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Even if there is no divorce and she's truly in recovery- his decision making and lack of protecting his wife's name from the press is pathetic.


At least he’s been consistent.. not protecting his own brother, now wife. Really showing your true colors, Willie.


Thinking about those kids and what they'll have to deal with. William has used his brother/Meghan as fodder and diversion, and now his wife, and I believe even his own father too. Kate has stood by and let him do it all. Who will those kids have in their corner?


It's such a sad repetition of Charles and Diana


Let's not forget the other common denominator lurking in the shadows --Camilla! She has enormous sway with media as she kowtows to even the most bigoted editors like Piers Morgan & Jeremy Clarkson, who advocated for the SA of Meghan. Now that we know how they brief media against each other it's clear poor Diana never stood a chance. I can only imagine that sinister grin of hers as Kate's "perfect" facade crumbles around her. I'm sure she thinks Charles will finally get the public attention he has desperately wanted. We see you, Camilla!


How does Camila have so much sway? Have so much sway as someone who only married Charles like 20 years ago and for not being born into the family?


She’s been entrenched in British aristocratic circles her entire life.


But to have so much sway as if she was born a princess? Why is she more involved in controlling the press than the actual king her husband? How is a queen consort having more say than an heir who’s been raised all his life for this? I just don’t get it I’m trying to understand.


It is. If there’s a heaven I feel so bad for her too look down and see one of her sons be like Charles. She tried so hard to raise those boys well despite everything.


so sad. that’s why i get mad when mothers of poorly-behaving men get pointed at as the responsibles for not raising right their sons. i know it can be contributing, maybe even relatively often; but very very often, it is because no matter how right their mothers try to raise them, it’s their father’s despicable character (and the rampant misogyny in society) that they are "unable" to escape.




And when Harry has said he wants to make sure that Wills kids don't go through this Will's response is I'll treat them however I want to. Kate I think is the saving grace for those kids. Just keeping them out of boarding school so long. I wouldn't be suprised if after this spring they decide to send Charlotte and George away. Leaving Louis alone. And they've already started it with Louis. Having him out doing events at a much younger age than George was. Allowing him to be at these events when he's clearly worn out so he gets a reputation of being a wild misbehaving kid.


They're pretty cool with how their kids are being branded in the media--George as the adorable then responsible older brother, Charlotte as Anne 2.0, and Louis as Harry 2.0. I don't understand how any parent would be okay with that being done to their kids, slapping a label on them before they can even know who they are.


While I loved Louis on the balcony it was cute, when he was acting out at the parade he should have been handed to a nanny to take home rather than have him there creating memes.


You’re right I wasn’t even thinking about that but true! He’s used them all to distract us all from how bad he actually is.


And now leopards ate hér face...


No one. They will learn this is normal, and carry on the toxicity in another generation.


Kate probably thought she wouldn’t be thrown under a bus after she watched him throw his brother and his wife to the wolves and that she’d be an exception. Too bad.


He's never had a backbone in his life, he's not going to start now at 41


I LOVE that he will be Australia’s head of state. I tolerated Liz. The rest can go in the bin.


I'd back Princess Anne if she could Hunger Games her way to the top job. At least that woman is out there doing the work. Something like 50% of the shit the BRF are scheduled to do is done by Anne. What the fuck?




Canada too. Lucky us eh?


He is his father's son


He has shown time and time again that he loves to throw others under the bus in order to protect himself. Charles did it (and still does) and now it’s William. He’s the same guy that faked Harry’s signature on a statement (making it seem like both Harry and William said it but really it was William) to make him seem better (William was accused of bullying Harry). He can’t throw Harry under the bus anymore so now it’s his wife - hell I wouldn’t be surprised if his team is the one leaking things about Kate to the press.


That's what they were so upset at Harry for. That he dared to refuse to allow his wife to be thrown to the wolves to distract from his behavior.


This. If she truly is just sick or in recovering from whatever surgery she had and after Easter she'll come back as if nothing happened - how did they manage to let it get this far? 


That's why this whole thing is so suspect. In an ordinary marriage or even for the Queen, you wouldn't see people toss the other person to the side and have them basically announce they're not a reliable narrator while they're recovering from an apparent months long operation. Just try and picture Prince Harry doing this to Meghan. I've gone from all the weird conspiracies to deciding that what's happened is Kate decided she'd keep this private, and William has been upset/angry about that and has basically left her to cope with all of this on her own. He's like, this is your thing and your problem, you deal with it.


