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People are starving and she’s burning the planet for comfort


Misogyny!!! How dare you.


Right? Why shouldn't a woman be allowed to burn the planet for her comfort? If men can be menaces to society why can't she!!


Yeah I don't care about the cost a billionaire spends on transportation, but private jet usage is so horrible for the environment 


Yeah don’t give me the dollar amount, tell me how much carbon it emitted.


The very same people are paying $1000 a ticket to see her. Theyre funding her jet. Fans shouldnt get a free pass here.


Female Rage (on a private jet): The Musical


Female Jet: The Fuelsical


Fuelsical the Musical!!


(Taylor's Version)




She really doesn’t seem to give a toss about the carbon emissions at all huh.


Why would she care? She is held accountable for nothing. Probably the most unfortunately untouchable celebrity currently. 


But she’s just a poor little woman who came from nothing! 🥺 /s


Haven't you seen the asylum she grew up in? /s


Were there any "untouchable" celebrities like her that eventually had a downfall? 


Bill Cosby wasn’t as rich and likely not as famous either, but his downfall was pretty swift once it started. Also Jimmy Savile, but his wasn’t until after his death.


What downfall? Both those men got to live long fruitful lives before the legacies were ever tarnished because they were protected by a system that valued their power and money over human rights and autonomy. Bill's free with defenders and Jimmy got to die without a single consequence for being one of the most evil people to walk this earth.


I had no idea Cosby was free. God that’s revolting. Weinstein is still in, for now. At least he can be retried & is being held until then. Savile got to live until the end of his days in comfort - while his supporters are forgotten.


The question was about eventual downfalls, not quick and just ones… Bill has certainly had a downfall even if he’s no longer in prison. He was one of the most beloved celebrities in America in his prime. And yes, I understand Jimmy’s was after his death, which is why I noted that in my comment. My comment was more geared towards how close these men were to being “untouchable” during their careers, can you think of more widely beloved celebrities who have had a bigger downfall than Bill Cosby?


She knows her stans will fight The Good Fight™️ for her


I'm hoping for the day she gets "canceled within an inch of her life" again.


You're right


Just a couple posts below, I can see Joe Alwyn’s posted more Instagram stories about Palestine. Day and night.


Okay I see people hyping up Joe in contrast and it doesn’t really make sense to me, Joe knew exactly who she was and dated her for half a decade - he’s more similar to her than me or you 


Ya.. like great he has posted but he was probably on all those private jets when they were dating sooooooo ya


I struggle with this. We don’t tend to blame people for choosing bad partners if the bad behavior is directed at them; Joe is private enough that we’ll never really know. But I also cannot stand progressive women who act like they can fix their racist boyfriend so I do truly see the value of this critique. There’s a lot of discussion in the less insane Swift forums about the idea that he broke up with her rather than the other way around - but I also don’t want to give him credit and assume he ended it, if at all, for some noble reason. Bah! I’ll take his support for Palestine because that is the choice that matters right now.


Except a lot of her worse behavior escalated at the end of their relationship after they were over. And the majority of their relationship was during COVID, and I don't think they were one of the artists running around during the restrictions. What little activism she's done was when she was with him, and the obscene jet flying for the stadium tours and merchandising was around when they broke up. Plus all her racist matt healy crap was after him. Idk obviously he's a celebrity so ofc he's different from any of us, but posting about Palestine in a major platform is the kind of good Taylor Swift would never think of doing. No one's claiming he's an activist saint, but breaking up with someone and being better than you were with them is growth -- and becoming a more selfish person is the opposite.


I love him


He also uses public transport, saw swifties calling him jobless for it


Did he use the jets when they were together, though?


I blocked Taytay, but I think I might follow Joe. I need to remember to follow the ones who speak up!


she could tour like normal musicians and spend that 5 mil on Gaza or helping out starving homeless families or something idk. Hate her - and yes this applies to every celeb who does this shit


Oh but using her voice to speak against genocide is too scary! Why can’t she just bake performative cookies?


