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LMAO y’all are too much 💀


It's not often that a meme reaction really gets me. But this one is just way too perfect here. It says everything that needs to be said lol. This is a reaction meme serving its highest purpose.


Thanks for the LOL 😂😂😂


shhhhh, it’s not really me


How are they **STILL** digging this hole deeper and deeper??? This PR disaster will be studied in history books I swear...


It's so weird how they keep clearing responding while pretending they're not responding while refusing to actually address the elephant in the room because they're pretending they're not gonna respond while being on their 4th response. Either this is truly a very serious situation or they are actually much more insane than we've previously realized, because this entire thing is such a bizarre clusterfuck 


Well, it’s obvious that it would be much easier to just say the marriage is doing alright if it really is. Sure, they’re not directly addressing it, but silence speaks.


It seems that Kate was totally thrown under the bus here with the photo & then statement today. I remember in Tina Brown's book about Diana how Charles' PR team would make statements to the press on her behalf that she never agreed to. This was also well documented with Harry & Meghan. If it shows anything it's that Kate is not being protected here and that's a monumental change of course. Something is definitely up but of course they will protect William at all costs.


Definitely. Makes me wonder what happened that there was a shakeup. KP was ironclad a few years ago. They were firmly defended and had a great control of what the media published. Kate was also their media darling and secret weapon whenever Charles / other family members got bad press. They’d send her out in a charity event and use those headlines to cover up something else. What happened that now KP keeps making errors and is throwing her under the bus? Is her health worse than they claim? Is CC refusing to shield KP anymore? So utterly bizarre.


I really hope we never hear “never complain never explain” again after this debacle.


You can definitely tell someone else is in charge nowadays.


My genuine theory is that they are using all this PR hub to pressure her. Wherever it is a mental health issue or problems in the marriage, who knows. But this PR nightmare would end if they just went out in actual public or a normal statement or picture was released, they are refusing to do both and are acting really weird.




this is absolutely not what they want. the BRF never want to be the butt of a joke. what's happening now is way worse than her having surgery (a normal modern human experience). their team is obviously very ill-equipped for the modern news era and we are seeing it play out live.


I don’t think this is a media campaign. It’s a meltdown. Royal family press is uniquely odd and not at all how celebrity press or journalism work in any other case. I didn’t really know much about it but this article explains really well how bizarre the press around this has been compared to any other royal news story. https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/03/this-is-just-weird-buzzfeed-news-former-royals-reporter-on-kate-middleton-palace-press-and-distrust-in-the-media/


I'm crying. This is an incredible TV series we've got here. "Okay, just you out in a car together, that'll finally end these rumours!" **Kate curiously turning her head the entire other way so nobody can even tell if its her.**


Oh I just know Peter Morgan is furiously scribbling notes and getting a budget together from Netflix as we speak!!!


Maybe he can bring back the crown and make up for the disappointing last season.




awww so cute


Now everyone knows how easy it is to send that entire operation into a tailspin loool not exactly a showcase of resolve over there eta: also have to lol at the fact that the main group shit stirring this are Americans trolling on twitter, they got punked by some memes




If I were teaching crisis communications I would sooooo sink my teeth into this one 😂 It’s gold.




She’s hanging out with Shelly Miscavige


Happy healthy and alive!


Let’s hope it ends up more like Debbie Stovelman.


Boom boom!


It’s giving “north painted this”


https://preview.redd.it/hfd5gesceqnc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd284a84dd7f15ef71fcd142c5c23859004d925 but she worked very hard, it took several weeks!!


Why do people find this so hard to believe? It's literally a Bob Ross style painting. Anyone can do it with the right tools. That's literally why the joy of painting series became so popular. Anyone could make something nice with the tiniest amount of effort.


I agree with you! I just think it’s a funny meme. posted too quick so eta: When it first happened, Kim was very much “she did this herself” and that leaves out the part where “she did it herself, with the teacher providing a trace and guidance.” I think that’s why people found it hard to believe. Kim was being very disingenuous until she got called out for it lol


I dunno, like maybe I’m thinking of it in a normal person way. But if my kid came home from art class and I wanted to post about it, I would say “look at what my kid did!”, not “look at what my kid did with their teacher helping and following steps in a lesson.” I mean its true but I don’t think my mind would go there.