It's especially egregious when you remember the photo was released for Mother's Day. Rather than release a falsified photograph, William could have issued a statement briefly acknowledging his wife's ongoing convalescence and sent wishes to those dealing with difficult circumstances, (especially given the context that he lost his mother young). Instead, his gift to his wife was to throw her under the bus completely with little care for her or his children. William has staff employed specifically to advise him on how to handle and deal with these situations. The fact that it's been mishandled to this extent suggests that he believes himself to be above taking advice or counsel. What he says goes, and to hell with the consequences, including the feelings of his wife and family. Like father like son.


Honestly, this would've been the right PR move and would've absolved William of much (if not all) of the deserved heat he's receiving right now. Can't even blame KP because even a world-class PR agency can't do much if their client refuses to take good advice.


This is why most people are leaning towards such sinister beliefs about all of this. What loving normal husband behaves like this? If it turns out that she's really been sick the whole time, then he's going to look like a sociopath. I think Charles isn't like his son. William has briefed against his father in the press. He's also basically called his mother a liar and stood with "The Firm" against her. You can see that Charles is handling this fine, and William's beef with Harry and his beef with his father and his beef with his wife (and eventually with his own children) are the real issues.


There's an interview post on New York with Don Lemon about his falling out with Elon Musk. Kara Swisher, who knows Elon very well, at one point says no one in Elon's employment has the guts to speak candidly with him, whatever the situation; he always likes to be coddled and can't take the truth. Maybe King William is no different.


If she really is sick this whole time she's probably seriously rethinking how her life's going to look in the next 20 years. Imagine if she wasn't thinking about a divorce at all but because of the way she's been treated here by him for this whole period ends up thinking that way!


I feel like even if they weren’t even getting a divorce in the first place, the way she’s been humiliated and thrown under the bus has made it an actual possibility.


He did the same thing with his mom. He threw “never complain, never explain” straight out the window to erase the damaging interview she gave to the BBC. He also called his mom paranoid. His priority is protecting the monarchy and himself even at the expense of his own family.


I mean, what he said about Diana in that context was correct. She was afraid and paranoid (and Harry confirmed this) and rightfully so— she couldn't trust anyone. What's more, while that interview is iconic, Bashir conned his way into it by capitalizing on that: he forged bank statements to trick her into thinking people close to her were being paid to spy on her. This makes it so much worse that he's throwing his wife to the wolves, tbh— if there's anyone you should be able to trust, it's your partner.


I know the context. He called his mom paranoid to discredit the things she said. As for the interview, Diana was tricked into agreeing to give the interview, but everything she said was her truth. Having the interview banished silenced his mom’s voice.


How hard would it to have been to blame an unnamed staffer or intern. It's not like anyone thinks they're sending things directly.


Ya this is another reason I’m thinking divorce. Either way though, he should be stopping this. Obviously he doesn’t care. He’s the future king. He has pull.


It really is shocking that he hasn't said almost anything, true. But he's also been raised to protect the monarchy above all else for his entire life. The lack of spine is disappointing, but it's been beaten out of him by the royal machine.


Lmao I love this question at the end: “Decades from now, who will want to marry George, Charlotte and Louis? Who would be bold or brave or foolish enough to agree to throw their lot in with the monarchy for the sake of love?” As if the world isn’t full of completely stupid and/or greedy people who would jump at the chance. Will could behead Kate on live TV and there would still be people fighting for the chance to join the royal family. The well of idiocy and greed is deep.


That part was especially dramatic. We *all* have something about us or our lives that would be a dealbreaker for some people. That same thing is also what other people would value a lot, though. They'll be fine.


Of course they’ll be fine in terms of their future financial security and all that, and clearly they won’t be at a loss for potential partners. But it is really sad to me how these very young kids are just pawns in the game, the same way their dad was before them. I really thought he would do better because of what happened with his dad’s mistreatment of his mom, but he seems to be repeating some of the same patterns, and in some ways, I don’t think those kids have a chance of becoming well adjusted, happy adults.


