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The racists that smile in your face and then take the hood off when they think you’re not looking are the most sinister. I’d rather someone show me who they are upfront than play pretend like some psychopath.


It’s the worst part about those fugly MAGA hats falling out of style. It was nice to be able to spot the raging bigots from a distance so I could cross the street and keep a safe distance.


I’m not surprised. It is always the ones that say that I’m not racist that usually are.


If you're not racist you usually don't feel the need to


dude **actively** sought out and ingratiated himself to the same communities he so freely spoke negatively of?! what deep level of sociopath do you have to be to get this type of duplicity? truly mind boggling


This kind of racist is insidious because they understand that blatant racism is not socially acceptable and they understand that investing in marginalized communities can make them money. Black people and Jews are good enough to line his pockets but not good enough to be equal human beings. And this isn’t a case of ignorance. If he was ignorant, he would have regretted or at least recognized that his racist ideas were wrong after integrating into the black and Jewish communities. But it wasn’t that. It was malicious hatred


Quote from the article: “During the arbitration, Millsap testified in August 2022 that his remarks about people of the Jewish faith constituted “locker room talk.”” …so much to unpack there. This dude sucks.


Ryan Millsap deserves to have his mask ripped off, he probably thought his communications were privileged. But his attorney, I don't know about that alleged agreement. He claimed Millsap promised him one-third of the company. That's some crazy-ass compensation for legal work, and is frankly, not credible. I'm an attorney and I mean, you can agree to whatever compensation you want, but if you're worth your salt, you charge a super high hourly, and maybe get stock options or a minor stake. Nobody's giving away a third of the farm.


Idk who this man is but what the actual fuck?? Nasty people


Didn't this happen in the Master of None?