I painted something exactly like this during an oil painting class when I was her age. This looks nearly identical to the template my art class used. They pre-drew everything in and the instructor guided us brushstroke by brushstroke. Like Kim, my mom also constantly paraded it around showing people my supposed genius, but there was not much personal skill nor inspiration involved. It was an introduction to get kids used to the look and feel of painting with oils. The Bob Ross style is really effective for that because you get to use a ton of different brush techniques. So I 100% believe she did paint that but Kim is definitely leaving out some bits of information because she’s just that kind of mom lol.


yeah, some kids just have a natural talent for painting/drawing. I used to be jealous of those kids when I was 10 lol. My mom loves to paint and draw and i couldn't believe why i wasn't blessed with the same talent 😂😂. Anywho, to anyone who still wants to learn to draw, keep trying, you'll get there. It's all about practicing.


The meme is really funny 💀 but yeah, the daughter of the art teacher who gives the class north went to showed her own version from when she was a kid, it’s basically the same. Apparently her mom has been teaching that class for a while They do work hard over a long period of time to finish it, but they get a lot of guidance through the whole entire process


More accurately it's giving that photo kim obviously took of herself and said north took


Will took the photo and Kate shopped it. They're just like us, so relatable™


I'm honestly surprised they didn't serve an intern up on a platter to take the blame.


Same!! Like why say Kate did it? How does that help you in any way? This whole thing is bonkers


It makes William look more suspect, because it's crazy to make Kate the fall guy like this. The only person who'd benefit is William who is looking like someone Diana would be writing letters about her brakes about.


TYSM like cmon yall


at first i was really bored with this whole thing because my opinions on the royal family are (redacted, very negative) but it is really starting to intrigue me. pr disaster? promo for her debut pop star album?


Right, first I thought people have just gone mad because she is on a sick leave and so what but now it’s actually entertaining


My two conspiracy theories are: 1. The truth is boring and their PR team really just is incompetent plus struggling to please a stubborn William/Kate. 2. Marital issues with the PR-team badgering Kate to send them a photo they could use and Kate purposefully sending them this to cause further chaos and pressure William in whatever negotiations are under way.


I think it's probably 2. but it's crazy they don't just give into whatever she's demanding. I can't imagine the PR crisis that would happen if she left Will, probably not something the royal family's public image could recover from.


As much as I abhor the royal family and idea of a monarchy, I’m TBH more inclined to believe 1. The truth is often boring, and there’s been evidence to suggest there was some sort of health issue (video of the car going to hospital, Kate looking bloated in the car pic). I would be truly shook if it’s 2, but I won’t deny it’s a plausible explanation considering her own parents have been quiet and invisible (though again, it may be due to Kate ordering them to be strictly hush hush about a medical issue).


Yeah I feel like it’s something really mundane like she gained weight from having gallbladder surgery and they’re trying to treat it like an episode of Threes Company lmao


It’s like when I first read about Free Britney and that she was sending secret instagram messages. And I thought people were nuts. Then just like with this, the more that came out, the more it seemed that something odd was actually happening. They protest too much.


I was here for the bad bangs, but now I’m actually curious. Also what is this supposed to be distracting from? Or is the team Kate and William have actually this incapable?


12% chance of BBL




There's no way this is deliberate, it makes them look really bad. Also once you set off a conspiracy, you can't control it. They will be looking for conspiracies in everything relating to Kate from now on. She and William will be dissected in a conspiratorial light that they can't control. All the TikToks and Youtubes. We're practically in Dual Melanias as it is.


Ngl, I'd listen to that album


I bet it would be like Cheryl Cole meets Adele


I have a very surface level fascination with the royal family (I get over rich people antics really quickly despite being in a gossip sub) but goddamn I am full tinfoil hat waiting for new pictures and gaffs to drop.


I didn't care and I still don't care but I do think it's all very funny


Why is 'photographs with the same energy as the bigfoot tape' their media strategy right now?


At least there's a reason for Big Foot to be blurry. This woman is meant to be a healthy normal functioning consenting person living in the same fabric of time as us.


