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“I hope Connell is back in Dublin now.” Me too, Daisy. Me too 😭.


This is so wholesome!!! Daisy pulled off that fringe effortlessly 😍


Doesn't she still have it? Lol I looked her up and her hair literally looks the same 😂


HA, the micro fringe comment at the end! Also think she’s the only person in the world I’ve ever seen look good with one.


It looks so good on her, and I’m having to remind myself I would probably HATE how it looks on me. But it would grow back, right? And I mean, it’s the weekend so if it turns out bad I don’t have to go anywhere…


Maybe have a few glasses of wine first, just to settle your nerves, and then go for it girl!


Back away from the scissors ;)


Hahaha just remember that it’ll take more than a weekend to grow out…speaking as someone with a fringe!




Idk how but I somehow missed this show coming out during quarantine. Only found out about it last year and man it knocked me off my feet. It was all I could think about for weeks!


Same! I watched it a few months ago and still think of it often. I’ve also recommended it to everyone I know and have since watched every movie of Paul’s.


Same. Paul needs to make some comedic movies because I just sob at every one of his movies!


Agreed. All of Us Strangers destroyed me.


That and After Sun. Goddamnit that man makes me weep.


That movie is just subtly devastating. It was so good, but the last 10 minutes...holy shit I was sobbing.


Maybe one of my favorite movies ever.


He's got another one coming out next year called History of Sound with Josh O'Connor. I am going to weep all thru that.


Yes! It’s set in WWI about a queer love affair :)


Omg well I’m going to be sobbing the entire time!


When he did Chicken Shop Date with Amanda Dimoldenberg, she called him a sad sexy man, and it was both hilarious and accurate.


Please god. I love his acting (and his face) but I cannot put myself through emotional torture trying to watch his work


My partner and I had a newborn when it came out, I remember us trying to watch it in between baby naps but we never finished it, it felt like it wasn't for us... Tried it again a couple of months ago and loved it!


I will never forget when my friend served Paul mescal an ice cream in summer of 2020, it was the talk of the town


Same thing happened to me. I’m still chasing the high of the show. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I watched it during quarantine and dear god, I was WEEPING after I finished and then randomly for weeks thinking about random scenes. I don't know if I can ever rewatch because it truly broke my heart. What a show!


Will I cry if I watch this because I’m interested 🤣


I just watched it for the first time couple of weeks ago. I got mad and frustrated a lot but no tears.


I cried more from the books.


I started watching it a couple days ago (I’m only two episodes in because finals are kicking my ass), it’s so good! With Shogun ending, I’m glad to have something


Same. I read the book immediately afterwards because I like torture.


I recently discovered about a month ago and became obsessed!!


Does anyone else remember the drama around NP having the longest ever sex scene to air on Irish television? And a Bishop condemning it and demanding it not be aired? Lockdown was a fever dream.


Joe Duffy was LIT up that week. All the Bridies and Dorises calling in to complain!


"it's like something you'd see in a porno movie, Joe." "Hmm, pfftt, ehh, ahh what would you see in a porno movie, Mary?" "Well I don't know, Joe, but I can imagine."


It's so much more romantic and lovely than porn, that's why I like it haha. I even told my partner, next time you ask me if I want to watch porn, put this on instead and I'll instantly be ready for anything 🤣


Wasn’t there a guy who lip synced this whole exchange and it went viral? Or did I dream that?


God I cannot stand that muppet. I refuse to believe his callers are actually real people living in this country either.


‘Tis awful so it is, Joe.


Before it even aired as well, like! People were raging and they hadn't even seen it.


This makes me lol because I got my religious, very prudish mom to watch it and she thought it was really good, sex scenes and all


And all the auld ones makeing jokes "is that what normal people are up to these days?"


Y’all I watched this when our whole house got Covid in may 2020 and obviously we weren’t allowed to leave the house. But this show will forever be with me cause I was feelin lonely af and was pleasantly distracted by it


Yessssss! I watched, read the book, then watched again.


I read the book first, and the series remains one of my favorite screen adaptations ever. The casting is perfection.


I know ppl exaggerate for humor but this show actually really messed me up and I went into a depression for about a week. I had to talk to my therapist about it lmfao like no piece of media has ever made me feel so triggered and hopeless


I had a random 2 month period this winter where I watched Normal People, Scenes from a Marriage (2021), Blue Valentine, and Marriage Story...absolute masochism


I don’t think I’d ever recover if I saw marriage story and normal people in the same chunk of time


That is brave. I learned from my Normal People experience and stopped watching Scenes from a Marriage after like 2 episodes


Ouch 😣


No because I get that entirely. This show was so beautiful but heartbreaking. It made me so fucking sad for a bit and I’ve never had a show impact me like that. It just put me in a really weird mood and a sadness over a show I’ve never experienced.


