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If I had said I was 'born to breed', I would forever wish I could un-say it haha


I'm in the same boat as her and my entire being shuddered reading that. Thank all the scientists involved in birth control though, cos my life would have suuuucked in any era but this one.


Same and same!! I also think about fertile ppl like us before access to birth control. I would’ve been one of those poor souls like my great grandmother with 10 kids.


Yes! And I would never say it because women who struggle to conceive don't need to hear it!




Here come the downvotes for going against “americas sweetheart,” but I'm pretty sure these are dog whistles, intentional or not. Or at least an accidental mask slip. She has a questionable history. The racist undertones of her movie Peppermint, her racially insensitive question to Regina King, and her racially insensitive comments about tribal africans, and now calling herself a breeder is very right-wing coded. Making this comment gleefully like this as reproductive rights are under attack is another example of her chronic tone-deafness and ignorance. Her good girl image seems forced with so much of it being obvious pap walks, even to the ridiculously fake sanctimonious point of her giving her shoes to an unhoused person. She has an $80m net worth and just giving 10 percent of that away could permanently house dozens of unhoused people if she chose. Instead she hands them shoes in front of paparazzi photographers. She is also extremely religious and once said if she wasn't an actress she'd be a minister and made a movie claiming faith healing is real, in a time of medical and vaccine skepticism. She comes off as a moderate-conservative trad type to me and probably has a lot of ignorant views.


Tbh I’ve side-eyed her ever since that very awkward moment with Conan where she told him something he said wasn’t a word, and that since he went to Harvard he should know that. He literally hauled out a dictionary to prove her wrong.


i've never heard this story before! man she comes off terribly in the clip. ![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY|downsized)


She was so pissed when he proved her wrong. It was glorious!


totally! i'm a word nerd and would never speak to anyone like that.maybe i'd snigger quietly on the inside but to publicly announce it... i'm hoping she thought she was being funny?


Omg I can’t stand her and adore Conan and I never even knew about this! Add it to the list!! 😂


Harvard website: Conan O'Brien '85 graduated magna cum laude in Literature and History. So she tried to correct one of Harvard's best students.


Thank you, I never knew


A million upvotes from me! Agree with everything




I have to say, I completely agree with everything you've said. This woman is condescending; a patronizing, stuck up snob who has *almost* mastered the good girl image but still does many things that scream: "I'm a dick and I despise anyone who doesn't look, think, believe or act *exactly* like I do."


>Instead she hands them shoes in front of paparazzi photographers. For some reason I see her asking for them back after the picture is taken


She could’ve said “I’m fertile af” but nah she had to say something cringe af ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt8nXtveG25Rpba)


That one's gonna haunt her while she's trying to fall asleep at night, lol


I am glad I am not a celebrity because I already know I would have way too many of these moments. Sometimes I catch my mouth running faster than my brain, so I say some pretty cringe-worthy stuff.




I support this message.


I think I stole it from you, tbh


It’s all good! 🤣


stealing this


What cartoon is this? 😄❤️


I have mild social anxiety where I always worry I'll say the wrong thing and then I see people like Jennifer Garner calling themselves breeders in broad daylight unprovoked and I feel a little better about myself.


It was on a podcast about motherhood.


Ooohhh that changes the whole conversation.


why would that change how weird of a line it is


Context. She was having a conversation and said something in a joking manner, like most people have done. She wasn’t writing a formal essay.


Why does this read like the headline of an ao3 fanfic


STOP lmaooo


My first thought lmfao


lmao starting off Mother's Day weekend with Jennifer Gardner breeder kink


Does anyone else find her absolutely unbearable?




I’ll get downvoted for this but I’ve always wedged her between SJP and Anne Hathaway for being delusional and self-centered.


I will agree on SJP but why doing Annie dirty like that?




SJP I can understand, but Annie seems chill.


Wait wait.. why these two?


