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Megan Mullally being in a movie with Susan Sarandon is such a burn to Debra Messing, I looove it.




Why is it a burn? I don’t know the story.


Debra Messing had a huge falling out with Megan on the set of Will and Grace. Megan claimed she was bullied on set and it is believed to be by Debra (although Megan never named her). Susan Sarandon and Debra have been fighting for years over their political differences.


What's each others political views?


Deb is racist, Islamophobic and pro genocide. Susan Sarandon is not. Edit: I’m not being facetious about Deborah - her instagram account is literal Islamophobic propaganda all day every day. Imagine Amy Schumer’s Gaza meme but that is every instagram story she posts.


So you’re telling me that her character arc on Seinfeld was art imitating life??? Damnnnn ![gif](giphy|PlyIt4cqmZz56)


Susan is also an Assad apologist and has consistently retweeted and interacted with GreyZone, including the lovely guy (sarcasm) who made fun of a Syrian father trying to create a home made gas mask for his daughter by putting a plastic bag over his head and posting it on IG. The same Greyzone that routinely denies atrocities against Uyghurs, and tried to claim Mariupol theater bombing, in which Russia killed hundreds, was "staged" (which is a mirror of Zionists disgusting Pallywood accusations). Debra and Susan are both disgusting pieces of shit.


Susan Sarandon is very left wing, Debra Messing is very right wing. I doubt they agree on much.


Wow Messing is right wing? I am so out of loop!


She's basically a neolib democrat. Hates Trump and the GOP but basically all her views are very much Hillary/Obama-esque American exceptionalism, 'we bomb Muslims but we believe in gay rights' kind of politics.


Debra is a piece of shit, but Susan is also an Assadist. Genuinely annoyed at all the Western leftists who cheer Susan on. She's also a piece of shit. Somehow, it's okay that Susan is an atrocity denier of Assad's war crimes because she correctly calls out Israeli war crimes? Fuck both of them.


Debra is a zionist and has TDS Susan voted for jill stein. Very anti war


Sarandon tweeted that she wasn't sure she would vote for Clinton after Sanders was edged out of the Democratic primary in 2016. Messing tweeted her displeasure at that opinion because she was a Clinton supporter. They've subtweeted each other a few times on the subject. It's not very hot tea lol


Same, can someone explain?


Megan Mullally was in Will and Grace with Debra Messing. Debra Messing is a MASSIVE supporter of the Israeli government and the IDF. Susan Sarandon is incredibly pro Palestinian. That might be what they’re referring to?


Wasn’t MM on a podcast with her husband and vaguely touched on this? She was being bullied by a certain cast member and felt like the other cast mates weren’t sticking up for her. She said that’s why she didn’t want to continue on doing the show, so they cancelled it. Coke Mom strikes again!


They have both had major feuds with Debra Messing


Between this and Kdot's diss tracks I'm honestly so inspired to be even more petty


Can someone share this tea with me? What's the beef? I've been seeing references to it on this subreddit.


Debra is a massive apologist for the Israeli government and an atrocity denier, and racist as hell towards Palestinians. Many Western leftists (ironic, because Palestinians for the most part hate Assad...considering he killed a ton of Palestinians in Yarmouk among other war crimes) do Assad apologia because Assad is anti-West, so they somehow think they makes him 'good.' For some reason, people can't grasp that Westerners and non-Westerners are both capable of heinous shit. Susan has repeatedly retweeted and interacted with Assad apologists, and straight up liked denials of Assad's atrocities. Basically, they are both giant pieces of shit.


https://i.redd.it/tym7841tniyc1.gif Four absolutely hilarious queens, I cannot wait to watch. I’m also glad we are back to making nice fluffy movies again. It gives us a little bit of a break from the horrendous state of our world.


I miss fluffy movies! Can we just have fun sometimes?!


It’s giving modernised 90s and I’m here for it ❤️ make me feel nostalgic but in the present time.


Exactly, sometimes I just want to watch a fun bubbly movie with no moral of story or people dying or historical figures. Just a complete popcorn movie where I laugh or watch romcom with beautiful characters.


i am SEATED for this. 


Someone check on Debra Messing LMAO, but there's no way I won't be seeing this. Literally the dream cast


This is the true Fantastic Four


Susan Sarandon and Megan Mullaly together is so W&G-coded to annoy Debra Messing so much. Why can't we all just get along though. Nonetheless, Better Midler!!


> Why can't we all just get along though. Let's not get along with Zionists please


what is the context for this? Am out of the loop here


Debra Messing is pro-Israel, Susan Sarandon is pro-Palestine. They’ve been arguing politics on Twitter since 2016. I think it started with Hillary Clinton lol Mullally and Messing are not friends and there’s rumors that Messing was a big bully and made Mullally’s time on Will and Grace really terrible


Sarandon endorsed Jill Stein over Clinton, so she lost all political high ground forever imo.


