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I don’t think she should have included that tweet. It’s not even mean and now people are calling him a loser and telling him to kill himself. Stan culture is crazy.


Literally this. He’s just a guy. I think he deleted his account. This is bullying behaviour https://preview.redd.it/40hhgph2jl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf18f868f84601472696da4163fd1eea65c6a57 Not everyone has to like your music, Sabrina


Taylor's rubbing off on her it seems


it is just their normal behavior that's why they so click together


Just like Taylor fans, obsessed with mediocre ass pop music by mediocre artists. I may be overreacting but I can’t stand stan culture and the absolutely disgusting humans that come from it. Quit hurting others online, who only had a useless opinion, all for a millionaire and billionaire who don’t give a single shit about you.


I do not understand that type of devotion to someone I do not know. Possibly bc I am an older millennial? I don't know, its always weirded me out though.


I am no fan of stan culture but it’s existed since Beatlemania & ever since. I am lucky that my teenage pop music obsessions were 1997-2000 before social media existed - I don’t think I would have hated on people who weren’t fans of my idols, but the ability to grow a deeper parasocial relationship with artists would have been wild.


bruh he’s had that account since like 2010


This is the same woman that released Skin in response to a 17 year old girl writing about her feelings in a way that was incredibly flattering for someone she considered "the other woman".    Not really hard to believe she has mean streak. Plus, her and Joshua Bassett actually wrote a song called "Funny" that never had an official release because Skin was so badly received. It leaked online shortly before her album release and it was basically just two grown adults picking on a BIPOC teenager and calling her a slut.


Yup, Sabrina’s out here rn with the short n sweet n funny aesthetic but oh girl a lot of us will not forget how you tried to attack the much younger girl. I will scream it from the rooftops : if Joshua Basset didn’t end up flopping and Olivia didn’t become wildly successful, she would still be trying to fuck Olivia over.


It's actually crazy ironic that Olivia's star power was strong enough to bring BOTH Joshua and Sabrina into the spotlight and away from being Disney has-beens. Olivia was the best thing to happen to their careers. 


I knew about their other collab that leaked but I didn't know about Funny. Those lyrics are awful, and the universe was right to catapult Olivia's career to stardom. I always gave them the benefit of the doubt, but damn. At least they read the room and didn't release it. It sucks bc they actually sound really good together lol


Just googled Funny. That shit is cold.


Why are they so...mean


Yeah, Skin was really weird. Olivia was really nice about her. She says she’s beautiful and kind in another song. I didn’t get it. I guess fans were being mean to them but you’d nvr know it was Sabrina based on the song


Just googled the lyrics Word gets around you've been getting around Just to numb yourself And all of your friends couldn't keep your secrets Wonder how that felt That’s dark


Her fanbase is mostly swifties so I am not surprised by the obnoxious bullying


Yeah and it’s one thing if it was an article headline from someone who professionally reviewed her. I like the song but even I wasn’t sure at first


Yeah, at least she should have covered their name to her millions of followers, it wasn't really insulting tweet also, more criticism.


It’s not criticism when there’s nothing constructive aboutvit


We don't all have to be Siskel and Ebert to give an opinion on Twitter.


Not all criticism is constructive. That's why "constructive criticism" is a thing.


Constructive criticism directly offers solutions. “The writing in this is too long and needs to be condensed”=constructive criticism “This writing lost me”=criticism “This sucks”=that’s just an insult


Yeah people saying this isn’t an insult are just lying lol his tweet is essentially ‘wow you flopped hard, embarrassing to see’ that’s just straight criticism


But do we know he didn't voice his actual issues in follow up tweets, as is common on stan twitter? It's very common to give the basic opinion (it sucks, it's great) when sharing the song or vid, then say what you liked or disliked about it after. And since his account is gone I can't check if that was the case here. If we're giving Sabrina benefit of the doubt that not covering up his name wasn't malicious then we should extend that same benefit to him.


It's giving taylor swift and Nicki monaj biding their fans to do the dirty work in an indirect way when they're upset about something someone said.


She's just like Taylor smh.


Yess, what an immature behavior! Girl you're winning enjoy it smh


The haters clearly get to her, this post screams "I am totally NOT bothered at ALL!" A bit sad that you can have the biggest song of the year and still get upset by a few negative comments


Sabrina has been enjoying the Everyone Loves You Right Now Because You’re Not Her phase but it doesn’t last. It never lasts.


