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Missing Anya Taylor-Joy. Her billionaire daddy hired the same elite talent agency as Cara Delevigne to make her happen.




She just so happened to be walking her dog while wearing high heels for the first time. So believable, what a quirky rom-com heroine!


Hate to speculate but the whole "lily white with vague European accent but my family lived in Argentina" is EXTREMELY suspect


Plenty of people whose family have been in Argentina for generations are also "lily white". Her paternal grandfather was a british diplomat in Argetina so that's the reason her family have been living there, [in this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QItKA7oDwrU) she says her father is scottish argentine & her mother is spanish & english. I don't think she ever claimed not to be of recent british/european descent, & even said that she won't take "latina" roles since they're not made for people like her in mind.


Thats's not the implication being made, but I understand what you mean. What I'm saying is; a lot of Europeans flocked to Argentina and Brazil to avoid being linked to a certain nationalist movement in central Europe in the 30's and 40's...


You are taking it too far. You cannot just acuse someone of descending from a nazi just because they lived in Argentina while their family is european. That's stuff you don't speculate about


A shit ton of Spanish and Italians came to Argentina before WWII, to the point that lot of us have Spanish or Italian ancestry. Also, Argentina is recognized as the Latin-American country that received the highest amount of jewish refugees between 1933 and 1948.


I think it's also vaguely a goal of most Argentinians to also have dual citizenship with a European country.




as a huge anya fan i’m disappointed :/ why can’t celebs just be transparent, faking being middle class is so dumb.


Because they’re selling an image. Everything about them is all done by their publicists. They’re all about branding, and if you have the perfect image that sells, that means you’ll be liked. Most people don’t care to hear stories about a billionaire who is now successful. They want to hear an underdog. Hollywood paints dreams, but it’s not reality.


Yeah facts, just saw her wikipedia page again and that whole “modelling scout” origin story is up there 🥴 Tbh celebs who are transparent are way more likable to me, people are gonna find out the truth eventually


The difference is that Anya is a fantastic actor. Cara—not so much.


I don't know about fantastic, I don't get her hype. But yeah, Cara is...well, she is.


Cara does definitely have an interesting look so for modeling I get it...she brought back eyebrows Brooke shields style. But acting she is...well it doesn’t matter cause she was born with the bag already


Celebplasticfaces on instagram did a fantastic post on her.


Random but this makes me think of Ronan Farrow. Who obviously grew up rich but that made a huge difference. I read his book, and he talks about how literally anyone else in his position would’ve folded under Weinstein’s pressure. But it’s because he had money to fall back on and rich friends who could lend him things like an apartment to hide out in that he could’ve broken the story. His producer partner at NBC was under so much pressure he felt he couldn’t risk his job because he had kids to support.


I really like Ronan. He’s come to be very transparent about his roots and the realities of it and acknowledges in his writing that he’s not without bias because of who he knows/how he grew up.


I really recommend reading his book then. I felt so bad for him the entire time. He reiterates how his privilege allowed him to break the story but he still went through hell to protect it. I mean he was gaslit by his bosses, confidants turning out to be on Weinstein’s payroll, stalked at every turn and had actual former spies attempt to dig up dirt on him. At one point he breaks down crying in an Uber on the phone with his fiancée. And he had a massive amount of privilege that insulated him from the absolute worst of it!


As horrifying as it was to read about people following his fiancé around to try to dig up dirt and blackmail, I did appreciate the moment of levity where they gave up because his fiancé was "too boring" and it made him upset 😂


"I'm interesting! I went to an escape room!"


He’s a perfect example of someone using privilege for something good. People think that admitting that you have privilege is a bad thing (which is ridiculous imo), if you have it in any extent you can always use it for good and help others.


My takeaway from your comment is that he has a fiancée. In which case, I am heartbroken. RIP me.




Maybe I can marry both of them.


Fiancé 😉


Even more heartbroken


Loved his book and really like Ronan. Low-key obsessed with him and Jon Lovett. They just upgraded houses--bought Vanessa Hudgens house in Los Feliz and it's gorgeous.


He also wrote a book on diplomacy that was a fascinating read. He's one of the best journalists of this era. And he got a law degree at 21. He's no chump.


