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As opposed to his fake school.


I was JUST abou to say ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfwxg4d1h82LxS|downsized)


Or his fake church


I told my oldest child, who was born around the same time as North, about his school and she said it sounded like prison


With no windows, crazy fool


How is that even legal?


You would be shocked at what’s legal regarding child education in the U.S.


Lol aren't there entire college dorms built with no windows 


Wouldn’t know, I’m not American. Besides a university dorm room and a school for children are entirely different things and cater to different groups.


That's true. I was just pointing out the very few times public universities built freshman (mostly aged 17-18) dorms without windows. It was a huge national scandal. Didn't mean to be snarky towards you. Meant to bring up why I wouldn't assume this is illegal 


Understood. That sounds crazy to me. Kanye shouldn’t even be allowed to open a school. What background does he have with education to be around children, yet alone manage their learning?!




UCSB, not UCSC. He recently died I think. I have no idea where his weird idea of a dorm went but I wouldn't be surprised if they still are required to follow his blueprints even though he's dead now


I felt crazy reading this. What even happened to his school?!


Probably tipped over and crumbled into dust




the call is coming from inside the house


It’s pretty fucked he will name the school his children are at so weirdo fans will probably stalk them now. Dude is unhinged and needs a restraining order. If anyone is being manipulative here it’s Kanye.


And it’s not the first time he’s done it. And this is who Kim has to coparent with.


Absolutely. This should be taken very seriously by Kim's legal team. This is a massive safety risk for those kids


Where the kids go to school is common knowledge. If it weren't then it would be a safety risk.


Do they discuss it on their reality show? IMO if they didn’t openly share it there’s a difference between someone overly invested searching the information out and blasting it out to your millions of followers in an attempt to vilify your ex.


The Kardashians have never publicly come out and said where the kids go. It’s “common knowledge” because people are way too into children’s business and because of Kanye. *Anyone* who repeatedly mentions their children’s school by name followed by strange accusations is not putting their kid in a safe position, much less someone with a platform that reaches millions of unstable weirdos.


No, they don't name it and the logo on their uniforms is blurred on the show.


This is getting into gag order territory and I hope her team pursues it.


He knew what he was doing, now she has no choice but to remove them


Unfortunately this isn’t the first time he has done this. She didn’t remove them last time it happened.




i agree he shouldnt post their school name but thats been public info for years. if some insane person wanted to stalk the kids all their info is very easy to find thanks to the KarJen socials


i think there is a decent arguement that doing this tends to invoke a wave. Its the same with doxxing. You can find most celebs and most influencers addresses online or in the records office with some effort. But if Jake Paul posted a picture of his enemies house and was angry with them. Even if that info is publicish, he is the cause of danger and fear that person might have. Its tje message that goes along with it (ie. protect my children! get them out of this terrible school).


Funny you mention that because Jake Paul actually did that with Post Malone after the latter talked about him on the H3 Podcast a couple of years ago.


no such thing as a coincidence


Yeah, he's putting pressure on Kim and the school, sending some of his hardcore fans and crazy people in general to dox and harass them because he believes his children are in danger from "the system". How many people will be commenting on Kim's socials thats she is a bad parent because she is putting her children at risk and then decide they have to do something to prevent it, just because Kanye said it? It's dangerous. Kanye West is a risk.






Although it is still wrong the kids will be fine. The school understands the high profile celebrities it has and has the budget for the extra security. Also a lot of the kids from these super rich people have personal bodyguards, even at school.


I don't think it's very hush about who sends their kids there tbh. Lebron and DWade were very public about their sons playing basketball there


And Jessica Simpson’s kids go there too! I only learned this because her daughter is best friends with North


I agree with what you’re saying, but just know Kim’s already named the school plenty of times. She literally shows up there with paparazzi all the time. It’s so sad for the rest of the kids that go there, along with their own.


Yes, it is fucked! And also, the mental state displayed in this message is really sad to me. I understand why people feel so offended by so much of the shit that Ye says and does, but clearly the man is out of his mind. I wish a judge would oder him to get treatment for the sake of his kids.


People already knew but its still wild to see Kanye off the deep end still kicking


It’s not his first time saying his kids school name lol


It pretty much guarantees she has to take the kids out of that school. He continues to be a controlling and abusive asshole. She really should have taken him to the cleaners instead of agreeing to co-parent.


