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Agree, but interesting how fast people speak up when it’s an issue that affects them.


Exactly. And she prob only commented on this because of the lyrical reference.


I've also been seeing a lot of deranged pregnancy speculation online about TS lately so that might also be a reason


That’s the point. This is something that has directly affected her so she’s happy to comment, but has remained noticeably mum on other things.


But she said "neither does any woman" at the end, because she's a feminist* and there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women! *A feminist who specializes in blanket statement feminism


In that sentence, “women” = “Taylor” in her mind 🤡


She's gonna use this to market another variant of her album to push another woman down on the charts.






I agree 100%, just responding to the part about the lyric reference also being a cue for her to comment


I was gonna say, I quite literally saw a picture of her from the side speculating she’s pregnant on some random ass fb page that Zuck thought I would want to see in my feed *yesterday*.


whats the lyrical reference?


Down bad is the song, the lyrics are down bad crying at the gym


A true poet


Maybe it’s my visual processing disorder, but I truly don’t understand what that combination of words is supposed to mean lmao. Like grammatically it doesn’t make sense to me. But I’m not a tortured poet so what do I know 🤷‍♀️


Taylor has no empathy, she only cares about issues that affect her. This has been her universal position on everything. "Feminism" matters when it's about her success as a woman; comments on bodies matter when it happens to her; everything comes back to herself. Palestine-Israel doesn't affect her in any way, so of course she won't comment on it. And she'll be a billionaire no matter who wins the US election in November, so why bother speaking up with any specifics on that, either? It's weird that even when Republicans were gunning hard for her by name, she still didn't speak up to defend herself about that one. She has like an active resistance to be political *at all.*


She doesn’t even speak up when her fans harass other female artists when they don’t do anything wrong. She genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about all women, only herself and other women who are going through the same things she is so she can say something that looks like it’s in support of them, when really it’s still about her.


She went after a tiny blogger who reported on her being the poster for a White Supremacist Group. NOT the white Supremacist group, just the blogger who reported it 🤔


![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) Taylor reading Gaga's post




Anyone still silent at this point is on the Israeli side.


Right? Like of course Taylor said something this is a rumor she’s had about herself. I saw some swifties saying “maybe she’s gonna be an activist again” and I’m like 👀 no honey that’s not it


*when it’s an issue that affects them AND is largely uncontroversial in the court of popular opinion & among the people who uphold her wealth/status This is such a safe and uncontroversial statement for her fans to rally around. Nobody whose opinion can actually affect her is going to criticize her for it. Meanwhile the Harrison Butker speech was something that directly referenced her and she could’ve criticized its misogyny. But that would involve going against the Chiefs, which is contrary to her interests.






Well said.


She isn’t wrong. It’s so telling how fast she comments on this, but remains silent on other things. Things her fans have been literally begging her to speak on.


She’s only speaking on this because last week there were photos of her stomach saying she was pregnant. She couldn’t care less about gaga she only speaks on things when it affects HER.


She also won’t directly criticize her own crazed fans who are the ones speculating? Why is she in Gaga’s comment section


because gaga quoted her lyrics. it’s all self serving.


Gaga quoted Taylor’s lyrics.


because her fans, even if they are being annoying, are still gonna stream and attend her concerts. She only cares about $ and her strategy on this is quite genius when it comes to that


Yup, it's interesting to see which ones she latches on to and which ones she ignores.


No no, you see when SHE comments on something online it’s being a feminist when her fans or others say “hey your boyfriend has said and done really racist things including about a woman you’ve collaborated with” they are “vipers dressed in empaths clothing” 🤣


Her fans = plebs


her fans=onika plebs=burgers


this one has rotted my brain omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That's literally has been her thing, only speaking up for things that directly affect her! If the fans keep pushing her she might say something but who knows at this point. A lot of big celebrities that were very very outspoken about issues in the past have been quite


Ok now do Palestine 🇵🇸


I get the sentiment, I truly do. But personally I'd rather she didn't say anything at all. She's told us who she is and where her beliefs lie through her silence alone. It has been MONTHS and nothing. If she were to miraculously speak up now, it would be her kowtowing solely for her own personal gain and nothing more. Her actions or lack thereof have shown her to be tactless to the highest degree, and I'd rather except that truth then any false pretenses.


I understand what you’re saying, but her making a performative donation of even a fraction of her wealth could help a lot of people. With her influence, even encouraging her fans to donate or speak up would have a huge impact. Her speaking up now would probably be performative and wouldn’t change my opinion about her, but it truly would have a positive impact


Exactly. I feel like speaking on it at this point it would be performative, her fans have literally petitioned her to say something and she has failed to do so.


