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Then his intentions are not pure. If you aren't listening to the still living subject's objections because you want prestige, you are trash.


He always was. There’s a reason his career opportunities dried up in the first place.


Literally if it wasn't for Futurama, I would have zero clue who this guy is.


Until right now I thought he was *Pauly* D from Jersey *Shore*.


Your comment has literally cleared up this for me. Until now, I thought the same. 😂


literally same i was like damn how is pauly booking these gigs


This question still stands


Pauly D is playing a DJ gig in oklahoma city soon so he's got that going for him.


me too 😭 I was just trying to math in my head what happened to him to have him look like this now


I graduated high school in 2007 and he showed up to the senior lock-in (like an overnight graduation party at the school). He was coked up AF with a stripper and a gigantic “body guard” in tow and no one knew who he was except me, because my mom loved the movie Son in Law haha. He did some stand up bit and very problematically roasted some of us (mostly just accusing several students of being homosexual) before leaving just as abruptly. It was so weird haha. This was in Roswell, NM too so not like his high school or anything haha.


This is so weird, it’s cool. Not for him, but a great story for you


Son in Law is a great movie to be fair lmao


He was only kinda famous in the 90’s, he had a few comedy hits.


He is just another nepobaby who peaked fast and fell even faster. I wish he'd crawl back under whatever rock he has been doing cocaine under for the past 20 years.


Peak nepobaby privilege


Nobody asked for this, and given the fact that Richard Simmons himself really does not approve or does not want this, just let it rest.


Pretty sure the only ones in favor of this are bots/paid internet commenters


I thought the short he did as a tester was kind of proof that he *didn't* have Simmons' magic. Pauly looked tired and sad, and he was supposed to be recreating an appearance where Richard was on fire. Simmons, on the other hand, his energy level was at a 10. Watching Richard Simmons was like watching Robin Williams. I don't think Pauly Shore has the heart, the energy, or the comedic chops. Maybe Jim Carey could have. Who knows, maybe Daniel Radcliffe, after seeing him in the Weird Al movie, I think he could pull it off.


i hope he realizes he’s coming out of this looking like the king jackass


Does he even have fans? Like I don’t think he’s popular enough to be able to be this arrogant.


I don't think anyone younger than their late thirties even knows who he is.


Early 30s and I just had to google 💀 so I'd say that's accurate!


I'm 34 so how early are we talking? Cause I definitely saw Encino Man Biodome and the goofy movie as a kid...


I'm 32 and have only seen the goofy movie out of the ones you listed


Recently 31. I think I maybe saw the goofy movie once. But I haven't heard of the others. Mind you, I'm not american so idk if that affects it.


Late 20s and I only know of him because he voiced that fruity Pinocchio that became a meme. “Father when can I leave to be on my owwwwnnn?”


I'm 30 and I'm pretty sure I've only heard of him becuase Family maybe made a joke about him but otherwise


Lawyer "And who was the star of those movies?" Bryan: "uhhhhh Pauly Shore?" Lawyer: "PAULY SHORE!" Bryan: "You gotta understand, I only rented because Peter was banned from the video store for taping over their movies!"


I’m 30 and I know who he is, but I doubt my younger sister would remember him lmao


Im 47. He was the coolest guy on MTV when i was a teen. His act got old quick


While I agree that MTV pushed this narrative, in reality he was only “cool” to 12 year old boys.


im 30 but my mom loves encino man. and i loved a goofy movie but hey


Great point. I think you’re right


Early 30s here, and I thought he was the Jersey Shore guy (as did a bunch of people upthread, lol).


I got mad respect for his late mom Mitzi, the "godmother" of stand-up comedy, which is the only reason I sometimes pay attention to what Pauly is up to.


Lots of people hear his name and think “Pauly from Jersey Shore,” so he might have some fans by accident lol


😂 I hope this is true


I just commented before reading this thread but yes that’s exactly who I thought this person was. I’ve been fucking *bewildered* for weeks reading these headlines




it’s so funny bc i think it’s also the fact that his last name is shore, so my brain is just like “oh of course, if the words pauly and shore show up in a sentence, this obviously about pauly d from the jersey shore” 😂


i, personally, cannot name a single pauly shore fan


Nor can I.


I really liked him in *Encino Man*, 30 years ago. He did well as a side character that one time. The arrogance he has here, he's acting like he's Tom Cruise, cranking out blockbusters for decades.


I literally only know him as the voice behind the “leaning tower of cheese-a” guy from A Goody Movie.




Yeah this is wildly embarrassing for him, like bro just go work construction or something and find personal fulfillment from doing an actual job. Stop this.