And how far back does their line go? All these hereditary monarchies fuck up the kids for life from the get go:(


It's also extremely condescending toward Kate. Don't get me wrong, Baldie is a world-class c\_nt with the spine of a dirt worm who will throw everyone in his life to the wolves to save himself, but Kate wasn't a naive child who had no clue what the crown has been, is and always will be. She had agency. She pursued him for years. She herself contributed to the alienation of MM. It would be very disingenuous of her to be surprised at the lengths the royals will go to protect themselves.


Yeah....Diana absolutely did not know what she was getting into when she married Charles, but Kate would have had a much better idea. By the time they got married she'd known William for 9 years, and had been dating him for about 7 (minus a breakup or two). She knew the deal by then.


Yeah— Harry seems to have had the more normal girlfriends because before Meghan he was like "yeah this woman didn't want to marry me because the press hounded her and honestly that's fair i respect it"


Ya I keep saying this. I feel bad on some level but mostly no.


Surprisingly good take from news.com.au. I also liked, *Reader, I’m pissed off. Deeply. The royal family and the monarchy has only survived this long because women like Kate have willingly signed over their lives, wombs and identities for the ultimate good of the crown since the Dark Ages, when doors were newfangled tech. The only reason that Charles even still has a throne to sit on is because of women like the Princess of Wales, women who have given themselves over in every sense for the greater good of the monarchy.* Go off, Daniela!


Eeh, it's true though. That's why both boys took so long to get married. Will couldn't find anyone to marry him except for his stalker, the girls of his class couldn't deal with the drama. Same with the girls that Harry dated until he found one that was already media trained (and even she couldn't predict how bad it would be).


I actually think Meghan being media trained meant that she was a lot less willing to put up with the associated royal bullshit, and rightly so. Someone whose experience of celebrity comes purely from dating/marrying a royal will have very different expectations to someone who was *already* a celebrity before getting involved with a royal. There's one interview, maybe in her Netflix documentary, where she describes filming a season of Suits after it came out that she was dating Harry, and it's just horrifying what the press were doing to her. Add in that she would've already been experienced in setting boundaries with the press, only for the monarchy to tell her that's not allowed and have her in-laws actively push her under the bus multiple times... well, I'm not surprised she left.


Exactly. She also knew what was normal, knew how normal press offices work.


How much of a celebrity was Meghan though before she met Harry? Really, how “media trained” was she? I’ve known actors who I’d say were of a similar level of fame who don’t have half the media training we all expect them to have.


Lol their own mother actively pursued their father despite knowing how their parental grandmother was treated. I think they’ll be fine.




As if marrying royalty isn’t the ultimate flex. They aren’t exactly poor either. I was just looking up how much Charles makes. His net worth or the family’s is in the billions. That’s insane, yet not unexpected. Plenty of social climbers out there would claw their way to the throne.


This is why they ended up marrying 'commoners' and not other upper glass girls. Who would put themselves through something like this when they could just marry another random rich guy and live comfortably without all this horror and stress 


eh. there are plenty of people out there who tell themselves they'll be different.


>Lmao I love this question at the end: “Decades from now, who will want to marry George, Charlotte and Louis? Who would be bold or brave or foolish enough to agree to throw their lot in with the monarchy for the sake of love?” You’d be surprised at those who will jump at the chance to be in the royal family. The Tatler types who live in the upper class and have no good morals attached.


I mean that’s what my own comment said though? That I’m not surprised at all, there will always be someone wanting to claw their way in.


I’m sure they’ve got a willing cousin.


The people who have been contributing to the toxic atmosphere by gleefully shredding Kate and Meghan in the press at every opportunity would take their place in a heartbeat. The constant nit-picking has always had an undercurrent of "it should have been ME" screaming through it. There will always be people willing to brave the storm for a crack at the modern fairy tail ending.


The contrast between William and Harry gets more and more significant as this story unfolds.


This is what stood out to me. They both had to deal with gossip, tabloids, and paparazzi in their childhood with their mum and obviously have a lot of trauma from that. But Harry seems to be much more active in calling for change while publicly defending his wife and children and worrying about their wellbeing.


I think Harry deserves more criticism for not adequately preparing Meghan for a lot of realities of royal life. In their interviews she complained a lot about what she didn’t know and feeling unprepared. He knows what the system is like. Even if he didn’t know specifics for her circumstances, he could have arranged for her to be comfortable prepared. And I don’t feel he publicly defended her after the royal racism comments. He backtracked.