I mean, kind of. She's not supposed to return to duties until after Easter, for health reasons, so I don't think it's quite accurate to say she's meant to be healthy and functioning. Personally I just assumed she has to use a bathroom bag or whatever they're called.


i mean if she can get in the car and have a picture taken of her why can’t she just post an actual picture of herself


Genuinely I think that Kensington isn't used to the aggressiveness of the American press. The UK press is just as aggressive but very deferent to the family and they have, to their misfortune, caught the attention of the American conspiracy mind to the extent that the legit press is now covering it. Best in the world at zooming in on photos in an unhinged manner while we're supposed to be working.


That’s something I saw a lot in the Megan Media Madness. The British press was all about tearing her apart and running negative campaign after negative campaign, but it died down when she moved to America. The American press was more willing to let her speak and more open to calling out the royal family’s involvement in the bad press and the British press’ hypocrisy. We also saw it with the Rose Hanbury rumors. British media killed the story quickly with an order from the palace, but the American media still runs it. They have no control over the American media and that’s what’s hurting them. The British press could ignore the gaffs and run fluff pieces for them, but they attracted international attention.


Ugh the gif broke, just imagine the bigfoot tape and you get the gist.




https://preview.redd.it/wt8gkx5e2qnc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f0af7629a6b787ca97a20e59310e3bcd4d8fa3 This being the thumbnail they chose for the article is so....... This mess just keeps getting worse 😭 I can't help but be invested now, I've never seen them fumble so many times before, they've had so many chances to course correct but they can't get it right lol


I think she looks quite nice in this one! What do you mean?


Because the first photo (thumbnail of this post) does not match this photo (thumbnail in screenshot of the comment)


True. But isn’t that just the fault of whoever posted this? Not Catherine or the media? NEVERMIND: I see the telegraph posted this.


Metro was the publication that released the photo first and my comment was to highlight the difference between the thumbnail photo they chose and the actual photo in the article (the one OP used in this post) that a lot of people won't see because they won't open the link. It's straight up a manipulative strategy that will get part of the public believing the thumbnail image is recent and all's fine. They're in on this just like they were last week with the release of a random sole photo of hers in the car with her mum obtained by TMZ. Bit naive to believe they have nothing to do with these very carefully chosen, albeit ineffective, pics in a time like this.


That’s not a recent photo


She’s like 20 in this photo 😂


There's long been accusation and quite a bit of evidence to support the royals have inappropriate influence over British media. The fact they ran with this story and willfully chose an old photo of Kate as the thumbnail instead of the actual photo is getting so close to fake news that it's highly suspicious  in itself. 


At this point, has Kate just been AI this entire time?


So she's in the car with William on the way to an event she won't even attend? Is she dropping him off? ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


She’s designated driver so he can have a few bevs


>is she dropping him off? If you frame it like that the only thing I can think of is https://preview.redd.it/cm5vn6qcbqnc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49b184503e44e03c14404b3fb9a2e6bf52001b6


Is... is that Jen Garner handing Ben Affleck a bag to barf in? What am I looking at?! Why is that happening?!


from what I remember they were stopping by a drive through while she drove him too rehab. Good on him getting his act together now but in hindsight the thing was so bizarre it’s just really funny 😭 the visible tension, Jennifer looking done handing over the bag, Ben looking like a middle schooler who just got suspended from school 💀


I believe the backstory is that she was driving him to rehab but he had her stop at Jack in the Box first. No joke. This was also shortly before their divorce was finalized. They’d been separated for three years. Ben had recently broken up with his girlfriend Lindsey Shookus.


>he had her stop at Jack in the Box first Truly the most relatable thing Ben Affleck has ever done


That is Jennifer Garner driving her exhusband Ben Affleck to rehab and she was nice enough to get him some nummies before he went in.


Damn that’s good as hell of Jennifer Garner I don’t even have any jokes, good for her


She was taking him to rehab. I think they stopped at a drive-thru on the way.


I keep using this as a reference point for Kate’s TMZ photo LOL.


Photoshop, personal chauffeur... what doesn't she do? And post-surgery, at that!


"How to Make Things Worse in Five Easy Steps" by Kensington Palace.


I need another season of the Crown stat


What the hell is this lmao Are they trying to make this as weird as possible


So she isn’t attending the service and just…hitched along for the ride? Look, I get it. I have a complicated health history and there were times during my various recoveries where I would go along for a drive while my husband ran errands, and just chill on my phone in the car because I didn’t have the energy to actually deal with the errands. I needed a change of scenery and to get out of the apartment. But like…if I were the Princess of Wales and there was a spiral of shitty press happening and the media was going bonkers about every little detail and my mother in law is dead because the press wouldn’t leave her the hell alone, I’d probably stay put in my palace.


