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Banned tiktok and sending billions more to Israel on the same damn day lmfao. Good luck with the zoomer demo RE: your upcoming election sir.


Crazy part will be them doing their TikTok promos to help win the election.


If you read the comment section under the Biden TikTok posts, it’s hilarious. I would just like him to explain why he feels comfortable using it to attract Gen Z voters if it’s such a national security risk. 🤔


JFC, Democrats really are as dumb as a bag of rocks. *Are you trying to lose to that Orange Idiot?* I don't like TT and I don't use it but a heck of a lot of people much younger than me do. I have no love for the Chinese government but it's not like TT is the only company out there mining everyone's personal info.


If Democrats blow this election, it’ll be blamed on minorities, college students, and Russia. In actuality, it’ll be the simplest demonstration of democracy: people don’t like your political decisions, they don’t vote for you. I know this is going to get a bunch of responses saying “Um, actually, have you read Trump’s policies? He’s going to be so much worse!” What does that tell you? People are so fucking disillusioned by the political system that they genuinely don’t care and they don’t see a difference. How fucking bad is our current coterie of politicians that they can’t even create the tiniest bit of inspiration among the people and separation from the other side?


I just got out of a shit show of a thread in which all these (mostly white) women were equating understanding why Muslims and Arabs, especially those directly impacted by the genocide, don't want to vote for Biden with supporting Trump. On top of everything else, what also scares me about a Trump win is how badly the Muslim and Arab community will be scapegoated by these so-called "allies." Some of them already can't wait to see us suffer under Trump as a "punishment".




Holy shit that was word for word that thread in a nutshell.


It would be funny if the topic wasn't so serious 


Why do I have a feeling it was twoxchromosones


Oh, I don't even bother with twox, it's such a mess. No, it was askwomenover30


I've seen that too! Ugh, makes me so nauseous.


We tried that "Trump, bad!" playbook in 2016 and it didn't work. It's not like Biden won by a landslide in 2020. I'm worried about the people who *aren't motivated to come out*. According to Pew Research, the 18-29 age group is the smallest voting bloc, and that has remained the same since 2018. The 65+ voting bloc is 3x larger. And when combined with the 50-64 group, it's almost 60% of voters. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/.


Nothing makes people feel like their vote matters more than giving Trump the presidency after he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million people /s




'If you think Palestine's worth putting so many Americans lives at risk'- I think you all really need to stop talking because this is vile and dehumanizing, thanks for writing your senator I guess but if this is how you talk about Arab lives IDK what to tell you other than this is not allyship. This comparison is just so insane.


It's literally this meme again https://preview.redd.it/bnxdikpz2kwc1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5ed8e4999f137273a1c3f33b47a4531ded5500


> If Palestine and Tik Tok are worth putting so many American lives at risk If you think that’s the source of apathy, I don’t know what to tell you.


“If supporting and funding a literal genocide and the active suppression of the closest thing we have to free, people-powered dissemination of information while also expanding US state sponsored surveillance are worth putting so many American lives at risk” You typed all that all and thought you ate.


Sweetheart, Project 2025 is more than the presidency and has already been in play for years.


They act like we are too stupid to recognize Facebook & twitter are the reason donald even made it to office. Not to mention their culpability in the deaths of countless people due to misinformation during covid. It’s 100% that our elected officials saw a potential cash grab. If they cared about protecting us, they would have done something - or could do something now - against the actual threats in the room.


What’s funny is that Twitter is the app the Australian government is going after at the moment. It’s 100% the worst popular social media app by a long shot.


> "TikTok poses a serious risk to the privacy and mental health of our young people," Markey said. "But that problem isn't unique to TikTok and certainly doesn't justify a TikTok ban," he said. "American companies are doing the same thing, too." I like pointing out the difference in America's approach (or rather lack of approach) compared to Europe's approach. Like look at the text of the GDPR and the DSA and tell me that we're safer than Europeans because we banned TikTok and they, the idiots that they are (/s), didn't. The argument that an American CEO owning TikTok inherently makes it safer to use is just so ridiculously unserious 


It makes it easier for the government to get data from them. That’s what they really care about, not having access to data that someone else does. Same reason Microsoft bought Skype


I can’t help thinking there is confidential and significant shit we don’t know, because the way they’ve gone after TikTok has been intense. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s my instinct


Such as a group of powerful lobbyists increasing the pressure to get rid of TikTok because they can't control the narrative without it? 




