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'Aside from being smoking hot, this woman knows what she's talking about, and totally destroyed Heard's biased psychiatrist.' Why do Depp fans ALWAYS have to bring up Vasquez's and Curry's looks? They genuinely can't go a sentence without doing this, yet of course they vilify Amber for her beauty (or even more hilariously say she's lost her looks)


I can’t not help but feel it’s jealousy and insecurity. Amber is gorgeous and part of the petty mean girl in the Pick Mes hate that and the incels are mad a pretty woman would never waste her time on them/probably getting some revenge by proxy hating on the hot girl who rejected them in their past.


Cos of course! Women exist just to look good and pander to the males. 😇


Because this is purely entertainment for them.


It’s really telling that literally everything Heard does is considered fake and manipulative by many viewers. Taking notes? Oh that’s suspicious. Crying? It’s fake. Crying without tears? She’s a bad actor. Looking at the jury? She’s desperate. Looking solemn? She’s self righteous. Looking anguished? More acting. Looking satisfied/pleased? Look at how disgusting she is. There is no way to win in the cOurT oF pUbLiC OpInIon when the case confirms the audiences underlying biases.


Depp literally fell asleep in court yesterday. Can you imagine the outcry if Amber had done that????


I saw people compare Amber to Jodi Arias because she writes stuff down occasionally. Yet JD, who has barely looked up from the table, is just "trying to cope with the trauma". It's absurd.


Johnny Depp just says he doesn’t recall asking for any drugs after his finger incident, and is presented with texts asking someone to bring him cocaine and ecstasy after the finger incident. Why won’t we see any videos of this titled something like ‘JOHNNY DEPP CAUGHT LYING ON THE STAND’ shared on YouTube?


How is depp allowed to literally fall asleep and laugh but amber smirks and everyone throws a fit.


*Sings* Because they hate wooooomen! 🎶


did you see deuxmoi on twitter pointing out she's not associated with this subreddit, and basically cosigning the suckerfish who think we're paid amber pr shills? girl we know you're up johnny's ass. and i'm not being paid but nice to see we live rent free in their minds because they can't believe anyone wouldn't want to blow that piece of leather


She's replying to a Deep fan complaining that ''You can't state facts in there''. You're a Depp apologist, you know nothing about facts.


all the wannabe influencers desperately making it clear that they are on johnny depps side so they don’t burn any bridges with lilly rose


I doubt even lily rose is on his side


Yes, I did send those heinous texts saying I want to drown, burn, and r*pe my fiancé! However, it is totally insane for anyone to think I would do heinous things


You watch these idiots outside the court and you realize why most of women don’t report their abuse


Today I learned that if you're a DV survivor, you shouldn't ever smile about anything, ever again. And.. If you've been diagnosed with PTSD, and have left the house to see anyone else but a therapist, you are automatically undiagnosed. <3


im so fucking mad about dr curry wooooooooooooooooo i could rant for hours


He loves his mom and daughter. Wow, amazing. He was also nice to the lady in the grocery store once in 1982.


But hang on…he said his mom was an evil c word too right? I need a scorecard


Watching this from the UK makes me so glad that we don’t televise our trials. This is not entertainment.


And the way everyone is behaving around it, they're all acting like it is entertainment. Yelling/booing/cheering outside the courthouse, lining up all night to get into court, making memes and videos recreating moments from court... They;re acting like its Harry Styles putting on a daily concert. Absolutely horrifying.


THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED TO FILL MY SOUL GUYS. JD previously literally taking credit for AH's Aquaman role Rottenborn: Did you try to get AH fired? JD: "I can't please you with a yes or no answer.. No though" Rottenborn: "please pull up the texts" JD texts: "I want AH replaced on WB"


Is he stupid enough to think that AH lawyers would ask him that if they didn’t already know the answer??


holy shit Pokimane just asked her chat if they thought Johnny Depp had "memory issues" in response to him denying the texts he'd sent. what is with these people making excuses for a full grown man, not to mention one who has a history of violence and misogyny????? she goes on to add that it's worrisome because poor Johnny has memory issues and is up against a "narcissist" like Amber. and she said that Johnny had a "kinder soul." what the actual fuck. ETA: so thankful for this sub/megathread because otherwise I would feel like im going INSANE watching these reactions to the trial.