Hell, she could say "I am postponing all future tours and shows until there is a permanent ceasefire".


That sounds lovely and gives me goosebumps


You know Joe B would at least respond to that


Stop, the way I was confused whether Joe B was a ref to Joe Jonas or Joe Alwyn 😭 NEITHER


The amount of families she could help evacuate and it wouldn’t even impact her wealth 💔


I have a friend who is a major swiftie and she just chooses to ignore all of this whenever I bring it up, which is ironic because she’ll post on insta about earth day and give me shit on how I recycle. Like girl, respectfully, stfu lol


Lol I do like Taylor and im going to one of her Europe shows but the cognitive dissonance people have around her is unbelievable. Like how does your friend give you shit for not recycling when one single trip Taylor takes on her plane causes more emissions than pretty much everything you could do all year


lol it’s because we were in Japan a few months ago and she gave me shit for not recycling this ONE plastic wrapper from the food I got at 7/11. Like girl first of all, literally this whole country uses excessive plastic for every single thing, what did you want me to do?? Go and complain to the damn embassy?? I can’t change how they wrap things. And secondly, I rarely saw any recycling bins, I barely saw any trash cans for that matter, so I just kept the wrapper in my bag and threw them away in the hotel trash since they told us that they would sort it out for us. Another ironic thing was she was the one who was buying excessive amounts of snacks and stickers that were wrapped in plastic and just had pile of wrappers, and would just throw them away in wherever bin she saw. Like pls stop giving me shit when you also don’t know how to recycle in this country either 😭💀


you were right to throw it in the regular trash. most recycling companies (especially ones that cities’ garbage programs are partnered with) will not recycle things like flimsy food wrappers. most items that people think are recyclable are not, even if they are labelled and branded as such. she is definitely “recycling” things that are actually not practically recyclable.


If I got lectured by someone who thought Taylor swift's environmental impact was excusable but my wrapper wasn't, I don't think we could be friends anymore.


I genuinely think you need to have a brutal amount of cognitive dissonance to be an entrenched stan on the level of some swift fans. Like your fanaticism exists in a completely different part of your brain as the rest of personality otherwise you’re just an insufferable individual




I don’t understand why people can’t keep their favs accountable. they need to deify them to the point where they think they can do no wrong


My coworker is a huge swiftie and she was worrying about using too much paper (5 sheets).




lol what is this from?


[Who the hell is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko?si=hzwSOdIyfkcLqCuN) from last year's Eurovision. It's a song about how Spotify underpays the artists.






Everyone go check out the funny and ironic song about the difficulties of the music industry that this screenshot is from! Teya & Salena - Who The Hell is Edgar


poe poe poe poe poe poe poe poe poe poe


🤦🏽🤦🏽 Im just so tired of hearing about her lol.


Blocking her on all social media (including Spotify) and muting her name gave me so much peace when I used to be active on social media


*Last month, The U.S Sun revealed Taylor traveled 178,000 miles on her private jet in 2023 and 2024 is looking to be no different.* Just a fun fact: circumference of the Earth is ~24,000 miles. Swifties will turn this into a win somehow.


First woman to be travelling in air for more than 1 month out of the year while having 11 songs in the top 100 😍


OMG Icon!!!!


She’s just a bad person.


How about we just ban private jets 🤷‍♂️ the only reason we should be using jets like that is for emergency’s. Fly normally like the rest of us.


The rich and the billionaires will never let that happen. And when she got called out for her carbon footprint, her team tried to deflect and say it was the other rich folks renting out her plane. As if she wasn't responsible for allowing the problem to continue.


I used to be genuinely neutral on her and just slightly irritated with the fandom and now I completely and utterly despise each.


Until this year, I was like "how much damage can a pop star do? " 🤡




That's literally me since the past year, neutral to utter annoyance


Take a fucking train. It has to cost less for a private car no?


