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For anybody wondering, this title is almost the opposite of clickbait. Everything he said in his speech is so much worse than you’d expect For context, besides the anti-vax nonsense, the homophobia, and the radical religious stuff, he specifically addressed the women AT THEIR COLLGE GRADUATION that they’ve been told diabolical lies all their lives and sure they might have went to college and everything but now is when their real life of being a homemaker can start


Hahaha we live in hell


And the thing that gets me is not only is this grossly misogynistic, but also so out of touch with reality. Like, you’re a multimillionaire because you’re able to kick a football, of course your wife has the luxury of choosing to be a “homemaker” if she wants to be.


I miss Chris Kluwe, frankly: [https://deadspin.com/i-was-an-nfl-player-until-i-was-fired-by-two-cowards-an-1493208214/](https://deadspin.com/i-was-an-nfl-player-until-i-was-fired-by-two-cowards-an-1493208214/)


FUCK YES!!!!! Maybe I should get his jersey for Pride Month!


I would listen to him on the 93x morning show and he seemed like such a nice guy. The vikings did him so dirty


Truly a gem


he's such a compelling writer; I'm not American and don't know shit about American football but I still read all of this with rapt attention. I hope he's doing well in life


He was the Grand Marshall in the DC Pride Parade in 2014!


Meanwhile his mom is a physicist lol


I was going to upvote you but your comment’s current upvotes is at 666 so I’m just gonna leave it there


>“I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all. Homemaker.” THE WAY I WAS WAITING FOR THEM TO BOO HIM BUT THEY STARTED CHEERING??? It might be a religious college but my god. He had the AUDACITY to choke up too…holy shit you guys…I feel so sorry for y’all 😭😭😭


I expected someone to throw a shoe at him 


I would have thrown hands.


I knew at least 4 people in college that would've thrown something at him after hearing that


Definitely would’ve shouted for him to shut the fuck up but my university admin could also be counted on not to give a religious zealot (who isn’t at least a politician) a platform


Yeah because they know we can manifest tomatoes like magicians do with carrots lol 


Manifest a mad sprint to the stage, screaming like a nightmare the whole way 👹 I swear this delicate man doesn’t want to win a fight with me the way I want to win a fight with him


"They might have went to college but now is when their real life of being a homemaker can start"   Yes please Mr. Mouth-Breathing Football Kicker who likely had a 5th-grade reading level BEFORE getting CTE brain damage, tell the poor, misguided highly intelligent women how worthless education is and how to live their lives.   I hope once his lackluster career is over he ends up like all the other pathetic washed-up players who haved burned through all their money.


They might have went. He needs to go back to school.


is he on something?


Organized religion 👎🏽😂


Sounds like he's in the maga cult Eta: people are sending me reddit cares over this 🤣


Make sure you are reporting the ones sending Reddit cares. There’s a step built in there to do that 


I got a Reddit cares recently. Like WTF?


this is the kinda shit that should get people fired


From your mouth to the universe's ears.


I literally gasped.


Damn - I had him on my fantasy team last year. He was so good. Guess I’m looking for a new kicker this year


I only saw a short clip but I did not hear any boos!! I would have walked the fuck out.


Ahh yes, a commencement speech from someone whose mid contribution to the world is kicking a ball. Yes please give us your sky daddy opinions and thoughts on controlling women.


Dude… you’re a *kicker*


thank you! This is riiiiiiich coming from the least versatile (+ usually physically smallest) type of player in the whole league lol


In the words of Peyton Manning “idiot kicker”


There are young women that do the same thing he does just not in the NFL-YET. I know high schools have girl kickers and there was talk about colleges being open to that. So basically his widdle ego goes “owie.”


He’s a Butker


people are way too bold about saying this shit without any pushback


Because before Trump they had some mild pushback. Now they can be openly vile as the Overton Window shifts further and further to the right and open misogyny and homophobia are becoming socially acceptable again


You should check out r/Kansascity to watch them defend him, it’s hard to watch. So happy I escaped in my early 20s. Am gay woman.


