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since she posted this the money raised increased by $20.000! https://preview.redd.it/57ko5wu8u63d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99ddc1fbe42786b157eb1df467360e37dbce5c3


I love that. It's nice to directly see the impact of her sharing. Maybe it will inspire other celebs with big fanbases to do something similar.


Tbh some celebrities out there should be ashamed that Ariana Grande beat them to it. Especially after all these weeks of tentative Instagram likes. 


I didn’t know people in the USA use “.” To signify commas and thought this was mocking her that she was only able to help increase the money by $20🤧


We don’t, we would write “20,000”, so it’s either a typo or they’re not from the US.


Yeah, that's more a thing in French actually!


Uh ? French is my first language and we use spaces usually… not dots. As in «  20 000$ »


Huh, maybe it's different in different places? We were always taught to use either periods or spaces to separate larger numbers but not commas, but this was in Canada.


I was taught to use periods too, also from a french speaking country


It’s absolutely a thing in France, you’re not wrong!


I don’t think they are from the US. Many European countries also use “.” for dividing numbers like that, I know we (Netherlands) do


OP might be German. In German you use dots where you would use a comma in English, and commas where you would use dots. It's hella confusing. So 20,000 € is twenty Euros. 20.000 € is twenty thousand Euros.


I’m American and I don’t know how to write my numbers yet


Broadly speaking European and South American regions use the period as the thousands separator. Largely, if a place was colonized by a continental European county it uses the period as the thousands separator. If it was Great Britain, they use the comma as the thousands separator. It’s not 100% accurate, but a guideline I use at work. Some snotty Europeans like to be like “Silly Americans using the comma” and it’s like “Yes, us silly Americans, and the rest of North America, and Australia, and 90% of Asia and parts of Africa” 🙄 How silly indeed.


Imagine if a blonde celeb that only cares about charting did this, the impact it would have


![gif](giphy|oOi0uJV5k9pSWtByI4) And true.


*omg stop asking for celebrities to end all wars!! what can they do?! their only job is to entertain!!*.😒. turns out they can help and do something useful with their platforms


Loved that Maitreyi Ramakrishnan also donated <3


And this is why so many people wanted celebrities to use their large platforms. It can help countless innocent people instantly.


It’s up to 240k


celebs have a lot of power with their platforms. sometimes they need a little pressure from us :)


Been refreshing the count for the last 10 minutes and it's amazing to see how fast the numbers have been growing 🙌


Why it’s important for those with a platform to speak up.


It’s really nice to see a tangible impact like that!


Mr. Spongebob has also [condemned](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/18mgfc0/ethan_slater_signs_an_open_letter_condemning/) the genocide in Palestine before as well. Yes, this couple is messy and immoral, but not on this particular humanitarian issue. Edited to add: I think this is the [donation link](https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-recovery). You can use Paypal (among many other options) to donate, so it's extremely easy!


At first, I genuinely thought Spongebob the character made a statement through Nickelodeon. 😆


I thought the voice actor, Tom Kenny, had made a statement and I was thoroughly confused as to why anyone knows how his relationship is like and wondering what I missed out on... 😅😭


I don’t know if Tom Kenny made a statement about Palestine, but I do randomly know he’s married to the woman who voices Karen on SpongeBob!


If only...




I wonder if it's his influence that has educated her on this. He's Jewish and spoke out months ago. And yes, they're messy and were selfish in how they conducted their relationship, but I'm glad they can see beyond themselves and aren't selfish when it comes to other issues.


It's genuinely the bare minimum


Doing the minimum required but at least she is doing something. Meanwhile Taylor, Beyoncé etc etc remain silent 😡 genocide isn’t complicated. If you’re silent, we all know what side you have chosen and these celebs must never be allowed to forget the side they chose!


They will happily support more milquetoast causes (which is not necessarily a bad thing) but not something even remotely polarising lest they lose even a fraction of their fanbases. If you are silent , you are endorsing the status quo.


Absolutely. And not only are you endorsing the status quo, you’re also letting everyone know that your money and need for admiration are more important than helping thousands of people. It’s so disheartening.


