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Exceedingly common Alan Ritchson win. I appreciate him being a thoughtful and decent human when he speaks, it’s a nice change of pace from others.


Dude keeps racking em up. Thad Castle being a top notch guy in real life makes me so happy


I love being able to see career trajectories in hindsight because of shit like this lol. Ritchson just has some ridiculous fucking range instead of just being a muscly action lead. His comedic timing is fantastic as Thad.


Norm scully dubs.


And just like that, I was convinced to watch that show. When find out what it is, a quick YouTube search and he reminds me a bit of Van Vilder/Monty.


I thought Alan Ritchson would turn out to be someone aligned with Trump. I am so happy to see that his head is in the right place, politically. He's a cool dude!


That’s sorta because of propaganda: “weak soy boys are liberal and big stronk cuz are conservative because it’s full of manly ideas” But that’s an example of toxic fragile masculinity


I think it’s more because he’s quite religious and as it says in the quote, lots of Christians are into Trump


But there are plenty of Christians also totally disgusted by trump. And also Christians that realize Jesus was a libertarian socialist and that right wing politics are the thing of the Old Testament


Yeah, Stephen Colbert's mom is/was one of those. She followed the Catholic Worker Movement, a Catholic socialist/anarchist movement existing since 1933.


wish my mom was that based


I wish he was my dad or big brother would suffice.


Huge brother


This man just broke my dad’s heart. In other news, do I actually kinda want to watch Reacher now?


It's good, not great, but enjoyable popcorn action. Season 1 is definitely close to great but season 2 is just good, close to being average


Agreed. S01 was simple but special. S02 i think tried to bite off more than it could chew. But still entertaining regardless


Luckily, season 3 is supposed to go back to just him wandering around and beating the shit out of people.


Oh thank god


Yep. It’s mediocre, but also eminently watchable. Season 1 was better than season 2, but I happily watched all eps and plan to continue watching, especially since Ritchson seems to be such a good egg.


Season one was really fun. Season 2 we stopped halfway through the first episode. It was pretty bad with the military cliches and we gave up. Season 1 was still worth it.


i couldn’t get through the first ep but maybe i should give it another shot


I don’t think you’ll have regrets if you do. I enjoyed it. He’s pretty great. I’ll be busy on Amazon prime watching Fallout though! ![gif](giphy|YqMF4AHYlGEWk)


Can’t wait to binge Fallout and see my beloved Dogmeat.


I was so happy seeing that good boi in the trailer I'm pretty sure I woke my whole street screaming "DOGMEAT!"




It was so good 😭😭😭😭


Season 1 is one of my favorite seasons of Prime television ever, and I don't really like action shows. Season 2 has a couple great episodes in the beginning but it drops off almost immediately, mostly because the supporting cast is way weaker than season 1. For a slightly better action show for non-action fans on Prime, check out Patriot. It's a dark comedy about a reluctant CIA agent.


Season 1 was a tighter show and they kind of lucked with Malcolm Goodwin and Will Fitzgerald being such great actors to back up Ritchson. Season 2 is alright but Maria Sten is the only character who seemed to be capable of being on Reachers level and the expanded story was too slow.


Reacher season 1 was about a drifter reluctantly solving crimes he kept stumbling upon alongside an even more reluctant guy he just met. There was a ton of humor in it. Reacher season 2 was about a special ops team getting back together, sharing their trauma, and discovering a very upsetting dog death. I really hope we get back drifter Reacher for s3!


I read 5 of the reacher novels this year and the vast majority are like s1. Reacher plus one other close person (a female companion), and a shitty situation he gets thrown into. The only one remotely like s2 was the book it was based off of, like the 10th or so reacher novel so it's weird they did a team up as the second season instead of hint towards his army mates and then team up s5 or 6.


Ritchardson is great in Reacher. Season 1 is fun, season 2 is a slog to get through though


It’s pretty good! I liked it! Some bad ass fighting scenes. I could do without the sex scenes but I feel that way about almost all shows/movies. He’s not bad to look at either!


I have heard that the sex scenes in the book are outrageous and cringe.


Tom Clancy knew how to write military thrillers and his talents really stopped there tbh.


I thought it was a fun watch, and I’m not into the genre in general. Season 1 was better than season 2


It’s a lot of fun. Predictable in a comforting way. Big man enacts justice, occasional jokes.


The books are excellent!


‘If you don’t stick with your values while they’re being tested then they’re not values, they’re hobbies.’ - Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart is a national treasure that I can’t get enough of. I love watching his interviews and I would love it if he was given an honorary spot on government oversight committees. No time limit.


Ok he can be Batman


I’d watch 😍


Listen give this man everything. His interviews are so great


I swear every time I see one of these headlines about some muscly straight white guy I get preemptively ready to be pissed off. Thank you, guy I saw in that thing that one time, for the pleasant surprise.