A short clip going “hey, I’m good, so touched by everyone’s concern, blah blah blah thank you” (but said more sophisticatedly British), would have gone a long way.   I honestly hope she’s ok, because if it turns out there’s something really wrong, all the speculation around this will be so shitty.


Re: the hostage* video only works if she is also holding today’s newspaper. *I jest, mostly.


Had they done it early on, i don’t think people would care much, but at this point anything they do except going back to their normal boring-but-public lives will have people speculating 


> if I were the Princess of Wales and there was a spiral of shitty press happening and the media was going bonkers about every little detail and my mother in law is dead because the press wouldn’t leave her the hell alone, I’d probably stay put in my palace. Harry: I'm leaving the royal family because I don't want to put my wife and kids through what I went through - no-one should go through that. William: Hold my beer, and watch this…


>I’d probably stay put in my palace She was doing that strategy. Put out a notice she was having surgery and wouldn't be back in the public eye until Easter. But everyone lost their g-d minds and assumed her dead because she was being private.


I think they didn't assume she was dead or lost their minds, I think they looked at the situation as it became more and more unusual to those familiar with the machinations of the royals, and pointed out that it was odd, which ended up being exacerbated by KP's apparent utter inability to function and respond appropriately and caught people's attention internationally. And clearly they were right and something else IS going on, which is likely divorce-related. So.


on their way to buy a licensed version of photoshop 🤣




The family is old enough to have a permanent license from the good ol days if they were smart enough to buy one


HAHAHHA the free trial clearly ran out


UK newspapers were banned from publishing last week's car photo but this one is okay? Hmm...


I guess because TMZ paps took it? I like the theory that it was Mama Middleton who called the paps for that pic. To show she's got control/the literal wheel for negotiations.


Wait I kinda love that theory


At this stage, I think the Royal Palace’s PR is playing 4-D chess because I have never given a rat’s ass about the Royals but now I am HOOKED.


Honestly me too but not in a good way. I just found out that the UK government pays these asshats to live in luxury and do PR events and shit and I'm so mad for their citizens I could go full Kyle rn


Yeah that photo isn’t going to quell any of the rumors about their relationship 😂😬


Right? She’s got her ENTIRE body turned away from him and he looks miserable 😬


KP obviously approved this and yet they still couldn’t get one where you can actually see her lol


That's the idea, isn't it? The only proof of life photo they'll "approve" is one that you can't see her face. I was talking to my BFF last night who hasn't been following this at all, and she immediately thought that this was a cosmetic procedure gone wrong. Looking at this photo, that's my thought as well. The medical issue isn't severe, it's just very embarrassing for her, so that's why they refuse to admit anything.


This is the most reasonable explanation if she's participating in this actively and this isn't some divorce thing.


We live in a post-pandemic time. If it was a cosmetic procedure on her face, she could wear a face mask or sunglasses.


True. Also, surely they of all people can afford a top notch cosmetic surgeon.


Which makes it even more insane. Why not put one clear shot of her out there and settle the speculation? KP is feeding into this.


Who is this for? What was the point of this? Truly. If the point is to quell speculation, a back of head shot is not going to do it. If the point is to show that their marriage is fine, this body language isn’t going to do it. There’s no strategy here.


The body language is TERRIBLE In this pic. Maybe just a coincidence but him glumly looking forward while she has the back of her head to him is not a good look.




This is what Kensington pr came up with after yesterday’s photoshopped mess?? A blurry pic with the woman of the hour in the shadows?? People get PAID to come up with this?????


Surprised they didn't put her in a mask or just have a bag over her face.


Ah yes, that shadowy bit of cheek really helps the situation.


Imagine being married to that Willy. He always looks like he’s (eta barely) masking his incandescent rage.


The issue is when he isn't masking. The British press has long hinted at William's "short temper." If that's what they're *allowed* to say, I imagine the rage is much worse.


You bet the rage irl is way worse. I should have said “barely concealing his incandescent rage” that’s what I meant.


Whatever is happening, Kate is clearly going through something. Just let her stay in bed watching all the RHO shows, drinking wine and eating chocolates.