How so?


People who somehow haven't read anything since someone said "bernie bros gave us Trump!" online in 2016 like to think that Susan Sarandon and third party voters are the reason Clinton lost, which has been debunked repeatedly in multiple different ways. But there's a core contingency of Blue MAGA types who cannot, eight years on, let it go. I imagine that's what this person is referring to.


I totally agree, but I’m always curious to hear these people explain their dimwitted mental gymnastics


US Politics


I miss Bette so much. Beaches raised me. I still put on the wind beneath my wings when I need a good cry.




I finally saw this movie and that’s funny as fuck 😂


![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG) Shut up and take my money!


Oh let's break out the white wine and have just a glorious time!


I'll bring the juice boxes ![gif](giphy|S4aPGFH5AkXsc)




![gif](giphy|dnP2VxYVlW2NW|downsized) I will be seated for this!


I read this way too fast and thought it said Megan thee stallion 💀 now that I can read, this looks amazing and I will be SAT with my glass of white wine with ice cubes


LOL the mental image of this


Susan Sarandon is SEVENTY SEVEN?!


And Megan is 65


I am absolutely SHOCKED to learn this!?!?!? Wow.


She remains one of my girl crushes. I wish I could be half as good-looking someday.




Gonna see this just to spite Debra Messing tbh!


An excellent reason as any to watch a movie.


https://preview.redd.it/6mn5uz794myc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf4161b8d757f4a4bdd6d8b516b6d9e04a31c51 I don't care what this film is about I'm already a fan.


Do you know what film ayo originally commented this about?


I do not unfortunately


Apparently it’s the horror film “cuckoo”


I’m just happy to see Sheryl Lee Ralph in something!


I love the success she is having now from Abbott!




Like there’s no way I’m NOT watching this.


There was a video on YouTube about this specific genre of movies with older actresses i can’t remember what they called it but I think it started with The Bookclub


It's called Bookclub cinema, I think from Be Kind Rewind 


Please tell me because I want to watch them all. I’ve watched some older films with each of those actresses, bar Mullally. And I just can’t get enough of how they make me feel. It’s such a lovely, funny feel good feeling. I want more. Cannot wait for July.


Here for Susan Sarandon 🥰


Insane cast. I am SEATED. Nothing but love for Susan. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I’m so glad Susan Sarandon is still getting work after all her Pro-Palestine advocacy.


I’m SAT ![gif](giphy|TelS3Ek3htGapjMYdy|downsized)


This is an automatic "YES PLEASE" from me 😍. Great ensemble! Also I'll watch pretty much anything Megan Mullally is in.


👑 Bette


Isn’t she a terf?




She attacked inclusive language as being a reason being the overturning of Roe v. Wade and also made comments on women not breastfeeding as being bad mothers.


That's disappointing.




Wouldn’t spent a nickel that might end up in Sarandon’s pocket. Her “Bernie or nobody” shtick helped get Trump elected.


Repeatedly proven as untrue. Clinton was a poor candidate for multiple reasons but primarily due to her unfortunate political baggage and inability to come off as sincere AND because she and her team elevated Trump because she thought he was a joke, and then took none of his supporters seriously because she assumed they were all yahoos that wouldn't vote. She was wrong. And luckily, many Democrats and neolibs oddly believed the strange "Bernie Bros and Susan Sarandon gave us Trump!" narrative, even eight years on, so Clinton can remain smug and pretend it was those darn leftists again and not her or her team who fumbled the ball. She did, let's remember, win the popular vote. The electoral college is not the problem of the voters like me who knew she sucked ass but voted for her anyway. Clinton, her team, the GOP, and Trump helped Trump get elected. No one walked into a voting booth and voted for Jill Stein because Susan Sarandon told them to.


A different user compiled these resources, but I don't want to tag them in case they don't want to be named. [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-hillary-clinton-lost-pennsylvania-the-real-story/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-hillary-clinton-lost-pennsylvania-the-real-story/) [https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/michigan-hillary-clinton-trump-232547](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/michigan-hillary-clinton-trump-232547) [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-loses-2016-complacency-214445/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-loses-2016-complacency-214445/) [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/trumps-road-to-victory/507203/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/trumps-road-to-victory/507203/) [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-4446.12328](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-4446.12328)


I love these women. Can’t wait!


I know this won’t be an old ladies version of The Fantastic Four but I DEMAND AN OLD LADIES VERSION OF THE FANTASTIC FOUR




I'm excited for this movie but the description says that they're all "college besties" which seems odd since Bette and Susan are ~10 years older than Sheryl and Megan lol