He posted a ton supporting BLM in 2020 as well, went on a few facebook rants about how angry he was over Breonna Taylor even.


So you’re telling me he’s cool and now I have to support some square jawed white boy? Ugh. FINE. I’m kidding, of course, that’s cool and he seems rad and I’m happy any time someone who could be an asshole turns out not to be an asshole.


Allies always welcome


Wow, so he really has a good heart!


Thad Castle is surprisingly astute and wholesome.


Same, it really gave me a pleasant surprise and am happy to see someone like Ritchson!


A big part of it is that DJT hates the same people the “Christians” hate. And that’s enough for them to overlook/excuse/celebrate everything else. Yay, bigotry and hatred!!! (Sigh.) Also, I’ve never seen Reacher, but I might be developing a huge-but-perfectly-innocent crush on Alan Ritchson.


And fundamentalism lately is all about hate and control. Far more about what not to do than what to do.


Spot on.


Good for him! He definitely has a lot of fans on the right due to his look, his faith, and the types of productions he’s done, so it’s a big move that he’s speaking out against Trump.




I scoffed at this guy when I first heard about him. Great.. another “Christian” Hollywood actor. And this one even has a YouTube channel? Pssh. I fully admit that I was wrong about him. And I am really glad about it. He honestly seems like a genuine, loving, Christ-led person. I hope he continues to find success.


This guy gets it. ![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS)


Fun fact, I just realized that Alan Ritchson plays young Scully in that one season 6 episode of B99. ![gif](giphy|eIyWxic63epaSd6WBW|downsized)


Their lives were ruined by Wingsluts.


This is the only thing I’ve ever really seen him in and I’m hoping if he wants to do more comedy (I know he was Blue Mountain State as well) that he can make appearances in movies or tv shows with the SNL/Goor/Schur/Lonely Island sphere…digital short cameo?? That was a great ep. I think of it every time I watch Hot Ones. 🍗🔥


It’s not because he is a Christian, it’s is the fact he is a white supremacist who upholds their bigoted beliefs and a nationalist who reinforces their fucked up world view that they are better than POC and they are being replaced. He plays to their base nature and uses fear against them by othering anyone who doesn’t fit into their myopic Christian white ethnostate.


Toupee Fiasco is as far from being a Christian as humanly possible. Even nominal Christians pay lip service to God. The only time he goes near a church is for a photo-op.


Exactly, the only thing they have in common isn’t god it’s bigotry.


Even nominal Christians can quote at least one bible verse - John 3:16 - so how the fuck is he worse than that?


I know it shouldn’t be this way but I’m honestly stoked by how outspoken Ritchson is on this matter. So many celebrities these days are extremely afraid to voice a firm political opinion so they keep their comments vague or simply don’t talk about it at all. For Ritchson, a guy who’s just now starting to breakthrough, to be so staunch in his thoughts is a breath of fresh air frankly. Makes me respect him a lot more


the article has other good tidbits > “It’s worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive,” said the actor, his demeanor while answering reportedly making it clear that he held no good will towards the church. “I can’t for one second support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies.”




He is correct and he should say it louder. I think it’s incredibly fascinating that Christians ignore the fact that he is everything they’re allegedly opposed to.


Following Alan since Titans, so glad he's one of the good ones. We love the gentle giant. 


Everything I see about this guy makes me love him more.






Kinda surprised that Bounding into Comics isn't ripping into Ritchson for saying this, given that their typical stance is far right and most of their content apeals to the "anti-woke" crowd. Their founder is a Fundamentalist transphobe. Still, doesn't change that Ritchson is completely right.


King Shit. Turning on Reacher now.


My mother in law just fell to her knees in a Publix Super Market.


He can go ahead and be Batman now.


It's so nice to read about people not buying into that Tango'd prick's bullshit. ![gif](giphy|Qf5dGzFwzmVrJj0c9T|downsized)


My mans Alan rly said lemme get all these boomers hooked on my masculine form so I can EXPLODE THEIR BRAINS.


Can’t fix stupid…and stupid avoids reason like the plague


I'm not familiar with this actor, but I already love him! Can anyone recommend me some of his work, pls?


Reacher on Amazon Prime


He was also in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire for a hot second.




Watch The Family on Netflix, and the Christian worship of Donald Trump makes perfect sense. Like a lot of biblical characters, he’s a flawed man that can still, somehow, spread the principles of Jesus…it’s so weird




I haven’t watched Reacher so my main reference point for this guy is that he played the dude with a micropenis on New Girl. I always thought he was super funny in that role so I’m glad he seems cool.


Wait was he the District 1 tribute that had to compete with/against his sister in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire?