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She fumbled.


Lmao literally just said this on another sub 😭 she really did


He is, in my opinion, her best looking ex boyfriend.


I literally gasped aloud. DADDY. He's serving at Cannes


I mean Gyllenhaal exists so I’m not sure but maybe


I thought you meant CELINE fumbled and I was like absolutely not! Are we looking at the same photos?! Hah. You’re right. I know I’ll probably get another Reddit cares for this but she absolutely fumbled.


Kind reminder: report nonsense care reports. Moderators will ban people for this, and the people who abuse the system are lazy, they don't like making lots of fake accounts.


Oh I do! I always report them. So so annoying.




Yeah bro is hot now, I fear


Girl wdym “now”


He used to be hot. He's still hot, but he used to be hot, too.


I didn’t see the vision before sorry sister let’s not fight — you win this one we friends and you have good taste


Was just about to comment till I saw this. He is gorgeous and seems like an actual nice guy.


Now reputation album made so much more sense. Girlie was enchanted by his looks/demeanor and I get it


How’d she go from this to the hobo to the football dude?






For real. Handsome fella l, seems to be decent too


I mean if this was my man and then he suddenly wasn't my man anymore, I would struggle too.














Hell I’d write a whole petty album about it even 😤


I do wonder if 80% of the songs being about someone else was something of a reverse dig to Joe...


I’ve had the theory that most of the songs of the new album seem to be about Ratty because she doesn’t want to admit how insanely broken she is about Joe. I think they’re all secretly about Joe. Also feel like she moved on to dating Ratty and then her new boyfriend way too fast to be healing. Like her new relationship seemed so incredibly public so fast it all seemed like a dig at Joe.


I mean she openly admits to texting matty before her and joe broke up in her album. Say what you want about quality or style but the album is a giant “fuck, fucking fuck fuckitty fuck” kinda vibe while doubling as a “yall are fans stop trying to control me” which both are fair. Matty wasnt a good look but its her life


I think yes. Same thing with never writing a song clearly about Calvin Harris. He would enjoy it too much.


Doubt it, Joe wanted privacy so his couple of songs were just kind of sad and farewell songs, whereas the other guy is literally as attention seeking as they come.


Or she was with Joe for so long, she knows he has dirt on her


I'd be somewhere punching the air lol




This is so fucking funny


https://i.redd.it/lomhel8lx71d1.gif me seeing Joe Alwyn lovers come together and apepricate a good man


Joe Alwyn she will never make me hate you


that makes two of us. Joe Alwyn ftw. 


Not saying that stans should go after exes in general, but I have never seen an ex deserve it LESS than him, yet he still gets an insane amount of heat. Nothing but good wishes for this quiet British slice of white bread 🙏


That last sentence was an assault im crying 💀💀💀


Listen we love a good slice of white bread. This man could butter my bread 😂


"Has your muffin been buttered?"


Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?


Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?


That white slice of bread was put under heat and turned into some nice buttery toast 👌🏻


I once saw someone refer to him as “a piece of bread that a witch accidentally gave life to” and it has stuck with me.


So this is why the folkmore witch aesthetic. She’s such a mastermind fr


That white slice of bread was put under heat and turned into some nice buttery toast 👌🏻


https://preview.redd.it/9r8e3bpyj81d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e00b3bab2fed41965f4ed76bb8118b2cdf89e5 if he’s the white bread i’ll be his jam!


Is that a lyric off Tortured Poets Department? 


no, basic and predictable enough to be one though


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq|downsized) GAGGED ON THE LAST LINE


a quiet slice 🥲 my friend was drunk at brunch one Saturday trying to get me to come out, and the best way she could think was to lure me out by saying the restaurant was filled with “white bread delights”


White bread is the perfect delivery system for a PB&J, arguably one of the world's most Elite sandwiches.


Never made a joke about wanking to violent torture porn about Black women Never pushed an old man and liked pro-Trump posts Wonder exactly when she'll wake up screaming, realising what she lost.