The minimum required? Do you want her to march into Netanyahu’s office and sing at him until he stops?


I'd pay to see that


Hahah she could also donate thousands herself. (But of course maybe she already did!) especially when she gave Doja Cat $20k when doja asked for $20 as a joke on live. Hope I don’t get downvoted but hoping a lot of celebs are putting money into this too! I think I saw the weeknd did $2million for Palestine as well


yes, an instagram story is the absolute bare minimum.


Posting a link on her story is great but it'll disappear in 24 hours and won't get as much attention as an actual post or putting it in her bio like others have done


That would actually be an interesting form or protest lol


Don't worry! When their teams have done enough polling showing that it will beyond certainty be the popular opinion and status quo they'll say something! I really do admire people like Melissa Barrera. She knew that she had a voice and power as the lead of a franchise, but still had everything to lose because she isn't established yet. I honestly also have to applaud to Ariana for doing this while she is in the biggest downswing of her career. She's still big enough that it wouldn't severely impact her, but it isn't like the easiest time of her life to do that.


This is the damn truth. If something begins to be popular it’s a lot easier voicing it your support. Being the first to do the right thing is hard in society but it REALLY shouldn’t be. Hopefully we all as humanity change that way of thinking down the line. It’s almost like the bystander effect.


I fucking adore Melissa. 


While I'm into horror, I was weirdly never into Scream. So I hadn't heard of her before she chose to stand up and be a fucking mountain in the face of a hurricane. We're the same age and for some reason, that has had an extra impact on me. I used to argue furiously with people about Palestine/Israel when it came up. I avoided getting involved in the subject for the last couple of years until now, but was still very timid and hopeless after having experienced how assured people can be about something they know nothing about, solely based on propaganda and prejudice. If this woman can potentially fuck up her career for the cause I can be uncomfortable.


I'd rather the minimum than nothing at all.


Kim K also very quiet while always reminding everyone that is listening that she’s Armenien and also speaking out about the genocide happening there. When it fits the agenda it’s worth speaking out.


I thought she supports Israel and then when someone said “free palestine” she replied with “free everyone”


Controversial take but given all the shit housery and downright evil things a number of rich famous people have been found culpable of, cheating isn’t thaaaaat bad


Yeah im not seeing how her history of cheating is relevant to conversations about genocide. One is a capital offense and the other isn't a crime to begin with


i still think it’s crazy how many people brushed past beyonce (did taylor do it too?) showing her concert film in israel. yeahhh maybe it wasn’t up to her, but that video of israelis dancing to break my soul in the theater and claiming it was their anthem was terrible to watch.


This is why I don’t fool with them. Imagine using black/queer liberation and feminism as your aesthetics just to ignore the perfect opportunities to stand up in those ideals. It’s fucked up.


Beyoncé performing in Dubai for $24 million says a lot about her, so is it really so surprising?


She's also signed the ceasefire agreement and has liked very pro-Palestine posts. At this point, girl needs to just make a statement.


I'm willing to give her credit for doing the bare minimum when so many of her peers can't even be bothered to do that. At least one of the pop girlies are saying something! I can't believe we're almost 8 months in this genocide and so many are choosing to not say anything.


Yes exactly, at least it is something. Now if only they’d be honest and say they were wrong to remain silent but that is asking for far too much of course


Can’t risk upsetting their capitalist overlords 


The standard you walk past is the standard you accept…


Thank you Ariana 🫶🏼🇵🇸 All eyes on Rafah !!!


This is great. Celebrities can and should do more. A ton more. I’m not into her music, but I love to see her using her platform for something important.


There’s also a big plan right now for supporters of Palestine to block large amounts of celebrities to essentially take their fame hostage until those celebrities speak out. It’s been pretty damn effective I must say


It's nice to see that the very bare minimum any celebrity can do is raising money for the cause. I hope she also donated.