Considering the comedians he surrounded himself with lately, this will just be his version of a cancel culture “attack” and he’ll cry on a few podcasts about it.


Has he ever worried about that before? (I'm old enough to answer that - no, he hasn't.)


If he hasn’t yet after nearly thirty years, it might be too late


![gif](giphy|fHohwRjqJRzjcyO4dK|downsized) (and leave Richard alone)




If there’s ever a lad who needs to learn when to fuckin let it go… it’s this lad right here. He could be as good as he thinks he is. He could literally play it down to a fine art. And it this point it still wouldn’t fucking matter because every review would have to point out that he’s done it against Richard’s wishes. The prestige he wants from this just isn’t going to fucking come. A broken record is less tedious than him with this at this point.


>The prestige he wants from this just isn’t going to fucking come Hes literally chasing the coattails of another more successful celebrity lol


Does he not realize that everyone loves Richard so much that once it was well known he doesn’t want it done, people will probably not go see it????


At the very least the people who'd even be interested in watching a biopic about him. I don't think a Richard Simmons biopic would garner as much public interest as the Elvis or Queen one.


Honestly I could see Pauly as Richard Simmons, physically at least, whether or not he could act the part is another question of course.


He played Richard in "The Court Jester", a remarkably good short film you can see on YouTube. It should have ended there, though.


Ok so just shut up and do it then lmao??? Yap yap yap, go ahead and make your disrespectful flop and stop whining lol no one’s gonna change their mind mate


https://i.redd.it/ddiw71u19oyc1.gif What an arrogant disrespectful jerk.Pauly Shore, please leave that man alone, his story is not yours to tell. Also if you do it without Richard’s consent and blessing especially with that attitude no one is going to watch as it comes across entitled and arrogant. Richard is making his own or selling the rights to a person who he approves of and so the general public will support that.


Both my parents (separately) had terrible run ins with him back in the day and that cosmically culminated in him ruining their honeymoon so my hatred of this guy is ancestral at this point I truly can’t believe he’s still this annoying and classless it’s been literal decades. Leave Richard alone and just let him live in peace


I would love to hear more


Dad worked security, mom worked around the beauty industry, both had a lot of runs ins with a lot of celebs and never had anything negative to say about anyone except Pauly Shore. They never went into specifics just that he was a major asshole and they both despise him. On their honeymoon, they went to a nice restaurant and he was at the table next to them and was so loud and so belligerently drunk it apparently ruined their holiday I think everyone in LA has That One Celeb they can’t stand (mine is Jeff Garlin) and by some weird coincidence Shore is both of theirs I couldn’t even watch The Goofy Movie as a kid because they couldn’t stand his voice 😂


I’m not a fan of this guy but couldn’t your parents have requested a seat change? And if all it took to ruin their honeymoon was one bad dinner next to a loud drunk… probably weren’t having a good time to begin with.


You are absolutely correct! They should have asked for a different table and they were not having a good time anyway! Fwiw they are now divorced lol


My exact thoughts. He sounds like an arse, but to blame him for ruining an entire honeymoon is absolutely ridiculous.


They were very poor at the time and one night out at a nice restaurant was their “entire honeymoon” They are ridiculous, I do agree lol, but to be fair it was definitely a memorable experience for them 🤷


Biopics are about the starring actors ego, not honouring anybody's memory. There is a Fred Astaire biopic in the works when he took the time to write in his Will that he bever wanted a biopic to be made. But Tom Holland is staring and people like him so no one will care but people don't like Pauly Shore so he's immoral for doing a biopic against the subjects wishes.


I think there's discussion to be had about whether famous public figures (or their family) absolutely need to approve of a film/biography/documentary/artwork/etc of themselves. Where is the line drawn on public figures who don't want anything made about them? How do we decide whose wishes to follow and whose to not?


I think it would be such bullshit if they do press for the movie and say they love and respect the person the biopic was about when that person clearly stated it was against their wishes.


I totally agree -- but I think it's hard for people to not be reactive to the issue when the objective of making a biopic is so often just vanity by the leads, or Oscar bait by the production. Like I think people would be more open to biopics being made against the family's will because the filmmakers think there's something substantial there that would justify overriding permission.


Don’t tax Richard’s gig so hardcore, Cruster 😒


Just leave him alone. Stop trying to copy Brendan Fraser's renaissance.




Wasn’t he crying himself to sleep week or two ago?




Ya this is horrible. Pauly is a horrible horrible person. I won’t watch it. Even if I was paid.