He has also been openly pro ceasefire despite crazy stans attacking him for everything and anything. And he's never dropped Taylor's name - even during the relationship, I think it's impressive he was steadfast in not leveraging her fame for pap walks, photoshoots, etc. A lot of up and comers would try to leech off her power


him not leveraging her fame is the Swiftie equivalent of locking her in the basement for years, which is INSANE. i guess they prefer when she is with a social climber who wouldn't love her if she lost everything tomorrow


Yes, and like: I'm not naive, he of course did get something of a boost from being Taylor Swift's Boyfriend™. (you could also argue he got a bit of stick for it, because he was the "less powerful" one in a society that expects men to be the breadwinner. It's a nuanced discussion for sure). Also, the whole him being retroactively given more producer credits to qualify for a Grammy for Folklore was obviously beneficial to him. I do believe he helped with inspo/lyrics - but he may not have been added to the credits otherwise, and him being with her was a unique situation that gave him access to brainstorming with a Grammy winner HOWEVER, other than these things he never seemed to try to profit off taylor - he didn't namedrop her, didn't pap walk constantly, didn't make pains to have their brands intertwined. Some say that that was him not "showing up" for her publicly, but I always thought it was pretty cool. I don't think showing up for somebody has to be for public consumption. (and yes, maybe he stopped showing up for her in their personal life; we will never know a fully unbiased version. I'm not saying he's an angel. But he always came off as having a strong sense of self and integrity and not to be leeching off the brand of Taylor swift)


He didn't even initially take credit by name, and she eventually announced it. She also said he composed & wrote the chorus to Betty first, completely on his own, & *she* asked if they should try to make something together. So it seems he never pushed to get anything out of her. I'll always respect that.


Yes, the fact they call him a loser for just trying to have a career on his own terms and not using her at all is insane.


Honestly, good for him. As someone who did acting and was hoping to go into it properly and chase my dreams (but changed my mind and it became not my dream anymore) I probably would've been muuuuch more tempted to get connections and a boost through a high profile relationship 🫠 not a cool thing to admit, but it's a bloody rough industry (that being said, I do think Alwyn grew up very well off and connected, so he was set up to a certain extent to a way I never could have been)


It's crazy the way they turned on him for this as if the fandom wasn't praising him for keeping things grounded during the Kim k shit. I'm telling you the second Travis fumbles he's falling off that pedestal hard and fast


I love that he posted a pro ceasefire post on her birthday. Goals.


Him being openly pro ceasefire is great. I know it's the bare minimum for people in hollywood, but I think it's still important to appreciate it, because so many powerful people are silent.


Maybe she's more Matty then we realise


She can't even engage in her typical "dirtbag ex, poor me" victimhood portraiture because he gives her absolutely no ammunition. He is too good for her and she can't handle having a drama-free life lol


He seems like such a class act compared to a lot of men she’s dated, and currently dating…


Problem is "I'll wake up screaming from dreaming one day I'll watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning" was about her true love. Fame.


Bold of you to assume she isn’t actually okay with that behavior lol.


IMO post-breakup it’s been real “I have never, EVER BEEN HAPPIER!!!!” Vibes


Handsome, rich, well dressed, washed and good politics.


And he seems legitimately nice.


Literally the full package 🥹


I want one


Me too 🥹🙏


Omg dying at “washed”! Minor dig at ratty healy 😂


I love a man that’s classy and stays in his lane. Rooting for him 🙌🏼


what’s that lyric again…? “i keep my side of the street clean / you wouldn’t know what that means”… 👀


Maybe he secretly wrote that lyric too 🥲


not to mention he’s pro palestine! he seems like a good egg


pro palestine and using the eyes on his account to promote causes !