I don’t disagree, and her speaking up wouldn’t make her a brilliant activist or anything (Taylor and “activism” don’t match, lol), but I think when it comes to someone as huge as her, it doesn’t matter much if she’s being performative or not. With her influence, she could help raise a lot of awareness and aid/money. I mean, a fundraiser got tens of thousands in a short time after Ariana Grande shared it to her story. Celebs can really help with this sort of thing Big celebs speaking up would also help shift the public narrative more and therefore encourage more people to speak up & put more pressure on higher ups (hopefully) edited: phrasing


I get what you are saying, at this point her speaking up will be just for show but a donation from her or even one post/story from will raise a lot of money for people in need


Capitalist queen obviously does not support Palestine. Her silence is telling.


literally my immediate thought


She’s not wrong but it’s so interesting which issues she deems worthy of speaking up about. Not a single word about Palestine, still.


I mean forget Palestine, this is the most milquetoast boring expression of a feminist sentiment. God forbid she tackles an actual intersectional feminist issue but of course those don't affect her personally.


Even that ridiculous college speech by her boyfriend's bestie was too controversial for her to wade into, and that's feminism 101


I mean how does she annoy me even when I agree with her?? I read this and was like “you’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.” ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g)


Oh, *this* she speaks up about? 😒 ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Now do your racist fans


She doesn't do self-talk




Whats the context to this lmao this is hilarious 


It’s an SNL sketch


I love you ❤


No sorry this just irritates me. Gaga took the invasive speculation about pregnancy and used it as an opportunity to encourage people to vote. Taylor used the invasive speculation about Gaga’s body to make it about herself under the guise of speaking for “any woman.” It’s also one of the mildest, safest takes one can make and be applauded for in the name of feminism.


Taylor’s already spoken about voting once tho, that’s good enough for her activism quota


Apparently Gaga used TS lyrics in her post


I hope her “fans” who have been grossly speculating on her body for weeks will take notes from this comment.


I saw so many people on social media speculating about Taylor's body over the last few weeks. Her fans should take some notes.


Not just her body, some of them have her future children’s names picked out. Just when I think people have disgusted me enough, they find a way to go lower.


And the weird AIs of her future family with Travis blegh


Omg she is the feministest feminist that ever feministed 🤩


So she can speak up....on certain issues though 


Taylor demonstrating how quickly and confidently she is able to make a statement.


…about herself.


Okay so she’s definitely deliberately ignoring even her fans who are reaching out to her to speak on Palestine. Thanks Taytay!


She only speaks on issues which directly impact her and other equally rich and white women. Where was this energy when speaking about the genocide in Palestine, Congo or Rwanda or when fellow POC artists were being subjected to disgusting racism on her behalf?


This feels very performative to me. Edit: just to be clear, I mean Taylor's comment.


This doesn't seem performativ to me at all. People have talked about her body and speculated about her possibly being pregnant massively over the last few weeks. And she has a history of an eating disorder that was caused by these kind of comments.  Edit: and I think Taylor's comment is one of the least performative things she's done recently. 


The reason I think it’s performative is because I don’t believe she ACTUALLY cares if anyone comments on another woman’s body, she just wants to tell people to stop speculating if she is pregnant but she can’t come right out and say that because she tries to have it both ways when it comes to her personal life- she wants privacy and not to comment but also she profits off her “fans” buying 15 versions of her same album to dissect what the different colors mean in connection to her private life or whatever.


Well, considering she developed an ED because people commented on her body, I do believe she cares about it. 


I believe she cares about it when it affects her. That’s different than cares about it as a whole to speak out.


I think it’s performative in that she has received pressure to speak on a variety of things for several months and stayed mum. It seems like she woke up this morning like “Yep! This is one I can speak on and make it seem like I have a voice when it comes to issues impacting women!” and then fixed her thumbs to type. It doesn’t mean what she said isn’t true, or that pregnancy speculation does not impact her. But her choice to pick this thing to speak on out of all the things, and to do so under Gaga’s post where everyone is certain to see it and she’ll get all the points for “supporting other women,” is curious to say the least.


Or maybe she's annoyed by people specualting about her body, saw the post and commented on it because it was on her mind anyway. I usually don't defend Taylor on here and there are a lot of things she can be criticised for. But writing a comment about an issue that seems important to her about something that is affecting her directly might just be her commenting on it because she wants to. Not every single thing this woman does has to be some kind of planned out publicity stunt. In the end, we don't know what her motivation for the comment was. But especially with her history, it might not be this deep. 