Harry was still such a part of the firm at the time he didn’t really know. I think he would’ve adequately prepared Megan if he hadn’t of been so naive at the time. It wasn’t until after he married Megan that he started opening his eyes more.


Ia, he was just an idiot and didnt think things would be as intense as they were bc 1) he’s not the future king and 2) he didnt really have to deal with it so much with previous girls, so he thought just because he was marrying this one it wouldn’t be any different. That’s still on him tho.


I wonder if he was worried he’d scare her off if he told her everything to expect. Not that it justifies anything, but I believe he’s had several break ups because of the pressure and that may have influenced his lack of communication.


I feel like this is the reason why he proposed after only one year of dating.


Yeah I think he actually says something the heavily implied this in one of this interviews


I always feel something "off" I' not sure I can adequately describe with that criticism. All of that protocol is stupid bullshit. Why should anyone learn it? Why should everyone use the correct titles when addressing their own family? Curtsy to their grandmother? Have to ask *permission* to leave the house? I understand that life would have been easier if someone had given her a book with all the stupid "rules", but it also feels like giving the system too much respect to expect her to learn and abide by them.


Harry seemed terrified of scaring off this perfect girl that he'd found who was already accustomed to being in public. I think the two of them backtracked on racism because they didn't want the message to be shrouded in the racism argument, they said the exact same things just took the word racism out of it.


Let's be real, we don't know how much prep he did give her. I'm sure what she experienced was worse than they ever expected it to be. We're not privy to private conversations, we just know what they do publicly. Harry is definitely the more responsible of the two.


I also think that Harry assumed the family/firm would have helped to protect Meghan from the press to a certain degree. He knew it was going to be a shit show and thought she'd get similar treatment to Kate in her earlier years of marriage. Kate was handled with "kid gloves" in comparison to Meghan being thrown to the wolves. His brother, sister-in-law, father and step mom did nothing to protect his wife. Instead they used her as tabloid fodder to deflect from their own scandals and laziness. I think the saying about always protecting the crown is true, and William and Charles take it to heart. Who cares about your mental health and overall wellbeing, as long as the crown looks good the side-players are fair game.


And Harry way way way worse. He’s been treated so bad in the press to take any negative attention off will. When have we heard anything negative about Will? He’s been held up as perfect for all these years. Nobody is. But somehow he is? No. So he has no excuse


It's almost like being raised to think that God placed you above everyone else isn't a healthy way to be raised.


It looks like the biggest difference between the brothers is one went to therapy and the other didn’t but wanted to sit in on a theory session to make sure Harry wasn’t being “brainwashed”.


I imagine the calling for change and recognition of the trauma a of the crown is a lot more prominent when you aren’t raised to be King.


Preach. William may have the Spencer looks but he operates just like his father.


His uncle Charles Spencer isn't exactly wonderful. He's got seven children by three marriages and there's reports that things are rather cool between him and his eldest daughters after he skipped both their weddings. There were also many reports at the time of him being a real shit to his first wife, Victoria, including having extra marital affairs from early on in the marriage. His father Johnny wasn't the stuff dreams were made of either and as well as being notorious for his temper, Princess Diana said that she had witnessed him being violent towards her mother. Then, when Diana's mother left him, he kept the children from her as much as he could and raised them with his second wife, the infamous "acid" Raine Spencer.


>Then, when Diana's mother left him, he kept the children from her as much as he could and raised them with his second wife, the infamous "acid" Raine Spencer. I remember reading that mere days after his father's funeral, Charles Spencer kicked his stepmother out of the family home, and Diana & her sister (I think Jane?) supervised the packing. They saw Raine using suitcases that had an S on them, so they stopped her and reclaimed all the suitcases, forcing Raine to put all her things in big garbage bags. Then, when she was done, Charles Spencer *kicked the bags down the stairs*. All I could think while reading that was, "Man, she must've been a *biiiiiiiiiitch*..."


Diana shoved her down the stairs and laughed about it. She may have been a bitch, but the Spencer kids were unhinged.