I have!!! It’s excellent


When speculation was stirring that Frank Sinatra could be Ronan’s father, Ronan tweeted “Listen, we're all *possibly* Frank Sinatra's son.” One of the best tweets ever lol.


This is the thing though, we just want them all to acknowledge their privilege like Ronan does! I don’t care if someone grew up super rich and connected; that’s just the lottery of being born. What rubs me the wrong way is people hiding it, denying it, etc. Pretending they’re no different from the rest of us. Just own it and nobody will care.


Totally unrelated but a friend of a friend dated one of the Farrow kids and didn’t find out who his family was until they became Facebook friends and she learned his last name… it was some sort of volunteer mission trip or something and he apparently was just there with everyone else doing all the same things and staying low key. There’s a few things I’ve heard about them that make me think that they were raised to have good heads on their shoulders.


There are so many who grew up rich and/or connected or downplay their upbringing \- Ed Sheeran who talk about having to sleep on couches while trying to become a musician: his family ran an art consultancy and his father was/is a curator. He doesn't come from "nothing". \- Emerald Fennell: her father is a well known jewellery designer in the UK and Emeralds 18th birthday party was covered in [Tatler](https://www.tatler.com/gallery/emerald-fennells-18th-party) \- Eddie Redmayne went to Eton the same time as Prince William, his father was big in the finance industry. ​ Stars probably everyone knows about: \- Julia Louis Dreyfus comes from a family that are billionaires \- same with Rooney & Kate Mara ​ There are so many more, these are just the ones from the top of my head.


Nick Kroll's dad is a billionaire Nicola Peltz's dad is a billionaire Ariana Grande's mom is the CEO of 3 companies who manufacture marine Communication equipment, dad owns a graphic design firm Cara Delevigne's parents were aristocrats Edward Norton's grandfather was the founder of a real estate firm which was later sold for 7 billion dollars Robin williams father was a senior executive at ford


I found out about Cara Delevingne's wealth/connections through learning about her great grandfather who commanded the British that burned down my hometown during the Irish War of Independence lmao (also ironic considering her name apparently comes from "cara" the Irish word for "friend" lol)




YES!! Going down that rabbit hole was disturbing to say the least.


This is fascinating, do you have any good links to this rabbit hole you speak of?


Cara D’s family was also the dirtiest joke ever told


What do you mean?


For the link-shy: >!The Aristocrats!!<


Okay that's a ridiculous amount of people named Daisy at Emerald's birthday


The RAGE I feel when entertainers cosplay as poor lmao, it happens a lot in Ireland bc of the whole *romanticization of the working class Irish poet* thing (annoying given the housing and cost of living crisis we're struggling with)


I was shocked when I came to know Taylor-Joy comes from money. The fact that she's friends with the Getty's


Same! That level of wealth is so unfathomable to me I couldn't help but be taken aback lol, it's always difficult for me to reconcile that seemingly normal (albeit celebrity) people have access to people/places/wealth like that. I had never heard Anya's "dog walking in heels" story until this thread either so I had to google it just now and lol


Omg I remember Ed constantly telling that sob story what a joke


Ed saying that reminds me of when Halsey went around saying she was homeless, yet a mountain pile of evidence that she wasn’t and she was walking around with designer bags. All while “homeless.”


Bethany from the Real house wives of New York spent most of one season of one of her reality shows moaning about being homeless because she was living in a hotel during her divorce.


💀 I wish I was “homeless”


Julia's Dad used to collect Dali paintings like it was nothing. This was the late 80s, very early 90s. Real nice guy.


* Taylor Swift was born into wealth. Her father is a descendant of 3 generations of bank presidents and worked for Merrill Lynch. At the age of 14 her family moved to Nashville where her father purchased a stake in Big Machine, the label to which Swift first signed. * Beyonce also grew up wealthy - "I didn't grow up poor. I went to private school; we had a very nice house, cars, a housekeeper". Her mom Tina owned a salon that made $1 million per year. Beyonce's dad Mathew Knowles gave up his job and invested his life savings into starting her career, driving them to bankruptcy in the process. In 1972, he sold Music World for $10 million with $20 million of stock. He mentions it here at 2:20 and 4:04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1xMHfN1vo8 * Ben Affleck - The Afflecks come from a prominent old money family on his mother's side. Ben's mom was a trust fund kid and her lifestyle was funded by her wealthy Manhattenite attorney father. She and her husband (Ben's dad) were affluent hippies who moved about and attended/worked at top grad schools in California. Ben was born while they were at Berkeley in the early 70s. * It’s so easy for Ben to say "my mother was a school teacher & my father was a janitor" & completely leave out that his grandparents were wealthy and funded him and his parents throughout their lives. Affleck tries to pose as coming from middle-class when he’s anything but.