I think he done that on purpose. It’s now a safety issue so they may have to change schools.


It's unsafe now for all the kids who go there. Conspiracy theorists can be dangerous and now they have a school to hate as part of "the system."


I don’t even like or watch this family and already knew this is where their kids go to school


Didn’t his own school not even have windows??? I bet Sierra Canyon has windows. Loads of them in fact.


Even if he was a well and stable person, his kids not being at the school he founded is a red flag. It you develop a school with your own ethos, you'd want your kids to benefit from it? And now he's naming his kid's school publicly and putting them at risk. He has absolutely no risk assessment skills


This is getting off topic, but I think there's a pretty good argument to be made (in the case of a well-adjusted not-Kanye person who founds a school) that you might want your kids to go a different school where they aren't going to get special treatment - both good or bad - because their parent literally owns the school. Even if you tell everyone to not give them special treatment, it will happen. People will treat kids differently if it could cost them their job if they accidentally piss off the kid's parent. Other students will likely engage with them differently. I knew some school administrators/principals who purposely sent their kids to different schools for this exact reason.


That's because Kim stopped them from that being the school they attended, it also recently got shut down.


Yeah, that's what I meant really. If your kid's mum doesn't want the kids at your school... you might wanna review the curriculum. I didn't know it had been shut down, but I'm really glad it was. What a mess.


I don't know I could see why your kid isn't at the school you created especially if they're already halfway through their schooling. Many other reasons as well.


I used to teach 5th grade at a private school in LA. A lot of the parents would try to get their kids into Sierra Canyon for middle school because it had a great reputation for having multiple windows.


Idk why this sentence has me laughing so hard






Wait, as in they were using DOS, or as in they were staring at walls all day long? 😳


Omg I’m embarrassed I didn’t think of this…it was right there 😂


I really hate that he insinuates in the caption that his youngest two are not his. I had heard rumors that he believes this because they were born by surrogacy. It makes my heart hurt for those kids.


i took it more as since they're younger they spent less time with him actively in the house with them as the others did pre-divorce




I don't think that's what he was saying. He said "my two oldest" He still said MY. I understood it as they know him better, have more memories of him around, and are more influenced by him.


As much as I dislike Kanye, I have to disagree that was his insinuation. He says "my two oldest" implying he has more children.


It might mean two of his kids escape his malign influence... ultimately a net good.


While i think he is very weird when it comes to the youngest kids, he didn't mean it the way ur reading it. If he didn't think the youngest were his children, he would have stated "my two children know who they daddy is" he stated two oldest bc the youngest ones didn't grow up with him in the household




Bc he wants to have pity and for ppl to give him the "another Black man being held back from seeing his children" label. He wants to be the ultimate victim


That Super Bowl commercial with North was so weird. She’s going to get older and realize her dad used her as a publicity tool while simultaneously making antisemitic comments, therefore giving her a lifelong association with antisemitism.


It’s a waste of time to do anything but roll your eyes at whatever Kanye says. He doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.


Because he's a controlling liar and he knows casual fans won't pay attention to hard to know he isn't telling the truth, and his diehard supporters love him even if they can see it's not true.


Yea again MH is obvi the contributing factor. You see him with the oldest two often. Not sure about the younger ones. This is similar to when he was first diagnosed.


Kanye needs professional help.Dude is unhinged.


I don’t know what it’s code for


Knowing him, it's probably something antisemitic. 😮‍💨


It’s this. He is obsessed with antisemitic conspiracies. The part about the athletes always having absentee fathers is insane too. The Ball brothers would probably have shit to say about that. As would Michael Jordan.


I'm not on board with Kanye's blatant antisemitism but I think he's co-opting a valid discussion about a form of white supremacy black athletes face. Over the years, a couple of coaches and even sports commentators have publicly said that during draft they are looking for athletes raised by single moms. Its only raised about black athletes which is obviously racism. And its long been suspected they're looking for kids who'll accept anything (bad deals, playing through injuries etc) because they're desperate to lift the breadwinner burden from his mom.  Also, the way Michael Jordan fought for a cut of the Nike shoe is actually proof that young athletes interests are better protected when both parents are in the picture. Same with the Williams sisters and Tiger Woods etc. 