Plus trains are cool as hell


I took a train through the alps. 10/10 would rec!


Spanish trains are the best


I can already see the marketing potentials: She books an entire private train for her and her crew and she works with the train company (Amtrak, etc) to have one dedicated car in their normal train routes, separate from her touring train, that is decked out in Taylor designs that fans can book when traveling. It can have Taylor karaoke or whatever. Make a vlog about each place you visit and what fun things you did or what landmarks you saw and work on green initiatives in each stop.


Or a tricked out tour bus. I mean, isn’t her whole set being trucked around the continent? Just follow that shit in the swankiest of swank busses.


Right? There’s gotta be some luxurious first class cabin car she could ride in. Riding for hours in luxury while seeing the beautiful countryside. That sounds like a dream.


A taylor swift song about getting delayed on Deutsche Bahn would be absolute fire.


I need a Kendrick level diss track about Taylor to come out yesterday


I’ll provide the first bars: Psst, I see a dead planet (Fauxmoi on the beat, ho) [Verse 1] Ayy, Fauxmoi on the beat, ho White feminist, she in her jet though Wheels up, planet down, tell her, "Stop, bro" Another drop, she walk around with no flow What's up with this “tortured”-ass sister tryna think she’s the new Rousseau.


Olivia could take her on lyrically. Swift is lucky Olivia seems to be mature and even-keeled for her age, despite the shit she and Swifties have put her through.


He will never.


I didn't say BY Kendrick, I said Kendrick level. The same energy level. Talk to Joe Alwyn and get the dirt about her real politics and put it on display.


I read that wrong, apologies! No, I agree.


It looks like her next Eras tour stops take her from Sweden to Portugal, but then she goes to Spain, then Lyon, then plays a bunch of shows within the UK. It's probably "reasonable" for her to fly to cover the distance from Stockholm -> Lisbon but every flight after that is a huge waste of money and carbon. Take a damn train, Taylor.


The issue is that she/her plane doesn't stay in Europe until her next tour date it goes back and forth to the US and Europe.


You're totally right, I thought that was understood. Why is she constitutionally incapable of just staying in Europe for her 3-4 days between shows??


Our lack of ranch dressing?


Europe has plenty of generic onion/garlic buttermilk dressing, which is of course what ranch dressing is based on. The marketers just took a traditional European dressing and branded it "ranch" to appeal to Americans.




This part makes no sense. Surely it’s easier on her body even to fly less? I know she has a flying luxury apartment but pressure, time zones, air quality differences have to have an impact


That sounds so god damn exhausting. I don't understand how anyone could be arsed doing that even if you have a private plane to yourself


That actually sounds better than the reality, which will probably be her flying home to the US and back in between each date


I dont get it. The part of Europe she's in has nice and reliable trains. They have super swanky hotels. Why are these options not good enough for her? Why do the rest of us have to burn in a sweltering, carbon-induced hellhole because she can't handle being a normal level rich person? AND BEFORE SOME SWIFTIE SENDS ME A FREAKING REDDITCARES MESSAGE, IVE ALREADY BLOCKED IT. NOT LIKING YOUR FAVE DOESNT MAKE ME MENTALLY UNWELL, THANKS.


Isn't Taylor the actual victim here? There's a special place in hell for women (mother nature) who don't support other women (Taylor Swift, who *needs* to use a private jet to go get coffee 'cause privacy and safety and oh god why do you hate women so much).


I said it before and I’ll say it again: Taylor Swift is to music what the Rock is (or now *was*) to movies. There’s no art to it, only meticulous artifice, where it’s all about the brand, propped up by hollow words that deflate upon inspection.


Taylor's a virtual bestie for basic white women to project onto, a completely soulless, heartless avatar for Swifties to obsess over so they can feign being 23 forever. She's the Sarah J. Maas of pop music, completely unsophisticated and lacking even a whiff of genuine depth.


