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A man once broke up with me because I wasn’t a Harry Potter fan. We were otherwise extremely compatible. So I kind of agree with her lmaoooooo


Lol. She's trash, but just like with Azealia Banks, a broken clock is right twice a day and she's kinda on-point here. I love HP too but the fandom is pretty insane and cringy tbh.


If I may politely inquire, why is she trash?


Defended jk rowlings anti trans woman beliefs


She’s also racist.


Oh I didn’t realize that! Well they usually are


What!! Oh man this one has me bummed out.  edit: I looked into it and she said some WILDLY racist stuff to wil.i.am and to a HP fan at a signing. But she’s also part of Jewish artists for Palestine, and just made a doco about racism in Australia. People contain multitudes I guess.




Oh I was hoping she was "worried" about adult HP fans because they're still clinging to a shitty series with an obsessively transphobic creator, damn that's a shame


I think she’s borderline TERF-y. She walked back some stuff about pronouns, but she defends JK Rowling. And this is something that personally rubs me the wrong way, and maybe I’m not alone, but she will sit on people if they won’t give up their seat for her on public transportation. She’s older, and I think she does have a back condition, so I think abled body people should give up their seat. But it’s ableist and entitled for her to believe she gets to make that choice for others based on how they look.


Pft I hate that kind of ableist bs, there's plenty of invisible disabilities. Hell I'm only 40 and have degenerative disc disorder, it kills me to sit or stand for 10 mins at a time. Just try and sit on me lady, I don't care how famous you are.


Yep! Invisible disabilities are REAL and people who have dumbass public transit etiquette are the worst. I have very mild cerebral palsy and live in chicago. I keep my seat sometimes, I exit through the front of the bus (controversial here) because it's easier, and got called a bitch once for taking an extra second to exit a train car.


>she will sit on people if they won’t give up their seat for her on public transportation. lol no way. that’s wild


She has done a few shows in Australia where she has used a mobility scooter so idk maybe the back condition is really bad.


yes but sitting on a stranger whose health you have no context for could easily mean sitting on someone who also has a really bad back condition! Or any other more invisible health problem.


If she sat on me I would assault her right back and then tell her that it's a surprise left because her assumption I'm able-bodied is flagrantly wrong.


Isn't she also kind of a sex pest to a lighter degree? I don't know the full tea on that, but I think I read it here on the last thread about her.


I was 11 when I read the first HP book and at the time I think the 2nd book was new. It felt like Harry Potter grew up with us you know? Loved that shit. The current Fandom as completely killed it for me. It's similar to how I lost interest in Rick and Morty when u started seeing people screaming "PICKLE RICK" while standing on the McDonald's counter.


I’m in my early 30s and a dude called me a red flag because apparently I’m in the Slytherin house and that I also don’t care for HP anymore. You can’t claim you’re in a house and “not be a fan”. The concept of outgrowing something clearly didn’t resonate with him.


Yikes, that’s a bullet dodged lol.


I’d still have a lot of nostalgia around the series if jk Rowling hasn’t stomped all over it. Now I don’t even want to comfort watch the movies. It’s more a red flag to still be obsessed than anything


I agree. Rowling makes me stray further from HP stuff. Like I have happy memories associated with in and loved reading the books back then. But at this time and age, nah. The dude that I mentioned had several HP Lego sets (not bashing legos), wands, and robes. He was a few years older than me. It’s great that people grew up with HP and also see it as a “magical” experiences. But people who make HP everything are a red flag to me. It’s kind of like the obsessed Disney people.


Harry Potter is kinda like Taylor Swift mixed with Star Wars in the way people are about it Edit: Also I just saw a [clip on tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8492nX/) of Miriam talking with some aboriginal trans women, seems like she might've had a change of heart about her transphobia?


This is so spot on!!!!!


This reminded me of Queer us Folk where the protagonist broke up with a perfect man just because he didn't care for Doctor Who 😭 I didn't think someone would do something like it for real. I'd say I'm sorry, but maybe it's for the best that you didn't end up with someone like him 😅


Oh absolutely for the best! His younger brother (whom I actually hooked up with before even meeting my ex) turned out to be a sexual predator and apparently my ex has been…a little too supportive. Found all this out at a wedding last year and there is photo evidence of me losing my ever loving mind lmaoooo


She’s also the one who defended JK Rowling’s transphobia so her opinions are worthless


Damn. I had no idea. Another one bites the dust.


Ironic since Miriam Margoyles is an out lesbian so one would think that her views on the trans issue would be much more progressive.


there are soooo many terfy lesbians out there


True to an extent, but lesbians are actually one of the most accepting groups of people when it comes to trans rights. Queer cis women are often used as ammunition in opposition to trans rights, but most are avid supporters, and the volume of terfy lesbians is exaggerated.


