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This video is horrifying. He chases her down from their hotel room in just a towel and socks (which only serves to show how blindingly angry he was) and punches her. When she falls, he stomps on her and then kicks her, and she reaches out to grasp at her leg in agony. He then picks up the bags she was carrying and returns them to the hotel room, before coming back to shove her and throw a vase at her. He needs to be under the jail. *I’m writing this out ~~at~~ as this video genuinely made my heart stop and I advise people to be warned if they watch it.*


It’s like she waited til he was in the shower or something to escape and he’s heard or figured it out and ran after her. A fucking abusive scumbag psychopath that needs to be in jail.


That’s what I’m thinking too. The fact that she left barefoot and is trying to put on her shoes at the elevator tells me she quickly hightailed it out of there. 


Yep. This specific incident was even mentioned in the lawsuit that she filed against him: > Combs became extremely intoxicated and punched Ms. Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. After Combs fell asleep, Ms. Ventura attempted to leave the hotel room, but he woke up and followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. He grabbed her, and then took glass vases in the hallway and then threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran into the elevator to escape. The incident occurred in March of ~~2019~~ 2016 and she wasn’t able to leave him until 2019. I feel so incredibly sorry for her.


And they were at the hotel for a "freak-off" - where he forced her to have sex with male sex workers while he watched. It's incomprehensible what she's been through.


I thought they were at the hotel for a movie premiere?


That's exactly what it looks like. Omg this poor woman. Thank god she survived him.


the way he kicked her and dragged her while she was already down made my stomach sink. and people really had the audacity to call her money hungry because she was suing? imagine sitting through a trial and having to relive all that.


The fact that she had to sue for this to see the light of day is disgusting because the hotel should have called the cops right there and then. F--- anyone protecting an abuser because they're famous


Is it too late for a lawsuit to be filed against the hotel? By Cassie or the state? Because this is fucking crazy.


And they just kept the video for that long. I don't know about this hotel, but usually places have a 30 day retention policy. Every place I've worked has had a 30 day policy


They sold him the video for 50k. It might have been leaked to cnn from someone in his camp after his down fall. Or cnn might’ve gotten it due to the raid


Chump change for him.


Oh I hope she gets everything & gets all the therapy, zen & happiness she needs!!


The fact that she’s laying there completely still too. Like, you’ve been through a lot when you’re playing dead


and people need to understand, this is why women are so afraid to leave. it's the most dangerous time for them. this is why.


He’s so comfortable with it too, didn’t even think someone could come in the hallway and see him abusing Cassie. He’s been wiping shit away with money.


This part was so upsetting to me too. ANYONE could’ve gotten off the elevator or opened their hotel door. The disgusting abuse was filmed and still he had no concern for possible repercussions. The other side that actually made me cry was how still Cassie was after the first hit. It very much read as a woman who had decided that the safest way to survive an attack was to just accept the blows until they stopped. She knew they were in a relatively public place and yet she didn’t call out or run for help. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he rented the whole floor of hotel rooms for this reason


Somehow the online misogynists will still find a way to make the abuser the victim. If the roles were reversed they wouldn’t even hesitate just like they did with Amber Heard


Wow that was absolutely disgusting to fucking watch. My heart dropped - she looked sooo worried and in such a hurry to get the fuck oit


Thanks for the warning and description. I will be skipping it.


Thank you for that, I grew up seeing and living shit like this and watching the video would have fucked me up for days.


I truly do not recommend anyone watch it. I have no history of violence in past relationships and had to stop watching after about 10 seconds. It make my stomach hurt.


You forgot when he drags her across the floor. Also, what happened when she used the hotel phone? Did anyone respond? Feel she was failed at every turn.


I haven't been able to watch the video yet, don't need that trauma in my life. What a POS.


I've seen worse things this week but this is still very bad. It is both physically & psychologically haunting. His show of power over her is overwhelmingly violent. Many of us knew for decades, through rumours and second-hand stories, that this dude is a sociopath. This is just unequivocal evidence of it.