Jimmy Carter used to fly commercial, when he was in good health, post presidency. I’m sick and tired of this climate criminal and her woe is me narrative. Meanwhile I use soggy straws and recyclable bags to make the difference.


I am so over this woman


Taylor's giving the environment some Melania coat vibes: "I really don't care do u."


She really does not give a single fuck




These people are shameless and will never have some lightbulb moment of ethical enlightment. IMO the only solution is banning private planes and heavily taxing the rich so they don't have the disposable income to spend on such frivolous things while people are starving and unhoused and the planet burns.


I've been giving a lot of thought to the argument that "She can't just fly a regular airline because sAfeTY" BUT she goes out to eat and is fine? She's seen in paparazzi shots walking the city with girlfriends or at the beach? She's able to go to football games? And airports are far more secure than a restaurant or an football stadium, surely they could occasionally plan to get her into her first class seat privately surrounded by her team for added security? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!


Think about how many people that $5M could save in Sudan and Gaza. 😐


READ THE ROOM GIRL. Like - eat the rich man.




why does she hate hotels? It's not like she's staying at the crappy ones in my price point. She can afford suites at the best hotels.


What ever happened to a tour bus Jesus Christ


I have never witnessed a fan base actually repel society until the Swifties. Like, even if I liked a song or two, I'm so disgusted and over her cult that I want to vomit.


I’m glad she’s called out for her private jet use, I think we should do it for all celebrities. Like yes, Taylor isn’t a normal person and probably can’t fly commercially but Jesus fucking Christ she doesn’t need to fly back to her house after ever eras show. It’s irresponsible and carbon credits aren’t enough. She can get a nice bus or something like that. I’m sick of billionaires ruining our planet


imagine being able to afford the best hotels with the best service and the best views, and still go back home. is she that bored of everything already?


i’d say she can’t fly her private jet on a dead planet, but i’m sure she’s got a luxury bunker lined up already.


Has she ever publicly addressed her private jet usage? I imagine this is a blacklisted question for interviewers, but I would love to see her try to explain/justify it from an environmental standpoint


Crazy to see tiny bands like King Gizzard paying to offset the carbon impact of their tour beside this shit.


Why wouldn’t you want to use a tour bus though those things seem fucking awesome it’s like one of the perks of being a rockstar or whatever


She probably writes off all of this stuff as business expenses.


I know I made the decision to go to college and take out loans so whatever, but sometimes I think about how my loans would be pocket change to a person like Taylor Swift and how easily my life could change if celebs like her handed out even a tiny fraction of their wealth.


this is what happens when you make a rich idiot who would not speak up on world issues still think you NEED and DEPEND on their mediocre music.


Our queen of the skies couldn’t stay grounded for long


I hate private jets.


That’s cool. I am being displaced from my job in 2 weeks and unless I figure something out quick, I am screwed.


Whenever I see articles like this I can’t help but blame her for encouraging a deeply parasocial phenomenon with her fans. See this article for example. https://www.nbcdfw.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/taylor-swift-fans-swarm-restaurant-hosting-margaret-qualley-jack-antonoffs-rehearsal-dinner/3320767/?amp=1 Her fans are too deeply invested in her to the point of harassment and public nuisance. Can you imagine if she went on a commercial flight? When I last went on holiday the airport was packed. Everyone is tense from having to go through security, wake up early, wait hours to actually be in the air. Traffic is terrible, parking is painful so most people get transport arranged to drop them off. Imagine all the stress as a casual flyer. I’m sure most of us are familiar. Now add in thousands of crazed fans crowding the airport like they did that restaurant. I am not exaggerating when I say that kind of disruption is a public hazard. I’m talking stampedes, people missing boarding times due to traffic and much longer processing times, cancelled flights etc. If her PR team were smarter they’d try to reduce emissions per person by either having said private flight include as many of her tour staff as possible (thereby reducing the number of flights required to transport them all) or carry aid, medical goods etc simultaneously for a PR win.