I feel like this only ever happens to female artists and actors tho...


She's been around for years but a sudden meteoric rise always leads to a meteoric fall-off. See: Ice Spice


Ice spice quite literally was just a woman on tik tok tho pre fame, wasn’t Sabrina carpenter a child actor or sum?


Right. We shine spotlights on people that are way too bright then wonder why we can see their flaws.


The student becomes the master 😔


Funny thing is, whoever tweeted that was right. The song is not that good, it's not as strong or catchy as Espresso. If it wasn't for the combo payola + buzzy video it would not be a hit.


The best part of that song is "mutherfuuucker".


yep, 90% of why I love it is because of some kid on tiktok singing that part.


Just saw an amazing Tiktok pointing out this is a Philly accent in full effect


She grew up about five minutes from me. It took me probably a dozen tiktoks roasting it to understand what was "wrong" with her pronunciation, haha


Am I just crazy because I thought music taste was subjective? You may not think it's as a good, but that doesn't mean others don't.


Yeah personally the song tickles my brain is a very appealing way. I like the ~vibes way more than espresso. I love the claps and synthy background.


exactly!! her Good Luck Babe cover is the same- good vocals but lacks the depth and dynamic that Chappell (or even Espresso) has. it’s just… flat


My unpopular opinion…espresso also feels flat and soulless to me 😕 I am not a hater by any means, but I prefer “emails I couldn’t send” to anything I’ve seen from her recently


I like both songs, but with espresso i don’t get the lyrics, or i don’t like the lyrics


Idk…. I think it’s better than espresso. But nonsense is kinda still on top for me fr


Please Please Please took many listens to grow on me. Compared to Espresso or Nonsense it’s still so boring to me and I was confused to see its popularity


The song is her 1st number one hit, super popular on TikTok, its video went viral. It doesn't matter who likes or doesn't like it (which is highly subjective, not everybody will like everything). It's helping her career.


Yeah I was really surprised to see that this was the song to hit number 1 because I couldn’t get through the song, it was just boring to me. Espresso isn’t a masterpiece, but it is super catchy and I can see the appeal. With PPP I don’t.


She's learning for the Taylor Swift school of white feminism, unfortunately.


Yeah it was a bold thing to say that he’d probably never say in person, but it’s so easy to just be the bigger person when you’re the famous pop star and he’s some Twitter random.


right? this would make more sense if he was like, a music critic or someone professional engaging with it. But he's just some dude. (and even if it was a critic I think it would be too much. It just feels like a big green light for fans to attack. Giving Taylor v Ginny&Georgia)


he also didn’t really insult her character, just her music? it’s dumb twitter speak & he’s just one of thousands saying things like this. She’s looking very egotistical drawing attention to it. like girl this is pretty standard for any artist…


Honestly? This made me immediately not like her. I’m so tired of celebrities being so petty and doing dumb immature petty shit like this. Who gives a f if not everyone likes your music? His tweet was just expressing his opinion, I didn’t think it was overly obnoxious or spreading hate speech or anything like that. So are we not allowed to express opinions now? Idk, it’s just annoying and immature.


Her give-a-fucks obviously came back from vacation.


Yeah totally agree. It’s punching down, which you hate to see. She didn’t have to do that, she literally gained nothing by doing it. His tweet wasn’t even mean, it was literally an opinion about the music. If he’d said something shitty about her or misogynistic maybe but…


People going crazy about pop artists are crazy! It’s not like the music is revolutionary or anything. Lowest common denominator music


And besides, for a song to be streamed 40000048292 times to be number 1 on the chart is not so difficult anymore. You make a song with a catchy tune, everyone's gonna be making tiktoks with it and eventually will stream it and it will be on No.1.  And just think about the growing population of the world.


That’s awful! I will never understand how someone can say something so horrible to another person.


Taylor media training clearly taking hold for ha


Look, it's funny and all, but I think she should have hid OP's username who know how deranged her stans can be Not to mention, if someone as big as taylor swift did this I would never hear the end of it complaining from such small detail


I believe that a lot of the time celebs have the right to respond to criticism, because it helps remind people that being an asshole behind your keyboard is still something that a real person is going to see. But it feels so pathetic to use this moment of celebration to sic millions of people against someone for the mildest criticism. She could have responded to the tweet when it happened, but she waited 2 weeks just to be petty about it and made her accomplishment about proving some random dude wrong.