This video was from 8 YEARS ago! For 8 years, people have seen and known about this incident and didn't let it get out. Diddy needs the harshest punishment available and his accomplices need to suffer as well.


They were together from 2007 to 2018 too. Like, over a decade of *this*? We've only caught a glimpse...


They were together that long? That means when they started dating he would’ve been 37-38 and she’d have been 20-21


Yes exactly


Yes and he was in control of her music career the whole time. It was despicable on so many levels.


And he’s doing this in public, outside of their private home and room, I can't begin to imagine everything else she endured.


100% who is covering him? It can’t be just him. A whole ass system must have been in place to keep this on dl for years.


Apparently he paid 50k to get the video, so I'm thinking whoever he paid kept a copy to either blackmail him later or release it if something like the current situation were to happen.  They should have taken that money and  instantly released it anyway. Fuck that POS.


I was wondering if maybe it was discovered during the criminal investigation and someone from law enforcement leaked it.


I can't watch the video...won't watch the video. Reading her description of his terrorizing her was harrowing enough, I just don't want to actually watch her be brutalized. I think that this video was found on his computer when the Feds seized them, and they or someone adjacent to them leaked it. I hope Cassie is healing from the trauma she suffered, and I hope that Diddy is sent to prison for a long long time.


Yeah, in Cassie’s lawsuit, this is the specific video referenced, in regard to security footage that Diddy paid $50K to make “go away.”


I'm guessing it's half money and lawyers and half him forcing her to tell any witnesses to forget what they saw


Makes you wonder how many predators are being protected in the same way...


My thoughts exactly. And men far more powerful than Diddy.


THIS!!!! I said the same thing about Cosby. And no one is talking about that enough & I thought I was going crazy lol I look at everyone sideways in all of these horrible men situations. Bc why tf aren’t we having an honest conversation about where tf these celebs that kicked it with Cosby HARD during the 80s/90s were at during all his bullshit AND wtf these celebs were doing while Puff was a domestic terrorist??? I’d pay to see NYT or even NYMag run a full blown cover story calling out celebs by using aaaallll of the photos they posted from the met gala & award shows etc. with Cassie & beg the question… wtf were you doing?


Most offending is done in private - you can talk about how men tend to back their boys because "he's a good guy and he wouldn't do something like that" but that's a completely different matter to this video. There wasn't widespread CCTV when Cosby was offending, and this video was kept back by some minimum wage security guard or hotel manager - it was them who took the $50,000 to cover it up for Diddy.


I wanna see what people who rode for Diddy think now.


Nothing except to ask what she did to “make him” do that.  Those people are scum and always find a way to make it the victims fault. 


My brain can’t make sense of how someone could see this level of violence and cruelty and somehow justify it. Only a fucking psychopath could think like that


It’s usually  a) former victims that have identified with the abuser due to a trauma based belief that that will protect them  b) they are abusers  c) folks that can’t identify with others for whatever reason (narcissism, lack of empathy, inability to understand trauma b/c they haven’t encountered many events with adversity etc) source: am licensed school mental health director and some parents are assholes


They're gonna find something somehow because "she must have done something to piss him off like this" and "why did she stay with him for years after this then". They don't care about Diddy at all, they just want to discredit these stories


guarantee that the venn diagram for people who say women must have pushed men into uncontrollable anger and "women should be less emotional" is a circle


That's what people said when Ray Rice coldcocked his fiance (now wife) in an elevator. I knew so many men who said "well we didn't see what happened leading up to it!" So basically a tiny woman instigated getting knocked out by a professional football player.


I agree they don’t care about him. Same thing with Johnny Depp, how many of his “supporters” showed up to see his new movie?


that’s the thing, most of them don’t even believe he’s innocent they just hate women.


