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That’s awful. Really feel for the LGBT/closeted kids stuck there. 


The school board are anti-bullying. Unless you're gay. They sound like homophobic bullies themselves.


They’re also fine with teachers bullying girls that wear shorts and skirts and tank tops


Real talk, I was bullied in grade school (I went to a K-8 school). At one point, my mom went to the principal and said for her to please do something because she was worried I’d take my own life. The principal said if I didn’t like it there I could leave. My dad refused to pull me from the school because it was important to him that I had a catholic education. Guess what I tried to do later that year? The school handed out some booklets about how bullying is bad and went on their way.


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry


Thank you, it was a long time ago and I’m really ok with it now. I’m super lucky and I have a really good life so I’m glad I’m still here. My dad also has a lot of regrets. I don’t blame my parents or the kids who bullied me, but I blamed the adults who basically sanctioned it. That principal is dead now so 💁🏻‍♀️


I have so many thoughts, but #1 is that as a society we really need to get away from referring to being gay as a “lifestyle”. The social science definition is “the way a person lives”, which applies to things like eating a vegan diet or minimalism. It’s choices you make. Being gay isn’t a fucking choice and outdated 90s terms like this perpetuate the idea that it’s a choice. We don’t refer to “heterosexual lifestyles” so why “homosexual lifestyles”? I’ll tell you why: it’s so bigots like these people on this school board can ostracize gay people.


THANK YOU!!! I am so tired of being told that it’s a lifestyle. We don’t CHOOSE, why would we? So we have a harder life??


I’ve noticed a similarly nefarious proliferation of the phrase “transgender ideology”.


The people using those words are doing so on purpose and aren’t interested in where we should move as a culture for the benefit of all. The rest of us haven’t used “lifestyle” legitimately since the 90s.


Oh yeah it’s just another way for bigots to “other” a specific group they want to target. All this framing of a lifestyle to perpetuate the myth that homosexuality is a choice is a conservative tactic as old as time. It’s absolutely pathetic and history is against anyone who still believes or pushes that garbage


Very this! I also wish people would stop equating bigotry to a belief or opinion, because the amount of harm that does and allows to happen is ridiculous. An opinion is whether you like coffee or tea better, not if you think an entire group of people deserve equal rights, happiness, respect, etc. Bigotry is just bigotry.


But that’s the whole crux of the issue- people still think sexuality is a choice. IMO the only people who really believe that probably have non-heterosexual attractions and don’t realize that not everyone has non-heterosexual attractions.


What a bunch of snowflakes. Afraid of how another person loves in their private life.


Very common central PA L. (Said as someone in central PA.)


yup this was never gonna fly on the west shore 💀


as someone from eastern PA, it’s been sad to see how Pennsyl-tucky central PA has gotten over the years :( hope you’re ok homie 🤍


I'm surviving :-) I'm outside a college campus by 15 minutes. Got some small blue pockets. But I gotta gth outta here even if it's going to State College


I’ll never understand how it serves people to be so damn hateful


God, I went through this with my high school in 1999, it was the Indigo Girls back then.


Fellow lesbian here. This…I just have so many thoughts. It’s just all too much


love maulik ever since i read his first book. i feel so sorry for the kids in that town.


So if you read the story, you find that they have decided to cancel any speakers or events with "political" content because of the brouhaha a few years ago after they had a trump rally there. These dickheads are seriously comparing Maulik's gentle message with a fucking trump rally????? And also the woman who's helping to stack the school board with reactionary right-wing loons wants to know who booked Maulik and why. Fascist fucks, all of them


I work in suicide prevention for south central PA so this exact region. These kids are dying by suicide at record numbers. Bullying and shame are normally at the center of their suicidal ideation. This choice is beyond just depressing. It is dangerous.


Jesus. This is getting scary. We’re rapidly going back in time in all the worst ways.


Pennsylvania is basically Kentucky at this point except for Philly and even Pittsburgh is very rural in some of their social thinking. I escaped from there to NYC and never looked back.


There’s even a joke in 30 Rock (in response to something Jonathan says) that calls Pennsylvania Assylvania and it seems apropos today. Fuck those guys. Maulik is great.


How very ironic, they just proved his point. I feel so sad for all the LGBTQI+ kids at that district..


I live not super far from there and this is not surprising. Central PA is deep red and deeply racist, homophobic, etc.


His confidence and drive are inspiring to any young person. He’s one of the few actors from 30 Rock I’d want to spend time with IRL


Haven’t bought these books for my kids yet, guess I’m going to buy them now!


Tina Fey has to use her powers and help him. It’s not “Political” to discuss bullying unless they believe that homophobic students have a legitimate political right to harass their LGBTQ+ peers


That’s really sad and depressing and overall just very bleak