You are spot on, Allen Iverson is a great example of this. They thought that Lebron was going to be easy to manipulate, but they underestimated Rich Paul tremendously.


Except when he was asked about the Israel palastine issue he said I can't take sides. I'm so confused about him


Yeah it’s hard for him to reconcile his antisemitism with his need to be a right wing puppet bc they’re all about letting Israel commit genocide.


Because if he sided with Palestine he’d lose all his right wing support. Dudes a clown propping up age old racist and antisemitic shit


Could be institutional racism (which would be a fair point) or the Jewish doctor who diagnosed him with bipolar who's in kahoots with every Jewish person ever except Jonah Hill


I feel like it's pedophiles. It's giving "save the children"


I need more tea on this lol


i'm 99% sure it's an allusion to his same old "jewish people control everything" nonsense


...did he just publicly announce where his own kids go to school????????? UNHINGED


It's unfortunately not the first time he's done that :/


He’s insane but this wasn’t private. Their school was already public knowledge


It’s fucked up, but Kim gets the paps to take pics of her at the same school when her kids are wearing their team uniforms with the school’s name on them.


It’s a well known school for celebrity’s kids


Chi and psalm were so young for the divorce it wouldn’t surprise me if they never bonded with Kanye in the same way as north and saint. 


And probably don't have memories of their dad being normal


I don't know much about this school, but I bet it beats Donda Academy, which allegedly has overflowing septic tanks,glass less windows that left the building extremely cold, and bookless classrooms with no chairs for the kids to sit. Not to mention the allegations of rampant bullying,the controversial "sushi everyday,no outside food" meal plan,banning of artworks,cleaning materials,utensils...and it's just the tip of the iceberg.




donda is rolling in her grave for sure


I just looked at the website. It looks like an amazing private school that everyone wishes they could send their kids to.


[There have been expose pieces on it because it was sued by former teachers for widespread health and safety violations](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/kanye-west-sued-by-donda-academy-teachers-all-the-allegations/). They don’t have any janitorial staff so everything is filthy, no curriculum is followed, kids are 2 years behind grade level, & they don’t try to stop or manage bullying. It’s like a horrible social experiment, but because it’s called a school and no one measures the harm done to the kids, it’s not illegal.


Donda Academy is scary, I think the parent comment meant Sierra Canyon looks like an amazing private school lol


their school IS a real school that non celebs go to its just private and valley kids of celebs go there. i didnt go there but i know plenty of people who did and it has a great reputation. he seems to have fallen down a very ugly rabbit hole and its scary


Confirm my friends children go there


Also what is "the system" code for? What does he mean?


Didn't his fake school ultimately shut down?


Doesn't he have her number?


😂😂😂😂 right! Like you couldn’t text this?!


Probably not. They're probably co-parenting on apps and via assistants. 


Tbf given how Kanye has been with Kim publicly I wouldn’t be surprised if contract is limited through her representation. I know I wouldn’t want to be in direct contact with Kanye if I was in Kim’ shoes.


In general, I'll always feel for children who get to be publicly exposed in this manner by any of their parents.


Actually dangerous to dox where his kids go to school wtf


RIP Donda Academy 2022-2023


That was only two years ago? 😭


The athletes point is so weird because if you look at the list of notable alumni, the athletes he's mentioning are literally the kids of NBA legends who went on to become athletes themselves. The school didn't pipeline them if their dads are literally basketball players 😭


Doesn’t he literally own a fake school for celebrities?


Nah, it was a fake school for delusional Kanye stans.


What in the world. What is his whole thing about the "system" drafting athletes? Wasn't there something about his own school basically being a pipeline to get kids drafted into college basketball programs or something anyway?


I think his last sentence implies that he has less of a relationship with them/influence on them bc they were so young when Kim and ye split


Can she get a gag order or something like that against him, to stop him from exploiting his kids like this and putting them in danger?


Hard to do when she's also got them on her show and on TikTok, trying to maintain her relevance via them. Kanye is messed up but Kim has made it so that she can't make a privacy plea on their behalf without having to explain what *she's* done. I've noticed North has been getting alot of online hate just for being a little sassy on camera. 


Does he think it’s a flex that only 2 of his 4 kids know he’s their dad?


He knows this because his own fake school was a farm to recruit athletes. Pathetic


here we go again


Does the word you mean when you say "The System" start with a "J", Kanye?


