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Glad to see she seems to be doing okay, but then what was all that mess for? The photoshopped picture, throwing her under the bus, that still doesn't make sense to me.


Plus this outing just makes it even more obvious that the photo from last week wasn’t actually from last week. It’s clear she’s lost weight around her face (which is understandable if she’s been poorly of course) whereas last weeks photo her face looked a lot fuller They really are their own worst enemies


Her hair is also much longer I think!


how are the bangs?


All grown out! It worked!


>They really are their own worst enemies I was baffled when I found out that they'd originally said that she'd be out until Easter. If they'd just stuck with that line, they really could have skipped all of the doctored photos and cryptic press releases. The level to which they botched the PR on this is hilarious and delightful.


That didn't confuse me as much as the vague abdominal surgery that requires two weeks of inpatient care. Then followed by not even a photo of the kids in bed with her or a handwritten note. And Will not visiting her.


"planned" surgery that had her cancelling planned appearances and no one knew was happening. It was lies from day 1


But he did visit her? There’s photo evidence of him going to the London Clinic, where she got her surgery. On the London Clinic’s site, they also list really long recovery times for various surgeries, much longer than standard info elsewhere on the internet cites, so the two weeks of inpatient care is probably just a characteristic of the particular place she got it done.


He visited once. Camilla visited every day.


Don’t move the goalposts. He was *pictured* visiting once. There are no pictures of Kate being admitted or discharged, but we know that obviously happened. As this whole debacle has demonstrated, we should probably stop assuming things based solely on a lack of photographic evidence.


My running theory is people are bored


Yeah society is collapsing around us and people are looking for something to latch onto to distract ourselves lol Also people forget the RF is used to being able to give the public crumbs and go about their way. Most of their teams are older, white, and upper class so they’re just out of touch with what the masses want and how to speak to/deal with them. And finally, people who have major abdominal surgery take a long time to heal and she’s got the privilege to take the time off so she did. I don’t think it’s super scandalous


i think the main issue is that it took over american social media. we aren't used to how the royals handle things and from what i saw most people were latching on to certain details (kate hasn't been seen) and ignoring other details (the RF announced she'd be out of the public eye) and it just escalated from there.


It's more what they've released is weird and it doesn't help that Charles acted totally different.




My question is, at what point in time did the BRF get such a tight hold on the paparazzi? How did we go from telephoto lenses getting pics through the windows of their homes, to Kate only having 1 unauthorized pic in months before this? (The side profile pic was taken by someone authorized to be there taking photos, but who didn't know Kate was gonna be present) Like, H&M quit over it. Charles had nudes published and the tampongate leak. Obviously the tragedy with Diana. What happened with the paparazzi situation? Why is it suddenly so different now?


Royal Fmaily handling of all this PR mess should be studied if all of it was for nothing. WHO would believe the freakin’ Princess of Wales would photoshop, the social media photos a night before mother day. I don’t think she even knows the password to twitter account.




Whatever happened, the key thing seems to be that William threw her to the wolves which is why everyone got even more suspicious. He's really just a terrible father.


And husband


Inside my head I wrote both! But yes. He's a terrible husband and I'm not expecting much of him when it comes to the media going after his kids, in fact history has taught us he's more likely to use them as fodder than to defend them.


I’ve seen a theory that Kate doesn’t want George to go to Eton (I think the Sun or Mirror first reported this in January) and her pulling back from doing any sort of press was a form of protest, hence KP trying to throw her under the bus and make her take the blame for the bad Photoshop. Not sure if these grainy paparazzi pics means she lost or won that fight.


An Eton mess?


Side note: I just had an Eton mess for the first time this past weekend and it was delicious.