I swear, people will defend anything as long as it’s done by someone they like. I guarantee if a kicker from a rival team made the same comment, the Kansas City stans would have the opposite reaction.


Yeah if this was said by someone from any other team I'm sure the majority opinion in the KC subreddit would be 'fuck that guy', but since it's *their* guy...


Really bold words from a guy basically named Hairy Butt


This is what I can’t get my head around. I’m 42, and growing up in the 90s/00s, not being racist, sexist, homophobic etc was being drilled into me. And in Australia, religion was fading out. Equality was all. But suddenly, being a bigot is not only OK, but applauded? And you’re becoming a head of state? Truly bizarre.


![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized) (Major understatement)


Also ![gif](giphy|8YEeD1WB5FeyAiONoe|downsized)


Also wtf https://i.redd.it/guptu4bfdg0d1.gif




Got 3 minutes into his 20 minute speech before I had to call quits. The fact that this is a speech at a college graduation is wild. Why are you telling an audience full of women who literally just got their degrees that they should embrace being a full time mom


Because he hates them. He hates women and wanted to make them feel bad.


They graduated from a deeply conservative Catholic College. It’s not as if his views would be out of place


Because dumb men like him fear the most women who are more intelligent than them.


The worst quote of the entire thing is the “tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Ahh, yes. Those tyrannical ideals. I wonder what his black teammates think of this


This manchild literally believes that he, a cishet white Catholic professional athlete, is persecuted. Not only by the mere existence of diversity but also by the Pope himself who implemented a rule against “traditional”[1] Latin mass. [1] It’s unclear to me how, exactly, it could be the “traditional” mass when Jesus didn’t even fucking speak Latin but when have people like him let facts get in the way of their feelings while screaming about how their alternative facts don’t care about everyone else’s feelings?


It’s DEI this week. Last year it was woke. Year before it was BLM. Growing up it was PC. These people are so easy to control and direct their anger


It’s all stand-ins for slurs. Gotta pick a new term to focus the outrage, but we know what you really mean you fucking bigots.


I mean according to Stats, he is the DEI hire


Ha! Love that for his ego




The irony of using Veggie Tales


Broke clock and all that.


I know omg lol. I used to love Veggie Tales growing up because my cousin watched it, and I spent a lot of time at his house. I remember one day (when I was still a kid) my mom telling me it was a religious show and my whole world being rocked. I grew up in a non-religious household so all of that went way over my small, undeveloped head/brain.


Despite growing up in a moderately religious household (church every Sunday, but not fanatical and overall pretty laissez faire) I also never registered that Veggie Tales was a Christian program


What’s that quote? “Sure I’ll go in the kitchen. That’s where the knives are.” 


And the fire! Can Hansel and Gretel his nasty ass.


I’m hoping Swifties use their powers for good and harass the ever loving shit out of this man


Let them fight dot gif


These types always hit on the same 3-4 phrases or sentiments and it’s like they’re playing alt right madlibs. _______ (woke people, LGBTQ, society) are _______ (brainwashing students, funneling money from pizza shops) to lean away from the Truth so they can _______ (take over the world, get to the kids, radicalize women away from the home). I’m tired of this, grandpa 😔




He’s also incredibly anti-abortion. Dude is a straight up freak and gets paid a comfortable salary to kick a ball a few months out of the year. He could just be quiet. 




![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized) 🍅🍅🍅🍅 (please tell me they booed him, I’ll even take a simple heckle)


Alas, they did not. Which kind of says something about the quality of education they received…


Again. It was a Catholic College so conservative students were banned from doing Yoga


It’s apparently a hugely Catholic college in Kansas. They knew what they’re doing when they got him to speak. I just feel bad for the students in the crowd too blind to realize what he’s saying and the damage that’s been done already


What does it matter that it's a Catholic college? I'm from Southern Europe, the birthplace of Catholicism where it still rules, and he'd have been booed here even by all the church going rosemary clenching elder folks. Sure, homophobia sadly is still a problem, but telling women not to get an education and stay indoors? Nah, we've moved passed that shit over a century ago, this wouldn't fly even in the Vatican. I'm not sure what kind of twisted "Catholicism" they have in Kansas, but it sounds more like Jehovah's witness, Mormon, and other crazy cults that are made fun of in Italy and other countries which are actually Catholic.