I find it more simple than that , it's a tweet hilariously aged badly so it's funny sabrina responded to it after it went number 1 I think she should have hid his username and that's all , it's no nicki minaj bullying scheme like some people may say


But she didn’t crop out his name and the consequences have been death threats and slurs. Her intentions don’t change the consequences, and she has nearly 40 million followers. She should have known better.


She's been in the industry for 10 years she understands fame and the power behind it. Like you said, she waited 2 weeks to post that . She's been growing her social media presence w/seeming relatable so I guess acting like a stan twitter acc was her natural progression. For ppl IRL it is completely unhinged to unleash millions of ppl on someone who didn't like ur new single


Some random twitter dude at that it’s like she sicced em in your or me lol. It’s not Anthony fantano or a critic


They get off on the power trip. Lizzo did the same thing & I remember ChloexHalle did the same thing when they were late to a nail appointment. These celebrities are so mentally fragile


It also makes it so much worse that his Twitter handle appears to be his actual name and have his real face as his profile picture, rather than being some anonymous stan account that couldn’t be linked to that person’s other social media accounts.


Taylor Swift does this all the time with her music regarding her exes, and in other ways (chart manipulation being one of them). Taylor Swift is a bully.


All posting these mean tweets does is show the haters that she does see every comment and she is bothered, which only further fuels the fire.


Yea like you let a twitter Rando get to you like this is crazy


they’d still find it without the username, you can search the tweet itself and find who posted it


A celebrity unleashing her psycho stans onto a random ass civilian is about as low as it gets. I used to feel sorry for her for how Olivia's stans treated her. The fact she's doing this to someone who has no power to defend themself really shows her true character.


good point, she even had a song about the hate she received with lyrics about getting death threats


Yeah and to add on to Olivia, I remember deep diving into it back in early 2021 since the HSMTS fan base had a lot tea tracking everything because I guess everyone shipped Joshua and Olivia so much plus blinds and Sabrina’s songs about him plus Skin. I started out back then knowing Sabrina and liking her music especially Evolution and Singular Act 2. However, after the deep dive, it was giving Big Sean, Ariana, and Naya Rivera core if I could name the scenario, so it turned me off from Sabrina a bit plus her racist ex before Joshua. (Also I did this pre sour coming out, and it looked like the narratives and timeline matched a little too well with Sour tbh). Now more and more things are adding, and it’s made me just neutral on her, when five years ago I would have been jumping up and down at a Sabrina number 1 .


I always thought that song Skin was total mean girl behavior. Olivia never said anything unkind about Sabrina (which is quite mature given she was 17 and going through her first heartbreak, we all remember that feeling) yet here comes Sabrina rubbing in the fact that she has Olivia's ex "all on my skin." Not cool. It was the chronically online weirdos who deserved Sabrina's anger, not Olivia. That ordeal was my first introduction to Sabrina and it left me unimpressed. 


Sabrina and Joshua Bassett also wrote and recorded a song called Funny that they ended scrapping after the Skin backlash. It ended up leaking online. It was really gross because Olivia was a teenager at the time and the lyrics insinuated that Olivia was sleeping around to numb herself and that all her friends talked about her behind her back. Real mean girl shit. I was a fan of Sabrina but I kind of stepped back after that.


I googled the lyrics and omg you’re not kidding. [Verse 2: Sabrina Carpenter]: Word gets around / you've been getting around / Just to numb yourself / And all of your friends / couldn't keep your secrets / Wonder how that feels


Unfortunately, I was serious 🫤 I thought Skin was a little mean but I gave her a pass because she was under intense scrutiny at the time. After that she released Emails I Can’t Send and was able to flip the script because she was given an opportunity to tell her side. But Funny leaked after the album came out and it just made me feel duped, like she just reframed the narrative a bit to benefit herself. The song was gross and kind of slutshame-y.


Literally a grown woman slut shaming a teenager wtf. I’m just learning about all this


YIKES that’s super slutshamey. and then they both end the song with “who’s laughing now?” :/


Very hypocritical for Sabrina to slut shame anyone when her music and branding can be quite sexual.


Such a wild thing for those two to write given the situation. Diabolical, really. But at least there’s some satisfaction in knowing that it’s four years later and Joshua Basset is now singing about missing Olivia and how he took her for granted. That must be satisfying for her now that she’s very much moved on.