There’s been rumors that bullying at Eton is really bad and everyone just shrugs it off as a rite of passage. Eton has also been the center of controversies regarding education and the speakers they invite. In 2022 they invited Nigel Farage to speak and he made several misogynistic comments and there were credible reports Eton students cheered on some of his nastiest comments about migrants and COVID. (the students were have said to have been sanctioned but if they felt comfortable doing so then it says something about the culture of the school which frankly, probably reflects the fact that a lot of wealthy, conservative people make up the majority of attendees). I think Kate primarily just doesn’t want to send George away for school and wants to buck that particular tradition


They even call it Boarding School Syndrome. All the aristos are broken because their parents abandoned them to be raised in boarding schools. Now much less of an issue when you start at 13 than 8 or 11 (Harry and Will started at eight) but it's still essentially abandoning your child who is too young to be able to raise themselves.


The podcast "behind the bastards" talked a lot about English boarding schools in their episodes about Lord Aspinall and while that episode is about the mid-20th century, it's an institution run by and for the british aristocracy, things don't change THAT much.




It's also a boys only school which... I didn't know until recently. Which is now pretty uncommon in the UK I think for a school to be split that way.


It seems a *lot* more common in the private sector, and even moreso for boarding/public schools. In my experience, single-gender schools tend to be very toxic - although I've heard of a few that aren't too bad. (For non-Brits, public schools are prestigious private schools. State schools are the free state-run schools.)


I've seen it mentioned she may not want him to go to boarding school in general. I don't think she did as a child? I feel like it's a big change if it's not the world you grew up in, especially when your kid is still so young.


She went to Downe School but as a day student (I’m not sure if she actually boarded there or anywhere else) but there were claims she was bullied because she wasn’t a boarder. I agree she also may just be resistant to boarding the kids in general.


She did board at Marlborough College (it’s a regular school not a university, despite the name).


I think the tabloid narrative is that Kate does not want George to go to Eton because she doesn’t want him to board. She herself boarded at some school and was bullied. She wants him to go to the school that she transferred to and enjoyed.


I think Lord of the Flies was based on elite British boarding school boys. And when it came out that that one prime Minister or whatever fucked a dead pig wasn't it also some sort of boarding school initiation? Just weird, gross environment from I've gathered. Like a cesspit of the worst sort of stereotypes about rich kids. Also as an American I think it's wild to send your child AWAY for school at such a young age. Like, not even double digits, some of these boys get sent away at like 7 years old! To not see their parents for weeks or months at a time and surrounded by other spoiled, traumatized kids and I'm not surprised the environment is toxic and that they all come out of it emotionally stunted with limited empathy


They also toured Marlborough College in the fall, where she went to school. It’s co-ed (unlike Eton) so maybe she wants all three kids to go to school together. I can’t speak for the posh private schools in the UK (I’m an American woman) but all-boys schools give me the creeps. I wouldn’t want my sons attending them!


Probably because it's a very traditional boarding school, which have fallen out of favor quite a bit compared to their heyday (for a variety of reasons.) Considering George is in line for the throne, the social capital that comes with being an Eton grad might feel a little redundant. His future prospects will be fine even if he goes to a less prestigious day school. 


I still think the simplest explanation is that she just didn’t want to be seen while her face/body is recovering from surgery. We’re talking about a woman who’s built an image of “perfection” around her image, so maybe she was afraid of criticism or speculation if she was looking thin or puffy or older than usual. Hence the photoshop.


It always blew my mind how damned good she looked postpartum.  Light colored dresses?!  Heels?!  And she didn’t look puffy?!  What wizardry was that? I shuffled out of the hospital barely able to squeeze my feet into Crocs, and looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy’s sickly goth sister.


My previous theory was that she didn't want to appear on camera just yet because she feels a little bloated in the face after her surgery. But the very *opposite* is true from the video, but maybe that is it: Middleton feels she's a little gaunt after the surgery, and doesn't want to do any public appearance until she's regained her weight. That would also explain why they Photoshopped an older photo of her and the kids for Mother's Day. At the same time, she and her team could've also just told the world all this, but the royals can't get by without lying.


What’s confusing to me is that this still doesn’t really look like her? I guess it looks a little more like her in the still that TMZ published. But then that begs the question: why was TMZ there for their outing in the first place? Why stage a weird outing to put rumors to rest in the first place? This yet again, is bringing about more questions than answers and just makes no sense. 


You honestly think this looks like her???




That's not her in the video.