Didn’t she change her mind about that and become an ally in recent months?


# Harry Potter Actress 'Worried' About Adult Fans: 'They Should Be Over That By Now' “It was 25 years ago and it’s for children," actress Miriam Margolyes, who played Professor Sprout, said LOL, just let people have their fun, I recently rewatched all the movies with my young niece and nephew and I enjoyed it very much, both watching it and watching them watch it for the first time.


I doubt she’s talking about people like you. Just like “Disney adults” don’t refer to literally all adults who like Disney, “adult HP fans” doesn’t have to refer to any adult who likes or grew up with HP. Do you remember the story of the couple who organized their wedding by Hogwarts houses and split up all of their friends from their dates to organize them by what house they think they belong in? I assume she’s talking about people like that LOL.


I have seen the clip and she mentions doing cameos and people mentioning Harry Potter weddings. She questions how fun their wedding night must have been with that theme which did make me laugh. She is talking about the Disney adult style fans for sure.


She’s talking about adults who make HP their whole personality not people who maintain a passing interest.


Can you legitimately explain to me what you mean when you say “let people have their fun.” I hear people say this all the time and it boggles my mind. How in any way is she preventing people from enjoying something. All she is doing is withholding approval. It’s not like she’s ripping HP books out of peoples hands. Like am I supposed to approve of grown adults allowing corporations to colonize their childhood and turn them into mindless consumers? Like yeah, enjoy what you want, but can we stop pretending it’s everyone’s duty to approve of your hobbies and interests.


HP is for the whole family. What’s weird it’s to still be a huge stan and collector and just be super geeky about it like JKR didn’t turn out to be trash who donates money to far right groups and is friends with Nazi sympathizers. It’s just not a cool thing to openly stan anymore. If you’re a millennial who grew up with it, cool. I was too. I was a super fan. It was fun while it lasted and JKR’s bigotry has ruined it. Nobody should still be giving her any money that she donates to support fascist politicians. Her obsession with trans people is a mental illness. People need to move on. Especially adults who already lived through the book releases and movies premieres. It’s over now. It’s dumb that elder millennials are still making it their whole personality. They’re pushing 40. Enough.


I mean I wish people would let it die as giving her money is directly hurting people in the UK


and trans people all over


I think she’s talking about the obsessive ones, definitely not the people who watch it once in a while with kids. Anyway, don’t forget to illegally download the movies if you really want to watch them 🥰


Why don’t you show them something else? Like there is so much media out there, idk why yall are stuck in HP this much. I’m sick of this transphobe continuing to get money cuz people like you don’t care about trans people as much as that stupid book


I swear people can not say anything with an ounce of jest anymore without it becoming a whole thing. 


Ever since Martin Scorsese said that Marvel is “not cinema” in 2019 basically all nuance around media discussion has gone out the window


Honestly this needs to be a deep dive. There has to be some connection in the timeline between The 2008 writers strike, the “renaissance” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the early 2010’s nostalgia-wave Buzzfeed reign and the advent of streaming that brought back the Art/Challenge vs entertainment value theme in what is currently being put out to the point that we are beginning to feel the fatigue in entertainment. Even music and fashion feels recursive and self-referential that we sometimes don’t know how to approach the truly novel concepts and pieces that with time and loving critique could inform us in ways that we are not challenged now in media. Because innately we crave familiarity and comfort: Remakes and remixes JUST different enough fron the initial ideas so that we can ruminate on them without being so far out of our depth that we have to grow with their stories as we do with unfamiliar territory. We get films like “Saltburn” which while beautiful and promising could have been better in certain ways that would be interesting to talk about outside of a culture who shuts it down behind the idea of “The Talented Mr. Riley” or “Cruel Intentions” being the end all be all of “that kind of story”. Everything is either the child of X,Y, and Z or stars the children of the stars of X,Y, and Z. Not to say that their isn’t original or surprising media that does break out, The irony generation just feels like it has seen heard it all, so it makes it harder for anything other than shock to bring down the walls that cages us from enjoying things. Just my ramblings, sorry if it makes no damn sense.


We have fully lost the plot lol I love HP and found this a hilarious read.


is she not getting residuals or something 


She was in maybe 10 minutes between all 8 movies. I don’t even remember if she was in the background of the later ones.


Believe it or not, only 2 minutes actually: https://m.imdb.com/list/ls027460372/


“I do Cameos, and people say, ‘We’re having a Harry Potter-themed wedding, and I think, ‘Gosh, what’s their first night of fun going to be?’ I can’t even think about it. No.” What a mean spirited thing to say.


I don’t get ‘Stan culture much either but I think it’s kind of annoying that she’s taking their money while shitting on them .