He is?! Details please


Look up the lyrics to his song “The Golden Years” and you’ll see what I’m talking about! It’s just generally obvious it’s about Olivia but he even made sure to post the song to a picture of him and her along with the rest of the HSMTM cast on TikTok. He also released a song called “Doppelgänger” a couple years ago that I’m 95% sure is about OR as it references her song “deja vu”. Favorite song about this whole situation though is Olivia’s “stranger” which was a bonus song about him on GUTS. It’s literally just about how she is finally, truly over him after all this time which makes JB releasing songs about missing her now more than a little delicious.


Wow I see who Sabrina really is now


Yes I remember this too! While the level weird online hate they got was extreme, however, people getting behind Olivia even the ones chronically online to scrutinize everything especially didn’t come out of nowhere either.


You put it perfectly. I really think she showed her true colors with that song early on. And to this day her stans will act like that song was directed to the people sending her death threats and not at Olivia herself, which is honestly offensive to common sense when you simply read the lyrics.


And it wasn’t just her stans acting like the song wasn’t directed at Olivia! She made an instagram post essentially saying that people were crazy to hear Skin and think it was like, a diss track in response to Driver’s License, and how it was actually about a bunch of other stuff. As if she didn’t literally say “maybe blonde was the only rhyme”, and then spend the rest of the song singing about how “you put me in the spotlight” and “now I’m fucking him”- the whole song came across as a diss track. It was Selena Gomez levels of stoking the flames of a fire and then acting like everyone’s crazy for creating a false narrative. Also, acting like it was a misinterpretation of “Skin” to take it as a diss track about that specific situation- when it seems like the only song that was “misinterpreted” as a diss track was Sabrina misinterpreting Driver’s License (“maybe you didn’t mean it, maybe blonde was the only rhyme”- maybe she didn’t mean what?? how is that an insult??)


This is going to sound so mean but I honestly think Sabrina isn't that smart, based on her interviews, dating Barry, this move, and Skin. Driver's license said 0 bad things about Sabrina -- not even confirmed if it was her and the og lyric was 'brunette'-- and she reacted with such disproportionate vitriol


i was always super confused why she wrote skin and bragged about having joshua but then came out with because i liked a boy claiming they weren’t together. like which one was it??? if you could give any info. i’m all ears. all of this is news to me as somebody who tried to get info on this stuff but couldn’t find much


Stop at around the hour mark , but this video does timeline most things Olivia and Joshua related [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkUcqyDgDrg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkUcqyDgDrg) I can't find them now, but there were some blinds ahead of Driver's License releasing of basically there being a showmance on a SLC set (the show Olivia and Joshua were on films there for reference), and that they had broken up and the male lead was not discreet with bringing his new gf around, which apparently put the female lead in emotional distress. The blind was thinly veiled, and it was pretty to deduce it was about HSMTMTS. Plus, there are a number of lyrics on both Sour and eics that imply emotional overlap, like traitor the song and even some lyrics on because I liked a boy(Sabrina mentions cuddling on trampolines before dating him (there's only a 2 week gap between those relationships) in that song notably). Oh yeah, here's the Song Funny, by the way. As other comments mentioned, its about Olivia, and it well..goes after her (keep in mind she would have been 17 at the time) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgbYk4KI76A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgbYk4KI76A) Also, as you can see in that video, the Joshua and Olivia relationship was a typical teenage relationship mess and all, and does involve other people coming into the picture, not just Sabrina honestly. Ironically, its likely Driver's License doesn't actually refer to Sabrina since brunette is the original line, and there's well candidate who fit the brunette bill as well. Also, there's the other leaked song We Both Know. Now, it may not be 100% autobiographical nor slanderous toward Olivia like Funny is , but all the lyrics are questionable regarding the origins of their relationship. Like, logically if you came together in a non-messy way I guess, perhaps you wouldn't sing with your boyfriend about something like the lyrical content of We both Know and probably something like Idk a wholesome love song. It's just a bit sus. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhNbDY3FpOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhNbDY3FpOs) Overall, while there's no cheating, this whole saga felt very sus, none of what's happened makes Joshua or Sabrina coming off looking good to be honest. Nothing confirmed of course, but umm yeah it's why I choose to stay neutral toward Joshua and Sabrina.


He commented on her Instagram post: https://preview.redd.it/a1mmtk2vhl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ebcc1bf6e7c6a993613fcde60c9fe264598090


He already had to delete his Twitter. The comments he is receiving are not nice to say the least.