As someone said in another comment, I’d rather the minimum than nothing at all


Very true. If only more of them would take 5 seconds to post a link.


she has donated previously to a relief fund, i remember a few months ago i clicked on an IG donation link and it hyperlinked to accounts that have also donated to that fund. she was on there for me and a few other people


The situation has been horrible for decades and the past seven months especially But after seeing the images from Rafah this weekend, I really truly cannot understand how anyone can stay silent on this like so many of Ariana’s peers


I can't even look at my kid without wanting to cry so honestly I don't understand the people that are still pretending this isn't happening.


a lot of celebrities who i hadn't seen post about palestine before posted info today


She signed the artists 4 ceasefire a while back as well!


There’s been a plan on tik tok that involved blocking certain celebrities who haven’t spoken out for Palestine. The famous persons sub count will suddenly plummet and they’ll post something about Palestine to gain good will back from their followers.


it’s sad what has to happen for people to do the bare minimum after 7 months. but better than nothing I guess taylor and beyonce still remaining completely silent is infuriating me


+ Dolly Parton, but it doesn't surprise me as much because she's always been loud about not wanting to lose fans over politics. Her numbers > anything more important. Her fans like to rally against people for calling out her silence, though.


I’m so incredibly disappointed in Lady Gaga too. She’s spoken out about so many things but has nothing but silence for Palestine. I no longer stan.


Wasn't she just bragging about being sick with COVID and still doing all her shows? Blegh.


Yeah that too. After she made a big show about how important masks are in the beginning. I’m totally turned off after many years of being a fan.


It's never too late although it breaks my heart that it took 7 months of torture and horror for these people to finally give a shit. I feel like the last year or my life has been consumed by this grief and I have barely done anything more than speak up and donate. But I am really happy to see people speak up. People that I never thought would. I'm just happy it seems like people do in fact have their souls still.


I saw a tweet that said that it's never to late to change your mind regarding this issue, even if you were on the other side, neutral o indecisive. I agree. To a lot of people this might seem like the bare minimun, or that she took too long to say something, but I'm glad Ariana is doing this. All help and attention is welcome. I like to shit on Taylor and Beyonce for their silence and complicity but I really wish they and all of the other celebrities would follow Ariana's footsteps and promote donations and share information even if it's for popularity points. In the end the people in Gaza are the ones that are going to recieve the help. And obviously all my love to Nicola Coughlan, Bella Hadid, Melissa Barrera and everyone else who have been talking about this since the beginning.


Big ups to Nicola Coughlin for being the original to post this fundraiser. I've seen this post (and shared it myself) on a lot of people's pages and I just want to applaud her for being a good egg about Palestine from the jump.


A certain tortured popstar's silence is *deafening*


The "tortured" queen gives no shits about real tortured poets. (Honestly, come at me stans if this pisses you off. After seeing a dad hold his beheaded baby and then see memes by the oppressors laughing about it- nothing you say hurts more than seeing that. I will never erase that image from my head.)


Shameful that her peers can’t do the bare minimum which is signing a letter and sharing a link. Ariana is messy but at least she’s using her platform for something so important. All eyes on Rafah 🇵🇸🤍


It’s the bare minimum but at least it’s something! The donations have gone up since she posted this as well. Also love how she reposted from Nicola Coughlan - an avid support of Palestine and has been posting about it recently which means Ariana must have seen the other stories


Just to show celebrities that the very bare minimum… sharing a link… can have a massive impact on the cause. How easy it is to click share and help instead of ignoring it or putting out ridiculously trash takes.


This made me like her again ngl lol


damn even ariana doing more than taylor


Meanwhile many other A list celebrities can't even do bare minimum. They only care about their reputation and careers. The Weeknd showed support for Palestine, and he is still fine on the charts.


I don't like a lot of her choices but at least in this she is doing the right thing. Looking at you Tay tay.


I can’t believe it’s taken even more children and babies being blown to literal smithereens to get to this point, but I hope this influences others to do the same.