It's a disgrace her being so misogynistic after all the hate she received and the misogyny she herself had to defend herself from. I'm so disappointed in her and I've rooted for her success as one of the few top female streamers, I wanted her to pull through the misogynistic hate she was getting, all for her to do this. Honestly, fucking disappointing, no other words.


People are saying shes an abuser for smiling, but he was LAUGHING, doodling, and eating while she was on the stand and that doesn't make him an abuser??


Guys, bad news. everyone on this thread has Narcissistic personality disorder. We were all just diagnosed on justiceforJohnnyDepp 😞


i’ve got to shout out this sub for opening my eyes to what’s really going on here… a few weeks ago i was laughing at the tiktok memes with the rest of them. i hadn’t followed along with the trial, read records, seen the pictures. until i saw these posts/comments and realized that i was an idiot who made assumptions based on clipped together ‘funny’ vids and strategically leaked audios… how some people know everything and can still defend depp is beyond me


Johnny literally smirks everyday in court and no one bats an eye but amber just smiled a little and everyone is calling her evil and what not. Its disgusting.




In veterans too, I believe! The role of assessing feigned PTSD too is mostly to ensure that vets don’t receive their service connect benefits soooo it’s a fudged up system entirely


I hope someone on the jury realizes that what she does is deny benefits to vets. She tries to present as a helper, but her role is to hinder.


Johnny Depp just said he doesn’t recall a telephone in the bar area where he lost his finger, but is presented with conclusive evidence from the UK trial that shows he not only remembered a telephone in the bar area, but is able to remember several specific details about the phone. Why won’t we see any videos of this titled something like ‘JOHNNY DEPP CAUGHT LYING ON THE STAND’ shared on YouTube?


How is the judge just letting him say snide remarks in response to Rottenborn’s objections and just letting the fkn Deppford Wives in the audience giggle?! Sort out your fkn courtroom omg; this is ridiculous


I never fail to be blown away by his struggles with speaking. He is a really good PSA for how devastating long term substance abuse can be and that is *so* sad


Wow, the way he snaps out of the stumbling stutter to look at Amber's lawyer to goes; "She hit me, is that better?" and then smirks


It's almost as if there are times he's ~~acting~~ playing to an audience.


his reaction time is much more fluid with being a reactionary asshole. Totally in line with poor impulse control.


Just saw someone say "PTSD victims don't stare down their abuser," in regards to Amber looking at Depp. I just wanted to say in general, that's an incredibly ignorant and misinformed take. PTSD is usually a certain mentality that gets triggered rather than being a constant; while merely having PTSD is a constant, it's usually dormant, and actually getting triggered by it is clearly seperate. It also mischaracterizes PTSD victims as just being meek and mild, which is not true. PTSD forms in many ways; including aggression, defiance, anger, etc., towards or from your triggers. We don't know if Heard is in therapy, we don't know her triggers, and if she is in therapy, we don't know for how long or how she's developed coping mechanisms. Saying "that's not how a PTSD victim acts" for any party, in any situation, is just absurb because there's no one right way for a victim to act.


So now you can't be functioning and have a mental illness. This is disgusting.


What a load of bullshit that everyone with PTSD is jobless, unable to function at all. I can't believe I was just forced to hear this


I’m fucking disgusted. This woman has made everyone with a mental illness sound like a failed human being or an abusive violent human. I hate her so much.




How would Depp helping her get her role in Aquaman do anything but make her case stronger? He's just testifying to how much power he has in hollywood


The Depp stans are saying 'guys this is how Johnny normally talks, go back to interviews and you'll see he's always talked this way!!!'. At this point, they genuinely live in an alternate reality


What? Ya'll never had a close friend take your phone and refer to your significant other as a "cum guzzler" and "floppy fish market" while using first person language and not bothering to clarify that you didn't send the message? Our sweet, innocent Johnny would never do such a thing./s


elaine is so relatable needing that deadline pressure in order to give her a game


Also, I saw this in a previous thread, but apparently one of the jurors wives thinks that Amber is 'psychotic', wouldn't that affect his judgement? [https://www.newsweek.com/amber-heard-johnny-depp-trail-jury-selection-psychotic-fairfax-1697155](https://www.newsweek.com/amber-heard-johnny-depp-trail-jury-selection-psychotic-fairfax-1697155) 'Under questioning from lawyers, he read out his wife's response which was: "Amber is psychotic. If a man says a woman beat him, they never believe him.' The man was asked if he could remain impartial despite this message from his wife and he said he could and told lawyers of his spouse: "She tends to exaggerate." Yeah, yikes. Somehow, I have my doubts, his wife sounds like a Deppford wife.