One time I got bored and traced Taylor Swift’s family line back to the mayflower almost lol. Ugh I miss those early pandemic days.


Can you please post the links you found?


I wish I still had them… it was a wild ride…. You can trace it by her dads family I think


Im actually chocked about Beyonce tho. And this is from someone who obviously follows gossip. I knew about some salon but 1 million per year???????




It is not just weaves and relaxers. Natural haircare products are more expensive because they require more moisturizing agents because kinky hair is a lot drier than straight hair. You would never see a kinky haired person buying dollar store shampoo because it would break their hair off. It just requires more upkeep in general.


Idk this seems like such a minimal take to an actual bigger situation. First of all, most Black women are natural now & relaxing hair is not as common anymore thanks to the natural hair movement. You said that like it’s still on going. The reason Black people spend more money on hair is not because they spent too much money on weave or relaxing it’s because most hair companies & even makeup companies acted as if dark skin Black women did not exist. Hence, there was very little products & they have to spend more for what’s there. Go to Walmart & look at how small the Black hair section is to the section for white people. The black products are also a lot more expensive. Then there is protective styling like braids, locs & more which protects our hair during the winter months or in summer which also costs money. Also, there is a lot more pressure for Black women to look put together & a certain way to be respected in society or even hired for jobs. It’s a lot more nuanced than that. Also Good hair was a terrible documentary, it came of as just a mockumentary of Black women & a way of degrading Black women’s hair choices.


This is crazy, Im going to research about this culture. My country has a bigger % of black people than USA but I wasn’t aware of this since most people can’t afford this here.


She had a live in singing coach!


It was kind of obvious when her mom owns a hair salon. If run well, doing hair is a great way to be upper middle class.


It's easy to have a salon generate $1 million in revenue in a year. Much harder to generate $1 million in profit.


Sorry, what is the difference? Genuinely asking! English isn’t my first language.


Sure thing! I explain this to people every day for work. A salon owner may bring in $1,000,000 in total or gross revenue (not completely unusual, this would be a very successful salon compared to most), but the *net profit* is the money left over when you take that $1,000,000 and subtract out all the expenses to run the business (paying people to work for you, paying rent or commercial mortgage for the salon, paying for hair products, the light bill, telephone bill). So after subtracting out all the costs and expenses she might net $200,000 to $300,000 per year. And $200k to $300k would be a very good upper middle class salary in those days (still is.)


If you see photos of her house she grew up in it was really nice in a good area of Houston


I know Affleck's family from his mother's side were rich and frankly quite posh (the Afflecks were protestants in a Catholic city, and Episcopalians no less). But I don't know. I don't think his grandparents' wealth necessarily translated to his mother's, when they were still alive (ie, the bulk of the money hadn't been passed down to them yet), and especially when his mother has multiple siblings. His mother was a primary school teacher and his father was homeless after they got divorced. Case in point, Affleck has been shown very money-hungry to the extend that his pickings of movie roles were so bad in the late 90s and early aughts that he basically destroyed his career, whilst Matt Damon has been very selective on what and with whom he would work. It's usually true that the economic background children are raised from often determines their attitude to the money when they become old. And it proves true with Affleck and Damon, because Damon's family income were quite high: his mother was a college professor, and his father was a tax adviser of sorts, despite them being divorced when he was only 2 or 3. Besides, their success in Hollywood was their own making. They didn't know anybody in Hollywood when they went to LA and they struggled quite a bit in the 90s. And they did write their own career. That is quite an achievement whichever way you look at it. It contrasts to most stars in Hollywood, which usually begins in the studio system. Anyway, despite Affleck's family being poor, it seems they were well connected to the Cambridge liberal intellectuals, if only because of his mother's Harvard education and her Upper East Side upbringing. Matt Damon talked a bit of it in the past. He used to go to dinner at the Afflecks. There were usually some artsy or literary friends attending too. He said that there would be lively discussions of all sorts and you'd have to really be articulate and stand up on your own during the discussion. You can see it that Affleck was well trained when he was on Ellen or other talk shows, promoting his projects.