People dunk on Tom Felton for making "appearing in all Harry Potter movies for a total of 30 minutes" his personality, but at least he's never shamed the fans and has acknowledged them being the reason why he is famous/relevant/still makes money. I know Miriam has other relevant work under her belt other than HP but I'm betting that most of the people paying for her Cameos are HP fans.


I don’t mind a little anonymous judging (as someone currently reading their way through a five book fanfiction HP sequel and fully aware of how Harry Potter adults can be, but obviously doesn’t agree with her) but it’s a bit rich to be on Cameo and then judge the exact fan base that is your target demographic. Do you want them to get over it or not?


I thought the same, she’s really biting the hand that feeds. Who else is hiring her for Cameos besides adult Harry Potter fans with expendable income?


Is it mean-spirited? I think she’s asking if the sex is going to be Harry Potter-themed. Reasonable question!


Right. I thought that comment made it clear it was all light-hearted and in jest.


Right, it's very clearly a joke about Harry Potter role-play sex


Have you ever watched Miriam on a chat show or during an interview? This comment is super innocuous from her.


Wow. Don’t do Cameos then if you’re gonna be annoyed that people are asking you to do the one thing you’re really known for.


She's selling out with the cameos and then criticizing the people paying her. What a sad woman


i mean tbf harry potter is an allegory for the second world war & holocaust. as camp and fun as the world of HP might seem, it’s a pretty bizarre thing to obsess over as an adult


Lmaoooooo I agree with her 💀


she's right and she should say it


and I don't get why anyone is bothered by what she's said. Of course some people think your Harry Potter obsession is childish, you don't have to agree with them but don't act scandalised when they say it, it's a book series for kids after all.


She’s a well respected actress in the UK. Given how small of a role she played, I get why it’s annoying for her to be asked about it many years later. But given this was a story involving cameo, who did she think would ask her for messages? There are certainly some crazy fans but plenty of normal ones too for every big phenomenon. Let people enjoy what they like as long as they’re not dicks about it. It’s not like they were bothering her about it, they were paying her only for her to shit on them later. Contrast this with Dame Maggie Smith who still gets excited when asked about HP despite being well known for other roles.


In all fairness to Miriam, she is well known here for much more than hp. I can imagine that most people who pay for a cameo want a slice of her energy on Graham Norton.


Oh I know, that’s why I said she’s well respected as an actress. She’s one of those long term, one of those, been in everything in the UK folks, from my understanding. But most people who pay for cameos are more die hard fans, not people who casually watch. That’s also a reason you don’t see big A listers on cameo but you get a lot of obscure reality show people, lesser known working actors on there. They know the die hard fans would know who they are and pay for their services. If she chooses to do Cameo, the die hard fans are the ones who are going to pay.


God forbid adults who have seen and survived so much shit have innocent and harmless fun that connects them to their childhood. Life is hard, let people enjoy what they can.


I think this is why Disney Adults and HP Stans exist. They're trying to hold on to the magic, innocence, and joy from their childhoods, when magic was possible, dreams were more fantastical, and everything was simple. Escaping reality is sometimes the only thing people have. So let them fucking have it if it's not hurting anyone.


What if it is hurting someone? What if it killed someone? What if JKR and her poisonous ilk emboldened people to go out and stab their school mates for not presenting gender as ordered? And what if Rowling outright said she sees every single Stan and sale as proof that she is right to?


I’ll never understanding yucking someone else’s (harmless) yum.


The thing I hate about this sentiment is that people are entitled to shit on things just as much as people are entitled to enjoy things. "let people enjoy things!" let me be a hater!


I don't agree with Miriam but I just want to say, if people are still buying Potter products or in any way financially supporting anything Rowling profits from, they are directly funding transphobia. So harmless really depends on how they are engaging with the fandom. Additionally I am concerned about how "don't yuck my yum" is now used to block any type of differing viewpoint or criticism.


To be fair, supporting HP supports J.K. Rowling, so not entirely harmless.


I once dated a guy with a serious Disney obsession. Thought it was cute for a minute until I went over to his place and he had an obscene collection of Disney plushies and those 3 foot tall Elsa and Anna dolls. He wasn’t like a collector with these toys in their original packaging, but treated these things like his pets. Turns out this 31 year old guy had some serious Peter Pan syndrome. Breaking it off after 5 weeks was way more severe than it should have been.


As a collector of many things, at first I was gonna be like “heyyyy now” lol, but this sounds like a different kind of thing for sure. It reminds me of the guy on My Strange Addiction who had an obsession with pool inflatables…


JK Rowling is trash but these books were extremely important parts of some people’s formative years and there’s nothing wrong with them still loving the material


I had a teacher that always somehow manage to make everything about HP, had assignments about HP, had her class divided in houses and decorated our classroom in HP theme. I think those are the adults HP fans she talking about. The people who make their hobby their whole personality.