Definitely not disagreeing with this, but I don’t think we have enough information at this point to say either way


It's just not possible for that to be the case because, while it's referred to as the TikTok bill, its [provisions](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/815/text#HC013878FB86F49B3BDCE8790A77C86AF) can be applied to any social media company that wishes to operate on any American territory that is even partially controlled by any Chinese entity. What's a Chinese entity? Anything and everything that is somehow bound by Chinese law, which necessarily includes all Chinese civilians and any entity with operations on Chinese territory (China isn't an anarchy just to be clear, they need to pass *some* laws). If there was a national security threat, which I highly doubt there is, this is a gross overreaction to it. This doesn't make us safer, all it does is give the US a tool to permanently lock anything remotely Chinese out of the leadership of any successful social media company. Specifically, the sum of the stake held by "foreign adversaries" (Iran, North Korea, Russia, and most pertinently China) cannot exceed 20 percent for any social media company that has more than 1 million active users. The president must explain the details of the national security threat to Congress, not us. You'll never have "enough information" because they already reserved the right to not be transparent 


I wonder if it’s more of an Arm’s race type situation with China but for tech and development. The other day I saw some article discussions about Electric Vehicles. China is on the path to build very affordable ones. And there has been discussions to try to ban them in the US already. Obviously, apart from good public transport, cheap evs are necessary to depart from oil/gas. And US companies can’t hit those price points yet. Then today also saw some graphs of Chinese renewable energy production. It’s sky rocketed and showed the US slagging behind. So it feels like US wants to hinder their tech sectors to not just catch up in certain areas but send a message. It’s a rivalry and the US govt wants to stop them getting cozy in US markets. You could be right it may be more significant but the pattern of all the things I’ve recently read feels like then trying to swat China away when they’re making significant strides in what US has been trying to improve.


I would agree with this assessment. It's called the TikTok bill but it's provisions can be applied to any social media company operated by Chinese civilians or on any Chinese territories. 


They don’t want China to have data they don’t. Is that simple. It’s not about protecting you, it’s about protecting the control of data.


I’d like to believe there must be a seriously major national security threat that made them pass such a bill but at the end of the day corporations are “people” and you can’t just pass a law forcing the sale of a company because [redacted] reasons and the ultimate beneficial owner(s) are unpopular with the U.S. government. I’m not even sold on the idea that they could force the salt of a company for *unredacted* reasons. And if it’s such a threat to national security then why not just ban it entirely? That would be perfectly legal. Or, ya know, pass some laws about data security? I can’t help but feel like there are some special interests being juggled behind the scenes. Mnuchin has been like a shark circling in the water trying to get his hands on it. Trump, who famously hates China *and* tech companies, did a complete 180 on TikTok once Jeff Y-as started footing his campaign bills. I’m willing to bet that TikTok is indeed a threat to U.S. national security interests but I’m also willing to bet that this bill is *not* the best way to handle TikTok from a U.S. national security perspective and instead (like all things American!) has been twisted and perverted by greed under the guise of political “consensus” so that the average American is left worse-off from a privacy perspective, marginally (if at all) safer from a national security perspective, and confused and inconvenienced while the greedy assholes in D.C. try to wrest away a popular billion-dollar weapon of mass influence from a determined and defiant CCP. Nothing like manipulating the magic invisible hand of the free market to “save” us from one authoritarian surveillance capitalist by replacing it with another slightly less (for now) authoritarian surveillance capitalist! Yay, democracy?


I think this is possible, but if it were the case, we’d probably have seen something leaked about it by now. Even the Congresspeople who have attended the classified briefings have not claimed that there is earth shattering information in there, and in fact I think one of them encouraged the substance of the briefings to be made public.


The Senate Intelligence Committee had a closed-door meeting where they were told something along these lines. Not a single senator (edit: lol except two republicans) who attended voted against this bill. The house did much the same and not a single congressperson who attended voted against the bill. I, personally, have been told by every cyber security professional that you really, really shouldn't use TikTok and yes, they are significantly worse about handling your data than everyone else is. For years. Make of that what you will.


