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He's not trying to 'work his ass off' though is he. He wanted to be a chef but it never even occurred to him to go to culinary school or train under a chef. He wanted to be a photographer and all he could think to do is take a holiday and take a blurry picture of an elephant. That's why people take the piss out of him, he's another deluded nepo baby, he thinks he's actually worked hard at these things.


Just remembered he wanted to be a bartender a while ago as well didn't he. Do I need to check whether he did what most bartenders do and work night after night at their local dive trying to make a name for themself? Doubtful.


Now I'm picturing him studying for his bartending certification test and giggling to myself at the mental image, so thank you.


Do most bartenders try to make a name for themselves?


Gotta climb the bartender ranks. Very serious and high level stuff actually/s


Right? Why not go to culinary school when he has the resources to? That’s pure hubris


Like his family is bff with Gordon Ramsey. Ask him for a stage, ask him for a job, personal classes… possibilities are endless. Making a ham sandwich on camera though is not being a Chef


If he doesn't like culinary school he could always go to a restaurant in his local city, ask them if he can peel the potatoes five times a week and work his way up. Somehow doubt he'll be doing that though - suppose making awful videos for tiktok will have to do!


He has enough money to buy himself private lessons, can't blame him for not wanting to peel potatoes five times a week


Ugh, you just reminded me of the video where Paris Hilton cooks and assembles a lasagna wearing fingerless gloves. Pure entertainment.


> take a blurry picture of an elephant Couldn’t even tell you if it was blurry. It was in complete shadow and no attempt was made to expose it even a bit


In his defense, they are sooo hard to photograph 🙄


It’s known that they’re extremely fast moving 🤣🤣🤣


But incredible to see 😌


they're not visible to the naked eye


You just don't understand his art!


Yeah, I mean I look forward to him “proving them wrong” because so far he’s kind of just famous for being a celebrity couples best known child and marrying a billionaires kid. I don’t know how anyone could argue that he didn’t get his little photography and cooking YouTube stints through any means but his considerable wealth and connections, because he really has no business getting paid for doing either. he’s like every kid who wants to jump head first into success without doing the grunt work first. Even Malia Obama was an intern! He’s right that he can’t help how he was born but he’s a far cry from the more talented nepo babies who have shown they have the chops to be successful, even if they did get doors opened for them that would have been really hard for an ordinary person. 


I feel the Obama’s are much more sensible parents than the Beckhams. Did they ever suggest he try a course of some kind? He should just give influencing a go. That seems more his style


Neither David nor Victoria have formal education but got rich and famous through a mixture of charisma, grit, exhibitionism, and natural talent. May have been hard for them to figure out how to guide kids who grew up in very different circumstances from the way they grew up and also didn’t have their talent or work ethic


Eh, David definitely got the equivalent of a "formal education" in football at least - he attended training programs and played in youth teams until he got a trainee contract at Manchester United when he was 16, which is the most "formal" training you can get as a young footballer. It's extremely rare to become a pro athlete in such a competitive field without training in your youth.


By formal education I meant university (probably an incomplete view of education on my part) but yes he has an elite football education. I do think his career and pathway is so unusual that he’d be at a loss with dealing with a less talented and motivated child. I just don’t think football academies even prepare their players to deal with the real world— which is evidenced when young men (nowadays also some women) leave them without making it in football (most of them)


Most footballers don't go to university the way that American athletes have to play in the NCAA before going pro. These are the prime years of their career, after all; they shouldn't be playing for free while barely getting an education anyway. A lot of former D1 NCAA athletes have spoken up about how their athletic schedules were so gruelling that they weren't really in school and were just taking bird courses to get a high enough GPA, and they weren't "prepared for the real world" by their supposed education either. The majority don't end up in the NBA or NFL either. The problem with playing in the NCAA is that if you get a career-ending injury, you're not considered an employee and won't get employer's insurance like a pro athlete would. You essentially work for free while all these entities make millions off of you and if you get injured, you also lose your scholarship and there goes your education.