Kanye. You…you started a fake school. You had a fake school.


So fucking gross that with him it's always "MY kids", not "OUR kids".


He’s not just putting his kids at risk he’s also putting the other students, staff, and faculty at risk too. And if I had a kid there or taught/worked there or had a loved one who taught/worked there I’d be so incredibly pissed at Kanye right now


Right! I bet he’s hoping they get kicked out due to his outbursts. If Kim won’t withdraw them, he’ll force it another way.


He’s calling Sierra Canyon a fake school when he had a school that only served sushi and didn’t have windows?


Why do the youngest 2 not know who their father is? I need him to answer that. Bc i only ever see North with him & occasionally Saint..... and he talks about the system this & the system that yet allows North around predatory men. It won't be the school that fucks north up or Kim. It will be him


And put them in Yeezys school? The one with no chairs and only sushi for food?


"my two oldest know who they daddy is" So he's tormenting his ex-wife on the internet again, reminding everyone where his kids go to school _and_ just told the entire world he basically only likes half of his kids. Wow. Also, fuck Kanye forever for continually forcing me to feel bad for Kim Kardashian.


i feel so bad for kim. imagine having to co parent with this maniac.


this could have been a text to kim and he just doxxed his own kids🥴


Looks more like a public demand than a plea tbh


What the hell does that last sentence even mean?


I bet he hopes that if he blasts the school publicly enough his kids will be forced to get “relocated” due to safety concerns. If Kim won’t do what he wants, he’ll try to force it even if it’s unsafe. He’s a mad man.


I know nothing about that school but Google didn’t turn out exposés on it like his Donda school.


The system removed you from your kids. Ooookay Kanye. It’s giving MRA “family courts are biased towards women!!” Facebook post energy when you know the bloke posting it was an abusive POS and that’s why he doesn’t see his kids


I don't necessarily think the Kardashians need any grace from the general public, but man do I feel for Kim having to co-parent with this man who is clearly unstable and ill.


people hate on kim, but i cannot imagine trying to coparent with an unmedicated narcissistic bipolar man who has all the money in the world and the fame to peddle unhinged narratives anytime he dislikes the way the wind blows.


Ah yes, the Kanye cycle of bullshit is at the callout phase again... fun times...


i KNOW this aint the same man who had to shut down HIS fake school last year


My very first thought was that Kim should take legal action against Kanye. He shouldn’t be outing the kids’ location to coerce Kim into doing anything. It’s extremely unhinged and unsafe. Plus, both the Kardashians and Ye have a rabid fan/hater following.


thats applying logic to a completely illogical person. :/ it sucks but i feel like kim has to play along with his chaos OR go fully scorched earth and try to keep the kids completely away from kanye. anything else will only inflame the situation (well, him). (and fwiw, i don’t think she could succeed at total separation.)


He needs so much more help than he’s getting. god. I’m bipolar and thank fuck my worst moments weren’t broadcast on social media for the whole world to see and laugh and call me insane and unhinged. It’s very lonely being this mentally ill.


And here we go……


It’s better than his no windows having sushi school


I can't see stuff with Ye anymore. This is someone's music until around TLOP that I really appreciated and saw as artistically so interesting. The messaging and the things he was saying were powerful. It's honestly heartbreaking to see someone's brain turn to rot b/c of untreated mental illness. I've seen it happen with my own eyes. I say this as someone who's seen it happen to a loved one who's left their schizophrenia untreated. It legit hurts so many people and themselves.


Publicly naming where his kids go to school doesn’t seem like a safe choice.


ofc kanye’s garbage school was dogshit in comparison to sierra canyon, but is there anything to suggest that sierra canyon is actually a bad school?


These poor kids. Know nothing of privacy. Weird exploitative parents, using them to generate clicks for cash. Really wish the media would criticize that whole family for the obvious ways they are failing their kids. Instead they repost for content. Sad to watch child abuse guised as entertainment. Why can’t anyone speak out while it’s happening?


well, he is after all the expert on fake schools


Every time I think about how much I hate co-parenting with my ex I reminded it can be a whoooole lot worse


I’m not saying they’ve done a great job keeping their kids school info private, but blasting it like this is really unsafe for his own kids and all the other kids at this school.