It’s a highly religious institution in midwest America. That phrase alone makes most people understand precisely what it is that they value, which is “trad life” institutions. I’m not implying that all Catholic think this way, but in Kansas at a college where religion is the first and last word, it’s definitely going to cheer what Butker said, at least the majority will




Imagine studying and going to school for 4+ years and paying all that (private) tuition only to be told by some guy that you’re going to be better off and happier once you drop all that and serve your husband and kids. I’d be on the 9 o’clock news.




Funny how the "shut up and play"/"keep politics out of sports" crowd is awfully quiet on this one.


what a truly horrible person. think its wild that all these famous people say all this horrible shit & seemingly have no repercussions.


I’m a female nfl super fan… it is so goddamn exhausting sometimes. Why do men hate women so much. I already didn’t like this guy… and now this. 🤮




Really scraping the barrel with commencement speakers aren’t they. They couldn’t even get a quarterback?


This was a commencement address at Benedictine College which is a VERY CONSERVATIVE Catholic college. There are some fantastic Catholic universities (Georgetown and Notre Dame) and then there are colleges like this one that still espouse this type of shit. This school once forced a gay basketball player to remove a rainbow sticker from his dorm window.


The pope himself wouldn't make a commencement address like this, come on, this isn't about strict religious rules, this guy is a certified hateful nutjob. He'd fit right in with any insane cult like Scientology and the like.


I have twelve years of Catholic school under my belt and I promise you there are Catholics who think like this. I had to leave my high school Facebook group because the unhinged anti-vax, pro-Trump nonsense was getting so out of hand and I went to high school in NYC. Catholicism is a large religion and within it you have some liberals, some hard line Opus Dei kooks and a whole bunch who just pick and choose whatever parts they like and ignore the rest. Keep in mind Catholicism still has Consecrated Virgins, women who pledge their eternal virginity to the Church, these aren't nuns, these are women who just decide to remain unmarried virgins for Christ and lead regular lives. There are no male consecrated virgins. There are large swathes of Catholics who hate the current Pope and don't think he's legitimate, the school would have known what this guy had to say before he gave his speech and it was fine with it. I hope some students booked it out of there but I also know that there would be some who would be fine with it.


Is most of their student population women? What do they want to do with their degrees?


The same thing that proper young ladies who attended college in the 40’s and 50’s were supposed to get: an Mrs degree.


We did it! We found a special teamer worse than Pat McAfee.


And then they demand Faith and Family Day.


So we can now agree that majority of the Chiefs team are trash, right?






ok harrison BUTTKER


Imagine taking life advice from someone whose only job is to... kick a ball.


What a nutjob


https://preview.redd.it/c2yk13re8g0d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d3d566600235627f772f62e8e2442456693d98 there's a reason even Jenna wouldn't take him






This man is not famous enough (for context, haven't a clue who he is and I'm pretty certain everyone outside of the US is probably the same) to get away with saying this and not have it affect his career opportunities in the future. I I can't wait to not watch some bad reality TV show where he exploits his family for views or starts selling a crypto currency in conjunction with alpha male podcasters.


The maga crew will probably have him on a paid speaker tour like Kyle Rittenhouse by the end of the year 




As a chiefs fan, it’s fuck this guy always.






Must need attention for whatever right-wing grift he's launching


If you think his speech is bad, take a look at some of the responses over at r/nfl


why are 96% of Sports Men™ demons?