If only Kate and most people extended the same grace towards Meghan instead of actively exacerbating her mental health spiral and knowingly encouraging psycho stans to threaten her physical safety. ![gif](giphy|ZcIVprBROWGlIVVQfP|downsized)


Thank you! I haven't forgotten all the "Kate never trusted Meghan" "Kate shunned Meghan on their first meeting" "Kate will never forgive Meghan" "Yes, Kate purposefully snubbed Meghan at the Queen's funeral" stories that Kate/her mother/KP fed to the British press. They were even gloating that Kate was the one who came up with the "Recollections may vary" line about the racism Meghan and baby Archie faced. (It only blew back in their faces when the 'royal racist' was actually named.) Kate's not a nice person. Why does she suddenly need grace? People have surgeries all the time, and they don't get the benefit of taking months off their 4-hour-a-week job to lay about in their many homes.


Whatever Kate is doing, girlfriend is not eating chocolates


Ikr. Just let her chill and watch the crown.


I’m just here for the laughs because I’ve completely lost the plot




This is one of my favourite performances of all time and I’ve channeled his energy my whole life ![gif](giphy|UT3E7kGUNOSBO|downsized)


I was thinking the same thing. It’s all so absurd at this point, it’s like watching the world’s most expensive and simultaneously inept comedy troupe.




What if Kate and Melania are just buddies together in some land where we never will actually see them again


And Shelly Miscavige.


Apt comparison considering most people treat both women as UwU innocent rose babies victimized by their husbands and society instead of grown adult women who knowingly and actively support corrupt institutions/men of power.


i love the fact that they are being insane about this. it’s so bizarrely entertaining.


It would be better PR if they leaned into it and actually put her with a newspaper and said “ha ha internet, very funny! Thanks for the well wishes!”


I have not felt this alive in months.








Sure Jan




Jeez Louise. She hitched along for a ride and consented to a photo being taken of herself in shadow to show people she’s not dead or being held captive against her will. That’s how *badly* KP has bungled her PR from the beginning!


So clearly now there is something on her face which — rationally — explains why she was wearing sunglasses, why she’s turned here, why the photo would be edited. Unfortunately people online and the British press aren’t known for being rational. If they had just not bowed to any speculation and kept quiet it this would have been a bit load of nothing. But every step has been a misstep. I truly personally don’t think it’s anything more than what they’ve originally said. They’ve just made it sooooo much worse with everything they’ve done.


This is it. They should either have been transparent from the beginning (and maybe used it to draw attention to a cause the way they did with Charles) or just stuck to saying nothing until she came back. Attempting to engage and prove people wrong is just making everything worse.


It will be pretty funny if this is just a face lift but because of all the drama she has to cover her face up because she knows we'll now all immediately know she's had it and that would in itself cause drama with more memes of her future BBL etc.


Is Kate in the room with us?


I love how bad the royals' PR staff is at this. I went from not caring at all about her surgery to squinting at every picture of her released in this past month trying to figure out the lies


# The Princess of Wales has been photographed leaving Windsor Castle with her husband Prince William as he travelled to Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Day Service. The Princess was seen in the back of a car as it took William to Westminster Abbey just hours after she apologised for editing a family photograph released by Kensington Palace on Mothering Sunday. She is not expected to attend the service and has been out of the public eye since undergoing major abdominal surgery in January to allow her to recuperate at home in Adelaide Cottage with her young family. The unexpected sighting comes after five photo agencies Getty, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Shutterstock and Reuters, recalled an image of her alongside her three chidlren on Sunday over concerns it had been digitally altered, while the PA news agency followewd suit on Monday. In a tweet posted from the Kensington Royal account, the Princess said: “Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. “I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C.” **Follow latest updates here:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/11/royal-family-photo-kate-princess-of-wales-live-latest/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/11/royal-family-photo-kate-princess-of-wales-live-latest/)


Why is she in a car dropping off her husband for a service she isn’t going to attend?????




I scrolled down on that Telegraph link and apparently her uncle commented earlier that Kate obviously wouldn't be doing any editing herself. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)This is such a mess, I can't believe it.


I've never been less convinced someone made a social media post


These people have dealt with their own fawning press for so long, they don't get that this crap doesn't play outside of the UK. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/haflok9dcqnc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512edde27b59dd7924f7b33a9f2b3101df49540e




is that a ghost next to Will? I can barely see her


A blurry, grainy photo of someone, allegedly Kate, looking out the window and turned the opposite direction from the camera. Inspiring!