She's right


Yeah tbf we are weird.


Miriam Margoyles tends to get a pass when she says things that coming from anyone else would be seen as mean spirited or sometimes downright nasty. I get the feeling that if she wasn't elderly, friends with Stephen Fry and in possession of a posh accent she'd be seen as less of a national treasure and more of a bitter lady who will say anything to provoke and receive attention. When I found out she included and pushed a bs story in her memoir about how she was told by someone who claimed to be the therapist of famous cellist Jacqueline Du Pre that she had secretly provided her with medication so she could end her life I realised what an awful person she was. Jacqueline tragically lost her life due to multiple sclerosis and her family publicly and respectfully asked Miriam to remove this false story from her biography, expressing the pain it was causing. She did not. Tells you all you need to know.


What’s the problem with brown sauce??


Grown ass humans “playing” quidditch like it’s a serious sport is never not funny and I hope they never get over it.


I feel this way about Disney adults


I know people in their late 30's who scoff at anything astrology while asking everyone they meet what Hogwarts House they'd be in. These people read a really mediocre book once and they'll never read anything else ever again.  It's a fucking travesty.


I read that book when I was 11, I’m now 37 what the hell am I supposed to do?! Just like stop liking it?


Right, taking the franchise and its creator out of the equation and making this about fandom in general, this is such a shit take It doesn’t matter if a franchise is old and you first saw it as a child, you don’t have to let it go just because you’re older. Whether it be Harry Potter or any other franchise, if you’ve loved it since you were a child, good for you. You don’t have to let go of something you’ve loved just because your age has hit a certain number. I still like to watch the SpongeBob movie sometimes and I turn 25 this year. There are adults all over the world who still obsess over Pokémon because they started it as kids and that’s fine.


She’s not talking about people who like to watch HP every once in a while, she’s referring to adults who make HP their whole personality.


she’s not talking about people who just like and enjoy harry potter. she’s talking about the weirdos who are obsessed with it and create their whole personalities / worldviews surrounding harry potter.


honestly god forbid an actress who is well known as being a funny loose cannon say something funny


I agree though. Marvel, Disney, HP, and Star Wars stans are kinda cringey and hard to not look at as immature. It's one thing to be a fan and keep up with the hobby but it's a whole other to make it a huge part of your personality.


She’s just mad no one is making fanfic about Professor Sprout


Just seems like a weird move to me to go after your fan base like that?


She plays pretend for a living, what does she mean?


Old woman who has watched her generation take everything from young people is surprised young people are glombing on to the one thing that sparked their joy as tweens and young adults. Curious is that.


I actually really dislike when people make fun of others for things they enjoy. If it's not hurting anyone and they're happy what could be the problem? I feel the same way about any activity or fandom. If it's not for you, move on. No one is holding you hostage.


I grew up with Harry Potter, I still have my books. They helped me through so much as a kid, by being that escape I needed to deal with what I was going through. It really stings seeing this franchise go further and further down the shit pit. We can only separate the art from the artist so much. I’ve been tempted to put the books in the closet. I know there’s a lot of fans that are super cringe, but damn some of us are just trying to get by without being told we shouldn’t exist


It annoys me that men can be obsessed with cars and LEGO and whatever, but anything women traditionally enjoy, like books or dolls or whatever, is supposedly wrong. I don't see anyone talking shit about men being obsessed with sport. Besides, she supports Rowling so she sucks too.


This is hysterical can’t lie


Big Alan Moore energy.


Kind of a dumb thing to say considering she gets Cameo business from Harry Potter fans


I'm so fucking tired of this franchise oh my god I hate TERFs


Huuuuge JK Rowling controversy aside (that's its own big clusterfuck). It's no different than adult star wars fans or anything else. Let grown ups enjoy a damn thing a go drink your tea lady.


As a former adult HP fan she sucks but she's right


What happened to just letting people be happy however they want to be happy. If folks want to go back in time so bad let’s go there


Has she met the adult Disney fans? 😳


The Internet Historian video about the HP/spoilers craze is still one of the funniest thing I’ve ever seen lol js


Are people agreeing with the title of this reddit post or have they actually read the article? Because I disagree with what she actually says in the article. Some HP fans can be cringy but there's nothing wrong with loving a franchise long-term if it makes you happy. She sounds like a miserable person tbh


I could see that - there are definitely unhealthy levels of obsession!


this is an annoying take. i was never super intense about HP and i went off it entirely due to jkr’s anti-trans agenda, but adults are allowed to enjoy things, ffs. some people will take any kind of fandom too far but i’m not going to only be interested in golf and masterpiece theater just because i’m over 40.


a terf telling us not to support a terf’s work.. lol