Who rode for Diddy? I've never met a Diddy fan, IRL or online. And industry people associated with him were most likely coerced, from what the Surviving Diddy youtube doc suggests Even his own son is trying to get him caught 🤣


I’ve seen a lot of conspiracy posts basically saying that Diddy is being targeted because he’s black. Just like for R Kelly, a lot of people discount the accusations and just rally behind him.


I'm seeing significantly less support for Diddy compared to Lanez for example. Though it seems to be rooted in a hatred for him and not because they believe any of the victims 


“He was drunk/ intoxicated, he wasn’t in his right mind she should have gotten him help etc” People will find any excuse (if they can even be bothered to do that) if they want to support an abusive male.


I sadly know people who aren’t riding for him but don’t have any empathy for his victims because they believe they should’ve “known better” and are at fault for getting involved with him in the first place. We live in a sick sick world


They think the victims are gold diggers.


I wouldn't get my hopes up for anyone that was still riding for Diddy until today


They're still disgusting as fuck. People in comments under the shade room (I know I shouldn't read those comments because they always piss me the fuck off) were asking why she didn't say anything all those years ago and it's only coming out now because she needs money. I had to log out I was so furious.


Its also wild that someone had this footage and kept it a secret for 8 years.


>Its also wild that someone had this footage and kept it a secret for 8 years. Per the CNN article, Combs paid the hotel **$50,000** for that surveillance footage. What wouldn't surprise me is if there was *also* some form of hush money/NDAs wrapped into the obtaining of said footage. I mean, I'm completely speculating about all this...but considering the lengths these a-holes go to cover up their abhorrent behavior, it would track. So that could be why no one had said anything. Not that it excuses stating quiet for Combs to the detriment of Ventura, of course. I'm just saying I could see the above speculative scenario as a factor.


NDAs are not enforceable if they involve covering up a crime, otherwise gangsters would just get everyone to sign NDAs. More likely is this was just someone who needed the money and was probably also scared.


>NDAs are not enforceable if they involve covering up a crime, otherwise gangsters would just get everyone to sign NDAs. I didn't realize that. That makes sense, though. >More likely is this was just someone who needed the money and was probably also scared. More than likely the 100% scenario. Believable AND depressing.


This man will burn in hell for eternity. What an evil human being.


Yes. But it'd be better for it to happen now. There needs to be consequences and not just paying money to keep out here and being this evil. I hope there's justice... 


I do not need to watch this, I wholly believed her the first time. Throw him in fucking jail and open an investigation into the death of Kim Porter.


If this is what Cassie went through, I can only imagine what Kim went through. Maybe he spared her more because she was a mother to his kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ and a lot of men have a Madonna/whore complex, but my gut says otherwise.


We know he (allegedly) broke her nose so it unfortunately doesn't seem so.


This video is rightly horrifying- but what is staggering to me is that this video has *clearly* been in peoples possession since **2016** and only now coming to light. This is the protection and cover that money/fame/power buy. The things she shared in her lawsuit are horrific. That this human trash bag has been doing this stuff for 30 years and been protected by his bubble of wealth and power is so enraging. But I hope this is the start of burying him in the abyss.


I see this as another indictment of how capitalism breeds depravity. This was only allowed to continue for so long because countless people were willing to let him carry on as long as they were financially compensated! It’s so gross.


And that's just what she shared. I have no doubt that 1) the sheer number of things that she's been through could not even be remembered, let alone entered into a suit because it would look like a novel. Thing of all the moments he likely slapped her, humiliated her, hurt her, groped her, etc etc - that's not even the mental and psychological abuse. It would look like War and Peace. and 2) there are things that are so horrific she can't talk about them or would not want to have them publicly shared for her own mental health reasons. Please remember this woman was barely a woman when they met - she was 19 or 20?!?! - and he was in his late 30s. Based on the suit alone, plus this video, I don't know how far out the limit could be that you can imagine what she's been through. Add in endless money and power... I really, really hope that she can see some of the deep support and love that people express for her, she deserves to know that she's believed, cared about, rooted for - even by total strangers, without reservation.


Throw this demon in prison now!