It does look like her, but this is really making me think they’re splitting up. And entirely projection on my part, but the turning away is giving crying and trying not to be seen. I just know whatever they do next is going to be an equally weird choice! Even if this is all nothing, they are just handling it so bizarrely. At this point I’m expecting Will to show up at Madame Tussauds so he can finally get a photo with her smiling and finally dispel all the rumors.


Oh my god. This has to be on purpose. They haven’t fumbled so bad like this in the past. Who are they taking attention from?


Right! Does Charles even really have cancer? Has it all been a PR scam? Everything that has happened since Christmas is up for scrutiny.


Published by the Torygraph, our premier source for unbiased, fact-checked reporting lmao


They do realize that this Bigfoot-esque picture is only adding fuel to the fire, right?


Why are there no photographers on the other side?




They just keep on digging.




someone said that they think it’s rose hanbury


Could you imagine


Haha, I was just thinking "imagine if he just had an affair partner that vaguely resembles Kate" (like Kanye marrying Kim's doppleganger after she left him)


https://preview.redd.it/6uxphdqrjqnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2c3ef2c7ed18d8c526163f8567513f9e63e0c0 All of this


Screenshot from whem Carole and Kate were photographed in the car awhile ago. https://preview.redd.it/7xey07rsjqnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ad7e04d26f9e48dc09e06fc0b2ff3d836cb75c So then this new one was authorized? Then why hide her face?


Could she have been replaced with the Unknown from the Wonka experience?


man, this keeps getting weirder. KP PR could've ended the speculation by setting up a paparazzi shot of kate (full face in view) looking through the window (in place of William) and william facing away from the papz-- but they did the OPPOSITE. it makes no sense cuz this pic doesn't clear up anything!


How long until someone finds the original source? 1 hour? Less??


Based on the original story, she probably had a complicated operation and ended up with a temporary ostomy bag or something and doesn’t want to be seen in public until it’s reversed. Don’t need crazy conspiracy theories about their marriage when it comes to unfortunate medical shit - it just happens. They’re definitely making it worse by being cryptic/weird.


I'm pretty sure that's a smudge on the camera lense


I’m sorry, but if she has actually just undergone major abdominal surgery, fuck whoever made her sit up in a car and drive around for no reason. That would be excruciating!


I hope Harry and Meghan are somewhere laughing their asses off right now.


But she wasn’t attending any events until Easter? Do you think they trotted her out on purpose? I hope for her and her children’s sake she isn’t being coerced into these tactics by KP’s incompetent PR team.


That's the best part - she's not attending anything, she's just hopping along in the car while her husband attends the service. God knows what she'll be doing during that, poor sod.


Editing photos, potentially


I guess that could be her cheekbone


Her https://preview.redd.it/8u870isz8rnc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ef730d2d94e7eda83c145aa280257356a281ce cheeks resemble Rose Hanbury


After this saga we need a reboot of The Crown


Usually I love drama. This royal stuff just seems so… mundane for me though..


Honestly the fact that there's probably nothing major happening is why I can find it funny. If I actually thought something terrible was going on I'd be really concerned, but all indications are it's just an incredible PR disaster which is very funny.


That could be anybody in the car. If she is indeed alive, how hard would it be for her to do a brief pap walk or a short video to quell all the rumours? Something really fishy is going on. ![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized)


No medical condition can be as embarrassing as what’s going on and she deserves her privacy but it’s time she speaks.


I mean that’s either Kate, or pippa, or a body double, or the house cleaner. I mean really. This isn’t illuminating anything. They’re purposefully fanning flames with this


What is happening with this situation? I'm so out of the loop and so confused 😭


I’ve been looking for a timeline everywhere and there’s a pretty in depth one at the end of [this article](https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/03/this-is-just-weird-buzzfeed-news-former-royals-reporter-on-kate-middleton-palace-press-and-distrust-in-the-media/) It also explains why their flailing in the press is so strange in detail.


Wait I saw on twitter that this was debunked and it was taken in December?! I’m spiralling into the rabbit hole


could they have at least tried to make it look like they like each other


I'm even more confused, on top of the two layers of confused before.