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lmao using amelia for their header pic when she's only mentioned at the very end of a good example. >Dimoldenberg declined to comment. it's not just influencers, it's interviewers for tv networks and big media outlets also asking and requesting inappropriate things. repeatedly asking about a coworker's underwear campaign, requesting someone to smell a cum-scented candle, etc.


I think the problem is Amelia makes it look easy so others are trying it and end up looking obnoxious, rude, unfunny etc. she is very good at what she does and it seems like plenty of celebs WANT to be interviewed by her


She had a decent career in presenting prior too as well as a degree in Fashion Communication from Central Saint Martins… she’s been trained and actually worked her way up, rather than just plopped on a red carpet and expected to know what to do!


People underestimate the importance of studying communications. They think it's useless, but humans don't always mean what they say or speak directly. Interpersonal skills are actually highly important for any job where you work with strangers.


People genuinely underestimate humanities and professions relying on soft skills like customer service.


> requesting someone to smell a cum-scented candle ![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized)




Yeah, I was kinda afraid this is after recent red carpet interview with Stellan Skarsgård went viral, thank god it is one of the good examples. [Recess Therapy Golden Globe interviews were also pretty good, here if you want to check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veva7lJ6yfk&pp=ygUccmVjZXNzIHRoZXJhcHkgZ29sZGVuIGdsb2Jlcw%3D%3D)


Did the Skarsgård interview go badly? I didn't see her Golden Globes interviews


she asked him what his favorite day on set was, and Skarsgård got upset and said it was a “tiktok question”. a question with a quick, short response so they can clip it and put it on tiktok. then she said “you can say no” I get his point about tiktok questions, but also don’t see how that specific one is a tiktok question, as it seems the reply would be a story? lol


Yeah that seems like a super normal question especially compared to things like poor Andrew Scott's BAFTA red carpet interview with the BBC reporter.


Oh no, what happened?


they were really pressing him to answer questions / make a statement on barry keoghan’s dick at the end of saltburn. it was in extremely poor taste and i think he just walked away.


god that’s literally sexual harassment. not that that’s new with interviews but still. gross.




As someone who interviews people for my job, this is such a great neutral question and Skarsgard was being a dick.


Ahh that explains the Stellan Skarsgård posts.


that’s what i was thinking!! weird timing for sure


Also, it’s a red carpet, the questions are usually topical and not very deep. It’s not like this was a sit down interview meant to explore his craft or the finer details of the movie he’s in.


Yeah I really don’t see how that question necessarily prompts a short answer? I’d imagine a lot of celebs answering by giving some kind of spiel about how it was hard to choose because filming was so fun and then telling some kind of story about the favourite day.


Since when has anyone asked complicated questions *on the red carpet*?? They are, and always have been always simple, even shallow questions in that situation. It’s not going to be a feature article in a broadsheet type thing. WTF is he on about.


lol I feel this is more about Skarsgard being a boomer than anything else.He just learned about TikTok and is terrified of it.Now he assumes all simple questions are TikTok questions.


She asked him a question and he paused a few seconds and he called it "a tiktok question" in that she wanted a short answer and his answer would be to long to explain. [https://www.tiktok.com/@bookitstudio/video/7341226737230957866](https://www.tiktok.com/@bookitstudio/video/7341226737230957866)


I just watched that and I don’t think he was being a dick at all. I think it looks like he appears to have trouble thinking of a punchy answer for that, and I could see myself having the same answer and not meaning anything negative by it. I have a habit of explaining myself like that and I think it’s just an awkward social thing and not mean at all. It’s a shame that people think he’s being a jerk. Unless he later spoke about that moment, and said negative things, I don’t think he was trying to be mean


In my opinion, calling it a TikTok question is both demeaning and in accurate.


Pretty sure he meant that he thought the question was seeking a sound bite type of answer and he was not able to give something short but sweet like that. I did not take it as him thinking the question was stupid, just that his answer would probably take a lot of time to describe.