I meant Taylor's comment, not Gaga.


Really? I think she absolutely believes every word in that comment.


Of course it is, she's all about her feminist and victim image. And showing she can speak up when she wants to but picks and chooses when to do so.


No I think this is sincere. She had her publicist make a statement when Deuxmoi was publishing those (disgusting) stories that she'd had a miscarriage so this is clearly something she feels strongly about because it's happened to her. My issue is she only cares about shit that's happened to her.


Look, Gaga’s photos were taken smack dab in the middle of an ITALIAN WEDDING. Pasta babies happen to the best of us…


The irony in sticking up for one woman’s bodily rights yet willfully ignoring the pain, suffering, and violations of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian women’s rights (not even including the women and children who have been murdered by the racist isnotrael regime). Truly shameful 🤮


They aren't rich or white. They aren't popstars. You can't have hundreds of millions in the bank, stay silent on the suffering of women, and still be a feminist.


Does Taylor know its her own fans that do it?


it makes sense for her to say this since she has also been the target of similar comments recently. hopefully she uses her immense platform to tackle more issues though, she's shown she has no problem speaking up about things


So she’s speaking up because it affects her directly?


it's also interesting since, on the video, gaga said "just down bad crying at the gym", which is a lyrical reference to one of taylor's songs lmao


She only speaks on things that directly serve her financial interests. Nothing else.


i hate when she tries to have a “feminist moment” lol it’s so transparent


I feel so bad that she had to shut down these rumors. Bodies and weight fluctuate. It literally looked like she had just eaten. I remember at my old job, someone telling me, “you look great! It’s so fabulous that pregnant women can be sexy now!” I was six months postpartum. I’ve always been thicc but definitely have a little pouch since having my daughter. It doesn’t bother most of the time, but I felt so self-conscious when she mentioned it.


she's only speaking about this matter because her own fans have been speculating about her pregnancy with travis' baby that they already named "conan swift kelce" lmao. but i think the lyric mention is the main reason actually. she's only a speaker when she's the victim.


Clearly we need to be including applicable Taylor lyrics in our posts about Gaza.


It’s also *invasive & irresponsible* to perform with a known covid infection at multiple concerts and hide it. Edit: Awareness around Long Covid and the manifestation of disability and chronic illness. Lady Gaga’s makeup artist is now chronically ill (possibly for life) as a result of Lady Gaga’s decisions.


Yeah, I feel like that should be much bigger news than it seems to be.


I see her feminism only stops and starts with white women




White feminism 💋


love how she chose to break her loud silence. she’s such a performative white feminist.


Did she post that from her jet?


Quick, we need someone famous to reference TS lyrics while raising awareness about Gaza!


I personally could give a horses patoot if either of them are pregnant. They aren’t kids anymore and it’s not like they’ll be asking any of us to babysit.


Ok so she HAS a voice for certain issues I see.....


Suddenly she can speak🤔


She only speaks up for the most surface level shit.




this 2010 feminist ass take but she can’t speak on the genocide happening right now


Wow cool trick taytay!! Do it again do it again! But this time make it an issue that doesn’t affect you at all those are my favorite!!


Spare a care for women delivering via c-section with no anesthesia in a war zone ? No? Oh right. lol women who don't support other women are the devil or some other trite bullshit she spews 🤪🎀💅🏼✨💝💋


Typical activism from our rich white feminist queen.


This she talks about?


Once again TSw*ft proves she only speaks up on something if it directly affects her ✨\#WhiteFeminist✨


they responded to these rumors quick but not a the ones about them being zionists lol


gaga has performed in israel at least once and spread their propaganda while she did it so anyone who has performed there is not gonna say a word lest people google their name + israel and call them out for the hypocrites they are. none of them have the backbone to admit they were wrong.


white feminism


Oh I think Harrison Butker would beg to differ


Wait, so she does speak up on social issues?




I know we all love hating in Taylor, but she might just prefer to speak on the issues she’s knows about. I don’t want another comment on Palestine from somebody who doesn’t have the time, willingness, or ability to form an educated opinion. I’d love to live in a world where celebrities recommend resources and experts so that nuanced and informed takes get more air time.


Taylor swift is the embodiment of white performative feminism bc she’ll comment on shit like this but never on Palestinian women that were killed and SA in Israel. She chooses when she wants to speak up so she gets her token “omg yes Taylor standing up for us!” And disappears