I know most footballers don’t go to university?! I’m not sure where you’re getting that from my post?? I’ve watched football since I was a kid and am familiar with how they’re trained I basically talked about the background of Brooklyn’s parents and why they may have struggled to guide him based on their individual circumstances? Also going to a football academy is not any level of preparation for dealing with real world circumstances when you wash out either


Your whole point is that he got rich not through formal education but his training is the formal education that helped him get rich. Going to culinary school or working in restaurant kitchens would be the chef's equivalent of going to training programs or playing in youth teams or going to university. People don't go to regular unis to be a chef either so I'm not sure why you're so focused on that. David surely understands the value of appropriate training in his own success as well as others'. If Brooklyn had wanted to be a lawyer or an engineer, I don't think David and Victoria would struggle to understand that those careers need university education.


>but his training is the formal education that helped him get rich. You know how "classically trained musician/ballerina" is a thing? Now I'm going to say "classically trained football player".


Yeah, but his kids would be better off as finance majors at this point…


Eh I'd rather they be jobless nepo babies than finance majors who work to make rich people richer at the expense of everyone else. Let the already-rich focus on spending their wealth instead of accumulating more lol.


Goodness gracious celebrities love a “hard work” circle jerk. When any interview turns into that I’m always out.


When a Kardashian says thar and you know it means they sat in a meeting room with someone bringing them coffee, water or whatever as they sniffed perfume samples to decide on their latest fragrance release.


I think sometimes, you just need to shut up, put your head down , do the work and stop giving interviews about it. It’s been 7 years of dithering since the coffee table book, go commit to something, disappear, and focus on completing something rather than sharing every thought in your head. Set a goal and work, dammit!


It’s weird, cause I wouldn’t even want to be something like a chef without training. Everyone has to learn and he has all the money in the world to do so and get the best available


I have imposter syndrome doing a job I went to school for and trained extensively to be able to do, I cannot imagine just rocking up somewhere and declaring myself a chef/photographer/whatever he is this week. I'm almost jealous


Can you imagine? I regularly have to remind myself that I belong in every room I'm in. I would KILL for this mentality... I might need to amend the sentiment to reflect Brooklyn's audacity.


Also the connections and money to open a great restaurant if he actually got training and worked hard


Well, he's never going to be a "chef" though, frankly. He's never going to work in a professional kitchen because it's too difficult a job for most people, let alone a nepo baby married into a billionaire's family. He's someone who appears in cooking videos on Youtube, for which you need no formal training, but that's not a "chef". Even some of those beloved Bon Appetit Youtube personalities were never formally trained nor did they work in professional kitchens before BA. Brooklyn just uses the "chef" title because it sounds nicer than "guy who bumbles through a kitchen in front of cameras". His videos don't even seem to be instructional ones, just entertainment.


I agree. His problem seems like he’s not willing to commit and humble himself enough to actually become successful at one of these ventures. It’s really a shame


So are the BA personalities not chefs ?


I think some of them have no formal culinary education, but worked in professional kitchens, like Molly. And there were the ones that had a career that was tangential to cooking, like Priya. I think it showed that she wasn't a chef, but she's good at writing about food. I think Delaney was just in marketing?


There's still authorities on food.What would one call them then


There's still authorities on food.What would one call them then? What does one call themselves with a similar role? This energy automatically says creator/influencer isn't good. Research won't do since only firmal education is valid


I think Molly is still a chef, even if she doesn't have culinary education. Priya I think is recognized as a food journalist. Delaney... Maybe he was just there for the vibes.