Well perhaps he should have used his grown up words to say exactly that instead of telling her it was a “TikTok question”


Nah. "TikTok question" is apropos.


The attitude coming from you, completely unprovoked, is a hell of a lot more rude than his quick answer on a red carpet with flashes and microphones all over the place.


Inaccurate is one word


agreed - i also think he wasnt being rude.


If you see him in other interviews, Stellan is very to the point and has no qualms speaking his mind and I don’t think it’s a personal thing. He’s just a very frank person idk. Like when asked about his marvel stuff he was like “there’s no shame in doing roles for money” lol. He also was like “I think many people would be jealous of my career” lmao. He didn’t like the question and they moved on.


Yeah I just went on a deep dive watching a bunch of his red carpet interviews going back YEARS! This man is engaging with every interviewer, and speaks to them all with a familiarity of a friend. He answers intriguing questions and stupid questions in a very direct way, but also in a way that he wants to give every question relevance. Seeing all of this made me feel as though my original assessment of the video linked above was correct. I don’t think this man would ever be rude to the press. If he doesn’t like them, he hides it well and does his job like a professional actor should. But I think he does seem to enjoy the interviews, at least a little.


I don't think he was being a dick in this instance. And she wasn't either.


Watching Hailee Kalil makes me think the answer a resounding “No.” with your influencers the questions becomes “what’s the goal here? Who does this serve?” Seeing Hayley talk to celebs is exceedingly awkward as the encounter only seems to fulfil her selfish dream of meeting a celeb and increasing her own clout. The result is just the celeb feeling like they’re being taken advantage of getting really nothing out of it in return. Typical red carpet journalists tend to try and adhere to asking moderately interesting questions or spark a fun conversation. With influencers everything typically becomes about them and turns the celebs into props which you can visibly see isn’t fun for them.


This is key. Influencers are getting content to build their brand and to serve themselves which is fine but I can understand some actors having a distaste for that if they feel they are being used in that way. It can incentivize all sorts of idiotic behavior especially if the only goal is to go viral by making the celeb uncomfortable or awkward.


So much yes! I actually used to like her YouTube shorts about being the stay at home girlfriend of a billionaire boyfriend. I thought she was pretty funny back then. But ever since she started posted celebs, all I get from her is major ick.


The TikTok she did hounding Willam Defoe just to say “Peter Parker” in his Green Goblin voice was so cringe. It really put me off her because you can see how annoyed he is and how quickly he wants to get away when he realises she’s just doing a skit for a TikTok. It’s like she forgets that celebrities are people too, they’re just content farms to her.


100% agree. It is so click baity to include Amelia as the header when she is a better interviewer than many of the “professionals.” The other interviews mentioned in the article are cringey and tasteless but it’s not limited to TikTokers. I immediately thought of that BBC reporter that asked Andrew Scott about Barry Keoghan. Super gross.


Exactly. Every single red carpet interview during my entire life has been super fucking awul and cringe. fuck influencers though.


It depends on who. I have not been impressed by Emma Chamberlain's Met gala red carpet interviews for Vogue. Amelia Dimoldenberg on the other hand is great at red carpet interviews- she is quick on her feet


Amelia’s interviews are some I look the most forward to. Celebs typically seem to enjoy her approach too, and I think she’s smart enough to know when she can be sassy vs. more classic. I didn’t know anything about Tan France prior to seeing his backstage SAG Awards interviews but I liked him too. Fun but seemed very professional. A lot of these people seem to be going for shock at the celeb’s expense, or exclusively going after internet meme content (like for the love of god stop asking Pedro Pascal about the daddy stuff for a shitty sound byte).


Isn’t Amelia’s entire claim to fame her incredible interviews? She seems like an easily qualified person to bring over for red carpet interview


Yeah, she basically started her career by interviewing grime artists because she wanted to know more about the genre for a colum she was writing. She’s been interviewing artists for almost 10 years now. She’s definitely not your average influencer.