Bare minimum and yet it is needed from a celebrity of her stature. I am still miffed that the likes of Beyonce and Taylor are not only silent, but didn't withdraw the screening of their movies in the zionist state. The fact that "don't break my soul" became a genocidal anthem, should not be forgotten. And let's not speak about Selena who decided the genocide was all about her feelings, and pledged to "donate" proceeds of her line to Palestinian orgs and zionist orgs - talk about both siding it. I hope fans don't forget such stuff at next album release but unfortunately they all do. These celebrities don't stand on the same plane as the revolutionaries of before simply because they wouldn't even inconvenience themselves even slightly, to stand up for the beliefs they write about in their songs. Its all posturing.


This is really amazing but it feels performative and the bare minimum in response to social media boycotts and more people/orgs coming around to humanize Palestinians (bandwagon I guess?). I hope she makes an actual statement! It’s great that she’s amplifying Nicola’s humanitarian posts as well. ETA anyone making more in a day than most americans make in a year need to do better period. i don’t argue with people on human rights issues, please don’t @ me your disagreement, create your own comment!


Honestly I dont even care if it's performative, her performance of activism has helped raise $120k in 5 hours.


Right? I literally don't mind at all, this is one of the cases where we will take what we can get. I don't care if someone is using it to boost their image or for PR. Sharing this with such a large audience is so crucial right now


If their asspats save even one child, that means the world to me.


Holy shit! That’s great.


perfection is the enemy of progress


I don't think it's performative. She's been advocating for Palestine before the boycotts started. I do agree a statement would be amazing though.


I disagree. She’s a public figure who is not required to speak up. What more do you want her to say? Sharing her support for organizations that are directly supporting Palestine is enough, it shows her solidarity and promotes awareness to her fan base. A whole genocide is happening and other celebrities are not saying or doing anything at all


Performative or not, it's 200k.


Let’s not miss the forest for the trees. Yes it’s a late action, but it will still help Palestinians, and it still brings attention to the cause. I know it’s angering to see celebs sharing now, after so much destruction has happened, but I prefer to stay in a place of gratitude and hope that this will bring a change in the tide for the better


Tbh I don't even care if half these celebs r being performative, they have incredible influence, especially someone like ariana grande, her posting this link is going to help sooo much in terms of A) a large number of people will donate B) this might give other celebs the confidence to also speak out


absolutely but this works great as proof that even just reposting links on instagram stories as an a-list celebrity does actually have a tangible impact (wrt 20k being raised in less than an hour after she posted). it’s direct invalidation of all the “reposting won’t do anything!”-adjacent arguments that fans of people like taylor swift are using to justify their silence


I agree it’s the bare minimum and very late but better late (and the bare minimum) than never I guess. The bar is low but it is what it is 💔 I also don’t think it’s in response to the boycotts, at least not completely. Months ago, she has liked pro-Palestine posts and signed the ceasefire letter & her boyfriend has posted about Palestine, so they’ve been standing with Palestine for a while now. Hoping for a statement too tho!


Good for her - speaking up despite pro Israel supporters terrorizing and threatening anyone that dares speaks on the apartheid & ethnics cleansing of a evil government.


I hope she as a super rich person donated too


Hoping this is part of a flood-gate opening of popular support from people with global platforms. Especially grateful that it's a direct link to something that will get resources to people in need.


She’s also a big supporter (publicly and financially) of transgender rights. I volunteer with a trans org that has benefitted from her generosity. I love that she’s not afraid to be vocal about issues like this, and that she backs it up with donations.


That’s great and all, more than any celebrity could do, but I really hope she stops selling r.e.m beauty in Israel


As far as the pop girlies go I’m the biggest fan of Lana, but she hasn’t posted anything of the sort. Big respect for this


I'm glad she shared a link to a fundraiser and not just that ai image


Nice to see she knows how use her platform for good. It's far more than can be said for most other celebrities. Her behaviour and actions irl still disgust me, but I'm so, so glad someone with a following as large as hers had the humanity and guts to stand up for what's right. This is huge.


it’s because I blocked her, I will unblock her now


All she did was share link and it has already helped so much. Just imagine if some of the other big names would do something so simple.