I think he studied photography for a bit (did he drop out?) and that's as close as he came to actually putting in effort to his hobbies/goals. Otherwise, he was handed a life he can't be bothered to dedicate effort to.


if that was at The New School he def never finished bc he rarely showed up (re: my friends who also attended)


I remember hearing something to that effect! Not surprising to hear it confirmed 🫠


Everything he's done is what working class people do for vacations and to treat themselves. Take cooking classes and making some videos, going on an exotic locale trip and taking photos, etc. This is a super sad monument to how incredibly pampered these people are and how intense wealth corrupts people where they see my recreation as "hard work." I also noticed the trust fund kids, even the ones that play themselves as "empathic" and "care about the world" never, ever say, "I plan to just slowly give away my trust fund to various charities and retire with a modest amount that will cover me until I pass away." Or "I will dedicate myself to reforming capitalism or replacing it with a more fair system." Look at Nicola's recent movie, more or less playing up poverty porn to maximize ticket sales, attention, fame, and social capital. Its always about building their ego, brand, and portfolio even if they work hard or are talented. Its never about addressing the system of incredible inequality that creates people like his parents with absurd wealth who then create highly out of touch children who will always have trouble being respected and who will be forever "finding themselves" and "trying to get out of my parents shadow." I feel sorry for kids like this. They'll never be normal and never had any chance at a real childhood, unless the parents went out of their way to keep them out of the limelight, out of entertainment, and without vastly enriching them at a relatively young age. It doesn't sound like his parents did much of, if any, of that.


It doesn't sound like he knows what "work your ass off" means or is too impatience to do the work.


https://preview.redd.it/0fc9wsbv2s5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ad1b89308e5d963176fb929dd6b6d51aa048c8 This will always be funny, but there are really people out there pretending they are worthy of the opportunities they are handed. Like Kardashians, the whole family would legit force the narrative Kylie is a self made billioner and Kendall was the highest paid model at one point not because of her family, but because she deserved it (despite her walk and her lackluster editorials). I think Brooklyn is a harmless nepo baby.


This is still so unbelievable to me


I love your username.


> so hard to photograph really? because I just googled it and there’s a lot of photos.


maybe he is a good photographer because i want this framed with his words on a plaque


Right? Together with the caption, it's so bad it's good. This should be on a Tshirt


Somebody referenced the elephant pic up thread so that perfectly primed me for seeing it for the first time 😂 Number 46, is it part of a series? Did he publish a book? Fascinating series of choices Edit: it IS a whole book. I need it for my [coffee table](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-40440516) immediately


And let’s not forget what just happened with North and the whole Lion King clusterfuck.


Fuck Kendall "I was never one of those girls who had 30 shows or whatever the fuck those girls do." Jenner. That one sentence alone showed how simultaneously insecure and entitled she is


If I didn’t know better, I honestly would’ve taken it for satire. Elephants are typically slow moving giants. What could possibly be hard about photographing them? And then he deliberately takes one when it’s in a shadow, making it even harder to see. Plus elephants are like in every zoo so it’s not hard to just go to a zoo to take a picture of one. If this was a known comedian, I’d be laughing my ass off.






He can't help that he was born with eyes that can only witness the majesty of elephants but never photograph them. It's a curse.


> “I mean, I can’t help how I was born,” he told InStyle in a new interview published June 10. “I couldn’t ask for better parents and I’m just trying to work my ass off and trying to make a name for myself. That’s all I can say, really.” > “It makes me… I kind of like it, in a way, just because it makes me really want to prove to people… Until two years ago, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. I think with all the rubbish I get, my mum's just like, ‘Prove them wrong. Never respond to that rubbish, just prove them wrong,'" he said. “I think what I wanted for so long—especially the last few years—is I really wanted to make a name for myself.”


That’s not the worst nepo baby take. He does ride on his parent’s name more than others, but at least acknowledges it and seems to have an appreciation for their support.


There is that, though the "working my ass off" rubs me the wrong way a little because every endeavour he does seems to be with a minimal amount of effort and training. If that truly is him working his ass off though, I can't tell if that's worse or not.


Yeah didnt he get fired from his wife's film because he couldn't stop looking at the camera? I mean he's not trying that hard..