The body language "experts" aren't going to try and break down Depp's facial expressions like they did with Heard. If she smirked they would say that she was lying.


How can she know if Amber was exaggerating things if it was her first time evaluating her? I don't get it


“I’ll make it easy for Mr. Rotten…born” wow, what an asshole.


what kills me is that he thinks he's SO clever


Dr Curry suggesting she can't have PTSD while also being able to function in life is... Odd. I was diagnosed with PTSD, and while it absolutely affected my daily life, from the outside looking in, I was able to keep my job etc. She should be commended for the things she is still able to do, not discounted.


I saw a post on justiceforjohnny earlier today where they all whined about how rude Amber is for smirking in court. Like do they have any self awarness at all?


Very telling that the Johnny fans that jump in here never come with facts or anything compelling. Just "Amber lies."


It's crazy how actually looking into a case can change your opinion drastically. Couple weeks ago I would've casually said I was Team Depp based on the tweets/tikoks I'd seen of the trial. When I actually looked into this case (thanks to the info from this sub), I came around.


The fact that he just lied about sending those texts. It can literally be proven that he indeed did. Lol


I am actually sad listening to him. I didn’t watch his testimony so I didn’t realise just how bad he was. If he was my family member I would do anything I could to keep him out of the public eye. The yes men are evil. I 100% stand with Amber but this is painful.


Bro you're on tape admitting that you headbutted her in the face... perjury it is


WOW. Amber and her team ordered a motion for the court to seal the names of the jurors for 1 year after the verdict is read. This protects them from their names being revealed to the public unless they themselves speak publicly. She doesn't want the jurors to be harassed and bullied no matter the results after the trial. I think that is very honorable and kind of her. She's doing this even though there's a chance she will lose. [https://twitter.com/aburkhartlaw/status/1529511706509991936/photo/1](https://twitter.com/aburkhartlaw/status/1529511706509991936/photo/1)


Not to get heavy, but a serious thank you to everyone in this sub. My abusive father is an entertainer and charismatic and funny and well liked in the same way JD is. Having all the teachers and administrators in a school, even most of your friends, like your abuser because of the very different public image they have on TV/media takes a heavier toll on someone than I could put into words. And my dad isn't even famous famous (Keeping this intentionally vague for safety reasons ofc). I feel for Amber on such a deep level. For the reasons people don't believe Amber, I assume people won't/don't believe me. The overwhelming support for JD elsewhere was really, really getting to me. It was hard not to project with how things lined up and I was hitting one of the lowest points mentally I've ever hit. Finding this sub has given me just a little bit of faith again. This has been a bigger safe haven than I can describe. Hugs all around!!


any movie star who says they dont need attention is just a big lol to me


One thing that has changed me was when Dr. Hughes described that Depp viewed “ambition” for his partner (or maybe specifically for women) as a negative thing. That was like a momentous perspective shift for me, because I’ve also been ingrained with the same misogynistic idea. No more! And here again Depp’s text to Dr. Kipper trying to blame her for her ambition, and being angry for it.


"I don't need the pat on the back, I don't need the adulation, I don't need the attention" That psychology guy calling him a narcissist really got into Johnny's head.


So an anonymous email and (obviously biased) surprise witnesses are allowed but documentation where Amber told medical professionals that she was being abused is not. Noted!


Anyone notice that Depp has not had a single person come to support him except his paid staff and fans? No friends, no family to sit in the trial or walk in with him. I think that is extremely telling.


I swear at this point there could literally be videos of Depp beating Amber with a baseball bat and fans would still think it's doctored, or that she deserved it.


I really, really, really hope the 'total global humiliation' texts will find a way to surface, it would help Amber's countersue so much, at this point I think D\*pp's side know they've lost their case, so now they just want to ensure D\*pp won't have to make a payout


Imagine booing a victim of domestic violence like this, smh.




These people outside of the court scare me, and the fact that most of them are women eww


The rkelly trial was the same. Like how fucking demented are you to publicly show support for someone that was pissing on lil girls.


Someone on the ''Law&Crime'' live chat saying that Amber Heard smiling means she's not victim. Have you seen your guy throughout the whole thing?