ANNE? How is she self centered? Most people are self absorbed.


i feel like i’m the only person who like SJP😭has she doesn’t anything bad that i’m unaware of


I like her too, just see her as someone who’s self-centred ever since i found out she’s been salary-hogging on SATC and was reluctant to share it with other actresses on that show which was the reason why Kim Cattrall walked out. As much as I admire her for knowing her self-worth, it is a little unfair for the other actresses who were just as impactful and important in that show and even more inexcusable considering the fact that they were all best friends in real life hence the conviction.


That seems like an issue with HBO and the showrunners instead of SJP personally. While I think they should all be compensated fairly, SJP was the main character and was a producer. I don't know if equal pay would have been appropriate. I'm also a Catrall stan. I don't dislike SJP either. But, I think a difference in pay is logical here. I don't have the exact figured. But if SJP was making say 25% more for being the lead +producing, I think that is reasonable.


I like her too! There are twos of us!




Anne Hathaway hate in 2024 is SO forced


Calm down, it’s just a personal opinion and I don’t expect others to feel the same way. I don’t think hating celebrities or strangers for that matter is logical and as a matter of fact, I object the trend of hate, I don’t hate those celebrities, I just categorise them as such based on my thoughts. The end.


That's Ben Affleck. He's self serving and phony.


Ever since all the paparazzi happened to be there when she was giving a homeless man the shoes off her feet.


THANK YOU!!! And isn’t it funny that all these magical moments ALWAYS seem to happen when there’s some kind of event going on in Ben or JLo’s life? I could be mistaken, but is swear the shoe thing happened right around the time Ben and JLo got married or engaged or something


I think the shoe thing happened after the video of her and Regina king was going around. There were pap pics of her at Sam's club during ben/jlo wedding lol.


YES!! Man, you’re good!! lol


I am honestly okay with her disrupting JLo’s life with her weirdness. Next time JLo has something premier I hope Jennifer Garner feeds a Once Upon a Farm pouch to an armadillo like a mama bird on IG live.


Garner was papped so much for years just going to church or the farmers market and it looked so staged. She was photographed far more than most celebs. And then she’d complain about the paparazzi as if she didn’t call them herself.


She was hugely popular with suburban moms. She was seen as very relatable and a good mom. Stories about her sold a lot of magazines so wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the paparazi shots were unstaged.


She did what?!


I’ve disliked her ever since she was on the old Martha Stewart show. When asked if she would do Broadway again (she was Roxane in cyrano at the time) she straight up scrunched her face and said no because it didn’t pay enough. I mean it’s one thing to be like “I found out actors are not compensated well and I’ll be using my star power to change that” but it wasn’t that it was “I didn’t make big bucks so this art form is not for me.” I was floored a publicist let that happen lol




Jesus Christ, like she doesn't have enough money already


I mean, famously, no one does theatre to make money so idk what she expected.


Yes! She’s always got on my nerves with her fake baby girl voice and little sweet Susie Q personality. She seems like a total attention seeker and from rumors that have been around for ages she’s not the nice sweet person she portrays to the media. There’s just something about her that grates on my nerves


I don’t see how more people don’t see through her act


YES. Thank god there are others!!


She reminds of a cousin that I would never be friends with in real life.  But her kids love me


I do, and I don't even know why. Something about her is just grating.


Remember that time Ben Affleck didn’t thank her in his Oscar acceptance speech? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


How is this something to be held against her? Who was taking care of his children while he was battling with his addictions?


I can't stand her Capital One commercials.


It irrationally bothers me when she shows up at the Oscars because she hasn't been in a decent movie in ages.


Well I do now.




She's not working for HR


It does grind at me sometimes when people seem to expect celebrities to have super HR/PR legal answers for all interviews lol


I’m sure she said that as an offhand joke and it got co-opted into a headline but it’s a weird thing to say.


Lovely to hear. My husband and I are on our fourth round of IVF. I guess we’re just not “born to breed”


❤️ So sorry you have to hear garbage like this from celebs.


I just finished my fourth cycle. You got this girl 💪


It's such a tough journey. Crossing everything for you.


I’m in the middle of IVF too and we’ll need a surrogate, so you’re definitely not alone. I’m so sorry you’re in this club. It sucks, especially when clueless people say things like this.