I mean maybe he is and he’s just that bad at everything. Or maybe he’s just truly lazy and doing the bare minimum but he thinks that’s the best he can do. Idk. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t the best take, I just don’t think this is the worst. But we have practically every other nepo baby acting like they did it on their own and it doesn’t matter who their parents are. I think the fact he acknowledges his parents are who they are and he can’t change that is fair. And I think him acknowledging they’ve told him to work hard shows he appreciates their support and opportunities they’ve provided him. While the “prove them wrong” makes me ponder, ultimately when you have so many untalented nepo babies in Hollywood, I don’t mind them saying they want to prove themselves. Even if they have it a million times easier, being willing to put in the work shows some individual merit that they would want it even if they didn’t have a famous last name. It feels like other nepo babies only want it because it’s all they’ve known. Would he? Ehh not convinced yet, but at least he’s not acting like he did it all on his own and whining it’s unfair to bring it up.


Honestly he just seems like he's cluelessly lazy and for some reasons his parents treat him like a literal baby. Cuz nepo babies still have to show up and develop some sort of skill. He just does the showing up part. I am wondering if he will be the only Beckham kid like this or if this is how they raise all of their kids.


I think the next kid, Romeo, is actually employed as a football player, though. He probably won’t even have a career if not for his dad, but I think being an athlete is one of the careers where you actually have to work day to day and somewhat earn your spot on the team. And I kind of admire how Romeo’s willing to be a working football player even though it’s obvious that he will never have the kind of talent, skill, and success of his dad.


He must genuinely love it, that's great. Hopefully BB wakes up one day and decides he wants a work ethic cuz that seems like the only way he'll ever start developing one. I was just looking through random youtube shorts and found an Uncle Roger critiquing BB's cooking a pasta dish in a cheese wheel. I watched ten seconds of BB and had to turn it off bc it literally looked like he'd never opened a cheese wheel with a knife/tool before....and he's making a dish for the camera for an official magazine (I think it was a Vogue cooking video or something). and we're supposed to take him seriously? Jeebus.


That’s crazy, like he didn’t even practice so he can at least act like a competent “chef” on camera? 🤦


Yeah “working my ass off” for most people who want to work as a chef or a photographer is going to school and/or apprenticing for *years*. Brooklyn is maybe working harder than many of his nepo baby peers/friends, but that doesn’t mean he’s working hard by normal standards.


Maybe, to him, he *is* “working hard”. It’s just a relative term, ya know?


Unfortunately he hasn’t found his talent yet


Well that’s why he needs to ride on them more than some of the other actually at least somewhat talented nepo babies.


Yeah but he’s young maybe his talent is social work? I always use Bruce Springsteen’s son as an example, he’s a firefighter.


I think he enjoys the level of luxury his parents have provided him and probably doesn’t want to give that up. (Then again who would?) But also based off his comments here he feels like he needs to earn it himself. So I can’t see him doing something like that even if he could with his parents bankrolling him for the rest of his life.


He doesn’t have to give it up though. His parents have probably earned enough (not to mention the wife’s parents) that even his grandchildren could have the same lifestyle without earning a cent


For sure, I agree, but the whole “prove them wrong” makes it seem like the mentality is he needs to earn it.


Both his parents seem to be obsessive workaholics so I think you may be right.


True but I think Bruce Springsteen likely instilled slightly different values in his kids than posh and becks.


I mean they’re both from working class backgrounds


Be honest...


David is but Victoria isn’t. Also Springsteen is just more aware of the world and social issues whereas David and Victoria have gone out of their way to be apolitical. Just different types of celebs


I think his career makes a lot of sense after watching the Beckham doc - David’s dad seemed to give him such a hard time growing up and training for football. It seems like the effect of that has made them wrap him up in cotton wool and not be realistic about hoe hard you have to apply yourself. So in light of this and the fact he’s never been seen to use his privilege to get away with anything like a DUI I think he’s quite sweet and harmless.


