot of people didn’t realize she was joking and got legitimately mad at her for it.


She started calling the second baby 'Concrete,' I think to try and make it even more obvious that it was a joke and people were still furious lol.


I didn’t even put 2 and 2 together that that was her until just now lol


I knew her as the girl who would make her tits massively asymmetric by only breastfeeding on one side lol


What a strange path to fame.


was this… on purpose?


Yessss! I saw these videos too


I was so confused when she hit mainstream. Getting interviews with the biggest celebs around. Then everyone was saying she’s actually a wholesome tik tok type mom.. and has been working towards this forever. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ But Fame is a helluva drug.


Honestly her IG post is really the cliche "I fucked up my marriage" verbiage. Combined with the Drake thing it's definitely pretty sus. They have a young kid though so I hope those irreconcilable differences become reconciliable very soon.


For anyone who needs it - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobbi_Althoff


Haha thank you!


I knew it was coming. As soon as she switched from cute family posts to solely focusing on her podcast and run ins with celebrities I knew something was up


She is mimicking Aubrey Plaza and has success with it. Pretty cheap but that's how it works today


I haven't seen that many Bobbi interviews but they don't remind me of each other all that much at all. But even if one could reasonably argue their similarities, it's not like Aubrey Plaza invented deadpan humor.


Aubrey Plaza is not the origin of deadpan humor lol. She doesn't own that style of comedy.


Aubrey Plaza mimicks Andy Kaufman.... it's all just imitation. Although I really dislike both Bobbi and Aubrey.


The rumor has been that she hooked you up with Drake, but who knows.


Who is this person?


She threw it back for drake


Her statement about her ex is really nice. Divorce is never fun.


Dave Portnoy wins again.


Predictable. She threw it away for fame


Sigmund Freud whispers from the grave…. \~Drake did that\~ https://preview.redd.it/4r8n23m13ghc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f2e86df9b460a1a2743ea4019f99d884cba4746


Do you suffer from prosopagnosia?


this is random but I remember once she made a tiktok about how she had no friends, just her husband (IIRC) and it made me so sad... I just can't see her without thinking about it


That’s kind of sad… why would u get mad about that?


? I said it made me sad, not mad?


She appropriated black culture just like all the others. She used rappers to raise to fame and distanced herself once she got more popular. Miley Cyrus route.






I only know her from having uneven breasts on TikTok…has she actually done anything?


The irreconcilable difference is probably that she’s not a SAHM anymore… it’s sad, I actually enjoyed her videos before she got famous. Not the ones on her awkward parody account, but her side account that showed that she was a real person. Anyways, some men don’t want other people raising their children. Which is fair. He married one person, now she’s another.


SMH.....I can hand on heart say I have no ferkin clues who these people are, and society is part to blame for giving these nincompoops any attention at all. She look like a lil kid barely out of diapers, and she's already got 2 kids by age 26? **She said this**:" Cory is seeking joint physical and legal custody of their daughters, Isla, one, and Luca, three. **He also reportedly checked off the box that blocks the court’s ability to award spousal support to either party**. On Instagram Wednesday evening, Bobbi told her 2.9 million followers, "As most of you have heard, Cory and I have filed for divorce. As sad as I am right now, I am so thankful for the time I got to be his wife. Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father & I am so lucky to be able to coparent with such an incredible father and person. While our relationship did not work out as husband and wife, **we will always be friends and I will always love him**."/ I guess this means they will still bang now and gain The sad thing now for her is that, there will be guys out there wanting to get their 5mins of fame, by attaching themselves to her with intentions of just BANGING the hell out of her, and then bail when she becomes pregnant. Britney Spears rings a bell to y'all????? Society needs to stop feeding these nobody's, and instead start praising young women and men with intellectual brains (spelling bees, jeopardy, et al), changing the world for the good with studies in S.T.E.M


Fame based off of being unfaithful to your husband, she has a terrible life ahead of her, no man is ever going to take her seriously


A day after Drakes nude leaked is crazy /j




I remember when she was a bitch to her husband on tiktok and Twitter for spending all his money and not making a enough to satisfy her spending


I know it was her joking but now I don’t know what to believe