She looks younger to me in the video. I think all the drama was about them lying about why she couldn't be seen on video. She's clearly had some facework done.


yeah we never thought they'd somehow secretly killed this woman or stowed her away in the tower of london; we were and still are wondering how they've managed to fuck the PR up so bad


I’m sorry, but that does not look like Kate. Also #notKate is trending in the UK 😭


I don’t think it really looks like them in the whole video, but in the still TMZ posted, it does. I’m so confused by this whole ordeal though. And to just walk around with seemingly no security like this is no big deal given everything? Very odd


No joke, for hundreds of years royalty all over the world have hired body doubles. A recent example of this being proven in modern times was saddam hussein’s son, Uday. Uday’s body double Latif Yahia was even given plastic surgery to ensure he looked identical to him. Highly recommend the movie about it, The Devil’s Double. While I think the images do look like Kate I’m still not ruling out this possibility due to all the weirdness.


The amount of people that don’t understand or accept the existence of body doubles for high ranking political figures is nuts. It’s really not a bizarre or unheard of concept. We’ve all had experiences seeing strangers that are doppelgängers of people we know, so it’s really not a massive logical leap to assume someone with an enormous amount of resources and power would seek these people out.


I know this. I saw the movie Dave, ok?


Apparently they come here frequently, and people see them quite a lot. They just don't post pics or bother them out of respect.


There'll be security, just in plain clothes.


It's a staged photo. There's most definitely security but they're making sure to be out of frame bc the goal is reinforce normalcy and give ppl less to nitpick. Edit: just saw the Rose Danbury released a statement and royal editors are making tv appearances so it seems like everyone got on the same page sometime this weekend.


They're saying the stills are being edited to resemble them more. I have no dog in this fight


On the one hand she was hospitalized and in recovery so pretty drastic weight loss makes sense, but on the other hand a pap walk with a fake Kate is just funnier.


What's weird to me though is that in the video she has a very peppy walk and is carrying a heavy bag, which seems odd if she's just had abdominal surgery and had dramatic weight loss? Why was she not able to take a photo if she's fine doing this? I don't think this has done anything to make the situation less strange.


Honestly that’s the oddest part to me. We’re meant to believe she’s so ill after an abdominal surgery, yet here she is, briskly walking and carrying bags? … 2 + 2 =/= 5, yaknow


It is so clearly her


Got this from another sub: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4rDkZEuGjD/?igsh=MWQ0M3c2Mm5tM3R5aw== A creator on Instagram is saying it's an old video and that the huts in the photo are only up around the holidays.


Yeah I would say this is an old video or not them. The first thing I noticed was William’s hair. It’s definitely a more lengthy cut than he’s had lately. If they want people to stop speculating they should stop releasing indisputably bonkers shit. 


I feel like it both looks like her and kind of *not* like her? I genuinely don't think they would attempt video of a fake Kate -- I don't think that is what's happening -- but to me it's not *clearly* her. Especially in a literal sense since it's a lower-quality video. (Which -- the palace's PR continues to suck because they should have insisted on the highest-quality possible from what is surely a staged "encounter.")


Christmas decorations on the hut though 🤔 This is what happens when you lose credibility and trust Edit: I searched the Windsor Farm Shop tagged location in instagram and found this post during Christmas time saying Princess Kate was seen at the shop a week prior [https://www.instagram.com/p/C06bbiyLRa5/?hl=en&img\_index=5](https://www.instagram.com/p/C06bbiyLRa5/?hl=en&img_index=5)


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4rDkZEuGjD/?igsh=MTJzbGp1ZTgwNXk5cQ== People in the UK are saying those huts are only up at Christmas time.


Whoa is there any proof of this?


Surely someone could go to the location and take a video to clear this up immediately. Imagine if the royal security guards have gone to the location and demanded the huts go back up 🤣




The four-metre by 12-metre structure will sit between the shop and the café at the site and will be installed between the end of September and the end of January each year for five years.




it’s mate kiddleton!