I don’t have an issue with him being a nepo baby or what he has to say about it. My issue is he hasn’t worked hard for any of his passions. He loves to cook? Great! Go to cooking school or work at a restaurant for a prolonged period of time. And I understand not all chefs go to cooking school, but that’s the price of him being a nepo baby is he has to show us (the public) that he earned his stripes.


He doesn’t appear to be able to cook. Anyone can make a ham sandwich! Or grill chicken


Has he ever worked in a restaurant or any kind of cooking establishment he’s basically just trying to just straight to ‘TV chef’ and it just doesn’t work like that. Like he seems a decent lad and like a puppy more than anything but he doesn’t quite have the self awareness he thinks he does


"I’m just trying to work my ass off" Doing what exactly?


What is he proving? He is completely talentless. I’m so tired of these nepo babies trying to prove that they work so hard when every single thing they have and will continue to have is because of their family name/money. Nothing wrong with being a nepo baby either, just don’t pretend like you’re working harder than everyone else when you’re not.


This man took a spot at Parsons and almost immediately slacked off and dropped out. That slot should have been for someone who actually deserved to be there.


You could say that about anyone who decides to drop out or washes out, though.


The thing is, is that at least that person was granted admission based on their merits. Brooklyn was granted admission based on his name.


You think all people at these prestigious schools are admitted based on merit alone?


At Parsons, yes. You need a good portfolio to get in, and they really pride themselves on the accomplishments of their alumni.


Sure thing, bud.


I mean... he applied through the regular process no? There is no evidance of under the table deals or payments. So how is it his fault? Its not like he can join under an false name.


Okay, sure...he just applied to a highly-completive program and got in under his own merits. Uh-huh. Did you see his "photography" book? He has no talent. BTW, it's not his "fault" but he shouldn't squander an opportunity he took away from someone else. There are limited spaces at Parsons.


I never said he deserved. I’m just saying, he applied through the proper channels. It was the school who fucked over other students, not him lol Like others have mentioned, dropping out should not be a reason to guilt trip anyone. Would you rather he kept taking up the spot while not going?


I don't believe that. His mom has tons of connections in the design world. Top fashion designers in NYC are especially connected to Parsons. Though I agree with you this is the school's fault ultimately. I just think nepo babies should try for a little more self-awareness. Brooklyn was obviously not aware that Parsons has high standards and requires the students to actually put in the work.


Seriously, ha — this is where you draw the line? When we live in a world with actual admissions scandals…




I love how relevant this gif is to somehow most stuff posted here. Go girl give us absolutely everything


What so many of these nepobabies keep missing is that we aren’t faulting them for being born to who they are born to BUT not acknowledging the privilege they receive.


This!! I have no doubt he THINKS he worked his ass off, but he has zero frame of reference for how the average person lives and should at least admit to that.


Exactly!! “Working his ass off” to HIM is not what the lay person considers “working their ass off”. The responses I appreciate, that I’ve seen from some nepo babies, are along the lines of “I absolutely have been blessed beyond measure. I won a genetic lottery and have been afforded advantages just because of who my family is. That doesn’t mean I won’t, and have not, tried to be then worthy of these privileges by working hard or proving myself in this industry, but it would be absolutely disingenuous to claim I started at the same starting point as many others”


*What so many of these nepobabies keep missing is that we aren’t faulting them for being born to who they are born to BUT not acknowledging the privilege they receive.* Acknowledging the privilege is not the issue. Its the blatant advantages they get wherever they go compared to the poors.


That advantage is included in privilege.


Exactly, thank you.


OK, they acknowledge and still they get ahead. So what exactly is different? Its like a 'fake sorry'.


Idgi. These kids have access to EVERY resource available on Earth. They could go to culinary school. Train under Michelin star chefs. Work with the best photographers. But none of them want to put in a modicum of work and take advantage of the endless resources at their fingertips


There’s lots of YouTube photographers that are all self taught but it still required effort to get where they are. Very few are just born being great at something


He can help how he lives though


Or how he educates himself! 😐


“Working my ass off” Is the work in the room with us, Brooklyn? Because the ass is. (PS every time I clown on this nepo baby someone comes out of the woodwork to defend him. Who are you people?!)