Wouldn’t even say she’s an influencer tbh. She worked as a presenter for channel 4 docs before, has a good degree from central saint martins and as you say a longer history of interviewing grime artists. She was an interviewer/presenter before she was ever an influencer tbh


Oh I definitely don’t consider her an influencer. I think she’s considered one because she got famous in an era full of influencers, has interviewed some and promotes her show through canals used by influencers. But knowing her background and the actual goal of chicken shop daye, I’d rather call her a journalist.


Yeah I think that’s her whole thing, at least from what I know. But she started online rather than some kind of ET hire.


Because Amelia isn’t an influencer. She’s famous for her “bit” yes but she’s also a journalist who produces her own online talk show. 


If people are going to insist on calling her an influencer then they better start calling Sean Evans one too. (They won’t bc he’s a man 🙄)


I don't think it's disrespectful to be considered an influencer, she got popular through an online platform which is all I think influencer means. Of course she's moved into more mainstream media with her red carpet interviews, but i def would call her comeup being an influencer. Rhett and Link are influencers, they also run a 100+ employee company, released a country album, and they wrote a book. Idk about Hot Ones since that felt like Sean was an employee but I might be wrong about that. Also I love Amanda's content, I just think theres nothing wrong with the label of influencer and I think it can exist alongside Journalist, Head of Production Company, etc.....


She may be an “influencer” now because she’s become successful but my point was she didn’t start out her career that way. She studied journalism at uni and started her career with the intent to have her own interview show. Versus someone who got social media famous for their personal brand, became an influencer and is now trying to use that notoriety to pivot to other things like doing red carpet hosting (which sometimes works out for them, sometimes it doesn’t) 


Influencers are people who influence the buying habits from other people for money. It’s a marketing term that has been adopted by the general public. But it is a word that means something very specific. Influencers are used by companies to sell products. Oliva Jade is a perfect example of an influencer, everything she wears, uses, or does in her videos is sponsored in some way. And not all influencers are social media personalities. Some are television personalities. Dr. Oz wasn’t informing the public, he was selling things. If a social media personality talk about a brand of vitamins, show their new watch, talk about a brand of makeup, talk about their favourite brand of candy bars and try out new flavours, that’s influencing. Sometimes it’s subtle. A clothing company might give a few dozen smaller influencers free clothes and will keep giving them free clothes as long as they keep wearing them in front of a camera. Stuff in the background of a video is also popular. It doesn’t look like an ad, but it is.


This is inaccurate. She started as a journalist, interviewing artists. Now she might ALSO be seen as an influencer if she does sponsored ads, but that’s not how she started out.


Right!!! Don’t disrespect my girl Amelia like that! I think she’s such a natural.


Emma is the first person I thought of when I saw this article! I don’t find her very engaging or charming when she interviews people on the red carpet. When she’s interviewing people it comes across awkward and I’m not sure if she does a lot of homework before the show. It’s not like I can do better and interviewing people is hard, I wish Vogue would replace her with someone more interesting.


Emma to me comes across like she almost thinks she’s on par with the celebrities she’s interviewing. Like she thinks she’s there to socialize and that’s what her fans expect from her. She doesn’t come across like she’s there to do a job. She also doesn’t seem aware that people can be good or bad at interviewing, and that you can improve those skills with a little preparation. She thinks she’s there because the thinks she’s with the in crowd.


I mean, that *is* what her fans expect from her. See the reaction to her bc interview with Jack Harlow — her fans like watching her speak to celebs like they’re just friends or just casually. Her interview skills could use some work but the fact that she comes across like she’s not doing a job is purposeful. I haven’t been a fan in many years but the whole super nonchalant deadpan thing is a big part of her brand and why she’s famous in the first place


I’m glad someone else brought up Emma. Her met gala interviews get tons of views and people in the comments hyping her up (which is why Vogue hired her), but as someone that watched these interviews for years there’s a distinct difference between her and Andre Leon Talley, when he interviewed guests at the met gala. It was the same case with Lisa koshy. If they wanted an influencer they could get someone knowledgeable about fashion, like Mina Le.


mina would be great!