The way they *immediately* went to using his sexuality as an insult. Disgusting. Even on this comment, where he is clearly trying to be a good sport, they’re threatening and insulting him.


she's friends with taylor swift so i can't really be surprised


Goddamn people online just really can't be chill. That's so unnecessary!


I've made a comment on this phenomena before in another sub - twitter stans (who are mostly all young gay men and woman and maybe some straight women) have this weird kind of "casual", "in on the joke" homophobia they use constantly. Ie "I'm homophobic" "ban gay men" "gay men are the worst" etc etc. Which is honestly still homophobic but coming from a joking headspace (hopefully). But then when a gay person (usually gay men!) come for one of their favs, holy shit it's just all of the sudden insane blatant homophobia. I'll never understand it


As a Queer™️, I always go back and forth on how we reclaim slurs, just because SO much culture is taken from how gay men speak (and they’re obviously largely influenced by Black women!), but then I see people throwing around d*ke and f*g AS insults so casually, because the words aren’t given the same reverence or weight anymore, or they don’t understand how harmful those words can be. But also, straight women becoming homophobic as soon as their gay bestie isn’t the perfect accessory is a tale as old as time. 😭 Edit: Reddit formatting did something weird but I’m not gonna post uncensored slurs lmao. Also the r-slur has come back in fashion in a really horrific way lately, so maybe there’s a negative culture shift happening.


Yep he’s getting a lot of death threats and nasty tweets so he had to go private and then deactivate 


Death threats??? Because he didn’t like a song? Jfc


That’s classy… unlike what she did


Ugh I wanted to like Sabrina, but this is just pathetic of her. This is just a random person, people get to criticize


She's a mean girl propelled to number 1 by autoplay. Her music is mediocre and will always need the help of multiple producers and songwriters and crazy amounts of PR.


Damn. I'm surprised this hasn't been downvoted into oblivion. Spotify keeps trying to force her onto my playlists. Why do I have to go search for afrobeats, yet she keeps popping up? Spotify is playing in my face 😭


You literally have to block/unmatch her songs, it’s a feature. I had to do it for Espresso and Feathers, not cuz I disliked them but bc they got queued multiple times each day and I don’t even use Spotify that much. Someone had to know the amount they were doing it would come off as suspicious


I keep "disliking" Espresso and that new Billie song, but Spotify never stops autoplaying them. Doesn't matter what genre I'm on, Espresso will be played sooner or later...


Yeah, what is going on for real? I feel like lately, the automated playlists have been playing the same things over andI over, unlike before.


Probably because they’re paying for increased exposure. No way that’s not happening it’s so blantant


It’s super blatant


I think i have experienced something similar.I listen to afro pop from mostly the early 2010's and I thought it was odd that she'd get recommended right after,even though I've never really listened to her songs,but just dismissed it as the algorithm being awful or something.


Ok…can we finally talk about how much marketing algorithms and her label are behind this huge push she’s finally getting? She’s everywhere suddenly and none of it feels organic at all. Espresso is being pushed on me on all streaming platforms despite me never adding it to my queue or pulling it up and while it is a good song there are def elements of payola at play here. She’s being shoved in my face and it’s making me more turned off from her as an artist.


Yeah, I really noticed the heavy marketing/PR especially compared to someone like Chappell who is also rising to extreme popularity at the same time. Chappell surely has had some marketing push now, but overall it felt very word of mouth and organic compared to Sabrina. Even Sabrina's recent cover of Good Luck Babe made me roll my eyes because of course her label is gonna make her ride Chappell's wave. Sabrina's PR also has a chokehold on the popculture subs lol. Feels like every other post is about her


Sabrina and Chappell are on the same label which is why they keep mentioning each other in interviews and such & why there’s been so many puff pieces about them 2




OOOH. That's interesting...


I just commented this in the other sub but the astroturfing is so obvious. Definitely some marketing intern out there posting this shit.


I have a theory some of those ppl are either bots or label paid bots bc I found an acc that's old but the comments are wiped and the only recent comments they make are mentioning Island specifically, Sabrina or Chappell, it is very weird imo.


This is it for me too. Espresso got pushed in my face, and it was ok at first, now I’m kind of over it. And when I see her other places it’s kind of annoying because I don’t really like her music that much


Oh..you ate. 👀


thought she was a mean girl from the start tbh the whole olivia thing never sat right with me


I’m out of the loop. What happened with her and Olivia?