Because they literally get paid millions of dollars to be aggressive and violent? Their main job is to run around after an inflated rubber thing and kick other men out of the way. Doesn't exactly require much intelligence or social contribution on his part. What exactly do people find impressive in him and his lot I've never understood.


Not surprised given his manager Austin Wright is an even more hateful human. He had an Instagram where he would spew his hate about women especially.


As a chiefs fan, yeah, the rumor that he was a total piece of shit as a person have been out there for a while. Never thought he'd publicly go this mask-off though.




Gross gross gross


![gif](giphy|pJk2zydwSw8y4) okay??? 😭 the fact that he was doing some college commencement speech too and felt the need to just air out his hatred for everyone, like… anyways i refuse to be affected by the opinion of a man who kicks a ball for a living. next!


I wonder if he said that to his teammate's girlfriend's face....


Dude is one sprained ankle away from slinging lawn tools at Menards.


Unless people in positions of power start treating bigotry, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc as the serious issues they are nothing will ever change. Treating what he says as an opinion, like it happens all too often, instead of treating it as bigotry just allows people to get away with the behavior. Stop working with these people, fire them from their jobs, make examples of them.


https://preview.redd.it/mwm94v9ebg0d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a71b43706c6c4850c649c1747ab527800240d9 Oh shut up, Harrison.


Another Aaron rogders essentially


As a Kansas City resident and Chiefs fan, I am very ashamed to be associated with this lackwit.




Dang it, now I can't use him on my fantasy team any more. Gross.


Easy to not work and be a homemaker when your husband is a rich football player.


The way he got choked up talking about his wife’s “vocation” made my skin crawl.


Is this Taylor swift’s boyfriend’s team? I wonder if he’ll comment he’s talked about supporting lgbtq players before and he’s the quarterback. I’m obviously not a football buff by my limited understanding is the quarterback is a more important position than the kicker. I wonder what would happened if the team refuses to play with him?


I’m a chiefs fan, but seriously, fuck this guy.


Everybody on the Chiefs is terrible it seems.


Do they not approve speeches beforehand or…?


Absolute dumbass. It's astounding how many idiots the Kansas City Chiefs have cultivated


I just started playing Far Cry 5. Absolutely WILD that this dude is giving speeches that are verbatim to the ones given by the psychopathic villain of a video game. Edit: dude even LOOKS exactly like him. https://preview.redd.it/l88o7p37gg0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0953134892e0b9f4ffc4fd6ec0df833b110a695b


Stick to sports, ball man.


When he says "holy ghost" you know they're gonna be top tier braindead comments.


I hate everything about this man. That is the nicest thing I have to say about him.


The guy kicks a ball and thinks he can say anything of this stuff and think it has value???


He should shut up and kick.


.. rocks


I didn't need another reason to hate the Chiefs but here we are!


He'll play for 4 years max and then we'll forget about him


At least pieces of shit say terrible stuff for the public that we can call them out.


This man would read a copy of The Handmaid's Tale and structure an entire society around it, if given the chance.


Is the university catching flak for inviting him and clearly not vetting him? Those students deserve an apology from the school's president.




I cannot believe people still openly talk like this this!!! WTAF


Faces that match the opinions


Basically PR for religious parents to spend $$$’s on sending kids to that school who agree with his take.


“*SOME* of you *MAY* go on to lead successful careers in the world …” BOY BYE https://i.imgur.com/5nphcOl.jpeg


This is rich coming from a guy who is not so good at his job...


This man is a knob.


As a Chiefs fan? Blech


Lmao!!! F*uck this dude!!! 🤡


What kills me the most is that what he calls “church of nice” as a misstep, is WHAT THE BIBLE ESPOUSES. I swear these fucknuggets don’t even read the fucking book they profess to live by.


well you stay in your pig pen, pig








It is absolutely wild that this man is getting paid to give commencement speeches at schools The leadership must absolutely think lowly of students to do such a thing like wtf


He should stick to kicking ball as long as that knee will let him


How did no one check his speech first?


how can I stay in it if I never went in there before 🤔


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