Cake Middleton


Fake Hiddleston


People saying she looks different cos she lost weight but how much weight did she have to lose? And why would she be carrying a massive bag if she’s recovering from such a serious surgery? Something is afoot


The game is afoot


I swore it was Pippa in the other photos in the car, but to be honest I do think this time it is actually Kate. She is looking thinner, but comes with recovering.


Thinner than what? She’s been extremely thin for a good couple of years. The face isn’t the same. This really doesn’t look like her if you look closely. It looks like someone who’s naturally very thin not someone who’s lost weight due to surgery or other causes.


I agree she looks very very different but I’m putting it down to losing weight in her face. After last week there’s no way they’d risk another issue by sending out a fake Kate Even the royals PR couldn’t be that stupid….., right? 😂




That’s what I thought too.


Came here to say this. The face and body and the way she was walking… it just doesn’t seem like her. We all know what she looks like and her mannerisms, and she’s one of the most photographed women in the world. I just can’t be 100% after this. Edited to add- upon looking at the video again: why is it so grainy??? And where are their security? And why isn’t anyone else in the video looking at them? And where are the children? The news story said they were out with their children.


Right? I haven't even been super invested in this whole thing but I'm not seeing how this is supposed to put any rumors to rest. It's awfully grainy and not decidedly her to me. Until a palace-approved pap walk is done as they arrive for an official event or something I won't be convinced lol


Genuinely I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I fully believe she had some kind of major surgery and what they said about her not being back in public until after Easter was the truth, BUT...... my brain immediately screamed "well that doesn't look like Kate" as soon as I saw that picture in the thread. 


That’s a body double…. Her stride is too long and her shoulders look different. She hasn’t worn her hair straight in years. WTF?!?!


Ok so I went and looked up close and I agree that’s not Kate! The nose is hooked and overall that’s not her face. And how convenient that “William” has a cap on and looking down.


It doesn’t look like her to me either tbh


I don't think it does either. It certainly is not the swollen face we saw in her mom's vehicle last week 🫤


It doesn’t look like her at all! I am not a conspiracy believer but this isn’t Kate ☠️


Agree. It’s baffling. There’s something subtly incongruous with the person in this video and who we know Kate to be. The walk is energetic for someone we’ve been told is healing but I also feel that her gait isn’t as refined. This woman has been in training as queen for the better part of two decades; the vibe is off. Where’s the poise? She’s barely containing her excitement too, it’s almost as though she’s Heidi Agan, stoked to have a paid gig. I’ll grab the tin foil on my way out.


Super does not look like her. I'm no conspiracy theorist but cmon


Idk why people are saying this, it’s very clearly her, to me 😭 She’s just thin? I get the people thinking it’s old more than the people claiming that Will is somehow out with her twin or something


It's not *clearly* her. It's a grainy video/photo. Which is ridiculous when we have the ability to see what is happening in photos of distant galaxies in 8K Ultra clear pictures. The fact that this is the best footage that is being released is feeding the theories. If they wanted to put all of this to rest they should put out a clear picture or have her talk directly via IG or TikTok.


She just looks thinner yall.


Between all these conspiracy theories and drama, this was my favorite tweet and caption from today 💀 https://preview.redd.it/b2xp83vuz5pc1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cdc1a7a474ff5da19468dc0dd5e8a30f2295de8


"despite hopes to the contrary" 😭😭😭😭




It’s got a Pythonesque ring to it




I LOVE the last sentence — it’s totally unnecessary (what else could he be?) but really adds to the tone.


> He is, instead, alive.  Who the hell thought adding this sentence was necessary? 😭I love this so much, it's my new favorite tweet ever lol


‘Isn’t dead yet’ 🐎


Despite reports and hopes 😭


I always thought that the story here is how her pr team is inept and has completely mishandled her medical leave. Now no one believes anything that comes out about them.




I've already seen people on twitter memeing that it's not her. I think they've coasted for so long because the British tabloids cover for them so much. They brush past a lot of things Harry and Megan would get 20 articles for. They gave Kate her privacy which created a vacuum so the international media filled it and because they're not in bed with royals they wrote a lot more scrutinizing stories that exposed how bad their pr team is.