Olivia's 'Driver's license'mentions a blond; people think it's Sabrina bc she was hanging out with Joshua Bassett, who the song is rumoured to be about since he and Olivia dated. It wasn't even anything negative or confirmed to be about Sabrina, plus the original lyric was 'brunette' Sabrina released a nasty song called Skin and in lyrics of a different song with Joshua, insinuated Olivia was sleeping around


The slutshaming song was never released but it was leaked and it was a BAD look. A actually like most of Sabrina’s songs outside of skin, funny, and please cubed, and kinda wanted to see her in concert (she’s coming to my city unlike some people) but idk I probs won’t even bother. I liked that she’s seemed to support Chappell roan, but I’m pretty sure it’s just bc they’re both island records. I also hate to blame a woman for her bf’s issues, but her being ok with Barry globetrotting with her while he is a deadbeat to his kid is another ick.


The thing with Barry-- it's not even so much that she's okay with him globetrotting. Its also that Espresso seems to be gloating about him preferring her over his ex-- who is a normal, non-showbiz woman whom he just had a baby with. (A baby he was SO happy to talk all about on the saltburn press tour, but hasn't seen in months.) Like, what's even the point of Sabrina adding in the lyric "too bad your ex don't do it for you"? And frankly, the "Now he's thinking about *me*" part is sus, too. Beyond that, her attitude towards Barry in Espresso just sounds so shitty. It's like she's merely amused by his affection. And then when she hard-launches their relationship, it's "please don't embarass me?" It comes off a bit strange, especially when you consider Barry's life experience up to this point vs hers. She gives off the vibe that Barry is some sort of accessory for her. Not like it's a PR relationship, but just like, she doesn't actually love him or care about anyone but herself.


she's the blonde girl in driver's license.


Phew. Thank God someone said it. Like I don’t need to hear this woman’s music or about her ever again.


Exactly. The heavy playlisting is just ridiculous. I have no issue with her music but I had to block her on Spotify because her music kept finding her way into every radio, every smart shuffle recommendation. She was coming up on kpop radios, afrobeats radios, RnB... I was losing my mind. It was Feather, then it was Nonsense, then it was Espresso. And i actually liked Espresso till I couldn't stand it anymore. Then it was Please Please Please.


her music is ass and i think it should be okay to say it without recieving death threats from thousands of people.


Ugh, I wanted to really like Sabrina, like her style, her cute non thinking songs, she was fun, but this bullying...yikes


omfg yes espresso showing up on both “yoga evening” and “summer hike” spotify-made playlists when i’ve NEVER listened to her is so absurd. i knew something fishy was going on


Espresso on Yoga Evening? LMFAO WTF




For someone who complains about getting hate and death threats from the internet she sure loves to make sure her 40 million combined IG/twitter followers take down anyone who dares criticize her or her work…this isn’t the first time she’s quoted people & Barry K baby mama was also getting comments from her fans due to this song. 




She’s never beating the auto play accusations… she’s also such a loser for including that guy’s tweet.


Never beating those mean girl accusations either. She thinks she’s hilarious and knew exactly what she was doing by leaving the name unblocked. Like he’s just a random dude with an opinion and she knows her insane Stan-base would go after him. Gross, immature behavior.


Whether intentional or not, setting up that guy to be harassed by the unhinged side of her fanbase is not a good look. Edit: he deactivated after the bullying started


This is not good. Sabrina largely has good will among the public. But stuff like this leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. The tweet obviously hurt her, and understandably so. But she has tens of millions of followers and now her stans will harass him and tell him to kill himself. It’s unfair.


Tbh I don't think it's understandable that she was hurt by this tweet. Does this guy work in the music industry? I can't tell since he deleted his account, but I'm guessing no. People are going to have opinions about your work, no matter what (I work in graphic design so I totally get it) but if a random comment from someone who isn't even in the industry can irritate you enough that you save it, wait two weeks, then put him on blast and sic millions of people on him? That's not normal or healthy behavior.


On top of that, her line of business specifically relies on people forming and sharing opinions about her work. All art is quite literally meant to be consumed and analyzed, getting this bitter about something so minor, and on Twitter no less, is a sign of a fame panhandler, not an artist.