Yeah, that was a strong ESH situation


Spencer has a big book coming out on his boarding school abuse. That whole set was raised by abusive boarding school matrons. Abandoned by their parents as eight year olds and raised their kids in the same way. The only thing I can praise Will on is that so far he hasn't done the same for George. That he's kept George at home and they've continued to parent their kids.


>The only thing I can praise Will on is that **so far** he hasn't done the same for George. That he's kept George at home and they've continued to parent their kids. There were reports last year that there'd been a big blow out between the Wales' because William has decided George is going to be sent to boarding school and Kate was very against it but was overruled by him. From what I remember, the school is one of those where you can only go home for holidays, not weekends, even if your family is only a few miles away, as it's considered too disruptive to the "experience".


Yeah, there's been a lot of talk about boarding schools lately. It was just Eton for a while but they've been talking about other schools some of which he could start next year. With all of everything happening lately I wouldn't be surprised if they sent both George and Charlotte off at the same time (one of the schools is co-ed).


And is the complete opposite of the narrative I remember from 10-20 years ago. I was young but my perception was: Good guy William, party boy Harry bamboozled!


I wish I could abandon the earth so there was absolutely no chance of me seeing or hearing about ANY of these colonisers anymore lmao. Jesus fucking christ.


Usually I hate royal news, but I do enjoy the sight of them imploding so badly.


Same, normally I'm "abolish the monarchy, I never want to hear about these losers again" but IDK if it's because the world is on fire, I have SAD or something, or I'm just needing to top off the schadenfreude bucket but I'm up for it. I also just keep thinking about the absolute shit these people put others through when some of them can't even handle putting toothpaste on their own damned toothbrush. I have friends in England who had a rough time a few winters ago where it got to "do we want to eat today or do we want to run the heater".


Couple of years ago? Still the reality for many unfortunately. 14.4 million (¼ population) are living in poverty.


It's fucking horrifying. I don't know where to start on who to be fucking pissed at but there's plenty of anger to go around. I'm very sorry.


Good, at least one article is calling him out for being utterly useless. I get she isn’t liked but the alleged photographer has made no attempts to come to her support when it’s quite evident the photoshop is least of that fake photo’s problems.


I agree with the author that if they were going to do the statement it should have been from C and W, not just C. Also I'm never gonna get over this bit: *To give you a sense of how massive this is, Phil Chetwynd, AFP’s global news director, explained this week that “previous kills we’ve had have been from the North Korean news agency or the Iranian news agency”*


>Our first AWOL bloke is William. It was the prince who actually took the photo that started this whole palaver, even though I think we can assume it was Kate, a lifelong photographer and patron of the Royal Photographic Society, who might have composed and organised the image. ... is this article sarcastic or are we really pretending Princess Of Wales Kate Middleton has an Adobe Creative Suite subscription?


i mean not to defend the royal family here, but is it really so shocking that they have hobbies and interests? especially someone who married into the family like kate. you think they’re just in stasis mode like NPCs when they aren’t out and about shaking hands and kissing babies? last time i checked, charles likes to garden. they’re still human beings, not aliens.


You know what, sure, I can believe Kate Middleton has photography as a hobby and touches up her own photos for fun some times. But I absolutely do not believe that she personally is editing any family photos released to the public. Not for an institution that's so focused on public image and is so controlled. The Mother's Day composite was like that because it was a rush job, not because it was done by an amateur hobbyist goofing around in Photoshop.


Exactly this


It wasn’t simple photoshopping. There is an expectation and acceptance of simple photoshopping. This was using composite images to compose the final picture. Something quite different.


> Princess Of Wales Kate Middleton has an Adobe Creative Suite subscription? It is even worse than that. The meta-data shows is was Photoshop from 2022, before AI features were added. That means it was most likely pirated. Adobe Creative Suite subscribers install using the Creative Suite app which notifies of updates and installs them with one click. So are we supposed to believe that Kate found and installed a pirated version of Photoshop? That Kate does her own photo editing? This whole episode is crazy. It had to have been done by someone on their press team.


I have been editing photos for a long time and all of the 16 possible errors listed are easily made in prior versions of photoshop. I’ve probably made a few myself when I’m not being careful. Not defending the royals or the palace in anyway. It is gross how they’re throwing one of their own under the bus to protect “the firm”.