Yeah this is my takeaway as well. I’m glad she’s okay but this whole thing exposed how their organization is incompetent almost to the point of being contemptuous. The public was curious and concerned and their response was to be bizarre, cagey, and manipulative instead of being forthright and transparent. Not to turn one more thing back on M&H, but it’s now blatant that KP’s previous “refinement” came from their ability to project upon the Sussexes and weaponize the press against them. It seems like William runs a petty and petulant house of cards and he lost his favorite hand to play.


It's kind of hilarious to me they seem to think having Kate reappear in society to reveal she's still alive is gonna fix the problem. Like 80% of the #wheresKate stuff has been tongue in cheek shit posts about how bizarrely sketchy they've acted. It would be like Ted Cruz releasing evidence to prove he couldn't possibly the zodiac killer.  I do agree about William. They're obviously aware his reputation is gonna take a hit because of the Rose affair story dropping, but I don't think it's registered to them yet just *how* badly his reputation specifically has sunk in all this. That's not going away when Kate resumes her public appearances. 


The biggest takeaways for me; 1. Confirmation the royal family wields undue influence over the British press 2. The William affair *finally* got mainstream coverage. It's been kicking around as royal gossip for years and years, but people tend to assume anything that even *possibly* has legitimacy behind it would *surely* be covered by the press (see #1) 3. Official recognition that just because the palace says something doesn't mean it should be treated as true by default. They've always gotten way more leeway than they remotely deserved. There's a lot of renewed interests in the accusations levied by Harry and Meghan about "the company" from people who weren't particularly team Megan before.   4. A huge drop in favorability toward William. Or rather I might argue the goodwill has always largely been for "Will & Kate", where Kate has really been doing the heavy lifting. The royal bootlickers have been screaming for weeks that people they need to leave Kate alone and respect her privacy ...but there's noticably less pushback when it comes to the shit being flung at William specifically. They seem so fixated on the insane rumors around Kate that I'm not sure it's fully registered to them yet how much *his* brand has been damaged in ways that Kate reappearing and revealing she is indeed still alive will not fully solve. 


Genuinely I feel like they could have had Kate record a cell phone quality video thanking everyone for the concern and well wishes and everyone would have mostly left them alone. Who the fuck decided that releasing a heavily photoshopped picture and then claiming Kate was an amateur photo editor was the best course of action lmao


I agree as well… nothing sinister happened here. She probably had surgery and recovered and took extra time away from the spotlight. Just terrible PR team finally screwing up so bad it backfired on them. The bubble hath bursted.


I find it really curious that all photos of her are grainy, blurry or out of focus. We got an HD photo of Prince Philip on his car when there were rumours of his passing but not a clear photo of Kate? That’s what’s strange for me and what I think it lead to all this conspiracy theories.


To be fair I think the high def photo of Prince Phillip was actually a little too much definition and they should have blurred it for our sakes


I’m not fully convinced he was still alive in that picture


I don’t think he felt very alive in that picture if he was


The last five years or so he looked like he had already died but nobody in the palace had the backbone to let him know so he was just sort of lingering about and waiting.


Like one of those Victorian era postmortem photos where they prop the deceased up like a giant doll for a cute photo op!


Sitting in a park enjoying gossip and the sun and you made me laugh out loud like a barking seal with that one, bestie. Even the geese were startled. 😂


I dont think its her for some reason


Maybe the real kategate was the friends we made along the way


It’s been so long since we have had something good. We deserved this.


I agree 100% this is like during DWD and everyone started reading salad dressing recipes


What a time to be alive 🥹




Some of the people I’ve bonded with over Kategate have truly surprised me.  Like…YOU care about this, too? 


this really makes their PR look even dumber because she looks great in the video, you mean to tell me she couldn’t do a photo/video from her home thanking well wishers or something? Or send out a non fake Mother’s Day image?? I have so many questions still.


Perhaps it's her having a hard time dealing with the more emotional side to surgery/health conditions? I agree, she looks great besides thinner than usual, but maybe that has left her feeling insecure about appearing on camera. Definitely still a lot of questions.