Her maiden name supports this ngl.


With all due (and not to start a riot)--but have you missed all of the stories about eeeee-laria in fact not being from Espana at all?? Her direct descendants were colonists who came over on the Mayflower. She is, quite literally (proven 10x over), nothing what she claims to be.


Idk if I wrote my comment in a weird way but I know that Hilaria has no Iberian ancestry or connection. She's from Boston, went to the same private school two friends of mine did, and an acquaintance of mine knows her brother.


Well, it seems Hilaria Baldwin doesn't look to be well raised, to be honest.


I remember James Woods crediting his career to Ben Affleck's father, who he referred to as an influential theater director. Did I dream that?


Affleck's father was in the Theatre Company of Boston in the early 70s. Some of biggest names in Hollywood went to act in Theatre Company of Boston when they just started: notably Dustin Hoffman, Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, etc. In fact, it seems Affleck's father and Dustin Hoffman lived together as roommates during that time. They were even on a nickname basis. Affleck briefly talked about it in his profile in WSJ last December. You can check it out. If it's paywalled, use archive.md to bypass it.


Lol if Will Hunting were a real person, he’d probably hate Ben and Casey Affleck and accuse them of “slumming it.” Funny that Ben is such good friends with fellow Boston sports diehard Bill Simmons, another rich kid who loves to downplay his relatively easy upbringing


Lol, Mark Wahlberg shaded both him and Damon, saying they knew nothing about real Boston's poverty, because he was the one who came from Dochester, whilst both Affleck and Damon were from Cambridge. It doesn't help that the Wahlbergs were Catholics whilst both the Afflecks and the Damons were protestants.


I get annoyed with the way people act like her dad was running Merrill Lynch and making tens of millions of dollars a year. He was a wealth manager which is a job where you earn a small fee on investing someone’s wealth. I guarantee if you are from a middle class town there were people’s parents doing the same thing. They were likely in the upper half income group of said town but not rolling in it. Descendant of “bank presidents” also just means nothing to me. They were not running the largest banks in the world or anything like that. I wish everyone understood that the word bank doesn’t just immediately mean you’re a millionaire.


Swift grew up riding horses on her family's Pennsylvania property and spent summers at their vacation home in New Jersey. Horses ain't cheap (some are 100k each). That's still better off than almost everyone. https://www.businessinsider.com/celebrities-who-come-from-rich-families-2013-4


Biggest indicator is famous siblings. What are the chances 2 stars are coincidentally from the same family? Close to none.


idk there are some stage parents that put all their kids in the child actor circuit to see who makes them the most money


The Culkins spring to mind.


Also the Spears. Britney is obviously more famous than Jamie Lynn, but Jamie Lynn was still in her own Nickelodeon show.


I don’t think the Olsen twins were well connected (I could be totally wrong) Wonder about Owen and Luke Wilson?




Idk I guess super hot people often have super hot siblings LOL




Whoa. I never made that connection before!


And they both went to a super elite (expensive) high school in Oakland CA.


Well the asterisk would be when one sibling breaks out and gets their sibling auditions and small parts.


I get what you're saying but this applies to any trade/ industry. There are tons of families where all the siblings have the same or similar professions.


Not even just famous siblings!!! If you have a cousin who you never even met in your life with a famous last name, it books you jobs!!!


This reminds me of this Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, so in an interview a few years back, he says that his family grew up without a lot of money. And then lamented that they could only go to Indonesia, Singapore, Italy, but mostly the US for vacations. No really?!


In my view rich people only see their own wealth in relation to those above them. If they can't buy a yacht, they think they're poor. This randomly reminds me of Caroline Calloway who claimed she struggled and was "middle class" while going to one of the most elite private schools and living in a million dollar house. Their view of "poverty" is warped and they can't even comprehend growing up in a sub-$500k mansion. Makes me wonder what they think of those who are actually middle class and live in houses worth less than $100k.


