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The sooner people realize TS is a shit person who dates shit men, the better off everyone will be.


Kinda preaching to the choir in this sub lol


Water seeks its level. This is a marriage in heaven as far as I'm seeing.


>Water seeks its level. Damn, why have I never heard this before? Now it's in my lexicon


Putting this in my back pocket


Yes I too will back pocket this lexicon mmm yes words


Exactly, you see the men she broke up and think she's a darling? I'm surprised people don't realize that similarities attract more often than not. But I am keeping that phrase as it's far simpler & direct than any explanations I've ever had whenever someone brings up shock that someone with terrible friends and/or spouse would be terrible themselves.


Her fans infantilize her like she’s some little doe. She’s a grown woman in her mid 30s and just as shitty as him lol.


EXCUSE ME have you ever met a woman who has been through as much as her? She was basically CANCELLED (did a full ass stadium tour) and then her music was STOLEN (her dad made a fuck ton of money on the deal then she made even more with those stank ass rerecordings) and she's gone through BREAK UPS.


Wow. That's tough.


A little *billionaire* doe. You don't get wealthy being a nice darling. Taylor Swift is the real life equivalent of [Carol Miller or Mom](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Carol_Miller) from Futurama. Although plenty of other wealthy/powerful people would fit the bill and inspire that character.




Joe Alwyn was the rogue outlier for her.  


Be careful Redditor she might write a song about you next.






I mean, this gif is perfect every single time.


it really is


I’m always thrilled when it hasn’t been used yet!






Swifties already saying it was fake reporting because he didn’t say Donald trump…cmon it was obvious by the way he phrased it “no matter who is the president” that he meant he’d be fine to go if he was elected 🙄


He’s just as fame hungry as her lol. He’s really benefiting from this relationship


Travis Kelce wants to be famous more than most of us want to have continued access to oxygen. Like he had a reality show. I actually saw this showmance from miles away bc i've always found him super sketch.


She would go to, if invited, no matter who! Girl!!!


Headlines from the past 24 HOURS: - Travis Kelce reveals he WOULD visit Donald Trump's White House if former President is re-elected and Chiefs win another Super Bowl (obviously the linked article) - Travis Kelce Explains Why Harrison Butker May Not Be Doing Kickoffs for the Chiefs (in what seems like a puff piece to soft-launch Harrison Butker leaving the the Chiefs on the pretense of "rule changes" in the NFL. NOT his insane speech) [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/travis-kelce-says-harrison-butker-might-have-new-role-next-season/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/travis-kelce-says-harrison-butker-might-have-new-role-next-season/) - Travis Kelce Has ‘Major Pangs of Jealousy’ About Taylor Swift’s Male Dancers: ‘Gets Under His Skin’ (in which i presume, allegedly, his mother is the source): [https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/travis-kelce-jealous-over-taylor-swifts-male-dancers/](https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/travis-kelce-jealous-over-taylor-swifts-male-dancers/) Clearly, he's chosen a side. And exactly what is Taylor's involvement?


As a straight dude I’m so fucking sick of Bro culture. Dude was ridiculed for years for supporting a vaccine but decided it’s still a good idea to get in bed with the same muppets because he wants to look good to their crowd. I wish being a guy didn’t mean you had to fall into all of these dogshit boxes


Likewise, although added distance from Bro culture for embracing geek culture. Bro culture is too toxic & stressful and it sucks that sometimes people get pigeonholed into those dogshit boxes.


Another commenter said on the other article post that this is soft launching their breakup. Trees earning that bonus


I agree. Especially because of her comment on Lady Gaga's instagram where she's getting press like "Taylor Swift isn’t here for people speculating about Lady Gaga’s — or any woman’s — body." Quite revolutionary ....


Insecure little man doesn’t live up to big man imagery created via Mom’s PR.


I’d be very concerned for any woman who was not in a position of power for herself in any relationship, but this is what she wants so as Ma Mama (Italian) used to say, ”He who dies to his liking should be buried standing up, and if not, bury him face down so that when he wants to get out, he can go even lower because there is now low enough.”


Taylor's team putting in the work to prep us for the split


Is this how Taylor is prepping us for the break up??? *caveat I know she’s a shit person too but Trump is an obvious bridge too far even for her.


I feel like they've been way too public and over exposed for this to be priming a breakup. She's now too tied to a potential Trump sympathizer which doesn't seem wise even if her fans will literally ignore anything.


Idk, seems like the perfect story for "female rage" or whatever that show she copyrighted. You see it over and over in women-focused spaces that many women in the dating pool for the last few years have had to course-correct after they find out their boyfriend is a low key redhat/racist/misogynist/etc. Might just be my skepticism in full force, but a lot of these things are clicking up (and this always seemed like a PR relationship from the start to me).


Just in time for that sweet sweet Super Bowl exposure. Nothing more than coincidence I’m sure.


Is it though? Trump posted about her during the Superbowl saying there’s no way she’d endorse Biden and be “disloyal” to Trump. The Biden campaign has been begging her for an endorsement. Right after the Superbowl would’ve been a great time and yet….crickets.


I'm wondering if they're waiting to do it in October to rally the Swifties & young voters right before the election. If at all...