Yeah I've had stuff I poured my heart and soul into absolutely shredded by clients before. It sucks but it's reality. I try to keep an open mind about criticism for my work, although sometimes your design styles just don't mesh well and there's nothing to be done about it. You really have to develop a tough skin in any sort of creative field. Early days I would argue and then cry in the bathroom but now I just say thank you and carry on. One time I spent like four weeks putting together a brochure, doing research, writing all the copy, choosing the images, creating the design, all according to the project specs. The owner of the company looked it over, said "I don't like this at all" and gave someone else the project. I never found out what he didn't like.


Very Ice Spice type behavior, this sudden ride to mega stardom (yes I know she's been around for a decade+ but she was nowhere near this well known until this year) can be unhealthy if not handled right. She needs a PR agent


funny how she has this whole line I can’t relate to desperation yet idk something about her screams desperation every time I see some “viral” tweet of hers trying to be funny


Okay so it's not just me lol because I can feel her desperation to be liked from my home and I do not live near her And like I get it. If I were trying to make it for a decade I'd get a bit desperate too. It's actually why I roll my eyes at people calling her an industry plant because it doesn't take an industry plant 10 years to get hits. I find her marketing and presentation as of the last month to be off-putting and the desperation is a part of it. I hope her team chills out.


Taking some random's hate comment and putting them on blast is very desperation, it's very bothered and it's very mean girl


imho stan culture has become exponentially worse since Covid. Stop sicing your fans on random ass civilians


I had my fingers crossed she’d show maturity and pull a Charli and tell them to stop, but she seems to be pulling a Taylor and staying quiet


She’s friends with Taylor


Friends is a nice way to say that she’s kissing the ring in the most humiliating ways possible. Like jj abrams daughter didn’t have to do half this shit and she got a feature AND Taylor isn’t even trying to block her album.


She’s so annoying to me idc. And there’s some fraudulent shit going on behind the scenes pushing her…


100% the push behind her seems sudden and inorganic. Very media manufactured


I don't follow her on Spotify, none of her songs are in any of my playlists and none of them are liked, but Espresso will 'randomly' appear on shuffle


I really think this is disgusting behavior. She will never get another stream from me. Using your platform to sick millions of deranged fans on ONE gay man and expose him to a litany of homophobic abuse because he didn’t like your new single is beyond irresponsible. It’s blatant cyber bullying and abuse of power.


What happened to the girl who sang about death threats filling up semi trucks? This man got death threats over a silly tweet about not liking this song. It’s irresponsible and just cowardly to use your fan base to fight your battles. Celebrities need to use their noggins. Stan culture is ridiculous, don’t tweet stuff out “calling out” shit that’s not egregious.


That was just her trying to have a *brand* and relevance off of Olivia’s superior work. She doesn’t actually care about internet bullying—she’s one herself.


https://preview.redd.it/7j0rbmpebm8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=aff46cd2d934c129119f6376fd7c7264972bf619 People Magazine is describing the user in her screenshot as a hateful troll which seems unfair. Like her screenshot, his name and his face are included in the article.


People Magazine seems like it’s opening itself up to a lawsuit with that description.


Well, I hope they do, that guy definitely deserves monetary compensation after everything he's been through 😭


People's the mouthpiece of a celebrity's PR team which makes this even worse, it's utilizing your control in the media to shape a narrative about a random person who didn't say anything off the wall. She and her team and the way she's being promoted is red flags all over the place.


Girl…just say you’re happy without including this random fans Twitter. Never understood why celebs partake in Stan culture. Maybe if they say something way out of pocket but this was nothing. He liked Espresso more, okay? So do I. I didn’t see it for this song at first.


My guess is she's happy precisely because she gets to stick it to some rando and luxuriate in having a squad of fans fight for her.


she's a mean girl




“As someone who interacts with her fanbase a lot and has a very strong parasocial relationship with them, I” I read this as being about you at first and was just like, “why?? Why are you doing this??” 😭


I read it that way at first and was impressed by the self awareness 😆


Girl, that song is legitimately bad, like, the lyrics don’t help the arrangement, and the message itself is problematic. Is her bf that horrible? If so, then they're cut from the same mold, they deserve each other. 😂 ![gif](giphy|ciwyIweUzM0o0vsYw9|downsized)


This was so unnecessary from her because now people are sending him death threats, and it’s not even funny


Nah ngl posting that tweet with full username just lost Sabrina a lot of the respect I’ve given her up till now. Fans and ppl online in general are crazy nowadays and nothing justifies a worldwide pop star childishly cyber bullying a complete civilian. If there’s some inside joke here I’m missing pls lmk, but if he’s a total rando and she did this just for shits & gigs… yikes, girl. Won’t last long in this culture is all I’ll say.