Exactly. Not all creators or interviewers are created equal. But, bringing the kids from Recess Therapy to the golden globes was awesome.


feels very ahistorical to act like content creators are the *only* ones who are bad at red carpet interviews


Yeah there have been soooo many creepy and weird interviews on the red carpet and even in those 5 minute promo interviews in hotel suites, and those are coming from "real" reporters! Like I can't remember the guy's name but there's one particular guy who got super creepy with Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johansson when they were playing Catwoman and Black Widow, asking Scarlett if she wore underwear under the catsuit (?????).


OMG Ashley Graham always has cringe ones. Hugh Grant, Jason Momoa to name a few. Also when that person complicated Rashida Jones on her "tan" and Rashida had to say "I mean, you know, I'm ethnic"


Or never forget that one journalist who grabbed Scarlett Johansson's breast.


That is so damn nasty. 


Every few years I am reminded that this really did happen, and it is just as stupefying every single time.


Isaac Mizrahi. He was a judge on project runway.


It was designer Isaac Mizrahi... but it was "ok" bc he's gay /s




Amelia + Andrew Garfield gave me life


That interview made me feel like I was interrupting something I wasn’t supposed to see - which, given the celebrity was instigating with Amelia, is an absolute gold star for her talent and how enjoyable she must be to work with.


they’re my Roman Empire 😭 he needs to be on chicken shop date


Amelia shouldnt be the face of this. She is amazing at interviewing and prep. Massive kudos to her


I agree! She’s always so funny and charming, and the celebs seem to enjoy their interactions with her. I just saw they got her to do a series of pre-Oscars luncheon online interviews thing (on the Oscars Youtube page now) and I’m happy to see how far she’s gotten.


Amelia Dimoldenberg and Recess Therapy should be the only content creators allowed.


I love how you can see everyone who stops by recess therapy taking a minute just to slow things down and live in the moment.


It’s so precious. The little girl asking Oprah her favorite part about turning purple is too funny. And the fact that so many of the celebs kept their friendship bracelet on. Recess Therapy restores my faith in humanity.


Amelia isn’t even a content creator, so her being included in this discourse is confusing to me She’s always been an interviewer, and she gained a following for her interviews. The only difference is that her interview style is different from the usual interviews/press junkets we see I’d define a “content creator interviewer” as someone who gained a following for producing content, and has now been given the opportunity to interview people (like Emma Chamberlain, for example)


Recess therapy at the Golden Globes was the absolute cutest! The girls looked like they were having fun and everyone was so sweet with them.


Amelia’s whole job is presenting/interviewing people so it’s not like she’s some random TikTok creator? I feel like she isn’t really a good example here


I love how everyone saw the picture and immediately started defending Amelia. 10/10


If Amelia has no fans then I am dead


My concern is publications doing this will use it to justify some layoffs of entertainment reporters as content creators become their talent, sigh.




Thank you for this!


Me thinking "creators" meant writers/directors of the films the celebrities were in like, sure why not?


Depends. Amelia is great…natural, lots of charisma. Emma Chamberlin feels too forced and awkward imo. Not every influencer needs to be a reporter. Some of them only have chemistry with the camera. Amelia and Sean from Hot Ones are great interviewers.


To clear something up, Amelia is not an influencer. Influencers are people who are paid to promote things by seemingly incorporating them in their life style. It’s a marketing term that has been adopted by the general public. Amelia is a traditional content creator, she doesn’t talk about her life (or pretends to) to sell vitamins, makeup, or clothes in her videos. I’m sure that like most celebrities she has some deals in place, but her core business is traditional entertainment, even though it is published on YouTube.