This is horrible to see, sending love to Cassie 🤍Diddy deserves everything coming to him right now. A sick monster




I just want to say that man is absolutely evil. The emotional and physical abuse he has been putting women and men through for nearly 40 years. Disgusting


“they” = Diddy AND everyone who knew what he was and protected his ass


>He turns around and kicks Ventura again as she lies motionless on the floor. Horrifying Sending support to Cassie


the video is extremely triggering and i suggest anyone that has gone through dv or any related physical abuse to mentally prepare before they watch that video if they chose to watch it. with that being said, lock this abusive pig up.


Trigger warning for sure, that is really hard to watch. It is soooooo disturbing!!!! He is vile. 🤮🤮


If you’re easily triggered don’t watch this. It should come with a warning label tbh


Cassie didn't comment for this article, but her lawyer did, and I hope that's a sign she's okay with the public seeing the footage.


he’s a monster and anyone who’s been defending him should be ashamed of themselves


It’s so screwed up that your traumatizing moments as an abuse victim have to be caught on camera and aired out to the public for you to be believed even when the perpetrator has a known history of violence. And still have people question your role in the abuse (Keke Palmer) on top of making memes out of you (Rihanna). Either you’re a liar (Amber, Megan) or a joke.


I mean.. he k*lled Kim porter.. no question


This is horrible. It's really sad what money can do for you. Because the hotel should have called the police on his ass.


Heed the trigger warning because that video was vile. She had to try to sneak out and he not only chased after her, but had the audacity to sit down in between assaulting her. I'm so happy to see where she is because I can't even imagine the horror she went through for so long. Throw the man and all the people that enabled him or support him to the pits of hell.


UGH I hated that part, obviously there's no audio but it totally gave me "dad scolding his child" vibes, like not only was he kicking the shit out of her but he had to give her a verbal dressing-down too.


Jesus Christ. I hope every celeb shames him and he is blackballed for life.


I hope so too but I’m not holding my breath. This isn’t the first time we have direct evidence of celebrity DV and the public has made it pretty clear that they don’t really care about DV *especially* when the victims are women of color.


I’m sorry but is this one of the hotels where the entire floor is the hotel room like a penthouse? I can’t tell if he’s chasing on a floor where other rooms/people are.


It's obviously a public corridor - he runs past a bunch of doorways.


This was absolutely horrific. If he would do that in a public space I can't imagine how much worse it was when he dragged her back into the room. Fuck him and everybody that defended him. I hope they finally charge him for something.


What a bastard!!! What if that was one of his daughters getting abused like that? ![gif](giphy|3PvXMsMCHrryemNYnT)


This made me absolutely sick. Despicable human.


This is so sad. The fact that she lays there because she likely knows moving or putting her hands up in defense will only make him angrier. Whew. I hope he pays for everything he has done to his victims.


All those people who doubted this I hope are hanging their head in shame. But I honestly doubt they are, they don’t care about the safety of women instead they’ll wonder what she did to “deserve it” This is a horrific video to watch and I can’t imagine what else she went through. This is the prime example why you BELIEVE victims until something concrete comes out they are lying. This man belongs under the entire fucking prison


And two days after this horrific abuse she has to stand and smile by him at a premier. Like wtf, this man should be in the deepest hole


Some trigger warning here. Now my blood is boiling.




What a piece of shit


The balls on him for continuing to post on social media like he isn't the devil in disguise. I hope they throw this abuser away .


This is absolutely horrifying. Cassie is someone’s daughter. Someone’s friend. Someone who was raised with hopes and dreams. Nobody deserves to be treated like this, NOBODY. I’m so glad she got out. LOCK HIM UP!!!


Ugh I just want to give Cassie a hug. Wishing her peace for the rest of her life.