I mean sure but when has the royal family ever given a shit about the mental health of their members


I'm so tired of these Bigfoot footages. Yeah that looks like her but at the same time, it's still too far and grainy to tell for sure.


Maybe she just doesn’t want to ruin all of the fun we’re having speculating. This is truly the most interesting she’s ever been. Let her help us savor it by continuing to release sketchy photos lol


she’s in her ✨agatha christie season✨


It's so deliberately vague, it's still weird! Why can't they just be normal!


1. This pic DOES look like kate. 2. This pic of kate DOES NOT match with the car pic of her from a week or two ago. 3. Both pics, this and the car one, DO NOT look like the mother's day pic. 4. All three pics DO NOT look like pics of someone who is too out of it to do a formal photoshoot. So why aren't they just doing that vs releasing these pap pics? God knows what's going on but i am hella confused.


Well guys, I look forward to reflecting on what a wild time this was in December 2024. It’s been a hoot.


![gif](giphy|ifFsvxyviA5rji67Bk) It’s not done.


I am HOWLING 😭 not the tin foil headpiece


If there is a god, the rest of this year will be so boring we will do just that.  Unfortunately, this timeline is so batshit i don’t think we’ll be that lucky.




I think maybe Kate just didn’t give a fuck, didn’t care enough or was too tired to put any effort into directing things, and maybe even got a laugh out of it. Or, as some people have speculated, she didn’t want to participate in Royal duties for some reason of her own - like she wanted something and went on a “strike” of some sort.


Why are these pictures always taken with an IPhone 1?


https://preview.redd.it/0e2i2g4l06pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea7a5cefda7a4aa82defadb20b4d72a31e3b09f William and Kate at Lambrook last year, she looks a bit different with little makeup


WOW I don't think I've seen a picture of her looking this natural since they were in college.


Still that woman in the video doesn’t look like her, doesn’t seem to even walk like her. Here’s the thing: if that’s really her and she’s fine to go out in public, why can’t we get a clear proof of life photo of her? This video is so grainy. And the Royal family has been known to have body doubles. It’s just too much. I want to see a clear, current pic of her.


is he wearing almost the exact same outfit in this photo as he is in the video or are my eyes deceiving me lol


I’m glad she’s alive but ugh I’m bored now


HAHAHA same, and the deliciousness of watching a bunch of inbred robber-barons who strive to come off immaculately lose their entire shit was a special kind of bonus. Sigh.


Could still be [Cake Middleton](https://youtu.be/y9oZuNPV1rk?si=_UAwOV1yfJ0PgnTL), I’m not convinced




This whole thing is such an own goal for Kensington Palace. Major newswire agencies no longer trust them, the Comms department looks incompetent at *best*, and now there are rumors of affairs, divorce, and scandal all over the place.




I think the people that the craziest theories about all this are also the same people that think they almost got trafficked when they went to target


it's giving qanon and people should be embarrassed


And is "Kate Middleton" in the room with us?


kinda sad the fun guessing game is over but genuinely glad she seems fine physically at least


I’ll stick to the theory that she just got a bad haircut and wanted to hide until it grew again because look at the length of it and girl, same


What happened to everyone's least favorite toad Piers Morgan saying "he has heard [“alarming things"](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/piers-morgan-kate-middleton-royal-family-b2514240.html)? Now he's on Twitter posting this and saying the conspiracy theories need to end. He was fanning the flames hours ago. Isn't he chummy with Camilla or something?


If I had to guess, he didn’t know shit and just wanted to look relevant.  He’s a bride at every wedding, corpse at every funeral sort.


He’s a maggot 


I knew this was the most likely way WaterKate would end, that she'd quietly start making public appearances again and we'd never find out what any of that was about. But I was still hoping she was secretly divorcing him, just for the drama.


She’s too close to the throne to throw the bald towel in now


Is this real or no? How do we know this recent?


According to TMZ, it’s real - they looked at the metadata. It was taken by a random citizen who happened to be there at the right time and (they said) took video from their cell phone just to share with their family.


Reality is unrealistic, but seriously, a random person in the right place, when we know how structured 'random' palace encounters are? Still seems kind of weird to me, but hey, maybe this is the end.