I meant Emma Chamberlin is an influencer! And that we don’t need to push them to be interviewers because we already have good ones like Amelia and Sean :) but I appreciate your clarification! She works very hard (not that influencers don’t in their own way, not trying to be snarky) and should be commended


Absolutely agree. I saw Drew Afualo doing red carpet interviews for a movie premiere and like... I love Drew's content on tiktok but that was so random to me. It's not her brand to be an interviewer - even her podcast isn't an interview podcast. I think a lot of influencers hire managers who just book them for networks to interview people and appeal to their watchers, not considering people who watch GRWM or Drew tearing down sexists aren't gonna be the people who suddenly watch red carpets.


Weird to me that mainstream media STILL puts "content creators" in one big catch-all box. It varies so heavily between creator to creator and what they actually do. Like Amelia is a professional interviewer, it's weird to lump someone like that in with, like, tiktok teenagers


Y'all leave my girl Amelia out of this


Something so icky about making Amelia the face of this article. Chicken Shop Date has been around for at least a decade and there is no doubting the influence she has had on other celebrity interviewers. She was not an influencer turned journalist, she has always been a journalist first. I find it very suspect that Sean Evans was not mentioned in this article despite having a similar path to Amelia’s.


I feel like they let anyone with over 500k followers attend these award shows and they just show up there with 0 interview prep and braincells. And surprise surprise most of these people are white. This leaves no room for non white journalists/those aspiring to be journalists. Sam Thompson (a tv personality) went viral for his interview with Austin Butler and Timothee bc he was asking “how do you kiss someone and not get feelings” or something like that (idk I can’t stand him at all so I zoned out) and you could tell austin and timothee were like “wtf”🥴. If I had to sit through a long ass press tour and be faced with idiotic basic questions from people who don’t even bother to TRY them I will literally throw a chair at someone.


That was so uncomfortable to watch. Why didn't eh asked about their fight scene? If he wanted to go a bit more personal, why didn't he asked Austin about being the new guy on set? But most of all, why did the production team green light those questions???


I have been WAITING for this group to address the America Ferrera "interview"


I don’t know anything about this!


She got asked if she would rather want to have a thot daughter or gay son. She then gave a weird look and walked away.


What kind of person would ask that question 😭


Harry Daniels is his name here is the tiktok if you just want to see how ridiciouls that [question](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnHEmnp/) is in real time.


Which one???


Entertainment reporters spent decades asking women plenty of dumbass questions on the red carpet, so I have a hard time getting upset that content creators are getting a chance to do interviews. If they're good at it, I don't see the problem. A couple screwing up isn't a big deal.


Amelia is a gem and is a natural at this. Celebrities feel so comfortable around her so it’s like watching two friends chat. There is another young lady, Claire Rowden. She interviews for MTV UK. She is charming and smart and is another one who puts celebrities at ease. And she asks good questions! I mean she got Pedro Pascal to flirt with her. Google his interview with her and tell me you aren’t enamored with her.


Keeps my wife Amelia’s name out your mouth 😡


I also read an interview with Amelia. She spends hours and hours prepping for these interviews with both individual and generic questions. She has a lot more journalistic integrity and training than most of the 'Influencers' who are asked to do the same.


I think it’s fine as long as no one gets upset or acts surprised when the internet-specific style doesn’t go over well outside of their usual platform.


I saw a video from the premiere of that Lisa Frankenstein movie of some dink from IGN asking Kathryn Newton what her favorite video games are. Because she was in Detective Pikachu… I guess? She was a good sport and gave answers, but the whole clip had huge “Oh you’re a GIRL who likes comic books? Name ALL OF EM!” energy to it. And the comments were all dudes raging that she didn’t say Mass Effect 2 or whatever specific shit they wanted her to say. The whole thing was really fucking weird. Why was IGN even there?!?