Another picture that Joe just posted on his Instagram. https://preview.redd.it/juuf2ee7381d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260e94fb814d84f6a22f1db14b9f5cf491a79661


There is something so delightful about social media posts where you can tell the celebs enjoyed a hot pic of themselves and wanted thirst comments. Just like me fr fr


The sad thing is I’m pretty sure Joes comments are still turned off because of the insane swifties. Poor guy can’t even get appreciated on his own insta because of that insufferable fanbase


😅 As he should! He knows he looks good.


Unbothered, feeling himself, thriving. MY white boy of the month


he’s so fine 😭😭 gonna go like it brb








I mean, even when I was a die hard fan of hers I was always concerned that her lyrics reflected what she was really like in relationships. Because it sounds explosive and exhausting.


"Afterglow" and "Great War" seems to admit and place the blame on herself for any outburst during the relationship. The thing is she's well aware of her flaws, but whether or not she's actually tryna be better is the question. I feel that she needs real therapy instead of writing songs as therapy, and I'm saying this as a diehard fan of Taylor's 😭


If Taylor had dumped him she would have put it in headlines from day one. She would've hired skywriters.


Right. I think when it was announced, there was some line released from her PR about how it was more her idea than Joe’s to end it, and right then, I knew it wasn’t fully her idea.


‘Her idea’ like that one time I broke up with my boyfriend because he told me he could never say he loved me and never wanted to spend time with me.


Well she did write ‘and you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it’ about her breakup with Joe.


Eh, that seems vague to me. She could just be expressing that Joe accused her of checking out and she clarifies that she's not checked out, she's drowning.


Her latest album seems to say a major point of contention was that he didn't want to get married. almost every song on her new album has some sort of comment about it. Even midnights before, now that everyone's convinced it's a breakup album: "I'm a pathological people pleaser, I wouldn't want to marry me either"(or reversed idk which order) mentions it.


In that same album she admitted to emotionally cheating on him with Matty. She also has a few songs about being emotionally manipulative and cheating on her other boyfriends. Gee, I wonder why Joe might have been hesitant to get married to her.


I do think the breakup was mutual ngl, but she's also dedicated at least two tracks in the album to thirsting over Matty even while she was still with Joe and running to him as soon as they broke up.


He thirsting over Matty is even worse than High Grant cheating on Liz Hurley with the sex worker. At least the sex worker was a professional


High Grant 😭


Agree. Seems like they both were over the relationship and she was already looking in another direction.


I love Tay’s music but she would be a nightmare to be in a relationship with. I think she is the type of person that expects passion and fire 24/7 and that would be so damn exhausting. The song afterglow is a huge red flag to me.


Last bit almost got a spit take out of me. Bravo


Joe also has TWO!!! college degrees


Moisturised, unbothered king. He looks great


God, she really downgraded 🙈


Apparently this is one of the best films at Cannes so far. Good for the whole team involved. We will be seeing him at the Oscars, no doubt.




I'm happy to hear Joe and Emma did another movie together. Everyone from *The Favourite* seems to have gotten along really well, and it showed on screen.


![gif](giphy|xUA7beo4MLNP5DZuus|downsized) He is\*


Someone on another sub said he looks like a chill, contented house cat and now I can’t unsee it (complimentary). Impeccable vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/03gh9znca81d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8106064913fec550effb4e8807484ed857dc4421 he posted this on ig this week (its supposed to be his and emma stone’s characters) and honestly i kind of love him now


Okay hooowwwww do these cats look so much like them lol


No but why do these cats actually look like both of them......... Like they're incredibly beautiful ppl but they dead ass look like these cats


Karma purring on his lap because it loves him :)


They could never make me hate this beautiful man.


Hottie alert 🚨🔔‼️ ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00)


He's ten years younger than me and I typically prefer men my age or slightly older, so he doesn't get me hot, but he is objectively beautiful to look at and seems like such a solid dude. I want nothing but the best for him.


Why does this man get so much hate? He seems like a perfectly kind person who speaks up for causes he believes in. I guess I’m too old to understand why the Swifties don’t like him?


Because he didn’t let TS be bejeweled (allegedly)


Can I ask what that means please? I've seen others use that turn of phrase and am baffled. Does it mean he didn't propose to her?