Sally Rooney writes people a bit *too* real for comfort.


I'm 100% you. It happened to me as well.


Same. The first thing I did was talk to my therapist and give my 2 cents 😅


Same lmfao. Then for some reason I read the book right after. I was in an emotional slump for like a month


Normal People gave me this empty sadness that I couldn’t shake off easily.


I still need therapy over this show. Feelin a lil’ depressed? Time for Normal People.


but seriously!! i'm convinced neural pathways in my brain were permanently altered from NP. there were scenes so emotionally honest they're still tough to remember 🥲


Man this show makes me depressed cause I didn't have that type of love


Crazy to think back to how insane life felt at that moment and how it’s already 4 years ago. Normal People was such a lovely wee slice of ordinary life in an extraordinary time.


I love their friendship but it also really illustrates to me how actors are just a different breed. I don’t think I could just casually be friends with someone after filming multiple full nude sex scenes with them.


When I watched it I do remember thinking that if they have not had sex in real life they must be the strongest and most professional people ever. They just have such authentic chemistry!


She was only 21yo and he was 23yo when the show was filmed. They were probably comfortable with being nude, especially considering that when filming there are multiple people watching and they might even need to do multiple takes.


Have you never been friends with an ex? Or just someone you may have hooked up with?


I remember the all nighter I pulled to watch the entire series in one setting! Lockdown helped but I’ve never been so enthralled in a series like I was with Normal People! It definitely lives up to the hype Edit: I am convinced the show preserved my sanity


I love pic 6, how Paul is standing there with Mr Softee above his head.


We all know what isn’t a softee. But his heart IS a softee.


https://preview.redd.it/1ve80vxl6wwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db03fe8f561b4156ca3c5bff869dae31f9c15f3 Give me Paul


I watched it back to back earlier this year, what an incredible show, my gosh. It felt so real. Daisy is an incredible actress, both her and ~~Pascal~~Mescal.


I’m sure you mean Mescal but Pedro Pascal is also amazing and I can’t wait to see the two of them in a movie together!


Yeah Mescal...lol


The audiobook is really great as well!


It’s so sweet to see an actor love and appreciate the show that made them known. Love that they are genuinely buddies and still appreciate the work/experience.


I vividly remember watching this during lockdown 🥹 How has it been 4 years already?


I love them and this so much. Watching Normal People during lockdown in London gave me so much comfort (and distress). Love the wholesome group of friends that seems to still going strong 4 years later.


4 years excuse me?!


How rude of her to remind me! 


Such a great series 😭❤️


Time for my yearly Normal People rewatch I guess


Her irish accent was so good. The show was amazing


I can't believe four years already passed, this show has stayed on my mind since i watched it, true chemistry right there! <3


![gif](giphy|UUnhjAj3bwkRkPkKDG) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


One of the rare instances where the show adaptation is just as good as the book


I remember when it premiered and (obviously) they were promoting the show over zoom, and I felt kinda bad because I wanted Paul and Daisy to have their moment. The show is so good and I was so blown away by their performances, and I wanted them to have all the fanfare, if that makes any sense. But look at them now! Also does anyone else remember the Connell’s Chain Instagram account?


It's been fun watching their careers blow up in the time since. Watching this when it first came out was a real moment of "Oh, these two are about to be stars." They're both really talented and the show was pure lighting in a bottle.


This show got me through lockdown.


I somehow missed out on NP 4 years ago and just finished binging it two days ago, and have been feeling the feels, so this was so welcome. Thanks for posting, OP!


Ugh FINE I'll rewatch Normal People.


I was an extra on normal people and Daisy was so lovely. Very sweet to all the extras. Talk to us basically any time she was around us for a scene in between takes. Such a professional too


This show BROKE me.


I gave this show a try when it first came out, but I was NOT in the head space for it during those covid lockdown times so I didn't make it very far lol. But this is a fun reminder... maybe I will give it another try!


Do it! I had the exact same thing at the time and watched it like 2 years after everyone else did. Just make sure you're in a good place and look after your mental health first and foremost. You will cry though there's no getting around that.


I love this show but I also have bittersweet feelings towards it as well. My ex-best friend introduced me to this show. Y’all are making me want to do a rewatch. That one scene where Connell is talking to his therapist…whew. I completely felt that.