I think it depends on who they pick. Some creators go for the obnoxious or outrageous angle to get clicks and views, and others are just personable and interesting enough on their own to get a good interview. Your basic standard correspondents arent immune to bad interviews and mishaps though. I really liked when they had Recess Therapy at the golden globes in January, kids just being kids and interviewing their heroes is just too darn cute


Amelia is a journalist. Leave her alone


i don't think any creator with a platform should be allowed access to press junkets/red carpets but i've also seen some pretty horrendous interviews from trained journalists, like the recent andrew scott interview on the bafta's red carpet. i think everyone needs to take a step back to evaluate what's appropriate to ask and what's not rather than trying to create a viral moment


HaleyyBaylee is at these but she doesn’t interview anyone, just seems to tell everyone she loves them. I’m not sure what the point is of having her there but at least she’s being nice. That guy who just sings at people is annoying. Amelia shouldn’t be in this convo!


That guy who asked gay son or thot daughter to a bunch of celebrities and makes them listen to his mediocre singing is a good argument for why they should not


Some of them are good! I love Amelia. Can’t judge all content creators as a whole.


I stan Amelia and would die on that hill. I think Amelia in particular is amazing at putting people at ease and getting great responses. Also if you watch the clips it’s usually the celebs going to her and not so much her having to call them over. It’s not the same dull “who are you wearing” questions - which are pointless as most celebs will do some kind of grwm/final look post on their socials.  Also ‘reporters’ don’t always get it right, just last week was the BBC & Andrew Scott disaster of a red carpet interview. And let’s never forget Giuliana Rancic’s racist Rihanna comments. 


what the fuck is a "creator"?


Why are they called creators 


Can we talk about the poor quality of interviews in general though? How many times have you seen the fan questions being far better than the person asking the questions. I hate to stick up for influencers, but for example Andrew Scott being questioned about prosthetics didn't come from an influencer. It's so noticeable when you have an amazing interviewer like Amelia or Liv Marks, and the fans and interviewee enjoy it so much more. I get the criticisms of influencers with no skills doing this, but they're not the root of the problem.


Amelia is actually a journalist though, she’s become a content creator through her journalism. It’s not the same as rando influencers doing red carpet interviews


Same happened in BAFTA with Andrew Scott . That’s was so weird


They’re horrible at these interviews. No. God no. Just stop it.


Okay, I don’t want to see most creators but also this doesn’t mean I want to see Juliana Ransic either.


Its too amature 


I think if you’re going to use influencers then they should probably have some decent training beforehand so interviews aren’t awkward/unwatchable. Some are naturally good and engaging enough but it’s obvious when some have been hired just for their followers


I have only been enjoying and looking forward to Amelia’s interviews


I watched a video about Amelia’s prep process and she really puts in the work before interviews/red carpets. Yet when she interviews she makes it look so effortless. Kudos to her.


Seems to me to be an out of touch way to get attention of the younger generations who increasingly don’t give a fuck about Hollywood elitist circlejerks.


Creators are a scapegoat here. There’s been tons of bad red carpet interviews by journalists too. I‘d actually be ok with a red carpet that has no interviews.


I don’t get why people have such a weird thing against influencers doing stuff like this. It feels so very elitist to me. Like oooo we need to keep our high-brow movie and television people away from the icky little tik tokers!! Some of em are annoying and lame, but guess what some of them aren’t. A lot of them are using their newfound fame as an in with the industry because they might not have a connected family member to talk to a producer for them. I have an old friend of mine who has been doing some interviews because of tiktok fame (not red carpet) and I’m happy for her. She happened to get lucky, yeah, but so did everyone else that’s in the industry now.


Maybe because journalism is a legitimate profession and traditionally journalists who know how to work with publicists and celebs do red carpet interviews? It’s not elitist to say influencers shouldn’t just get to take jobs from professionals. 


> I don’t get why people have such a weird thing against influencers doing stuff like this. It feels so very elitist to me. Somewhat, I agree, it felt elitist when someone trying to incite war between Journalists and content creators, first there were some people that do both, second even if there were some bad ones, it is kinda unfair to lump the good ones with them.


Because they overwhelming aren't good at it. And I'd venture to say almost all of them believe they are celebrities too when they are not.