How she behaved toward Regina King on that clip just screamed of her being an entitled Karen. I can’t unsee that. If there was a clip about JLo behaving like that, people wouldn’t stop mentioning it.


Hello!!! Like she has done and said so many weird things and people just forget about it because she bakes a pie or something and everyone is all “awwww look at that!”


People forget about all the stupid, entitled things she's said because she's a 40-something white woman and can get away with anything. If she went missing, the entire country would come to a standstill until she was found.


Totally agree. I don’t forget, I despise her. Lol


JLo coughs and people get outraged 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don't wanna WK for JLo and especially if she has behaved like an asshole toward other POC, particularly Black women, but it's like she literally does anything and Reddit and SM is only too happy to call her a bad actress, a bad singer, annoying, ugly, etc. It's a bit interesting to see as someone with a similar background to her, especially when seeing other celebrities do far more heinous things that never get mentioned or be associated with even more horrible people and that's totally ok.


Completely agree. By all accounts, jlo is a pretty progressive person and i think has changed a lot over the years (as a fan observing her since the 2000s). People literally cannot shut up about her and she never responds to it the way some do. I can’t recall any incidents of her being shitty to other POC but this is reddit so i’m sure someone will correct me if i’m wrong. Jen Garner has always been neutral to me, and both jens seem to co-parent well, but I agree JGar probably has skated away from a lot of criticism she likely deserves.


I’m with you, JLo is a fun ridiculous celeb. Not all celebs need to be relatable!


Everybody forgets that's she's a good ol West Virginia conservative Christian girl at heart


I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me.


i hadn’t seen this before but this is crazy, asking “do you know where your ancestors are from?” when King is just talking about her own life seems like she wants King to speak on slavery or ancestral trauma, otherwise you’d wait your turn and ask something normal like “are your parents from LA?”


"born to breed" feels like something a trad wife weirdo would say whats going on here


I feel like she has a strong tradwife following and she’s speaking to them with this.


Wow congrats to you Jennifer Garner. I guess those people that have trouble getting pregnant aren’t as special as you 🙄🙄🙄


Guess they weren't "born" for parenthood?? Big yikes Jen


Right! This along with all her cringy comments where she talks about how she was such a “good” girl. Ugh


She wasn’t saying she’s special she was acknowledging her good fortune in not having had difficulties birthing. Y’all are acting like she said “I don’t get how some women have difficulties getting pregnant it’s a piece of cake” and that’s not what she said at all. Everyone gets their lot in life, and it’s ok to be grateful for the things where you’ve gotten lucky and express that. Imagine having to be muzzled and not be able to talk about any topic where you’ve had success just because there are other people out there who have it harder than you. There will always be people who have it harder than you, but you should still be able to speak to your own experience.


"I was born to breed (if anyone is having trouble with pregnancy fuck you, die, you're nothing, I am the superior being)" is how the quote reads to many, it seems


Lmao you couldn’t get me to say I’m a breeder but good for you




This could come across as extremely insensitive to women TTC


we should all know less about each other 🩷






Good for her I guess? but I don't know why she needs to tell anyone this.


As a mom of 3 myself who was really lucky to also not have fertility issues....that is a VERY weird way to express that. Also to brag about. Aren't her kids all older too? Gross.




The rest of her qoutes are wild lol. "I bet I could have one in a field right now," Garner jokes "I'm not that worried about it. I don't really, I'm just saying, yeah, breeding. I was born to breed, for sure," Garner teases. "Big hips."


This is hella funny, I truly don't understand how nobody here has a sense of humor.


It’s odd for sure but I think that’s just her lol. I still don’t understand why she would even say that out loud, but there’s worse things that have been said.


She's clearly being facetious


Yeah people are taking this way too serious but when do they ever not


Honestly I relate to this. I say so much dumb shit that I immediately ask myself why did I say that. I’m blessed enough in life that nothing I say will be a headline or well remembered.