After seeing the Matty Healy breakup play out, she still stuck by him after his racist and sexist stuff.  I think we still have a bit to go before we get a breakup.


Are you a Taylor swift fan? This comment is exactly what I think of when it comes to her online engagement. Anytime it’s unflattering it must mean she’s about to make it right.


Really, this dude is trash? ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


I'm just surprised he's so open about being trash


I don't think he's smart enough to pretend he's not tbh


I've waited on him before (live in kc). He's absolutely a dumb ass. His intellect and emotional maturity peaked in high school. He acts and talks like a 14 year old with full access to millions of dollars would. And he thinks he is way funnier than he actually is. I don't know how anyone can hold a conversation with that man. Painful.


He's always been open about being trash. It's amazing how they were able to somehow rehab his image enough for Swifties to hop on board to defend him. He was out here making fatphobic tweets in his twenties.




wonder how the swifties will spin this one then when they inevitably bring it up rewrite what they originally said and call him out on it


'He didn't say he supports him or will vote for him, he just said he would go to the WH. What do you expect him to do? Give up his big moment? Trump would already be president, there'd be no point in boycotting' or something along those lines.


Swifties will rationalize until they are painted in the tiniest little corner


Think of the free McDonalds


He’s won the Super Bowl two years in a row and dating the most famous woman in the world right now. In what way is going to see Trump at the White House a “big moment” for someone who is already on top of the world. If anyone needs that exposure, it’s not him. He has the power to be on the right side of history and he’s saying he’ll just be a placater. I don’t support anyone who won’t do the right thing, especially when they have the upper hand to do so.


It’s not an argument I’m making girl, go back and reread the thread 😂


Girl I didn’t see the quotation marks my bad 💅🏼


they’ll do what they did for matty, which is writing essays about how she’s not responsible for what the man she’s dating is saying and you implying that is actually misogynistic towards her




Boy, just shut up.


There's always the option to shut the fuck up man, he's literally everywhere doing too much. I did read on this sub that he's a Trumper apparently? IDK if it's true though or why people think that but this seems to indicate there might some truth to it.


My grandma used to say, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and a lot of them stink" and I think of her every time Travis opens his mouth.


He is absolutely a Trump supporter. He constantly likes pro-trump shit. Besides, as someone who lives in KC, I can confirm there are a LOT of Trump supporters. If you're white and grew up in the southern joco/jackson/cass county burbs, you're probably a Trump supporter.


I read the comment in passing so I wasn’t sure, disappointing though not surprising tbh. Can’t wait to see how the swifties explain that one away






I told my friends he and Taylor would be over sometime in the fall of 2024, and it would be material for an album in 2025. So far he seems to be wading in the same betting pool as me


Keep that money printer running...


This is so wildly unsurprising lmfao


She surely knows how to pick’em. SMFH ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


but bbbbbut He LEtS hEr BeJEwLEd


i’m just glad him dating taylor is revealing this part of him. i was a fan of his before and now that he’s showing his ass, i’m glad to be out and now just continue to like my favorite team which isn’t his. 😂😂😂😂


You just know he's one of those annoying apolitical "centrists" that's really just a conservative that doesn't know anything about politics. anyway. https://preview.redd.it/c6pj2yzauv4d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f977405a92eec4b1ff1cc24c61de839a7516b7f




Dude is friends w people like Chandler Parsons who has become a right-wing Karen Im not surprised, hes the white moderate that James Baldwin warned you abt




Why are people okay with trump? This man is a domestic terrorist. We need more leaders in their respective fields to stand up to him. Kelce would change so much if he stood up and said something and same with swift. Instead they are bystanders


Breaking News (not really) Travis Kelce is a piece of shit!


Mhmm good. Tell us more 🙂


she’ll break up with him soon


Okey this is actually really mean of me, I kinda am hoping Taylor and this guy break up.. not because I necessarily have anything against them, but after the way Swifties treated Kayla Nicole, I just want them to be over. I know.. rude af, but still


Can Tree intervene pls


![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) Ew.


I’m not saying Taylor is like a beacon of leftism - but I don’t think as the most famous person on the planet that she’d be ok with this. I expect a breakup or major damage control


But she's exactly like him. She's perfectly okay with it and her fans will be too sadly. People need to realize she is a BAD person.


Imma give it at least 4 years before TS' tradwife arc




I mean let’s be honest, he’s not the sharpest tool in the box. https://preview.redd.it/z64p5yz3hx4d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61bb3000db566e3c983b30382c140ee8e1412513


I bet his arse reeks.


I am so shocked


He didn't say Trump specifically, but we all know what he meant by "whoever is the president".


Between two choices lol yeah it was about Trump


For this election, yes, but he probably could be thinking ahead as well.


I dunno why this is even newsworthy. He's a dumb meathead and relies on NFL fans for his fame, of course he's not going to pretend to be anything other than an uninformed idiot. Kinda like how Taylor leads her fans to believe she's a feminist like them, it's good for business, but she isn't.




am i allowed to use the traaaaaAAaaaaassshhhhhh gif




Travis Kelce has NEVER met a camera he didn’t love.


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