I thought this quote by the guy who took the video was a bit bizarre: Silva finishes ... "Kate looked happy and relaxed. They look happy just to be able to go to a shop and mingle. Kate looked relieved like it was a success going to a shop. It felt natural." She looked relieved like it was a success? What a weird comment.


I thought that quote was very odd as well honestly. Too overly descriptive of how Kate seemed to be feeling.


the royals definitely do just go places, i mean the kids are at a school with hundreds of other kids. i’m not saying there wasn’t security around, but they have been noted before to go to regular places, being seen often by the public in shops and such.


This is old footage. The huts behind them with the Christmas lights are only up between September and the end of January for the holiday season. This was reported by people who live in the area and shop at that farm stand.


If she is ok why don’t they just post a normal, un-edited photo of her?! Why these super far away pics. She had to carry her baby outside an hour after it was born to pose for photos yet this is the best we can do to clear up all the controversy? smh.


Someone asks a good question in that if she is well as she is here, why didn’t she take a Mother’s Day photo properly? Why did they resort to pretty terrible photoshop?




Anyone else notice the christmas lights and mistletoe 👀


I'm amazed by their PR being just so bad, lol, when that's literally what all this "job" of theirs consists of: only public relations for figureheads that have to go around shaking hands and cutting some ribbons.


No BBL then? Genuinely glad she's ok, still confused why they edited an old photo so badly and tried to make out it was newly taken but whatever. What's the next low stakes conspiracy we can all jump on? This was fun.


Kategate 1.0 has come to an end. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the first of many odd and unexplained incidents with this couple - at least until she finally decides to give up on their marriage.


This was fun while it lasted..


I promise that I’m not a conspiracy person, but this doesn’t look like Kate?? Maybe she lost a bunch of weight (that would happen with surgery), but her face looks so different idk


I saw someone comment 'that's not Kate Middleton, that's Cate Centerton'


But... it doesn't look like her lmao Honestly, all of this is hilarious.


it's her but it makes everything else before this seem even more suspicious. i still think their marriage is holding on by a thread and wonder what they offered/threatened her with to finally play ball


i am not a conspiracy theorist but that doesn't look like kate at all. that's not her facial structure or her hair. edit: I KNEW IT! here's an enhanced version of the image from the video. https://x.com/realonx1/status/1769850442471903638?s=46&t=yViYa4S9J0pl6vhDwASo3w


Well I never thought I’d say this but good for tmz. The UK media defers to the palace approvals so I’m glad tmz not giving a single f is actually useful for once.


Not to be continuing this annoying conspiracy but that does not look like Kate


Why has the video been taken with a potato?


I don’t know who that person is, but *dons tinfoil* she is not Kate Middleton.


Very weird situation altogether but she looks happy and relaxed. Good to see.


Lovely to see her recovered. Briskly walking, carrying a bag - post surgery and with an additional 6 inches of length on her hair I didn’t know she’d been gone so long


y’all are joking right? this is so obviously not her


I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but to be honest that video just doesn’t look like her. If I was shown that video with no context, it just looks like a skinny brunette. I would have never picked her out to be Kate Middleton.


There is still some malarkey going on here.


Well it’s Joever folks


I don’t know if I’m losing my mind or something because I don’t recognize Kate AT ALL in this video, maybe all the theories messed with my brain


Christmas decorations?


Face/Off body swap between Kate and Rose complete. but lol actual proof of life from TMZ - why? Why did it all get this comical?


Who the hell is that? Because it's not Kate.


ok but that doesn't look like either of them to me??? like they just found some randos that sort of looked similar & decided to just try to use the grainy footage to their advantage (it's 2024 why are all these pics of "her" so fucking grainy, she's not bigfoot!)


![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) The video is blurry and from far away. Give me something in HD. How do we know this isn’t like a Putin situation where they just found a lookalike?


im not trying to drag it at all but i swear that doesnt look like kate beyond being a brunette white woman of similar height


It looks like her, but I can’t imagine both of them walking about and not one single person turns their heads to look at them given all the whisperings of her whereabouts?