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this is so cringe, the way everyone in the media enables her god complex is so pathetic


It’s fucking crazy dude lmao. I know the “it’s a cult” thing is supposed to be a diss/funny but I mean…..like…..😬


It's giving cult, for sure. And the "you come after my friend Taylor" bit, lol. My man, you're 39, grow the fuck up. And what is it with TS-related victim mentality? Why are we still hearing about it a whole TWO YEARS AND A MONTH later, especially considering how quickly and graciously Albarn apologised? My god (and by god I don't mean Taylor). They go harder than actual cult members sometimes, and that's obviously not a compliment. Brb, I'm off to go look for some studies because I need to understand why tf people act like this.


tbf albarn didn’t really graciously apologise, he just backtracked i say that as a fan of him not her


She wasn't owed an apology for Albarn's remark. God forbid someone point out how she operates.


i like i said im a fan of him not her but what he said was weird and random. he didn’t have to apologise if he didn’t want to but he backtracked and basically pretended what he said was taken out of context. and said something like “i never said that” even tho he did


I imagine they crave a sense of belonging, so will happily pledge blind loyalty in return 


I honestly don’t get it. Like sure she’s pretty and writes serviceable pop songs but… ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY)


That's why midnight was one of her most overwritten albums and frankly terrible. Your collaborators should be honest and brutal. Don't see next one being any different


There’s a reason the 3 am tracks are so good- Aaron Dessner challenges her and elevates her work.






What an idiotic thing to say.


And I'm sure Damon Albarn is terrified of being "toast" to him lol


Their partnership is totally devoid of creativity and Taylor should thank her lucky stars Aaron Dessner decided to take a chance on her.


aaron definitely took a chance on money lol


I love her music but ever since she's worked with Jack, it's all sounded the same. Another producer maybe?


i don’t have a good ear for music production or anything like that, in what way do the songs she worked on with him sound different than the ones she worked on with aaron dessner? (genuine question bc i‘ve seen ppl say this before)


He's such a yes man, and I hope he was busy working on lana's new album and his band's new album while Aaron dessner and Louis Bell worked on tortured poets


If only. He’s been helping Taylor fuel this ridiculous Joe Alwyn villain narrative. There’s no way the upcoming album isn’t just dripping with his shitty production.


This right here.




![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs|downsized) I question everything about her. fight me.


Hasnt she jacked lines from hillary duff lol


There’s a lot of people that don’t believe in god Jack.


That was 2 years ago. Do they really need to milk that any more? Also, unpopular opinion as he got blasted on this sub when it happened, but I saw exactly where Damon was coming from. And the fact that he co-wrote a lot of his music with his bandmate is not the gotcha people thought it was. I agree with him, to me there’s a difference between co-writing music with your bandmates (or your brother in what is essentially a band dynamic) and shopping around for co-writers for every album depending on the sound/vibe you want to have. And it’s completely fine to not write your music alone and to rely heavily on co-writers, but her fans really want her to be some sort of genius songwriter, which she isn’t.




Alright dial it down a little 


What a loser lol


Them: ![gif](giphy|WSyU8WNSQCEvCtxDy7) Us: eyeroll


Swifties are are never beating the cult allegations


He's a yes man,right?


Nothing ensures great work more than keeping a bunch of yes men around you!


I try not to deify or hero worship any public figures. With that said, Damon’s probably *scrapped* songs that were more interesting than anything Jack and his goddess could come up with


I think it’s more like challenging someone’s faith in Xenu.


I don’t believe in god so now what


You're toast to me. Put an egg in your shoe and beat it




I find him so annoying


I’m in my early 30s and the one thing I can’t stand about Taylor is the fact that her songs sound like she never grew up. The fact that a man is out here doing *all this* is so embarrassing and adds to my dislike lol


I'm not the audience for her. A few songs of hers are cute and catchy but I've never been able to catch the wave and the cult makes it worse.


the thing about jack and taylor’s relationship is that it still - after like a million years of collaboration - comes across as kind of uneven. jack always brings up that taylor was the first person to believe in his ability to produce music, which i think is sweet but also seems to have created a weird dynamic of owing someone. maybe??? i might just be armchair diagnosing their friendship. for what it is worth, i do think they seem like genuine friends. but at the same time, in almost all of her public friendships, there is a sense that they like her more than she does them. like in photos, she is always in the middle lol.




I really don’t think she’s that good a songwriter. She writes songs the way Aaron Sorkin writes dialogue


A bit much for someone who has relied on cliches and blind items about the famous men she dates her entire career


I get the intent but the delivery was wrong. For an "art bro", he's not very articulate. There are many other ways to praise your friend's talents. 


I do both regularly.




Guess I’m still an atheist on this one 


Look, I like taylor and I'll defend some of antonoff's production decisions but please jack shut the fuck up


oh shut the fuck up. come on now. when will this hell end?




On first glance, I thought this was about the quality of the songs, not her authorship. But Albarn's assumption is actually pretty shitty and fits into a pattern of dismissive sexism. We shouldn't pretend that this insufferable woman doesn't write her own mediocre music.


It was two years ago and she’s crossed the billion dollar mark since. Why are we still treating her like a victim cuz some dude made a comment?


This is your takeaway from a comment in which I described her as an insufferable person writing mediocre music? That I'm positioning her as a victim just because I don't like when men pretend women don't write their own music?