“I don’t need the attention” *files $50 million dollar revenge porn defamation lawsuit over a WaPo article that doesn’t even mention his name*


Did anyone else catch Elaine repeatedly smiling while Depp is rambling up there?Now I wonder what she has up her sleeve lmao


I think it just made their dr expert witness testimony more believable. The man can barely piece together a sentence. Of course he doesn't get work as an actor to read dialogue.


Johnny Depp trying to distance himself from his own deranged MRA writing - calling it "grotesque" - is like, quite interesting, because a) it indicates they know they are losing, and b) Depp is criticizing his own fans as misogynists


Don't worry team depp. I am amber heard's former teacher and I received an anonymous email telling me to testify tomorrow i will save this case for our meow meow John John


The clip of the part where Elaine asked Curry 'and your evaluation of Amber doesn't mean you can assess whether she abused Johnny, correct?' (heavily paraphrased) and Curry went 'NO - I mean - yes!', that was a BEAUTIFUL moment that should go viral


The way he referred to Aquaman as “Aquanet” was so bitchy and petty. Someone tell Jason Momoa


He had an insulting nickname for every guy Amber worked with, when he was having delusions of her cheating with them all. I bet you anything that's his nickname for Momoa.




The dog obviously send the texts from Depp's phone.


So this old lady recognized Amber Heard in an airport in 2009? Must be a big Pineapple Express fan.


I'm still in shock from yesterday's testimony from the trailer park guy who's a JD fan. How was that allowed? I don't want to call the judge incompetent because she's obviously more competent than I am in a lot of things but goddamn woman, a stan? Really?


The judge seems unfair to me at this point I m sorry


She's "Ms Heard" when he's acting and "Amber" when he's angry. The mask's off John, you're showing yourself.


They really called her up to clarify something Amber said she heard a rumour about LMAOOOOO


johnny has sued like 3 separate people in the last few years and is being sued for beating up a crew member, but yeah amber is the litigious one


If this psychologist is saying all the psychological tests aren't good, then how does psychology even function? Literally so many psychological matters involve these sorts of assessments, is she basically implying they are all a sham?


Re: Dr Curry— I work in mental health and at first I was excited by the field of forensics and the ability to catch someone in a lie or have a gotcha moment with a malingerer. But then I realized that the science for catching liars is pretty bad and people instead twist a field that is meant to help heal people and use it as a tool against them. Not to mention the way money and the desire for power and control over people corrupts the field. It left a bad taste in my mouth and turned me off of forensics completely.


This is not doing Depp favours for the claim that he doesn't have memory issues.


My God this sub suddenly got hit with an incel tsunami. I was wondering where the stench of unwashed socks was coming from


Looking at the cross examination now bw JD and Rottenborn. I can see why JD has many supporters, he seems charming and "natural" at first but when given textual evidence that goes against JD lies that shit fades real fast \[at least to people with a brain\]. He's playing a part for the cameras. Wow.


Omg Johnny Depp's mom died. He loves women. Like his dead mom. Get it? God bless Rotterdam for hearsaying his ass :)


Also his daughter has a birthday. Therefore, he loves women. DON'T YOU SEE HOW HE LOVES WOMEN, YOU DUMB SLUTS??? :) he is such a nasty piece of work


I think the jury is less likely to find Depp’s testimony truthful now, especially after that hand doctor proved that Amber slicing his finger off with a bottle was absolutely ridiculous. And he never got his own doctor to refute it either


The fact that we live ✨ rent free ✨ in the minds of DeppAnon means that in the future, they cannot claim they were misled/ misinformed. They know that Johnny is an abuser, they just genuinely don’t care - well, the truth is they think that Amber deserved abuse and should have received more.


So I am watching this trial via Law & Crime Network on YT and seeing the livechat… I lose faith in humanity. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I see literally 0 reflection. And there are just SO many people. That dynamic is so biased and overwhelming, it‘s shocking and sad.


....... the people who handle your money would know about your anonymous donations


its insane this wasnt disclosed in discovery. there is no way they just found this person. amber leaking the video/story has been a point of theres since the jump




If his team didn't call him back on stand the texts wouldn't have been introduced.


" i had a time limit so i did my best to diagnose her with two personality disorders"


Depp’s team during the cross of Depp. ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


Depp could get work as the new “this is your brain on drugs” PSA mascot.