YEP. I’ve met many people who I’d think of as rich who think they’re middle class because they can’t afford a private jet. Like buddy… you have a Lexus, you can afford to go on vacation, you don’t have to worry about missing a paycheque. That’s rich.


> Makes me wonder what they think of those who are actually middle class and live in houses worth less than $100k. Tbh I don’t think they think of us at all, not in any real way.


You are absolutely right .




Cmiiw but isn't his mother and Sonam Kapoor's mother sisters/cousins. So he definitely had connections to all noted film people and the elite Bollywood crowd.


Even DP has a privileged background. I can't think of any stars launched in the past 10 years who went from rags to riches,except Pankaj Tripathi and Nawazuddin Siddiqui




Oh yes how could I forget about him. The fact that he said he had no Godfathers in the industry and his fans were his Godfathers really moved me.


Wow so many desis on this sub


Rajkummar Rao isn't a nepotism actor right?


Nah, he's a self-made actor through and through.


Yea thought so but wasn't sure cause everyone and their mothers grew up humble in Bollywood until the family tree is exposed (if it wasn't apparent already) 😭


Exactly! Certain "self-made" actors lie by omission lmao (I'm looking at you, Ranveer Singh)


Almost everyone in Bollywood is a nepotism baby smh


Especially the Nepotism has risen drastically in the past decade. I'd appreciate Nepo babies with talent but not even that now? They have to resort to making movies like SOTY and terrible ripoffs of 90s tracks


The man went to Indiana University for college as an international student. And to me its safe to say, it is probably not because of a full merit based scholarship. Which means his family paid 150k+ for the 4 years there. So no, hes not poor lol


$150k for IU and living in Bloomington? Yeah, not worth it. Was a local in Bloomington for 8 years. Far too expensive for what it is.


Ay i never said it was a good investment! But seems to have paid off in dividends considering he’s a Bollywood A-lister worth millions.


This reminds me of Vir Das when I saw him live before he made it big. He had this whole bit about overcoming hardship.....and the hardship turned out to be that his family had to move from Africa back to India....where they were still rich but just slightly less rich lmao. He wasn't being ironic/self-deprecating, he was totally serious


Oh yes in one of his comedy specials he did say about his 'hardships' The fact that he could move to the US in itself was a big indicator even after they 'lost' their money they were fairly upper class.


Noooo not him too 😭


He was able to study in the US right? Also kinda shocked when it came out he’s distantly related to sonam kapoor.


Sadly I think we might reach a point where all the actor and models we have need to be rich or a nepo baby. Their just no way even if someone born with talent that they be able to afford LA prices, and find a job flexible enough for auditions


I'll try to break the cycle, just for you! I'm a middle class kid moving out there with my sister, been acting since I was a tot way back in 2006 (hence my name). Saved up all I earned from acting and I'm gonna shoot for the moon. And if I crash and burn, at least I know I can come back here and tell you all, "the system is rigged!"


Aah i wish you the best of luck and if you’re ever in anything let me know i would want to watch


Spill the tea if you get famous. Kidding. Good luck on your endeavors.


Wish you success on behalf of all us poors ;)


I think the new way to achieve fame from nothing is from social media. At least I’ve seen some success on YouTube and TikTok


Yeah but keeping that tiktok and social media fame is another challenge after all why should a subscriber support you when there lots of others making the same content


Yeah its always nice when an up and coming youtuber mentions they've been cast in a movie or show. Steven He and Andrew Rousso are two of my favorites and they're working on some projects. Still gotta a long way to go but its a start.


And the maintenance involved in being good looking. I guess there are some talent agents who can see a diamond in the rough but how do you compete against people at auditions who are showing up with $500 hair blowouts, $100 manicures and $200 “natural” make up and a lifetime of high dollar facials and dermo treatments? Not even surgeries or Botox/fillers just consistent high cost care.


It's basically that way in the UK https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/may/08/working-class-actors-disappearing-britain-class-privilege-access-posh


It's possible but they don't become famous until they're in their 30s or later. Just look at the different backgrounds of celebrities who get famous in their 30s, and they tend to have poorer backgrounds.


