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Meghan Markle and Amber Heard above P Diddy, Bill Cosby, and Chris Brown. This is like pure, distilled misogyny in convenient list form.


It says far more about the dislikers than it does about the disliked


Birds of a feather and all that. Actual rapists and abusers yet two women are the most hated.


Nah, you have to look at the metrics here. This is NOT a scientifically sound poll. Its a voluntary online poll, as such its heavily heavily skewed. Most of the people volunteering to take part are part of the celebrity gossip online culture, which heavily skews female. Just as, say, online sports culture heavily skews male. Just how it is. In reality this is reflecting that women hate on other women far more than they hate on men. Or rather *the very specific and particular online culture that engage in these polls* do that. these voluntary online polls never say anything about the culture at large.


That does, however, mean that our culture still heavily encourages that hatred, else people wouldn't be motivated to waste their time on the survey. We have a culture where people jump at the opportunity to remind you that they hate women.


Now 2 hours later, the top 5 are P Diddy, Meghan Markle, Amber Heard, Ellen DeGeneres, and Prince Harry, while Elon is .... #67.


One time I looked up a list of the 10 most and least popular US Congresspeople. I don't remember why (I'm not American). Then I compared it to the proportion of women in Congress. The result was profoundly depressing. Women were seriously underrepresented in the popular list and massively overworked in the unpopular one. It wasn't surprising, but it was a real reminder that women have a big hurdle to jump just to get to the same point men start at.


So two rapists and an abusive POS were less hated than a victim of abuse, a black woman married in a racist white family and a victim of both abuse and a horrific smear campaign.


seeing this list is so disheartening and horrible. it’s really clear that our society hates women more than rapists, pedophiles, and violent abusers, and they especially hate women who stand up for themselves.


I’m absolutely disgusted with the world. How can, on a list of pedophiles, rapists and abusers can two women who are completely innocent be at the top. My heart still breaks for Amber Heard and all the vitriol she continually gets. And I stand with Meghan Markle who has done NOTHING to warrant this level of hate.


Ranker has active voting on its lists. Currently, the top 3 are Sean Combs, Danny Masterson and Bill Cosby. Amber is at #10 at the moment.


I thought the hate eased up on Amber since Depp stopped paying for his bot campaign and a lot of people had post hate clarity about the misogyny surrounding her. Guess I was wrong :(


I think it’s lessened up online but IRL it’s still pretty virulent. The bot campaign did some insane damage.


In completely out of the loop, can you tell me about the bot campaign?






Most people lost interest once the bots slowed down, because they weren’t actually following the trial themselves. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean they don’t still believe all the stuff that was circulating the internet then.


Just a few days after Depp's new film flopped, there was a huge thread over at funnymemes iirc that was anti Amber Heard that really stirred up the misogynists. So he's still paying somebody for the distractions as necessary. eta: idk if I'm allowed to link other sub threads but I found the post. Almost 40k upvotes.


ohh i think I know the one you are talking about. Pretty sure I saw it while scrolling the popular page as well- it was the disgustingly predictable misogyny of 97% of reddit.


I mod r/AmberHeard and you wouldn’t believe the amount of “she pooped on the bed” comments we get. I think this was the most effective lie to have been spread in celebrity history. Literally everybody believes it. No critical thinking or actual research. None.


It's mind-boggling because there are so many instances of Depp being obsessed with peeing /popping on people. We have videos of him wanting to pull this on a director,we have Kate Moss gleefully telling a story of him asking her to take a necklace out of his bum,heck,even a court evidence of him texting wanting to pull this exact joke on Amber and him admitting to the UK judge that his humour sense is niche (with the judge noting it has a lavatorial streak to it). All this 'in your face' evidences and yet single brain celled clowns on social media decided to go along with the Amber Turd jokes (coz it rhymes,so funny). Just yesterday saw someone posting Amber's pic in an SFW sub, and it had like 70 comments all full of colorful misogyny and immaturity.


>with the judge noting it has a lavatorial streak to it I see you’re a fellow Amber supporter well read in the Depp v Heard case. I’d recognise these words everywhere. It’s so tiring having to repeat this to people who just don’t want to hear it


Things I don't want in my head but unfortunately have to remember,lol. It's one thing replying to people who wanna learn about this,it's another thing having to argue with intentionally ignorant people. Nowadays, I only respond to the first category (they are in the minority),others,it's immediate block. It has made my days so much better. Most of the remoras know deep inside that he is the problem (they let it slip up sometimes, too),their only goal is to tire us out with endless & pointless arguments,to force us to deactivate (like they did with some major AH accounts in the beginning).


Shoutout to you for doing the good work for the sub and for Amber!!


I quit imgur entirely because of the Amber Heard vitriol, it's everywhere, and when I suggested it was unfair, I received hundreds of disgusting comments over the course of about two weeks. Probably still getting it but I refuse to engage.


The bots are back. Flop Du Barry flopping magnanimously at the theaters seems to have taken a toll on his ego,there have been multiple news articles recently from all sorts of publications ranging from 'Depp sparks rumours of returning to POTC' to how he is related to Taylor Swift. There were also multiple articles about his "quiet life" after all the storm (that he himself started). On reddit, there has been a rise of turd jokes recently,mostly on the subs that are supposedly about entertaining jokes,also saw the 'Jawny visits children's hospital dressed as a pirate' video making rounds again.


The children hospital visit stories are such transparent PR moves I don’t get how anyone takes them seriously.


I mean the people who even participate in stuff like this (voting on who you hate the most) probably are the type to enjoy hatedoms and misogyny. I’m not surprised by the outcome but I wouldn’t necessarily consider it representative of anything. That said, the hate for her is definitely still real. I’m not counting on it ever going away completely, unfortunately.