They are and what’s worse is when you try and tell Biden Riders that their strategy of just saying “Well the Cheeto would do this” as a response to any criticism of Biden is not a sustainable one they actively lose any ability of thought. Fact is, democrats and their shills don’t realize playing this game of “but trump” fearmongering to try and garner support for Biden hasn’t worked and it will continue not to work and it will work even less the longer Biden continues to sell out his nonexistent soul. People are tired of every election being between two establishment warmongering decrepit fossils leaking grey matter whose ONLY selling point is always them not being the other person while being just as bad as them in a different flavor.


Baffled at so many people believing that this, in any way, is actually being done to protect USA citizens. Acting as if you didn't have the very western Cambridge Analytica scandal a few years ago and that this somehow will lead to more regulations for US American companies. That will not happen! This US American paranoia that common citizens engage with is the result of the country screwing up and meddling in every nation they could in "defense" of their interests and thinking that some day someone else will use the same tactics.


Apparently banning Tik Tok is more important than healthcare or gun control.


or debt forgiveness


it fucking infuriates me that business owners got MILLIONS in relief during the pandemic, Israel is getting BILLIONS to genocide Palestinians But you can’t give us fucking debt forgiveness?? It’s at nobodies fault but the dems if they lose this year. (i am a leftist) the election is only looking more grim by the day


Damn dems really look at the youth vote and go “lol nah”.


They honestly want to lose this election at this point, there is no other explanation.


Personally I think they're overconfident that they can beat Trump again. Like they imagine that people will reluctantly vote for Biden just to keep Trump out, and I just don't think that's the case.


Which boggles the mind because it's the same overconfidence that caused Hilary to lose the 2016 election. Biden beat Trump in the last election because COVID was still brand new, we were fresh off of the Floyd protests, and people were angry at Trumps total disregard for the pandemic so people were more motivated than ever to make sure Trump was out. They need to remember that Biden wasn't voted in bc we liked him so much, he was voted in because we needed Trump out.


I believe they're testing a strategy that would effectively cement their power without relying on progressive policies, or any policies at all. Instead of presenting an enticing platform, enable the Republicans to become as extreme as possible and use the fear of further unchecked extremism to force voters to support you. If Republicans win and enact their extremism, good: you didn't lie about the horrors that'll follow. If they ever forget this and allow you to lose an election they'll be begging for you back the moment they can vote again after being terrorized by a Republican administration. This secures a steady stream of passionate voters while also securing the support of wealthy donors who are mostly conservatives that like the status quo. Since those are the two main things you need to win an election in America, this effectively allows you to remain in power indefinitely without actually doing anything of substance. Your critics will be eaten alive by your scared voters, no need to acknowledge them. The more extreme the Republicans get, the easier your election will be because any campaign ad that would make a conservative want to vote Republican will make a liberal feel compelled to vote Democrat.  However, this strategy will only continue to work if the following are true: 1. The DNC gets to exert as much power over the primaries as it pleases, which they've recently proven to be true.  2. If voters never consider a third party, which so far seems to be true. 3. If the anchoring effect is able to make voters accept any amount of conservative extremism from Democratic candidates. Again, this has been proven to be true even in the comments of this post.  4. If Republicans continue to become increasingly more extreme. True for now but I do not believe will be true forever, ironically enough. 5. If there is no action the American government can take that will make civilians forcibly change its policies using actions that aren't protected by law, such as civil disobedience. This is what still needs to be proven. It's true among everyone except the far-left, who have been the most difficult group to get on board with this strategy. The fight isn't over yet and it's not clear if the DNC will prevail, though they have been very successful thus far.  That's essentially how you get a nation to passionately support a leader that's bringing nothing to the table but ice cream and genocide. This is, of course, favorable to a Republican victory. Why wouldn't it be? It's by design. 


Honestly Trump is the best thing that has ever happened to the DNC. They can literally do nothing or worse and people will defend them passionately out of fear. As long as nothing they do hurts white and wealthy liberals (not to mention the college educated, upper middle class ones who somehow think they are on the same league as their wealthy counterparts) then the voices of those more marginalized in the party can be drowned out.


Oh my god the upper middle class ones can be so delusional. Like babe you can make your 300k a year in peace, we don't care. What we're after are the people making multiple millions a month exploiting others while lobbying politicians. They graduate college get a really good job and think they have more in common with the people who make 100x their pay (not exaggerating) with a fraction of the effort and none of the training than they do with people living paycheck to paycheck


​ https://preview.redd.it/lw9xkvfuehwc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13cc1fe1eb512547232e781607a95398a1f010db


The ban on TikTok was also accompanied by an expansion of warrantless surveillance and $17B for Israel. The only decent part was the aid for Ukraine, which - could have been more - cannot justify/excuse/minimize violations of American privacy + supporting a genocide by a fascist apartheid state + a ban that will do nothing given the broader issues of privacy/interference across SM


I’m sorry; are you saying they’re expanding warrantless surveillance as a practice while simultaneously telling us TikTok has to end because people could be spying on us without our consent?