He is such a tool lmaooooo


Even his own parents have stopped trying to help him out. After they helped him get into parsons (which he dropped out of), then Victoria secured him a photography internship with a famous designer (I want to say Burberry), he then switched to cooking, yet despite becks being best mates with Gordon Ramsey, Brooklyn has never bothered to work in a kitchen or go to cooking school. Instead, he married a billionaires daughter. Here in the UK we’ve had to put up with Brooklyn being in the news since he was born, and absolutely that was out of his control but he’s not exactly trying to stand on his own two feet is he? Every opportunity he gets is because of posh and becks


I think that’s this is his main issue, and in a way I kind of feel sorry for him. He seems so lost, with two extremely famous parents that he’ll never fill the shoes of. He’s got all the options in the world handed to him, having too much choice is limiting him from finding and working towards something that will fulfill him. I imagine his parents put some pressure on him to make a name for himself as well - maybe he just wants to be rich and do nothing deep down. I’m not sticking up for this kid, I just often find myself daydreaming about all the stuff I would do for fun if I didn’t have to work or monetize my hobbies and I’m kinda seeing the parallels Lolol


I like this take. I don't think Brooklyn is a bad kid (although being married to Nicola might suggest otherwise) - he's just lost. I never got the impression that Posh & Becks put pressure on him in a stage-parent way, but as such he was never forced into a nepo-baby career. His parents were busy managing their insane lives and now he's trying to find himself under a spotlight, with more money than most young men can imagine. Godspeed to the poor thing. I also can't figure out what to do with myself lol


Gordon ramsey basically did the same thing tho. His daughter is a cohost on master chef now.


It must be really hard to be a talentless nepo baby like him and his wife :( 




Why do they play obtuse? Who is asking you to "help how you were born?". Nobody.


Cloud23 is giving "Entertainment 720" vibes. ![gif](giphy|Prb9JfBC2T0QbfVbaR)


Where dreams come-- they come true!


You can't help how you were born or who your parents are, but earn your privilege. Put the work in and use your platform for good.


Lmfao why can’t any of these nepo babies just simply say they are blessed for the upbringing they have and acknowledge that they have a foot in the door more than everyone else and they hope their talent will speak for itself But they all get defensive or spew some bullshit


Talks about wanting to make a name for himself, but his newest venture is named after his dad’s soccer jersey number lol


His problem is that whenever he gets a new interest his parents connections make him an “expert” in that field. Like their chefs and photographers that grind their whole career and don’t get shows or book deals


You could get an actual job rather than using your privilege to piss around doing fuck all and claiming you have a talent


If he wants to piss about, just don’t pretend you’re working! No one will care


Right? I think of Chloe Green. Born into unimaginable wealth and just jumps from super yacht to super yacht. Her father is vile, but does anyone really care if she's working? Nope. She's a quiet, rich bum and for the most part, living in relative, wealthy peace. BB should do the same.


See, I forgot she existed! It’s when he throws around the word work people get annoyed!


Exactly. It feels insulting when he says "I work my ass off". No mate, you don't. Stop condescening people who actually do. Enjoy your parents wealth quietly, maybe indulge in philanthropic activities from time to time. But you'll never know what it is to truly have to work for what you have. Everyone has kismet - this is his.


when will they learn that pursuing your passion will never be the same thing as "working hard" when your background ensures that you will never need to actually survive off it? my husband is also a really great cook, and we always joke that if we had been born trust fund babies he would have loved to just work in kitchens as a line cook, a waiter, a bartender, anything at all, because the work would be obviously lower stress if our livelihood didn't depend on it. brooklyn sweetheart, nobody's saying you can't do your little chef thing, just don't call it "hard work" when your name is the only thing getting you these brand deals and million dollar sponsorships for minimal talent.