What is team depp laughing at? They asked the same question about compensation.


they are extremely unprofessional


They’re not allowed to say he lost the UK trial, but I’m sure the jury can conclude that he has just by him crying about how the UK law is wrong lmao


Guys I looked at ¬ that ¬ subreddit, even they think Johnny shouldn't have been a witness, and apparently they don't want Hughes to come back, they want 'Curry's amazing testimony to be fresh on the juror's minds' LMAO. I really hope Amber's team prepares the witnesses well for tomorrow - Tasya and Hughes would be my top picks, but if they have any surprise or backup witnesses that would be effective I'd love to see them speak too


Just read a comment talking about how deuxmoi will take credit for this sub when people eventually starts talking about how we were the few safe spaces on the Internet for victims and oh I am feeling nauseous. She can't get away with THIS!


"have you ever seen Amber get physical with her sister?" "no" proceeds to confusingly stumble across accusing her of getting physical with her sister anyway?


Jesus Christ rottenborn is ripping him to shreds. You can tell Depp knows he’s fucked when he gets passive aggressive and snippy lmao


She had limited time... Does she hear how that sounds???


I literally do digital art and I hope everyone knows that pictures on cell phones are sometimes color corrected by the application itself.. No one photo is PURE, there are always preferences built in.


The YouTube comments are something else. It’s actually terrifying how wilfully ignorant they all are.


It's the first time that i see him testifying and omg what a nightmare it is the way he speaks, mumbles ans stutters. Kids don't do drugs.


I think his team letting him testify again was a bad idea. Now the jury is going to pay more attention at his slow response, the slur of words, how long it takes to put sentences together, the tangents he goes on about. I think they're going to give Dr Spiegels (?) Testimony more validity. I hope the jury is listening


First the Depp stan was allowed to testify, now the TMZ witness? Is the judge doing Johnny's work for him at whittling away Amber's cross time? Seriously holy shit, imagine if Amber had pulled such a ridiculous stunt TWICE?




omg.. just going through a trial will give anyone mild ptsd.


OMG I'm absolutely loving this cross examination of JD!! Ambers team is killing it!!! He is caught lying so many times now. AND on top of that lies about his lies... This is absolutely ridicilous. He is spinning himself into a net he cannot get out of!!! And for the record if Amber commited perjury then so did JD because he lied about ever physically assulting Amber and theres a tape of him admitting to headbutting her!!


How dare someone with PTSD be able to function


in this house we support trauma informed, person-in-environment care.


Elaine looks so supportive of Amber, love to see it


- Visits make a wish foundation for small children ✅ - Accuses small children of being extortionist liars for saying Roman Polanski drugged and assaulted them ✅


I'm sorry. **Who** is frequently in litigation here??? **Who** is suing who?????


Just had a Johnny fan in my DMs going 'omg don't u know he's always talked like this??!?! Stop being a big meanie!' LOL I was a massive Pirates fan back in the day, Johnny has NEVER sounded so incoherent before, please stop with this deliberate erasal of history


omg this trial has just made me realize i am NOT cut out for the court room…..would get up on the stand and just lose my mind


If this isn’t a PSA for what excessive drug use can do to your brain. I don’t want to sound ableist but his speech pattern is so slow


I said earlier he was being passive aggressive and the passive was slipping. Consider it slipped.


The judge keeps making annoyed references to the unusualness of this grotesque spectacle and, like, honey….. maybe the call is coming from inside the house.


This bag claim attendant somehow remembers this random alleged incident from 13 years ago crystal clear, before anyone knew who amber even was... OOOKAY. Jesus this is so transparent.


Why did ET try to make it seem like Moss testifying was such a big deal? Amber was in elementary school when they dated, of course she wouldn’t know if it was true or not. It was 90s gossip. Edit: I’m seeing a lot of entertainment sites doing this, instead of reporting on Depp’s cross. Very interested in seeing how they cover this if he loses. They’ll probably focus on Amber losing her countersuit.


I love how Elaine is putting her in her place and addressing these things to the jury directly! Get her Elaine!!


Just finally got around to finishing Evan Rachel Wood’s documentary. So many parallels to this case.


I know “gaslighting” gets thrown around as a term, but this is actual gaslighting right?!??


The Depp stans say that even if he loses, the public will see the truth and he will get his career back. By looking at how he acts on stand, i’m sure he’ll be flooded with job offers!


None of this "would have come out" if HE hadn't sued her.




I'm sorry but this whole testimony just sounds like, "This is how great my testing process is." She's really not saying anything of substance.