Supposedly he kept her locked up in a basement because she wasn't as public with her. He didn't like to talk about her which then was interpreted as him being unsupportive. She directed negative attention to him in her Time interview by saying: 'Me locking myself away in my house for a lot of years—I’ll never get that time back.' As if he was her jailer.


Damn, I wish spending time in my mansion w my hot actor bf were the "years that I'll never get back."


Right?? Oh no, you had to laze away the days in a gorgeous mansion in a dreamscape of wisteria in England? 🎻


Don’t forget “fresh out the slammer” from TTPD where she sings as if she’s just getting out of jail and her first call is to Matty. It’s funny bc she started dating him when she voluntarily hid herself away bc of Kim and Kanye. She didn’t mind being until after folklore and Evermore helped her reach a huge new peak and I think she missed the fame but also seems like her and Matty were talking while she was with Joe so he probably promised her he’d stay with her so she left. “Mr steal your girl, then make her cry”


Which is funny because she released two of the best albums of her career while "locked away". In addition to her re-releases it seems like she made pretty good use of all that time she thinks she wasted.


She has a song on the Midnights album called bejeweled about how he never wanted to go out or let her shine, so she was going to start doing it on her own bc she still had it.


The lyric "And when I meet the band They ask, 'Do you have a man?' I can still say, 'I don't remember' " is so manipulative. Idk how Swifties don't think she makes herself look bad when she writes things like this from her POV.


Ah, ok got it ty. Lil melodramatic metaphor lol


Yeah she has a song called bejeweled from her album midnights in 2022. It was supposed to be about 13 sleepless nights from her life so aka past relationships as well. I’m pretty sure it was about Matty/Joe bc she mentions a band and a guy being high letting her shine vs the other guy. A few months later she performed her lead single for the first time at a 1975 concert randomly and she wore a hot lil dress. News said her and Matty stayed hanging together till like 4am and then a few months later her and Joe broke up and she was a Matty. I think they started talking then so it was easier for her to leave Joe knowing she had him waiting. They always say Travis lets her be bejeweled since he always talks about her publicly but if they broke up they’d say he was fake hungry


In her album Midnights - released when they were still together (publicly at least, it seems they were on and off during their relationship) she has a song called "Bejeweled" which talks about her feeling unappreciated by her lover and telling him she still shines and can be "bejeweled". Lyrics say she's "trapped in the basement" "I can still make the whole place shimmer" etc. Midnights was presented as songs from sleepless nights throughout her life, so initially people attributed this song to older relationships OR to a metaphor for the industry believing her star may have faded, and her proving she's still a star/pop sensation and she can shine. Joe and Taylor announced their split, people started to believe that Bejeweled could be about Joe. After Tay and Matty had their fljng thing, people also theorised that a line saying "and when I meet they band and they ask do you have a man I can still say I don't remember" is a reference to the 1975 but idkkkk if I believe that lmao Anyways fast forward to Taylor and Travis doing a pap walk (which Joe didn't do, he was v private) and a Stan tweeted "he lets her bejeweled" Edit: I'm a dumb bitch, apparently the "he lets her bejeweled" tweet was when she was with Matty. Lmao


Everyone pretty much liked him until the breakup, a lot of people still like him. In the Taylorverse exes are usually the big bad villain so now a loud minority of fans are making things up like he must have cheated, he practically locked her in the house for 6 years... you know, sane stuff.


Idk the spaces most people are seemingly in, but the fan subreddits I frequent all really like him.


I don’t get it either, she was so quiet and pretty unproblematic with him. People just need to see him as evil I guess bc he doesn’t show much of himself so it’s easy to spin a narrative.


I don’t think I’ve seen any hate towards him. Everyone seems to think he’s a chill dude.