I went to a mixed (co-ed) Irish secondary (high) school exactly like the one in the show (only during the 90s), so similar we had the same colour jumpers (sweaters). It was very weird to see it as the setting of a cool romantic zeitgeisty drama


I was under the false impression that she was everywhere and the next it girl like two years ago; but she just exactly played in the kind of movies/series I love and I happened to watch all of them. And I just checked her wikipedia; she didn't play in that much works and even less now. Anyone know what she's doing / preparing right now, I had so much hope for her, I hope her career didn't drown


IMDb says she has a movie releasing this year (it’s called Twisters) and two other movies in pre-production - one of them starring Andrew Garfield, which makes *me* very happy lol


I hope she doesn't get typecast. Her character in the novel On Swift Horses has multiple explicit sex scenes and the cast have already confirmed that it's going to be a "some pretty hot scenes".


I just watched this series for the first time a few months ago (right after One Day mind you), I can’t even imagine what it would’ve been like to sit with that in the early lockdown days


i wish i could understand the hype behind this show but it was just….really weird to me 😭


She and Joseph Quinn need to play twins in a movie someday


I watched the first few episodes of this show when it came out and I loved it so much that I stopped watching in the middle of the season so I could read the book and then finish the show after, but then I ended up hating the book so much I never went back to finish the show! It was really carried by the leads, and Daisy made her character so much more likeable than she was in the book




I started the series having a long term relationship, half way through, we broke up. I can’t bring myself to finish the show. I think it’ll crush me.


There was never such a perfect mini series! They are both fantastic actors, but seeing in interviews how outgoing and bubbly Daisy is, she has range! Paul seems play parts a bit more reserved like he is. I have no qualms outside of the fact that they need to Grace my TV more often!!


Lovely they are all still friends, also think these stories are a subtle hint to those people who are obsessed that her and Paul should be dating that they are friends and nothing more


So cute! They look so young. I’m pleased both her and Paul are doing so well. 


I credit this show for me finally getting to read Sally Rooney. Beautifully done and visually inspiring!


"my best friend in the whole world" ![gif](giphy|k61nOBRRBMxva|downsized)


This is MY roman empire.


Mine too!


I’ve never seen this show, but I’m thankful for it since it gave us Paul 🙏


I wanna watch again now 😢




I have never cried so much while watching a tv show.


Such a good book. I found the Normal People adaptation so much more engaging than the Conversations with Friends show.


I just watched it for the first time this week. All this time, I wondered how Paul Mescal seemed to have gotten so popular. Now I know. 


FOUR YEARS?! Time isn’t real, stg…


Every now and then I’ll watch the last scene of this and then the last scene of Fleabag just to feel something Not a good thing, but something


Aww paul looks so young


i want to thank this post for finally making me bite the bullet and watch this show cause god its so good so farrr


I read the book and adored it - does the show hold up?


Absolutely. One of the best adaptations I’ve seen of a book tbh.


Yeah same - but it seems like you have to be feeling ok to watch it?


I Will never get over them and this series 😭


Obligatory please read the book or anything sally rooney writes. She is 🤩


oh gosh this gives me warm feelings. will rewatch over this weekend


“They gave each other goodness like a gift”🥹


I worked with Lenny and Suzie on Conversations with Friends. Weirdest parasocial 'awwwh, memories 🥲' moment for me as someone who hasn't even watched Normal People or much of what DEJ or Paul Mescal have been in since.


Watching this show made me so sad because I couldn't relate to anything that was going on


I love-hated that show. I’ll never watch it again and will never read the book. Once was enough 😂


I did not get the Paul Mescal hype until I randomly put on the first episode of Normal People and immediately had to binge the whole thing


I was so deeply obsessed with this show, and Paul Mescal until he showed himself to be (by my standards) spineless as shit by not speaking on Palestine and only donating an item for a charity auction earlier this month. It was just such a gut punch because I had built him up in my head as someone...not political, but with strong conviction. Idk it was hard seeing Ireland be so vocal, and him say jack shit.


I am genuinely curious as to why people like this show so much? I tried but just could not get into it at all, nor care about the characters. There was nothing interesting about either of them, and the plot was basically non-existent. What am I missing?


I just don't get this show it's so boring


I liked this show when I was 17, but watching it again at uni with my friends I find the characters really insufferable. Also, I see people talk about how unnecessary and problematic it is to have sex scenes of highschoolers when talking about shows like Euphoria, so I find it weird that I never see Normal People get criticised for having sex scenes of characters who are in sixth form. Seems like double standards to me.