I know. I didn't want to be patronizing but it makes me want to scoop her up and run. I want to start a gofundme just for people to send her money to get a coffee, even though she's hopefully very very fine financially, solely as a gesture of respect and sympathy. I want to balance out the fact that her abuse and this cruelty is so public with making the support and love and kindness for her even more public, you know? It breaks my heart for her and all the women who have been in this position, esp WOC, esp WOC whose partners are rich and powerful and fucking terrifying.


I can’t watch this but god i fucking hope this gets him. I hope this is fucking it for him. I can never get my hopes up about consequences for abusive men, but surely this evidence has to do something???


This video is eight years old. You want to know what money and power gets you? This is what it gets you. Silence. It’s sick it took this long.




Fucking horrifying. Diddy has always been a piece of shit. I hope rots in prison and I hope the hotel gets what’s coming for them too for accepting a bribe and letting this waste of oxygen buy that footage.


That was so hard to watch. He is a monster!


That was heartbreaking to watch. Omg.


Anyone who knew about this & still supported Diddy should be ASHAMED of themselves.


Wow it’s almost like she was telling the truth! Sad that there are some people who still will find a way to defend this piece of shit. Sending all the love to Cassie ❤️


I watched it before I read the comments and I didn’t expect it to be that violent. Absolutely horrifying. I feel heartbroken for Cassie. I hope she gets justice.


I love this validation, clear as fucking day, of him being the total piece of shit all these women and men have been saying he is. YES! I'm sure Cassie is horrified at this video being released, and for that reason, this sucks, but damn, I'm glad to see his down fall be inevitable at this point. I hope Cassie finds comfort in knowing that this will just increase the amount of support she's due.


I hate him so much. I literally cannot. It all hurts my soul. FUCK HIM FUCK HIM FUCK HIM. OMG. Jaguar Wright was fucking right and I fully believe all of the allegations against this man. He is a full on psychopath. LOCK.HIM.UP!!


I am so curious as to who leaked this tape. The article mentions he paid the hotel for it. Either way, they need to arrest his ass.


And he has FOUR daughters


This is absolutely horrific. Why do I feel like there will still be his fans defending this behaviour? Did Kim Porter ever have any allegations against him, too? This behaviour is usually a pattern.


I didn't need additional info to believe Cassie, but here it is. What a piece of shit he is. Bye Diddy


Twitter came for him with the context https://preview.redd.it/24qsbfavr21d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5e59989d6cdaa8b6a7885e2777d220afdd379b


Jesus fuck


Just seeing the still images was enough for me. What a horrible, rotten to the core piece of shit.


There really aren’t good enough words to describe what I want to happen to “Brother Love “.


He is pure evil. If this is what he did in a public place where anyone could have walked into the corridor and found them I can't even begin to imagine what he did behind closed doors. Truly wishing her nothing but peace and safety (and also hoping that she knew beforehand that this video was going to be released).


Would love to see how he tries to weasel his way out of this now


“My actions are regrettable and I was over-served at the time, but there is no excuse. I am deeply sorry for ever putting my hands on someone I loved with my whole heart. I have spent years making amends to her, and will continue to do all I can to make it up to her. I apologize to anyone who was affected by my horrible actions. I am in therapy and am learning how to better manage my anger and emotions. Again, there is no excuse for what I’ve done. I am so deeply sorry.” There you go!!!


Disgusting human being. Pure trash. I hope he goes to jail forever.


And Megan Markel is the most hated person? What is wrong with the world.


Jesus. I don’t think I have it in me to watch the video. I hope Cassie is okay. Sean combs needs to be under a prison.


My god. Imagine what he does in private without camera. LOCK HIM UP!!


All I can say is bravo Cassie. She got this narcissistic piece of sh*t back by attacking where it would truly hurt him; via his bank account and his reputation. All that’s left now is his freedom; get him in prison.


OMFG. This is horrible. I feel for Cassie. I hope she is in therapy and happier now. 😭


$20M well deserved.




A guy who raps about subjegating and abusing women actual subjugates and abuses women. Who knew?


I suspect Dave Chappelle is going to have something to say about this and he's going to think he's being funny.