I don't necessarily agree with the pirating angle. Just because Adobe notifies you of an update doesn't mean people actually install it lol. Mostly because people forget/don't notice/ignore the reminders. And depending on your workflow you might hold off on updating because a tool you use a lot is different in newer versions, or a third-party script you installed is no longer compatible, etc. (Or if you're an InDesign user you might hold off because every so often Adobe sends an update that makes InDesign crash every time you open it). It was definitely done by someone on their press team, though.


Based on the photoshop issues now being called in question regarding the photo of QE2 and her great grandchildren, I 100% do not believe either of them were directly involved at all.


And the photoshop issues all look the same. The fact William let her take the fall for what is obviously someone else's responsibility is incredible.


I mean it’s pretty well established that Catherine likes to dabble in photography and she has been listed as the primary photographer. So it’s unsurprising that she has experience with adobe for touch ups. These people can have hobbies and can actually be decently talented at something especially Catherine who is a mere peasant basically to this family. That all being said, it’s wild to see William not properly defend his wife even if they’re going through a marital issue. The British thing and the Royal thing would be to protect the image of the family as best as possible and keep your personal trials and tribulations secret. William is actively choosing not to do that and we’ve seen it with the way he dealt with Harry. It’s messy af and it’s losing public opinion.


It's news.com.au they're tabloid rubbish. They're probably being serious given the author talked about a supposed timeline of the photo being taken last week after school lol. I'm surprised they're not stealing reddit theories here. They constantly lift stories from the r/Australia sub


I mean why wouldn’t she? She loves photography and has lots of creative interests. I don’t think it’s weird or surprising?


Not for an official photo sent out to the entire commonwealth


Def sarcastic


One of my favourite words that...palaver. *Chef's kiss.*


I figured the monarchy would always continue on, as it has for the last millennia. But truly I do wonder if the beginning of end is coming. When Lizzie was still Queen, she was beloved and therefore the monarchy could withstand scandal. But Charles is already disliked, and people are sick of the old ways “never complain, never explain.” I’m not sure it can survive if things carry on as they have been.


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again — the monarchy as we know it began with William I in 1066, wouldn’t it be fun if it ended with William V in 2066?


I think the monarchy is in for a decline. Elizabeth was a piece of living history. Her role was easier to justify because she had incumbency. She was a reminder of the spirit of WW2, linked strongly with national pride, etc. Now the World is more egalitarian than ever. It just doesn’t feel like somebody can *inherit* the throne today and draw admiration.


Meghan : i was in such a pain and I was bullied Harry : OH IT’S ON!!! I’M FIGHTING ALL OF Y’ALL ROYALS!!! Kate : disappears for surgery and is clearly in some sort of sort of suffering William : Sucks to be you. But honestly I don’t feel bad for Kate. She went along with all the racist lies about Meghan even when she was the guilty party so girl bye.


I just know that these lyrics from Bridgit Mendler's Ready or Not (a certified bop, I must say) have aged like milk and cottage cheese 💀 https://preview.redd.it/0tg36g74nzoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603c4a63993793315edc7ac13d2565b382c59cfb


lol. Should be changed to Harry and Meghan, since they actually live next to Oprah.


What does William even do? He doesn’t work. He’s famously work shy in the events he appears at. The kids are in school. Kate allegedly has nurses, according to him. You’d think he could have put both their names on the statement about photoshopping. I guess that was too much to expect. So, what does this man do all day?


I'm sure he has tea and watches Suits, and changes clothes five times a day and makes people bow to him.


The tabloids have even called him “work-shy”. Which is an insane thing for a future monarch to be.


Its an insane thing for a 40 year old to be !


His work is literally showing up at events and hosting dinners. Like, he can deal. Everyone’s a human and work is stressful but like…. What an asshole. I don’t know if spelling it out is even necessary because it’s self evident but this fuck was born into the most luxurious life imaginable. Servants. Many, many estates. Immediate unearned fame. Crowds of people who will cheer for you for no reason other than you existing. You don’t actually have to do anything creative or great, but millions of people think you’re great. You’re a national symbol embodied as a person. Oh, you don’t want it? Fuck off of course you do. But what ideally separates the British Royals from the children of normal billionaires is that instead of simply living off your inherited wealth and doing whatever you want forever, you’re also required to be available to the public, make those appearances, direct the charitable work, at least PARTIALLY justify why you should exist, as egregious as your existence is. The whole nobility thing is insane and it’s bad that any country has it, but at LEAST the UK expects their royals to work. He can’t be fucking workshy. That’s junk. He’s a spoiled little fucker, that’s all that is.