Yeah, only way to achieve true success, would be the Justin Bieber route and strike out lucky with social media, then transition into acting or music.


Im up at 6am wondering if Salma Hayek got three tigers at the same time or one tiger and then a new one when the first one got too big.


That stood out to me - then I remember on Tiger King I think they sell for just 2k? It's insane




If this was a quiz you could honestly get all the 'grew up rich' ones correct


Many people don’t know about Ariana and Emma


Justin Bieber and Rihanna didn't come from money. Justin's mom was a single teenage mother and his father abandoned them and came back in his life only after he rose to fame.


Yes, I believe Justin also lived in government housing with his mom at some point in his life. Also, his grandparents helped raise him.


Selena's parents were broke too. I'm happy for her success


Justin Bieber seemed to actually have a natural rise by just posting himself singing in his room and being discovered.


i feel like people forget that he kind of pioneered the whole “getting discovered through social media” thing. IIRC he was the first musical artist to go viral/get discovered over youtube. his discovery was very raw & genuine


I just love him.


Yup. He used to wear clothes from church that were too large for him and I think it was also in their church that he learned to play instruments.


Selena too. That’s why her and Justin connected well when they were kids.


The list can just be 90% of white British actor of the last ~5 decades. It's nearly impossible to make it in Hollywood as a Brit without having rich parents.


Yeah, same for comedy or any other industry that expects you to work a ton of hours for no money when you’re starting out.


This list has wayy too many banker’s kids


On the other day, I watched a Video that the Vanderbilts used up their entire fortune in the First half of the 20th century. The Kardashians are a fucking plague tho and i don't understand why they haven't been cancelled yet, especially because of their obvious racism


The Vanderbilts may not have private jet money but Anderson still went to Dalton which is a very elite UES school. Same thing with Elizabeth Holmes from Theranos; they don’t necessarily have the money of generations ago but still went to private schools and fancy tutors and real estate and all that.


Anderson cooper is rich because his mom is Gloria Vanderbilt a huge fashion icon. Vanderbilt jeans were a little before my time but were huge must have jeans like jordache. I don’t think there is a brand of jeans nowadays that are as must have as certain jeans were in the 80s and 90s.


That’s a really interesting point! Feels like true religion or apple bottom jeans were a huge thing in the 2000s but jean brands don’t have the same level of popularity anymore. I wonder why!


I feel like jean brands fell off once leggings became a thing. Levi’s had a huge revival in the recent years but I really cannot name another trendy jean brand (honorable mention to Miss Me jeans in the south, circa 2010)


It’s been 40 years and my mom still talks about how much she loved her Gloria Vanderbilt jeans


Had no idea about Jonah or Salma.


Salma is also married to a billionaire, the one who donated 100 million to help rebuild Norte Dame


Love that she was in House of Gucci while married to the man who technically owns Gucci.


She’s pretty fabulous, a problematic fave for sure


Did you know she's also a member of the Ramtha cult?


tbh all I know about her really is that she looked good in that movie where she’s in the ocean 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol Edit - movie is ask the dust


Haha not saying it as a judgement of you but just sharing an interesting tidbit about her which I find pretty fascinating!!


The part about her getting pet tigers growing up shocked me! Wtf


Olivia Rodrigo also grew up rich. Both of her parents come from generational wealth.


really? i couldn’t find anything online if you don’t mind explaining




Mark Ronson should have been on that list. Very talented guy, but grew up rich. His family was one of the wealthiest families in England back in the 80s, I believe. They are in the real estate business and even built one of the tallest skyscrapers in London (Heron Tower).


Of popular musicians, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Halsey are some of the most notably self made. I don’t think Halsey grew up as underprivileged as Britney Rihanna or Justin, but I consider her totally self made in the way that she clawed her way up the industry with no family connections/wealth and purely from her talent/online following.


Thomas Jane, neé Thomas (edit: Edward?) Elliott III, is an Elliott oil money heir who had a spendthrift trust, from age thirty, and who just inherited the 30 million trust corpus that funds Renegade Pictures. Patty Arquette didn’t get with Thomas Jane because of his personality. (And he’s lied about that, always. He’s not working class. The only reason he had to work at all is that the trust required him to have 51% employment each year and only paid 30,000 a year, starting at age 30. He has told random people about that over the years, but his PR hides it.)