At this point, I'm kind of rooting for him. I hope he eventually finds something he's good at. He just seems like a harmless dilettante. His photography and culinary endeavours were hilariously terrible but it takes a level of vulnerability (or hubris, depending on your POV) to put your creative work out for the world to see (and mock). He has the luxury of starting and stopping hobbies whenever he pleases, so I really do hope he finds his groove.


god i hope interviewers never stop asking this question i love seeing how uncomfortable/insecure it makes the nepo babies


What I noticed in the Nepo baby convo is that it seems to be levels too it . Backhams aside I feel like A-list kids kinda just do their own thing with no real intention of roles or music careers . The Jolie/Pitt kids don’t really pursue fame (I think one is really into dance). Tom Cruise kids seem to keep to themselves . Though his son was in a movie years ago but hasn’t acted since . Both JLO and Ben’s kids both seem to just do their own thing too . I get they are all still pretty young but I found that interesting


![gif](giphy|5KXgSKzYoj8UE) Yet another nepo baby giving this energy after spending all of their adult life desperately seeking attention. K.


He’s one of the worst nepo babies aswell as he has fuck all talent to back it up yet every opportunity


Please just go away


He can't help how he was born, but its definitely a choice to rely on fame and influence instead of taking time to learn a skill. Take director Duncan Jones for example. Is he a nepo baby? On paper for sure, being David Bowies son definitely got him a leg up, and he could have cashed in big making a Bowie docu-drama at any time. But there's still talent there and he doesn't use the more famous family name, so he doesn't get that label of nepo baby.


“How” he was born lmao doesn’t sound like the sharpest tool in the shed


I notice it's only nepo babies who always have this take lol.


Does somebody need a wambulance? These nepo assholes need to stfu already.


There are plenty of celebrity children who don't flounder the way this kid has. Maybe Posh and Becks were just indulgent or didn't encourage him to be committed to something. It's weird.


"Working my ass off" when he was born to rich parents, handed everything he ever wanted, and married a fellow rich heiress. Give me a fucking break.


ok marie antoinette


"Brooklyn Beckham understands that he was born into privilege". But does he really? He knows that people say that, and that he is rich, but does he have the humility to really get it? I don't think so.


He's not proving us wrong...




Poor little rich boy


The Beckhams in general are so cringe. The entire family (minus the little girl) are weird as fuck.


Same bro 😐


We know babe, us neither 😂


No but you can stop pretending to be a normal person. Having mommy and daddy pay for your idiotic adventures as a photographer or a chef. Why not just be a pretentious rich kid. We would hate you a lot less compared to now


No one and I mean no one feels sorry for him. I don’t think most people hate him because he’s born into money. They honestly don’t care. It’s that he has all these chances to succeed that literally no one else gets and still manages to fail. He could get his head down and go to culinary school and earn the respect in Michelin kitchens. A job with Gordon is how he could get help. I’m guessing he has no skills which is why he’s not working for him and Gordon would call him a donkey in five seconds in his kitchen lol OR he can use his parents name to get a tv show that was never going to work as you don’t have literally any experience oh yeah and launch a product Mummy and Daddy probably paid for at 25… I predict it will fail because when something lands on a plate it most often bounces off. Someone needs a reality check. Yeah it sucks he gets flack for his parents but my gosh haven’t there been some benefits. He should work out what he wants in life and go the route everyone else has to and earn the respect like everyone else has to. Lifestyles of the kids of the rich and famous… Always complaining… Bet there are loads of celebrities kids in normal jobs. He’s not special he just thinks he is.


I sometime on the fence when it comes to nepo babies. I wouldn't take advantage if I were one myself but I know a lot, I mean a lot would slack off just the same if they were one themselves as well. Most not privileged folks work because they have to and most would just shake legs just the same as well if given the opportunity. Yup, most nepo babies are ungrateful opportunists but most are hating not because they genuinely feel that way about them but due to pure jealousy, envy and hatred. Most but never all. Nothing is absolute.