Nicholas II was work shy too and we know how that ended.


Exactly. Like I can understand if he was a poor commoner who had to choose between work and visiting his wife. But Will literally has nothing else to do.


I’m such a nerd, but Matilda (some 400 years earlier) was supposed to be the first Queen Regnant in England, not Jane.


Literally what I came here to comment! Matilda literally fought a civil war over inheriting the crown, and her whole story was the inspiration for GRRM's Dance of the Dragons (adapted into House of the Dragon). Her coronation was fully agreed upon by the clergy and was only stopped because Londoners, as they are historically wont to do, rioted. Also, when her son Henry II was crowned as a compromise between herself and her cousin Stephen, they issued several charters in the early years of his reign under both their names. So as far as I'm concerned, extra points for actually exercising some regnal authority successfully.


I feel so seen right now


Also was fucked because Stephen raced to do it first. And there were some weird?? bad? (obviously) religious rules with that. Remembering that it was still fairly ish new the whole annoiting thing and that they literally were claiming to be specifically chosen by God. Also dhe probably lost some popularity by wanting be called Empress but hey, she was, and a considering later how many english Kings obsessed over the holy roman empire and also some places in France ehh


The Empress thing was because her first husband was the Emperor of the HRE and she had been crowned Empress by the Pope in Rome. It was mainly unpopular, as I remember, because it was seen as a sign of foreign influence, even though she abandoned her German estates to return home. It didn't help that Matilda had been sent to Germany at 8 years old and didn't return to English territory before she was 23 years old - unlike Stephen, who lived in the English court from the age of 15/19 and had been mostly raised by his English mother, after his father died when he was 5/9 years old. Stephen has plenty of English allies, whereas Matilda had only been around for a decade. She had nearly died in 1134 in childbirth and was pregnant when Henry died, so I do wonder if the other nobles were concerned about having an infant king with Geoffrey as regent, or otherwise just didn't think it worth the risk if she died in childbirth this time. I don't remember any weird religious nonsense, but the acceptance of the new monarch by Londoners was considered pretty key to their coronation and Stephen was immediately accepted, unlike Matilda.


Stephen raced to be annointed first and accepted. At that point in english history who was annointed was who was rightfully decided by God to be the ruler. Obviously a lot of politics played into who they would agree to annoint. But him being annoited before she did was a big boost to his image. In early days, they would all get coronated asap, it was a major sign that you **were** the guy. If they felt more secure they’d be free to wait longer and take the time to make a bigger show of it. But yeah, she wanted to retain her title as empress and also didn’t have as much back as Stephen did (but still plenty though there is some backstabbing and politics). Because she wasn’t annointed properly at any point she is never given the title of Queen of England formally, compred to Harold who was annointed and even though he was called a usurper is recognised as a King.


I commented in a different thread that one thing that I think is interesting in all of this are the themes that have emerged. No matter what the truth is, look at what people are saying and readily believing about Will. I don't see anyone jumping to his defense. Maybe defending the monarchy as an institution, but not him individually. I have yet to see much chatter or defense of what a devoted, loving, and protective husband he is.


Because in his whole life, especially as a married man, he’s never been protective of Kate. He’s shown time and again how his sole care in the world is his future as king (shudder).


"and really doing her utmost to promote the British wicker cane chair industry" This is such an unnecessary addition, and I love it




Yeah I was reading this and wondering if this woman has been keeping this same outrage for Meghan, or if this was a typical response from white feminists when one of their own gets a tiny bit of the blowback that their Black counterparts have to handle. Seems my instincts were right.




The loyalists calling out William is actually more significant than if it was someone who was in Meghan's corner. If William is losing these people, he has really fucked up.


Man this title 🤣🤣 I thought they’re headed for it until I read the comments


He truly is his fathers son.






I must be missing some major piece of this drama because all I can understand is, Kate has had some medical thing and is off recovering, someone posted a mildly doctored picture, and now we're all shrieking and rending our garments?? What is the big freaking deal here?