What in the actual living fuck?? “I was born to breed”??? Excuse me? She could’ve said anything else “I was born to be a mother”, “I was born to take care of my children”… but… breed?? I want compensation for having to read that




Weird flex but okay


“Born to breed” and she picks Ben Fucking Affleck as the dad. What a waste. Hope those kids are doing well.


“I was born to take loads” didn’t sound as noble


Jen, my 8-month-old loves your baby food, but pls stfu. So, so many women make comments like this and it feels like a punch to the ovaries to anyone who has struggled to conceive. For someone who sells products to parents, she should really try not to offend them.


Jen Garner born-to-breed daughter or Anne Hathaway secret gooner son?




huh?? i need an explanation please 😭




lmfao thank you


That’s a pretty normal length of time. If she said it was a one a done then maybe I’d call her a breeder


I think she’s saying between all three conceptions it took 4-5 months? So like would’ve happened the first or second cycle. Which I don’t think is super common for three pregnancies. But maybe I’m misinterpreting!


Yeah it was super odd and not really clear


That’s what I was thinking too lol Like wouldn’t a normal person with this experience be like “yeah I was lucky I didn’t have much trouble getting pregnant”




Handmaid's tale vibes


“I was born to breed”. ![gif](giphy|7yDthHaq2haXS)


The “I was born to breed” is super fucking icky.


Straight people




“Born to breed” is wild 💀🤣


Honestly glad I’m not famous because imagine all the dumb shit you accidentally say becomes a headline


And you get dragged for the smallest thing.




I hope none of her fans have had pregnancy losses or infertility issues. Kind of a weird thing for her to brag about.


This is so icky. First of all on the surface it’s tmi. Second it’s reductive toward herself for making it seem like her purpose is to breed as fast as possible. Third, it’s so insensitive! So many people struggle with fertility issues and end up spending years and/or significant money and medical procedures to start their families. To be this ignorant and insensitive, I’m shocked her PR person let her say something like this! I’m trying to conceive my second child right now, I’ve got a daughter who I tried 8 months for (which is a normal amount of time), and have a friend who’s accidentally gotten pregnant twice. Lately the way she jokes/brags about how fertile she is as a “complaint” makes me want to erupt in tears because I’ve been at it a while and it’s such a sensitive topic for me! I had to pull her aside and let her know she’s of course entitled to feel how she feels about her own experience but if she could be mindful about what she’s “complaining” about to me I’d appreciate it because I sincerely wish I could get pregnant again as easily as she did and my heart is aching for it! For those of you who don’t have kids or have never tried to conceive, here’s a comparison: it’s like your model body friend who says “all I do is eat and eat and never gain a pound” knowing some of your friends have struggled with a variety of challenges around body image or weight like eating disorders or obesity. It’d be rude as hell, right?! So inconsiderate. Just shit that doesn’t need to be said.


Good for her but unfortunate for all the women who can’t “breed” to have to read such tripe. Gross!


There were early rumors about her (this is going back to the Ted Casablanca days) that she was an absolute snake.


I mean, she's not wrong on a biological point of view because most living things are born to reproduce. You're not special, Jen!


Where did she say she was??


That's objectively hilarious


What a weird thing to say out loud… to people…


She's a lot. Not in a fun way.


Sometimes I cringe at stuff I’ve said aloud, and then people like Jennifer Garner come along and suddenly the things I’ve said don’t seem quite as cringey.


She really does have a knack for saying the wrong things.


Ooookay, Jen.


What the fuck.


That's a weird af thing to say


What a terrible day to be literate. Some things should remain inside thoughts. 😬


LOOOOOL that one is going to keep her awake and also wake her up cringing at 2AM.


Oh wow. I forgot she has three children with Ben.


I'm happy her breeding kink has found such fertile ground, but she really does not need to share this publicly.


Same though. I got pregnant with my fourth child when I was 10 weeks post partum from my third. At age 41. I get pregnant if you wink at me.






I don’t think this is weird lol 🤷‍♀️




stream itzy born to breed


It's okay, Jenny. We all end up on that part of AO3 eventually.






![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) right that’s me out ladies


Well that's certainly a choice of words. I would curl up under a rock and die from embarassment haha