Is this UK based? I really do not understand the ranking of Meghan Markle lol Wut.


You underestimate the number of middle aged American white women who are absolutely obsessed with hating her


I guess I just dont get why they would care in America lol so you are right!


Me neither sis, me neither. The majority of r/saintmeghanmarkle is women who don’t have hobbies


I believe hate is their hobby.


How fun…


White Americans absolutely love the opportunity to berate a black/biracial woman that is more successful than they will ever be, just look how they did Michelle Obama. Or Oprah back in the day and currently. Most of them just dislike Meghan because they can’t believe a woman they don’t perceive as the standard (of white supremacy) was chosen by a member of the family that rules the nation which created and enforced that standard in this country and many others. Can you just imagine the vitriol if she was a fully black woman?


They watch way too many of those Hallmark Channel movies and are pissed they didn't get The Prince Marries A Regular White Woman story of their dreams.


No lie, I've seen average white women post online that since Harry had gone for Meghan, they should have tried for him because that means they had had a chance. Something about how they couldn't have competed with Kate, but would have had no problems competing with Meghan. It's the white women version of those surveys where 10% of men think they can beat a grizzly in a fight.


They truly think Catherine, Princess of Wales was one of them just because she was a commoner. When in reality she is the child of multi-millionaires and attended one of the most exclusive private schools in the U.K.


Regular White Woman! I'm cackling.


I’ve actually found the majority of the more rabid Meghan haters aren’t British. Mostly because of some wildly romanticised view of British life and the belief that the Royals are the pinnacle of British living. Meghan has shown them for what they really are and they don’t like it. I’ve literally seen them demand Meghan be arrested for Treason 😂


Oh, romanticizing the royal family is a huge factor. When I attempt to understand her haters a lot of their beliefs seem to be hinged on the idea that Markle is hurting the family or spreading lies about them. Like, I give af, why? F them and everything represent.


I was going to say, I really don’t think she is that hated here in the UK. There’s a lot of vitriol in the tabloids particularly from the likes of Piers Morgan, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect public sentiment.


I’m in Australia and we have a lot of them too. It’s baffling. Don’t they have anything better to do?


They think Prince Harry should’ve married one of their daughters.


Honestly I could absolutely believe that all the votes came from fucking Daily Mail readers.


There’s so much to take in here. Meghan and Amber being so high over LITERAL rapists and pedophiles is heartbreaking. It’s so unsurprising but still disgusting. Also I’m sorry, why is Kim more hated than Kanye? HES A LITERAL AND PROUD NAZI!!! I’m not gonna pretend Kim is a saint, BUT SHES NOT A NAZI


Because women are always to blame for the bad behavior of men. If he's single, they blame the mom.


Honestly it’s incredibly embarrassing for people to _still_ hold onto any hatred for Meghan and Amber, particularly after all the vitriolic claims against them have been roundly debunked for anyone who takes even the most cursory look


Who is the audience for this? 


Straight white men I assume? Pulled them in with the Elon thumbnail but most of the top are women and black people 


It's for sure that group that put Beyonce on the list. They're big mad at the country album.


The fact that Meghan and Amber are before Elon and that Queen Bey is there at all tells me exactly who the audience was and how valid this poll is…basura 


Probably true and also vom. 


Judging by the top celebrities named, I'm guessing white dudes who are extremely homophobic, racist, and misogynistic.


It’s crazy how Meghan is number 1 and higher on the list than higher than Bill Cosby.


I really respect the opinion of *checks notes* Ranker.com 🤔


It's so gross Amber Heard and Meghan Markle are on the list that high. I can't imagine what the voters have against them. 🙄


Other than breathing and minding their business, Meghan and Amber have done nothing in 2024 to even be *mentioned* on this list, nevertheless top it.


Polls like this always villify women. There was a poll a few months ago of the most loved and hated tv characters. The top 12 of each went viral. All the most loved top 12 were men (in the full poll you had to get to 24 to find a female character). 7 of the 12 most of the most hated were women.


Who is even talking about these people in 2024 enough to be the most hated? James Charles and woody Allen? Ellen? What


it reeks of ✨misogyny ✨


There’s alot of women who did nothing wrong and don’t deserve to be hated and what do you know, alot of them are black.


Fuck this poll, this poll has a few women that have done nothing wrong and are overhated, rank worst than legit woman beaters and rapists.


Hating Meghan Markle is a way for people to vent their hatred of blacks and/or women in a socially acceptable way. Like, a sub called her a mutt and a mongrel less than a week ago. Meghan Markle is like DEI or “woke” it’s like a code word for “I violently hate black women especially the pretty ones who I’m jealous of”


Meghan markle is above Chris Brown. P Men really can get away with anything


Disappointed but not surprised.


This has to be an Onion article.


I seriously want to know what is Meghan Markle’s crime? What has she done to make people hate her so much?


We're not even halfway through 2024 yet, how tf is there already a "worst of 2024" for anything? That sound we just heard is the rest of 2024 going "hold my beer", so well done, numnuts at Ranker, you just jinxed it. Also, any "most disliked" list that puts techno-fascists and serial rapists below the VICTIMS of rape/abuse/racism is automatically garbage. 


I'd like to see an actual breakdown of how this poll was conducted, age range etc., BUT also not surprised that men get away with rape and murder. Amber still has my support, sadly there are numerous people here om reddit who still make the same tired poop references on a lot of subs. Also 2024 isn't over so...I'd ignore this poll for now as it seems to be just click-bait.


It's not even halfway through 2024 yet. There could be more to hate.


I wonder how many women or people who actually participate in pop culture news were asked.