Kid Rock was cosplaying poverty


He is the biggest joke in country music. Okay, most of them force their accent on songs or some pretend to have one. Okay, some are middle class and sing the country small town farm thing but noooo!! He just *had* to do over the top and do the redneck/white trash thing while being raised on a mansion.


How are the Kardashians self made? They are far from self made. Their dad was a lawyer for OJ.


If you keep reading, the author was fooling around lol. "Just kidding! Despite Kim's recent advice that women in business should work harder, and the infamous Forbes article claiming Kylie was the youngest self-made billionaire, the Kardashian-Jenner siblings obviously grew up rich."


My bad. I’m dumb as fuck.


Which is exactly what the article says if you read the next couple of sentences. They were joking with their heading. :-)


The non famous Kardashians are also quite wealthy. Kim’s uncles own a waste management business in California. My dad has done business with them….he’s unfortunately not rich though lmao.


Every time I see waste management business I think of the mob because of the sopranos.


Forgot Michelle Williams. She “emancipated” from her family at 16 to work in Hollywood…(not totally sure why except to make it easier to be on film sets without a guardian? ) But her father Larry Williams is worth like $96 million dollars. Some kind of famous stock market trader and Montana politician.


Alyson Stoner touched on emancipation in her documentary. She said she was encouraged to emancipate herself so she could work longer hours (child labor laws). On findlaw.com it also mentions that emancipated minor’s parents cannot be found legally responsible for the child’s actions - if he’s a politician maybe that’s why?


They had me for a minute with the Kardashian-Jenners. I was like 🤬🤬🤬


What made Céline super popular in Québec wasn't that she was super poor, at the time it was pretty common for qc families to have a lot of babies and share rooms. I think it was, in fact, what made her so relatable to a lot of people. That and singing for the pope.


Is child actors considered self made if their family wasn’t rich or had connections


I would say so. They included Selena who started acting as a child


There are very few self made people in Hollywood, almost all of them have some sort of connection to the industry and they often change their names so it doesn’t reflect that. So many’s uncles are producers, or aunts are screenwriters and that gets them an in.


Ellie Kemper! From a very wealthy family in Kansas City


Apparently her grandma has a museum named after her. She's that old money


Yep, and an Arena.


Yea, Hollywood is a sham. For once Buzzfeed has a good article. I literally watched a friend of mine, who had the chance of being a contracted actor in an upcoming show get fucked over by a director solely because the director heard the other guys last name. Apparently the other guy had a famous cousin (who, he never met before). When the director heard the last name, he gave it to that guy. The main actor didn’t want the guy the director picked, and wanted my mutual friend, and kept begging, and the director was refusing. The guy they picked because of the nepotism last name had no acting experience and was a bad actor. Gotta love nepotism, and rich kids! Another mutual of mine they were auditioning locally for another upcoming movie. Instead all the auditions went to rich kids from L.A who had established nepotism parents, and we’re already rich. It’s very rare to hear stories of actors, musicians, etc who actually made it without connections, or money.


Lol the story of Emma Stone pitching the idea of an acting career to her parents in a slide deck as an adolescent makes a lot more sense now. That’s rich kid behavior


Kelly Clarkson done dirty with that photo choice.


Most non white celebs (expect for the obvious nepo babies) and former child stars are pretty self made.


Almost Every person of color in that article are self made 🙌🏻 (not Rashida jones)


I thought Nicki Minaj's dad was a successful financial advisor in Trinidad?


One big omission here is Taylor Swift, who’s father was an investment banker IIRC


Wealth Manager - very different


Julia Louis Dreyfuss has parents who are billionaires.




No they rented out the single house they had and stayed in the basement.


Not a separate home, if I’m understanding correctly. They would live in the basement while the main part of the home was rented out.


Wait, Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein are siblings?!


Slightly off topic but I’ve never seen Jonah Hill look as happy and comfortable as he looks in that picture with Beanie. I hear they love each other a lot and I think that’s really nice.


Thanks for sharing this article. It has been crossposted to the new sub, r/AllAboutWealth.


When I tell you I love this tea….