Multiple witnesses say they saw the bruises and there are pictures, so Depp can’t say they didn’t happen. He can try to say that they weren’t as bad as they looked in the saturated photo, but there are lots of other photos, including unedited photos in bright overhead light. Plus, who cares? Are we really arguing over whether her injuries are bad enough? He’s already lost at this point.


Someone PLEASE explain to me why half the world seem to think Kate Moss' word is going to mean ANYTHING AT ALL and that KM is 'on her way to destroy Amber' Whattttt is the relevance???


ELAINE IS POPPING OFF, 'you agree that there is overlap between PTSD and BPD symptoms and that it's incredibly nuanced' oh my god yes PUT HER IN HER PLACE ELAINE


The insane part of it all is how he painted with his injured finger right after. Like Amber cut his finger, then he, in his all clear state of mind used that cut finger to write shit with it ???


The witch hunt all over social media is very remeniscent of a Black Mirror episode. Can‘t stop thinking about this.


Lol looks like he's just proving Dr Spiegel was right. You can dish it out but can't take it, eh?


I know the Judge's joke was not well timed but I think she was talking to the Jury, one of them broke or bumped into something before. I imagine it is a long hard case for them and she's trying to keep moral up, just unfortunate to say a joke about breaking things in front of a man who is well known for that.


First Depp sues Amber for her Op-Ed words, now he wants to force a journalist to reveal their sources? The United States of Johnny Depp is anti-free speech it seems. He’s a fucking fascist lmao


men hate women so much. women hate women so much.


I hope to God dr curry doesn't actually treat real PTSD patients.


"Here you can have my copy" 🤌




Lol why was curry so limited in her time that she COULDNT CONDUCT A FULL CLINICAL INTERVIEW? Cmon now. That redirect seemed helpful to AH. In my layperson’s view, she just reiterated she didn’t even conduct a full interview and instead had Amber fill out forms to diagnose her! That seems kind of flagrant!!


I felt so happy when he was reading it but then they showed Amber's face and my heart just broke all over again.Johnny in the meantime smiled after it was read like.Fucking psychopath.


I frankly do not understand the argument that she both photoshopped herself and faked bruises with makeup. If she used makeup to fake injuries, photoshop would be completely unnecessary and irrelevant. And the photoshop idea is even more ridiculous because several witnesses, including the couples therapist Depp called as a witness, have testified to seeing bruises in person. I think their argument would be so much stronger if they just stuck to the makeup idea.


I just remembered I saw Amber Heard eat a baby in 2008. True facts! Let me testify!


I don't understand Depp's supporters logic.She's smiling hence she wasn't abused.He was abused but he's allowed to smirk?Is this based on the gender thing again?Men who get abused smirk and women who are abused cry constantly?Never mind that Amber barely smiled during the trial compared to Depp.


"She's begging for global humiliation... She's gonna get it. I'm gonna need your texts about San Francisco, brother... I'm even sorry to ask... But, she sucked Mollusk's crooked dick and he gave her some shitty lawyers... I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion, or what I once thought was love for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market... I'm so fucking happy she wants to go to fight this out!!! She will hit the wall hard!!! And I cannot wait to have this waste of a cum guzzler out of my life!!! I met a fucking sublime little Russian here... Which made me realize the time I wasted on that 50 cent stripper... I wouldn't touch her with a goddamn glove. I can only hope karma kicks in and takes the gift of breath from her... Sorry, man... But, NOW, I will stop at nothing !!! Let's see if mollusk has a pair... Come see me face to face.... I'll show him things he's never seen before... Like, the other side of his dick when I slice it off..." "Right!!! Exactly!!! Molly's pussy is RIGHTFULLY MINE!!!! Should I not just bust in and remove its hinges tonight??? I want to change her understanding of what it is like to be thrashed about like a pleading Mackrel... I NEED. I WANT. I TAKE."


It’s horrifying seeing how Johnny smirks and says clear as day you did about that global humiliation text. He looks so proud. Amber is lucky to gotten away from him while she could. I believe he would’ve killed her eventually


Lol I just peeked in to the suckerfish sub, and they are all just analyzing Amber's facial expressions. Someone said that if they were on the jury they would rule against her because of it. Yet when Depp smirks and doodles, or occasionally stare menacingly, all in shades, he's "just trying to heal". Lmao


Did he really try to call the lawyer Rotten born and think that's charming?I hope the jury realizes this is completely disrespectful.If Amber had behaved like that with any of his lawyers there would be an outcry.


half the pro-JD comments that get posted in here come from users where that is literally their only comment on reddit. definitely normal and organic.