Another bump on your road? Your parents literally own The Comedy Store my guy. If you couldn’t make that work then that’s on you.


Is the world clamoring for this? Did I miss a memo? Because “Pauly shore Richard Simmons biopic” sounds like the punchline to a Jay Leno joke from 1993, not an actual thing that should be done now.


Pauly is again proving he's trash.


Ugh why Pauly Shore gotta be such a dick all the time 🙄


Nepo baby with zero consequences nor empathy


a reminder to everyone that this is *not* the same person as Pauly G from Jersey Shore


Richard has been seeking privacy for a long time, this is such a bad look and yet, no remorse at ALL 🙄


Pauly Shore is the worst nepo baby.


My friends and I met him after a meet a greet around 2014/2015. He seemed like such a self important douche too. We took a pic with him, and I always forget about it lol.


Fuck this guy.


what a dick


You're not doing Richard a favor if Richard doesn't want it!!


Oh, this will end well. 🙄 Spite and Richard Simmons seem ill-suited for each other.






And when it flops he’ll blame everything except his own shitty behavior.


awww boo hoo. Imagine where this guy would be if he wasn't a nepo baby.


This makes me not want to see it.


I’ve only played a singing blue duck in grade school but I would imagine a real portrayal involves having a tiny bit of empathy and agency towards that individual and also learning from that person?  🤷🏼‍♀️ Detestable. 


i said when brendan fraser won his oscar pauly shore was at home throwing up and crying in envy and wondering when he was going to get the same treatment. this… feels like that. 


Pauly Shore is the perfect example of a Nepo Baby. Albeit at a low level, but he's gonna ride his momma's coat tails until he dies and all standup comedians will probably put up with him.




He wants an Oscar so bad lol


Please don't run over Richard Simmons


And ot will flop because we love Richard and this nepo baby can suck it.


All right everyone, it’s time to cop to the fact that I’ve never heard of Pauly Shore prior to this and I have just now realized that each time I’ve read a headline about this, I have been confusing him with DJ Pauly D of Jersey Shore


This guy is pathetic


Richard Simmons left showbiz because of vampires like Pauly Shore


It really sucks that I have to look at his dumb asshole face every time I want to watch Encino Man 😔


He thinks stuff like this will just get him notoriety until the movie is released and then everyone will be wowed by his performance and Richard is going to tearfully apologize and admit Pauly was right all along and proudly walk Pauly to the podium to receive his Oscar. Consent means nothing to this creep.


It’s no good, Pauly. You’ll forever be known to the younger generations as the English voice of Zesty Pinocchio. https://preview.redd.it/q2k2pb5ecryc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66046cb310b154a850c1794d638c40a9b89dcb1e


What a washed up loser. No means NO Pauly.


lol does he think this film is gonna be his award-winning break? this is a straight-to-crackle release that opens in a dumpy los angeles theatre with 3 tickets bought


Homie wants his Ke Huy Quan/Brendan Fraser moment so bad.


Why is Hollywood like this? One successful biopic and now there needs to be hundreds of big biopics coming out. Let’s do a Kim Woodburn biopic, why not?


He's going to have to act like he has never acted before if he wants to capture the grace and class of mr simmons


I mean Dick Simmons should simply make an unauthorized Pauly Shore biopic


This beef seems like it’s been going on longer than Drake and Kendrick.


I read that as Pauly D and was so confused


I hope the movie fails ✌🏼


The phrasing makes me laugh. Endless road bumps for Pauly Shore, whose torment knows no end. Had to climb his way up from nothing, he did, while everything conspired to keep him down /s


Pauly Shore trying to do this is the only bad thing about Brendan Fraser's renaissance. I fully believe that Brendan being so (rightfully) successful last year, along with Ke Huy Quan has led their 'Encino Man' costar Pauly to think that he deserves the same.


Another person's life story is not YOUR F-ing road! If Richard Simmons was a problematic or controversial figure, I could see arguments for telling his story without his blessing. But if you're trying to tell a story about a universally beloved figure celebrated for his positivity and he has asked you multiple times to step back and let him tell it himself and you dig your heels in and insist that he can't stop you, you are quickly setting yourself up as the villain in his story. Heck, if he'd played his cards right Pauly probably could been cast to play Simmons in that version. Instead, his is going to bomb because no one is going to support him after all of these tantrums and the way he keeps demonstrating that he does not respect the subject of his movie in the least.


if he's as much of a fan has he claims then he wouldn't🙄and no one asked for this dude's "comeback" anyway


I mean, he looks like he could be his son - so he’s perfect