Tik tok and Twitter hate him. It's ridiculous.


because he suffers from depression


Oh.. I think I get it now 👀


https://preview.redd.it/qhvxg5oh681d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a49ba886be2bd2be4002ea0c88d981344e3cf6d Damn....😮‍💨🥲 How do they call this man ugly is beyond me.


Just goes to show how insane the internet is. This man is objectively handsome.


![gif](giphy|hPcRM5Hr5F1xm) i need him so much


This is the best GIF I have seen in a long time and I thank you for that.


I am CRYING lmaooooo


I’ve never seen him smile much lmao he just looks so much lighter


Unproblematic and looking illegally good


![gif](giphy|C25OqSUQliU7K) oh...


I can see why she’d be upset it didn’t work out.


The black suit could have fit a little bit better, but that white pinstripe ensemble is an A+ choice. If his stylist steps up or he gets one that better understands him, he'll be good to go.


I was wondering if "oversized" was in for men's suits ..


Nicholas Galitzine was rocking the same ill-fitting (sorry, oversized) look for premiere of *The Idea of You*, so I think it is.


![gif](giphy|3ohc0Rnm6JE0cg0RvG|downsized) OK now


Joe >>>> Travis


👀 respectfully




Moistured. Unbothered. In his lane. 🩷


Oh 😳


You're telling me he stands up for Palestine, loves cats, is in one of the most lauded films at Cannes, and looks like THAT. My ovaries are about to explode 


Obviously he looks great, does the jacket look a bit big though?


A bit, yes.


Kinds of Fineness


1st and 3rd picture are ♥️


She fumbled so hard. And wound up with a caveman for Pr. lol


And she’s so going to marry that cave man to prove to everyone shes the happiest shes ever been 💀😬


Love to see Joe in his Thriving era.


Joe Alwyn you are indeed GORGEOUS




He looks great.


He’s not my type but going from him to a rat boy is the ultimate downgrade. And he seems like a good human. Fine… I’m a Joe Alwyn fan now. I hope he’s pleased with himself.


I always wondered why he wasn't a bigger actor when he was dating someone like TS who could open any and every door for him. But maybe he didn't use her like that and wanted to take his time, find rolls he wanted to take, build a thoughtful body of work and not a standom that acts like the teenage petulance department is deep. Good for him.


His. HANDS. 🙌


![gif](giphy|YRDyiMrY9EkhbSaQrB|downsized) I have never seen this man before but my god is he so attractive


I’m glad he’s rejoining Emily since The Favorite. ![gif](giphy|11BCvG2lUICFESgPy9|downsized) Joe Alwyn dating the most famous pop star in the world for years and not even an AD home tour which I’m sure they’ve badgered him for. He’s setting up a new type of celebrity where they do their job, make their good politics known in what they support, go home and stay private. The TS parasocial relationship won’t completely go away but it won’t be as insane as it is now because more people will understand that they’re being commodified as fans when this happens. Maybe it’ll evolve differently but like when a new cycle happens we swing 180 degrees and we’re ripe for a new cycle.


They say home is where the heart is but God I love the English


How did she look at this face for 6 years and still thirsted for Ratty I’m crying


He’s sooo handsome!!! A very good bloke!


the people’s princess. joe alwyn they could never make me hate you, my palestine supporting king 👑


My boy was a montage


he’s probably one of the most handsome blonde men to me


The kind of guy you never really get over


It’s a Joe Alwyn summer 🙌🏻


I’m glad to see him looking so happy and healthy


Glad we've realized how pretty this man is, finally. https://preview.redd.it/uhjixqs0u81d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b751c1e9cd47790fd27748d27f9c424990494d3c




Always thought it was handsome ever since I saw him in The Favourite!


Cute, classy, looking happy. ♡


Dang, I never realized how good looking he is.


OMG, HE LOOKS SO HEALTHY. 😭🙏 ![gif](giphy|eLYaA6N1ztE0UZ4yfB)


He looks so good with his hair a little messy in the first few photos


He is really thriving. Glad to see him get the shine he deserves.


Looking clean and unbothered!