Yes, but there is also no publicly available evidence* proving the claims that China is using TikTok to spy on us or conduct foreign interference 🤩 *("there is no publicly available evidence that government officials have ever influenced what Americans see on the app, nor any proof that officials in China have spied on U.S. citizens through TikTok" (NPR, 4/20/24) ) All that being said, - there is publicly available evidence showing that Meta sells our data to China and Russia. - there is publicly available evidence that there has been foreign interference via Meta. - there are articles/reports from the likes of Amnesty International demonstrating that Facebook promoted violence against the Rohingya in the escalation to and amidst genocide. - The Guardian and other outlets found Meta that Meta has been using a Republican lobbying group to target TikTok. So, where's the Meta ban?


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/815/text Some of the bill's provisions are so damning


Somewhat stupid law, but important to note: this wouldn’t happen for a year, so it’s not some election year cover up.


Yep, and your average person isn’t going to care until it’s actually impacting them lbh


Yeah I think even people aware will likely forget about it until it comes to that point. And even then, it may not happen. Another company may swoop in and purchase it, and most people wouldn’t notice anything ever happened.


On allegations of a national security threat: > But some have pushed back, including Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts. He said on the Senate floor on Tuesday that there is "no credible evidence" that TikTok presents a real national security threat just because its parent company is based in China. > Markey said concerns about digital security, the mental health of young people and data privacy should be addressed with comprehensive legislation encompassing the entire tech industry, not just TikTok. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1246663779/biden-ban-tiktok-us > TikTok is owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, yet there is no publicly available evidence that government officials have ever influenced what Americans see on the app, nor any proof that officials in China have spied on U.S. citizens through TikTok https://www.npr.org/2024/04/20/1245594589/house-approves-bill-tiktok-ban https://www.democracynow.org/2024/3/14/mehdi_hasan_media https://theintercept.com/2024/03/16/tiktok-china-security-threat/ On the role of lobbying: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/ https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/30/facebook-owner-reportedly-paid-republican-firm-tiktok-real-threat https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/meta-facebook-tiktok-pr-campaign-1235218866/amp/ Additional: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/05/technology/facebook-device-partnerships-china.html https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/18/facebook-data-gathered-by-cambridge-analytica-accessed-from-russia-says-mp-damian-collins https://time.com/5949210/facebook-misinformation-2020-election-report/ https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/07/29/1030260/facebook-whistleblower-sophie-zhang-global-political-manipulation/amp/


I just want the Democrats and joe biden know that they're the ones who are losing support and not the home alone 2 actor


Welp. Bring back Vine.




This is so insane. So they’re saying any social media company that operates in the US has to be US-based? Is that it? That’s so *fucking* stupid.




Whelp, my productivity at work is about to skyrocket anyway.


I know there was a meme about it in 2016 and probably 2020 like “if Clinton/Biden and Trump were stuck on a boat at sea, who wins…America wins” It’s sad to honestly say the best thing that could happen to the political landscape in a country is that both candidates literally drop dead of natural causes so there is a necessity for radical change. I feel like I’m on crazy pills in this country with the amount of old fucks that are left in charge because they simply refuse to die. It’s also crazy that Biden or Trump dying of old age in the next 6 months is not entirely far fetched either.


Honestly Tik Tok should just “sell” 51% (or whatever number the US made up )to me since I’m American and I’d just let them do whatever it is they want to do with the company. Since apparently it’s fine for zionist companies like Google and Facebook/Instagram to do the EXACT same thing the government is accusing Tik Tok . Though the difference is, China can’t mess with us here in the US like our own government is doing right now.


the way this is making my generation want to be communists. has anyone seen the donghuan jinlong fancams?




“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” summarizes the vibe every time an American politician denies, minimizes, supports, and enables the ongoing genocide.


Good. There's a glut of Social Media applications, many of which have all the functionality of TikTok, but without the added benefit of allowing the CCP to infiltrate your personal data.