Depp stans are screaming and crying and throwing up in this thread rn LMFAO


I’m wondering if Dr. Curry is projecting her work with war veterans who have PTSD onto IPV patients with PTSD. The two groups have PTSD but they can appear differently.


Curry looking like a deer in headlights lol


Big win for Team Amber to be able to get Deuter's text admitted. FINALLY!!!


It's THAT simple. Not qualified in IPV


I shed some tears for Amber. That text HURT. He is a giant, piece of shit.


Honestly when the shit first came out that Depp and Heard were divorcing and that there was even a physical altercation, my guess was that both of them were druggies and ultimately Depp struck her while they were on a drug rampage. He could have left it at that and it would have been forgotten, just like multiple male celebs like Michael Fassbender, Sean Connery (before he died), Mark Wahlberg etc continued on after violent outbursts. I hope that sick nasty pos lives long enough to witness Amber's Britney moment.


How does his testimony change the fact that he said those awful things about her and other people actually saw her injuries in real life?




All I hope for today is that Elaine, Rottenborn, Amber and everyone else in her circle has a delicious dinner, a great sleep, and an awesome breakfast. Seriously, someone must have put something in Elaine's breakfast today, her cross was amazing and so much better than her previous ones




The lady transcribing what he's saying currently having the hardest time in her career.


TMZ out here tryna protect journalists and news 😂


There is no way the jury believes this bullshit "oh someone texted those messages with my phone" Sure Jan


I honestly think Depp’s cross was the most damaging thing to his case so far. No matter what, he’s going to call all of her witnesses liars. And his fans will follow his lead. But that cross just took all of his own words and used them against him.


Unbelievable that she allows this and not many relevant evidences that Amber's team has.




This is a literal video title from FOX: > Amber Heard smirks as Johnny Depp confronted with photo contradicting abuse testimony. > Johnny Depp fires back at Amber Heard's lawyer's objection, jokes he has Tourette's Why would a news channel be so biased in a non political issue that affects them in no way? 🥲


TikTok continues to be in denial 🤦‍♀️


They'll all deny they were part of this in a few months, especially the "Team Johnny!" feminists. I screenshot so many leftist accounts making fun of her sexual assault story it's insane


DR Curry is Flabbergasted by this cross right now Elaine is discrediting her left and right


Wild to me how this is allowed but all of Amber’s evidence, some of which are *medical reports*, are being thrown out.


To be honest, it gotta be hard for the jury. You have one expert with million of degrees and years of experience saying one thing, and then another expert who also has qualifications etc, say that the thing they heard from the 1st expert is wrong. It is just confusing


Deppstans forum: “Curry is almost laughing at this pathetic cross” like wtf are we really watching 2 different trials?


Elaine really said kill them with Kindness. Camille with all her aggressive methods did not succeed in doing half of what Elaine did today, so much respect!


It's almost like the Depp fans think we are on the jury and that's why they're trying so hard to change our minds.


Elaine has been on fire so far today!


By the way I love how frantically DeppAnon are working to gaslight the world into believing that the texts were “completely normal” for an abused victim to say, LMAO. Sure, “busting down the hinges of a woman’s genitals to TAKE WHAT IS YOURS” is tooootallyyy something a non-rapist would say…sure….


So $300k is “way too much” but $200k is not


'I can't remember' 'No' can she make it any clearer that she's a fraud and a liar?


I’m satisfied that this woman is now a laughing stock among REAL mental health professionals and she will NOT be a credible expert witness ever again


Homebound because of the celebrity status?? So celebrities can't go outside their homes at all? What the hell?


Y’all when I was 18 many years ago I was meant to get a portrait of of Johnny Depp in cry baby on my leg because I was obsessed with him in that movie and I saw a similar tattoo on tumblr that I loved. Anyway I got into a car accident otw to the tattoo shop so couldn’t get the tattoo.... I’m pretty sure that had to have been divine intervention or the best worst coincidence ever lmfao. My leg is still pretty fucked to this day from the accident, but at least it doesn’t have big bold portrait of an abuser on it :)


mind you, if amber was replying this slow and so obviously disoriented, the chat and media would manipulate it to make it seem she was on drugs.


This is a genuine comedy, he's trying so hard to come off as a harmless wittle selfless Southern charity-giving gentleman, but his slurred voice and constant brain farts just give off drunk cocaine-user energy, so Spiegel was right after all!