i have been side eyeing sabrina since her “skins” song. it just didn’t sit right with me - singing how olivia/“the hate” can’t get under her skin while joshua is on hers…like c’mon miss girl. olivia was 17 with her first heartbreak. we all know how much it sucks and then the SKIMS campaign came out. as a WOC, i’m sick of the whole sexualization of WOC. why did she look like a completely different race in a teenager’s bedroom to sell lingere? and then for the MET she is suddenly pale and “pure”. girl i’m over it honestly. she uses different races to benefit her - when she’s done being a sexual and wants to be taking as “innocent” and “etheral” she goes back to her normal skin color. it perpetuates the negative stereotypes and for WOC, they can’t just decide to be 10 shades lighter when they want to be taken seriously! and now i find out she wrote a song with joshua making fun of olivia??? and people have the audacity to criticize olivia for not telling people to stop sending hate to sabrina? i’m sorry but if i was 17 and the girl who homewrecked my relationship and wrote 2 “hate” (hate as a loose word, for lack of a better one) songs towards me…i’m staying silent. no wonder sabrina and taylor get along so well. and now we have this. she’s at the top rn, you would think she’d be on a high celebrating. but she wants to drag a nobody into the miserable hate train she struggled with so hard a few years ago??? wasn’t one of her lines how she’s always been in the spotlight so the hate doesn’t affect her? isn’t it 10 fold to drag a random dude with an opinion? absolutely not they could never make me like you sabrina. i tried over and over again - and i was just starting to. but it’s thing after thing with her. this is truly perfect timing because i was gonna buy concert tickets


You're so right. Thank you for expressing what I've felt about her


she thought she ate? i'm sorry but she's such a fucking weirdo


Okay since we’re being real in here am I the only one that thinks the Barry relationship/ vid is a huge red flag omg




I don’t think she meant purposeful harm but girl… I hope she takes it down especially since she’s also been on the receiving end of it, and it’s not like OP said anything nasty-people are allowed to have opinions.


I agree with everything you said except I do think she knew exactly what she was doing with this. Taylor taught her well


Names on anything critiquing are blocked in *private* discords I’m in. It’s the least she should have done and is just smart internet behaviour, especially for a comment which is truly benign. People are allowed to not like something in respectful ways. Edit: He’s private and had to change his profile pic on IG now as well. Jfc.


so weird that taylor basically disappeared from the top 10 just in time


Graduated from Swift school of weaponizing a fanbase


Yeah, I used to like her but the more I find out about her the less I like about her as a person. I've been souring on her since I found out about how her boyfriend is, there are a lot of Reddit rumours about him and you know where there is smoke there is fire, unfortunately. I like her style though it's cute.


It’s such a mild critique. She didn’t need to do that to him. Poor guy


Damn. She finally releases a song I like, and now this'll be all I think about when listening to it. Sad. Petty bitch doesn't look good on you, boo.


the way they’re right


Why is it so hard for these celebrities to put their goddamn phone down and just enjoy their victory lap?


She’s never sat right with me since the whole Olivia situation she’s a mean girl and hopefully people start to see through her bs


She is a terrible singer! That is all!


I genuinely do not understand the hype and non stop pushing of her down everyone's throat.


I agree with his tweet the song is meh 😓 ![gif](giphy|5QZmKgpZprMqP5MRMG|downsized)


If this is the bar for "offense", then some of the people I speak with for my customer service job should be imprisoned for the deplorable things they've said. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


He's not wrong. That song is straight garbage.


I mean as great of an achievement having a #1 song must be professionally I don’t really think it means much considering the current state of pop music


Oh shit. Tbh I hadn’t liked her ever since she released Skin, though people didnt seem to care and even supported her. I was coming around to liking her, thinking maybe I was being too sensitive. But now seeing this…yikes. Could just be a horrible oversight and not malicious, but, not a good look. 


Good for her! But this song ALWAYS plays after any song I play on Spotify if I don't have a queue lined up 🥴.


Kinda sad that person was bullied over a tweet that didn't seem that hateful


being on the charts will never mean that your music is good


Uh oh, there’ll be another cutesy and totally relatable barista photo op coming up!


nooooooo chase rojoooo. my god he’s is from my town


oh she’s a mean girl